Running 3 km is an excellent exercise that allows you to always maintain ideal physical shape. At the same time, it is very difficult to run such a distance well without appropriate preparation. You will need to spend at least a few weeks developing endurance and significantly improving your existing physical performance.

But what if you don’t have this time, if you need to run and show good results right here and now? Military personnel called up for military service very often encounter a similar problem, since running 3 km is included in the list of standards that allow one to evaluate the physical characteristics of future defenders of the Motherland. We will try to help you solve it, and also tell you how to run this distance as quickly as possible without serious consequences for your body.

Minimal preparation to help you easily cover a distance of 3 kilometers

The first tip to help you get fit enough to complete a 3K run without problems is to start training for your run early. We are sure that not everyone will listen to him, but we will definitely tell you how to adapt your body to increased physical activity. This is in your interests - if you know about the draft, you should be prepared to pass the sports standards. Preliminary preparation will allow you not to lose face in front of your future colleagues and not become an object of their ridicule in the coming months.

How to prepare for running standards? Just follow the recommendations below:

  • Do a warm-up run every day for 10-15 minutes. After just a few days of such simple and short exercises, you will see that your body copes with the load much easier, and your breathing returns to normal;
  • Try running your usual distance with special weights. This will significantly increase endurance and improve physical fitness. In addition, running speed will increase significantly;
  • Do exercises to develop your calf muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps. Muscle mass will significantly increase your running speed, and will also increase endurance at distances such as 3 or 5 km.

Is it possible to cope well with the 3 km running standard without such preliminary preparation? Yes, you can. But for this you will need, firstly, to make significant efforts, and secondly, to follow our recommendations.

We run 3 kilometers without preparation

If you didn’t play sports after school, and also ignored all the tips listed above for preparing for the standards, then passing them will be much more difficult. Running 3 km takes a lot of energy and requires endurance. Therefore, we will give some useful recommendations that will help you cope with such a difficult task:

  • Be sure to warm up immediately before going on the treadmill. Just a few simple exercises performed at a fast pace will warm up your muscles and allow you to cope even with heavy physical activity;
  • Don't dress too warmly. While running, you will heat up in any case, but fairly heavy winter clothing can significantly increase the load;
  • It is best to start the distance approximately 40-60 minutes after eating. Otherwise, you will feel serious discomfort and will not be able to even out your breathing;
  • hurry up slowly. At a distance of three kilometers, you shouldn’t immediately waste your energy trying to take the lead. Start the distance with an easy and calm run, do not rush anywhere, so as not to immediately lose your breath. Using this approach, you will be able to save maximum energy by the end of the second kilometer and speed up significantly;
  • breathe correctly. Ideally, for each step there should be one short inhalation and an equally short exhalation. When you pick up speed, it is better to exhale as sharply as possible - then the lungs will draw in air themselves, making the task as easy as possible for you;
  • To minimize the negative impact on the body that can result from lack of habit, do not stop immediately after completing the distance. Run another 300-400 metro, gradually slowing down the pace and restoring your breathing.

Running 3 kilometers is considered an average distance. Several times this event was included in the Olympic distances for women. Sometimes men run this distance at European athletics championships. The world record was set by Kenyan athlete Daniel Komen in 1996 - he ran the distance in 7 minutes 21 seconds.

To begin with, it should be noted that there are several types of standards. Among professionals, to get the first rank you need to run the distance in 9 minutes. Accordingly, 9 minutes 40 seconds give the second discharge, and 10 minutes 20 seconds give the third. For schoolchildren and students, the standard is 12 minutes and 12 seconds. Military personnel need to complete the distance in 14 minutes 45 seconds (excellent), 15 and a half minutes (good), and 16 minutes 15 seconds (satisfactory).

Girls involved in sports professionally are awarded the first category if they complete the distance in 10 minutes 30 seconds. For the second category it is enough to run 3 kilometers in 11 minutes 24 seconds, and for the third - in 12 and a half minutes. In schools and universities, girls do not run such a standard. They are given a distance of 1 or one and a half kilometers.

Preparation and training

It is not so easy to prepare to run this distance in 12-15 minutes. This is a big load on the heart and other internal organs of an unprepared person. If you decide to start preparing yourself for this test, then you must follow the trainer’s recommendations. If you feel unwell while running, consult your doctor.

Firstly, if you are overweight, try to reduce it as much as possible, because every extra kilogram will put stress on your legs, which is harmful to your health. Secondly, strengthen your cardiovascular system. Swimming, cycling, and boating are good exercise for your health. And most importantly, learn to breathe correctly, for example, many trainers advise inhaling and exhaling every step.

With the help of a trainer or special literature, create a training program that suits your level of training. It's best to do different types of workouts on different days. For example, start by covering a distance, the next day work on speed at shorter distances, and on the third day run a longer distance, but not at maximum speed. If you train regularly without overexerting yourself, the results will not be long in coming.

Running is one of the most important types of physical training, not only useful for developing endurance, but also necessary for maintaining general physical tone. You don't have to set records, but everyone needs to stay in shape. It is not without reason that physical education remains an integral part of the educational process both at school and in other educational institutions, since physical health, strengthened by physical education students according to educational programs, is the basis for a person’s well-being and, as a consequence, successful learning and normal performance.

Running is even more important for a certain category of citizens undergoing or entering military service, including military and similar educational institutions. Passing standards for running is a matter of principle and prerequisite for admission.

The running of active employees of units of various law enforcement agencies is all the more important, and especially for those who are just applying to serve in special and special purpose units, rapid response and, in general, to join the troops of both the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. To defend the Motherland, you need not only to be strong and strong in spirit, but also to run fast, including over long distances.

Standards for running 3 km

3 km run refers to medium distances. It is taken mainly by high school students and students of higher and secondary educational institutions. The standards for running this distance are taken by men. It is also taken in the army and within the framework of general standards for the GTO. It is quite obvious that for different categories the standards will differ quite significantly. Let's consider the following categories of test takers and then analyze the standards for each of them:

  1. Pupils of 10–11 grades.
  2. Students.
  3. Those entering contract service.
  4. Active military personnel.
  5. Intelligence officers.
  6. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  7. Passing standards for the GTO.

Standard for 3 km for schoolchildren

During the race, boys receive marks according to the following time spent covering the distance (minutes, seconds):

  • 5: 10/11 grade - 12.40/12.20;
  • 4: 10/11 - 13,30/13,00;
  • 3: 10/11 - 14,30/14,00

For students, there is a grading scale similar to that for eleventh graders. It should also be noted that for different institutions of secondary, specialized secondary and higher education the standard may fluctuate slightly within +/- 20 seconds.

Those entering contract service in the Russian Armed Forces

For applicants for contract service in units of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, not related to special and special purpose units, the same assessment categories are applied as for students of 11 grades of schools and students of secondary specialized and higher education institutions, with the exception of men over 30 years of age, for whom the standard is considered to be successfully passed at covering a distance of 3 km in a time not exceeding 15 minutes 15 seconds.

For active military personnel motorized rifle units, other units and units of the regularly active army, not related to special forces, special forces and airborne troops, the standard is 14.30; for the mentioned paratroopers, as well as reconnaissance officers and fighters of other special units, the standard is 12 and a half minutes.

Intelligence officers

For FSB and FSO employees, there is a different scale for assessing the performance of a 3 km cross-country race: for officers and employees engaged in non-operational work - 12 and a half minutes, for operatives belonging to special forces - 11 minutes.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Police and special forces units belonging to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs must run a 3 km cross-country race in 12 minutes, riot police and SOBR soldiers in 11.40. Thus, those entering service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs must know how to run 3 km in 12 minutes.

TRP standards

Passing the GTO standards for boys and men is also classified depending on the age of the participants.

For participants whose fields are marked with a “+” sign, the standard is considered successfully completed upon reaching the finish line, regardless of the time spent.

World record in 3 km running and achievements

Despite the fact that middle-distance running is not considered an Olympic sport, significant attention is paid to it, and aces in their field compete in it - world famous runners. At the same time, we have to admit that the highest achievements achieved in the last century cannot be repeated by anyone.

Outdoors, the current world record holder is a Kenyan named , who ran this distance with a time of 7.20 minutes more than 10 years ago.

As for the achievements achieved during the 3 km indoor cross-country, D. Komen also reigns here, covering 3 km in 7 minutes and less than 25 seconds.

Female runners were not far behind. Native of China V. Junxia covered this distance in 8.6 minutes back in 1993.

But the achievement in 3 km indoor cross-country has recently been updated G. Dibaba, which covered this distance in 2014 in just 8 minutes and 16 and a half seconds.

It should be added that sprinting is not only an independent developed discipline, but also an important element in training in preparation for long-distance races, it is important to meet the standards in middle-distance running and when preparing for shuttle running competitions, as well as sports not directly related to running, since short distances not only develop endurance (this is their similarity with long distances), but also train speed.

For those who set the goal not to set a record, but to receive a rank, you need to strive for the following indicators. For boys, the 3rd youth category involves covering the distance in 13.20, the second and first - 12 and 11 minutes, respectively.

To obtain adult male ranks The standards are, of course, stricter. So, the 3rd adult category requires running in no more than 10 minutes 20 seconds, the second - 9.40, the first - 9 minutes exactly.

The categories of masters of sports among men are classified as follows:

  • candidate master of sports - 8.30 minutes;
  • master of sports - 8.5;
  • master of sports of international class - 7.52.

It is also worth noting that the above figures relate to running in open areas. To bring them into line with indoor running, you need 3 seconds for each standard.

Hello, dear readers! Are you not running yet? – Then I’m coming to you! And if you run, then all the more I walk. What does a 3 km running training program consist of? It turns out that if you do this correctly, you can easily take first place in local competitions and higher. It all depends on your goal. For trained people, this is the optimal jog, for example, in the morning. Many people try to do this, but not everyone succeeds, even with a lot of effort. And the secret is not in quantity - but in applying them correctly. And this will be discussed in the article. Are you at the start? - Then let's begin!

About running standards

To have something to strive for, let's start with the world record in the 3 km run. For men, the record was set by Kenyan Daniel Komen (1996). He ran the distance in 7:20.67 minutes! For women, the record holder was Chinese Wang Junxia (1993). Her result is 8.06.11 minutes! For comparison: it is believed that any physically developed but poorly trained man 16-25 years old should run this distance in 13 minutes. This is a kind of “viability” test.

These running parameters are the average distance in athletics. Now the Olympic Games do not include it, but it is very popular in various other competitions. Of course, there are standards for running 3 km for sports categories. For men: III – 10.20, II – 9.30, I – 8.55. For women: III – 12.30, II – 11.25, I – 10.30. For high school boys, the standard “excellent” is 12.20.

As for the GTO standards, they are only for men and depend on age. 16-17 years old – 13.10, 18-24 years old – 12.30, 25-34 years old – 12.50, 35-39 years old – 13.10. For those who are 40 and older, the cross-country race will be counted if they reach the finish line - no matter in what time.

Standards in the army depend on the type of troops. State security special forces units should be the fastest - 11 minutes. Behind them are the airborne troops: 12.30.

There is something to strive for, friends! Regardless of what your current result is. And to improve it, you need to train correctly.

It turns out to cover 3 thousand meters non-stop - this is already good. To run faster, learn to breathe correctly, master running technique, and approach strength training, interval training, and competitions wisely.

But first things first. Let's start with the important presets:

  1. If you smoke, you need to quit. Otherwise, your respiratory system will not cope with the task.
  2. Down with excess weight, it’s also useless. It will only provide additional stress on the heart, blood vessels, and joints. Those whose body mass index is not higher than 30 can run 3 thousand meters without harm to their health. If you exercise, the weight will, of course, decrease. By completing the route in 16 minutes, you will burn 450-500 calories. Start eating rationally and balanced.
  3. Clothes should be comfortable, shoes suitable for cross-country.
  4. Start running calmly for short distances, gradually increasing the pace and distance.
  5. Exercise whenever it is convenient for you, morning or evening. The main thing is “don’t skimp.”
  6. Build endurance. Cardio exercises are suitable for this, for example, on an exercise bike, walking, cycling, swimming. Forget about transport, elevators, sofa wallowing. Be active and walk a lot. Fast downhill movement develops endurance well. You can alternate between level movement (40 minutes) and uphill walking (20 minutes).

Program for newbies

Set yourself a task, get on the treadmill and go. For example, you want to cover 3 km in 15 minutes. To do this, try training for at least 2 months 3 times a week.


  • Lesson 1 – 5000 m run;
  • Lesson II – distance 1000 m. Do three approaches with a rest of 60 seconds;
  • Lesson III - repeat the first.

Running during training should be fast. Do exercises and walking as quickly as possible.

For intermediate level

Have you reached your goal and are wondering how to run 3 km faster? To achieve a result of 13 minutes, you need to work more on endurance and increase your mileage:

  • I – 7000 m, pace – above average;
  • II – 1000 m. Three cycles, break – 60 seconds;
  • III – eight times 500 m each, alternating with a minute walk.

You are a pro!

Do you want to, but don’t know how to improve the score to 12? Start exercising four times a week, increase the intensity of interval training:

  • I – 7000 meters;
  • II – one thousand, four cycles with 40 seconds. rest between them;
  • III – 500 m, repeat 6 times with a break of 40 seconds. fast walking;
  • IV – 3 approaches of a thousand. Between them, do 30 squats.


There is no limit to perfection. Do you feel that 3 km in 11 minutes is within your reach? Get to work! Train 5 times, interval approaches are even more intense:

  • I – track – 5000 meters. At the finish line, immediately do a plank with push-ups 50 times: squat down, place your palms on the floor in front of you. Jump your legs back, take a position as for push-ups from the floor. Do one push-up and return to the starting squat position;
  • II – one thousand, we do three cycles with 40 squats between;
  • III – alternate 8 times: 400 m run – 10 times plank with push-ups;
  • IV – 6 sets of 500, walk quickly for 40 seconds during the break;
  • three times a thousand, between them - 40 seconds of walking.

When does doping make sense?

It is reasonable to use doping for 3 km running only when you have achieved the highest result and are not moving forward. There are special pharmaceutical preparations. But before that, study the list of permitted and prohibited substances so that you are not disqualified. For example, the prohibited list includes drugs, steroids, and anabolic steroids. But Riboxin is approved for heart support. As well as the fermatron vitamin complex.

The role of “doping” can be played by ordinary food and drinks. These are vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, dried fruits, ginger, honey, pollen, green tea, coffee (allowable caffeine content - 12 mcg/ml), freshly squeezed juice.

Two hours before training, you can have a snack with a vegetable salad or fruit, drink juice an hour, and throw a handful of nuts or dried fruits into your mouth 15 minutes. You can do the same before the competition.

See you in the next article! Did you like it? Then recommend the article to your friends on social networks, subscribe to updates.


Learn to breathe correctly. If you don’t know how to breathe correctly while going through a distance, it means you won’t be able to run it, or you’ll run with energy expenditure.

Inhale for every two steps and exhale for the next two steps. It will be difficult for you to adjust at first if you have never done this before, but then your breathing will become automatic.

Strengthen your heart. A strong heart is essential for developing endurance. To develop it, you need to seriously engage in cardio training.
For these, a lot of different exercise machines have been developed, such as an exercise bike, an elliptical trainer, and a rowing machine. Although you don't necessarily need to join a gym or buy expensive equipment if your goal is to strengthen your heart to run a specific distance in a specific time.
An exercise bike can be replaced by cycling, an elliptical can be replaced by jogging, and a rowing machine can be replaced by a boat or kayak.

Also suitable for training are jogging, intense walking, and prolonged exercise in or in a body of water.
Stop using public transport to get to work or school. Hop in or walk if distance allows. Don't use elevators, walk up the stairs. Of course, unless you live and work on the hundredth floor.
A trained heart will help you not to lose heart in the middle of the distance and maintain the set pace throughout all three kilometers.

Don't undermine your respiratory system. To run 3 km in 12 minutes, your speed should be about 15 km/h. Now think about whether you can maintain this speed throughout the entire distance if you smoke. So don’t complicate your task with extraneous factors.

Break the distance into 3 equal segments of 4 minutes each. You need to run enough for the first hundred, the remaining 4 minutes are easy to run without taxing your body too much. For the next 4 minutes you need to run moderately fast, but so that running is not a burden, otherwise you will not have enough strength to run. The remaining time will have to work and run at the expense of character. In the last hundred meters you should strengthen your will and finish as fast as you can.


  • How to run 1000 meters correctly

Some people's task is to run one kilometer It just seems overwhelming. Of course, how easy it will be for you to run depends on the degree of preparedness of your body. If you are faced with the task of running kilometer, make sure you are in shape by the time you start.

You will need

  • Sneakers or sneakers, tracksuit


Make it up for yourself. Determine the days you want to exercise. Start with walking. Just walk. Walk through the forest, park or city. Choose your own pace that is comfortable for you. Watch your breathing: breathe rhythmically, deeply, through your nose so that your muscles and internal organs receive enough oxygen. When you can walk for an hour without much effort, start running. Gradually introduce running into your training program. Let it be 5 minutes at first, then 10, then twice for 10 minutes. Consider your strength, do not bring yourself to exhaustion. Afterwards, warm up and stretch your muscles. Having completed the warm-up, you can do a little more. Do a set of exercises for all muscle groups, but do not allow unexpected overload. Lead a healthy lifestyle, get good sleep, stop drinking alcohol and tobacco, and eat right. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein food, because it is based on... And to have strength, you need carbohydrates. In this case, cereals made from grains and cereals, potatoes, fruits and vegetables will be useful. But it’s better not to get carried away with pasta and baked goods. When you feel that you are ready to run without stopping, think about your start. Imagine the distance, think about how you will behave at each stage. Mentally “run through” this kilometer. At the very beginning, it is better not to drive, but to maintain a restrained and comfortable pace. But closer to the finish line, you can allow yourself to accelerate. Before you run kilometer, don’t forget to do a little warm-up (at least walking). Warm up your muscles, prepare them for running. Set yourself up correctly. Tell yourself: “I am strong-willed and strong,” “I can run with ease.” one kilometer", "I'm ready to run one kilometer, I can handle". But don't get carried away with self-tuning too much. If you feel that you are not yet ready to overcome kilometer, don't fool yourself. Be honest with yourself.


If you have any health problems, be sure to consult your doctor before starting training. Ask him what load is acceptable for you, what types of exercises should be avoided, find out general recommendations for you in planning the training process.

Helpful advice

Remember that the key to success is regular training.

For amateur skiers, this type of “transport” is more entertainment than sport. Therefore, to the methods of movement on skiing they are not very attentive, not bothering to study all the subtleties. But even three simple “moves”, honed in accordance with the rules, will allow you to run skiing much faster and with less effort than usual.


The most common move that everyone has used at least once is the alternating two-step move. The movements here repeat the movements of the arms and legs during normal walking at a fast pace, when the opposite arm and leg are extended forward. Push off with your right leg and left hand, smoothly move your left leg forward, gradually transferring the weight of your body onto it. Bring your right arm forward, while your right leg also begins to move forward (after the push, it is slightly bent at the knee). The right stick is in the snow, and the same leg with the entire surface of the ski comes into contact with the ski track and begins to slide forward. The weight of the torso is distributed approximately equally on both support points. After pushing off, the left hand moves forward, and the right hand pushes. When the process of pushing off with the right hand is completed, the left leg begins it. With some training, you will be able to develop speed so that after each push you will slide at least two meters.

The body moves according to a similar principle during a four-step alternating stroke. The difference is that after two steps and push-offs, two steps are taken without the help of sticks. At the same time, you should not swing the sticks too much, throw them to the sides or drag them along - all this will slow down your running speed.

You can develop even greater speed if you learn how to move simultaneously in two steps. This is achieved by increasing the repulsion force of two at once. Moving by inertia, slightly bent and with your torso slightly tilted forward, transfer your body weight to your left leg. At the same time, bring your skis forward. Move your right leg forward and, pushing off with your left, slide on it. Push off with your right foot and stick your forward poles into the snow (they will be at an angle of about 50 degrees, aimed at you). When the kick is completed, the poles will be perpendicular to the track and will be at an acute angle forward. At this moment you need to start pushing off with your hands. At this time, sliding occurs on the left leg. When the push with sticks is completed, the right foot is placed next to the left and you move 3-5 meters by inertia. Then the whole cycle is repeated, but this time you should start with the other leg.

Video on the topic

“If you want to be healthy, run! If you want to be beautiful, run! If you want to be smart, run!” - the famous phrase that came to us from ancient Greece is absolutely true. Running undoubtedly helps keep you fit and improves your health. In order to successfully run 3 kilometers, you need to train and prepare.