In 2016, the Products section appeared among the main menu items. Let's take a closer look at what it is. Now you can sell various things, accessories, services from your page, simply by describing your product and indicating its cost. Your ads will be available primarily to your friends and all those who search for the item you are going to sell.

How to sell goods through VKontakte

We look for the Products item in the menu on the right; if it is not there, enable it through Settings.

Your friends' ads are immediately displayed, you can add a product to your favorites to buy later and post your products using the button Post an ad. The list of created products can be viewed in the tab My products.

First you need to select a category. A huge number of groups are represented, also divided into subgroups. From the wardrobe to the list of services, I am sure you will easily select the right item. In the title of the product, it is advisable to briefly and accurately write what you are selling, because users search for products by name. In the description, add a brief description and details related to the product or service. Be sure to attach an image, since the buyer’s first glance usually falls on the picture, and then on the text. Indicate the cost of your product, you can search for similar products in advance to find out the approximate price. And, as an option, for a faster and more successful sale, you can make the price of your product lower than that of competitors.

To purchase, you can contact the seller via private messages. You can pay for the goods either on VKontakte using money transfers, or during a personal meeting with the seller - as agreed. I also want to add that in the section Goods products are located not only from the personal pages of users, but also from communities. That is, now all products are located in one place, which is quite convenient. There are restrictions on the number of goods, judging by the VKontakte API, but there is no specific figure, apparently no one has encountered this yet. Therefore, if you have reached the limit, write in the comments how many products you were able to download to VKontakte.

Good afternoon, dear reader!
Did you end up on this page because you don’t know how to create products in a group in VKontakte?
This is exactly the article, after reading which you will know everything about VKontakte products! 🙂

I think you already know what “products in contact” are, what they look like and where they are located.
I will only say that after connecting, this block will appear at the top of the main page of your group, immediately below the community description or under the pinned post.

1. Go to “community management” - by clicking the three dots under the avatar or cover of a group or public page
2. In the right column of the menu, select “Sections”
3. Among the proposed sections, we find “Products”, there will be a button there by default – “disabled”, click it, select “enabled”

After turning on this section, several more items will immediately open to fill out:

Delivery regions. Here you can select any country or all countries at once. If you work in only one city, then select the country in which your city is located

Comments on products are enabled by default, but you can turn them off if you wish by simply clicking on the “enabled” button and then selecting “disabled”

Now select “Contact for communication” from the proposed group admins. In the finished product card, the dialogue with the admin contact we have selected for communication will appear when you click the “Write to seller” button.

In the “Contact for communication” item, you can select “Community messages”, then your buyer will get into a dialogue with all community admins.

If the following points: “main block” and “secondary block” are left as is, then the block with goods will appear immediately under the community description or under the pinned post.
If you wish, you can designate any other block as the main block and “products” as a secondary block, then the products will “descend” even lower.

You may have thought that this article is only about how to create products in a VK group, in fact, in public pages the algorithm for creating a block of products is almost identical - you just need to turn on the “tick” next to the “products” item.

Now that we have made the necessary settings, we can begin filling out this section.

To do this, go to the main page of our group.

Under the community description or under the pinned post, we see that the “add product” button has appeared, click it.

In the window that opens, you must fill in all the proposed items:

We select the category closest to our product

Write the product name and description

Upload the main picture and, if necessary, 3 more photographs of our product (for example, other colors).

The image size is 834 by 834 pixels, or it must be at least 400 and no more than 7000 pixels on each side.

We write the price of the product

If you have previously created product categories, which will be discussed below, select which category this product belongs to. If you haven’t created categories yet, it’s okay - you don’t have this item yet, it will appear later when we create product categories in the group .

Click “Create product”

How to edit and delete a product in a group in contact

You can edit a product in a group in the following two ways to choose from:

1. Go to the “products” section

Select the product to which you want to make changes.

We hover the mouse cursor over the product picture - a “pencil” icon will appear, click on it - now you can make the necessary changes

2. We go to the product card to which amendments need to be made. Under the picture there is a “More” button, click it, select “edit”.

If some product is temporarily out of stock, we can hide it without losing all its settings.

To do this, go to the product editing page, scroll down, find and click the “Product not available” button.

Subsequently, at any time, we will be able to return this product to its place.

To completely delete a product, we do everything that is written in the second paragraph, but choose not “edit” but “delete”.

That's all, now you know not only how to create a product in contact, but also how to delete it :)

How to create a selection of products on VKontakte

Some stores may have a particularly large amount of goods. If their number is in the hundreds or even thousands, it is advisable to structure them somehow.

For example, if you deal with cosmetics, you can create a selection, say: decorative, medicinal, skincare, etc.

To do this, Contact has the option “Create a selection.” This button is located at the top slightly to the right of the center of the page that opens when you click on the “Products” block.

After clicking on “Create a collection” you will be asked to name it and upload the cover. Cover size 1288 by 720 pixels.

Now, if you previously chaotically published products in your group, you now have the opportunity to edit each product and sort them into categories. 🙂

In the product card editing window, at the very bottom you will see the “Selections” \ “Select a selection” button.

We select the selection that is suitable for this particular product. And don’t forget to save :)

Now, you know how to create products in a group in contact, how to structure them into collections, how to edit and delete.

I’m sure you will be interested in the article ““, I advise you to take a look :)

Thank you! 🙂

VKontakte, recently, has become very convenient to create groups that are adapted for online stores. The most popular communities are those that sell watches, clothes or accessories.

If you are starting to grow your retail business and have already created a community specifically for your future customers, there are add a product to the VKontakte group.

As you noticed, it is not very convenient and advisable to simply upload photos of products into an album, since the photos in it may not be in order and the description will not always be clearly visible. In order to show your product in the best light, you need to use special functions.

  1. Go to your group management tab
  2. In the "information" section, scroll to the bottom of the page. Here you will notice the “products” button
  3. Click on this tab and select the “enable” field
  4. Fill out all the delivery information, write down your phone number and contact details so that it is easy for users to find you if they have any questions.
  5. Next to the store description field you can see the “edit” button. Be sure to go to this section and leave a description for your store. Click save.
  6. Go to your group home page. On the first screen you will see a new “Products” section. To add your first product, go to this section. Here you can add a main photo of your product, as well as up to four additional ones to help you show it off from all angles. Describe in detail what advantages your product has, set the price and indicate discounts, if any.

This way you can add each product to the group page. This method is great for those who have a small range of products and are just starting to promote their business. For those owners who have a lot of different items in their online store, it would be best to systematize them and present them in the form of a catalog.

How to create a product catalog in a VKontakte group

Create a product catalog in the VKontakte group perhaps through a special selection field. Open the "Products" section. At the very top you will see the “Collections” section. To place different products into categories and make a full-fledged catalog, go to this section. Further:

  1. At the top right, open the “Create Collection” tab. Enter a title and upload a cover. It should not exceed the size of 500 by 300 pixels.
  2. Using the “Add Product” tab, add photos of products to this album.
  3. Then, go to “collections” again. Follow the same steps again to create a new collection.

Once you have made your catalog, you can start . Initially, about your community on your wall. Targeted advertising in VK and ordering are also perfect for online stores. from professionals. And, of course, the “word of mouth” effect works great. Tell us as much as possible about your products and be sure to pin customer reviews on your wall. That's when you have a chance to get as much as possible and gather even more warm audiences.

Any product from the catalog is easy to edit. To do this, open the photo with him and click on the pencil icon. If you want the menu on the main page in a group to show sections with only the most popular products, open the collection editor and click on the “This is the main community collection” icon.

To make it more convenient for potential customers to go to the product catalog in your group, you can spend time on beautifully designing the community and creating a menu in VK.

How many products can be added to a VKontakte group

VKontakte has no restrictions on the number of products in one group. That's why, how many products to add to a group on VK, It's up to you to decide. But it is important to remember that too large an assortment with many items makes it difficult to make a purchasing decision.

If the site presents, for example, 250 watch options and a person cannot determine within 10 minutes what suits him best, most likely he will simply leave the site. A variety of options will certainly brighten up your group, but it is unlikely that this will greatly increase sales.

In this lesson I’ll tell you about such a trick as VKontakte products, with the help of which you can open an online store in the community. This opportunity is provided for all groups and public pages that engage in trading using the social network. You can connect to the service regardless of the number of participants, and only managers can place products in the new section.

Thus, based on this option, you can safely open online store VKontakte. The main page always displays the last 3 added products.

In order to connect the product service, go to the "Community Management" section.

On the "Information" tab, move the page down a little and select the "Included" setting next to the "Products" item.

Here you can immediately add important information:

  • Specify delivery region- you can add several countries or cities;
  • Enable or disable ability to leave comments to goods;
  • Select store currency- Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia, Kazakh tenge, euro or US dollar;
  • Contact- this is the user’s personal page through which you will accept orders. The page must be among the community leaders in order to be selected from the drop-down list;
  • Store Description- a wiki page with a detailed description of your store, terms of payment and delivery, as well as other important information. This link will be automatically attached to each of the products.

After you have saved all the changes you have made, a special block with products appears on the main page of the community.

By clicking on the "Products" heading or the "Show all products" link, you can open the full list of products. Here in the upper right corner there is a special link “Add product”, through which you can add a new offer to your store.

  • Title and description. The search will take both of these fields into account;
  • Main photo and up to 4 additional ones. When uploading your main photo, you will need to provide a square thumbnail. Uploaded photographs must have no less than 400 and no more than 7000 points on each side, and you cannot use photos in which one side is several times larger than the other;
  • Category- you must specify one of the product categories from the list. This is necessary to place your proposals in the unified VKontakte catalog;
  • Selection- with this option you can sort all products more accurately. This field appears only when creating the collection itself, which we will talk about below;
  • Price- indicate the price;
  • Product not available- with this checkmark you can show that it is currently out of stock. In this case, it is placed in a special tab “Unavailable Products”.

Finally, click the “Create Product” button.

This is what the final card looks like.

Now let's look at the "Product Collections" section. Using this option, you can independently clarify the product category within the community and group similar ones accordingly. To create a collection, go to the "Collections" tab and in the upper right corner click on the "Create collection" link.

In a new window you will need to specify the name of the collection and upload its cover. Also, here you can make it the main selection of the community and it will always be displayed first in the list.

There are 3 ways to add a new product to the selection. You can specify it when creating, when editing it, and also from the collection page. It can be indicated in the new “Selection” list that appears, which I wrote about earlier. Thus, when editing, you can move products from one category to another; unfortunately, they can only be in one selection at a time.

After creating a collection, you can of course edit or delete it. You can do this inside a collection.

You also have the ability to edit individual products. To do this, hover your mouse over the image of the proposal and click on the pencil icon that appears. You can change any data.

You can also search in the "Products" section. When you click on the "Options" link, you will be able to specify a price range, as well as sort by date added or price.

For the convenience of the owner, a link to the product about which they are writing will automatically be attached to such a message.

Also, you can temporarily disable the "Products" service in the community settings. All settings and product cards will not be deleted, but will simply cease to be displayed.

If the user opens any of the offers via a direct link, it will be indicated that it is temporarily unavailable. It will also be impossible to contact the seller. You can return everything back at any time by enabling them in the community settings.

That's all, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments below. The material uses suggestions from the group

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The social network VKontakte has long transformed from a messenger into a separate area of ​​information business. Public page owners sell advertising and earn good money from it.

But times go by and now you can organize a small store in the messenger and use it to promote the company. In the article we will look step by step how to add products to a VKontakte group, divided into categories and create a showcase.

Why do you need a VKontakte showcase?

Social networks are used by people of different ages: children, teenagers, students and adults. It takes a long time to create and promote your personal online store, it’s costly, and it’s not practical in most cases. Instead, it is more practical to create your own VK community for free and organize a small online store on its basis.

A virtual storefront can be useful for the following purposes:

  • Sale of paid services;
  • Small online store;
  • Advertising of own products;
  • Creation and demonstration of a price list.

In other words, now VK can be used to develop your own business and engage in trading directly from your profile on a social network. This solution is perfect for small businesses and small projects with low financial turnover. There are no costs, and the efficiency is quite high.

What can be sold in a group (community)

You can put any offers on display. For example, create a group for computer repair and use collections to describe the entire price list. You can also offer your video courses, books, sign up for events, and much more on the virtual shelf. In general, you can place any offer for the buyer on the storefront, just like in full-fledged online stores.

Your own store in a group is suitable for promoting a small business or as a small branch from the main activity. Many users find it more convenient to get acquainted with a brand through social media. network than going to the browser and looking for a landing page using external links.

How to add products to a VKontakte group and create a showcase: step-by-step instruction

Today you can create a VKontakte store for free; it does not require any special knowledge, investment or skills. No payment required, you just need to complete 4 steps and the product is ready for sale. For example, we will create an empty community and describe each stage of filling it with goods.

Step #1. Settings

Go to the “Management” section, then to “Sections”. Here you need to check the “Products” box. We recommend that you immediately identify the main block. It will be displayed at the TOP of the page when opened.

You can also set up comments, delivery regions, contacts for communication, descriptions of services and connect the “Store” application. After making the changes, do not forget to click “Save”.

Step #2. Filling with content (Product or service)

After changing the settings, a new tab with products for sale will appear on the main page. Now we need to start filling out the cards; they will be displayed in the block.

Filling out the card takes less than 1 minute:

  • Select a category.
  • Enter the name.
  • Add a description.
  • We include photographs for clarity.
  • We indicate the cost.

To add a new card, go to the main page and click on the text “Products”. After this, a window will appear in which you can create collections and add new objects.

Step #3. Creating collections

For example, let’s create a selection called “Radio Electronics”. To do this, click “Create a collection”.

In the parameters, select the cover and title. You can also make this selection the main one for the community, in which case it will be a priority for the user and will be displayed in the first position when viewing the entire assortment.

After making changes, new objects for sale can be assigned to the appropriate collections. Thanks to this, the entire range is distributed into categories, making it easier for the user to navigate and find the option they need.

Step #4. Editing cards

If something needs to be changed, this can be done in the “all products” section. Place the cursor over the image and click on the pencil icon to edit. After this, the window from stage 3 will open. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, the interface is simple and clear.

Step #5. What does the product look like from the outside?

After clicking on the object, a demo window opens. In the center there is an image, on the right is the price and a button to contact the seller.

Attention ! You cannot sell anything directly through VK; the social network is used to connect the buyer and seller. If the visitor likes the item, he writes to the seller and they agree on payment and transfer.

In the settings section you can change the description. This information is displayed in the “Terms of payment and delivery” tab, so we recommend that you fill out this section thoroughly. In essence, this is the same selling text that invites the user to purchase products.

VK applications and widgets for the store: what they are and how they work

VK tries to expand its functionality every year. Now add widgets and applications from developers to groups. Thanks to this, you can significantly expand the list of opportunities and increase sales. Let's look at some widgets.

Go to the “Manage> Applications” section. Here you can find and add widgets for various purposes: automatic mailing, processing reviews, pricing, making appointments, maps and many others.

It works quite simply. Click “Add” and the widget will be installed automatically. Editing is done from the application settings section. Typically, most add-ons simply insert an additional button into the right-hand section of the menu.

On a note! Users can create their own applications and publish them to the community. If you do not have programming skills, you can propose an idea for a widget to the VK administration. If the idea turns out to be useful, it will be implemented.

Action button

To increase sales and simplify the interface, VK programmers created an action button. The user just needs to press a button from the smartphone and a call is made to the specified number. Extremely convenient, effective and simple.

To make this function work, go to “Controls - Settings - Action Button”. Enable the feature, select the action type, and enter the transition address or phone number.

The following actions can be assigned to the button:

  • Go to the website;
  • Call to a mobile number;
  • Call online;
  • Open the mobile application;
  • Write by email;
  • Open the community app.

Selling goods from a personal VK account

If you have several unnecessary things, then it is not necessary to create a separate group to sell them and hire intermediaries to find buyers. You can use your personal page for advertising.

To do this, go to the “Products” section and add a new item to the general list. Now friends and other users will be able to see the new announcement.

If there is no product section in the menu, then open the settings and enable the corresponding item. You can remove it in the same way.


If you have any questions, you can watch the video tutorial. The guy explains all the steps in 4 minutes.


Although community stores have only recently emerged, the idea is growing quite quickly. If you sell any products, you can now sell them through a social network. We looked at the question of how to add products to a VKontakte group. It takes less than 5 minutes and does not require any special knowledge or skills from the reader.