Life in the CIS countries is quite unique, changeable, and sometimes dangerous, especially for the unprepared. Surely you have heard the expression popular in our country - “don’t promise”, because in reality anything is possible, especially negative things. This also applies to prison.

Absolutely innocent people who simply had unique beliefs that differed from the majority opinion often end up behind bars and have become political prisoners. Often there are cases called custom frames, when only law-abiding citizens end up in prison.

Cases of completely unfair miscarriages of justice have only become more frequent over the years.

Therefore, even if everything is fine in your life, you do not feel the slightest threat - use prayers to the heavenly powers: the Lord God, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel. People who are confident in their 100% innocence pronounce a conspiracy to get out of prison. There are also various rituals and amulets that make it possible to ensure that an innocent person is not imprisoned, or is released or acquitted. Of course, there are cases when a guilty person tries to avoid prison.

In this case, you first need to repent of the grave sins you have committed earlier, and only then ask the heavenly powers to protect you from prison. Practice shows that with the right approach, you can get an acquittal or a suspended sentence. Prison conspiracies must be read in compliance with the rules described in the ritual; if a certain component necessary for implementation is missing, choose an alternative option.

How conspiracies affect human destiny

Conspiracies, prayers and all sorts of rituals to free you only work if you enter into a close relationship with the heavenly forces. You can acknowledge the existence of otherworldly forces and turn to them for help from time to time. Most likely, if you are not receiving responses to your request, you will need to find out more information.

Perhaps, out of ignorance, you violated the ritual, omitted some, in your philistine opinion, unnecessary trifle. But in the end, the ritual either won’t work at all, or it won’t work the way you would like it to.

Heavenly powers They are always ready to help a person, but this help is provided only to those who are close to them.

If you have never believed in God, and when you had a certain need, you turned to him for help, but your prayers were not heard - this is not surprising. In addition to petitions, the heavenly powers also need to lead a righteous life, not sin, help other people, and turn to God with words of gratitude.

And if the judicial system has already rendered a guilty verdict, drastic methods of solution remain. As you might guess, strong conspiracy to escape from prison is used precisely in order to decisively put an end to the problem of imprisonment. True, the question of how to continue to live for the escaped remains open.

The most effective conspiracies

For relatively simple cases, for example, if you are facing a legal battle with a quarrelsome neighbor, you can use the following plot to avoid prison. It is very well suited for those who want to save themselves time, nerves and money. You need to speak with pereper - the thin white skin of a birch tree.

Conspiracy "From Prison"

“How my feather is shaking,
so would my adversary (name)
and his tongue fluttered. Amen."
temple of God,
protected by all the saints,
prayed to the Lord,
let the earth become his support,
the roof of the sky, the protection of the Protection of the Mother of God.
Lord Jesus Christ, protect this temple from any evil. Queen of Heaven, protect those living in this house from sorrows and quarrels, evil word. Amen."

Second effective conspiracy allows you to avoid problems in any court, this applies to criminal cases or simple litigation. The most important thing about him is that he is able to protect you from an unfair trial. It should definitely be read by a wife or any close woman about a man who is facing trial, who wants her loved one to be released.

Spell "From prison" for the wife

“I will stand with a ridge to the west,
I will cross heaven and earth with my finger,
I will wash myself with holy water,
I will pray to the Mother of God dear.
Mother of God, kind heart,
You pity everyone, you help everyone.
Help me too God's servant(Name).
Forbid the slave (name) to judge.
Forge shackles, close doors, locks
To the governing judges,
village judges,
Magistrates, city judges, city judges.
How can these judges not
Drink water from the ocean bottom, take sand and chew it,
So they wouldn’t be able to wish bad things to slave (name).
He would seem to them better than the light white.
Better than the red sun and your own children.
They wouldn't lock them with bolts,
They haven't locked it for years,
Freedom and life would not be taken away.
How are you, Lord?
You will judge them on the day of judgment,
To straighten, forgive, let go with blessing,
Likewise, judges, be merciful to the slave (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

When a person is accused of a crime that a person did not commit, a protective plot can be used. It is recommended to read it only at a certain time - the last day of fasting. You need to pronounce the words with water, which you then need to wash in a cross shape on the eve of the trial.

Conspiracy “From prison” protective

“I am going, servant of God (name), from the hut to the door,
From the yard to the gate, to green meadows, to open fields,
Wide expanse.
I'm not walking blind, I'm not silent,
Found thirty coffins, thirty dead people.
In those thirty dead people, the hearts are silent and do not beat.
Hands don't rise, eyes don't open,
The lips of the dead are not
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
So would it be with my enemies.
No hands were raised against me,
eyes did not open on me,
The mouth did not open with accusation.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
The Lord is with me everywhere and everywhere. The cross of Jesus is on me.
God exists, God is great, God conquers everyone.
According to my faith, it frees me from any enemies.
Who can overcome the word of God,
Only he can harm me from now on.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

To achieve effect, follow the rules

In order for a strong conspiracy to have real help, you must follow the instructions exactly. If you think that you can slightly correct the words of the plot, or replace one item with another, then you are mistaken, you need to choose another plot.

It is customary to read prayers from prison if a law-abiding person has been convicted. Situations in life are different. There are often cases when an innocent person is framed. Even if a person is completely confident in justice, he should read a prayer from prison to protect himself.

However, one cannot rely only on the strength of the saints. A person must realize a lot himself, change his worldview and life itself. Miracles do not happen to those who do nothing themselves.

Who should I pray to so that I don't go to jail?

Since ancient times, the Lord's servants have prayed for prisoners. The degree of the crime committed is not important; any person needs support, if, of course, he deserves it. God himself decides who is worthy of freedom and hope.

Native different ways help to a loved one: visit him, hand over permitted things. Moral support is also important. The prisoner feels the spiritual help of loved ones. She helps him overcome adversity.

Prayer against criminal prosecution is also very popular. It should only be read if the person is innocent. There are situations in life when attackers, protecting themselves or their relatives, set up law-abiding citizens. An innocent person has to hide from court and defend his rights.

Practice shows that the court does not always pass a fair verdict, and as a result, an innocent person ends up in prison. In such a situation, the prayer should be read by both the accused and his relatives. Of course, praying against criminal prosecution will not help a truly guilty person.

It is important to know: prayer does not immediately help the condemned. It may take several months or years for it to gain strength. The main thing for a person is not to lose hope and faith.

When reading a prayer, you can turn to the following saints:

  • to God himself;
  • to the Mother of the Lord;
  • to John the Baptist;
  • to the Guardian Angel;
  • To Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

All of them are patron saints of prisoners.

It is not necessary to pray in a temple in front of the face of a saint. You can do this at home or even at work. It is advisable to know the text by heart. However, if a person is sincere in his words, all of the above fades into the background.

The main condition is to focus on prayer and sincerely turn to the saint. What is important is not the setting and accuracy of the text, but the pure feelings of the person praying.

Prayer to Anastasia the Pattern Maker from court and prison

Anastasia the Patternmaker’s prayer for liberation helps if the person praying asks for:

  • release from prison;
  • successful court decision;
  • protection from an unfair verdict;
  • a milder outcome.

It is not necessary to memorize the text of the prayer. The most important thing is to rethink your life, change something to make it better. Before turning to the saints, you need to understand yourself. Reading a prayer will not bring results if a person is not sincere. First of all, the condemned person must realize that the saint will not help someone who will only rely on outside help.

God may not hear the requests of an unrepentant person. It happens that in his entire life he rarely went to church, led a dissolute life, and when trouble happened, he runs to the temple with a prayer to protect him from trial. Of course, in such a situation one cannot count on God’s power.

A person must admit guilt, repent and suffer a well-deserved punishment. If he hides from the court and at the same time prays for protection, God will not hear him and will not protect him. Prayer will not help an insincere person. He must comprehend his action himself, understand that he acted badly and accept it.

Prayer to John the Baptist from prison

John the Baptist is one of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy.

Relatives of convicts turn to him: wives pray that their husbands will not be sent to prison, mothers ask for relief for their sons in prison. The saint is asked to protect loved ones from an unjust sentence, from undeserved imprisonment.

Prayer has great power and helps those who deserve it. Of course, it will not help the one who is really guilty. In such a situation, the person praying will only harm himself or his loved one.

Prayer from prison to Nicholas the Wonderworker

You should turn to this saint to protect the innocent or, if the person is really guilty. Nicholas the Wonderworker will hear prayers only if the culprit has repented, admitted his sin and is ready to be punished for his act.

Reading the prayer is also relevant during trial, even if the person praying is the plaintiff or witness. This contributes to a fair court verdict.

It is generally accepted that the life of Orthodox Christians proceeds quietly and without much excitement. In practice, everything is somewhat different; an Orthodox person, like anyone else, can find himself in unpleasant situations. He is not immune from clarifications either. controversial issues, although for a Christian believer it is still preferable to resolve any disputes peacefully.

If there is no other way out, and judgment awaits, a Christian will always turn to God for help. There is a special prayer before the court, which is read for a successful resolution of the case.

How to pray correctly if there is a trial coming up

When starting to pray before the court for a successful outcome of the case, you must first of all examine your own conscience.

From the point of view of Christianity, it is completely unacceptable to hide one’s guilt or remain unpunished in the event of an offense. If a person knows that he has really committed something illegal, but at the same time wants to “get away with it,” resorting to God’s help is not only pointless, but also blasphemous.

You can turn to God in prayer for help in court only in cases where a person knows his innocence and wants to prove it.

These may be situations:

  • slander;
  • fraud;
  • deception;
  • false accusation, etc.

also in law enforcement agencies A person who has become a victim of any offense can apply.

If all other methods of reconciliation have been exhausted and there is no other way to punish the attackers, an Orthodox person has the right to turn to the authorities. In this case, a prayer to win a court case is read with the aim of restoring justice.

If you are completely confident in your own rightness and innocence, it would be useful to take a blessing from the priest before the meeting. But you should not assume that the words of the priest or a special prayer can act as some kind of amulet or lucky talisman– these actions by themselves mean little.

Spiritual help and God's participation in our lives directly depend on faith in His Providence and care for us.

You can turn to God with the awareness of your guilt only for the purpose of repentance, but not for the purpose of hiding your own guilt. Therefore everyone Orthodox Christian must carefully examine his conscience.

Also see:

You need to honestly answer, first of all, to yourself - is there anything that prevents me from sincerely and with a pure heart from turning to God?

Who can you pray to before trial?

In fact, there is no fundamental difference to whom exactly to pray for a successful outcome of the matter. Individual “specializations” of certain saints are a tradition of our church, based on experienced knowledge of the life of ascetics.

However, this tradition does not at all prohibit making prayer requests to beloved saints who are especially revered in the family. If you have a heartfelt desire, you can pray before the trial to absolutely any saints, as well as to our Lord Jesus Christ himself, his Most Pure Mother.

But there are situations when a person does not yet have a particularly revered saint, or simply does not know how and to whom to pray. In such cases, you can resort to reading ready-made prayers from the prayer book. Traditionally, before proceedings, they resort to the heavenly help of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

Related articles:

The veneration of Nicholas the Wonderworker is so widespread that there is no believer who is not familiar with this saint. You can address him either in your own words or find the text of a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker about judgment. Since the help of this saint is very extensive and is given in all aspects of life, you can read any text of the prayer to this saint that pleases the person praying.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is a Greek saint, previously revered in Rus' no less than St. Nicholas. To this day, the flow of pilgrims to the holy relics of Spyridon, which are kept in Orthodox church on the island of Corfu in Greece.

Interestingly, a clear and physical manifestation of this man's holiness is the fact that his relics remain at a constant temperature human body for several centuries now.

This revered saint, according to believers, never refuses help to anyone who sincerely asks him. The prayer before the trial to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous can be read both in church and at home.

Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker is a famous great martyr of the 4th century. The “pattern maker” received her name because she helped and alleviated the suffering of captured Christians in prison. The bloody reign of Emperor Diocletian brought many martyrs for the faith, since Christianity was then cruelly persecuted and punished. Saint Anastasia managed not only to preserve her faith, but also strengthened many prisoners of that time in confession. That is why to this day everyone who in one way or another comes into contact with prison authorities prays to her.

Doesn't have of great importance, to which saint a person reads a prayer to win a case. The main thing is to do this with a clear conscience, sincere faith and humility before God’s Providence - then an appeal to God will definitely be heard and the person will receive spiritual help and support from above.

Text of the prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O Great and wonderful saint of Christ and wonderworker Spyridon, Kerkyra praise, bright luminary of the whole universe, warm prayer book to God and quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Nicene Council among the Fathers, you are the unity of the Holy Trinity miraculous power You showed and completely put the heretics to shame. Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you, and through your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from famine, flood, fire and deadly plagues. For in your temporal life you delivered your people from all these disasters: you saved your country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from famine, you delivered the king from an incurable illness and brought many sinners to repentance, you gloriously raised the dead, and for the holiness of your life the angels invisibly in the church you had those singing and serving with you. Sitsa, therefore, glorify you, His faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you are given the gift of understanding all the secret human deeds and convicting those who live unrighteously. You zealously helped many living in poverty and lack, you nourished the poor people abundantly during famine, and you created many other signs by the power of the living Spirit of God in you. Do not forsake us either, Saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future. us, may we always send glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Text of the prayer to Anastasia the Pattern Maker

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings: look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for forgiveness our sins, healing for the sick, the mourning and the distressed ambulance: pray to the Lord, may he give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be able to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous

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Prayer so that they are not sent to prison, acquitted, from trial

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Life is very changeable and unique. Completely innocent people often end up in places of deprivation of their will. Sometimes people are arrested who simply had a different opinion from others. Cases of custom-made frame-ups often occur when law-abiding people find themselves behind bars.

Even if you are one hundred percent sure of your innocence and do not feel the slightest threat, use prayers from court and prison to the saints to protect yourself even more. People turn to such petitions so that an innocent person is not imprisoned, or is acquitted and released. But it also happens when a guilty person tries to avoid punishment.

In this case, you must first repent for all previous sins and only after that read a prayer so as not to be sent to prison.

It is believed that if all requirements are correctly met, one can beg for a suspended sentence or even avoid a sentence. Heavenly powers are always ready to help us, we just need to believe in them and make not only requests, but also gratitude. In addition to our petitions to the Lord, it is also necessary to lead a righteous life: help others, not sin, thank God.

To be released from prison

You can turn to the Heavenly Forces yourself, or you can also turn to the Heavenly Forces for your loved one. There is colossal power in the petitions of the prisoner’s relatives for his freedom.

  • The request from the prisoner must be read to the Lord, the Mother of God and the guardian angel.
  • Requests for speedy release are most often made in front of the Pochaev Icon.
  • The prayer from prison to Anastasia the Pattern Maker is also considered strong.

It helps strengthen the morale of the prisoner and also gives hope for a speedy release. Even during her lifetime, this saint helped people in prison. She constantly brought them water and food. I tried to console them and encourage them.

This woman herself was a prisoner in her husband's house. He held her like a slave, tormented her, tortured her. Anastasia often turned to the Lord with prayers for deliverance from imprisonment, and they were heard.

Petition to Saint Anastasia for those imprisoned:

“O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings: look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for forgiveness our sins, healing for the sick, quick help for the grieving and needy: pray to the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that we may be worthy with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for those in prison to Saint Nicholas

Those who are convicted innocently can be helped by turning to John the Baptist. It is read before the court in order to achieve salvation from prison, to be acquitted. You can ask one more saint for help before passing a sentence - Nicholas the Wonderworker.

He helps in any situation, and if you do not know the words of the prayer, then simply speak with words from a pure heart and repent of all your sins. To seek his help in front of the icon, you should do this:

“Oh, great wonderworker and servant of Christ, Saint Father Nicholas! You, the quick helper and gracious intercessor of all who call upon you, especially those in mortal troubles.

You showed such miracles of mercy in the days of your life. When, after your death, you appeared before the Throne of God, no one can count your mercies, even if you had many languages. You keep those floating on the waters; You saved many drowning people.

You keep them on the road, which were caught by the winds, great snow, fierce frost, and heavy rain. You protect houses and estates from being set on fire by evil-minded people and from ultimate burning. You protect creatures on the way from the attacks of evildoers.

You help the poor and wretched, deliver them from extreme despondency and fall from grace, for the sake of poverty. You stand up for the innocent from slander and unjust condemnation. You saved from death three men who were imprisoned and who were to be cut with the sword.

So, you have been given the great grace from God to pray for people and save those in trouble! You have also become famous for your help among the infidel Hagarites. Can’t you just help me, unfortunate and needy, even if I myself have prepared this lot for myself?

Intercede for me from the despondency and despair that surrounds me in evil. Oh, great saint Nicholas! You yourself suffered imprisonment in prison for the holy faith and, like a zealous shepherd of Christ, you yourself knew how difficult it is to be deprived of freedom and to remain in chains.

Since you have helped many who pray to you in prison! Make this misfortune easier for me, who is sitting in prison. Grant me to soon see the end of my prison stay and receive freedom - not for the sake of continuing my sins, but for the sake of correcting my life!

Pray earnestly for this too, that we may be delivered from eternal prison, that with your help we may be saved, I glorify God, wondrous in His saints, amen.”

Prayer to Matrona the Wonderworker for release from prison

It is necessary to always remember that no matter what sin a person commits, he cannot be deprived of faith! It should always be in everyone human soul. To save yourself from imprisonment, you can ask for the intercession of the Matrona of Moscow. The following prayer words should be read before her face:

“Blessed Matryonushka, You rescued the captive doctor Sergius from prison through prayer. He became Bishop Stephen, and remembering You all his life, first of his father and mother, he accepted a blessed death in the altar, on the week of the Myrrh-Bearing Women.

Look now at the captive, suffering servant of God (name), in his difficult situation.

Beg the Lord of Power to deliver him from bondage, through the prayers of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow to the glory of our Lady, Ever-Virgin Mary, and the bloodless Sacrifice of Her Son, offered daily for peace.

May all his sins be washed away by the blood of the Lamb (3 times). Thou didst command the Myrrh-Bearers to rejoice, Thou didst quench the weeping of the foremother Eve with Thy resurrection, O Christ our God. Thou didst command the Apostles to preach, The Savior is risen from the grave. Amen.”

God bless you!

Also watch a video about the life of Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker: