It probably goes without saying that the Play Market application service (aka Google Play) in Android systems is one of those components that is most susceptible to a variety of errors. Very often problems are related to the fact that installing applets is impossible. Why can't I download applications from the Play Market? Perhaps even the developers of the Android operating system and Google services themselves will not answer this question unequivocally. Nevertheless, it is still possible to identify several main reasons and, based on this, eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Why applications are not downloaded from the Play Market: main reasons

In general, the service itself seems somewhat unfinished to many users, although it seems to work fine at first on newly purchased smartphones and tablets. Problems begin only later, in particular, applications are not downloaded from the Play Market. It may take some time for the download to occur, after which you will receive a message indicating the reason for the failure. But sometimes the notification only indicates an error code, but there is no clear explanation of the reason.

Experts highlight several main points related to the fact that applications are not downloaded from the Play Market:

  • there is not enough memory on the internal storage;
  • incorrectly set date and time;
  • cache overflow;
  • absence or incorrectness of installed updates for Google services, including Play Market;
  • problems with registered accounts.

Viruses, of which there have been so many of them recently that you can’t keep track of them, are not being discussed now (although their impact cannot be ruled out). We will focus exclusively on problems associated with the Play Market applet itself and related services, although sometimes even the most ordinary reboot of the device helps in eliminating problems.

Clearing space on the internal storage

The most common failure is the situation when a selected application is not downloaded from the Play Market only due to lack of free space. Despite the fact that the service itself indicates one file size, for which there seems to be enough space, in fact the installer “weighs” much more. When you try to download, the service usually displays a corresponding notification asking you to remove unnecessary applets (although not always).

For such a situation, the conclusion is obvious: some applications that are rarely used or not used at all need to be removed. This can be done through the corresponding section in the settings, where the desired applet is selected, and after entering its parameters, the data deletion and uninstallation buttons are pressed. The same goes for large files in the form of photos, videos or music. If the user has some kind of optimizer or cleaner installed, the procedure looks even simpler.

Error: applications cannot be downloaded from the Play Market. date and time

It is often noted that date and time settings can negatively affect the operation of Google services. In this case, you need to check these parameters.

In the settings menu, select the appropriate section, but when setting the current date and time, it is advisable to enable network synchronization.

But sometimes synchronization may not work correctly. In this situation, you must set the settings manually and also set the correct time zone by disabling synchronization.

Cache and temporary files

Another problem with almost all Android devices is cluttering of the device due to the presence of a large number of temporary files and cache overflow.

In this case, in the applications section you need to find the Play Market applet, enter its settings, stop the application and click the clear cache button. Sometimes similar actions may be required for other Google services, as well as for the Download Manager.

Installing and uninstalling Google service updates

Often the problem may be that the latest updates are not installed for the Play Market applet itself and other services (automatic updates are disabled). Why can't I download applications from the Play Market? Only because the service itself turns out to be ineffective in terms of access to basic functions.

For such cases, you need to enter the Play Market application, click the button at the top left and select the settings line from the menu. Here you just need to enable auto-update (check the box next to the appropriate item).

You can also check for updates manually. To do this, use the “About phone” menu, where you select the system section and the line to check for updates. Everything found must be installed. Naturally, you will need to connect to the Internet.

But the updates themselves often cause errors. Either they have a lot of bugs, or they are not fully installed - no one knows. However, a positive effect can sometimes be achieved by removing them. To do this, use the same applications section, and after entering the settings, press the button to remove updates. If such actions do not fix the problem, you need to repeat the procedure for other Google services and applets. Please note that in this case, automatic updates must be deactivated for Play Market settings.

Actions with accounts

Finally, deleting personal data that was used for registration when setting up access to Google services sometimes helps.

This can be done through the backup and restore section, where you can choose to reset the settings and delete personal information, after which you will need to restart the device and enter the information again.

Reinstalling the application

Another solution is to download the Play Market applet from the Internet, copy the installation distribution in APK format to the device and install it again.

Particular attention should be paid to enabling the installation of applications from unknown sources. If downloading and copying will be done from a computer, you will need to enable USB debugging. The version of the applet itself should have labels like Team Black Out or No Update. Naturally, the applet must be selected exclusively for your version of Android, which can be found in the “About phone” section.

Restoring factory firmware

Finally, we can recommend one more option to solve the problem. We are talking about completely restoring the original firmware, for example, after installing a custom one. Why are applications not downloaded from the Play Market in this situation? It's simple! The firmware itself contains a non-working version of the main applet or its functionality has been disrupted due to conflicts between system components.

To fix it, you can perform a hard reset (Hard Reset), but in order not to resort to such an extreme method, it is better to connect the device to a computer with an installed control program and perform the necessary actions with its help (for example, use the Xperia Companion application for the Sony line of smartphones) .

Users of Android smartphones and tablets cannot do without Google Play Market. Where else if not from it to download applications, music, games? Yes, some people use third-party resources, but they are not nearly as safe in terms of virus threats.

Problems with launching Google Play make it impossible not only to install new programs, but also to update old ones. This means that without it, the device remains defenseless (updates close vulnerabilities in applications that can be exploited by viruses and hackers). In a word, if the Play Market does not work for you, urgently take measures to eliminate this failure.

To make your task easier, we have divided the problems into several groups according to their causes and solutions.

Cache memory errors or failure in system application settings

Google Play, like many other applications, uses a cache (a special storage location for frequently used data for quick loading into memory). It contains information about the latest actions in the program. If an error creeps in, the Play Market will reproduce it until the data in the cache is updated.

To speed up this process, clear the Google Play cache manually:

  • Open Android Settings.
  • Go to the "Applications" section.
  • Find Google Play Market in the list of programs.
  • Tap the Erase Data and Clear Cache buttons.

If the Play Store still does not open, restart your device.

If you encounter errors updating installed applications, do the same with " Google Play Services«.

In addition, to download new programs and install updates to old ones, correct operation is required " Download Manager" And " Application manager. Normally, both should be in the list of running programs.

Update errors

If the problem with opening occurred immediately or a short time after installing a more recent version of Coogle Play, roll back the program to the previous installation. Along with the Market update, remove the Google Play Services update.

The uninstall updates button is located in the same menu as the clear cache options.

If there is no such button, it means that the program has never been updated (there are no previous versions).

Problems with the user's Google account

The inability to access the Play Market often occurs due to problems with the user account. Perhaps you recently changed the password for the mailbox to which your profile is linked, or there was a failure on the Google server and Android stopped recognizing you.

To restore access to your account, connect your tablet or phone to the Internet (via a SIM card or Wi-Fi), go to “Settings” and open the accounts section. The screenshot below shows what the Gmail sync issue looks like.

If you see the same picture, open the menu of this section and tap “Sync now”.

If the error persists, delete your Google account on your phone (the button is located here) and create it again. Or get yourself another account and log in under it.

Installation errors or corruption of the program executable file

Often the failure is manifested by constant messages “An error has occurred in the Google Play Market application.” It pops up when the user tries to launch the application or perform any action in it (search, download). And in some cases - on its own, when one of the installed programs decides to check for an update in the background.

You can try to deal with this error using the methods described above. If all else fails, the following options remain:

  • Restore the system from a backup copy (if you created it in advance, for example, in the Android gadget management program for Windows MyPhoneExplorer).
  • Remove Play Market from your device and install it again. To do this, you will need root rights (obtained in advance).
  • Perform a factory reset on your tablet or phone (Hard Reset/Wipe).

How to reinstall Play Store

  • Download or copy the Google Play Market executable file in .apk format from a properly working Android phone or tablet.
  • Enable permission to install applications from unknown sources on the problematic device. The option is located in the Security or Protection menu of the Settings app.

  • Transfer the file to the problematic device and start the installation (touch it with your finger).
  • If nothing happens or you see the Play Market error message again, open the \data\app\ directory and place the file there.

By the way, to remove the faulty copy of the Market and reinstall it, you can use the same MyPhoneExplorer. After synchronizing your phone with the program, go to the “Files” - “Applications” section, click the line highlighted in the screenshot and click the “Delete” button.

Next, click on the “Download application” icon on the top panel and specify the path to the .apk file.

Viral infection

There are modifications of malware that block the launch of the Android Market so that the user cannot download the antivirus, or even delete the original file and replace it with an infected copy. We talked about what to do in such cases in the article about ways to remove viruses on Android.

After scanning with an antivirus, when the malware is neutralized, you may have to replace the infected Play Market with a clean one.

Play Market is not installed

Today, Android smartphones without pre-installed Google services have appeared on the Russian market. In particular, products from the Chinese manufacturer Meizu, for example, Meizu M3 Note, Meizu M3 Mini and other models. Devices purchased in our country make it possible to easily correct this shortcoming by installing the necessary equipment using another application.

So, to install the Play Store on your Meizu device, tap the “Best” application icon. It contains a selection of programs available for quick download, including Google tools. Tap the Install button under the Google Services icon. After installation, reboot the device.

Application conflict

Some users learned that some Android programs may not work well with Google Play after installing Freedom. “Freedom” is an application for bypassing the official authorization service for users making purchases in game stores. Thanks to this, dishonest players have the opportunity to purchase virtual goods without paying.

If it is not possible for Freedom and Play Market to work together on your device, you will have to give up something.

Blocking Google Play Market access to network resources

Sometimes Freedom does not block the launch of the Market, but prevents it from connecting to the Internet. When trying to download something, the user sees messages: “The program was unable to contact Google servers” or “There is no network connection, try again later.”

If you have root rights, solving the problem is not difficult - just make adjustments to the system Hosts file (on Android it performs the same function as on Windows - it maps domains to IP addresses). The file is located in the \system\etc\ folder. You can get into it either through the Android root explorer (for example, “Root Explorer”), or through the already familiar MyPhoneExplorer running on a Windows machine.

Open the hosts file using a text editor, such as Notepad, and remove all entries from it except “ localhost”. Save without extension by selecting the file type - “All files”.

If network connection errors are not related to Freedom, check your security software settings. It's possible that Market's access to the network is blocked by a firewall.

Firmware corruption and hardware failure

The most difficult case. A fatal firmware failure or hardware malfunction of the device can be assumed in the following situations:

  • The problem arose after an adverse effect on the device: unsuccessful firmware update, falling, connection to a faulty charger, etc.
  • Along with the Play Market, other applications have stopped working or the failure occurs haphazardly: the program sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t.
  • There are other symptoms of a malfunction - freezes, spontaneous reboots, shutdowns, overheating, inadequate load on resources.
  • The above tips did not help solve the problem. It remained even after resetting the settings to factory settings (wipe).

There are only two ways out of this situation - reinstall the firmware yourself or entrust diagnostics and repairs to service specialists.

I can't download apps from Google Play. The play market suddenly stopped working. Today we will talk about what to do when your smartphone stops downloading applications from the play market. There are many reasons, and most of them are solved in one, in my opinion, not very simple way. Here are some examples that this article will help you solve:

* The smartphone stopped opening the play market, before that everything worked fine.
* The Play Market opens, but it is impossible to download programs, the applications simply close, everything worked before.
* When opening the Android market, it gives some strange error.
* Or another option, your option, if the article helps you, write what problem you had.

Of course, you don’t have to bother with all these instructions that I’ll write now and just do a full factory reset, but not many people will like this option.

And here are step-by-step instructions for your actions:
Method number 1.

1. Go to the phone settings, go to the tab "Applications""All".
Finding the process "Google Play Store" , click on it, click on the button"stop", then on the button"delete data", And "uninstall updates";
2. We do everything the same as in the second paragraph with processesGoogle Services Framework And "Google Play Services" , I remind you: stop, delete data and delete updates;
3. Go to the settings again, Accounts tab, Google, go to the synchronization settings and uncheck all the items available there;
4. Reboot the device;
5. Now, without launching any other applications, again go to settings, Accounts tab, Google, and put all the marks back. If an error appears, never mind;

6. Restart again;
7. Everything after this Google Play should work again. When you first connect, it may take a long time to load, but then everything will be fine.

Method number 2.

We go to the same settings, accounts and add a new account through the menu "Add account""Google". We go to the account we just created, try to download something, if everything is successful, then go back to the settings and select our main account. After doing this, your problem should disappear.

Method number 3.

1. Delete our google account by: (settings, accounts).
2. By analogy with the first method, clear the data in the applicationGoogle Services Framework , and clear the data and Cache in"Google Play";
3. Reboot the Android device;
4. After turning on, immediately go to applications Google Play and create a new account.
5. Everything should work from the new account.

Method number 4.

If none of the above methods helped you, or you are just too lazy, then just do

If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments. Or you have your own solution, we will also be glad to see it in the comments.

For residents of Crimea (or if error 403)

If you are in Crimea and when you try to download applications from Google Play you receive a 403 error (access denied), then it will help you to log in as if from another location. To do this you need to establish a VPN connection. For example, through OpenVPN for Android. Instructions for setting up a VPN on Android.

A fairly large number of users have already written online that a problem occurs when downloading applications from Google Play. Specifically, when they try to download something, the client throws the message " Waiting for download" Of course, this wouldn't bother anyone if the message was true and the selected application was actually in the download queue. But in fact, a “waiting” error can also appear in the case when no more downloads are taking place, and, accordingly, there cannot be a queue.

Recent changes made to the Google Play Market have affected how the client processes download requests. If earlier you could select several applications at once, now it works with just one. This is why you are seeing the waiting message because there may be other applications waiting to download. There is an easy way to fix the situation and we will provide this solution so that anyone who is facing this problem can resume their download.

First, you need to clear the download queue to ensure there is no interference. To do this, simply go to the Play Store and swipe your finger in the middle of the screen on the right side. From the available options, select " My apps and games" Clicking on each individual app that shows up there as downloaded will give you access to the X button, which you can use to clear the download.

Some users get rid of the error after the above steps. But, if this is not the case for you, you will have to go to the settings section on your device, then from there to the Play Store section. There you need to clear the cache and data using the functions Clear cache And Erase data. This will only destroy information data for the Play Market application, so there is no danger of losing important files). If you are using Marshm version or later versions of Android, select " Memory", and then clear cache And data from there.

If you still can't download apps, you'll have to resort to a force stop ( Force stop) Google Play service. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open " Device Settings»;
  2. Select Play Store from the list of applications installed on your device;
  3. Click " Forced stop».

If you have done everything we just talked about, you are guaranteed to have no problems downloading from the Play Market in the near future. If the error ever occurs again, you can always reuse this method.

Many users sooner or later encounter problems when downloading applications from Google Play Market. These could be various types of errors or other possible reasons due to which applications may not load or load incompletely. But since every problem or error has a cause, there are also ways to solve it.

Why applications are not downloaded from Play Market

There are a lot of reasons why applications may not be downloaded from the Google Play Market, and each of them has its own cause and solution options. The first step is to determine the cause of the problem in order to choose the most correct approach to solving it.

Applications are not downloading

If, when you try to download applications, the Play Market freezes and closes or the text “Not enough space on the device” appears, then the problem may be in the Google Play server itself or in the amount of free memory.

Solution: if the reason is really in the Google Play Market service, then you just need to wait about 15 minutes and try again. Also, it is worth noting that if large-scale technical work is carried out on the server, then users are necessarily warned with a text notification indicating the timing of the technical work. works

In cases where a text appears on the screen indicating that there is not enough free space on the device or SD card, you simply need to clear the memory by deleting some little-used applications on the device or memory card. After clearing the memory, applications will be downloaded from the Play Market again.

To free up memory, you can remove little-used applications

Programs are not downloaded completely

Sometimes users encounter a problem when a program or game is not downloaded completely. This occurs due to issues related to the device cache.

Solution: To solve the problem, clear the cache of Google Play Market and Google Play services. To clear the Play Store cache you need:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Then go to Applications > All.
  • Select "Google Play Market".
  • Click on “Clear cache”.

To clear the cache, you need to go to the Google Play Store or Google Play Services and select “Clear cache” in the application information.

To clear the Google Play Services cache, the same combination of actions is used. (“Settings” > “Applications” > “Google Play Market Services” > “Clear cache”).

After these steps, the applications will be downloaded completely.

Files are not downloaded over mobile network or Wi-Fi

Via mobile network (3G)

Before looking for a solution to the problem, you must check whether data transfer is enabled in the device settings and whether the mobile Internet data indicator (3G or H/H+) is shown at the top of the screen.

Solution: try disabling and enabling the “Data transfer” function in the device settings, and if that does not help, turn on “Airplane mode” (airplane mode), wait 1 minute and turn it off. If the problem persists, you probably have a traffic limitation. To clarify the information and solve the problem with this limitation, you must contact your mobile operator.

To download applications using the mobile Internet, use the “Data transfer” item in the device settings

Via Wi-Fi

The reason that applications from the Google Play Market are not downloaded using Wi-Fi may be a weak connection or its absence. If the download process does not start or stops at 0%, and after a few seconds the text “Waiting time expired” appears, be sure that the problem is with the Internet connection. You can also check this by trying to load any website (for example, Google) in the device’s browser and if the site does not load, the problem is a weak connection.

Solution: First you need to try rebooting the device, as in most cases this helps solve the problem (if it is on the device side and not the Wi-Fi router). You should also try turning off and on Wi-Fi on your gadget or rebooting your router.

To download programs using Wi-Fi, you need to activate the function in the device settings and select the network to connect to

Applications are not downloaded due to a Play Store error

If there are problems downloading an application from the Play Market due to an error, a text appears on the device screen describing the error and the reason for its occurrence. There is an optimal and most importantly effective way to solve such problems, which is used by users of Android devices.

Solution: perform a hard reset, that is, reset the device settings to factory settings. To do this, go to “Settings”, then click on “Backup and reset”. Next, you need to select “Reset settings”, after which all device settings will be reset to factory settings.

To reset settings to factory defaults, go to “Backup and reset” and select “Reset settings”

Note: Be sure to create a backup before resetting your device to avoid losing important data. The backup copy can be used after resetting the settings, after which all data will be restored.

How to create a backup on Android

Google Play Market is not working

There are very rare cases when the Google Play Market stops working, which prevents users from downloading applications. There are two options to solve this problem:

Solution #1: Uninstall Google Play Market updates and Google Play Services. To remove Market and Services updates, the same algorithm of actions is used:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Next, go to “Applications”.
  • Select "All".
  • Then select "Google Play Market" or "Google Play Services".
  • Click on the "Uninstall updates" button.

To remove updates, go to the application information item and click the “Delete update” button

Solution #2: Delete and then add your Google account. Go to Settings > Google Accounts > Account Setup > Delete Google Account. Next, restart your device, and then add your Google account again.

To delete your Google account, you need to log in to it and click “Delete account”

Other problems downloading apps

There are also other problems that make downloading applications from the Play Market impossible.

Error with the text "The content filtering level does not allow downloading"

An error with such text means an age restriction that contains the downloaded application.

Solution: you need to allow all age categories, to do this, go to the Google Play Store settings, then go to “Customize filter” and check the boxes next to all applications. After clicking the “Ok” button, the user will be asked to create or enter a four-digit password (if one has been set). The password is used to ensure that no one other than the device owner can change the age categories.

Check the boxes next to all items to resume the ability to download all applications from the Google Play Store

“Connect SD card” and “Damaged SD card” errors

Such errors mean that the user's memory card is damaged.

Solution: the first thing you need to do is connect your memory card to your computer using a card reader and try to transfer all the files from the card to the computer, because if the memory card completely breaks, the files on it cannot be recovered. Next, try checking the memory card for errors using the chkdsk command in the command line (Win+R > cmd), or try formatting it. If the SD card still doesn't work, you'll have to buy a new one.

To check whether the memory card is working or not, use the Windows command line with the chkdsk command

How to download from Play Market to SD card

It is worth noting that relatively new smartphones of all brands have built-in memory of 8 Gb or more, and after all the internal memory is full, applications begin to download to the SD card automatically.

If the user has an older model smartphone that has a small amount of internal memory and there is a need for all applications to be downloaded immediately to the memory card, then you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to “Settings” of your device.
  2. Select “Memory”.
  3. Under “Default recording disk,” select “SD card.”

After the completed actions, all downloaded applications will be immediately installed on the memory card.

In order for applications to be downloaded directly to the memory card, you need to check the box next to SD card in the device memory settings

How to prevent download problems in the future. What to configure

It is impossible to prevent Play Market errors or any other problems with downloading. You can, perhaps, download applications from sources other than the Play Market, but before that you definitely need to get a good antivirus. Also in the device settings, in the “Security” section, you must allow the installation of applications from other sources.

Using one of the methods for solving problems and errors, each user will be able to restore the ability to download applications from the Google Play Market, and also learn how to download applications directly to the SD card, and not to the built-in memory.