As daytime temperatures rise during the summer, your dog can become very hot. It is important for your pet's well-being to keep him cool, as heatstroke is a fatal risk for dogs. You should be alert to symptoms in your dog such as severe shortness of breath, slowness of body movements, general weakness and loss of consciousness. If you experience any of the above symptoms, take your pet to the vet immediately.


Part 1

Provide your pet with constant access to water

    Constantly replenish your pet's bowl with water. Although this requirement is quite obvious, it is a very important step.

    • If your dog empties his water bowl quickly, buy him a larger bowl or place several water bowls at once.
    • If you have several people in your family, make a schedule and arrange for someone to check the condition of the water bowl and fill it throughout the day.
  1. Give your dog the opportunity to get into the water. Place a shallow pool or similar container of water in your yard that your dog can climb into to cool off. Your dog may also enjoy running under the water sprinklers.

    • Remember that the container with water should not be deep so that the dog cannot accidentally drown in it. The pet should be able to stand in water only up to its neck, resting on the bottom of the container with all four paws.
  2. Take water with you while walking. When you take your dog outside on a hot day, take water with you for you and your faithful friend. If your dog becomes short of breath and weak, stop in the shade and offer him something to drink.

    • If the dog refuses to drink, you can simply pour water on it.

Part 3

Cool your dog down if he's overheating
  1. Take your dog's rectal temperature. Rectal temperature is measured through the anus under the tail. Lubricate the tip of the rectal thermometer with Vaseline or another water-based lubricant before inserting it into the hole.

    Wet the dog. To cool down, hose your dog down with cool (but not cold) water or soak him in the bathtub or sink.

    • Sudden changes in temperature can harm your pet. Don't try to cool it down too quickly with ice water.
    • Make sure that the water gets on the stomach, between the paws and under the tail.
  2. Give your dog a cold treat. Give your dog cold treats (a little at a time). Too much cold treat (similar to immersion in ice water) can cause your pet to go into shock.

    Place wet towels on your dog's paws. You can also apply a wet towel to the dog's body to cool it down.

    • Instead, you can use packs of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel. Apply them to the inside of the front and back paws, as well as to the pet’s neck. Large blood vessels pass through these areas. Cooling the blood that runs under the ice compress helps cool the dog as a whole.
  3. Moisten paw pads with rubbing alcohol. The alcohol evaporates quickly, causing cooling of the surface treated with it.

  4. Call your veterinarian if you notice dangerous symptoms of heatstroke in your dog. Symptoms of heat stroke include:

    • severe shortness of breath;
    • bright red enlarged tongue;
    • general lethargy;
    • absence or extreme slowness of reactions.
  • Place a bowl of cool water near your dog and turn on a fan.
  • Place your dog's water bowls and buckets in the shade and wash them daily. Renew the water at least once a day, or more often if it becomes dirty.
  • Add ice to your dog's water to help cool him down.
  • If you're outdoors, use passive cooling techniques. You can also carry a sun umbrella with you.

Hot summers are not always a joy for our pets. Sweltering heat, dry air and sun rays can cause heat stroke and even lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of internal organs, including the death of the dog. However, the owner can create comfortable conditions for his four-legged friend to make his life easier during abnormal heat.

How can you tell if your dog is hot?

Any dog ​​owner knows that when a dog is hot, it sticks out its tongue and begins to breathe quickly. Sometimes the frequency of breaths goes off scale - several hundred per minute! In this simple way, dogs cool down, because they have very few sweat glands. Therefore, if the owner notices that the dog is breathing frequently, with its mouth open and tongue hanging out, you should immediately take the pet into the shade. If the dog is so hot that rapid breathing does not help, it becomes lethargic, inactive, refuses to walk, and does not respond to commands. If measures are not taken in time, the dog’s breathing becomes shallow, the pulse becomes thread-like, and the mucous membranes become scarlet or, conversely, pale (like the whites of the eyes). Such symptoms indicate serious overheating, you need to act immediately!

How to cool down a dog?

Dogs rarely overheat in hot weather (unless their owners “help” them). But still, every dog ​​owner should know how to help a four-legged friend in such a situation:

  1. lay the dog on its side;
  2. wet her paws, occipital protuberance, belly;
  3. measure the body temperature, if it is above 39.5 degrees - continue to cool the dog by covering it with cold wet towels until the temperature drops to 38.5-39;
  4. if the dog has lost consciousness, wrap it in a towel soaked in cold water and immediately take it to the veterinarian (heat or sunstroke can lead to the death of the animal if it is not promptly provided with qualified medical care);
  5. Even if the dog did not lose consciousness, but the owner noticed symptoms of overheating, it still needs to be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible: the negative effects of hyperthermia may not catch you by surprise until several days after the dog began to feel unwell. To prevent this, you need to visit a veterinarian who will examine the dog and, if necessary, prescribe treatment and regimen.

Advice: To measure your dog's temperature without disturbing it as much as possible, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the tip of the thermometer. To measure a dog's temperature, it is preferable to use an electronic thermometer rather than a mercury one, since the latter works much faster. The thermometer is inserted into the dog's anus 1-1.5 cm. Whether the dog stands or lies on its side does not matter. The main thing is that the animal does not move (check experimentally in what position your dog tolerates this simple procedure more easily). After the manipulation is completed, the tip of the thermometer should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in any disinfectant liquid (for example, alcohol), and then wiped dry with a paper napkin.

Is it possible to walk your dog in hot weather?

Many dogs in the summer prefer to sleep on the cool floor of the house rather than walk under the scorching rays of the sun, but walks should not be completely eliminated - the dog must move and breathe fresh air. During periods of abnormal heat, it is preferable to walk early in the morning and in the evening, and during the daytime, take the animal out only to relieve itself (for 15-20 minutes). If you do have to leave the house with your dog for a long time, be sure to take a bottle of water for a walk to periodically wet your pet’s belly and thighs. While walking, offer your dog a drink (every 30 minutes, but in small portions).


Some dogs in the summer, when it is especially hot, refuse food themselves. Do not force your pet to eat by offering him the most delicious pieces, because if the refusal to eat is associated with heat, there is nothing dangerous in such a “hunger strike”. But the so-called “food eaters” are ready to eat around the clock, even in the hottest season - the owner should reduce the portion for such dogs.

In hot weather, it is best to feed the dog twice a day in small portions - in the morning light foods, milk, eggs, vegetables and fruit, and in the evening - lean meat or fish. If the dog eats dry food, the bowl should only contain a daily portion - do not pour a full bowl of food, since at high air temperatures the fats included in high-quality dog ​​food (without heavy preservatives) quickly deteriorate.

In hot weather, water should be placed not only near the feeding area, but also where the dog spends the most time (for example, in the master bedroom). Having fallen asleep, the dog may overheat, and when it wakes up, it simply does not have enough strength and desire to walk across the entire apartment to a bowl of water. In summer, water needs to be changed several times a day - in hot weather, dogs drink cool, fresh water with greater pleasure than warm water with pathogenic bacteria actively multiplying in it.

How not to harm your dog in the heat?

Many dogs in the summer (except the very young, old and sick) take good care of themselves, following their instincts. But often owners intervene, correct the dog's behavior, or place the dog in unfavorable conditions, increasing the risk of heat stroke. So, what exactly should you not do to avoid harming your pet in the heat:

  1. You cannot put a tight muzzle on your dog, as this “accessory” makes breathing difficult;
  2. You should not throw your dog into bodies of water, as a sudden change in temperature can lead to shock or provoke diseases of internal organs and joints. If the dog wants to bathe on its own, do not interfere with it. If the dog does not have such a desire, simply bring it to the water's edge and wet the pet's paws, belly and thighs;
  3. it is strictly forbidden to leave your dog in a locked car or in a stuffy, unventilated room, even for a short time;
  4. You cannot cut your dog’s hair short, as the animal’s fur “works” on the principle of the loose robes of the Bedouins, preventing the body from overheating under the scorching rays of the sun. You can shorten the coat for hygienic reasons, leaving a length of 5-7 cm (contrary to popular belief, short-haired and hairless dogs suffer from the heat much more than their long-haired counterparts);
  5. The dog should not be allowed to lie on cold surfaces (for example, on a tiled floor), near fans or air conditioners. Such “rest” provokes diseases of the genitourinary system and joints;
  6. You cannot force your dog to move a lot, performing exercises related to overcoming obstacles, jumping, and running. If the dog wants to frolic on its own, most likely, it feels quite comfortable. If the dog is lethargic and inactive, limit exercise to walking in the shade.

Risk group

The worst people to tolerate heat are:

  • short-haired and hairless dogs, dark-colored animals: to help your pet, put on a light blanket made of light, “breathable” fabric;
  • dogs with a flat face (due to difficulty breathing): limit walks, take your pet out to “do business” and return to a cool, well-ventilated area;
  • older dogs and animals suffering from chronic diseases (including obesity): be sure to consult a veterinarian. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe medications that will help the dog tolerate abnormal heat more easily. Amateur action in such cases is disastrous - the drug and dosage should be selected by an experienced veterinarian, and not by the know-it-all dog breeder from the next door.


First of all, you need to be more attentive to your pets than on ordinary days. And remember: in hot weather, animals’ active life shifts to early morning or late evening, when the temperature does drop.

To help Ball or Bug withstand the heat, put it on a lactic acid diet: many dogs, like humans, adore kefir. So why not pamper your pet? And in general, in the heat, the appetite, as a rule, does not develop, so if the dog refuses to eat, do not try to feed him, God forbid, nausea and vomiting will begin.

In addition, veterinarians advise rescheduling walks earlier in the morning (before 10 o’clock) and evening (after 17 o’clock). Moreover, do not force the dog to run, chase sticks or chase a bicycle. Increased physical activity in such weather will not lead to good things! Naturally, you should not walk in the sun, but in dense shade, or even better - on the shore of some body of water. Be careful with a muzzle - especially one that does not allow you to fully open your mouth. If you see that the dog is breathing heavily and quickly, remove the muzzle and let him rest. After a walk, you can drink no earlier than 15 minutes later - otherwise the body may become hypothermic.

If you have to travel by car, under no circumstances leave your dog alone in the car, especially in the sun - sometimes an hour spent in a heated car is enough for something irreparable to happen. Naturally, it is advisable that your car has air conditioning, and the windows are protected from sunlight with tinting film. But in any case, you need to make sure that your pet can immediately quench his thirst at any time.

Now about life under the roof of your home. Leave the bathroom doors open: cool tiles will make things easier for your four-legged pet, but only if you don't take a hot shower. In the latter case, you will get the opposite effect.

If there is no air conditioning, place a wet mat on the floor. There should always be cool, but not cold water in the bowl; the water should be changed at least twice a day.

Are you taking a shower? So, in the heat, a dog also needs water treatments, as abundant and frequent as possible. But you need to wash without shampoo and soap - otherwise the protection will be destroyed. What? The dog doesn't want to swim? So wet his head, spray him with water. It would seem that in hot weather you need to get rid of wool, that is, get a haircut. Take your time! Wool is a kind of air cushion that prevents a four-legged pet from overheating (this is especially true for “woolen” dogs - Caucasian, Asian and South Russian shepherd dogs).

How do you know if your pet can no longer endure the heat? Heavy, wheezing breathing, copious amounts of saliva, wide-open, reddened eyes, glassy eyes, a dry and hot nose, general lethargy, and even vomiting with diarrhea.

Remove the collar immediately and take your dog into the shade! Then the pet should be doused with water, wrapped in a wet rag or an ice compress placed on the head. When the dog comes to his senses a little, let him drink half a liter of cool (but not cold!) water and massage it lightly to restore normal blood flow.

Once your pet has recovered a little, take him to the vet to avoid more serious problems in the future.

As you can see, the rules for bringing any pet into working condition are simple and do not require special training. All you need to do is remember the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery “we are responsible for those we have tamed” and not only keep an eye on your four-legged pets, but also provide them with comfortable living conditions.

Don't be alarmed if your dog behaves differently in the heat - he moves little and refuses to eat.

Adynamic behavior in summer is natural. The normal body temperature of our pets is about 39 degrees, so in order to maintain their energy in the heat, they try to move less.

The need for food in the heat also decreases. It is normal if a pet refuses its favorite bone at noon.

In the summer, you need to reconsider your dog's diet. Don't force your dog to eat at normal times.

This also applies to puppies. Move dinner to a later time and see: your pet’s appetite will return!

A healthy dog ​​does not smell even in the heat!

Many owners associate the pungent odor emanating from their pet with the heat. Like, the dog is sweating, that’s what it smells like. The smell of a dog appears when the animal has some health problems.

It is known that latent chronic septic diseases worsen in the heat. For example, inflammation of the uterus, kidney disease, chronic cystitis, mitral insufficiency and other heart pathologies.

What to put Druzhka in a bowl?

Veterinarians are firmly convinced that the animal should receive a balanced diet - ready-made food. It can be either dry or canned.

It is known that heat provokes intestinal toxic infections: salmonellosis, botulism and others. Dog owners sometimes do not follow the most basic safety rules. Having bought meat at the market, they treat their Friend to a fresh piece, without even scalding him with boiling water in advance to prevent salmonellosis. If the dog receives a homemade diet - meat, cereal, dairy products, it should eat all this within 30 minutes. Otherwise, the leftover food should be thrown away. You cannot leave an uneaten dish for later. The infection does not sleep!

Douse yourself with cool water if you want to be healthy!

There are no sweat glands on the body of our pupils - they are concentrated at the tip of the tongue. It is no coincidence that animal skin has a special protective shell that protects it from dermatitis. Frequently washing your dog with soap and shampoo destroys this defense, opening the way for infections.

Water procedures without soap, on the contrary, can be taken as often as you want! And rinsing the dog with not a cold, but a cool shower in such heat is simply necessary!

If your pet still needs to be washed with detergents, it is better to use special, rather than “human” shampoos for these purposes. Pet stores offer a wide range of herbal shampoos. There are also breed-specific products - separately for poodles, separately for Great Danes.

Group in striped Panama hats

Many dog ​​owners have no one to leave their pets with in the summer. You have to take your four-legged friend with you on vacation. By the way, if a dog suffers from certain skin diseases, a sea holiday will only benefit it! Healing sea water will dry and relieve inflammation of the skin. There is no need to worry about your pet’s fur: if the food is correct, nothing will happen to it.

Ponds with stagnant water in large industrial cities are a completely different matter. For example, bathing dogs in lakes and ponds near Moscow often ends in failure. Dogs with itching, exacerbation of pustular diseases, dermatophytes and mites are taken to veterinary clinics. It happens that the owners did not have time to look after the dog, and it still got into the water. At home, be sure to rinse your dog in the shower.

Air conditioning is the enemy of pugs

All pug-shaped dogs with short nasal passages are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. They can easily catch pneumonia while sitting under a cool stream of air. Directed air flow is dangerous for animals in the same way as for humans.

Signs of heat stroke in a dog: rapid breathing, apathy, lethargy, elevated body temperature (40 degrees).

Did this happen to your dog? Immediately wet the animal's fur and place a wet towel on the back of the head. And hurry to the doctor!

By the way, a dog’s dry nose does not mean that it is sick. That happens. But if the edges of the nasal planum have become like pumice, this is a reason to go to the clinic. This means your pet has an undetected disease.

Memo for dog breeders

  • When you and your pet are going on vacation to the blue sea, make sure that you have free access to fresh water; your Buddy’s bowl should always be filled with fresh water.
  • On particularly hot days, try not to limit your animals' fluid intake.
  • Remember that kefir is a good tonic, and many dogs love it! Just don’t leave fermented milk products in the bowl for a long time so that your dog’s stomach doesn’t get upset.
  • Do not leave your pet in the hot southern sun. To prevent heatstroke, place a Panama hat over the top or make a compress from a towel soaked in cold water.

Most owners are very concerned that the dog is breathing heavily in the heat, trying not to move, refusing to eat, etc. The tailed dog’s body is trying in every possible way to cool down, the algorithm of its actions is not always clear. But if you think about your pet’s metabolism and know a little theory, everything is very logical and understandable, let’s figure it out.

How difficult is it for you to survive a hot day, especially if you need to move and work? What if you have to spend the day in a fur coat and you won’t be able to sweat? Agree, there is little chance. However, the bodies of our pets are adapted to survive in their familiar climate; dogs successfully cope with heat and frost. But four-legged animals are not adapted to life in 30-degree heat; they are at risk overheating, or even sunstroke.

Everyone knows that dogs shed twice a year. This phenomenon occurs when the air temperature is below 18° or above 25°. Accordingly, the tailed one begins to “dress” the undercoat or shed it. In breeds without undercoat, temperature conditions trigger the change of guard hair. Only units of dogs not susceptible( , and others), do not respond to temperature changes.

Air humidity also affects the start of molting, but not as significantly as temperature. However, this indicator should not be ignored, since the general condition of the dog also depends on it.

And South Russian Shepherds, and, and others, in fact, all dogs with a dense undercoat are prone to overheating in the summer. The second group is large breeds and dogs with dark colors, for example. The third are breeds with weak thermoregulation, most often decorative dogs. By the way, most people are prone to overheating and heat stroke.

Natural ways to cool down

Naturally, the bodies of our pets are not defenseless, even if we are not talking about service breeds. Every dog ​​has sweat glands on its paws, there are few of them, but they are there. The most obvious way to cool down is by breathing quickly with your mouth open. Few people know, but when a dog sticks out its tongue, it provokes a disruption of salt metabolism in the body, as a result of which the cells cannot produce heat.

This is interesting! The salty liquid dries faster than clean water, and the place where it was cooled. It is by this principle that the dog’s mouth and respiratory tract are cooled when it breathes with its mouth open.

The obvious solution is to drink plenty of fluids.. The four-legged dog (depending on its size) drinks a lot of water, but does not pee much. The fluid lost “along the way” is used to produce saliva and other secretions of the mucous membranes. On hot days it is important - control the amount of water consumed, as its lack will lead to, and excess consumption may indicate serious pathologies.

Read also: Trick dog training

Refusal to eat on hot days can be considered normal if the hunger strike does not go beyond reasonable limits and the dog willingly drinks water. By eating the usual porridge, the four-legged animal consumes carbohydrates, which help cells produce heat. Feeding dogs in hot weather is a very narrow and individual topic.

Some breeds, such as German Shepherds, may refuse to eat all day, but it is good to eat dinner before bed. Dogs instinctively try to lose weight and may fast for several days. In a general sense, this issue should be considered from the point of view of metabolic rate, the slower it is, the more likely voluntary hunger strike is and this is normal!

The next canine cooling method is digging a hole or burrow. By undermining the dry layer of soil, the tailed one reaches a cooler layer of the earth, lays down and cools down. The trouble is that the dog warms itself while digging a saving hole, and pets kept in apartments are completely deprived of this alternative. Be that as it may, no matter what tricks your four-legged one comes up with, if it’s hot outside, it won’t hurt for the dog to help endure this test.

Read also: Chihuahua colors: all possible options (+ photos)

Cooling methods and accessories

We found out how a dog cools down in the heat, but what to do if natural methods do not help and the four-legged one is exhausted from the high temperature. Your task is to avoid heat stroke and make your pet’s life as easy as possible. using the methods below.

Changes in walking routine

We only go out early in the morning and late in the evening. If the temperature is extreme, and the dog has not yet learned to go to the toilet outside, we lay a diaper/oilcloth on the balcony (or in another room). When living in a private house, there is no need to lock your pet in the home, but it is not recommended to restrict its entry into the house. An excellent option would be to install a bathtub filled with water (for medium-sized breeds, a baby bath or large basin is suitable) or a thick sheet of metal placed in the shade (you want it not to get hot).

Important! Do not walk your dog wearing a muzzle, and if there is such a need, use open-type accessories (nylon).

Black and dark dogs should be dressed (yes, dressed) in white, cotton clothes, a white T-shirt will do. White clothes will literally reflect the sun's rays. Avoid walking on asphalt because your feet are protected by the soles of your shoes, and your dog's toe pads sense the temperature of the ground. Try to walk to the walking area and back on the grass, even trampled paths, especially clay ones, quickly heat up and retain heat. After walks, it is recommended to lubricate the dog’s paws with special oils (from a household medicine cabinet, Vaseline will do) to prevent cracking of the paw pads.

Important! In extreme heat, it is necessary to reduce physical activity as much as possible or move training and sports to the evening.

Changes in diet and diet

Usually, there are no problems with changing the diet, since the four-legged animal itself will make it clear what it needs and what it doesn’t. If you reduce physical activity, the dog will switch to light food and refuse porridge and other “heavy” foods.