On the Internet I came across a very interesting site.

Turns out, there is a certain project called “School of Common Sense”.

On their website we see famous lecturers who teach there: father Vsevolod Chaplin, Mikhail Khazin, Olga Chetverikova, Shamil Sultanov, Heydar Dzhemal, Alexander Ageev, Alexander Nagorny at the same time
Mikhail Khazin, Sultanov Shamil, Alexander Ageev and Alexander Nagorny are members, about whom we have already written.

Chetverikova Olga- Valentin Katasonov’s deputy at the Sharapov Russian Economic Society, about which we will say a few words below, and now let’s get acquainted with the spiritual leader of the School of Common Sense. This (don’t faint) is a certain heavenly politician (!!! a word derived from the science they invented - heavenly politics) Andrei Devyatov. On the official website of this organization there is a video of their meeting, where the non-politician Devyatov talks about their achievements, highlighting the creation of the “School of Common Sense” in a practical way. It is curious that the above-mentioned Katasonov, in his book “The Economic Theory of the Slavophiles,” ed. Moscow “Institute of Russian Civilization” 2014. -656 p., on page 640 in the chapter “Instead of Conclusion” he writes: “It is obvious that in today’s Russia, which has gone far from God, Christian guidelines seem to many of our fellow citizens to be something distant and abstract. Therefore, at first we must be guided by at least common sense (which is also from God).” Thus, it is no coincidence that the name chosen for this school is “School of Common Sense.”

Let's look at what ideas their leader Andrey Devyatov brings. In this video at 0:02:34 sec. Devyatov talks briefly about his views, which are related with the construction of the “Kingdom of God on earth” in Russia, and the White Tsar, who will resist the Antichrist and first unite all the peoples of Russia, and then apparently the whole world.

These are the figures associated with people who pose as Orthodox Slavophiles: Katasonov, who throws out Christ, replacing him with common sense, and the aforementioned Olga Chetvirikova, who is a member of the so-called “School of Common Sense.” But here she is at a joint meeting with Andrei Devyatov and his activists, where at 02:13:10 she reports that the hierarchs of all world religions profess another religion - the religion of power, and all believers for them are nothing more than cattle.

If we develop her thought, it turns out that Patriarch Kirill also professes this religion and it turns out that we must make a revolution in the Russian Orthodox Church in order to restore justice. But we must understand that the fight against Orthodoxy is the main task of the builders of a new world order, which is what .

As they say, draw your own conclusions...

On October 26, 2017, a joint meeting of the “School of Common Sense at the Club of Comrades of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the Red Army” and the “Moscow Club of the Values ​​of the Nation and the National Interests of Russia” was held. Two topics of the lesson: “Differences between the Synodal Church and Ancient Orthodoxy” and “Military aspects of the 19th Congress of the CPC.”

With a report on the topic "Military Aspects of the 19th CPC Congress" spoke Devyatov Andrey Petrovich, teacher at the School of Common Sense, permanent deputy director of the Institute of Russian-Chinese Interaction, founder of the worldview School of Heavenly Politics, warrior internationalist of the USSR, member of the Russian Writers' Union.

The report “Differences between the Synodal Church and Ancient Orthodoxy and the Chronology of the New Testament according to the Front Chronicle of Tsar Ivan the Terrible” was made Rode Dmitry Vladimirovich, Director of the Institute for Development of Communications.

Transcript of the speech .

14 comments on “School of Common Sense from October 26, 2017”

    The Magi are not afraid of powerful rulers, And they do not need a princely gift; Their prophetic language is truthful and free and friendly with the will of heaven. Today, “Nadezhda” remains the only serial Russian minivan. LADA 2120 was produced in small series in pilot production. In just 8 years, a little more than 8,000 cars were assembled. In fact, with the right approach and cosmetic updates, such a minivan could be produced for much longer. Alas, the specifics of the financial relationship between VAZ itself and the pilot industrial production (which was a separate enterprise, a kind of plant within a plant) left its mark and determined the fate of Nadezhda, which did not become a joy for AVTOVAZ. After all, only one modification was produced in small quantities, and all the options conceived by the plant (city taxi, medical vehicle, cargo van, etc.) were never realized.

    In Devyatov’s performance, the word “chronology” sounds like “chrEnology” - lovely!

    Either time cycles,
    Are they signals from outside?
    Only whirlwinds of hope
    They are roaming the earth again.

    The sun is setting in the clouds,
    The sunset is turning purple
    And a line of people
    They're in a hurry to catch the bus.

    On this day a little to the left
    The look flies across the crowd.
    This day is a little sharper
    The feeling of anger is boiling.

    On this day they remember
    Justice with a dream.
    Everyone around remembers
    Lenin is forever alive.

    A little faster this day
    Blood runs through my veins,
    Yes cold November
    It stirs everyone's soul.

    School of common sense.
    May Faith strengthen your heart,
    Hope will illuminate the soul,
    Well, Love won't let you get burned
    And he will thank you with happiness!

    I was thinking
    what constantly hurts my ears in performances
    skypolitics of Andrey Devyatov?

    Clarity of understanding came through the song
    leader of DDT - “Autumn”
    (Grom Rus cited it in an earlier topic in the comments).

    There are the first words:
    “What is autumn? This is heaven.."

    I was even upset then: was everything really so neglected?

    With such a focused perception of the surrounding world,
    when the autumn complex is reduced to a particular fragment - the sky, there can be no talk of any new person.

    The heavenly politician also often produces exactly the same focused result, according to the approximate formula:
    something difficult to comprehend -
    this is something simpler, more specific, etc.

    And on this basis he sets up a chain of judgments and even predictions.

    Probably, for a part of the population it is not perceived differently..
    This is how their mind works.

    It is useless to comment or object to such a quality of mind, style and spirit.

    Unless you pay attention, for example,
    that a man is not always and not just a wallet for everyone..

    The blood does not run through the veins, but through the veins, of course.

Sinologist. Member of the Russian Writers' Union. Colonel of Soviet military intelligence.
I have been studying China professionally for over 40 years. He lived in the PRC for 17 years and was expelled from there for “activities incompatible with his status.” His first book was called: “Chinese Specifics, as I Understood It in Intelligence and Business.” Author of the monograph: “The Chinese: writing, language, thinking, practice.”
He has written a dozen nonfiction books. More than a hundred articles on current topics in economics, politics, and culture have been published in Russian and foreign publications. Full member of the Russian branch of the International Academy for Future Research. Permanent Deputy Director of the Institute of Russian-Chinese Strategic Cooperation.

The leading developer of the military-political doctrine of time is “skypolitics” (geopolitics is the doctrine of space). One of the founders of the Russian Academy of Heavenly Politics.

Andrey Devyatov's book "Heavenly Politics. For Those Who Make Decisions", the only one of its kind, was translated into Chinese and published by the Academy of Social Sciences of the People's Republic of China.

Russian, born in 1952 in Moscow. In 1974 he graduated with honors from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(MIFL). Participant in combat operations and special reconnaissance operations. Internationalist warrior of the USSR.


About the joint future of the New Age

11.29.18 The Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Institute of Russian-Chinese Strategic Cooperation (IRKSV) were supposed to hold a round table dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the PRC and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the PRC and the USSR.

The meeting was planned in the hall of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with the participation of the minister and representatives of the Presidential Administration, the government apparatus, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Scientists, cultural figures, writers, media representatives, as well as the Chinese Ambassador to the Russian Federation were invited.

It was planned to discuss cooperation between Russian and Chinese public and cultural organizations, creative unions and publishing houses in perpetuating the memory of outstanding figures of Russian-Chinese strategic interaction.

At the meeting it was planned to present the initiative of the publishing house “Young Guard” to publish a biography of Xi Jinping in the series “Life of Remarkable People” in the spring of 2019.

Book "Xi Jinping. Fate and Peace" written by the famous historian Svyatoslav Rybas. Before writing the book, the author carried out approvals with authorities in Moscow, including the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, and made a special trip to Beijing to consult with specialists from the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

The release of the book from the Russian side was considered as a foundation stone in the system of meanings of the new post-industrial world order. Xi Jinping is presented in the book against the background of world historical events and modern political and economic conflicts. Considerable space is devoted to the lessons of China's struggle for world leadership and world markets. Among the heroes of the book are Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Stalin, and modern political figures.

A brochure with an annotation of the book and indicative fragments of the text was published especially for the round table.

And suddenly, on November 25, 2018, to the apartment of S.Yu. Rybas, representatives of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation appear. At the same time, the chief of protocol is the head of the department of bilateral relations, adviser Jiang Xiaoyang verbally conveys to the author a “strong recommendation” for a book about Xi Jinping do not publish! In support of this recommendation, the opinion was expressed that “the assessments are untimely,” because “it is too early” to talk about the role and place of Xi Jinping in history.

Understanding the political urgency of the situation, Rybas S.Yu. - as Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation - the round table on November 29, 2018 is cancelled. And Minister V.R. Medinsky, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the invitees are notified of the postponement of the meeting. There is a diplomatic embarrassment on the face - a state of embarrassment and awkwardness - requiring some kind of resolution...

And if about the role and place of Xi Jinping in history "united destiny of humanity"(renlei mingyun gongtong ti) according to Ambassador Li Hui (photo in the title) it is too early to talk about "shared future of the New Age"(xin shidai gongxiang weilai) it’s time to start a dialogue between competent public organizations of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China!

For it was under the slogan of the future “common good” (gong xiang) of the New Era that the China International Import Expo, initiated by Xi Jinping, was held in Shanghai on 05-09.11.18, where the Chinese leader put forward the principles of economic globalization in the Chinese way.

And if the authorities do not notice Xi Jinping’s 2018 initiative “On the economic ring of Northeast Asia” And “On the irreversibility of economic globalization”, then public organizations that are not indifferent to the “common destiny of humanity” have no choice but to take on the task of constructing a common future. And do this using “guerrilla methods” of public diplomacy.

For and on behalf of the Institute of Russian-Chinese Strategic Cooperation, Permanent Deputy Director