Deadly beauty... What is it like?

A striking example is such dangerous but attractive creatures - snakes.

Despite their “poisonous” fame, many people sympathize with them and even buy them as pets. Maybe you are just that kind of exotic lover?

Or are you an avid traveler who cannot live a day without conquering peaks or cutting through plains?

In any case, even fans of extreme sports should be careful. And, to warn you and dispel the most popular myths about snakes, we have compiled the top 10 most dangerous and poisonous snakes on the planet.

Carefully read the information presented below, and then no snake can become a threat to you!

The viper belongs to the family of venomous snakes, consisting of ten genera and sixty species. Their habitat is quite wide - Northern and Central Europe, Central Asia and Africa.

The body length of the viper ranges from 50-80 centimeters, but there are species reaching up to 1 meter. Its color is very variable - it can be of any brightness and tone, but usually it is black, gray, brown or light yellow.

The unifying feature is the presence of a stripe along the back, usually in the shape of a zigzag. Their tail and belly are lighter than their body. The head has a pronounced triangular shape with a rounded nose. The pupils are vertical, but in low light they can become rounded.

All vipers are nocturnal, but during the day they prefer to bask in the sun. They feed mainly on mice, moles, birds, lizards and even snakes.

These reptiles are not at all aggressive, do not like disturbances and try to avoid meeting people. Only in case of deliberate provocation, or the unexpected appearance of a person, will they try to bite him. Starting an attack, the viper slowly bends back, curling the lower part of its body into a ring, and begins to hiss, expressing its displeasure. The bite itself occurs instantly - within 70 milliseconds. When throwing, the viper focuses on lightning speed, so it often misses, but will immediately try to bite again. During a throw, they can open their mouths up to 180 degrees.

And yet, the bite of this snake rarely leads to death - only in case of failure to provide medical assistance. For a third of the victims, the encounter with the viper is generally painless and without consequences. For the rest, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, chills and an allergic reaction to the poison, which can provoke pulmonary edema, are possible.

9. Spectacled snake (Indian cobra)

A beautiful and very elegant snake. In addition to the main bright and variegated color, glasses are “painted” on the upper part of the body, and this pattern not only helps the cobra stand out in the animal world, but also has a protective function. The glasses seem to warn that the enemy is always under control. Often the spectacled snake can be found near a person’s home, because there you can always easily profit from small pets, rats and mice. Naturally, such a neighborhood does not make people happy at all. But this snake very rarely attacks first, and will never attack on the sly. That is why in India they call her noble. Seeing a person, the cobra tries to hide, but if it fails, it takes a defensive stance, straightens its “hood” and begins to hiss aggressively. She can throw, but not bite, sometimes she bites, but does not inject poison. But all this is not out of good intentions, but out of greed - he doesn’t want to waste precious poison. But if, after all, a cobra bites a person, then there is very little time for salvation. In less than an hour, dangerous symptoms appear, and within a few hours, cardiac paralysis and death occur. The cubs that are born are poisonous from birth. And small animals die immediately from the bite of this reptile. Often these reptiles perform “dances”, where the charmer, using a pipe, makes them sway to a surprisingly enthusiastic audience.

A very dangerous tropical poisonous snake with beautiful skin color. It was nicknamed the rattlesnake for the characteristic sound coming from the tip of its tail. She is originally from America. These reptiles swim beautifully and are completely harmless in the water. But on land it is better to stay away from it, although if it is not nervous or irritated, this “rattle” will not attack a person. She can strike at a distance equal to more than half her body. The bite of this reptile is very powerful; it can bite through thick clothing and sturdy shoes. This is the danger that this snake carries. Rattlesnake venom is very dangerous. It destroys internal organs and tissues. The bite can be fatal if an antidote is not administered in time; fortunately, modern medicine has been using such drugs for a long time.

The risk of encountering the spiny tail exists only in Australia and New Guinea. These snakes hunt almost anyone, without any fear. Both relatives and other reptiles can be attacked. A spinytail bite typically contains forty to one hundred milligrams of venom.

And since the Australian spinytail is classified as neurotoxic by the type of venom, it rightfully occupies a place in our top of the most dangerous and poisonous snakes.

The consequence of the bite is paralysis of the respiratory system, which is why the victim usually dies after six to seven hours.

However, thanks to the invention of the antidote, medicine can now reduce symptoms in general and alleviate the condition of the bitten person.

Of all its species, the Malayan, or as it is also called the “blue” krait, is recognized as the most dangerous. You can meet such a snake while in Indonesia and in any part of Southeast Asia.

More than half of the bites from this krait lead to death, even despite timely emergency medical care and the administration of an antidote.
The "blue" krait easily hunts and kills other snakes, even those of its own kind. After dark they become more aggressive, as they hunt at this time of day. But still, when meeting a person, they first try to hide.

The venom of the Malayan krait is sixteen times stronger and more dangerous than the venom of the cobra. After the bite, almost instantly, convulsions begin. After a short period of time, paralysis occurs.

Before the invention of the antidote, 89% of victims died, however, even with the advent of the neutralizer, the mortality rate did not decrease much.

This is one of the most dangerous reptiles in the world. The length of this snake can reach three meters. Its color is changeable, the top can be green, olive, brown, black, there are spots or stripes on the body. The abdomen is yellow or yellow-green. This adder lives in Africa, in the south and southwest. He likes to hide in the ground, in trees and bushes, he moves well in trees, the main thing is not to confuse him with a branch and not to grab the boomslang. That’s when he becomes aggressive and attacks, and if you don’t touch him, then when he meets a person he tries to hide. The poison is very dangerous; small animals die from a bite within a couple of minutes. Due to the structure of its teeth, it is “inconvenient” for the boomslang to bite large animals, so it bites several times and, as it were, “chews” the victim in its mouth. Loves to feast on birds and their eggs. A very graceful, lightning-fast, dangerous snake.

4. Mulga or Brown King

This type of dangerous snake is common in Australia. Mulga is a large snake ranging in size from 1.5 to 3 meters. Skin color varies depending on the habitat - it can be light brown for desert dwellers, or it can be almost black if the snake lives in cold areas. Its venom is very toxic and releases about 150 mg at a time. And the worst thing is that, having bitten, the mulga does not let go of its victim, but holds it with its long teeth, “pouring” more and more poison into it. She does not disdain lizards, frogs, mammals, as well as other reptiles, even poisonous ones. And she digests them easily, because her stomach is even adapted for this. The peculiarity of this snake is its wide neck, into which the head imperceptibly passes, although in other species of snakes, due to glands with poison, the head stands out against the background of a narrow neck. Females lay up to twenty eggs and immediately after that abandon them, and after two to three months new brown kings are born on their own.

Terrible, fast, merciless, unforgiving and very poisonous - all this is about her, about the bloodthirsty African reptile - the Black Mamba. Moreover, it is not called black because of its skin color; it can be different: from dark brown to dark gray and from olive to green. But the color of the mouth is frighteningly black, and the shape of the jaw is shaped like a coffin. Mamba venom acts very quickly. After its bite, death can occur in 15 minutes or a maximum of three hours, which is how much time a person has to administer the antidote. A mamba can bite up to twelve times on one victim. At one time, she can release from 100 to 400 mg of poison, although 15-20 mg is enough to kill an adult with this poison. And despite the advances of medicine, thousands of people in Africa die every year from the bites of this snake. She likes to settle near human habitation, taking a liking to garbage dumps, so an everyday activity such as taking out the garbage makes it quite an extreme activity. The black mamba reaches a length of up to three meters; it is one of the “fastest” snakes on the planet; when moving, it reaches a speed of about 20 km/h. Its diet includes birds, squirrels, and small rodents. It attacks a person, most often only when it is disturbed.

And this adder lives in pastures, forests, deserts, and meadows in southeastern Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. This is a relatively small snake - its length is usually up to two meters. But with such a small size, its poison is considered one of the most poisonous. After being bitten by this snake, small animals die instantly, and the poison contained in its glands is enough to kill 400 people. Favorite food: birds, mice, frogs. The main danger is that this “beauty” lies motionless almost all day and is very easy to mistake for a stick. And the most important thing when meeting her is not to disturb her and stay as far away from her as possible. In fact, this is a fairly “peaceful” snake, as long as you don’t touch it; it doesn’t rush at people, doesn’t crawl into people’s homes, and generally tries to stay away from people. And only when there is a need for protection can it attack itself.

Taipan belongs to the genus of poisonous snakes, the family of asps. You can meet it on the coasts of Australia and in the southeast of New Guinea. These extremely venomous snakes grow to approximately three meters. They are very aggressive. Before the development of an antidote, their bite killed in almost 100% of cases. The Taipan is easily recognized by its long fangs, light cream head color, orange eyes and brownish coloring. They lead a mostly diurnal lifestyle. They feed on rats, birds, lizards and small animals. This species of snake has excellent hearing and vision. They quickly sneak up on their prey, then, approaching, they raise their heads, shaking them, and attack with lightning speed. After which, they wait for the poison to take effect before eating. Taipan poison blocks muscle contractions, causing paralysis, disrupts blood clotting, causes vomiting, severe headaches, and later convulsions begin, leading to a coma. I consider Taipans to be the smartest of all venomous snakes. They avoid meeting people, but if they sense danger, they will defend themselves by inflicting several bites in a row. The poison of one bite is enough to kill about a hundred people.

The antidote must be made within three minutes, otherwise death is inevitable.

There are many different species of snakes in the world. Some of them pose a danger to human life. Snake venom enters the human body through touch or bite, and sometimes you can become poisoned by eating snake meat.

It’s impossible to talk about all poisonous snakes at once; let’s focus on the most famous of them. So, I present to you ten the most poisonous snakes in the world.

Top 10 most poisonous snakes in the world

The Belcher's sea snake is the most venomous snake in the world. The snake got its name from explorer Edward Belcher and is also sometimes called the striped sea snake. A snake rarely attacks a person; in order to provoke it to bite, you need to try very hard, so cases of a Belcher sea snake bite are extremely rare. You can meet it in the waters off Southeast Asia and Northern Australia.

The victims of bites most often were sailors who caught the snake in nets along with fish. However, it is known that only a quarter of the bitten sailors died, since the snake rarely injects its venom completely. One milligram of Belcher's snake venom can kill 1,000 people - it is the most toxic snake venom in the world.

The inland taipan or fierce snake today ranks second in our ranking of the most poisonous snakes in the world. The taipan lives in Australia and is distinguished by its ability to change color depending on the time of year. It can be difficult to see the snake, as it prefers soil breaks and cracks.

The taipan is the most venomous land snake in the world. The maximum recorded yield of poison is 110 milligrams, which is enough to kill 100 people or, for example, 250,000 mice. This snake is fifty times more poisonous than a cobra. Fortunately, the inland taipan is not too aggressive, and it can be seen extremely rarely. There have been no recorded cases of human deaths from a taipan bite, although it can kill an adult in 45 minutes.

In third place is the eastern brown snake, which lives in Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. The venom of this snake can cause bleeding, muscle paralysis, kidney failure, and cardiac arrest. There are cases where a person died instantly after being bitten by a snake.

Unfortunately, the eastern brown snake prefers to live near populated areas, so bites are common. The snake moves quickly and can be aggressive: it chases its prey and attacks repeatedly. The venom contains neurotoxins and blood coagulants. The eastern brown snake reacts to movement, so when encountering one, you should remain calm and, if possible, not move.

The Malayan Blue Krait is certainly worthy of our rating. It lives in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. The color of the snake resembles a zebra or a traffic cop's baton - a dark background with bright white stripes. More than half of blue krait bites are fatal, despite antivenom. The krait is a nocturnal predator, which is why it is more active at night.

The venom of the Malayan blue krait is a neurotoxin 16 times more potent than that of the cobra. When it enters the human body, it causes convulsions and paralysis, which lead to death. Before receiving the antidote, the mortality rate from bites was 85%, however, the antidote does not guarantee survival. death usually occurs 6-12 hours after a krait bite.

The most dangerous black mamba lives in many parts of the African continent. As you know, the snake is very aggressive and usually its throw is extremely accurate. The black mamba is the fastest land snake in the world, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour. This terrible snake is capable of 12 bites in a row.

The venom is a fast-acting neurotoxin. During one injection, the snake releases an average of 100-120 milligrams of poison. If the poison reaches a vein, then 0.25 milligrams of poison per 1 kilogram of body is enough to kill a person. Initial symptoms of a bite: pain in the bite area, tingling in the mouth and limbs, double vision, severe confusion, fever, increased salivation, ataxia (lack of muscle control). If the victim does not receive medical attention as soon as possible, symptoms quickly progress to severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and paralysis. Eventually, respiratory arrest, coma and death occur. Depending on the nature of the bite, death occurs in the range from 15 minutes to 3 hours. Without antivenom, the mortality rate is 100%, the highest mortality rate of any venomous snake.

The tiger snake lives in southeastern Australia. Its disposition is quite peaceful - the snake attacks only if it is disturbed, but in the event of an attack it strikes with unerring accuracy.

Snake venom is a powerful neurotoxin that causes internal and external bleeding and muscle paralysis. Most often, the death of the victim occurs precisely because of heavy bleeding. Before the creation of an antidote, the mortality rate from a tiger snake bite was 60-70%. Death from the bite can occur within 30 minutes, but usually occurs within 6 to 24 hours.

The Philippine cobra, as the name suggests, lives in the Philippine Islands, mainly in fields and jungles. This is a relatively small brown snake that can reach 1 meter in length.

The Philippine cobra is the most poisonous among cobras. It differs in that it is capable of throwing poison at a distance of up to 3 meters. The poison is a neurotoxin that leads to disruption of cardiac and respiratory functions. Human death can occur within 30 minutes after the bite. Symptoms of poisoning include headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and seizures.

Many of our readers have probably heard about the viper. This snake is found throughout most of the world. Prefers damp places, forest edges, river banks, swamps, lakes, and climbs mountains. Mainly nocturnal, most active after rains. The viper is a very fast snake.

The initial symptoms of viper poisoning are pain at the site of the bite and swelling of the affected part. Symptoms such as bleeding (especially from the gums), a drop in blood pressure, and a decrease in heart rate may also occur. Superficial necrosis of the affected area often occurs; in a third of cases, vomiting and facial swelling are observed. If there is no antidote within 1 to 14 days, death occurs from blood poisoning, respiratory or heart failure.

The viper-like death snake lives mainly in New Guinea and Australia, preferring rocks and dry places. The snake, both in appearance and in behavioral factors, is very similar to a viper, hence its name. A deadly snake can lie in ambush without moving for up to several days, waiting for its prey. It feeds on rodents, small birds, and can attack other snakes. The snake's head has the shape of a triangle with a sharp neck, its body is short and thick.

At one time, the viper-like death snake typically injects 40-100 milligrams of neurotoxic venom. Untreated bites are among the most dangerous in the world. The greatest danger to life occurs 24-48 hours after the bite, so due to the slow progression of symptoms, antivenom can be quite effective.

Last in our ranking the most poisonous snakes in the world A rattlesnake that is easily identified by the special rattles or rattles on its tail. The rattlesnake is very poisonous and neither clothing nor shoes can protect you from its bite. The snake lives mainly in North America, prefers dry and rocky areas, burrows of rodents and birds. By nature, the snake is lazy, although it can crawl quickly. It announces itself with a characteristic rustling noise created by a rattle.

Young rattlesnakes are most venomous due to their inability to control the amount of venom injected. Rattlesnake venom is a powerful coagulant and causes difficulty breathing, paralysis, and severe bleeding. A snake bite is always dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. However, antivenom is usually very effective and reduces mortality by up to 4%.

The top 15 most poisonous snakes in the world is a list of poisonous reptiles, an encounter with which most often ends in death for humans. Our ancestors worshiped snakes as powerful deities and were terrified of their appearance as a deadly weapon that could both heal and kill. They became a symbol of wisdom and deceit. There are more than 2,500 species of snakes on our planet, most of which secrete venom.

Not only reptiles, but also some plants and insects have poisonous properties. There are especially many of them in those climatic zones in which nature still remains lush and unknown. These are the so-called exotic countries, where danger lurks at every step of the tourist. Therefore, it is important for the traveler to know what deadly creatures live there in order to exercise maximum caution when meeting them. This article will help the reader figure out which snakes are best avoided on a long journey.

15th place – Sandy efa

Vipers are one of the most common families of reptiles, and the sand ephas also belongs to them. This is a fairly small snake, barely exceeding 60 cm in size. It is easily recognized by its side stripe in the form of a light zigzag, as well as white spots that are found on the head and back. Sandy efa is covered with small, somewhat ribbed scales. On the surface of the earth it moves as if sideways, that is, initially the snake throws its head to the side, after which the rear body is moved sideways, and only after that the front one. Because of this, the sand efu is quite easy to recognize by the traces it leaves - oblique strips with hooks at the ends. Its habitat includes most of North America, Turkmenistan, India, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.

The behavior of the sand epha is not aggressive; it avoids meeting people and prefers to calmly crawl away to its shelter. It is easy to spot on the soil or in dry grass by the whitish spots on its back. Most often, the snake warns the unwary traveler with a slight rustling sound that it is somewhere nearby. Fatal bites most often occurred due to the negligence of the person himself, who wanted to pick her up or accidentally stepped on her. The venom is toxic and causes profuse bleeding, both at the bite site and in weakened areas such as the nose or mouth. Every fourth person bitten by ephas dies. If you have an antidote at hand, the toxin can be sucked out by mouth; it will be absolutely safe for the rescuer.

14th place – Ruzel’s Viper

This snake lives in Sri Lanka. Its poison is not a potent toxin of animal origin. However, the danger for tourists is that there is simply no antidote for the poison secreted by the Ruzel viper in Sri Lanka, which leads to a large number of deaths. You can recognize it by its widened nostrils, which makes the snake’s hiss even louder and more threatening. The color of this representative of reptiles is unusually beautiful: the entire back is covered with red spots in three rows, which are edged with narrow stripes. Most often, the spots are fused together, resulting in an original-looking chain.

13th place – Black echidna

Local residents simply call this snake “black death.” Its coloring is truly extremely shocking: absolutely black scales and a bright red belly. It is one of the largest, about 2.5 meters, and at the same time poisonous snakes. Its daily diet includes rodents and various amphibians. The bite of the black echidna is fatal if the person is not provided with an antidote in time. The Black Death spread throughout Australia, with the exception of Tasmania. Every year, a large number of sheep and cattle die from its poison, but recently, as a result of the destruction and development of industry, the number of these snakes has decreased significantly.

However, if a person is nevertheless bitten by a black echidna, then slight pain will be felt at the site of the bite, and later swelling will appear in the affected area. If the antidote is not administered in time, the following symptoms will be: severe vomiting, possibly with blood, difficulty breathing, drowsiness, dizziness, diarrhea. However, without catatonia or seizures.

12th place – Bushmaster

The habitat of the bushmaster includes some countries in South America: Brazil, Panama Islands, Trinidad and Guyana. Individuals of this species are distinguished by their large size (more than 3 m) and body width, but the most important feature is the head in the form of a triangle. Local residents claim that this snake is extremely aggressive and always attacks to the last, trying to bite a person as many times as possible. The toxins released by the bushmaster are very poisonous; even the bite of a young snake is enough to cause death.

Local residents have bloodthirsty legends in which the bushmaster also appears; he can crawl to women under the cover of darkness and suck out their milk and blood. Travelers are also in danger from this snake, since the legends of the tribes of the places where this reptile lives say that the bushmaster first hypnotizes and then lures a person into his lair, where he devours him. However, no legends prevent the same Indians from successfully using the poison of this land reptile for medicinal purposes. This is such a paradox.

11th place – Tiger snake

Prefers to settle in meadows and steppe zones, less often in forests. The habitat is not very wide, including only the southern and eastern parts of Australia. The maximum body length of a tiger snake is 2 m. It is of particular interest to naturalists, since it does not lay eggs, but immediately gives birth to small snakes (more than 25 individuals). The coloring resembles the skin of a tiger, hence the name tiger snake. Its diet consists of amphibians and small rodents. If a tiger snake bites a small animal, it dies on the spot, its venom is so strong. For humans, the danger is no less; if you do not take the antidote within 24 hours, the probability of death is more than 96%.

Naturalists share their observations that this type of reptile is equipped with a pair of poisonous fangs with special grooves. In other snakes, the teeth are closed in the form of hollow tubes, but in a tiger snake everything is completely different - around the gland that produces poison, there is a muscle that, when contracted, squeezes the poison out, like a spring, straight into the body of the victim. Having reached the center of innervation, the toxin actively affects the heart and lungs, which shut down without an antidote, which leads to death.

Local residents claim that this snake, although dangerous, is also quite cowardly. She is not attracted to crowded places, and prefers to live away from highways and big cities. However, tourists should stay as far away from it as possible, since one portion of its poison can kill about 200 people.

10th place – Viper

The family of vipers is one of the largest among snakes, for this reason they should be described separately, moreover, they are most often found in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. These include: the common viper, the steppe viper and Nikolsky's viper. Their favorite places traditionally include wetlands, the banks of ponds and lakes, mixed forests and mountainous areas with high air humidity. The viper prefers to go hunting at night, which significantly reduces encounters with it during the daytime. However, there are often cases when a snake crawls out onto a stump or mossy stone to bask in the rays of the sun, where tourists meet it. Vipers are not known for their aggressive behavior, so they try to hide when they see a person.

Symptoms of a viper bite are the following: sharp pain at the site of the immediate bite, after a while the blood pressure decreases, and then the heart rate. In parallel with the internal processes, the bite is externally accompanied by: nausea, aching bones and joints, gag reflexes and nosebleeds. If the victim is not given an antidote within 14 days, death occurs, mostly due to cardiac or respiratory failure, or due to infection of the circulatory system. However, there is a high chance of surviving without taking medication, but it’s better to be safe.

9th place – Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake's habitat is limited to North America. Its favorite places to choose a home should be dry, most often it settles in the burrows of small rodents and birds. A distinctive feature of this representative of reptiles is the rattle at the end of the tail, which crackles as the snake moves. Thus, she warns of her appearance. A tourist who hears the characteristic cracking noise made by a rattlesnake needs to get away, although this individual tries to avoid humans whenever possible, biting only in the most extreme danger.

Adult snakes are characterized by the ability to hide and camouflage perfectly, which cannot be said about their young offspring, who pose a particular danger. Firstly, they have not yet learned to avoid people, and secondly, they have absolutely no control over the amount of poison released during an attack. The strong coagulant contained in the toxin leads, in most cases, to complete or partial paralysis of the body, which occurs simultaneously with interruptions in blood circulation. An antidote does not provide a complete guarantee of healing, but it increases the chance of survival.

8th place – Philippine cobra

The name of this snake is strongly associated with its habitat - the Philippine Islands. This cobra is the most poisonous in its family. One good thing is that you can meet her only in remote, abandoned places or impenetrable jungles. It is distinguished by aggressive behavior, and attacks the violator of its peace without delay, while spitting poison no less than 2.5 m. Naturalists warn that such spitting very rarely misses the target, so stay away from the Philippine cobra when you meet , you need to go as far as possible.

The snake's venom is highly neurotoxic, and begins to act as soon as even one drop hits open skin. Instantly, the victim begins to feel dizzy, the rhythm of the heart and lungs become difficult, and later a severe headache, diarrhea and cramps begin. A fatal outcome, if immediate medical attention is not provided, occurs within 15-20 minutes. 0.15 mg of venom from cobras is capable of killing an adult.

7th place – Malayan region

Another name for this snake is blue krait. It was first discovered in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The snake is quite small, not even 1 m in length. It has a beautiful appearance - blue scales with evenly distributed black zigzag stripes. It prefers to hunt at night, is not particularly hot-tempered and avoids humans, but cases of bite and fatal outcome do occur.

Krayt venom is very dangerous; it causes uncontrollable spasms of the limbs, which over time turn into complete paralysis of the entire body. Scientists have calculated that the neurotoxin in cobra venom is 15 times weaker than the venom of the Malayan krait. Moreover, the situation is aggravated by the fact that in 45% of cases the antidote is absolutely useless for this snake bite. Death occurs within 5-10 hours.

6th place – Australian Spinetail

Based on the name of this snake, you can understand where exactly it lives. But its range is not limited only to the mainland, but also includes New Guinea. The length of the snake reaches about 60-70 cm. The coloring is somewhat reminiscent of the abdomen of a wasp - yellow lines alternate with black ones. The spiketail is distinguished by its bloodthirstiness, as it is not averse to feasting on other snakes, while not refusing mice or small amphibians. It rarely attacks people, but if you wander into its territory, it becomes quite aggressive.

The name reptiles received as a result of the fact that it has a horny spike in the tail. If the antidote is not administered within 5 hours, the bite can be fatal.

5th place – Blue coral snake

This snake demonstrates with all its appearance: “don’t touch me.” The blue snake is easily identified by the purple coloring of its head and bluish zigzags throughout the body. Habitat: Southeast Asia. Scientists note that the snake is not aggressive, and when it sees a person it prefers to hide rather than attack, however, there have been accidents when a tourist stepped on a coral snake, and the snake bit it in self-defense.

The venom of this representative of snakes has unique properties, and when it enters the circulatory system, it can cause complete or partial dysfunction of all physiological systems of the body. Most often, the bitten person immediately falls into catatonia, that is, virtually immobilized. After this, uncontrollable convulsions begin. In many ways, naturalists explain this effect of the poison by the fact that the blue snake often hunts other poisonous snakes, and for this it is necessary to have impressive qualities of its own poison. The gland that secretes the neurotoxin occupies about a quarter of the snake's body.

Only deadly spiders and scorpions, as well as some deep-sea gastropods, can boast of poisons of such toxicity. No matter how strange it may sound, the toxins secreted by the blue snake are actively used in pharmaceuticals, and effective painkillers are developed on their basis.

4th place – Indian cobra

This snake is known to many from the cartoon “Riki-tiki-tavi”, where the brave mongoose fights with it, protecting its owners. Sometimes this cobra is also called a spectacled snake, due to the fact that at the moment of danger it inflates its hood menacingly, on which there appear to be two eyes. Its habitat includes India, the Philippine Islands, southern China and Central Asia. The Indian cobra is dangerous for humans because it is not particularly picky about its place of residence, so it can be found both in gardens and orchards, as well as in ordinary parks or orchards.

Many deaths from the venom of this cobra are due to the fact that it is not averse to settling in close proximity to humans. So in Indian villages there are frequent cases of bites right in chicken coops, where the snake crawls to feast on fresh eggs. Its poison is extremely toxic, and begins to act immediately after entering the body. The bitten area swells and after a while becomes paralyzed. The next stage is complete paralysis, frequent heartbeats, and breathing problems. The victim is unable to sit or stand without assistance, sometimes uncontrolled salivation begins, and the body temperature rises significantly. The occurrence of death largely depends on the timeliness of medical care, as well as the person’s build and the amount of poison that got inside. On average, death occurs within 5-10 hours, less often within 24 hours.

3rd place – Black Mamba

One of the most poisonous and deadly snakes on the entire planet is the black mamba, which is found exclusively in Africa. Black adjacent scales completely cover the body of this reptile, so it is quite easy for it to hide in the shadows of the jungle to wait for its prey. The character of this snake is warlike and aggressive; it attacks without hesitation the disturber of its peace, trying to bite him as many times as possible (10 consecutive bites are possible), and one dose of poison is enough to kill about 20 people at a time. It is difficult to escape from her, as she crawls at a speed of 18 km per hour. Seeing its prey, the mamba begins to chase it with all its might. The main goal is to destroy or eat. Few people can boast of meeting this snake, because few people left alive after such a meeting. The aggressiveness of the snake is played out in cinema and literature, where it has become a symbol of senseless and causeless aggression combined with absolute mercilessness and lethality.

The poison of the black mamba, which is the strongest in the world and causes irreversible destruction only when it gets on the victim’s skin, deserves special mention. Then the victim gets even worse: aching bones and joints, foam at the mouth, perspiration, dizziness. After a short period of time, this is accompanied by vomiting, breathing problems and convulsions. At the last stage - interruptions in the functioning of the heart and lungs, catatonia and the end. If you do not immediately administer an antidote to the bite victim, death occurs in 20-30 minutes.

2nd place – Australian Taipan

Among the local population, the taipan received the “speaking” name of “cruel snake.” It lives mainly in the central part of Australia. The Australian taipan looks majestic, its scales are light brown, so in the conditions of the Australian prairies it is easy to miss. Scientists have recognized the toxin it produces as one of the most poisonous in the world. However, there is good news, firstly, the “cruel snake” avoids the company of people, and secondly, it is extremely difficult to meet him, since he prefers to settle in places where no human has ever set foot. In such quiet and secluded parts of Australia, he calmly breeds his offspring and hunts small rodents and birds.

An interesting fact is that according to official data, not a single person has yet died from the poison of this land reptile. However, the neurotoxin in the deadly substance released by the taipan is quite enough to kill about 90 people. Its venom is 45 times stronger than that of a cobra and 8 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake. If tourists are “lucky enough” to encounter this reptile, it is better to tactfully leave so as not to play with their own death.

1st place - Belcher's Sea Serpent

The first place among the most dangerous and poisonous snakes on our planet deservedly goes to the Belcher's sea snake, which is named after its discoverer E. Belcher. The reptile lives exclusively at great depths in the Indian Ocean. The sea serpent is very beautiful; its scales are formed by alternating black and soft blue stripes. However, one should not be deceived by its attractive appearance, since the toxicity of its poison is so great that one serving can kill about 900 people. Oddly enough, his behavior is quite good-natured, and he never attacks people. Recorded cases of death are associated with the fact that some tourists, in their stupidity, decided to hold it in their arms, as well as in cases with fishermen who, while catching fish with nets, simply did not notice that a deadly snake also got there along with it. But even in these cases, Belcher's sea snake carries out a so-called “dry bite”, without releasing venom. Such an attack is intended to scare away, but not to kill.

2017.08.12 by

You don't have to be a herpetophobe to know which snakes are dangerous or completely harmless. But if you meet the most poisonous snake in the world and bite, it will cost a person his life. Let's find out which of them are the most dangerous.

Taipan is the most poisonous snake

The most poisonous snake is the taipan, which lives on the Australian continent. The second name of this snake is Cruel. This name is explained by the fact that the concentration of poison in one snake bite will kill a hundred people. The taipan's venom is 10 times more deadly than the rattlesnake and 50 times more deadly than that of the most dangerous cobra.

The taipan reacts with lightning speed to aggression, biting the enemy several times in a row. Anyone bitten by a taipan experiences paralysis of the respiratory muscles and symptoms of blood incoagulability. After a bite, if an antidote is not administered, the person dies within 4 hours.

Taipans are peace-loving and attack only in case of aggression from a person; however, when they bite, they do not spray the entire dose of poison. These snakes do not settle near human habitation, so they are not common. In the 50s of the twentieth century, an antidote to snake venom was developed. If you go to the hospital in a timely manner in case of a bite, you will only get away with fear.

Taipans from the adder family are presented in three types:

  • common (coastal, New Guinea, northwestern Australian);
  • McCoy (violent or inland);
  • temporalis (inland) is a little-known species, having only been discovered in 2007.

Coastal taipans are large (up to 3.5 m in length) snakes of a uniform brownish or reddish hue. McCoy's species is slightly shorter (1.9 m in length). It is the only snake in Australia that changes color depending on the season (darker in winter). It is assumed that the recently discovered species of taipan - temporalis - is more poisonous than its counterparts. Scientists cannot say for sure, since this species is rare.

Taipans are the most dangerous land snakes. And among marine inhabitants, the champion in deadliness is Belcher's snake. Its poison is 10 times more dangerous: the dose of poison from one bite is enough to kill 1,000 people. But she is peaceful and bites only fishermen who get caught in their nets. However, when bitten, not the entire dose is injected into the wound, so some victims survive.

The most dangerous snakes: list

If we compare the potency of snake venom, the list in descending order looks like this:

  • Mulga (brown King). Like most dangerous adders, it lives in Australia. Mulga venom is extremely lethal. Even a meeting with an immature individual can be fatal. The snake is aggressive and chases the offender, but in half the cases it does not bite. To avoid danger, when you encounter this reptile, freeze and do not move.
  • Blue (or Malayan) krait, native to Southeast Asia. It is most dangerous at night when it hunts. The bite is fatal in 50% of cases when an antidote is administered in a timely manner. The agony lasts 6–12 hours.
  • Black mamba from Africa. It is considered the fastest on earth among its relatives: it is capable of covering 20 km in an hour. The snake is unusually accurate and can attack up to a dozen times. The poison from one bite can kill more than ten people. If an antidote is not administered, death occurs within half an hour in 100% of cases.
  • Tiger snake from Australia. Her attack always ends with a bite, since the reptile does not miss. As a rule, this is a peaceful snake, but when in danger it always acts decisively. The neurotoxin in the venom initially causes severe pain at the site of the bite, and death occurs from suffocation.
  • Philippine cobra. Among its relatives, it is the most deadly. A distinctive feature of all cobras is their beautiful hood, which opens when aggressive. The main danger of this snake is its ability to spit neurotoxic venom at a distance of up to 3 m.
  • Viper (lives everywhere). The most dangerous vipers (sand vipers) are found in Central Asia and the Middle East. A distinctive feature of the action of viper venom is extensive tissue necrosis and intoxication of the body. The bites are painful. Without treatment, a person dies within a few days from sepsis, a malfunction of the respiratory or cardiac system.
  • Australian spinytail. Snakes hunt their fellows. Externally they look like rattlers. Throw speed when attacking - 0.13 s. If an antidote is not administered, the bitten person dies within 6 hours from asphyxia.
  • The rattlesnake is common in the North American region. It got its name because of the rattle located at the tip of its tail. These are dead skin scales that, when the tail bends, touch each other and rattle. A snake attacks a person only when driven into a corner.

These poisonous snakes are dangerous to humans. Snake venom, injected during a bite, is a neuro- and hemotoxin. They inhibit respiratory function (resulting in difficulty breathing, paralysis) and cause coagulation (clotting). After a bite, scars remain on the skin.

An encounter with poisonous snakes can result in death, and even if an antidote is administered in time, this does not always save a life. Basically, these creatures are quite peaceful and attack if they sense danger. Vital advice: if you are in snake territory, be careful and attentive so as not to inadvertently provoke the reptile.

Our cute animals and smaller brothers are snakes... They are also beautiful, smart, good, if they do not touch a person. There are a huge number of poisonous snakes in nature, which it is better not to meet on your way. They can bite, sting and even kill. Today the site offers the top 10 most dangerous snakes in the world, from which you need to run while you can.

Top 10 most dangerous snakes

1. Taipan or the most cruel snake

The taipan opens the list of the most dangerous snakes in the world. This individual is too terrible for humans, regardless of size and age. The snake will always attack first, it destroys brain cells, it kills over 100 people at once in a matter of seconds. Her strength can be envied, and her poison is better not to dream about. One bite allows the snake to get rid of a person or other victim that it did not like in 1.3 seconds.

If you meet such a beauty in Australia, run while you have time. It is better to postpone photographs and videotaping for another time; now you should focus on saving your own life. The length of the snake can reach several meters, and the compression force of the flesh is so high that the bones will not even crack.

2. Tiger snake

This "viper" is much more dangerous than you thought. No, it can only be called a viper because it is poisonous. The tiger snake will never wait for danger to come to it. She can protect herself from animals and people. If a person is visible on the horizon, she will wait for him. No, this is not for fun, this is just how the snake essence is. The reptile will bite your leg or arm so that the poison penetrates faster through the blood. The human body is instantly paralyzed, and the snake wins the fight.

If you think that the emergency hospital will come to your aid, you are mistaken. There is no medicine yet that could remove snake venom from a person. The tiger coloring indicates snake hunting - the reptile is capable of attacking just as it sometimes seems. If you do not leave the scene of the attack in time, the bite and throw will occur again until several individuals appear on your path at once. Then you can only pray.

3. Philippine cobra

The Philippine cobra reveals the top three most dangerous snakes in the world. An adult can kill a person from a distance of 3 meters. The reptile cannot do without spitting, because its color is often confused with logs and earth. Unwittingly, people step on it, but this is how nature intended it - a snake can warn about itself, saving its life. Spitting venom will tell you that the cobra is nearby and should not be trampled under foot. But if it hits, the warning will be useless - a dead person will not understand anything from this life lesson.

4. Tape edge

The ribbon krait is also among the top most venomous snakes. It belongs to the species Aspidae. This snake is found only in China and India, and then only in the south. Tropical terrain is the ideal habitat for an adder of this size. The ribbon snake loves water, and never leaves it just like that. Moreover, she does not sleep at night, but hunts to feed herself and her family. Small snakes are not poisonous, but if you harm them, be prepared to meet an adult, as it is always nearby with its offspring.

One snake can kill several dozen people at once, but in India they are not afraid of it. There they called her the shy snake because her head is always hidden under her tail. Probably, the light prevents her from being in plain sight, and maybe she is really embarrassed by human eyes. Indians walk past her, jump, run - she does not react unless you make fun of her children. Such a caring mother.

5. King Cobra

This is the largest species of the most dangerous snakes. One individual, even if not an adult, can kill several people. Scientists conducted experiments, but not without casualties. One portion of the venom that the snake secretes is enough to kill in an instant 23 people and one adult old elephant, whose weight exceeds a ton. It would seem that the man is much smaller, and the elephant is simply huge in comparison. However, the snake's venom kills an elephant faster than one adult man, for example.

6. Efa

The Efa snake is a common sight in hot countries and jungles. But if you disturb her, you can become a big prey. She will not eat a person, but she will bite so much that there will be several hours left to save her. In the best case, the person will be cured, in the worst, his health will be undermined, and then he will say goodbye to life. Painful bites and a poisonous sting do their job. Efa's length does not exceed one meter, but this does not stop her from attacking people.

7. Common viper

This type of snake can be found in almost all countries of the world - Europe, USA, Asia, etc. Full-fledged especially, who are already ready for reproductive actions, they give birth to offspring. The length of the snake reaches 70 cm, but usually its “height” does not exceed 67 cm. An adult snake has a toxic and poisonous bite that does not kill a person, but leaves a cripple for life. But we don’t think it’s necessary to tempt fate and check.

8. Rattlesnake

Pit snakes have strong and fast-acting venom. Rattlers or rattlers are the names of these most dangerous snakes. The animal will never attack first, but when it senses danger, it begins to rattle its tail, hence the name. You can simply walk by, and if the snake perceives you as a threat, be prepared to flee. The rattlesnake will not stand on ceremony and hesitate.

9. Black Mamba

Without declaring war, this most dangerous snake in the world attacks at any time of the day. The name speaks for itself - it lives in Africa. This is probably why she was called that, or maybe, on the contrary, the color was obtained for camouflage and similarity with “our own”. The mouth and teeth are also black, but have two white dots - holes for poison. The length of snakes reaches 3 meters.

10. Reticulated Brown Snake

This beauty completes the top 10 most dangerous snakes in the world. It is capable of killing several people at once - the snake has toxic poison, and the species of this animal ranks third in the degree of toxicity of the poison. These adders can watch their prey for a long time, frightening them with their presence. But if she doesn't like you, she will attack first without asking permission.

See also video "10 Most Dangerous Snakes on the Planet".

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