Rimma Kokurina
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “National Unity Day”

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 39".

National Unity Day.

Thematic activity for children

preparatory group.

Made up:

Teacher of the first qualification category

Kokurina R. Yu.

Arzamas, 2014

Target: Introducing children to the history of Russia and their native land.


Foster patriotic feelings and pride for your country;

Be able to recognize and name the heroes of Russia;

Contribute to the development of communication skills (express your point of view, work in group, listen to the opinions of others).

Develop the ability to correlate the rhythm of repeated movements with a poetic text;

Improve the ability to listen carefully and use learned speech patterns.


Presentation « National Unity Day» .

Visual material "State symbols of Russia".

Audio recording of the Russian anthem.


Creative: Presentation - « National Unity Day» ;

Explanatory and illustrative;

Artistic word;

Health saving technology – logorhythmics "I you he…";

Puzzle game “Collect a coat of arms, a flag”.

Educator: Children, there are many kind and good words in the Russian language, but among them there are words that always make us feel proud

"Home", "Fatherland", "Russia"

Yes, "Native side".

Who will tell you what they mean

Those big words?

Wheat field, and mountains, and forest,

And the hot sun from the high skies,

The birch trees bowed to the ground -

We proudly call all this Russia.

Slide No. 1, 2

Russia, Motherland. This is the land where we were born, where we live,

this is our home, this is everything that surrounds us.

Educator: Now, I’ll ask you to choose the right beautiful words for the word Motherland... What is our Motherland? (children's statements)

Educator: Well done! This is what a wonderful Motherland we have...

Educator: But not always, guys. the peoples of Russia lived in unity. Unfortunately, throughout history, Russia has been tested for strength many times, and has more than once experienced times when its unity when hostility and hunger reigned in the country.

Listen to what happened 400 years ago...

Russian land was occupied by enemies - Poles. It seemed that the Russian state had perished and would never regain its former power. But the Russian people could not and did not want to accept the death of their state.

Slide number 3

Educator: In the fall, in Nizhny Novgorod, the zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin began to gather an army to fight the enemies. - Friends and brothers! Holy Rus' is perishing! - he said. - Let us help, brothers, the holy homeland!

Educator: One of the best military leaders of that time, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, known for his courage and honesty, was called to command the militia.

Slide No. 4, 5

Educator: the militia of Minin and Pozharsky marched on Moscow. The entire Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors. The battles for Moscow began. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kuzma Minin, not sparing his life, fought under the walls of the capital like a simple warrior.

Slide number 6

Educator: And then came the glorious day: The enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the victors! When times of peace came, the tsar generously rewarded Minin and Pozharsky. But the best reward was memory folk.

Educator: Here are the heroes - the saviors Russia: simple man Kuzma Minin and governor Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. They managed to gather for battle people and liberated Moscow from enemies. Soon the entire Russian land was cleared of foreign invaders. Thus, in difficult times the best traits of Russians emerged of people: perseverance, courage, selfless devotion to the Motherland, willingness to sacrifice life for it.

Tell me guys, after everything you've heard, is it possible to say that people passionately loves his homeland and remembers his heroes? (children's answers)

Slide number 7

Educator: It is not for nothing that a monument to them stands in Moscow - the capital of our Motherland on Red Square - in the very heart of Russia. And on the monument written:

“Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky”.

National Unity Day.

Educator: And when we are all together and friendly, we are invincible.

Logorhythmics: I, you, he, he, she -

Together - a whole country,

Together - a friendly family,

In a word "We"- one hundred thousand "I".

Educator: Guys, are we friendly and strong? If we are friendly and strong, then our country is strong! Each country has its own symbolism: flag, coat of arms and anthem.

Slide number 8

Educator: Russia has a tricolor flag, it consists of three stripes -

white, blue, red. What do they mean?

White is the color of the world. He says that our country is peace-loving, it does not attack anyone.

Blue color is faith, fidelity. People love their country, protects her, is faithful to her.

Red is the color of power. This is blood shed for the Motherland.

Slide number 9

Educator: Coat of arms. What do you see in the center? Orla.

Tell us about him, what is he like?

With two heads, with raised wings.

Why is an eagle depicted on the coat of arms of Russia?

The eagle on the coat of arms means strength, this state is strong and invincible.

But why does the eagle have two heads?

The Russian state is very large and the heads of the eagle look to the west and east, as if showing that the state is large, but unified. People of different nationalities live in Russia, not just Russians.

What else do you see?

What do you think it means?

The crown means that in Russia the king is the king.

What's in the eagle's paws?

This is a staff or wand, and it is also called a scepter. This is a symbol of royal power. The eagle has a ball in its other paw; it is called an orb.

Power means power, that is, the country in which the king rules is powerful.

A game: “Collect a coat of arms, a flag”.

Educator: Each state must have its own anthem.

An anthem is a solemn song. It is performed on the most solemn occasions - during holidays and other important events.

When athletes win competitions, the flag of their homeland is raised and the anthem of their country is played. During the performance of the anthem, everyone must stand up, and men take off their hats.

Slide number 10

Listening to the Russian anthem.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Performed by the teacher of the senior group, Frolkina Yu.Yu. Guys, on November 4 our entire country celebrates National Unity Day. And in today’s lesson we will find out what kind of holiday this is. At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. In the name of their native land they performed feats, composed songs, proverbs and poems about it. Oh, Russia! A country with a difficult fate. I have you, Russia, like my heart, alone. I’ll tell my friend, I’ll tell my enemy too – I can’t live without you, Like without my heart...

2 slide

Slide description:

Q: What does the word “homeland” mean to you? (children's answers) What is the name of our Motherland? The capital of our Motherland? Guys, how do you understand what unity is? (Unity is when all people are together.) We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; and as a mother - because she fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, taught us her language, how a mother protects and protects us from all enemies Educator - But the peoples of Russia did not always live in unity, guys. Unfortunately, throughout history, Russia has been tested many times for its strength; more than once it has experienced times when its unity was violated, when hostility and hunger reigned in the country. The enemies of our Motherland took advantage of this. Then a troubled time, a bloody time, was coming for Russia. Our story today is about one of these pages of history. Listen to what happened 400 years ago...

3 slide

Slide description:

Our Russian land was attacked by enemies - the Poles. It seemed that the Russian state had perished and would never regain its former power. But the Russian people could not and did not want to accept the death of their state. The people chose Kuzma Minin as their headman.

4 slide

Slide description:

Kuzma Minin Minin understood that we must not hide from adversity, but stand up for ourselves and our native land, and oppose the Poles. Kuzma Minin began to gather an army.. The main thing was to find soldiers for the army and a worthy commander. We chose Prince Dmitry Pozharsky - he had a good reputation throughout Rus'. The prince agreed to lead the army.

5 slide

Slide description:

6 slide

Slide description:

The entire Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors. The battles for Moscow began. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kuzma Minin, not sparing his life, fought under the walls of the capital like a simple warrior. It was hard for the Russian soldiers; the siege of the Moscow Kremlin lasted several days. Finally, the enemies became exhausted and surrendered to the army of Minin and Pozharsky. The people praised the liberators of the Russian land.

7 slide

Slide description:

Educator - Here are the heroes - the saviors of Russia: a simple man Kuzma Minin and the governor Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. They managed to gather people for battle and liberated Moscow from its enemies. Soon the entire Russian land was cleared of foreign invaders.

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Slide captions:

On November 4, the country celebrates the Day of National Unity, a holiday of friendship and harmony of all peoples. Guys! Want to know what kind of holiday this is?

These events happened a long time ago - long ago. The peoples of Russia did not always live in unity. For several years in a row there was very high heat, there was no rain in the summer, the sown wheat seeds did not germinate well and did not grow. There was no good grain harvest in the country. Because there was no harvest, people did not have enough food. What is made from grain? (bread).

The people began to live poorly, evil people united in groups, robbed and attacked other people. Everyone stopped trusting each other, neighbors stopped communicating with each other. And there was no one to whom one could turn for help. And a terrible time began in the Russian state, which was called the Time of Troubles.

The king of another state, Poland, saw all this and decided to capture Russia in order to become king there. He sent his troops to Moscow. - What do you think the Russians should have done? (defend)

In the fall, in Nizhny Novgorod, the zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin began to gather an army to fight the enemies. - Friends and brothers! Holy Rus' is perishing! - he said. - Let us help, brothers, the holy homeland! One of the best military leaders of that time, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, known for his courage and honesty, was called to command the militia. The battle for the capital was stubborn and bloody. With the oath “We will die for Holy Rus'!” The militia fought bravely and won. This glorious victory made the day of November 4 forever unforgettable for us.

Here are the heroes - the saviors of Russia: the simple man Kuzma Minin and the governor Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. They composed songs, proverbs and poems about her, and performed feats in the name of their native land.

This is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow. Now we celebrate People's Militia Day as our well-deserved holiday. And we love our Motherland just as passionately and are ready to stand up for it. Remember: we need to stick together, help each other, be able to forgive, forget grievances!

What is the name of the country we live in? (Russia) Look how colorful it is, why do you think? (Answers).

And also guys, because many different nationalities and nationalities live in it. What peoples do you know? (Answers) - What do you guys think, can we call our times troubled? (no, why? (People are friends with each other, no one robs or kills, and if this happens, the police look for the criminals and punish them).

Who is the leader who maintains order in the country? (Showing a photograph of President V.V. Putin). -Who chooses the president? (people). Every city in our country hosts ceremonial events dedicated to the celebration of National Unity Day. The President of the country, the governor and other high-ranking people congratulate all people.

November 4th is intended to remind Russians that nothing is impossible for us when we feel like one people living on one land! Love for the Motherland and helping each other are the most important values ​​for us.


Nadezhda Morgen
Summary of GCD using the presentation “National Unity Day”

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication" "Reading fiction".

Types of children's activities: cognitive-research, perception of fiction, communicative.

Technologies used: information and communication, gaming, health-saving.

Goals: expand ideas about the holiday National Unity Day.

Tasks: Introduce historical events of the past, understand poetic images, understand moral qualities folk heroes.

Preliminary work: Examination of a reproduction of a painting by V. M. Vasnetsov "Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible", acquaintance with the way of life of a Russian family, reading epics, Russian folk tales.

Slide No. 1.

Educator: On December 16, 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted the Federal Law on the Day national unity. This is a new holiday for our country. Now we will look into the distant past and learn everything about it.

Slide number 2.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that love for the Russian land lives deep in the hearts of people.

Slide number 3.

The historical roots of this holiday lead us to the times of Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who managed unite the people to protect independence and statehood. Exactly National unity made it possible to preserve Russia as a state.

Educator: Guys, what do you see in this picture? How does it make you feel? (Answers children: anxiety, fear, excitement, everything is burning all around). During troubled times, Tsar Ivan the Terrible and his two sons died. The Rurik dynasty was interrupted. Three years of crop failure caused famine in the country and popular uprisings. The boyars in the Duma began to share power. Russia's enemies, the neighboring Polish kingdom, are trying join part of the land to their possessions.

Slide number 4.

Experimentation game: the teacher invites the children to pick up a stack of paper and tear it (it doesn’t work, then he distributes one piece of paper at a time, the children easily tear it. The teacher conducts an anology with a historical situation.

Educator: let's find out who Minin and Pozharsky were.

Slide No. 10

Slide No. 11

Slide No. 12

Educator: Armed with people's money and united, Russian people drove out the Polish and Swedish invaders.

Slide No. 13

Slides No. 14.

Slide No. 15

Slide No. 16

Educator: This monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky is located in Moscow on Red Square, the main square of the city. Then he hands out demonstration cards with letters on one side and numbers on the other. If you stand in order, you can read the word (Moscow, Russia, unity, etc.).

Slide No. 17

Slide No. 19

The feat of their compatriots more than once inspired their descendants to fight their enemies.

Slide No. 20

Slide No. 21

Slide number 22

Slide number 23

Slide No. 24