The widespread use of hawthorn is due to the effective effect of the active components of plants on the body. It perfectly fights heart disease and helps overcome stressful situations, get rid of neuroses and insomnia. But the use of medicinal plants is not limited to these areas of medicine. What else is hawthorn used for, its medicinal properties and contraindications for use will be discussed in the article.

Properties of hawthorn: a panacea for the heart and more

The composition of the fruit is most reminiscent of another healing berry - rose hips. The mass fraction of natural sugars, mainly fructose, in the fruits of the plant is extremely small, amounting to a maximum of 11 percent of the total volume. The low concentration allows people with diabetes to safely consume the fruit. Various parts of plants are used to cure diseases.


Hawthorn fruits are used mainly for heart diseases. But preparations based on medicinal plants can be used not only in this direction. The vitamins and minerals included in the composition, represented by ascorbic acid and flavonoids of group P, successfully fight vascular diseases, preventing their fragility and helping to strengthen the walls. This property of berries is especially important for men, who after 30 years make up the overwhelming percentage of all people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The healing properties for women are also difficult to overestimate. Most often, representatives of the fair sex use this medicine to relieve nervous excitement and stress that haunts women throughout their lives: PMS during menstruation, fears caused by pregnancy, and menopause do not at all help strengthen the nervous system. Hawthorn will help restore balance and calm your nerves.

Important! You should be careful about the dosage of hawthorn-based drugs used as a sedative. Adding too much fruit to tea or infusion can have the opposite effect.

But it is better not to give hawthorn to young children. The use of plant berries for medicinal purposes is possible only from the age of 12. Until this time, medications using parts of the medicinal shrub are given only as prescribed by the pediatrician.

Hawthorn flowers: the benefits of natural ingredients

No less often than berries, flowers of medicinal shrubs are used in folk medicine. They contain many substances that benefit the human body:

  • flavonoids;
  • caffeic acid;
  • chlorogenic acid;
  • tannins:
  • choline;
  • essential oils.

Flowers can have the same effect on the body as berries. However, due to the content of certain organic acids, they can also provide effective assistance in the fight against excess weight.

Is hawthorn bark used in medicine?

The most famous parts of the plant that are used to prepare medicines are, of course, the berries and flowers. But in some recipe books of grandmothers, you can find a decoction made from the bark of a bush. It is designed to fight such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids.

However, the benefit of this part of the bush in the treatment of such an ailment is very doubtful. When studying its composition, you can notice that the bark contains tannins in large quantities, which have an astringent effect on the body. Most likely, taking the decoction will cause constipation, which does not at all contribute to the resorption of hemorrhoids and can even be harmful to health and worsen the patient’s condition. But for diarrhea, this infusion can be very effective.

Hawthorn root: medicinal properties

Hawthorn root tincture is often prescribed to older people: it has a general strengthening effect and has a positive effect on the vascular system.

But most often this drug is prescribed to combat heart failure. It is quite simple to prepare: take 100 grams of dried roots per liter of water, and the mixture should be cooked over medium heat for about 10 minutes. After cooling, the drug is ready for use. The recommended daily dose is a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Are there any contraindications

The unconditional benefits of hawthorn are due to the set of components included in its composition. But it is also the source of possible negative effects on the body. Medicines based on this plant have a number of contraindications.

  1. Breastfeeding period. The active substances contained in all parts of the medicinal plant will not benefit a nursing baby, who receives them from mother's milk. During lactation, taking hawthorn tinctures and decoctions is strictly prohibited.
  2. Hypotension. Medicines are used for high blood pressure, and accordingly, are contraindicated for low blood pressure.
  3. Childhood. Useful components in the ratio in which they are contained in hawthorn can have a negative effect on the fragile body of children.
  4. Individual intolerance to components. Allergic reactions to some substances contained in the composition are possible.

The ideal option would be to consult a specialist before taking hawthorn. Only a doctor is able to correctly assess the patient’s condition and prescribe the use of medications.

Recipes for ailments

It is important to use hawthorn for medicinal purposes in the correct dosage. It is better to prepare the medicine according to proven recipes, often passed down from generation to generation. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Hawthorn has a beneficial quality for diabetics: it can normalize metabolism and stabilize blood sugar levels. It is useful to use this plant as part of the following infusion:

  1. 7 tablespoons of rose hips and the same amount of hawthorn are poured into a thermos. Boiling water is added to the container to the brim.
  2. Next, you need to screw the lid tightly and leave the liquid to infuse.
  3. The process of saturation with useful substances lasts 24 hours.
  4. Then the resulting drink must be filtered and refrigerated.

The main purpose of the medicinal plant is the treatment of heart ailments. It perfectly helps against arrhythmia, with nagging pain, normalizing the work of the main muscle of the body and helping to strengthen blood vessels. For those with heart problems, it will be useful to use the following remedy:

A tablespoon of the mixture, consisting of dried flowers, is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. The product should be kept in this state for about an hour, and then filtered. You need to drink hawthorn from the heart twice a day, trying to take the medicine between meals.

Important! If heart pain is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, taking such an infusion is prohibited. It can provoke a sharp deterioration in health.


Therapeutic vodka tincture is an excellent remedy for normalizing blood pressure. It is used when this vital sign increases. It is quite easy to prepare a drug for hypertension:

  1. 20 grams of fruits and the same amount of dried flowers are poured with vodka in an amount of 50 ml.
  2. If you don't have an alcoholic drink, you can use medical alcohol.
  3. Cover the container with the infusion with a lid and leave in a shaded place for 14 days.

After this period, the resulting tincture must be filtered, getting rid of the remnants of berries and flowers. It is used three times a day before meals, a single dose is 1 tablespoon. The recommended duration of taking the drug is a month.

In cosmetology

Various face masks are made from hawthorn. Industrially produced products, of course, can have the desired effect, however, it is better to prepare the product from natural ingredients with your own hands. It will help get rid of pimples and acne quickly.

Prepare the anti-inflammatory cleansing mask as follows:

To two tablespoons of milk add a spoonful of juice from the fruits of the bush and a little yeast. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. You can use the mask when the first signs of inflammation appear.

The most important thing when choosing raw materials for making tinctures is to know which hawthorn is considered medicinal. Only red hawthorn is used in medicine; black fruits are not suitable for a number of reasons. Harvesting raw materials for the winter for medicinal purposes is carried out in the autumn (fruits, roots and leaves) or in May-June (flowers).

Hawthorn is a semi-evergreen or deciduous tree and shrub honey plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. This perennial reaches 12 m in height and has hard, strong wood, numerous spines and juicy fruits. The lifespan of a plant varies from several tens to 350 years.

Under natural conditions, hawthorn grows in the temperate zone of the Eurasian and North American continents. It is actively cultivated in many countries of the northern hemisphere. The shrub is unpretentious, light-loving, winter-hardy, undemanding to soil and does not require special care.

The plant is used to secure the banks of reservoirs, ravine slopes, and is used in cooking and ornamental gardening. In the pharmaceutical industry and folk medicine, flowers and fruits of the bush are used to prepare medicines.

Medicinal composition of the plant

The healing properties of the perennial are due to its biochemical composition. It is rich in carbohydrates (fructose, starch, sucrose), nitrogenous and tannin compounds, dietary fiber, antioxidants, and ash elements. The fruits are characterized by the presence of sorbitol, flavonoids (hyperin, hyperoside, amygdalin), essential oils, triterpene saponins, choline, coloring compounds, acetylcholine, phytosterols.

The composition of hawthorn includes a list of vital microelements: calcium, chromium, iron, boron, cobalt, aluminum, manganese, zinc, potassium, copper, molybdenum, magnesium. The product is distinguished by a variety of organic acids: oleic, tartaric, crategoic, chlorogenic, ursolic, caffeic, ascorbic, citric. The vitamin series is represented by alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, cholecalciferol, retinol, farnoquinone, and representatives of group B.

Beneficial properties of hawthorn

What are the benefits of hawthorn? The plant is characterized by sedative, restorative, tonic, calming properties. It has an anti-sclerotic, cardiotonic, anti-stress effect. It is an effective antispasmodic. The fruits and inflorescences are widely used for medicinal and preventive purposes.

The berries of the bush are characterized by the ability to remove accumulated waste and ecotoxins from the human body, prevent the formation and further development of tumor-like neoplasms. Benefits of hawthorn for various systems:

  • For the circulatory system, heart. Products based on it are recommended for normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, activating the blood flow process, strengthening the walls of large vessels, capillaries and reducing the likelihood of their spasms. They help to increase the effectiveness of treatment of angina pectoris, extrasystole, paroxysmal tachycardia, coronary artery disease, cardioneurosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and strengthen the heart muscle. Prescribed during the rehabilitation period after heart attacks, taken in the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, pain and spasms in the chest area, in the initial stages of the development of heart failure.
  • For the digestive system. The plant is taken for chronic constipation and various forms of gastritis. Helps normalize digestive processes, eliminate spasms, improve intestinal motility, and increase the absorption of nutrients entering the body. Prevents the occurrence of peptic ulcers and colon cancer. Used in complex treatment for intestinal infections.
  • For the nervous system. It is used in cases of insomnia, neuroses, frequent overwork, epilepsy, depressive and stressful conditions, regular headaches and dizziness, and chronic fatigue.
  • For the immune system. Regular consumption of berries improves immunity, which is most important during periods of seasonal epidemics. This measure also allows you to speed up the recovery of the body after diseases of infectious etiology.
  • For skin. Prescribed for external application in the presence of ulcerative lesions, burns, wound surfaces. Recommended for eliminating itching, effective for acne and eczema.

Hawthorn is actively used in the production of cosmetics, which is associated with its tonic, decongestant, and moisturizing properties. The use of such drugs makes it possible to minimize the intensity of manifestations of age-related changes.

The use of hawthorn in folk medicine

The healing properties of the bush make it possible to include it in the formulations of folk remedies aimed at combating various ailments. Using the plant in combination with traditional methods of treatment (physiotherapy, taking appropriate medications) significantly increases the effectiveness of the measures taken.

Freshly picked and dried flowers and berries of the perennial have a healing effect. Depending on the disease, products based on them can be used orally or externally. Treatment of various diseases with hawthorn:

  • Heart failure. Mix hawthorn berries (1 tsp), (1 tbsp), chamomile flowers (1 tsp), valerian (1 tsp), rose hips (2 tbsp), motherwort herb (1 tbsp) and black tea (100 g). 1 tsp. The resulting mixture is brewed with 150 ml of boiling water, left for 10 minutes and consumed three times a day in full after meals.
  • Cardiac ischemia. A medicinal mixture is prepared from hawthorn, fennel, motherwort, and valerian roots in a proportional ratio of 1:2:1:2, respectively. 1 tbsp. l. pour the mixture into a glass of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes. After cooling, the liquid is filtered through a piece of gauze and consumed in a dose of 70 ml per dose, 2 hours after meals. Frequency of use: twice a day.
  • High blood pressure. Shrub flowers (1 tbsp) are brewed with 200 ml of boiling water and infused in a closed container for 8 - 10 hours. The medicine is taken in a prepared volume once a day for a month. If you have hypertension, it is also recommended to use a herbal mixture that includes hawthorn flowers, chokeberry fruits and sweet clover in a ratio of 3:2:1, respectively. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are added to boiling water (250 ml), kept in a thermos for 7 - 9 hours and taken before breakfast in a dose of 80 ml per dose.
  • Vascular diseases and atherosclerosis. Dried flowers of the plant (1 tbsp) are brewed in 250 ml of water. The liquid is infused for 15 minutes, then filtered. If the fruits of the plant are used in this recipe, the aging time of the drink increases to 2 hours. The product is used twice or thrice a day at a dose of half a glass per dose. As a preventive measure when there is a threat of developing vascular diseases (including atherosclerosis), the following composition is used: oregano and hawthorn flowers (3 proportional parts each), motherwort and St. John's wort (4 parts of each ingredient) are mixed. 1 tbsp. l. collection is poured with boiling water (250 ml) and infused for 8 - 9 hours. The drug is taken twice a day, half a glass per dose.
  • Relieving stress and fatigue. 2 tbsp. l. The berries are poured into a thermos, poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Take up to 4 times a day (single dosage – 3 tablespoons). Second recipe: crushed hawthorn and St. John's wort (1 tsp of each component) are brewed with 200 ml of water and left for 15 minutes. Should be consumed once a day in full.
  • Metabolic disease. 1 tbsp. l. plant raw materials are brewed in a glass of boiled water and kept for 1 hour. Used twice a day at a dose of 50 ml per dose.
  • Prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The flowers of common hawthorn and knotweed are combined, along with the herb Veronica officinalis in proportions of 1:3:3:2, respectively. 1 tbsp. l. The finished composition is poured with boiling water and left for 25 minutes. This remedy is drunk 45 minutes before meals (single dosage – 70 ml).

Adequate use of medicines with hawthorn leads to improved health and is an effective preventive measure aimed at preventing the occurrence of many ailments.

Folk recipes from hawthorn fruits and flowers

An important condition for preparing medicines from herbal raw materials at home is to follow the recommendations of a particular recipe. To create medicinal products, as a rule, fruits and flowers are used, less often the bark of a bush.

Properly created drinks based on this plant (decoctions, tinctures, teas) have a healing effect and increase the effectiveness of concomitant drug treatment. Methods of preparation:

  • Infusion of hawthorn flowers. 3 tbsp. l. flowers (fresh or dried) are poured into 600 ml of cold water and left for 8 - 10 hours. Then the liquid is brought to a boil and kept over medium heat for 6 - 7 minutes. The broth is wrapped in a towel, left for half an hour, filtered through a piece of gauze.
  • Hawthorn fruit infusion. Fresh or dried berries (20 g) are poured with boiling water (200 ml), boiled for 5 minutes, removed from the stove and left for 40 minutes.
  • Tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, peony. A herbal collection is formed from medicinal plants taken in equal parts. The resulting raw materials are filled with a 70% alcohol solution in a ratio of 1:5, respectively, tightly sealed and placed in a dark, cold room for 3 weeks. The tincture should be shaken daily. After the specified period, the liquid is filtered and poured into a glass container for further storage.
  • Alcohol tincture of hawthorn fruit. 100 g of crushed berries are poured with an alcohol solution or vodka (0.5 l) and left for 8 days. The resulting tincture is filtered, simultaneously squeezing out the vegetable cake.
  • Hawthorn tea. 1 tbsp. l. The plants are poured into an enamel bowl, 200–230 ml of boiling water is added, covered with a lid and simmered for 15 minutes over low heat. After turning off, the drink is infused for 40 minutes, filtered to remove plant residues. Before drinking, dissolve 1 - 2 tsp in tea. honey
  • Hawthorn compote. Ripe fruits are washed, cut into pieces, seeds are removed and rinsed in cold water. The prepared product is poured into hot 45% sugar syrup and left for 8 - 9 hours. After this time, the berries are removed from the liquid and placed in sterilized jars. Boiling syrup is added to them. Jars of compote should be pasteurized for 20 minutes, then rolled up with metal lids.

Drinking drinks prepared with hawthorn not only helps create a healing effect, but also saturates the body with vital microelements, nutrients and vitamins.

Pharmaceutical products with hawthorn

Some small-fruited species of hawthorn are used to create pharmaceutical preparations (the most common are blood red and common). They are produced in liquid (extracts, lotions, infusions) or solid (tablets, powders) forms.

Medicines can be single-component or include a complex of medicinal plants that enhance the effect of the shrub. Pharmacies offer the following types of drugs:

  • Evalar Hawthorn Forte– a highly concentrated plant extract enriched with magnesium and potassium cations. The dietary supplement is available in tablet form.
  • Hawthorn infusion– an alcohol extract obtained by aging the generative parts of a bush in an alcohol solution.
  • Drops "Valemidin"– a combination drug including diphenhydramine, tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, alcoholic infusions of peppermint, motherwort.
  • Cardiovalen drops– a herbal remedy that combines extracts of common jaundice and hawthorn, infusion of valerian roots, synthetic camphor, sodium bromide and concentrated adonizide.
  • The drug "Fitorelax"– tableted mixture of valerian extract and hawthorn inflorescences.
  • Elixir "Kedrovit"– a medicine of plant origin, which includes birch buds, generative parts of hawthorn, Siberian pine pine seeds, chokeberry berries, Eleutherococcus rhizomes and honey.
  • Elixir "Amrita"– a complex product based on medicinal plants: licorice and elecampane, cardamom seeds, juniper berries, apples, hawthorn, thyme and rose hips.
  • Demidov syrup– a multicomponent herbal composition, including birch buds, blueberries, yarrow, coriander, chamomile, St. John's wort, rhizomes of licorice, ginseng, cinquefoil, calamus and bergenia, oak bark, hawthorn berries, rose hips, mint leaves and pine seeds (Siberian pine).

The above drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. However, creating such products at home requires careful adherence to the preparation technology. Neglecting the instructions for use can cause an overdose and, as a result, severe intoxication of the body.

Harvesting hawthorn fruits and flowers

Proper preparation of plant raw materials makes it possible to preserve the beneficial properties of the plant at the maximum level. The benefits of dried hawthorn are equivalent to the benefits of freshly harvested parts of this perennial.

Flowers should be collected in dry weather in the morning. This is not always feasible, since the flowering period of the bush is 2–3 days. Preparation is carried out in the following way:

  1. The flowers are separated from the plant, capturing a small section of the stem part.
  2. The resulting harvest is scattered in a thin layer on a baking sheet and placed away from sunlight (under a ventilated canopy, on an unglazed veranda), and kept until completely dry.
  3. The resulting medicinal raw materials are placed in paper bags, fabric bags or boxes with a paper-lined bottom.

The permissible storage period for dried flowers is 1 year. The fruits are collected in early to mid-autumn, also in dry weather conditions. Method for harvesting bush berries:

  1. The collected fruits are sorted, rotten, spoiled berries and foreign impurities are removed.
  2. Then they are washed under running water, dried and laid out on a baking sheet, which is placed in the oven at a temperature of +50 degrees. The duration of drying depends on the size of the fruit and is carried out in several approaches.

Further storage is carried out in fabric bags and wooden boxes. The shelf life of the product is up to 2 years. Freshly picked berries can also be stored in the freezer at a temperature of -12 ... -18 degrees for 8 months.

Contraindications and harm of hawthorn

The use of hawthorn for health should be dosed and rational. Uncontrolled consumption of the plant in various forms can worsen health, provoke the emergence of various problems and cause an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Some types of plant-based products (alcohol tinctures) are not recommended for use by children, as well as people whose professional activities involve operating equipment or transport. The product has the following contraindications:

  • Hypotension;
  • Asthenoneurotic syndrome;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Taking medications used to treat arrhythmia;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Children under 12 years of age;
  • Apato-abulic syndrome;
  • Autism;
  • Use of diuretics;
  • Oligophrenia, mental and psychomotor development delay;
  • Individual intolerance to the product.

Taking the fruits of the plant and drinks based on it is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, which is associated with the risk of bleeding and, as a consequence, miscarriage, as well as the likelihood of allergic reactions in the child. Failure to comply with dosages and dosage regimens can lead to intoxication and cause significant harm to the body:

  • Consumption on an empty stomach can cause cramping pain in the stomach, pain, nausea (less often vomiting), and intestinal colic;
  • Allergic rashes, accompanied by swelling, itching;
  • Tremor, weakness;
  • Slow heart rate;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Hypotension;
  • Drowsiness, lethargy.

Long-term use of drugs with hawthorn is addictive, which significantly reduces the severity of its medicinal properties. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to visit a doctor in person to determine the individual dose of the drug.

Video: hawthorn - benefits and applications

This video provides information about the biochemical composition of the plant and its beneficial properties. Diseases have been described in which taking perennials has a positive effect on the body, improves well-being and general condition. It tells about how to properly harvest, brew and consume hawthorn, prepare juice and jam.

Hawthorn is a valuable medicinal plant with a number of beneficial properties. Its use must be previously agreed with a doctor, since the product has a number of serious contraindications. Following recommendations regarding individual dosages and methods of treatment ensures improved health and prevents the occurrence of certain diseases.


The medicinal properties of hawthorn have made it one of the most favorite plants for treating various diseases. But are hawthorn leaves and flowers really that useful? Let's find out in more detail!

Until now, scientists do not know the exact chemical composition of hawthorn, which determines its beneficial properties. They believe that the healing effect of the berries and leaves is provided by plant polyphenols and flavonoids: they not only make the hawthorn berries red, but are also capable of neutralizing free radicals and eliminating the fragility of the walls of blood vessels.

Hawthorn also contains other useful elements: quercitrin, hyperoside, vitexin. Quercitrin maintains the elasticity of the skin and reduces capillary permeability - this element helps with cerebrovascular accidents and cardiovascular diseases. Taking hyperoside leads to an increase in glucose utilization and enriches the heart with oxygen and potassium ions. Vitexin helps blood vessels, strengthening them and accelerating metabolic processes.

Hawthorn for cardiovascular diseases

Hawthorn flowers and fruits contain many useful substances, especially acids:

  • ursolic acid – characterized by wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • oleanolic acid – increases blood circulation in the heart;
  • chlorogenic is good for the liver, kidneys, has a choleretic effect;
  • Caffeine is famous for its antibacterial properties.

Red hawthorn is very healthy; the berries and leaves contain a lot of carotene, vitamin A, C, E and K. Thus, some varieties contain more carotene than carrots or. The plant contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper.

For many centuries, hawthorn has been a medicinal plant used for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. In addition to the vitamins and beneficial microelements listed above, hawthorn fruits are famous for their high nutritional value - the presence of acids and sufficient sugar content, the basis of which is fructose, allows people suffering from diabetes to consume hawthorn.

Hawthorn fruits for people with diabetes

Hawthorn tincture can be found in any pharmacy - the beneficial properties of the tincture of red fruits and 70% alcohol allow it to be used to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, atherosclerosis, and tachycardia. If you suffer from high blood pressure, hawthorn tincture will help normalize it. In addition, you can take the tincture during menopause. If necessary, you can prepare the tincture yourself - both berries and flowers of the plant will do.

If you decide to use, you need to take 25 g of dry or fresh berries and pour 100 ml of alcohol into them. The tincture is taken a day after infusion - 40-60 drops three times a day. If you want to use flowers, take two parts of alcohol for one part of flowers, taking 40 drops three times a day. The resulting liquid must be infused for at least two weeks. The tincture can be made from vodka. In this case, mix a spoonful of berries or dried flowers with 200 ml of water, pour into a jar and close, leaving to settle for a day.

The main benefit of this plant is its positive effect on the cardiovascular system. By the way, during World War II, hawthorn was widely used as a substitute for medicines that were in short supply for heart disease. It is also often prescribed to people who have suffered a serious illness. Properly prepared flowers or berries will also help with diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • angioneurosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia.

The use of hawthorn berries will lead to increased blood circulation in the blood vessels of the brain, while the plant “acts” selectively. These healing properties allow the plant to be used in a targeted manner, supplying oxygen to the neurons of the brain. In addition, the plant relieves pain, improving general condition. The use of hawthorn leaves or flowers, the beneficial properties of which you already know, is recommended in folk medicine for edema, the appearance of which is caused by poor functioning of the cardiovascular system, during epilepsy and rheumatism.

Berries with healing properties

Also, the beneficial properties of hawthorn help with nervous diseases accompanied by painful sensations - the sedative effect of the fruits of this plant has been experimentally proven.

Due to the antispasmodic properties of hawthorn berries, it is prescribed for headaches, pain in the shoulders, lower back, blood diseases and dropsy. The medicinal properties of the plant allow it to be used for intestinal disorders, diseases of the gallbladder, liver, renal colic, frequent urination or small amounts of urine. If you are sick with ARVI or suffer from herpes, the tincture can be used as an additional remedy.

In different countries, berries are used to treat various diseases. Thus, in Western Europe, this plant is often prescribed for sore throat, dysentery, and urolithiasis. In Belarus it is prescribed for diseases of the esophagus, asthma, and stomach ulcers. In Siberia, it has found use for various gynecological diseases.

Thanks to such a variety of beneficial qualities and the low price of the tincture, hawthorn is very popular. But can pregnant women use it? This issue is very relevant, since the use of many medications during this period is simply prohibited.

Hawthorn tincture

Hawthorn berries during pregnancy are best taken as a soothing tea in low concentration. In this case, the medicinal properties of hawthorn will have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and will help solve the problem of insomnia without having a negative effect. There is another useful recipe for expectant mothers:

  • concentrated hawthorn tincture – 1 tbsp;
  • kefir (ryazhenka) – 2 tbsp;
  • honey - half a teaspoon;
  • banana.

Simply mix all ingredients and take throughout the day. But remember that frequent intake of fruits, due to the large amount of vitamin C in their composition, can lead to premature birth, increasing the tone of the uterus.

Despite a lot of positive qualities, red hawthorn has contraindications that need to be taken into account. So, if your work requires a quick reaction, then you should not use drinks and infusions based on hawthorn - they inhibit the reaction and can lead to drowsiness .

Healing drink

It is also undesirable to use such drugs for nursing mothers - many cases have been recorded when taking hawthorn led to a significant decrease in breast milk. Another contraindication is the post-stroke condition of a sick person, serious kidney problems, and cardiac disorders. In such cases, consult a doctor - only an experienced physician, after conducting all the tests, will be able to prescribe a dosage that is suitable for you. Hawthorn is not recommended for children either - exceeding the decoction or tincture norm will lead to increased drowsiness.

But with normal dosage, there are practically no contraindications. The main thing is not to overuse it - as doctors have established, jam from hawthorn berries, the beneficial properties of which make it possible to treat many ailments, replaces taking 20-30 drops of any other strong heart remedy. The main danger of hawthorn is that it acts rather slowly - the negative effect can appear only a couple of days after the start of use.

Red fruits need to be brewed in different ways, only in this case the beneficial properties of hawthorn will be fully revealed. If you need to take hawthorn for arrhythmia or high cholesterol, you need:

  • wash the fruits and chop;
  • pour a tablespoon into the cooking container;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • keep the mixture on fire until it reduces by half;
  • take three times a day before meals.

If you suffer from chronic hypertension, the recipe is as follows:

  • pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of dried fruit;
  • leave the mixture in the oven for two hours;
  • strain thoroughly;
  • drink a spoonful three times a day.

Preparing a drink for chronic hypertension

For nervous stress and overexertion, use the following recipe:

  • pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of dried berries;
  • brew the infusion for 3 hours;
  • Take two spoons every day before meals.

You can also prepare a healing tea, in which all the medicinal properties of hawthorn flowers and leaves are manifested. To increase effectiveness, add chamomile or motherwort to hawthorn - this combination of medicinal herbs will allow you to quickly restore the body after experiences and reduce pain in the heart, which often appears as a result of severe nervous disorders.

Hawthorn jam is also useful as a tincture or decoction. The only caveat is that the berries of this plant have a slightly mealy taste, so pure jam will not be the most delicious - it should be diluted with lemon or cranberries. To make jam, wash the berries, remove the seeds and stems.

Hawthorn jam

Lemon jam:

  • cook the sugar syrup (for 1 kg of sugar you need to take 200 ml of water), stirring it constantly;
  • add hawthorn berries to the boiling mass;
  • add lemon juice at the rate of one fruit per 1 kg of berries;
  • cook for 5-7 minutes and roll into jars.

You can make jam with the addition of cranberries - it will be very useful during ARVI and flu, with hypertension, insomnia, and during cleansing the body of toxins in case of poisoning.

The recipe is as follows:

  • take 1 kg of hawthorn and 0.5 kg of cranberries;
  • cook sugar syrup (per kilogram of sugar - a glass of water);
  • add the fruits, boil for 5 minutes and add jam.

Now you are familiar with what hawthorn is, and what beneficial properties and contraindications the berries and leaves have, how to make jam or tinctures. But remember: “There is medicine in a drop, and poison in a spoon”; consult your doctor before taking any medicinal tinctures.

Hawthorn - grows well in urban areas and in dense forests. Shrubs or small hawthorn trees have been familiar to us since childhood. The height growth limit is fixed at 15 meters, but usually the bush does not overcome the 5 meter mark. The formidable weapon of the hawthorn is its thorns, which are small branches with a sharp tip that climb out of the trunk and all branches. The spines usually do not grow more than 1-3 cm in length.

The development of hawthorn leaves occurs in a spiral twisting along the entire length of the shoots of the branches, and in clusters of thorns on the branches. The leaves of most species have serrated edges and are somewhat variable in shape. The ripe fruits are red and resemble berries, but structurally they are a tiny apple containing from one to five seeds. If you look at the “drupe” more closely, it looks exactly like a plum or peach pit.

Hawthorn is a deciduous tree that has beneficial properties and contraindications. Surprisingly, the shrub belongs to the rose family. Biology knows about 200 species of hawthorn, and its numerous varieties are almost impossible to count.

Hawthorn prefers lands with a temperate climate; it can be found in the European part of the planet, in Asian countries, on the African continent and in North America. Hawthorn grows well in moist, well-drained soil, sunny locations in woodlands and shrubs.

Hawthorn is often grown artificially. Urban landscaping uses almost all types and hybrid combinations of hawthorn. In parks and squares, the variety "Paul's Scarlet" is planted as an ornamental tree. In spring, it fills city streets with pink-red clusters of inflorescences and bears no fruit.

Hawthorn – decorative tree

Certain types of hawthorn trees are grown as miniature art - bonsai. Hawthorn provides food for birds and provides shelter for small animals, and flowers with nectar serve as food for nectar-producing insects (bees, bumblebees, etc.). People cultivate certain varieties of hawthorn as a source of healthy food.

The hawthorn trunk can be used as a basis in grafting practices. The tree goes well with the pear and makes its rhizome harder. Apple fruit trees are considered the second most compatible with hawthorn. Quince takes root quite well, but its grafting onto the rhizome of hawthorn causes a number of problems, since many shoots are formed in the root zone.

Agronomists claim that several types of trees can be grafted onto a hawthorn trunk. A variety such as pink hawthorn perfectly combines pear and medlar, as a result of which the trees give a May pink color, and the fruits ripen by the end of summer. Medlar is an evergreen tree of the apple family, found on the Black Sea coast.

Paul Scarlett is a deservedly popular type of hawthorn and, with a maximum height of around 6m, is ideal for a small garden. In spring, masses of dark pink, bicolored inflorescences bloom and fill the garden with a veritable display of pink fireworks. The flowers are beautifully complemented by an abundance of slightly glossy, dark green leaves that further highlight the pink.

Medicinal properties of hawthorn

Since the 16th century, hawthorn has been used to stimulate blood circulation. This effect is due in part to a substance called rutin, which is known for its ability to prevent bruising. In addition, hawthorn tea helps lower cholesterol levels. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a particularly revered variety of hawthorn that has been used for thousands of years.

Chinese hawthorn is known as Shan Zha - the mature fruits bear the pinyin name. In traditional Chinese medicine, hawthorn takes pride of place among the herbs that treat digestive problems, especially problems with the digestion of proteins and fats. Hawthorn decoctions are also used for diarrhea or dysentery. In Chinese medicine, hawthorn is considered as a plant that can relieve blood stasis, reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure.

In Rus', in ancient times, healers hardly knew about the diversity of the chemical composition of hawthorn fruits. But they knew for sure that berries, leaves, inflorescences and even bark contained useful substances in large quantities. Traditional healers successfully used hawthorn when treating patients, healing a number of diseases with tinctures.

A handful of hawthorn fruit (100g) provides the daily requirement:

  • beta caratine – 14g;
  • vitamin A, C, E: 230 mg, 90 mg., 2 mg;
  • You don’t have to worry about the caloric content of berries; per 100 grams it does not exceed 52 kcal.

The exceptional healing properties of hawthorn more than once helped the soldiers of the Red Army during the Second World War. Hawthorn decoctions and tinctures partially compensated for the lack of medicines on the battlefields and rear hospitals.

The well-known program “Live Healthy” devoted an entire story to analyzing the beneficial and side properties of hawthorn. We invite you to take a break from reading:

Beneficial properties of hawthorn

For the human body, the valuable substances contained in hawthorn berries have an undeniably positive effect. Being exposed to the healing contents of the fruit, the internal organs quickly return to normal. Let's list the main positive points:

  1. The high content of Flavonoids immediately affects the restoration processes of liver health.
  2. Hawthorn berries contain ursolic acid, which burns fat deposits and is responsible for the favorable well-being of the muscle girdle.
  3. Pectin, which has remarkable antioxidant properties, is involved in the fight for human health.
  4. The unique combination of nutrients in hawthorn fruits has a positive effect on heart rate. The heartbeat rhythm is restored, and as observations show, patients develop a stable tendency towards recovery.
  5. Medical luminaries have concluded that Crataegus [hawthorn] preparations have high potential as a useful tool for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular systems.
  6. Experimental research studies have noted the ability of hawthorn to increase physiological load tolerance in patients suffering from heart failure. When taking drugs based on hawthorn, there is a reduction in cardiac arrhythmias and hypertension.
  7. Good performance in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, in lowering blood sugar levels, in cases where it is necessary to reduce the total cholesterol content.
  8. A medicine based on hawthorn fruit is prescribed as menopause approaches; the drugs effectively cope with unpleasant symptoms.
  9. Hawthorn tinctures and decoctions are indicated for headaches and migraines. They put a person’s nervous system in order after stressful situations, preventing the development of acute depression. You can prepare the tincture at home; you will need hawthorn fruits, motherwort herbs and valerian. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, brewed with boiling water and infused.

Hawthorn fruits help against diseases

The fruits may be useful in preventing and relieving stomach pain and digestive ulcers. Hawthorn is prescribed for metabolic disorders. Hawthorn leaves and inflorescences are brewed; the drink is believed to purify the blood, reduce acute symptoms of allergic reactions and heal eczema.

If a disease of the urinary system is diagnosed, hawthorn is also prescribed. Hawthorn tincture makes you feel better with prostatitis and other urological diseases. Hawthorn fruits have a beneficial effect on the thyroid glands when they are dysfunctional. Like an energy drink, hawthorn tincture is credited with high tonic properties.

Indications for use of hawthorn

Hawthorn in various forms is prescribed for healing from painful symptoms:

  • heart disease;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • atherosclerosis;

Hawthorn is prescribed for glaucoma and diarrhea. The fruits do a good job of smoothing out allergic reactions and in some cases cope with neurodermatitis and dermatitis. Hawthorn is shown as a normalizing remedy against nervous exhaustion; it perfectly fights insomnia, migraines and epilepsy. In the best way, hawthorn participates in the normalization of hormonal disorders in the female body. Tinctures cope with the difficulties of the biliary tract and help patients cope with liver diseases.

  • Hawthorn can grow as a small tree or thorny bush. The bush can reach 1.5 meters in height.
  • Hawthorn has a gnarled, sinuous trunk covered with gray or reddish-brown, scaly bark. The branches are thin and strewn with thorns. The spines are from 1 to 3 centimeters long.
  • Hawthorn has thin, lobed leaves with jagged edges. The leaves are alternately located on the branches. They change color from dark green to orange-red in early fall before they fall from the tree.

What is hawthorn

  • Hawthorn produces white flowers with both types of reproductive organs (bisexual flowers). The man's parts are easily recognizable thanks to the pink tips. The flowers are arranged in clusters consisting of 16 individual inflorescences.
  • Hawthorn blooms from May to June. Fragrant clusters of inflorescences attract butterflies and other insects, which are responsible for pollinating this plant.
  • From a botanical point of view, the hawthorn fruit is a berry-like, fleshy pea known as a “breadberry.” The berries are arranged in clusters and ripen during October and November. Mature fruits contain from 1 to 5 seeds covered with a hard membrane.

  • Birds, squirrels, raccoons and rabbits love to eat hawthorn fruit and seeds. Animals play an important role in seed dispersal (undigested seed is dispersed through feces, far from the mother plant).
  • People are happy to include hawthorn berries in their diet, as their beneficial properties are widely known. The fruits can be consumed raw, the berries are dried for the winter, jams are made from them, they are brewed and sauces are prepared.

  • Young hawthorn leaves are edible. They were often consumed in the past when other food sources were not available.
  • Hawthorn flowers are edible and are usually consumed as a salad. The inflorescences are also used to decorate various desserts and to make flower tea.
  • Hawthorn leaves do not contain nicotine and can be used as a tobacco substitute. To make the tincture, you will need 30 g of hawthorn leaves. Place in a 300 ml container and fill with boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Take 50 ml, up to 6 times a day before meals. The elixir will form a stable aversion to cigarettes.

Use of hawthorn in everyday life

  • Of course, hawthorn does not grow to form forests and is not harvested in large quantities. However, its wood is actively used in handicraft production. Due to its density, wood is ideal for making various household items, tool handles, fences and sculptures. Hawthorn root is used to make combs and jewelry boxes.
  • During the Middle Ages, wine made from hawthorn fruit was used to treat high blood pressure. Today, hawthorn fruit is used to ease digestion and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • A plant with a very long healthy growth period, hawthorn can live up to 400 years in the wild.

A beekeeper and expert in this field will tell us how to prepare an excellent tincture from hawthorn fruits:

Side effects of hawthorn

You should not consume hawthorn fruits with excessive zeal; the beneficial properties are fully revealed if you take only 100 grams of berries per day. Overdose can cause cardiac arrhythmia and dangerously low blood pressure. A mild degree of side effects is expressed in sedation (drowsiness), and in rare cases nausea is observed. Patients taking Digoxin (a medication prescribed for heart disease patients) should avoid taking hawthorn.

In the skillful hands of the housewife, ripe fruits turn into pastille, jam or preserves. During the winter season, dried hawthorn is brewed as tea, which reveals all the beneficial properties of the product.

Simultaneous intake of hawthorn and motherwort tinctures

The combined use of motherwort and hawthorn helps to maximize the therapeutic effect. To neutralize stressful conditions, doctors recommend combining herbal tinctures. A mixed elixir of motherwort and hawthorn helps to cope with depression and nervous system disorders, participating in the normalization of healthy sleep.

In addition to suppressing irritation, motherwort and hawthorn lower pressure in blood vessels, helping to stabilize the functioning of the heart muscle and cause an increase in the overall tone of the body.

The only drawback is the categorical prohibition of tinctures during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The ban is associated with the high alcohol content and sedative reaction to taking motherwort and hawthorn. Allergy sufferers should take a mixture of hawthorn and motherwort with caution, due to possible unpredictable reactions.

Overall, this is an excellent and most importantly not expensive medicinal tincture, which copes well with anxiety and neuroses for little money. Reducing blood pressure in women, a mixture of motherwort and hawthorn is prescribed during menopause. hawthorn is undeniable, calming the nervous system, the tincture helps to forget about insomnia.

Planting hawthorn

Good growing conditions for hawthorn are fertile, well-drained, heavy soil. At a summer cottage, planting should be done with ready-made cuttings in a specially prepared hole. The size of the hole is determined by the root development of the cutting. Since we need excellent drainage, we fill the bottom with gravel and crushed stone.

In the absence of such materials, brick broken into small pieces will do - maintain a layer thickness of at least 15-20 cm. Add a little lime to the crushed stone. On top of the drainage we pour a pre-mixed mixture of peat, sand, and humus from last year’s leaves. Straightening the roots, carefully dig in the tree.

It is better to choose a sunny place for hawthorn; this will help protect flowering and bear much more fruit than if the tree were in the shade. It is better to choose planting material no older than 5 years, since the root system then develops too long, making replanting difficult.

Hawthorn care

Hawthorn does not require specific care; only as painful or dead branches appear on the tree, you should pay attention to them and remove them. The hawthorn bush lends itself well to pruning and is actively used in landscape gardening when there is a need for a hedge. Once a year, with the arrival of spring, the bushes are trimmed. Experienced gardeners cut hawthorn into bizarre shapes that delight the eye throughout the summer.

One more tip. Not long before the start of flowering, fertilize the hawthorn with manure solution and the tree will thank you with lush flowering. Once every 30 days, if it is sultry and no rain is expected, you can water the tree generously. But as a rule, in the middle zone, hawthorn has enough rainwater, and there is no need to water it additionally.

An expert in this field will help us clarify the intricacies of planting and caring for hawthorn. Let's watch a detailed video review of a professional:

If you are over 50, then for healthy heart function we brew rose hips and hawthorn in a thermos:


The flowers and fruits of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. The unique properties of this folk remedy can replace a huge number of medications. If you look at the list of what hawthorn treats, you can find a variety of diseases in it. Homemade recipes for tinctures and decoctions of blood-red hawthorn help improve health conditions.

Beneficial properties of hawthorn

It has not yet been possible to fully study the chemical composition of the fruits and flowers of the plant, but doctors do not doubt that the benefits of hawthorn are obvious. As a rule, it is used for preventive purposes and in the treatment of non-acute conditions. What are the benefits of hawthorn? Doctors believe that the main beneficial properties of the plant lie in the presence of plant polyphenols and flavonoids. These elements prevent the fragility of the walls of blood vessels and help neutralize free radicals in the body, for example:

  • Hyperoside. Increases glucose utilization, saturates the heart with potassium ions and oxygen. This helps to improve myocardial contractility and cardiac output.
  • Quercetin. Reduces permeability, has antitumor, antioxidant effects, reduces permeability, improves capillary elasticity
  • Vitexin. Dilates blood vessels, improves metabolic processes in the heart muscle.
  • Quercetin. It is considered an excellent preventive measure for circulatory disorders in the brain and cardiovascular diseases. The intake of quercetin reduces the likelihood of cataracts.

Another useful element that affects beneficial properties is acids. They are found in flowers and hawthorn fruits, for example:

  • Olean - strengthens and tones the blood supply to the heart and brain.
  • Ursolova - has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Chlorogenic - helps normalize liver and kidney function, has an anti-sclerotic, choleretic effect.
  • Coffee - promotes the secretion of bile, has strong antibacterial properties.

Hawthorn berries contain provitamin A, carotene, vitamins E, K, C. Some varieties have the same level of carotene as rose hips or carrots. The product contains sorbitol and sugar, which are recommended for diabetes. High levels of magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and microelements copper, zinc, manganese. After freezing hawthorn berries, the amount of tannins decreases, the fruits become less tart and a little sweeter.

Hawthorn during pregnancy

The main contraindication for many tablets is the period of pregnancy. For this reason, expectant mothers are interested in whether hawthorn is suitable for pregnant women. Before taking, you should consult with a doctor who knows your medical history. The medicinal properties of hawthorn in this case are well revealed in the composition of tea. To achieve a positive result, you should know how to brew berries correctly.

The concentration of hawthorn should be small. This tea helps normalize a woman’s nervous system, cope with insomnia and does not have a negative effect. You can prepare an infusion based on black or green tea. Another option that can be taken during pregnancy is described below. Cooking instructions:

  1. You need 2 tbsp. l. curdled milk/kefira, banana, ½ tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. concentrated infusion of hawthorn.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Beat with a mixer until foamy.

Hawthorn for blood pressure

The healing properties of hawthorn help to relax the walls of the vessel, which has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. It is recommended to take it only for those diagnosed with hypertension; this remedy is contraindicated for hypotensive patients. Hawthorn tincture for blood pressure helps to cope with tinnitus, headaches, and dizziness. It is recommended to take a folk remedy for high cholesterol and low levels of lecithin. This will improve blood clotting and blood condition.

The healing properties of hawthorn tincture are sufficient at the initial stage of hypertension. For more serious conditions, additional medications will be required, which will be prescribed by the doctor. When taking home remedies in the later stages of the disease, you should be sure to inform your doctor so that he takes this condition into account when planning a course of treatment. This is due to the fact that the folk remedy enhances the effect of heart medications; the doctor can reduce the dosage of the drugs against this background.

Hawthorn for the heart

This plant is used in the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease. Hawthorn is beneficial for the heart due to its ability to lower cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the formation and deposition of plaques. The beneficial effect of the plant has been proven in cases of angina pectoris; substances from the composition improve fat metabolism. ECG shows significant improvements in coronary heart disease after taking this folk remedy.

A positive effect is observed with long-term, regular use of hawthorn. It is important to drink the product strictly according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Treatment should be combined with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and medications that the doctor will prescribe for use as part of the course of therapy. Although the remedy is considered folk, you can buy it at the pharmacy.

Hawthorn tincture - benefits and harm

Any medications have a certain list of side (harmful) effects. Hawthorn tincture is no exception. If you take the drug excessively, negative consequences may appear. For this reason, it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking it. Hawthorn - beneficial properties and contraindications are based on the characteristics of the human body and the course of the disease. The positive qualities of the plant are described in the sections above; below is a list of negative effects that may occur.

  1. Excessively long-term use can lead to depression of the heart rhythm (arrhythmia).
  2. A large number of fruits can cause mild poisoning.
  3. The likelihood of vascular spasm, intestinal spasm, and vomiting increases when treated on an empty stomach. The dosage should be reduced or taken strictly 2 hours after meals.
  4. Paroxysmal pain and colic occur if you drink cold water after taking hawthorn.
  5. Hypertensive patients are advised to use flowers rather than fruits to treat heart diseases.

Hawthorn - contraindications

One of the main advantages of this product is its harmlessness. Long-term use has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. However, the use of fruits also has some limitations; for example, there are the following contraindications for hawthorn:

  1. Dried fruits, flowers, and infusions are prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age.
  2. The dosage should be strictly observed; the recommended amount per day is 150 g of berries. Taking a large amount of the drug sharply lowers blood pressure.
  3. It is contraindicated to drink on an empty stomach, because this will lead to intestinal and vascular spasms, vomiting, and nausea.
  4. Combination with antiarrhythmic cardiac medications is contraindicated.
  5. Mild poisoning is caused by ingestion of unripe berries.
  6. The main contraindication for using berries is hypotension, because they will further reduce blood pressure.

How to brew hawthorn

If contraindications in your case do not prohibit use, then hawthorn decoction or tincture can easily be prepared at home. If you wish, you can buy a ready-made drug at the pharmacy, but if you have the ingredients, you can make the medicine yourself. Here are some cooking examples:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. fresh berries (frozen ones are not suitable for the winter). Place in any bowl and mash with a wooden masher.
  2. Pour the berry mass with 70% alcohol (about 200 ml).
  3. The mixture should be stored in a dark place for at least 3 weeks. Shake the container every day.
  4. Then strain the tinctures into a thermos and you can start drinking.
  1. You need 150 g of dried fruits. Check carefully to ensure all pieces are ground or crushed.
  2. Pour 1 liter of vodka over the ground berries.
  3. Place the product in a dark place for 20 days.
  4. Strain the infusion into a convenient container. The liquid should turn yellow-red.