Life of the Stars


13.05.16 11:31

Starring in one of the highest-grossing franchises of all time, he is constantly trying to get as far away from the image of a lovestruck vampire as possible. His roles in The Rover and Maps to the Stars are just a few of Robert Pattinson's such endeavors. Facts say that he is quite in demand: five films with his participation are being prepared for release. We couldn't miss the big date - today the actor turns 30 - and we collected some interesting facts about Robert Pattinson.

Young model

The actor's father imported vintage cars from the United States, and his mother worked in a modeling agency.

Robert is the youngest of three children and has two sisters.

Interesting fact: Robert Pattinson served as something of a model for the sisters: they loved to dress him up in their dresses and called him Claudia.

Robert attended a private English boys' school, Tower House School, then he was transferred to a mixed school, Harrodian.

From the age of 12 to 16, Pattinson worked as a fashion model: as a teenager he had an androgynous appearance. But as Rob became more like a man, the demand for him fell.

Brave Cedric

Robert's career began in the school theater, he played leading roles in plays based on Hardy's novel "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" and the plays "Our Town" by Wilder and "Whatever Happens" by Wodehouse.

Pattinson wanted to become an actor since childhood, and his father supported his desire.

A well-known fact: Robert Pattinson made his film debut in 2005, and immediately in a blockbuster - he played Cedric Diggory in the film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.”

In an interview with Scholastic magazine, the actor told how difficult it was for him to dive underwater in one of the scenes of this movie.

Auditions... in the director's bedroom

However, fame came to Pattinson with the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight: posters of him hung on millions of teenage girls around the world, and the film and its sequels became box office hits.

Pattinson's audition for Twilight took place in director Catherine Hardwicke's bedroom - it was a scene with Kristen Stewart, who had already been cast in the role of Bella.

“All the other candidates came to do something empty, petty and thoughtless. But Rob realized that this was not a frivolous role,” Stewart told GQ magazine.

And some were against it!

When it was announced that the Briton had received the role of Edward, 75 thousand fans of the original books signed a petition against his candidacy.

It wasn't just fans of the novels who doubted whether Robert was good enough to play Edward Cullen. “There was a call from the head of the studio who asked, ‘Are you sure you can make this guy look good?’” says Catherine Hardwicke. Fortunately, the director defended the candidate: “He is very photogenic, but also wildly talented. I see how he can play strange, wild, fantastic characters."

During the filming of Twilight - an interesting fact - Robert Pattinson was injured, and in the very first frame. “I wasn’t even doing a stunt, I was just trying to lift Kristen Stewart and I almost tore my hamstring because I didn’t warm up beforehand,” the actor recalled in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.

Very hard working actor

He proved to be a very hard worker and showed up in Oregon a month before filming began to work with a trainer and become thoroughly familiar with the script and Mayer's other books.

For the role, Robert had to wear gold contact lenses, which he called "orange spots." Sometimes the lenses changed to blood red (Mayer believes this is what the eyes of vampires become when they are hungry).

During the break between filming the second and third films in the franchise, Pattinson managed to play the lead role in the drama Remember Me.

Twilight fans were everywhere when Remember Me was filmed. “I had a hard time concentrating. It was the funniest experience. You try to stay in character, you walk down the street, but all these people constantly remind you that you are a completely different character,” Pattinson said.

Robert and Kristen Stewart hid their relationship for almost two years - until they were “caught” by photographers on a romantic walk.

Thanks to the Twilight franchise, Pattinson has eight MTV Awards.

He also received the Golden Raspberry Award: together with the worst ensemble cast in the film Twilight. Saga, Breaking Dawn: Part Two."

Sexy Robert

In 2008 and 2009, Pattinson was named to People magazine's Sexiest Men Alive list.

In 2009, Vanity Fair named Robert the most handsome man in the world. By the way, Angelina Jolie received a similar female “title”.

Rob admits that he is a terrible driver (even though his father was a car dealer). Having moved to Los Angeles, Pattinson bought a car, started driving, but heard enough horns from indignant “comrades on the road.”

Fun fact: Robert Pattinson says he has nothing in common with Edward: "I can't remember a single romantic thing I've ever done."

Robert plays piano and guitar; one of his songs was included in the film “Twilight.” Catherine Hardwicke said Pattinson's music made her cry.

Democratic, thrifty, witty

When it comes to fashion, Robert is very democratic and does not follow any trend.

Despite the millions he has earned, Pattinson does not lead a lavish lifestyle: “The only thing I bought with my first royalties was my $1,500 car.”

Before Robert became famous, he spent all his "free" money on DVDs.

He was once asked: “What is the success of “getting” into the image of Edward?” Pattinson, who has a good sense of humor, replied: “My hair is 75% of the success!”

Hobbies and idols

One of his hobbies is shooting; he likes to visit shooting ranges.

Pattinson's favorite actors are Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson.

Robert loves rap and Eminem songs. And also blues and compositions by John Lee Hooker and Elmore James.

He takes part in several charitable projects and invests money in a foundation fighting human trafficking.

Robert's height is 185 cm.

Pattinson is the face of the French fragrance from Dior.

He claims that his worst habit is talking too much.

The last fact in our collection about Robert Pattinson is that he loves to drink Diet Coke and eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Robert Pattinson's personal life is an eternal topic of discussion in the media. It seems that the actor is doing everything to ensure that more and more people discuss his novels. After the release of the first part of the Twilight saga, everyone started talking about Robert's affair with his co-star Kristen Stewart (who played his lover). The couple hid their relationship for a long time, but their photos together regularly appeared in the tabloids. They later admitted that they were in a relationship. Their romance was vibrant. And the parting became just as bright. After this, Robert's personal life became even more discussed. He was credited with having affairs with singer FKA Twigs, Bella Hadid and many others. Let's remember all of Robert Pattinson's novels and figure out what's going on in his personal life now.


Robert Pattinson is a popular British actor, model, and producer. World fame came to him after working in the cult vampire saga "".

His memorable appearance, charisma and talent for transformation allowed the artist to quickly take a place in the front row of world cinema stars.

Robert Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986 in a suburb of London. Father Richard is a businessman, his business is related to the transportation of vintage cars from the USA. And Claire's mother was engaged in a modeling career.

Robert has two older sisters - Lizzie and Victoria. The first is professionally involved in music: she is a famous composer and musician. And Vicky is making a career in the advertising business.

Robert Pattinson studied at a specialized school for boys. But at the age of 12 he was expelled. It is noteworthy that the star avoids answering the question of why this happened. But his former classmates turned out to be more talkative. They said that the boy felt sorry for the snails, which the guys crushed with their boots, rejoicing at the loud crunch. So he collected them in a box, which he constantly dragged around with him. The teacher didn't like this. The pitiful Robert was expelled.

His parents had to transfer him to a private school in Barnes. It is known that in his early years Robert Pattinson was shy and uptight. However, he dreamed of an acting career. His mother helped him. The son tried his hand at a modeling career and managed to overcome his shyness.

At the age of 15, Robert Pattinson’s creative biography began. He made his debut on the theatrical stage of Barnes Studio. His first roles in the plays “Whatever Happens,” “Macbeth” and “Tess of the Derbervilles” were successful. Directors drew attention to the young artist.

Personal life

While working on the film “Twilight,” Robert began a romantic relationship with his partner, but at first the couple in love carefully hid their personal life. Some colleagues on the set claimed that the young people did not start dating immediately, but when filming of the second part of the “vampire saga” began. The lovers' romance was gaining momentum, and already in January 2012 there were rumors that they were going to get married.

According to the source, the actor gave his beloved a luxurious ring with an emerald, and they began to plan a wedding celebration, at which Robert wanted to sing his own song with a guitar. For their future life together, Pattinson purchased an old mansion in a wealthy area of ​​Los Angeles, where a swimming pool, a beautiful garden and fountains were equipped, after which the loving couple settled in it.

Fans of the actors, who were expecting the wedding of their idols, were simply discouraged when, at a press conference in Stockholm, Robert said that he had already married Kristen. But as it turned out, the actor was referring to the wedding of their characters, Bella and Edward. According to Pattinson, the scene of the wedding of lovers took place as a real sacrament, since a priest was invited to the set, who performed the ceremony according to all church rules.

In the summer of 2012, it became known that Kristen had cheated on Robert with director Rupert Sanders, with whom she was caught by the paparazzi. The lover was much older than Stewart; in addition, he is married to model Liberty Ross and has two children. After the betrayal of his beloved, Robert left the house where he lived with Kristen and stopped communicating with her.

According to close friends of the actress, at that time she repented of her actions and wanted to return her beloved, but Pattinson was terribly worried and angry with her. He accepted the invitation of Reese Witherspoon and her husband, actor Jim Toth, and settled for a while in their luxurious California mansion. Previously, the actors starred together in two films, after which friendly relations were established between them.

Robert's fans were outraged by Kristen's behavior, believing that she had betrayed his love. Once Stewart was very frightened by the actions of fans when they attacked her, and only by chance she managed to escape from the angry crowd in her car. But fans of the actress herself actively defended their favorite, believing that the “Robsten” couple would never part.

They could not forgive the beloved of their brother and sister Robert: Lizzie and Victoria, who advised him to forget the cheater and concentrate on work. Despite all the personal vicissitudes, the producers of “Twilight” insisted on reconciling the actors so that the lovers would take part in the advertising campaign of the film project together. While the actor’s heart still ached from the wounds inflicted in his personal life, he was already credited with an affair with Nicole Fox, who is his fan. The model told reporters that she first encountered him during his New Moon tour in New York. According to her, she fell in love with Pattinson and since then dreamed of meeting him by chance in order to attract attention.

When the actor wrote on his microblog: “I love you..., no matter what,” it became clear to everyone that the lovers would make peace. The Twilight star couple reunited only a few months after Kristen cheated. When the actor returned from filming from Australia, the couple spent all their free time, although Robert’s friends and colleagues did not support him in this. Despite the fact that Pattinson gave his relationship with Stewart a second chance, he no longer trusted his friend. The lovers separated more than once, then reconciled several times, and only in May last year the actor put an end to the romance, which completely exhausted him.

After this, the paparazzi began to notice Robert in the company of young and attractive girls with whom the actor had fun at parties. The Hollywood handsome man began to spend a lot of time with Katy Perry, who is his true friend. By the way, she was also against his intentions to get back together with his former lover, assuring him that he deserves a better girl. The actor and singer, who was also free from a relationship, had a great time at parties, where, according to eyewitnesses, they not only danced, but also showed tender feelings for each other.

The Hollywood hunk became in demand, and in July 2013 he began spending time with Riley Keough, who is the granddaughter of Elvis Presley. The 24-year-old actress was simply delighted with Pattinson and even forgot about her fiance, to whom she had already become engaged. And Robert, who was pleased with the attention of the granddaughter of the legendary Presley, found many common interests with her.

But this relationship turned out to be short-lived, and already in the fall the actor was spotted several times in the company of Dylan Penn, the daughter of Sean Penn and Robin Wright. The young people spent time having a romantic dinner in a restaurant, animatedly talking and flirting with each other. At the same time, rumors appeared that Pattinson was spotted on a date with Stewart, but most likely it was just a business meeting, and at that time he had a romantic relationship with Dylan. According to some sources, the actor had already met Sean Penn and intended to leave with his new lover to his homeland to show her where he spent his childhood.

At the end of 2013, Robert put up for sale the house in which he lived with his former lover. In January of this year, actor Jim Parsons bought this luxurious mansion from him. In 2014, Pattinson threw himself into work, starring in David Cronenberg's new film Maps to the Stars, as well as recording new compositions. And only in August information appeared that Robert was dating a new lover, Talia Barnett. The young British woman turned out to be a singer performing under the pseudonym FKA Twigs. As it turned out, the newly minted couple began communicating back in July 2014, but they managed to hide from the nosy paparazzi for some time. In October, the 26-year-old singer toured Europe with her concert program, and the 28-year-old actor accompanied his girlfriend.

According to Talia, she wants to be perceived not as the new lover of a famous actor, but as a talented singer. Recently, a girl said that Robert’s muscles were not developed enough, so she persuaded him to go on a diet and exercise in the gym. The actor also recently showed off a new hairstyle that caused confusion among his fans: the back of his head was half shaved, but there was a small strip of hair left in the middle. Otherwise, the haircut did not cause any complaints.

Many of the fans immediately realized who advised their idol to take care of his appearance, which he had previously neglected. In addition, information appeared in the press that Pattinson wants to move to London, where his new girlfriend lives and works. It should be noted that the actor’s family and friends are not particularly happy with his current life and his new lover. From their point of view, Robert, who was always considered a bit of an oddball, now spends most of his time with run-of-the-mill hipsters, trying to impress them.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart: the story of the romance

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart met on the set of the Twilight saga in April 2008. Already in November of the same year, there were rumors that they were having an affair. The actors themselves denied this.

Finally, in October 2011, Kristen admits that she and Rob are together. They appear in public as a couple and no longer hide their relationship.

In 2012, Rob and Kristen live together in Los Angeles.

On July 17, 2012, Kristen was seen with director Rupert Sanders, for whom she starred in the film Snow White and the Huntsman, during which Rupert kissed “her whole body,” reporters reported.

On July 24, the world was shocked by the news that Kristen had an affair with a married director. Friends of the actress say that she is completely depressed and very sorry for her mistake.

On July 25, Kristen and Rupert publicly apologized. The next day, Robert left the house in which he and Kristen lived. Rob is humiliated and depressed and stops communicating with Kristen.

Friends say Rob was planning to propose to Kristen before he found out about her cheating.

The family of Liberty Ross, wife of Rupert Sanders, claim that his affair with Kristen lasted several months. Robert wants to find out how things didn't really happen.

At the beginning of August, active preparations are underway for the premiere of the last part of the Twilight saga. Kristen has not given up hope of reconciling with Robert before they have to appear together in public to promote a new film.

On August 28, magazines reported that Robert had finally agreed to meet with Kristen for the first time since the scandal.

On September 16, newspapers reported that Robert and Kristen could not live without each other, and Rob forgave Kristen her "stupid mistake."

In 2013, they either converge or break up. In May 2013, Robert left home with all his belongings.

Pattinson Robert Thomas is a famous British actor and musician, who is also a sought-after model. The guy is known as the handsome vampire Edward from the bestseller Twilight.

Fans all over the world are used to following Robert Pattinson’s personal life, who experienced the guy’s quarrels and reunions with his partners as their own tragedies.

Everyone was talking about how Robert kisses and whether this kiss is worthy of the MTV Movie Awards. Constant controversy and confusion arose around the guy’s sexual orientation.

Height, weight, age. How old is Robert Pattinson

All fans in the world want to find out what the famous movie vampire’s height, weight, and age are. How old Robert Pattinson is is also quite easy to find out if you know the day and year of the actor’s birth.

Recently, social media exploded with the sensational news that Robert Pattinson is gay. The guy admitted that he was passionately in love with a very famous man. The news that Robert is a typical gay man greatly upset the female half of his fans, who were determined to one day win the handsome man’s heart.

Robert Pattinson was born in 1986, making him thirty-one this year. According to the zodiac sign, the guy is endowed with all the character traits inherent in Taurus, including hard work, patience, and the desire for stability and tranquility.

According to the Eastern horoscope, Robert is a lucky, rebellious, impetuous and bright Tiger.

The height of the famous actor and musician is one meter and eighty-five centimeters. His weight froze at seventy-two kilograms.

Biography of Robert Pattinson

The biography of Robert Pattinson began in 1986 and was quite vivid. Little Robert looked incredibly like a pretty girl, so at the age of four he worked in a modeling agency.

Robert attended the prestigious Tower House School for Boys, from which he was expelled in disgrace at the age of twelve because of his love of animals. The boy saved snails that were being crushed by his classmates; he hid them in a box and carried them with him everywhere. When the teacher ordered the pets to be released, Robert refused and insulted him.

The boy was shy and timid, but in the situation with the snails he stood his ground and categorically refused to apologize. He was transferred to the Harrodian private school, from which he successfully graduated.

Filmography: films starring Robert Pattinson

In his youth, Robert not only acted in films, but also tried his hand at a theater studio. The guy made his debut in the film “The Ring of the Nibelungs” at the age of eighteen.

Later, Pattinson’s filmography was constantly replenished with new film works, including “The Diary of a Bad Mom,” “Echoes of the Past,” “Remember Me,” “Coming of Age,” “Dear Friend,” “Water for Elephants!”, “Cosmopolis,” “ The Childhood of a Leader", "Star Map", "Queen of the Desert".

Robert became especially famous for his roles in two science fiction series, “Harry Potter” and “Twilight.” They gave the guy new friends and love, which lasted quite a long time.

Few people know, but the young actor also sings beautifully and has been playing guitar and synthesizer since the age of three. Robert plays in the band Bad Girls, and is also known in music circles as the singer Bobby Dupea. He composed two soundtracks for the Twilight vampire saga.

Personal life of Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson's personal life has been tumultuous and quite strange. The boy found his first love at the age of twelve, however, the “relationship for life” lasted only three weeks. The shy boy had no idea what to do with the girl and how to keep her near him.

Later there were rumors that Robert truly fell in love and began dating singer Kelly Blackwell. It was rumored that she was even preparing to become a mother, but these rumors turned out to be a simple PR stunt.

The relationship between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson was not discussed only by the lazy. The beautiful couple from the Twilight saga first spoke openly about their relationship on Oprah in 2010. Throughout 2012, the guys were constantly together, supported each other at various awards shows and looked like a very happy couple.

However, already in July, Kristen was caught by the paparazzi with the married Sanders, who was the director of the film “Snow White and the Huntsman,” in which Stewart starred. The couple separated for a short time, but already in October the young people lived together again.

In 2013, Stewart and Pattinson bought a house and were planning to move into it because the guy didn’t get along with his girlfriend’s mother. That same year, the relationship completely fell apart, and the house was sold under the hammer.

Robert Pattinson and Talia Barnett started dating in 2014 right after the vampire's relationship ended. They even managed to announce their engagement and clarify that they were connected by a passion for music. The girl constantly defended her chosen one from the attacks of ill-wishers, however, the wedding has not yet taken place. It is quite possible that the reason for this was the guy’s unconventional sexual orientation.

Robert Pattinson and his boyfriend hid their relationship for a long time. However, now Robert calmly talks about the fact that he vacationed with his boyfriend, model Brad Owens, in the Bahamas and is quite happy with him.

Robert Pattinson's family

Robert Pattinson's family is a completely ordinary unit of society, of which there are millions in the UK. The guy's parents had nothing to do with the world of music, theater or cinema.

Father: Thomas Pattinson– was engaged in the sale and transportation of vintage vehicles from the States, which brought quite a good profit.

Mom: Claire Pattinson– I couldn’t devote much time to my children because I was involved in the modeling business.

The Pattinson family is large, as Robert has two older incredibly beautiful sisters, Victoria and Lizzie.

Robert Pattinson's children

Robert Pattinson's children have not yet been born, although for many years in a row they have been talking about the fact that the guy is about to have an heir from Kristen Stewart. However, this news turned out to be just ridiculous gossip and speculation by fans of this couple.

Famous psychics constantly make predictions about the personal life of the actor and his future children. Clairvoyant Natalya Vorotnikova, for example, claims that Robert Pattinson will have three children, but he will not be able to raise them. There is talk that the man will raise an adopted child, this is quite possible, based on the guy’s non-traditional sexual orientation.

Robert Pattinson's wife

Robert Pattinson's wife doesn't exist either. The famous actor and musician has stated several times that he is engaged and intends to marry several women.

Kristen Stewart could have become Robert Pattinson's wife, but she personally ruined the whole relationship by having an affair with director Sanders. Then Kristen told the whole world that she loves women and is going to start a family with someone like herself.

Until Talia Barnett, to whom the guy was engaged, also became his wife. Given the rumors about Robert's sexual orientation, the wedding may never take place.

Robert Pattinson latest news

Robert Pattinson's latest news is that the guy is not looking to build any kind of permanent relationship. He lives for his own pleasure, never staying in one city for more than a couple of days. Robert complains that he has no time for anything, and he has not been to his home for several years.

In 2016, the handsome man starred in several new films, including the adventure film “The Lost City of Z.” For filming in this film, the man grew a beard.

The premiere of the film “The Trap” was scheduled for 2017, in which Robert played one of the main roles.

Instagram and Wikipedia Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson's Instagram and Wikipedia are not entirely official. On the Wikipedia page you can get acquainted with reliable data about the guy’s personal life, childhood and youth, parents and hobbies.

On the same page dedicated to Robert, you can find reliable information about his filmography and participation in a musical group. There are also interesting facts from the life of the actor and musician.

Robert Pattinson does not have official profiles on social networks, including Instagram. Although in groups dedicated to the actor, you can see photographs and videos from personal archives.

Robert Pattinson, a famous musician, model and talented actor, was born on 05/13/1986 in a suburb of the capital of Great Britain.


Pattinson's family was very unique. His father was fond of vintage cars and built his small but quite successful business on them. For the sake of her husband, the mother left her modeling career and devoted herself entirely to caring for the house and children. It was from her that Robert inherited his bright appearance and natural acting talent.

In childhood

However, all the children in this family were bright and extraordinary. Robert's two older sisters also showed early talent. One of them chose a musical career, and the second followed her father’s example into business and now heads her own advertising agency.

Trying to give him a good education, his parents sent the boy to one of the best closed private schools. But there he did not have a good relationship with his classmates. The boy was too kind, and the cruel jokes of his peers often brought him to tears. The teachers were tired of his constant whining and complaints, and they sent the boy home.

He was transferred to another school, and his mother decided that something needed to be done about his shyness and lack of communication. She had a heart-to-heart talk with her son and found out that he dreams of an acting career. She was pleasantly surprised by this news, and she suggested that she first follow in her footsteps and go to modeling school to gain self-confidence and learn how to handle her own body.

The first appearances on the podium were very difficult for Robert. He had to constantly overcome his own fears. But gradually he got used to it and even began to enjoy being the center of attention. And thanks to his impeccable appearance, he very quickly became popular and in demand.


A year later, Robert enrolled in the school theater studio and began playing small roles. Not only parents, but also ordinary spectators were invited to the performances. It was at one of these performances that film directors drew attention to Robert. This is how he received his first offer to work in front of the camera - a small episode in the fantasy drama “The Ring of the Nibelungs”.

The American director liked him in this film, and he offered him a small role in the film adaptation of the novel Vanity Fair. But after the work was completely completed, for some reason the director did not like Pattinson’s character, and almost all the scenes with his participation were cut from the film. But Robert himself gained invaluable acting experience.

The heyday of his acting career began in 2005, when he managed to get into the cast of the next part of the Potter series, Goblet of Fire. He coped with the job brilliantly, and it was immediately followed by an invitation to his debut leading role in the military drama “The Pursuer of Toby Jag.”

The role was very difficult psychologically, but the young artist perfectly conveyed all the subtleties of his character.

New proposals followed one after another. By 2008, he was already one of the most sought-after actors, and a year later he was included in the list of the sexiest actors. This happened after the premiere of the Twilight vampire saga, where he played the incredibly charming main character.

The producers immediately offered him a contract to continue filming, where the fees were in seven figures.

To date, the artist’s filmography already includes more than 20 diverse roles. Not all of them are successful - there are also those that were mercilessly crushed by film critics. But this does not prevent the actor from moving on and delighting us with new works. He is one of the youngest and most handsome millionaire artists in the world.

But there is more to Pattinson's life than just movies. From early childhood he began playing the synthesizer, and in his teens he picked up the guitar and has not parted with it to this day.

Robert has good vocal abilities, and he even tried to make a solo career. But there was simply not enough time to study cinema and music seriously and, to the joy of millions of fans, he chose cinema.

Personal life

Rorbert experienced his first love as a teenager, and it lasted only a few weeks. Then he became interested in theater and cinema, and there was simply no time left for nonsense. Therefore, new feelings flared up only on the set while working on Twilight.

She became his chosen one, and for quite a long time they hid the romance not only from the general public, but also from colleagues on the site. She publicly announced the relationship only on an episode of the Opry Winfrey show dedicated to the characters of the film. They were immediately declared one of the most beautiful and sexy couples and began to wait for the wedding.

With Kristen Stewart

But very soon Kristen broke her lover’s heart by starting a new romance with Rupert Sanders, with whom she starred as Snow White. Robert, having learned about the betrayal, immediately broke off the relationship, took his things and left Kristen forever. In order to somehow heal his mental wound, Robert began to change girlfriends like gloves, but such relationships did not bring him satisfaction.

Fortunately, he soon met the young British singer Talia Barnett, who won his heart literally from the first meeting.

The relationship developed rapidly and within six months Talia had a ring on her finger, indicating that she had received a marriage proposal. But the wedding still didn’t come to fruition – the couple broke up at the beginning of 2017.

The biography of Robert Pattinson is something special, unlike many musicians-actors-models already known to the world. Unlike, say, the biography of Britney Spears, which has been known to the world since almost 6 years old, Pattinson’s career growth in both cinema and music has been known since his youthful age of 15, when he first played a role in an amateur theater.

early years

A real, native Briton Robert Thomas Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986 in London and boasts two older sisters: Lizzy (Lizzy - composer and performer) and Victoria (Victoria - currently involved in politics).

Agree, there are quite a few celebrities who were sent to stardom by their parents. Among them is Robert Pattinson, who became a model largely thanks to his mother (His mother Claire worked for a modeling agency, and his father Richard is engaged in the export of vintage cars from the USA). Already at the age of twelve, he worked in the modeling agency of the famous designer Nicole, with whom his mother had established connections. The boy, who was the youngest among other models, worked conscientiously - he showed clothes at shows along with adults. In addition, his face was often featured on the covers of teen magazines.

He himself recalls the early period of his professional development with humor - the thin, almost puny boy looked very much like a girl, but it seems that this circumstance suited his employers quite well. It was the same parameters as Robert’s that were required to appear on the podium - a waist of only 64 cm with a height of 185 cm! And if you add to this shoe size 42.5 and incredible charm and charm, then you will see just the dream of any leading fashion designer!

Time spent working in a modeling agency

Once, many years later, Pattinson told reporters that working in a modeling agency left an imprint on his entire subsequent life - he was always considered a former model, and only then someone else. This was somewhat discouraging to him, since he only really had three shows to his name. He participated somewhat more actively in photo shoots for fashion magazines, especially when it came to advertising women's rings. No one could have guessed that the hands showing rings on the cover of the magazine actually belonged to a man! Robert admits that he is still involved in advertising women's rings.

“When I first started, I was quite tall and girlish. Therefore, I received many offers. Then, I think, I simply became too masculine, and I practically lost my job. I had the worst modeling career ever,” Pattinson recalls.

Despite his modesty, Pattinson decided from an early age that he wanted to become an artist. At first he thought of trying himself as a musician, like his older sister Lizzie Pattinson. But his father strongly recommended that Robert take up acting. One memorable evening, Richard and his son went out to dinner and overheard a group of girls at the next table discussing their trip to the Barnes Theater Club, the renowned theater program at Harrodian School (a private school in Barnes, England).

“From then on, he started trying to get me to go there,” says Pattinson, “He even offered to pay me if I went to study.” But Pattinson did not buy the offer, although he still enrolled in school while still a teenager and began participating in the theater program. As a result, he began performing regularly in plays such as Out Town, Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Anything Goes ", second title - "Anything goes").

After a relatively short stay on the amateur theater stage, Robbie receives an invitation to play in the real thing - the Barnes Theater Club, where he receives his first professional skills as an actor. The Barnes Theater Club gave the actor the opportunity to play in at least three productions: "Macbeth", "Anything Goes" and "Tess of the D'Urbevilles".

Now Robert Pattinson's filmography includes more than 10 films, but he became famous relatively recently. The first role (supporting role) was the role of Giselher in the German film “Ring of the Nibelungs” 2004. Almost immediately, the actor played the role of Rawdy Crawley in the film “Vanity Fair” (Vanity Fair also known as “Kingdom In Twilight”) "in the same 2004, however, by decision of the producers, the scenes with his participation were “cut out” from the picture intended for the big screen (he was not even listed in the credits) and were available only in the DVD version of the film.

Pattinson's real popularity came with the release of the fourth film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, in 2005, where he played the role of Cedric Diggory. It is worth noting that Rob has always strived to film in independent projects that can change the script, so back in 2003 he met the director of Harry Potter IV, Mike Newell. He was the first actor to audition for the role of Cederic, and a week later Mike pleased him with the news that his candidacy had been approved.

After Cederic in Harry Potter, roles followed in television projects: “The Obsessive Toby Jugg,” released in 2006 (role: Toby Jugg), and in 2007, the film Bad Mother’s Handbook (role: Daniel).

Meanwhile, filming Harry Potter gave Robie the opportunity to shine in the modeling business. In 2007, he took part in the show of the autumn collection of clothing from the Hackett’s company (as many noted due to his role and good physical shape).

But the real “breakthrough” in Pattinson’s career was the year 2008. There were four films in which he starred: Little Ashes - “Small Remains”, the role of the young Salvador Dali, the film “The Summer House” in the role of Richard, “ How to Be" - "How to Be", role: Arta and, of course, the most sensational film based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer - "Twilight", where Pattinson played the role of the good vampire Edward Cullen. Robert Pattinson's fee for the first part of the "Twilight Saga" was $2 million, and for the last two films he received $12.5 million each, as well as 7.5% of the profits that the films would bring.

Before "Twilight" and in between "Saga", he starred mainly in independent films. His heroes are strange, very mysterious personalities who challenge someone or lead an internal struggle, in general, heroes “with peculiarities.” There is also a rather provocative role in his filmography: the image of the Spanish artist Salvador Dali in the film “Echoes of the Past,” which was released in 2008, right before the first “Twilight.”

Pattinson played Dali with abandon, being captivated by his mad genius, his difficult, truly surreal fate, the extremely interesting evolution of his creative path, his stormy romantic relationship with one of the brightest and most eccentric Spanish poets - Federico Garcia Lorca, and finally, the tragic last years of the artist's life. According to the actor, this was the most valuable experience in his career; he plunged into the world of art and bohemia of that time.

In an interview with the American magazine Moviefove, Robert Pattinson spoke about the role of Dali: “It was very difficult to transform into Dali. The more I read about him, the more he amazed and surprised me. Dali was an extraordinary person with his own convictions. Therefore, I was afraid of ruining his image. It's a very fine line. But it was amazing, I always dreamed of playing a historical figure."

In 2010, a sequel to the trilogy based on Stephenie Meyer's novels, the second film entitled "New Moon", will be released, where Pattinson also plays the main role. Already now, film experts are predicting success for the future film, as well as for the actors.

Rob himself says that it’s amazing when people didn’t know you just yesterday, but today your name is called on every corner. He is interested in music: he plays guitar and piano (synthesizer) as part of the group “Bad Girls”; plays sports and likes to spend time at ski resorts with friends.

But nevertheless, there are still enough secrets left for Pattinson, among them: expulsion from school at the age of 12 still remains a mystery in his biography. [http://www..php]

In 2009, he became “the most”: a cool actor (Rolling Stone magazine), a rising star (Forbes magazine), a sexy man (People magazine). In addition, he has three victories in different categories at the Teen Choice Awards and MTV Movie Awards. He participated in the 81st Academy Awards and also received two more awards: Best Actor Award and Bravo A-List Breakout Award. In 2009, the actor earned $18 million.

In 2010, new films with the participation of Robert Pattinson were released - the melodrama “Remember Me” and the western “Free Prisoners”. GQ named him "The Most Stylish Man" of 2010.

In 2011, filming of the film adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's famous novel “Belarus Ami” began, in which the actor plays the main role (Georges Duroy). The world premiere of the film took place on February 17, 2012 during the Berlin International Film Festival. The film was released in Russia on March 29, 2012. His partner in the film was none other than the inimitable Uma Thurman. The film tells the story of a young, extremely good-looking journalist who, having neither money nor connections, makes his way into the high society of Paris with the help of influential women and his attractive appearance. One of these ladies is Uma Thurman's character, who first helps him and then becomes his wife. Nicole Kidman was originally supposed to play the role, but she turned it down. Here's what Robert said about the female lead: "She has to be literally inspiring." The film also stars Christina Ricci and Kristin Scott Thomas.

In the same year, the actor played the main role in the film Cosmopolis, directed by David Cronenberg. Pattinson's hero is a young man, tired of life, who is incapable of love, even sex does not interest him. A self-confident playmaker, a charming liar, confident that he is the master of his own destiny. On April 19, 2012, it became known that Cosmopolis was included in the official competition program of the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. The film premiered on May 25, 2012 in Cannes. The film's release in Russia is scheduled for July 19, 2012.

Robert also has the release of the film “Twilight” planned for 2012. Saga. Breaking Dawn: Part 2, which will be the final part of the Twilight Saga.

On May 2, 2012, it became known that the actor would play in the psychological thriller Mission: Blacklist, which would be based on the book of the same name, written by military investigator Eric Maddox. The book tells the story of the search and capture of Saddam Hussein.

In addition, the actor will join the cast of the film “The Rover”, which will be directed by David Micheaux. In the film, Pattinson will play a character named Reynolds.

Has two older sisters: Lizzie (25 years old) plays and sings in the popular British group Aurora, Victoria (27 years old) works in advertising.

Favorite sport: darts and billiards. On the set of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, he learned to snorkel, snowboard and play football.

Favorite food: fast food. In America, the chain of choice is In-N-Out-Burger.

Starred in films and TV series:
“The Ring of the Nibelungs” (2004), “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” (2005), “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” (2007), “Twilight”, “How to Be”, “Echoes of the Past” (all - 2008), “ Twilight 2. New Moon" (2009), "Free Prisoners", "Remember Me", "Twilight 3. Eclipse", "Water for Elephants" (2010), "Twilight 3. Dawn", "Dear Friend" (to be released in 2011), "Cosmopolis" (to be released in 2012).