Beginning owners of breeding cats prepare for the birth of kittens in advance. It is better to clarify the range of questions about care and feeding in advance.

Is it necessary and what to feed a cat after giving birth, since she has already eaten several afterbirths?

The baby's place contains a source of natural oxytocin. This is the hormone responsible for milk production and stopping postpartum bleeding. The afterbirth is essentially a piece of meat. If there were several kittens, and the mother in labor was given the opportunity to clean everything up on her own, then only water can be supplied. In the next few hours she will be full. The shock experienced also does not contribute to high appetite.

The cat stopped eating her usual food. What are the reasons?

A nursing cat may change its food preferences. This is due to lactation. It is on this that all the strength of the feeding organism is spent. Cat milk is very fatty and high in calcium. Accordingly, there must be replenishment of both the water balance and the mineral balance. Dry food or pouches will replenish nutrients, but not many cats drink enough fluids. Natural wisdom suggests that meat and dairy products are the best choice, their moisture content is much higher.

What to feed a cat after giving birth?

Experiments with sudden transitions to other types of nutrition are harmful. If the cat ate special food for pregnant women before giving birth, for example, “Orije n cat and kitten”, “Qunee” from Royal Canin or any other of similar quality, then you can feed them the same after birth. In this case, the owner only has to monitor the water regime.

Natural feeding is a priority. In the morning - fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir with probiotics, low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese). In the evening, meat or meat porridge, offal. Every other day, add vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, carrots). Every 3 days, quail eggs and fish (sea, not fatty, boiled) are given. Once every 7 days - liver.

Taking calcium supplements (Calcium Di or calcium gluconate) with each meal will prevent the development of seizures. It is better to ask the veterinarian who is observing her which vitamins are right for your pet.

Fresh drinking water should be available around the clock. You can additionally give a thin broth.

The litter is large. There is not enough milk. Is it possible to increase its quantity? How and with what?

Feed the cat formula. After birth, from the first day. Ingredients: 20 ml 20% cream, 1 quail egg or half a chicken yolk, honey on the tip of a knife or 5 ml 5% glucose. Drink 3 times a day for the first 20 days. After - 2 times for the remaining period of feeding. From three weeks of age, kittens can be introduced to complementary foods.

What to feed cats and dogs - video

If you are a supporter of natural feeding, then creating the right diet for a nursing cat will not be the easiest task. You will have to take into account many features of this difficult period for your pet. For example, the body of a nursing cat expends 2-3 times more energy than usual, because... even the process of milk production itself requires double the amount of nutrients. During the lactation period, which lasts about 8 weeks, the cat loses a significant amount of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and protein. A balanced diet is designed to compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body. In another case, a lack of vitamins, etc. will negatively affect the cat’s well-being and appearance, as well as the development of kittens.

To meet the increased energy needs of a new mother, a diet based on natural food must be balanced, high in calories and always fresh. The most important components of a nursing cat's diet are lean boiled meat (chicken, turkey, beef), cereals, low-fat dairy products (their share in the diet should be at least a third): kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese. But we give milk to the pet in strictly limited quantities: contrary to the stereotype, it is poorly absorbed by the body of an adult cat. Don't forget to include vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, zucchini) in your diet. To encourage your cat to eat vegetables, chop them up and mix them with meat. From time to time, treat your pet to a boiled egg. For good digestion and normalization of stool, your cat will benefit from meat and beet puree.

The main disadvantage of natural feeding is that it is impossible to fully balance the components of the diet at home, and therefore your pet will need vitamins. In particular, during lactation the cat will lose a lot of calcium, which will affect the condition of its teeth and coat. To prevent negative effects on your pet’s health and well-being, consult your veterinarian: he will recommend special vitamins. Never purchase vitamins or vitamin-mineral supplements without consultation. The balance of nutrients in the diet is a very important issue on which the life and health of both cats and kittens depends. Remember that an excess of any vitamins and minerals affects the body as (and sometimes more) negatively as their lack.

During the feeding period, it is very important to stop “pampering” the cat with treats from the table. Human food has a negative effect even on healthy and strong animals. After giving birth, the pet’s body is greatly weakened, and inappropriate food can lead to serious negative consequences!

The diet should not include even a seemingly insignificant amount of sausages, spicy and fatty foods, exotic fruits, garlic, chips, sweets, nuts, tea, coffee, chocolate, etc. And don’t be confused by such unexpected references as, for example, with tea or coffee: the taste preferences of nursing cats are often truly surprising.

Don't forget that fresh, clean water should always be freely available to your pet.

Ready-made rations

High-quality ready-made complete food is an easy way to an ideal balance of nutrients and, as a result, to good health for cats and kittens.

Super premium dry food, developed specifically for pregnant and lactating cats, fully satisfies the needs of the pet’s body and does not require additional vitamins.

As a rule, such lines are characterized by a high content of protein and fat, which contribute to the rapid recovery of the body after childbirth and provide a reliable nutritional base for the harmonious development of kittens. Before choosing a line, carefully study the composition of the food. It is desirable that it include:

Antioxidants (vitamin E), necessary to support a weakened immune system,

Calcium and phosphorus – for healthy bones, joints and the formation of a strong skeleton in kittens,

The most important amino acids omega-3 and omega-6 - to maintain skin and coat in excellent condition,

X.O.S. – to maintain the natural balance of intestinal microflora and easy absorption of nutrients.

Do not mix dry food and natural food under any circumstances!

Be careful when choosing food and do not forget that diets differ from diets. If high-quality balanced food meets the needs of a nursing cat’s body and is easily digestible, then economy-class diets will not bring the desired effect.

The health of both the cat and the kittens depends on the quality of feeding, and special attention should be paid to this issue. Trust your pets' health only to trusted brands.

In the first couple of days after giving birth, your cat may refuse to eat - and this is completely normal. Childbirth is a huge stress for the body, in addition, the cat licks the offspring and eats the afterbirth. But if the cat may not need food on the first day after giving birth, then she needs plenty of fluids. Make sure clean, fresh water is always available to her.

  • Natural feeding

The nutritional value of a nursing pet's diet should increase by about 10%. Recommended number of servings: 4-6 per day. In general, the amount of food depends on the cat's appetite and body size, as well as the number of kittens. You should strive to ensure that the cat does not experience hunger, but at the same time does not overeat. It is better to feed the cat often, on demand, but in small portions.

As the kittens begin to walk and play, the cat's need for energy will increase even more, because... Energetic babies will consume more and more milk. However, closer to the 8th week after birth, kittens will gradually begin to refuse milk and switch to other foods - and the cat’s need for high-calorie food will decrease. Gradually her diet will return to normal.

  • Ready-made feed

Take care of your pets!

When a cat appears in the house, the question arises: what to feed it, and what food will be most beneficial for it? Often, owners begin to give their pet the same food that they eat themselves, but this is not always true. When an animal's diet is not balanced, it can cause serious harm to its health. To ensure a long life and excellent health for a cat, it is necessary to properly formulate its diet.

What should you not feed your cat?

Food from our table will not always be healthy for your pet. A person consumes a lot of unhealthy food, which is harmful not only to his health, but can also have a detrimental effect on the health of the animal.

Prohibited foods for domestic cats include the following:

  • Fried.
  • Salted and pickled.
  • Sweet.
  • Baked and floury.
  • Food that contains various spices and seasonings.

It is important to know that what is “delicious” for a person will be harmful for a cat.

Veterinarian advice regarding pet nutrition is generally similar.

It is forbidden to feed the animal pork, it is too fatty food. Pork liver is also among the prohibited meats; it can cause and.

Video about feeding a cat natural food from an old-school veterinarian

Fish as a basis for natural food

Properly cooked fish is very healthy for cats

All our pets, without a doubt, love fish.

Flour foods and diabetes

If your cat eats pasta and flour products, there is a high risk of constipation.

Cats that love to eat pasta, bread or other flour products are often obese and... And any products containing bones can cause obstruction in the stomach and injuries in the intestines. Sweets, cakes and chocolates can lead to diabetes and diabetes.

Foods that contain a lot of salt and spices can cause the disorder. Milk is only good for kittens; it causes diarrhea in adult cats.

How to feed your cat properly with natural food

Which of these do you think will be beneficial for the cat?

The basis of the animal's diet should be meat. Doctors advise feeding your pets the following meat products:

  • Beef and veal.
  • Chicken and turkey.
  • Rabbit meat.
  • Sea fish is not oily.
  • Meat purees with vegetables for children.

The meat must be boiled and contain no bones. Feeding fish is allowed no more than once a week. Baby purees are good for small kittens, or for adults with stomach problems.

Some cats love boiled vegetables. It is very useful.

Vegetables are also good for animals. It’s true that not all cats love them, but if you introduce them into your pet’s food correctly, he won’t even notice that they are there. Among the most useful vegetables are:

  • Carrots and beets.
  • Cauliflower and salad.
  • Zucchini and pumpkin.

In a cat's diet tomatoes and eggplants should be missing , as they contain harmful substances for your pet’s body. If your pet doesn’t mind simple vegetables, then you can give them raw and add a little vegetable oil. If you refuse them, vegetables are added to meat foods.

Dairy products

Caught in the act!

Fermented milk products such as:

  • Kefir, fermented baked milk.
  • Yogurt.
  • Not fatty cottage cheese.
  • Hard cheese without additives.
  • Semolina, oatmeal.

Not all cats like cottage cheese, so you can mix it with fermented baked milk or kefir and add a little egg yolk. It is recommended to give cheese to pets no more than once a week.

Other products for a healthy diet

Cat and egg yolk

Other products that are useful for your pet and necessary for the proper functioning of his body:

  • Egg yolk.
  • Rice, oatmeal, wheat porridge mixed with boiled or frozen meat or fish.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, oats, wheat).
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Vitamins and minerals.
  • Purified or boiled water.

The egg yolk must be boiled. It can be given either separately or as an additive to cottage cheese and porridge, but not more than twice a week. Porridge for a cat should be prepared based on a ratio of 1 to 2, that is, one part of porridge and two parts of meat. You can add finely chopped dill or parsley to the same porridges. You can buy oats and wheat at a pet store or grow your own.

Never give your cat grass that you picked outside. Such greens can be contaminated with poisons and toxins, which will cause serious harm to the health of the animal.

When feeding natural food, do not forget about vitamins

Vegetable oil can be added to your pet's food no more than 2 teaspoons per day. Vitamins are sold in pet stores in the form of tablets or various goodies; they must be given to the cat every day.

Water is one of the main elements a cat needs for the normal functioning of its stomach. The drink in the bowl should always be clean, and it should be changed as soon as it gets dirty.

You should not give your cat meat and dairy products at the same time. This may cause.

Natural menu for cats for every day

Each cat requires its own personal approach based on its individual characteristics. Therefore, the owner can change the menu a little, adapting to the pet. For the full functioning of the body of an adult cat, two properly balanced meals a day are enough.

Morning : upon waking up, the cat will happily eat something not very heavy. This could be cottage cheese with yolk, yogurt with cereals, or liquid milk porridge.

For a cat's morning meal, you can't find anything better!

Dinner : fermented baked milk or fortified treats from a pet store are suitable as feeding.

Evening : Before going to bed, your cat needs to have a good meal. Meat porridge or meat with added vegetables are suitable for this. Alternatively, you can simply give boiled chopped meat.

A few days ahead

Cat food can be prepared several days ahead and placed in the refrigerator for storage. This is very convenient if you work and return home late. Upon returning home, you just need to get the cat food, warm it up and feed your pet

Recipes for cats

Your cat will really like these dishes!

Meat with vegetables and grains


  • 1 kg of meat;
  • 500 gr. vegetables that your pet prefers;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of 5 cereals.


  1. It is necessary to boil the meat until cooked, then remove it and leave to cool.
  2. Boil the vegetables in the resulting broth until half cooked.
  3. Pour the broth over the flakes and let it brew.
  4. When the grains are ready, place them and the vegetables in a blender and blend well.
  5. Cut the meat into small, uniform pieces that are convenient for your cat to eat.
  6. Mix the resulting mass from the blender and chopped meat, add 300 ml broth .

Our dish is ready! It can be immediately divided into small portions for your cat to eat and frozen in the freezer.

Lazy dumplings


  • 1 glass of purified water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 gr. wheat or corn flour;
  • 300 gr. chicken liver.


  1. Grind the raw liver in a blender or grind through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix water, eggs, flour and the resulting liver mixture.
  3. Mix the dough.
  4. The consistency of the mixture should be very soft.
  5. Roll out a long sausage and cut into small pieces that look like cherries.
  6. Next, we place our pieces in boiling water, and as soon as they float to the surface, they can be removed.

It is better to cook for 1-2 servings. The rest of the mixture can be placed in the refrigerator. Cool the resulting lazy dumplings and, while warm, serve to the cat.

Food for sterilized cats and neutered cats

Sterilized cat suffering from obesity due to malnutrition

After sterilization, a cat loses interest in animals of the opposite sex and is replaced by a lost interest in food. Therefore very often Sterilized animals are obese , so try not to overfeed your pet.

If you decide to feed your pet homemade food yourself, then remember that the basis of the diet, just like with ordinary cats, should be meat food. Suitable meat products include beef, chicken, chicken hearts, livers or gizzards.

In this case, it is better to give up fish completely.

In addition, sterilized cats should be given cereals, vegetables and various fermented milk products. But it is better to avoid fish completely, since fish contains phosphorus and magnesium, which are harmful to sterilized animals.

Thus, the diet of sterilized and unsterilized cats is similar. The only difference will be the fish. Veterinarians advise buying special vitamins for sterilized pets. They contain all the necessary microelements for such animals.

Video about how to feed your cat natural food and not get worms


If you decide to feed your cat homemade food, then strictly follow all of the above points. You should not leave feeding your cat to chance, and give it the same food that you eat yourself.

Carefully monitor your pet's behavior, as this or that product may not be suitable for the cat, and you will have to replace it with something else. Therefore, please your pet with delicious food prepared by your own hands, and your cat’s long and healthy life will be your gratitude.

Proper nutrition of a nursing cat is extremely important for the health of the pet and her cubs. How to avoid common mistakes and help your cat recover after pregnancy and childbirth? How to create a complete natural diet and what foods to exclude? Let's take a closer look.

If you are still thinking about the question of whether your cat needs to become a mother, read this section, perhaps it will change your vision. At sexual maturity, each animal begins to obey its instincts to look for a sexual partner. If everything goes well, mating occurs, after which the female bears the offspring for 2 months.

Throughout pregnancy, the cat’s body undergoes changes that affect literally all vital systems. The pet begins to produce more blood, since the body also provides embryos. Kittens develop quickly, which leads to increased consumption of proteins, carbohydrates and all nutrients.

During pregnancy, the cat faces the discomfort that pregnant women often experience. The pet may suffer from vitamin deficiency, toxicosis and mineral deficiency. If the pregnancy proceeds successfully, the kittens are formed on time, after about 2 months the decisive moment comes - labor begins. At this stage, the cat faces the greatest danger - postpartum eclampsia. This condition is characterized by a sharp drop in all key blood parameters, including calcium and sugar.

In a state of postpartum eclampsia, a cat can quickly die or kill kittens.

Even if everything goes well, Absolutely all cats suffer from dehydration and exhaustion after giving birth. The diet of a nursing cat should be maximally enhanced in accordance with the needs of the body. Regardless of age, breed or genetics, you can be sure that a nursing cat has calcium and mineral deficiencies. Constant milk production leads to greater consumption of water, proteins and vitamins.

The most difficult and critical time is the first three days after childbirth. During this period, the cat feeds the offspring with colostrum. The production of colostrum is necessary, since without it the microflora of kittens will be weak, and the babies themselves will not be able to digest milk.

You can switch to an enhanced menu from the first week after mating. The problem is that owners of non-sterilized animals that have access to the street find out that their pet is pregnant by the fact that the belly “appears.” It is worth understanding that a noticeable rounding of the barrels occurs already in the second trimester. If you are faced with the fact that your pet is pregnant, it is recommended to switch the cat to a diet enriched with proteins and calcium. Be sure to give your cat a vitamin course and consult a veterinarian about your further actions.

Advice: if you do not want your cat to suffer from the hardships of bearing offspring, it is better to sterilize your pet before the onset of her first heat.

Statistics show that neutered, nulliparous cats live longer and have better health.

Proper feeding of a cat in the first days after birth

Immediately after giving birth, the cat can... If your pet does not eat well in the first few hours after giving birth, this condition can be considered normal. You need to be wary if your cat refuses water. Try offering your pet a warm drink, low-fat broth or fermented milk products. If you give water, it is advisable to add a little salt and sugar to it.

When preparing for the birth of a cat, it is better to buy a rehydron solution, which retains fluid in the body. It quickly and effectively helps in case of severe dehydration.

If after giving birth the cat refuses to drink and has a fever, consult a doctor immediately - these are the first signs of eclampsia.

The diet of a nursing cat provides for its special needs. It is not recommended to feed a young mother with simple food, especially with economy-class dry food. If your pet is accustomed to commercial food, it is better to consult a veterinarian for advice and selection of the optimal product. Many manufacturers produce special food for nursing cats, which enhances lactation and contains increased amounts of proteins and vitamins.

During the diet, in the first three days, it is recommended to give the cat only soft food. It is advisable to boil meat products, chop them and dilute them with broth. For the entire period while the cat feeds the kittens with colostrum, dairy products should be a priority.

To stimulate a cat's appetite, food needs to be heated.

By the third day, most cats can eat normally and are introduced to familiar foods. Changes should affect the frequency of feeding. In the last stages of pregnancy, the cat is physically unable to eat enough food at one time and must be switched to fractional feeding. Immediately after giving birth, it is also recommended to feed the cat in small portions, but often, 3-5 times a day.

How to prevent exhaustion in a nursing cat

After giving birth, you may notice that your cat has lost a lot of weight. This process is inevitable, since the body gradually adapts to the costs of milk production. If the cat's diet is not strengthened at this point, the condition will develop into exhaustion. There are several methods to prevent exhaustion in a nursing cat, but each of them must be adapted to the individual situation.

One common cause of malnutrition in nursing cats is multiple litters. In nature, cats give birth to 2–3 kittens; a pet can give birth to 5–8 babies or even more. If your cat has given birth to more than six kittens, you need to think in advance about how to feed them.

Typically, the last kitten or pair of kittens in a multiple litter is slightly stunted. This is explained by the fact that stronger kittens push babies away from their mother's nipples. You have two options: feed the kittens or make sure that each of them eats well. The only method of monitoring the development of kittens is regular weighing. Timely introduction of supplementary feeding will not only help to avoid growth retardation in kittens, but will also protect the cat from exhaustion.

To supplement kittens, you can use goat's milk, special infant formula without sugar and additives, or powdered cat's milk substitute. Until recently, kittens were often supplemented with cow's milk diluted with water. Today this method is considered incorrect, since cow's milk often leads to dysbiosis and death of kittens.

Goat's milk is considered too fatty, but if there are no alternatives, it can be diluted in half with boiled water and used to supplement feeding of babies. Cats should also be given milk unless they are lactose intolerant. If a cat has milk sugar intolerance, whole milk is replaced with fermented milk products.

Infant formulas designed for infant feeding do not exactly meet the needs of kittens, but are a better alternative than goat's or cow's milk. When purchasing a formula, make sure that it is intended for children from birth, does not contain sugar or its substitute, and does not contain additives (berries, cereals, etc.). As a temporary supplement to the diet, infant formula can also be offered to a nursing cat. The undoubted advantage of infant formula is that they contain sufficient amounts of proteins and carbohydrates.

When introducing supplementary feeding, make sure that the kittens do not gain excess weight. Obesity before the age of 1 month is fraught with abnormal development and even death of babies.

The best choice for supplementary feeding of kittens is powdered cat milk replacer. The products are manufactured specifically for kittens aged from birth to 1 month. Naturally, almost all components of the milk formula are synthesized, that is, they are not natural.

When supplementing kittens with a cat's milk substitute, there is a risk of developing allergies, which are difficult to detect. The first symptoms are lacrimation, itching and other external manifestations. In blind kittens, this symptomatology is very difficult to detect, so when supplementary feeding is introduced, it is recommended to examine the babies daily for redness on the skin.

Let's figure out what foods are best to feed a nursing cat. Most owners become interested in this topic when they notice that their babies do not have enough milk. Unfortunately, there are no universal feeding schemes to produce more milk. Milk It is a derivative of a wide range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. To enhance lactation, use grated walnuts, a decoction of wild raspberry leaves, nettle inflorescence, and even an infusion of egg shells.

When using any drug that enhances lactation, you need to understand the risks. The cat's body will produce more milk, but it is not a fact that it will be as nutritious, that you will not harm the cat's health, that the kittens will not begin to lag behind in development.

The diet of a nursing cat should include: dairy and products. For the first 7–10 days after birth, you need to choose foods for feeding your pet that are easy to digest and as absorbable as possible. During this period, the smooth muscles in the abdominal cavity will have time to recover, which will relieve the cat from discomfort during bowel movements.

Another common cause of exhaustion in lactating cats is nursing their offspring for too long. At the age of 1 month, kittens should begin to be offered boiled minced meat, dairy products or special food for kittens if you plan to raise the babies on a commercial diet.

At the age of one and a half months, kittens' milk consumption should decrease significantly as their interest in “adult” food increases. Please note that if you do not offer supplementary feeding to the kittens, they will continue to suckle from their mother as their food needs only increase.

What to do if the moment from the mother was missed and the adult kittens continue to suckle? In this case, it is not recommended to act roughly: separate the mother and kittens, smear the cat’s nipples with bitter solutions, etc. The best option is to provide the cat with a separate shelter that is inaccessible to kittens. The cat will be able to independently decide when to hide from the kids. Kittens will have no choice but to be interested in the food that is in the bowl.

Typically, the process of weaning kittens from cat suckling takes only 2-3 days. Kittens that have reached one and a half months of age need to expand their taste range, so they willingly consume new foods that are offered to them.

We create a natural diet

When creating a diet for a nursing cat, it is more logical to start with prohibitions, that is, foods that should not be fed to your pet. This list includes:

  • Raw pork– is a source of infection with dangerous helminths and the false rabies virus.
  • Raw– in most cases it is inseminated with worm eggs or their larvae.
  • Hard salty cheese– many cats love cheese, but this product most often contains a lot of salt. Given the changes that occur in the body of a pregnant and lactating cat, the presence of salt in the diet is fraught with serious risks.
  • Any products that may cause diarrhea– this list includes raw milk, whole milk and other products to which your cat has had a negative reaction. The problem is that a nursing cat's body is almost always dehydrated. Diarrhea will lead to additional loss of water, which can lead to a critical condition.
  • Onions, garlic, spices, marinades– these products should be excluded from the diet of any cat.
  • Sugar, sugar substitutes, any products made from flour- again, this list of products should be excluded from the diet of any cat. If a nursing cat indulges in one of the harmful foods, it can cause constipation or severe digestive disorders. The fact is that the functioning of the digestive tract is restored within a month after childbirth. Simply put, if previously a cat could digest harmful foods, then after giving birth the body will not be able to cope with this task.

Until the kittens are at least one month old, it is not recommended to transfer the mother pet from the enhanced menu to the usual “pre-pregnancy” diet. For the entire period of feeding the offspring, it is not recommended to give the cat raw meat and fish. A safer option is boiled, chopped meat, diluted with broth or mixed with boiled vegetables.

80% of a nursing cat's diet should consist of meat and dairy products.

Fish, in the diet of a nursing cat, is a controversial product. On the one hand, a young mother has a huge need for minerals, on the other hand, too many minerals can lead to serious health problems. If you are in doubt about whether you should include fish in your pet’s diet, it is better to choose an alternative – a special vitamin complex for nursing cats.

It is better to replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, but give them no more than twice a week.

It is strictly forbidden to feed your cat raw eggs; they must be hard-boiled, peeled and crushed.

After giving birth, cats often experience digestive problems. The most common problem is constipation, against the background of impaired intestinal motility. To alleviate the pet’s condition, add a little flaxseed oil to the food. If your cat has a sensitive digestive system, it is better to replace the oil with prophylactic doses of Duphalac or similar drugs.

A major role in restoring the functioning of the digestive system is played by the presence coarse fibers and cellulose in a cat's diet. If your pet is not accustomed to eating vegetables, she should be offered grass. In any pet store you can find special grass for cats that germinates in 2-3 days.

It is recommended that a cat nursing kittens include additional carbohydrates in her diet. Buckwheat and rice groats serve as a source of carbohydrates and coarse fiber. In addition, buckwheat porridge is a rich source of microelements. When preparing, it is recommended to use it as much as possible, dilute it with broth, grated meat or vegetables.

I think you will agree that pregnancy and feeding kittens is an important period for every mature cat. Some owners think about what to feed a nursing cat even at the moment when they first find out that she is in an “interesting situation.”

Most people decide on specialized nutrition for their furry pet after the kittens are born. One way or another, a nursing cat must have a special diet, because she needs not only to recover after giving birth, but also to feed her offspring.

From this article you will learn which dry food is best for a cat after giving birth, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the features of feeding natural food and methods of stimulating lactation.

The cat's appetite wakes up a day after giving birth, but this can happen earlier or later: a lot depends on age, health, body weight, number of kittens and other factors. Within a few days after the birth of the offspring, the portion should be increased 2-3 times.

A nursing cat needs a balanced and nutritious diet without artificial chemical additives!

It is best to purchase ready-made specialized food for cats after birth, because they are specially designed to meet the needs of the animal during lactation.

Ready-made food for nursing cats

First, you should exclude any chemicals from your cat’s diet, which means forgetting about low-quality ready-made food once and for all.

During lactation, the furry mother should be given only professional food specially designed for nursing cats. They are usually labeled premium, super-premium or holistic.

  1. Acana Wild Prairie
  2. Bosch Sanabelle Kitten
  3. Eukanuba Kitten Healthy Start

These foods do not contain additional flavor additives or flavor enhancers.

If before giving birth your cat was fed dry food from the budget segment, she may refuse to eat good food.

It is advisable to accustom your cat to professional food before giving birth, so that later there will be no problems with feeding.

More information about each of the feeds

Acana Wild Prairie

More than 75% consists of meat. It contains meat, liver, heart, kidneys and cartilage from free-range chickens and turkeys, chicken eggs, and lake-caught trout and walleye.

Acana Wild Prairie is a universal food that is suitable for cats of all breeds and all ages. Pet owners note the following advantages of this food:

  • high quality;
  • absence of grain (ballast) components, only potatoes are the source of carbohydrates;
  • lack of odor from pets' mouths;
  • quick saturation with a small (compared to premium and economy food) amount of granules;
  • normalization of stool;
  • noticeable improvement in the condition of the coat and mucous membranes;
  • Most cats like it.

But the most important thing is that it is a complete food that allows the cat to receive absolutely all the necessary nutrients, micro- and macroelements, and vitamins. Some owners note that regular consumption of this food can provoke a slight change in pigmentation in cats (for example, small brown spots may appear on the nose or in the corners of the eyes), but this is quite rare.

  • 0.34 kg – 360 rubles (180 UAH);
  • 1.8 kg – 1525 rubles (762 UAH);
  • 5.4 kg – 3749 rubles (1874 UAH).

ProNature Holistic For adult cats (1+) “Duck with orange”

This is another one that is perfect for nursing cats. As the name suggests, the main ingredient is duck. Orange is added as a source of vitamins A, B, C, which strengthen the immune system.

Aloe vera and chamomile will have a good effect on the health of a cat that has recently suffered enormous stress associated with childbirth and now must not only recover, but also feed its offspring. These plant-based ingredients in ProNature Holistic Adult Cat Food (1+) Duck & Orange have an anti-inflammatory effect and also reduce blood sugar levels. All these components allow the cat to endure the postpartum period well.

Owners of nursing cats, including myself, note a very rapid improvement in digestion: the cat does not look with “hungry eyes”, does not require an increase in portion, does not come to the bowl too often, and therefore eats up; the chair is decorated, practically odorless.

  • 0.34 kg – 393 rubles (196 UAH);
  • 2.72 kg – 2577 rubles (1288 UAH);
  • 5.44 kg – 4273 rubles (2136 UAH).

Bosch Sanabelle Kitten

Optimal for nursing cats, which can be purchased in hermetically sealed bags of 0.4, 2 and 10 kilograms. This is a complete food that contains no substances that can cause an allergic reaction.

In addition, the European manufacturer does not add dyes, preservatives, or artificial flavors, but does include medicinal plants, seeds and berries (sorghum, millet, flaxseed, cranberries, blueberries, yucca). These components strengthen the immune system and prevent a number of diseases.

Bosch Kitten Sanabelle food is based on fresh poultry, rice, animal fat, meat flour, liver, and dehydrolyzed proteins.

Picky owners of furry purrs celebrate“imperfect” composition of the food, but the food has no less fans than opponents. In some cases, nursing cats have upset stools due to Bosch Kitten Sanabelle (especially if the transition to this food was abrupt), and hair begins to fall out. All these are individual manifestations indicating that the food is not suitable.

  • 2 kg – 1517 rubles (758 UAH);
  • 10 kg – 4885 rubles (2442 UAH).

Eukanuba Kitten Healthy Start

Excellent for nursing cats. This is a complete food that guarantees a strengthened immune system, effective absorption of nutrients, rapid recovery after childbirth, improved skin and coat condition, and strengthened bones.

The main component of Eukanuba Kitten Healthy Start food is chicken. The composition does not contain flavoring additives or preservatives, but it does contain animal fat, barley, wheat, animal proteins, beet pulp, fish oil, minerals, and brewer's yeast.

Pet owners trust the food of this brand, but they are in no hurry to buy Eukanuba Kitten Healthy Start for nursing cats, since the food granules are quite small and can fall out of the mouth of a cat that has recently given birth. However, this type of food can be an excellent compromise solution for feeding mother and kittens from the same bowl if there is no time or opportunity to separate portions.

1st Choice "Healthy Start" for kittens

Suitable for kittens not only for recently born furry creatures, but also for their mother, who can still feed the offspring.

This food is also good as the main diet for a new mother. It consists of at least a third of protein (chicken and chicken flour), the remaining components are white and brown rice, oats, herbs (mint, parsley, yucca), beets, peas, salmon fat (a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids), vitamins for nursing cats and minerals.

Pet owners note that after switching cats to this food after cheaper options, in a matter of days the condition of the skin, fur, mucous membranes improves, stool normalizes, and bad breath decreases. I have heard more than once that when feeding kittens with 1st Choice “Healthy Start” food, a nursing mother gets more milk.

Hill's Science Plan Optimal Care

This food cannot be called optimal. Those who buy this food for their pets either call it ideal or absolutely unsuitable for cats. The food is classified as, that is, suitable for adult animals without any special health problems, regardless of breed.

In most cases, the food will still be suitable, but you should be prepared to replace it with something more suitable. Hill's Science Plan Optimal Care contains easily digestible ingredients, proteins, and is additionally enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids. The disadvantages of the composition include the presence of corn.