New relationships almost always start out perfectly - courtship, flowers, hand-in-hand walks, first kisses. But this does not always end in a beautiful wedding and a happy marriage. Is it possible to understand at the very beginning of a relationship that this is your person? How to find out who is your destiny?

If a guy does not immediately cause strong antipathy, then first dates with almost anyone will be enjoyable. During this period, rarely does anyone look far ahead, preferring to enjoy today. It is difficult to understand that this is your person by destiny from the first days.

And only after a few months both parties begin to notice that their views on life do not coincide, and the relationship is not so ideal. The partner's shortcomings come to the fore, and the thought appears that this affair was a mistake.

Why don't people show up?

Probably, the scenario of unhappy love is familiar to everyone. And no one wants to repeat it. But why then do many people again start a new relationship with a person who is not at all suitable for them?

There are many factors that make it difficult to find out who your destiny is. This includes dependence on public opinion and parental pressure. Sometimes this is “selective love” - when one positive character trait or appearance, popularity, overshadows all other qualities. Character flaws are simply ignored at first. But most often such relationships are driven by low self-esteem.

There is a widespread belief that the real soulmate is one. Real life refutes this, because many fall in love more than once in their lives and with each they were happy in their own way. Psychologists say that more than one thousand people living in the world can suit each of us.

How to find out who your destiny really is?

And yet, are there signs by which you can find out who your destiny is? Yes, after reading this list, you can determine that this is your person by destiny:

  1. When communicating with this person you feel easy and comfortable
  2. You look at life the same way and have similar interests
  3. The motives for his actions are clear to you.
  4. You're not annoyed by his quirks
  5. His attractiveness to you does not depend on social status, health and appearance.

Very often life gives us clues that this is your destiny, and the main thing is not to miss them. So his face seems familiar to you for a long time, and circumstances are such that you constantly meet by chance. But the main thing is the voice of your heart. Listen to it - it will not deceive.

You and your loved one have been dating for several months now, but you are still overcome by doubts: “Is this the only one destined for me by fate?” After reading our article, you will be able to answer this burning question.

So, a few tips that will allow you not to doubt your beloved man.

1. “Butterflies in the stomach”. Perhaps you assume that physical symptoms should not be trusted? Do you think this doesn't mean anything? We hasten to assure you of the opposite. If, at the first meetings with your boyfriend, your breath stops, your legs give way, and later you feel how comfortable and cozy you are being next to your chosen one, this is a good sign.

2. You enjoy spending time together- everywhere and always. The main thing is that you are close to each other. You are equally happy to go with him to the cinema, theater and even to football, the nuances of which you understand little. You happily stay at home with him and, wrapped in a warm blanket, watch your favorite movie or read a book together. It’s interesting for you to talk about everything and it’s no less interesting to just be silent, looking into each other’s eyes.

3. You trust him. Trust is one of the main components of a happy relationship. If you are ready to tell your loved one your most intimate things, and at the same time you know that no one will know your secret, that’s just wonderful. If you can talk about a situation where you did a not-so-good thing without getting judged by your partner, it's worth a lot.

4. Pleasant communication. Can you talk on a variety of topics and never get bored or want to interrupt your loved one? Do you exchange opinions on various issues, and even if they do not coincide, you do not experience irritation, and at the end of the discussion there is no feeling of sediment in your soul? Does he listen to you attentively and with interest, without trying to interrupt and start his story? Think about it, maybe this is really your person.

5. He makes you laugh all the time.. Humor can make life much brighter and easier. When your partner makes you laugh and giggle all the time, it means that your life together with him will be filled with smiles and joy. It is very important that you laugh at the same jokes. It’s no secret that some moments in life may seem funny to some people and cause a feeling of bewilderment or even anger in others.

6. You come first for him.. If your boyfriend puts your interests above his own and truly cares about you, it's a great sign that he will be a wonderful husband in the future and will be willing to give, not just take. If he fulfills your request first, and only then helps friends and family, value him the same way he values ​​you.

7. He loves the same people you love.. If your boyfriend is on good terms with your girlfriends, relatives and just acquaintances, if he makes efforts to make these relationships even better, this means that for him you are not just a fleeting affair and, perhaps, he is ready to live with you for the rest of his life. own life.

8. With him you can be yourself. This is one of the most important signs. If you don’t have to pretend, show that you are better than you really are, if anyone loves you: without makeup, in a good mood and in a bad one, and even with a fever, you don’t feel that his love has decreased - this is a very good sign . It is obvious that your boyfriend accepts you for who you are, loves and appreciates you, and in marriage these qualities are very important

9. He cares about you. If your man opens the door slightly to let you in, holds an umbrella over his head to protect you from the rain, and when you're cold, hands over his jacket, these are signs of true gentleman behavior that show that he has serious intentions towards you.

10. You have the same core values.. When it comes to little things, you can always agree and find a compromise solution. But in serious matters, your opinions must coincide, otherwise quarrels and even a breakup in the future are inevitable. If your views on family, relationships, raising children and faith in God coincide, that's just wonderful.

The more points you match, the greater the chances that you and your beloved man will be able to create a happy and strong family. We also want to note: it often happens that a woman accepts “her” person emotionally, as they say, with her heart, and she does not need to engage in psychological analysis at all.

To reduce the risk of choosing the wrong life partner, it is important to be able to understand in time that this is your person with whom you can build a strong union and harmonious relationship, or classify your partner as a person who simply provided an experience and prepare for a breakup. Recommendations from psychologists, calculations of numerology and astrology, the ability to recognize karmic connections in esotericism, as well as simple fortune telling and magical rituals will help with this.

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    What does "other half" mean?

    There is a myth that God divided the soul in two so that the two halves wandered around the world in search of each other. Whether it is true, no one will ever be able to know.

    But it is important to understand that a person is born as an integral personality. You should not hope that after meeting your soulmate, a harmonious and happy life will begin without difficulties and troubles. If a person’s life consists solely of searching for a stronger partner who will solve all problems, then he will not be able to become happy until he becomes independent and is able to take care of himself.

    Esotericists claim that all the tests that a man or woman goes through on the way to their happiness are an important necessity.

    To find happiness in a love relationship and meet an ideal partner, you need to constantly work on yourself. A fateful meeting can lead to dramatic changes, and an inexperienced person will simply not be ready for this. As a result, he will choose another partner who seems more profitable to him, or will prefer loneliness.

    Almost anyone can become an ideal soul mate, and the development of relationships directly depends on the desire of the couple. If partners refuse to take responsibility and overcome emerging obstacles, then fate has nothing to do with it. And if a person prefers to consider himself unhappy, then this is only his choice.

    Fate sends people and new meetings so that the personality does not stand still and develops, and most often relationships do not last long, since they are an intermediate link to the complete development of the personality. A person will be able to meet an ideal partner only when he is ready for this, and loneliness ceases to scare him.

    Signs of an ideal relationship in psychology

    People can make their soulmate any partner who fits this role. At the same time, they are ready to endure all the shortcomings of their partners, believing that such a test has been sent to them, and happiness awaits them ahead. Psychologists advise against such sacrifices, because everyone builds their own destiny on their own.

    You can understand that there is a person nearby, destined by fate, with whom you can build a strong alliance, using a simple test. If the statements below correspond to the relationship with the partner, then 1 point is awarded, if not - 0.

    List of statements:

    1. 1. Partners have no doubts about the sincerity of the other half’s bright feelings. The chosen one constantly proves love not in word, but in deed.
    2. 2. The partner supports his life partner and does not allow him to doubt his own strengths, desires, beauty and ideas. He helps you make the right choice while being concerned about the safety of both parties.
    3. 3. A person inspires and motivates by example, not being afraid of failures and problems that stand in the way of happiness. He knows that the couple deserves the best and goes for it.
    4. 4. The partner does not stand still, but continues to develop. If earlier he dreamed of buying a car, now he is aiming for an apartment or a leadership position in a large company. It’s not scary to dream with him, because both partners strive for development.
    5. 5. He not only gained, but also maintained trust. He strives to make his significant other feel comfortable and confident, so the relationship is devoid of any lies.
    6. 6. He is attentive to his partner’s wishes and does not forget to fulfill promises. He does more than he says, because the well-being of his family is dear to him.
    7. 7. A partner is never cruel to a loved one. He will not insult or cause moral or physical pain.
    8. 8. Next to him you want to be yourself and not put on any masks. With such a person you don’t have to be shy about flaws in appearance, he will always be there.

    The sum of all indicators will allow you to find out how productive the relationship will be in the future. Options for deciphering the result depending on the number of points:

    • 8 - happy union;
    • 6-7 - average;
    • less than 6- relationships will not bring happiness.

    It is difficult to find couples in which conflict situations and quarrels do not arise, but loving people peacefully resolve problems that arise. They will never get personal or insult each other. With their mere presence, they inspire the chosen one to develop, and next to them you want to reach unprecedented heights. There is no place for lies and betrayal in loving relationships, since partners can completely trust each other.

    Don't waste your time if your ideal partner turns out to be different from what you initially imagined. Trying to change it, you can miss a meeting with a person who is focused on a strong relationship.

    Why do people make mistakes?

    A holistic and harmoniously developed personality is in no hurry to get married. She can develop without a loving partner and children. If she meets a person who has a completely different worldview and who is not committed to a long-term and productive relationship, she will simply break off all ties with him.

    However, some people are depressed by loneliness, and they definitely need a partner nearby. They perceive each new meeting as fateful and do everything to keep their lover. This behavior is typical of people with an immature psyche and low self-esteem. They are ready to tolerate alcoholics, tyrants and traitors next to them, trying to correct them. Most often, such relationships are dependent in nature, so it is difficult to break them.

    Many women, having deliberately chosen men leading an antisocial lifestyle, believe in the fate of such meetings. In fact, they choose and build their own future.

    The best option in this case would be to break off the relationship and find a more worthy partner. But giving up an addictive relationship is quite difficult. Women prefer to endure and suffer until they fully realize the meaninglessness of this.

    Some people choose the “wrong” partners solely for mercantile purposes. Marriages of convenience have existed at all times, and often the partners in them are happier than those who chose a companion, succumbing to momentary infatuation. But if one spouse tolerates the presence of the other only for the sake of comfort, then such a relationship will not last long.

    Many men and women have entered into marriages with the “wrong” people under the influence of society, which indicates the importance of family and children. The partners hoped that over time they would be able to fall in love with each other and feelings would flare up between them, but this did not happen, since initially they were too different.

    1979 is the year of which animal according to the Chinese calendar: characteristics of the sign and its relationship with people

    How to find your destiny?

    1. 1. Decide on the choice of your ideal. It is recommended to imagine your destiny and the person who can give you happiness.
    2. 2. Learn from previous mistakes. Often the scenarios of sad novels are repeated, and in order to avoid this, you need to analyze your mistakes and try not to repeat them.
    3. 3. Become more patient. No one knows when the fateful meeting will happen; it could happen in a few days or years. During this time, you should not isolate yourself - you need to fill your life with new emotions, acquaintances and communication.
    4. 4. Engage in self-development. You shouldn’t stay still and only dream of a mysterious soulmate who will change your life for the better. You need to start taking action and achieving your goals.
    5. 5. Imagine your future family. It is necessary to think about what difficulties partners will face in family relationships and how to solve them. You should think in advance about where the family can live, what the spouses will do, and whether financial problems will arise.
    6. 6. Give up doubts. You should not blame fate if the long-awaited meeting never happened, and all relationships end sadly. Loneliness must be treated as a temporary phenomenon, which is given for self-development and correction of mistakes.

    To let love into your life, you need to forget about past sad relationships and learn to respect yourself. Every person deserves to be loved and sooner or later will find happiness.

    No one can predict where the meeting will take place, but it is recommended to avoid meeting people in entertainment venues. You can start communicating at the gym, library, shopping center, museum, theater or on the Internet.

    Orthodox religion and choosing a life partner

    According to the Holy Scriptures, a person does not choose his soul mate on his own, but God sends her. The clergy give the following recommendations:

    1. 1. You should definitely remember God and God’s Will while searching for your companion.
    2. 2. You need to choose your spouse thoughtfully to make it easier to remain faithful to each other.
    3. 3. You cannot commit adultery even in your dreams; you should live by adhering to the principles of respect and understanding.
    4. 4. It is recommended to pray to the Almighty to help you make the right decision.
    5. 5. You should not choose a companion based on his financial situation and external data - a common worldview plays a crucial role.
    6. 6. It is important to know how your partner feels about religion. Family life should be built according to the laws of Christianity.

    Orthodoxy also warns that one should not commit rash acts and enter into relationships with people who have a negative impact on a person.

    Are there karmic connections?

    According to many esoteric teachings and Eastern religions, meetings and acquaintances with significant people who remain in the memory of a person for a long time are karmic in nature. The term “karma” refers to the universal cause-and-effect law that determines the fate of a person in subsequent incarnations depending on his righteous and sinful actions.

    Karmic encounters occur between people who had a strong emotional connection in a previous incarnation or between whom there were unresolved problems and debts. This is how fate gives people the opportunity to correct the situation and break up completely or build harmonious relationships.

    The main signs of karmic connections are:

    • rapid development of relationships;
    • huge difference in tastes and preferences;
    • different social status;
    • lightning-fast marriage.

    Relationships between karmically connected people are characterized by rapidity. Despite different interests and preferences, people, by the will of fate, find themselves in the right place at the right time, after which the romance begins to develop rapidly. They often feel that they have already known each other before, and they are overwhelmed with emotions.

    There is an attraction between partners on a sexual or emotional level or a feeling of psychological similarity. All together it appears extremely rarely. Such relationships are characterized by vivid emotions - a person cannot remain indifferent when communicating with someone whom he previously knew; this is determined at the subconscious level.

    Emotions arise between people that were observed in the previous incarnation. Unfounded resentment, anger, feelings of fear, jealousy, a guilt complex may appear, or real dependence on the person may develop.

    It is karmic encounters that people often confuse with love at first sight.

    It is not necessary that a person sent by fate will give happiness and joy. Most often, the opposite happens - life sends you a problematic soulmate, with whom you need to part ways on an energetic level.

    Karmic relationships develop according to two scenarios:

    1. 1. Creator. In the previous incarnation, partners loved each other, did not betray each other, and lived according to the laws of the Universe. In real life, they develop favorable relationships from the very beginning, which bring only happiness and joy.
    2. 2. Destructive. There was a difficult relationship between the partners, but they could not break it. Most often this happens to a tyrant husband, an alcoholic or a drug addict. Life gives them a chance to either try again to build strong relationships, or completely break ties.

    If you continue to suffer and suffer, in the next incarnation such partners are destined to meet again, and the scenario of tragic love will repeat itself.

    Fateful meetings in numerology and astrology

    Astrology and numerology do not deny the fact of karmic connections.

    Using simple calculations based on your date of birth, you can find out what the relationship will be like and whether it is worth continuing. The birth dates of the partners must be written down on a line and all the numbers added up. For example, for a woman born on 11/22/1991 and a man born on 12/20/1990, the calculations are as follows: 2+2+1+1+1+9+9+1+2+1+2 +1+9+9=50.

    You must subtract 22 from the final figure. If the sum is more than 22, then the subtraction is carried out again. In the example given, the following calculations are required: 50-22=28, 28-22= 6. The magic number for the pair is 6.

    You can find out the value of the result obtained using the table:

    Number Meaning
    1 Unfavorable relationships develop, characterized by rivalry and quarrels
    2 An ideal union will emerge in which peace, harmony and mutual understanding reign between partners
    3 The couple has every chance of getting married. This relationship will bring financial well-being and stability, but you must not succumb to outside influence
    4 The leading role in this couple is assigned to the man. There will be a lot of passion in the relationship, but feelings of jealousy can destroy it
    5 One of the partners will be a mentor to the other, who will be able to point out the right direction in life or simply provide invaluable experience.
    6 Possible favorable relationships and a strong marriage in which love, harmony and understanding will reign
    7 The number indicates a dynamic relationship, characterized by frequent changes and travel. There is a high probability of betrayal and breakup
    8 This is a karmic union in which the partners were guilty of each other. They will have to work through mistakes and try to achieve harmony without trying to change their chosen one
    9 Unfavorable relationships develop in which partners feel lonely
    10 This is a happy union that has every chance of development
    11 There are complex relationships in which everyone will try to dominate, which will cause frequent scandals
    12 In order for a relationship to develop, you will have to make every effort and sacrifice something important.
    13 This is an unsuccessful union that will fall apart sooner or later. Physical or mental abuse may be present
    14 The number denotes a stable relationship in which partners have common interests and understand each other well.
    15 Dangerous relationships are built on manipulation and strong sexual addiction
    16 This is an unstable relationship in which the partners do not fit each other on an energetic level.
    17 This is an ideal couple in which a man and a woman complement each other in all areas
    18 Relationships are built on misconceptions. There is a high probability of betrayal and rash actions
    19 This is a strong harmonious relationship in which the birth of several children is possible
    20 Despite the difficult beginning of the relationship, the couple has strong feelings that will help build a harmonious union
    21 High energy compatibility determines the development of relationships in which partners will take care of each other
    22 This is an unpredictable relationship whose outcome cannot be predicted.

    If the age difference between lovers is 5, 10, 15 and 20 years, then this is a sign of a karmic relationship. It is quite difficult to break such alliances, and they are not always favorable. If there is a difference of 5 and 10 years, partners will need to work off mutual debts. One of the spouses becomes a guide, and the other has to come to terms with the role of a follower.

    With a difference of 15 years, there is a strong karmic attraction. These people will find it difficult to break up even if they want to do so. In such relationships, one of the partners can lead the other astray, increasing karmic debts, or contribute to the right choice.

    Detailed astrological compatibility can be found out using the natal chart of lovers, which is compiled individually. Astrologers take into account the compatibility of the elements, analyze the interaction of planets and the position of karmic points. Calculating astrological compatibility on your own is very difficult, and it doesn’t always work out. Such calculations will require perfect knowledge of astrology and many years of experience.

    Signs of fate

    Fate often sends signs that help to recognize favorable relationships and distinguish them from those that will only cause pain and suffering.

    The meeting can be called fateful under the following conditions:

    1. 1. Previously, the beloved came in dreams, despite the fact that there were no real meetings with him. In such dreams, all the images seen can be symbolic, hiding clues of fate. But they most often dream about 5, 10 and 15 years before the meeting.
    2. 2. After a long separation, partners meet and strong feelings flare up between them, forcing them to stay together forever.
    3. 3. The meeting between a man and a woman took place due to unforeseen events, for example, being late for transport or moving.
    4. 4. If there is a desire to separate, partners cannot do this, as circumstances arise that prevent this. The situation in which partners, on the contrary, cannot tie the knot and legitimize the relationship due to unforeseen circumstances is also symbolic.

    Even if fate constantly encounters a certain person, this is not a prediction that the relationship with him will be happy and will last a lifetime. Perhaps fate sends a companion for a short period so that the man and woman can correct their mistakes.

    Magic rituals

    To check whether the relationship with the chosen partner will work out, you can resort to simple fortune-telling, which allows you to make a prediction about the future of the couple.

    One of these rituals is communication with a Higher Power.

    1. 1. Take a church candle.
    2. 2. Being in complete solitude and silence, read the spell: “Angels of love, light and goodness, reveal to me (name) the truth, will I be together with (partner’s name).”
    3. 3. Inhale the aroma of a candle and go outside and ask the first person you meet a question that requires a “yes” or “no” answer, for example, “Do you have a watch? "
    4. 4. If the answer is positive, then the couple has every chance of developing a relationship; if it is negative, the union will soon fall apart.

    There is fortune telling using a pendulum. To carry it out you need:

    1. 1. Take a container with running water and make a pendulum by putting a ring or needle on a thread.
    2. 2. Take the pendulum in your right hand and wait until it stops moving, then ask a question to the forces of Light and Good, mentally imagining your beloved.

    If it moves left and right, the answer is negative, back and forth – positive.

    How to find out the name of a man destined by fate?

    To do this, a simple ritual is performed during the full moon. In the morning, when you wake up, you need to lie down for about 15 minutes with your eyes closed and imagine that somewhere right now there is a guy who is destined by fate. You need to dream a little about what he can do, what his hobbies are and how he spends his day. You can imagine your future with him, and images and sensations should arise easily.

    After fully awakening, you need to go for a walk and perform a number of actions:

    1. 1. Go to the nearest intersection, then turn left and walk 2 blocks. You need to look around and remember the first thing that catches your eye.
    2. 2. Turn right and walk another 2 blocks. In the indicated place, you must again try to capture a significant object.
    3. 3. Turn left and walk another 2 blocks. Having stopped at the indicated place, you need to find some significant object.
    4. 4. Turn right and walk another 3 blocks. Now you need to look around and approach the first man who is nearby and ask his name.

    Thanks to the answer received, you can find out what your future husband's name will be.

    Signs of unsuccessful unions

    Sometimes a woman really wants the man with whom she started a relationship to be her destiny, and therefore she deliberately does not notice all his shortcomings. She convinces herself that this particular person was sent to her by the Universe, and finds various confirmations with the help of esotericism, astrology and numerology.

    In such a situation, it is worth paying attention to signs that indicate that the new satellite is not a messenger of providence:

    1. 1. All that interests a person in a chosen one is his social status or appearance.
    2. 2. The partner is not interested in what his life partner lives and is interested in.
    3. 3. A person does not have the willingness to take on the problems of his beloved and help him in any way.
    4. 4. The partner expects the other half to give him everything he wants, but cannot offer anything in return.
    5. 5. A person gets tired of his lover’s stories. He pretends to listen to him, but he himself thinks about something else, and at the first opportunity he turns the conversation to more pleasant topics.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of the chosen one. Distinctive features of partners who cannot make their significant other happy are the following:

    1. 1. The person disclaims any responsibility. He does not undertake any obligations, and if he promises something, he either does not fulfill it, or does it after repeated reminders.
    2. 2. He does not allow the chosen one into his life. They have no mutual friends, and their relatives do not know each other.
    3. 3. The partner closes down and refuses to answer questions about what he does. He ignores interest in him and does not want to build stable, trusting relationships.
    4. 4. The woman herself has to make appointments and arrange dates. A man often refuses and refers to his busy schedule.
    5. 5. A person does not take into account his partner’s time and may promise to come, but fail to fulfill this, and then disappear for several days or weeks. You shouldn’t think that this is how fate tests the strength of a relationship - a person simply doesn’t need such a relationship.
    6. 6. A man has a wife or girlfriend with whom he promises to separate. In fact, he is simply comfortable having several partners, periodically promising each of them love and stability.

    In order for the choice of a partner to be correct, it is necessary to think objectively and abandon self-deception. It’s better to wait a little and engage in self-development than to make a mistake and regret it for the rest of your life.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

At the beginning of meeting all the guys are wonderful. As the first crush wears off and you stop looking at your man through rose-colored glasses, you ask yourself the question, is he the one? Is this really the love of your life?

Meeting “the one” does not always (and, in principle, rarely ever) resemble a scene from a romantic comedy. It probably didn't save you from falling under the wheels of a car. In turn, you didn’t run after him in the rain, asking him to stay. Most likely, no one stood under your window and sang songs. Perhaps because no one sings serenades anymore?

Knowing that you are with a wonderful person is one thing. And knowing that you are with the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with is another level. These 6 signs will tell you that this is exactly the level.

1. No words needed with him

There is no such thing as awkward silence, because in his company even silence is pleasant. His very presence makes you happy. This guy is your cure for all the evil in this world. When he is around, nothing is scary, and even the worst day becomes better.

2. You are his priority.

He is ready to make sacrifices for you. Even ones that you don’t even suspect. Don't be afraid that he will later remind you of what he did for you. You are his priority! Your safety and happiness are the main thing for him. That's why he always takes your side. And he always supports you and is there when you need it.

3. Doesn't get jealous

She doesn’t make scandals for you because she “made eyes at the waiter.” He trusts you. Are other guys watching you? This is not surprising, because you are so beautiful! Every guy would like to be in his place.

You will recognize the ideal guy when he does not make you stupidly jealous. I never betrayed your trust, I broke all contacts with my ex. You just don't need other women. After all, he has you.

4. Knows what's important to you

When you tell him you're going to run a marathon, he won't ask why. It won’t occur to him that you’ve gone crazy, and he won’t have any complaints about the time you spend on training. He will be waiting for you at the finish line. He is your main motivator. He often tells you how capable, hardworking, smart, and strong you are. Gives you more strength to work. Always! Pay attention - he loves you for who you are, with all your weaknesses.

5. He is not what I imagined him to be.

Did you imagine your prince differently? Both physically and personally. After all, he turned out to be your ideal, and you love him for who he is. Even if you wanted to, there would hardly be words to express what you feel for him. Even saying the words “I love you” several times in a row will not express all the feelings.

6. I have never felt anything like this!

This relationship is different from all your previous relationships. Is unique. He is unique. The best, one of a kind. Like this for life. Nobody knows you like he does. I had never told anyone so much about myself before. You trust him endlessly. After all, he's seen the good and the bad of you and still wants to be with you. This must be love.

How to understand that this is my man? - video

Love can wait for a person in any place, it can appear before him in any guise, but he will simply pass by and not notice it. And indeed, if people could see the secret signs that fate leaves for them, they would not have been looking for years for their love, which, as it often turns out, is very close.

Maybe you feel that one man you know, with whom you, by and large, are not even friends, could become your destiny, but this feeling is so elusive that you do not want to pay attention to it. Has this happened to you? But a woman’s premonition rarely fails. How to understand that he is your destiny?

Don't miss the moment

To understand whether the man you just met can become your life partner, destined for you by fate itself, don't waste time. While you still don’t really know him, and your consciousness is completely free from prejudices and false attitudes that prevent you from drawing the right conclusion, you can quite clearly feel whether you have a future together or not.

Missed it? It's not scary

However, few people know how to listen to their inner voice, so most often the realization that this particular person can become that fairy-tale prince on a white horse (or a beautiful princess, respectively) comes after some time. This happens when two people realize that their chance meetings in various places are not accidental at all, but are predetermined from above, that at the same time they suddenly begin to think about each other, and their hands themselves reach for the telephone receiver, and so on..

No matter how much you quarrel, are you still together? Maybe it's fate

If, despite everything, you are happy together, although you often quarrel, maybe this is fate and you are really made for each other. And periodic conflicts are matches that constantly fuel the fire of your emotions. Besides, if you really became each other's destiny, a long separation will greatly burden you, upset you, and plunge you into deep sadness.

Seek help from the stars

There is such a science - astrology. According to her, the stars have a great influence on a person’s destiny. Resort to her help to understand whether your acquaintance with this or that person is fateful or not. What should be done? You need to compile and then analyze your synastry. It can be constructed by superimposing two natal charts. After analyzing it, it will become clear to you whether your