And she dreamed that she would marry pianist Denis Matsuev

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

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Once, in a conversation with me, Maria Maksakova quoted her mother, People’s Artist of Russia Lyudmila Maksakova, a witty and ironic woman. Lyudmila Vasilyevna told her daughter about one of her gentlemen: “You are cups from different sets.” These words could refer both to Maria’s former common-law husband - crime boss Vladimir Tyurin, nicknamed Tyurya (aka Dad, aka Projectionist), and to his official husband, who was killed in Kiev two days ago - Denis Voronenkov, against whom a criminal case was opened in Russia .


Lyudmila Vasilievna, to put it mildly, did not like her son-in-law and was categorically against her daughter’s marriage. I dreamed that my daughter would marry pianist Denis Matsuev. And she stopped communicating with Masha even before she left for Ukraine.

This marriage with Voronenkov was like the flash of a signal flare, she told me writer Victoria Tokareva, who knows Maksakova and is also well versed in life.

- Why is your friend’s daughter so attracted to men with a criminal past?

Money,” the writer suggested.

But Maria Maksakova is not from a poor family. “There is never too much money,” Tokareva said bluntly. But is it?

Now journalists are counting the movable and immovable property of ex-deputy Voronenkov, the Moscow apartments he bought, for example, in the house where Paustovsky once lived, Chekhov visited... But Maria Maksakova is not a dowry.

She spent her childhood in the very center of Moscow, on Bryusov Lane, in the apartment of her grandmother, the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, People's Artist of the USSR Maria Maksakova. This house was built for the artists of the Bolshoi Theater; Nezhdanova, Lepeshinskaya, Ivan Kozlovsky lived in it... Machine’s father, German entrepreneur Peter Igenbergs, bought another apartment in the same entrance on a different floor. In addition to an apartment in an elite building, her family also has a dacha in the prestigious dacha village “Masters of Art” in Snegiri, near Moscow.

We lived in apartments on different floors,” Maria told me about her childhood. - It’s funny when my father walked up to my mother’s apartment in slippers and a dressing gown. My mother and brother lived in my grandmother’s apartment, and my father bought an apartment on the floor below, where I spent the night with a nanny and a German teacher. This made it more convenient for everyone.

GERMAN Governesses

Several years ago, Maria Maksakova came to Radio KP. Here is a fragment of my interview with the singer. In light of recent events, her words took on new colors.

“I studied piano at the Central Music School at the Conservatory,” Maria recalled. - Although by the age of 11-12 it was already clear that with my average perseverance I was unlikely to become a great pianist. A good pianist is an isolated case. But the strap had to be pulled to the end. And at the age of 15 I discovered my voice...

Apparently, my mother’s attitude towards my grandmother, her unconditional piety and respect with which she speaks about her and her profession, instilled in me the feeling that opera is an elite, refined art. Plus my obsessive desire to prove that I am something. I asked my mother to take me to Natalya Dmitrievna Shpiller (famous opera singer and teacher - Ed.). Natalya Dmitrievna was a friend of my grandmother. She was already 85 years old. If she hadn't seen my abilities, she wouldn't have started studying. As a result, I entered the Academy of Music. Gnesins. At the institute, my parents gave me the opportunity to study abroad, in Italy...

- At the same time as music, did you study foreign languages?

I had German and English governesses from the age of six. And we learned French with my brother (Maxim, the son of Lyudmila Maksakova from the artist Lev Zbarsky. Several years ago Maxim found himself at the center of a corruption scandal; a criminal case was opened against him on charges of embezzling several tens of millions of rubles from the Russian Ministry of Sports. - Ed.). I learned Italian because I started singing. Spanish - because she lived in Spain (in 1998, crime boss Vladimir Tyurin, who feared for his life, moved to Spain. - Ed.). But the most interesting thing is that I also graduated from the Law Academy. But at the law academy I had to work hard (they say that Maria helped Tyurin solve problems with the criminal code. Her legal education really came in handy. - Ed.).

- Mom is probably happy with you now?

I sought her recognition for a very long time, but I achieved it. This was the main stimulus for my development. Mom is an incredibly deep and subtle person. He is well versed in painting and collects contemporary artists - Oscar Rabin, Alexander Kharitonov, Evgeny Mukovnin. Fantastic erudition and endless kindness. For me, contact with it in adulthood, when I am able to perceive its depth, seems more important to me than the memory of my childhood...

Mom loves to tell me how she made cranberry juice for my brother and me when we were kids. This, of course, happened too. But the organization of family life was not the main thing in her upbringing. She is sparkling, unexpected... (And it’s true, Lyudmila Vasilievna recently sent us on an “erotic journey” when we asked her about her daughter. - Ed.) Her life credo is non-resistance to evil through violence. After she married my father, a German citizen, she had serious problems in her career. Other actors were released on tours abroad, and she was deployed right at the airport. But she dealt with the problems.

- Is it difficult to make a career on the opera stage without support?

Now the triumph of PR over reason. Media attack on the public. It’s difficult to break through without promotion, support, even scandalous fame. I don't think I had a stellar career on the opera stage. Of course, I owe the name to my grandmother and mother. And there must also be luck. But if a person is caught in the cage, then the process continues as usual...

For some reason, I remembered these exact words of Maria Maksakova now. After the broadcast, she said that for the sake of PR, she was ready to have an affair with Nikolai Baskov, her friend and classmate at the Gnessin Academy. But Baskova then “romanced” Volochkov, most likely for the same purpose. Now Maksakova’s PR is all right. Because of the legendary grandmother, journalists used to add Maria Maksakova Jr. to her surname. There is no need for this now. She outshone all her famous relatives with her scandalous fame.


Maria Maksakova's opera career is not yet as brilliant as that of her famous grandmother, who, over 30 years of stage activity, sang many central roles on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater and the Mariinsky Theater. Maria performed on the main stages of the country only as a guest soloist. And her mezzo-soprano has not yet been heard in full voice on world stages.


Several years ago, before Maria Maksakova unexpectedly decided to go to the State Duma and married Voronenkov, she performed the role of Catherine II in the opera “Tsarina”. The premiere of the play took place at the State Kremlin Palace.

Then Maria had a completely different opinion about the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Here are her words:

Catherine was German by nationality, but she loved Russia very much. It would seem, where does such patriotism come from? Her favorite, Prince Potemkin, in order to gain her favor, conquered Taurida, present-day Crimea. This is a great conquest for Russia.


Lyudmila Maksakova does not know who her father is; she supposedly never discussed this topic with her mother. According to one version, the father was almost Joseph Stalin. But the family also has more plausible versions.

My grandfather was a baritone from the Bolshoi Theater, soloist Alexander Volkov,” Maria told me. - He is a direct descendant of Volkov, the founder of the theater in Yaroslavl. The second version is Vasily Mikhailovich Novikov, who was Abakumov’s deputy in the SMERSH organization. And he was an incredibly talented person, bright, beautiful. I am inclined to this version.


There is still a lot of uncertainty in the case of the death of a former State Duma deputy in Kyiv.

What are your versions of the murder of Denis Voronenkov?

Alexander ZHILIN, military expert:

The whole chain of events was obvious to me. At first, they very competently motivated the flight of this couple to Kyiv. Then they began to be promoted as irreconcilable oppositionists to the Russian regime. In the language of special operations, this is called “nursing the sacred victim.” But neither Maksakova nor Voronenkov represented anything as oppositionists. And endlessly promoting them means reducing interest in them. Therefore, at the peak of this propaganda, Voronenkov was killed. (Read the full version of Alexander Zhilin on KP.RU.)

Vadim BAGATURIA, lawyer:

I knew Denis Voronenkov for about two years, we introduced several bills to the State Duma. I think the beginning of the end for him was his loss in the 2016 elections. After this, there was no chance that Voronenkov would escape the pre-trial detention center. I associate his departure from Russia with this. My version: Denis was killed by Ukrainian radicals. In our country he was considered a traitor, and in Ukraine he was considered an exiled Cossack.

Yuri KOT, President of the Association for the Development of Public Diplomacy “Future of the Country”:

Considering that this was a demonstrative execution, taking into account Poroshenko’s statement an hour after the crime, we can only say one thing: this is a political murder. Moreover, the pattern is approximately similar to the execution of Nemtsov - then the Ukrainian girl took him out, and after a while it turned out that she was related to the SBU. Now it’s the same thing: one fugitive traitor brings another fugitive traitor to meet...

Sergey MARKOV, political scientist:

First: criminal showdowns with his former business friends. Second: revenge of Maksakova’s ex-husband. Third: the nationalists took revenge because he voted for the annexation of Crimea. The killer told him something before shooting him. This means that he had some kind of personal motivation. And fourth: we must not forget that the SBU is the largest terrorist organization in Europe.

Sergey, listener of Radio KP (97.2 FM):

Judging by how quickly Kyiv politicians drew conclusions, accusing us of murder, it was their doing. Scroll through the news feeds and see how the security forces lied and dodged. They found his passport, but spent several hours “establishing his identity”...


Maria Maksakova about the murder of her husband: “If I could have been there instead of him, I would not have thought about it”

The widow of Denis Voronenkov spoke for the first time after the loss of her husband: the opera diva admitted that she did not understand “how and why to do something next”


A new version of a high-profile murder in Kyiv: Denis Voronenkov was ordered by Maksakova’s former common-law husband

Those around the artist are sure: thief in law Vladimir Tyurin is tired of watching his money being squandered by a fugitive deputy

Former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov was given an almost public execution in Kyiv. On March 23, a killer shot him in broad daylight, two steps from Khreshchatyk. Four shots at point blank range - no chance. ()


A video of Voronenkov's murder has appeared

According to the adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko, the killer turned out to be 28-year-old Ukrainian citizen Pavel Parshov

With her husband in Kyiv, opera singer Maria Maksakova found the strength not only to continue living, but also to reach new levels of creativity. The singer living in Ukraine is learning Ukrainian, actively working on new roles in theaters and recording an experimental album. Maksakova, who was previously a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and was a member of the United Russia (UR) party, and her husband, also a former State Duma deputy, Denis Voronenkov, moved to Ukraine in 2016. On March 23, 2017, Voronenkov was mortally wounded by several shots point blank in the center of Kyiv.

Maria Maksakova spoke about her new life in an interview with DW.

DW:How do you assess the results of the investigation into the murder of your husband?

Maria Maksakova: Ukrainian law enforcement officers have done a colossal amount of work, which will probably be included in criminology textbooks, since solving a contract murder is extremely rare. No matter how much I would like to believe in another version of the murder, a more, so to speak, gentle one, the evidence provided to me personally does not give any reason to doubt the investigation materials.

- Do you have any hope that the perpetrators and organizers of this crime will receive the punishment they deserve?

My husband's murder was solved without delay. And I have no doubt about the punishment for performers and customers.

- The Russian media reproach you for contradictory statements about the involvement of your former common-law husband Tyurin in the death of Denis Voronenkov. According to them, you turned to him for help after the murder was committed in Kyiv. What can you say in response to these reproaches?

From the moment I moved to Ukraine, the Russian media reproached me for all imaginable and unimaginable things solely on the basis of their own perverted imagination. In a lie, everyone is limited only by their own conscience; the truth is another matter - it is always alone and limited by itself.

But my version about those who ordered the murder has not changed at all. From the very first day, I associated the reprisal against Denis with his professional activities and participation in the investigation of scams in the highest echelons of the FSB. Until the last moment, I tried not to believe in the information about Tyurin’s involvement in organizing the murder - after all, I gave birth to two children from this man. I helped him a lot in life and believed that even if he was approached with such a proposal, he would refuse to fulfill it. Unfortunately, he chose something else and combined business with pleasure.

- How did you feel about the Ukrainian authorities’ ban on you personally and all Russians voting in Ukraine in the Russian presidential elections on March 18?

I wasn't upset.

- Do you communicate with your colleagues from Russia? What are their moods under the current regime?, and how similar or different are they actually from the picture presented by the Russian press?

Life has shown that out of the huge number of acquaintances around me, there are very few friends. This is where I communicate with them. These are very reasonable and sensible people who are able to distinguish reality from television pictures.


- How do you like life in Ukraine? What do you like and dislike here?

Lives well and freely. The only thing I'm missing is Denis. And, of course, I miss my older children.

- You already have experience not only in performing musical works in Ukrainian, but also in conducting interview with Russian TV channel NTV . How easy is it for you to learn Ukrainian?, and why did you decide to master it in the first place?

I am always interested in learning about a new culture, and by studying a language, you penetrate deeper into its essence and feel better about another people. The Ukrainian language is very musical and melodious. Living in Russia, I often performed works in Ukrainian at concerts - it’s beautiful! And not only me. In fact, every famous performer has several works in Ukrainian in his repertoire. And besides, wouldn’t it be better if words of gratitude to Ukraine were spoken in Ukrainian?

- To what extent do you manage to realize yourself in art during this Ukrainian period of your life?

Last year was definitely a very difficult year for me. Now my pace of life is gradually accelerating, turning into supersonic.

- Does this mean that you have big creative plans for the near future?

Now I am participating in the production of the opera “Othello” at the Kharkov National Opera Theatre, further plans include working in opera houses in Kiev, Lvov and Dnepr, a series of concerts in Ukraine, participation in some festivals both as a performer and as a jury member. There are several more projects in the works in a new role for me. So, as they say, stay tuned for announcements.

See also:

  • Murder in the center of Kyiv

    In the center of Kyiv, near the Premier Palace Hotel, on the morning of Thursday, March 23, former State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov was shot dead. He left the hotel building with his guard, after which fire was opened on them.

  • Murder of ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv

    The killer died, the guard is alive

    Denis Voronenkov's security guard returned fire, as a result of which the attacker was fatally wounded. The killer died on March 23 in the evening in the hospital. The ex-deputy's security guard has a serious injury, but, according to doctors, it is not life-threatening. He has already given his first testimony in the case.

    Murder of ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv

    The name of the killer has been revealed

    On March 24, adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko confirmed the name of the killer - this is Pavel Parshov, born in 1988, a native of Sevastopol. Gerashchenko said that the criminal had been a member of the National Guard for more than a year, and a genuine identification was found on him. According to Gerashchenko, the killer was an agent of the Russian special services. Law enforcement agencies also said they were looking for a second suspect.

    Murder of ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv

    Priority version of the investigation

    The priority version being considered by the investigation is related to the involvement of Russian special services in the murder of the former Duma deputy. “This was a typical execution of a witness for the Kremlin,” Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko wrote on his Facebook page.

    Murder of ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv

    Voronenkov feared for his life

    In an interview given just a few hours before his death, Denis Voronenkov said that he feared for his life. As another Russian ex-deputy living in Ukraine, Ilya Ponomarev, said, Voronenkov was on his way to a meeting with him.

After the murder of ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv, many questions remained - both regarding the identity of the killer, the motives for this massacre, and, in fact, the very purpose of his escape from Russia. His widow, Maria Maksakova, now remains in Ukraine, a multifaceted personality who, as many believe, is also in danger. Maria Maksakova was born in Munich into a famous family: the daughter of the Soviet actress Lyudmila Maksakova and the Baltic German Peter Andreasen Igenbergs, the granddaughter of the famous singer, also Maria Maksakova. She had a bright career: she graduated from the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, was a member of the troupe of the Moscow New Opera Theater, and was a soloist of the opera troupe of the Mariinsky Theater. In addition, Maksakova often appeared on television as a presenter. Maksakova always preferred not to comment too much on her personal life, especially when it came to her children. Her political career was always visible: the opera singer managed to obtain a high status - a deputy of the State Duma. Considering all of the above, this is why many did not understand her action when Maksakova voluntarily left her homeland, moved to Ukraine, abandoned both creative and political activities, and also stopped communicating with her mother and many friends. As people who knew the couple say, Maksakova really I fell in love with Voronenkov - it was not a marriage of convenience (Voronenkov was also a deputy, plus at one time he was involved in business). “Her eyes shone with great love, to which a woman devotes herself to the end,” recalls journalist Ekaterina Sazhneva, who was personally acquainted with Maksakova and prepared several interviews about her personal life. At the same time, he recalls what was not included in the newspaper format: “But the newly-minted husband himself, Voronenkov, was much more restrained in showing his feelings for Maria, he had neither a sparkle nor tenderness in his eyes. It seems to me that he needed Maksakova only as an instrument of influence in his commercial and political enterprises... You can immediately feel it.”
Sazhneva also recalled another fragment of her conversation with Maksakova, when the singer and deputy admitted to her: “I ended up in the State Duma thanks to my grandmother. She is originally from Astrakhan. There is a street named after Maria Maksakova, and the music festival of Barsova and Maksakova takes place. But most importantly, people love and remember grandma. Maria Petrovna Maksakova is still not a stranger to them. She lives in the souls of her fellow countrymen. Grandmother herself constantly went there, during the war she organized a branch of the Bolshoi Theater there, and with great effort she ensured that the conservatory was built not in Volgograd, as Moscow wanted, but precisely in our Astrakhan. I myself have participated in my grandmother’s festival more than once. So people in the city knew me. And they offered me to run for office. I think if I were only a singer, I would be extremely uncomfortable in the State Duma, but I’m also a lawyer.”
In the Duma, everything was going really well for Maksakova. And by the way, once in parliament, she, unlike her husband Voronenkov (fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption), could make constructive criticism. Although she was not remembered for her large-scale merits in the Culture Committee, her colleagues knew that they could get a professional assessment from her on bills related specifically to cultural activities and heritage preservation. The wedding of deputies of competing factions - United Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - was discussed by almost everyone a country. Maksakova, on the other hand, looked happy next to Voronenkov, whom she described as an amazing man, incredibly smart, a true lawyer and a talented lawyer. When ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov, against whom several cases had been initiated, was about to leave the country, Maksakova firmly decided to follow him. She understood perfectly well what consequences this flight could have.
Here is another recollection of Sazhneva from an interview with Maksakova, to whom the journalist asked a question: “Once, many years ago, your mother, Lyudmila Maksakova, also took a decisive step, saving her family. Your father, German physicist, German citizen Peter Igenbergs, was not allowed to visit her in the USSR, then Lyudmila Vasilievna took her little son, your older brother, in her arms and called the reception desk of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, directly to the personal assistant of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Gromyko. She threatened to jump out of the window with the child if Peter was not allowed to return. The most surprising thing is that the authorities made a concession. This is self-control! Could you do that? Could you sacrifice everything for your loved one?” Maksakova replied: “There were different times. Mom suffered greatly for her courage and marriage to her father. They stopped filming her, she fell into disgrace in the theater, and many “friends” turned away from her. But she knew what she was getting into. And she took a risk. Dad was allowed to return... You know, I’ve understood a lot lately, including thanks to Denis. He's probably the best thing that ever happened to me. It is very important to feel behind your husband, safe, protected. And despite what happened to us immediately after the wedding, this scandal, for the first time I feel like a weak woman, I’m happy...”
Maksakova, who, in addition to Russian citizenship, also had a second one - German (by birth) - could have gone to Berlin, London, or New York. But she went to Kyiv, completely trusting her husband. Now experts are wondering whether Maksakova will return to Russia, or whether the current Ukrainian authorities will try to continue to promote her as a “victim of the Putin regime,” and in the worst case, they will send a killer. Perhaps she will go to Germany or some other country. In Ukraine, where many are hissing behind her back that she supported Russian Crimea, she has nothing to do. And no one will definitely like her excellent mezzo-soprano there.

The film crew of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” spent the whole day visiting Maria Maksakova in her Kyiv apartment. For the first time after the death of her husband, the singer decided to speak frankly with the new host of the program. About the older children and their father, about life with Denis Voronenkov and his death, about how she quarreled and made peace with her mother - in an exclusive interview with Maria Maksakova to Andrey Malakhov!

“Having children with him was my big mistake,” says Maksakova about crime boss Vladimir Tyurin. And she explains her relationship with him by the fact that she knew nothing about him then: “He was a completely shady person and isolated me from all my loved ones and friends. And when I understood everything, I was already pregnant. That’s all. About "I didn't even think about signing with him. He's nobody to me." Maria admitted that Tyurin beat her half to death; she left him with broken ribs. “All my relatives were afraid of him. The Investigative Committee is also afraid. I’m not the only one who’s afraid of him. I despise him.”

Maksakova said that Tyurin actually took away her older children - 13-year-old Ilya and nine-year-old Lyusya. “When I was running away from their father, I asked my assistant Zoya Epifanova to be closer to my daughter. It so happened that Zoya and I parted ways, and Lyusya followed Zoya. She almost never calls.” The son, according to Maria, is old enough to “ask dad and his entourage to put him on a plane and send him to Ukraine - no one will stop him. And Ukraine will not interfere.”

At the same time, the singer is sure that the murder of her husband, former deputy of the State Duma of Russia Denis Voronenkov, is not Tyurin’s jealousy: Eight years have passed. Vladimir himself contacted her and “blessed” her for marriage, approving her choice.

“It was a huge, huge love,” Maksakova says about her feelings for her husband and recalls that at first, when he came to her concerts, she thought: a music lover, she didn’t take it personally. “I went to India for the New Year holidays. He came to me. He said: “You are such a bachelor... And if I propose marriage to you, will you go?” I said: “I won’t go. I’ll run!” The wedding took place in the registry office, and then we went to the State Duma to vote." Everything happened so quickly that Maria didn’t even have time to order the dress she wanted from Yudashkin...

The couple's honeymoon was ruined. Maksakova lost twins. “The real honeymoon came when I realized that I was pregnant again. Denis carried me in his arms. It wasn’t a honeymoon, but our whole life. He was such a father - I’ve never seen men love children so much. Vanya is already talking. Everything is done out loud, but “dad” is in a whisper.”

"As long as I'm alive, I will love him. I wouldn't change anything, only that day I would have gone with him. They definitely wouldn't have killed him in my presence - they would have killed two people. I was always very attentive. I monitored the surroundings. She called me assistant. They said on TV that one was wounded. I hoped that he was alive. I would get him out of any condition. Now I can only get back on my feet, raise his son. And go to his grave."

Maria Maksakova made peace with her mother. They quarreled when Lyudmila Maksakova allegedly said, “I’m happy that Denis was killed.” Later it turned out that the actress had been slandered. The fact that she did not go to court, according to her daughter, seemed to indirectly confirm her guilt. But Lyudmila wrote to her and explained that she simply did not want to get involved with all these people...

“They were ready to forgive me everything in my life - beauty, talent, but not personal happiness,” says Maria Maksakova. She says that in Russia she has no friends left to whom she can cry into her vest, but in Ukraine such friends have appeared. Yes, she sang on Ukraine’s Independence Day - she wanted to repay kindness for kindness. She went to Ukraine following her husband: “First Denis left. I arrived later. Cleopatra went to Rome more modestly. I carried half a train. At first I still went back and forth. If I left for work, I tried to return as quickly as possible - there was separation unbearable. And Denis said: “No, I love you more.” I said that I would like to die in his arms. And he: “No, it will be the other way around...” I dream of Denis every night. He lives next to me. Gives advice. I sing every note of mine to him." Now Maria sings in the church choir and prays there for her loved one.

How Maksakova’s relationship developed with her German father and her homeland - Germany, why she doesn’t communicate with Hvorostovsky and Baskov, to whom Voronenkov’s millions went and what was in her husband’s last SMS - in the singer’s exclusive interview with the program “Andrei Malakhov. Live”.

Denis Voronenkov and his wife Maria Maksakova gave an interview to Russian media for the first time after moving to Ukraine. In a conversation with MK, Voronenkov and Maksakova described their current life in Kyiv and told how they see their own future. According to Maria Maksakova, she, like her husband, is not going to return to Russia in the foreseeable future. Maria stated that in the State Duma she was “the opposition within United Russia” and commented on her dismissal from Gnesinka.

A recent interview of former State Duma deputy and husband of opera singer and also ex-deputy Maria Maksakova to the Ukrainian portal caused a stir in the information space of both countries. Mr. Voronenkov for the first time confirmed the information about the family’s move to Kyiv and the fact of testimony in the case of “betrayal of former President Viktor Yanukovych”, which he gave to the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office. Today the ex-deputy answered our questions, then Maria Maksakova joined the conversation.

Our conversation with the troublemaker took place against the backdrop of a broadcast from a Russian TV channel, where communist deputy Alexander Yushchenko answered the question: “Has Voronenkov already expelled from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation?” Mr. Voronenkov was surprised by the words of his former colleague:

That's bullshit. I am not and never have been a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

- This is a revelation!- I had to be surprised - you have always been considered a communist...

I was a member of the faction in the 6th convocation of the State Duma, but I was never a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. And I already went to the last elections as a single-mandate candidate. You can take the latest list of the Central Election Commission, where all candidates for deputies of the 7th convocation are registered - party members, self-nominated ones, and you will see that it is written there that I am not even a member of the faction.

- All this is already in the past, however. Everyone is now excited about your testimony against Yanukovych in Kyiv. What was the reason for such a pause between the first reports that testimony was given to the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office and, in fact, the first public appearance, which took place only today - in an interview with a Ukrainian portal?

This is not silence. It’s just that certain events and activities are related to the circumstances of my host country (Ukraine). What was the rush?

- Everyone was just wondering: fake or not fake?

I determine the information agenda for myself, unlike journalists. This has to do with my personal life cycle.

- And, apparently, by personal life choice? This Ukrainian site, however, is blocked on Russian portals, but the information, of course, got through. I must say, you have whipped today’s Russia with very harsh and merciless characteristics...

They are not harsh, they are absolutely real and honest. There is no point in inventing anything, lying, you have to call a spade a spade.

Your former colleagues, who are now commenting in the Russian media, reproach you - who prevented you from “calling a spade a spade” when you were here during your parliamentary mandate? They say everyone does this...

Who is this everyone who is doing this?! Let them show me at least one! Except for Ilya Ponomarev... And when they are not deputies of the State Duma and the system crushes them, I will see how they will continue to speak. And it’s not for the “patriot” (Alexander) Yushchenko, who did not serve in the army for a single day and it is not known what and how he ended up at random, to tell me and teach me patriotism. It’s not for him to comment on my actions!

Are you an adult who is aware of your actions and words, and, apparently, you understand that by leaving and speaking in Kyiv, and even so, you have completely cut off your path to return to Russia?

Yes, definitely. Of course, this is a conscious choice. Otherwise there would be no point. In Russia I made every effort to try to find an understanding of what is illegal. This point of view was shared by high-ranking officials (in conversations with me) that what was happening against me (criminal prosecution) was illegal and unfair. But no one cares about that, you know? I alone was not able to fight that group of people who, on behalf of the state, usurped power and made decisions - to punish or pardon. Therefore, I made this decision for myself - I don’t want to live in such a country. Let this Titanic sail on its own.

If you were elected to the new Duma, would you speak the same way (about the state of affairs in Russia) as in today’s Ukrainian interview?

Undoubtedly! This is why I went to the elections as a single-mandate deputy, not on any lists or parties. And he went precisely to talk like that. Unfortunately, the system did not provide such an opportunity.

- The system claims that you simply lost the elections...

Incredible efforts were made to falsify the final election protocols for my district.

They say here that you escaped from a criminal case, having lost your parliamentary immunity, and the political background is a screen.

Of course, they will talk like that and throw mud at you. First of all, no one has ever followed me. Secondly, no charges were brought against me, no one called me anywhere. But I know that in the “sleep” mode the case was falsified for me so that I could be brought in at any time. They will immediately find something to involve any person as needed. I understood this perfectly well, but I didn’t run anywhere, I’m not on the wanted list... (According to information from Kommersant that was not officially confirmed at the time of writing this material, which appeared on February 14, the Investigative Committee put Voronenkov on the federal wanted list - “MK”).

- So there was still no feeling of safety?

I have a rich life path. I started as an investigator, then I was a senior investigator, an assistant prosecutor, a deputy prosecutor... I’m not an idiot. I know the rules of the game very well. I understand perfectly well how this ends.

- How were you and your wife Maria Maksakova received in Ukraine?

Well received. We are very pleased. Very kind, good, sincere people. We don’t see any problems, and, most importantly, no difference... I always said that Moscow is an evil city, and Maria and I always tried to fly somewhere at least for a short time whenever possible. Unfortunately, that's how it works. And Kyiv is a good city. That's why we really like it here.

- As far as I understand, you and Masha had many options to choose from?

No. We go to a lot of places. Masha has already given concerts in England, Germany, America... We travel, we don’t tie ourselves to one place. But Kyiv is native. Due to the mentality, our common Slavic roots, the commonality of our peoples. We feel comfortable here.

- How did you get settled? Hotel, renting an apartment or bought something?

I would not like to go deeper into everyday issues now. We are fine…

What about Masha’s career in Russia? She had big plans for the post-deputy period, a new album was coming out, recordings and performances were planned...

The investigator has already sent Masha a summons for questioning as a witness. Maria Maksakova was sent a summons regarding the circumstances of a case ten years ago, which she has no idea about! And as a wife, she also has the right, under Article 51 of the Constitution, not to testify against her loved ones. But they sent the summons anyway, adding that if she doesn’t appear, they will arrest her! How should we feel about this? And what are the prospects for creativity in Russia against this background now?

- That is, the prospects have collapsed... Russia has lost an opera diva?

I think that Russia will lose many more famous people.

- So the cancellation of the performance at the Mariinsky Theater was connected precisely with these circumstances?

Certainly. Hysteria began, journalists rushed in, they were all ready to hate, in droves, in a common heap... To destroy something, someone. I like it! I really liked the words of Konstantin Raikin about the “necrophilic country”, where they love the dead more than the living... Unfortunately. And yes, my wife made this choice, we are a family, we have children...

- Is she worried that, for example, the dream of her whole life - the Mariinsky Theater stage - has been closed for her, like many other things?

It's sad, of course. But everything is not limited to Russia. The world is big, and I am sure that she will realize her plans. Her work is known and she is in demand. I think big premieres and performances in different countries are just around the corner, including where we are.

- So the talk about the national opera Lesya Ukrainka still has a basis?

The time will come, she will tell you everything herself.

- How is the situation in Kyiv in general?

Calm and beautiful. Remarkably simple. There are incomparably more people everywhere (than in Moscow) - in restaurants, clubs, cafes, cinemas. And the atmosphere is radically different, it is very positive. Just like in Europe!

Denis, while we were talking, a message came to the news feeds from the Academy of Music named after. Gnessins about the dismissal of Maria Maksakova from her teaching position and the disbandment of her class. If Masha is next to you, then maybe she will still pick up the phone?

Yes, okay, she's nearby...

- Masha, greetings! You were fired, the students were dispersed. How do you like this reaction?

Everyone reacts differently - to the extent of their human nature, probably. The people with whom I have been friends and continue to be friends understand that I am making a natural choice in favor of family. First of all! Secondly, this largely does not contradict my views. During my time in politics, I behaved quite freely; I can call myself an opposition within “United Russia” itself - in relation to the hegemon, to the main line. I share all the words and concerns that Denis expresses about what is happening.

- Today is Gnesinka. Tomorrow the Mariinsky Theater with the Helikon Opera?

This is an outrageous story. It would be one thing if this were the reaction of the theaters in which I work. But I must pay tribute to my leaders, the people with whom I work at the Mariinsky Theater, first of all, and at the Helikon Opera, where I am a guest soloist - no one said a bad word about me. On the contrary, we expressed confidence that all these circumstances are temporary and we will continue to cooperate. And Dmitry Bertman has already stated that he works with artists based on their professional qualities, and not political ones... My respect and deep bow to him...

But this whole situation hit my poor students the hardest. On my part, teaching at Gnesinka was charity, the salaries were insignificant, I worked there part-time, although there was a large flow of people willing to come to me, so I worked with many outside the classroom altogether.

My husband looked forward to every Monday and Thursday with horror, because 20 people came, with whom I worked, and put my soul into it. I did this, to be honest, more for Christian reasons, because I did not want to be a tree that does not bear fruit. And there was a great return.

My students made great progress, won international competitions, and performed on prestigious stages. Life was good in our class, without stress or panic. I tried to find and develop the best in people, and not to frown and spread rot, which is where unsuccessful teachers usually begin their “teaching”, trying to assert themselves. Thank God I never did this, because I don’t need it.

My class loved me very much and the feelings were mutual. These unfortunate people now call and write to me in shock at what was done to them. They were simply torn apart within one day! They were assigned to other teachers, whom, with all due respect, they were not used to and did not want to work with at all. They can be understood.

The acting director does all this. rector, who is now awaiting her reappointment. And this woman, who begged me to work with students, now considered me unworthy of the title of senior teacher at the Gnesin Academy!.. Demonstration of loyalty, the so-called “excess of the performer” in exchange for complete unprofessionalism! People who want to curry favor often do much more than is required of them. This is normal for us. But this is not a blow to me, I don’t care. This is a blow to my students. That's the horror. This is where the violence is! I will always find students for myself. To do so is not only not pedagogical, it is barbaric. Moreover, there was no need!

- But you’re on the run...

I have always toured a lot. Moreover, while working at the Mariinsky Theater, which is in St. Petersburg, she was often absent due to her performances there. And, however, she always compensated with intensive training during the periods when she was in Moscow. All these years! And I have been teaching there for 5 years. And no one has ever been outraged by such a schedule. The students were always ready and happy; they were all excellent students.

- So now you were going to continue to fly back and forth from Kyiv, or what? How is Konstantin Meladze?..

I didn’t think at all that the situation would turn out like this and everything would be tied into one knot. Am I persona non grata? Some kind of intruder? Why should I limit my stay in Russia? Yes, my family now lives in Kyiv, and naturally I want to live next to my husband, my child, my family. I did not see any special obstacles for myself and was sure that I would not abandon all my creative and professional plans, including my students. Yes, I thought that I would travel back and forth - for 10, 20 days. I did this before due to the fact that I was constantly on tour. But after such antics, the mood simply disappears.

- In general, shouldn’t we expect you in Russia in the near future?

Well, I think so. Now there's probably no point. Moreover, as far as I now understand, this is risky. I could become a victim of hooliganism, some kind of provocation, humiliating planned actions, which I will have to somehow live with and put up with. Why do I need all this?