Criteria for beautiful legs:

1. In a calm state, the front part (“front”) of the knee should have the shape of a child’s face with bangs, cheeks and dimples for the eyes and chin.

2. The area under the knee should be as thin as the ankle. In any case, get closer to these sizes.

3. The ideal ankle should be thin, but not skinny.

4. There should be no protruding parts on the side of the knee.

5. On the back side of the knee there should be a depression. Experts believe that this is one of the most beautiful places on the female body.

6. The calf muscles should not be overdeveloped so as not to disturb the contours of the leg.

7. The Achilles tendon should be thin and have proper grooves on both sides. It forms the back of the leg.

8. The heel should be visible, not too protruding, but round in shape.

9. The thigh should become thinner at the top.

11. The profile of the thigh should protrude slightly forward and gradually deepen towards the knee. It should be shaped like a spindle.

12. The knee should be the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, that is, exactly halfway between the top of the thigh and the foot.

13. The ideal leg should have a concave, elongated and thin foot. Toes should lie freely next to each other and not be deformed by unsuitable shoes.

In addition to the parameters of the legs themselves, there are proportions between the height and length of the legs, which make the whole body harmonious and beautiful.

Leg length is considered ideal when the difference between the length of the legs and half the height in large-boned people is 2 cm or more, in normal-built people it is 4 cm or more, and in thin-boned people it is 6 cm or more. (Leg length is measured from the tuberosity of the femur opposite the hip joint to the floor). There are also the canons of Polyclitus, according to which a woman’s beauty has certain dimensions, for example, ideally, the waist circumference should be twice the circumference of the neck, the circumference of the lower leg should be equal to the circumference of the neck, and the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half circumference of the lower leg. The distance from the heels to the waist should be related to the length of the body as 2:3.

The criteria for young women of normal physique are as follows:

1. With a height of 161-165 cm, weight should be 54-55 kg,
leg length 84-86 cm, thigh circumference 56-57, shin circumference 34-35.

2. With a height of 166-170, weight 55-56,
leg length 90-92, thigh circumference 57-58, shin 35-36.

3. With a height of 171-175, weight 60-61,
leg length 91-94, thigh circumference 58-59, shin 37-38.

Unfortunately, even those women who have beautiful legs and a good figure often do not know how to walk correctly. Some mince, others twirl their hips, others shake their shoulders. As for women whose figure is not ideal or who are overweight, a beautiful gait is all the more important for them, as it gives a real chance to make up for lost time.

Victoria Laino
Publication source -

Long and thin legs. Some girls seem to dream about them in their dreams. But is it really that simple? Which legs can we consider truly ideal?

1. Leg length

The correct leg length depends entirely on your height. This is logical, because a girl 155 centimeters cannot have legs 110 centimeters (that would look terrible). Everything must be proportional.

The ideal length is half your height plus a few centimeters. Much depends on whether you have wide or thin bones:

  • wide bone: legs 2–4 centimeters longer than half the height (51–53% of height);
  • normal bone: the length of the legs is equal to half the height and another 4–6 centimeters on top (52–54% of the height);
  • thin bone: legs should be equal to half the height and another 6–9 centimeters (53–55% of height).

Remember that leg length is measured from the protrusion of the thigh bone to the floor.

2. Rule of four gaps

The legs may not be completely straight, and that's okay. They should have a certain beautiful curve. To understand how your legs correspond to ideal parameters, stand straight in front of the mirror and bring your legs together.

Regularly shaped legs form four gaps: between the feet and ankles, under the knees, between the knees and thighs, between the groin and thighs. The last window (above the knee at the bottom of the thigh) should be the narrowest.

3. Hip width

Girls most often worry about the size of their hips. Of course, hip girth is an important parameter for ideal legs. So, with a height of 161–165 centimeters, the correct hip circumference is 53–54 centimeters; with a height of 166–170, the thigh circumference is 55–57 centimeters; with a height of 171–175, the hip circumference should be 57–58 centimeters (be careful: the circumference of one hip, not the circumference of two hips).

We would like to note that 55 centimeters in girth is not so little, which means that thin and beautiful legs are not always the same thing.

4. Beautiful calves

Calves are an equally important part of the legs. Here you need to determine the golden mean for yourself: too pumped up calves are bad, but flabby, jelly-like ones are even worse. Rounded and elastic calves do not disrupt the overall contours of the leg and are not conspicuous.

5. Attractive knees

Knees can be both a decoration of the legs and their main problem. Good knees are small, rounded, neat, without protrusions on the sides. The knee should be the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, midway between the top of the thigh and the foot.

Pay attention to the circumference of the leg under the knee: it should be equal to the circumference of the ankle or be slightly larger.

Unfortunately, the knees give away a woman's age. It’s not for nothing that Hollywood stars are starting to do plastic surgery on their knees in order to return them to their correct shape.

6. Graceful ankles

A beautiful ankle should be thin (but not skinny), graceful and sculpted. By the way, the shape of the Achilles tendon is also important (located where the heel meets the shin): ideally it has a small thickness and regular indentations on both sides.

7. A little more about hips

We've figured out hip circumference, but what about hip shape? It is believed that the ideal hip is like a spindle: slightly narrowed at the top and bottom, and slightly widened in the middle. If you mentally divide the thigh into three equal parts, then the widest part should be in the upper third.

To keep your hips firm, toned and appetizing, you need to constantly exercise and maintain their beautiful shape.

8. Smooth feet, pink heels, neat toes

The ideal leg has a concave, elongated and thin foot. The toes are not crooked by low-quality shoes and lie freely, one next to the other. The heel is rounded and slightly protruding from under the Achilles tendon.

Of course, toes and heels should be well-groomed and tidy: we must not forget about pedicures, soothing baths and moisturizer.

9. Healthy legs

Beautiful legs are, first of all, healthy legs. Spider veins and blue-violet mesh will ruin the appearance of even the slenderest legs. A sedentary lifestyle, sitting for seven to eight hours, high heels, lack of physical activity - all this can lead to varicose veins. The disease is serious and is often treated only with laser therapy or surgery.

Therefore, take care of the health of your feet from a young age. Walk, play sports, take a contrast shower, give your feet a break from heels, drink more water and visit a phlebologist.

10. Smooth skin

Smooth and silky skin is another mandatory sign of ideal legs. You need to exfoliate a couple of times a week and apply a moisturizing body lotion every day.

There are several ways: the simplest and most short-lived is shaving, the most expensive and effective is, the optimal for price and longevity is,. Choose what you like!


According to the canons of female beauty, preserved from antiquity, ideally the circumference of the lower leg should be equal to the circumference of the neck, and the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half circumference of the lower leg.

But real experts in the beauty of women’s legs believe that there are few ideal proportions of the figure and legs: the legs themselves must have the correct shape (the presence of four “windows”) and correspond to 13 parameters. I wonder how many women there are who have ideal legs from this point of view? Hardly. But if you want to test your legs for “perfect perfection”, go ahead!

First of all – “windows”. Place your feet together, they will touch in several places, leaving gaps (“windows”). The correct gaps are between the foot and ankle, above the ankle, below the knee, above the knee at the bottom of the thigh (the latter is the narrowest).

Now sit in front of the mirror with a measuring tape, measure and compare whether your legs meet the 13 standard parameters.

Examine the front of your knee in a slightly bent state in the mirror. If it is shaped like a baby's face with bangs, cheeks, dimples for the eyes and chin, consider the first test passed.
Measure the circumference of the place where the knee meets the shin; it should be equal to the ankle or slightly thicker.
A thin, but not skinny (when all tendons are visible) ankle is considered ideal. To evaluate it, look at your ankle in the mirror from all sides.
Look at the side of your knee to see if there are any protruding parts. They shouldn't exist.
Do you have a dimple on the back of your knee? It must be. By the way, many men consider this place on a non-female body to be especially touching.
Assess the condition of the muscles in the calves to see if they interfere with the overall shape of the leg. Neither flabby nor overly developed muscles can be considered ideal.
The view of the leg from behind is also very important (men love to look after you). The main thing here is the condition of the Achilles tendon (located where the shin meets the heel). It should be thin and have equal indentations on both sides.
The ideal heel is rounded, not flattened, and slightly protruding. We hope yours is like this.
Closer to the groin, the thigh should thin out quite a bit. You can only see this by standing in front of a mirror and putting your feet together.
Visually divide the thigh from the knee to the groin into three equal parts. The widest part of the thigh is located at the beginning of the upper third.
Examine the thigh in profile; if it is ideal, it protrudes slightly forward, gradually deepening towards the knee. In general, the shape of the thigh should resemble a spindle: narrower at the groin and knee, and wider in the middle.
measure the distance from the top of your leg to your foot. The knee should be positioned exactly in the middle, at the same distance from the top of the thigh and from the foot.
An ideal foot is distinguished by a concave, elongated, thin foot, in which the toes lie side by side freely, they are not twisted or deformed by shoes.
Ideal legs should be in harmony with your figure.

For young women of normal build, the criteria for an ideal combination are as follows:

Height Weight Leg length Thigh circumference Shin circumference
161-165 cm 54-55 kg 84-86 cm 56-57 cm 34-35 cm
166-170 cm 55-56 kg 90-92 cm 57-58 cm 35-36 cm
171-175 cm 60-61 kg 91-94 cm 58-59 cm 37-38 cm

Only a few women can boast of an ideal combination of all the above parameters. For most, there is a “lighter” option for the correct ratio of height and leg length, thanks to which the body looks harmonious and beautiful. In this case, the difference between the length of the legs and half the height for large-boned women should be 2 cm or more, for women of normal build - 4 cm or more, and for thin-boned women - 6 cm or more.

But what if your legs don’t meet all these requirements? Love them as they are. The main thing is that you and the men around you like them. In the end, both the legs and the figure of each woman are as unique as fingerprints or the retina of the eyes: no two are identical, and this uniqueness has its own zest, which must be taken into account.

An example is Tina Turner, who, with a height of 160 cm, physically cannot have long legs, but she has slender, toned legs, she is not afraid, despite her age, to perform in short dresses, and she insured her legs for eight million dollars!

A low bow to the man who divided women's figures into different types. This made it easier to choose the most suitable clothes and helped to understand where to look for extra pounds when gaining weight: in the legs, tummy, butt or (please!) in the chest.

So what are the body types and how to decide on yours?

Stellar examples:

  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Sophia Loren
  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Monica Bellucci
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Jessica Simpson

The parameters of such a figure are as close as possible to 90−60−90. Fat is distributed evenly throughout the body, accumulating mainly in the chest and hips. Even a slight weight gain makes an hourglass girl even more attractive. The only drawback is the “ears” that appear on the hips. To get rid of them, you need to strengthen your muscles and adjust your diet.

There are no problems with choosing clothes. The main task is to emphasize the advantages of the figure. Women with an hourglass figure have the ideal size hips, so you can choose any trousers: tight, tapered, flared, straight. But when choosing between high and regular waist, it is better to stick with the first option. Tight sheath dresses fit perfectly on the hourglass. Belts can be chosen either thick or thin. Thick belts make the look more interesting, while thin belts emphasize a thin, beautiful waist and slender figure. Strict blouses with several top buttons undone look extremely good.

Stellar examples:

  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Halle Berry
  • Beyoncé
  • Shakira
  • Adele

The “pear” differs from other figures in its light upper body and heavy lower body. Obvious advantages are a pronounced waist and neat chest. The disadvantages are massive hips and pelvis. Women with a pear shape have a tendency to develop cellulite. Difficulties often arise with the size of clothes: trousers are bought in the same size, and blouses are bought a size or two smaller. Things are even worse with dresses. However, men absolutely love this type of figure (as you know, many of them are lovers of moderately rounded hips and a narrow waist).

In order to bring the “triangle” figure closer to the “hourglass” type, you need to increase the shoulders, focus on a thin waist and visually reduce the hips. Light top and dark bottom - this is how the accents should be placed. Blouses with ruffles, frills and voluminous sleeves are suitable. Since pear-shaped women have large legs, it is important to visually make them smaller. A pencil skirt made from coarse fabric will help with this. It is important to create an emphasis on the chest to make this part of the body visually larger. It is worth taking a closer look at tight dresses with ruffles in the neckline. You can safely add brooches, scarves and ruffles to the neck area. It is advisable to choose shoes with thick heels and a slightly pointed toe.

Stellar examples:

  • Angelina Jolie
  • Demmy Moor
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Sienna Miller
  • Anastasia Volochkova

Slender legs are the main advantage of the inverted triangle figure. Disadvantages: broad shoulders, poorly defined waist and narrow hips. Such proportions make the body too athletic and massive.

When you gain weight, fat is deposited in the upper body: arms, waist, shoulders, tummy. The more extra pounds you add, the more triangular your figure becomes.

The main task of clothing is to narrow the shoulders, add volume to the hips and highlight the waist.

It is better to place accents like this - dark bottom and light top. A V-neck is suitable and will elongate the neck. The entire lower part should be lightweight, but not narrowed downwards. It is advisable to choose trousers that are flared from the hips, with patch pockets and decoration on the hips. Dresses with flared skirts, patch pockets and bright patterns on the hips look good on “rectangles”. But it is better to avoid voluminous sleeves - they create unnecessary emphasis on the upper body.

Stellar examples:

  • Keira Knightley
  • Julia Roberts
  • Milla Jovovich
  • Mischa Barton
  • Anna Kournikova

The main feature of this type of figure is that the shoulders, waist and hips are at the same level. The obvious drawback is the masculine silhouette, lack of waist and protruding tummy. The advantages of the figure include the fact that the muscles with a “rectangular” figure more easily adapt to training with weights, so the figure quickly takes on a sporty, fit look.

The purpose of clothing is to hide the tummy and highlight the waist.

Women with this type of figure are suitable for loose-fitting suits with all sorts of accents at the waist. It's a good idea to stock up on all kinds of belts and don't be afraid to use them. The sleeve should be short or completely absent. If you need to highlight your beautiful breasts, high-waisted dresses with flared skirts and sheath dresses will help with this. The cutouts can be oval or square.

Stellar examples:

  • Kate Winslet
  • Liv Tyler
  • Britney Spears
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Kelly Osbourne
  • Queen Latiffa

The peculiarity of this figure is that its owner has the same chest and waist volume. Advantages: beautiful breasts and slender legs. Disadvantages: pronounced tummy and lack of waist.
To maintain a good figure, you need a low-carb diet and exercise.

For women with an apple body type, tapered trousers, high-waisted trousers, flared skirts, light loose-fitting dresses and high-waisted dresses with a bust fit are suitable. It is advisable to choose shoes with high heels.

Find out your character by your feet

“Give me a pen and I’ll tell you about your life.” Surely you have heard a similar statement. Did you know that you can also tell a person’s character by the shape of their legs? You just need to understand their types.


One of the most common leg shapes. Three fingers are on the same line, and the ring and little fingers are noticeably smaller. It is believed that girls with such legs are sociable, charismatic, and “at home” in any company. They find it easy to meet new people and carry on conversations. Such women make excellent speakers and entrepreneurs.


This type of foot is characterized by a dominant middle finger. The fingers following it go in a descending line. Such girls are sociable, creative, inspire and motivate people to achieve success. The Greek type of fingers is often found among people in creative professions, as well as speakers and athletes.


It's called square because all the fingers are the same height. Women with this type of legs are practical and to some extent calculating. They often listen to the voice of reason rather than the heart. They go through life with the proverb “measure seven times, cut once.” It’s not scary to rely on such a person in difficult times.

The little finger does not separate

Women who cannot separate their little finger from the rest of their fingers love a measured life and always act according to their strictly established plan. People with this type of legs are reliable and loyal, they can be trusted in any situation.

The narrow base of the second finger indicates the expressiveness of the owner. Such girls often make mountains out of molehills. When a lady is in a good mood, she becomes a real sun that illuminates even the darkest corners of human souls. As soon as she becomes sad, thunder will be heard above the ground and lightning will flash.

Bent third finger

Sometimes the third finger is slightly tilted towards the little finger. It is believed that women with this type of leg are inclined to plan their lives, keep a diary and do not deviate a single step from the schedule. They are organized and keep any situation under control.

World class model Adriana Sklenarikova has them. The length of her legs is 121.5 cm. Almost as tall as a person... But the beauty of her legs is not only their length (legs can be crooked and too thin or, conversely, thick). The beauty of legs is also their proportions relative to the whole body.

Features of the legs of women around the world

Women of different nationalities have different leg lengths. For example, African women tend to have longer legs than European women (in general). African women's legs are not only long, but also slender - they have a special shape of calves, long rounded hips and graceful ankles. Then there are the Mediterranean women with shorter, but stronger and more sculpted legs. Eastern women have shorter legs, but this is not such a big problem for them, since their feet are strong and their legs can be hidden under long clothes.

Leg length and character

Scientists have discovered a pattern between leg length and character. And here’s what it turned out to be: women whom nature has endowed with long legs are sophisticated and dreamy, while women with short legs are more down-to-earth and practical, but can often change their point of view.

Walking style and character

Scientists can determine a woman's character by the way she walks. What are these patterns?

  • If a woman walks with her socks inside, she is a shy woman; it is not easy for her to make acquaintances, communicate, and new people.
  • If a woman’s shoe sole and heel are worn down equally, it means that you have a good mother, a faithful wife with an excellent, even, stable character.
  • If the sole is worn inside, it means that we have a woman with a rich inner world, but accustomed to relying only on herself, she is not inclined to turn to anyone for help.
  • If the sole is worn down along the outer edge, it means that the owner of the shoe is a powerful lady who decides everything using strong-willed methods.

Leg beauty parameters

If a girl’s legs are slender and beautiful, proportional, then in a standing position with her legs closed, there should be 4 so-called windows between them. That is, clearance. They are formed when the legs close between the ankle and foot, in the area above the ankle, as well as above and below the knees. The narrowest window is the one located at the very top.

Knee Beauty Options

The knee is not a decisive, but very important factor in the beauty of the legs. A kneecap is considered beautiful if it has the shape of a baby's face - chubby, with cheeks. On the beautiful kneecap there should also be visible holes as if for the eyes and for the chin.

  • The joint under the knee on a beautiful leg should be equal in thickness to the ankle.
  • There should be no sharp or protruding areas on the knee. The ideal knee is a round knee.
  • The dimple behind the knees is one of the sexiest parts of the body. It is believed that a dimple under the knees is a sign of a sensual and erotic woman.
  • The knee of a beautiful leg divides the leg exactly in the middle, the lower and upper parts should be the same. Then a woman's leg is considered beautiful.

Leg relief

  • If the calf muscles of the leg are too pumped up, then the relief of the leg can be spoiled - its parts become disproportionate.
  • The ankle of a beautiful leg is thin, but not too thin - then the leg is considered perfection.
  • The leg in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon should have small notches that are parallel to each other. The tendon itself is considered beautiful if it is thin.
  • The heel is considered beautiful if it is round and plump. It should not have a hard or rough crust.
  • The thigh is considered beautiful if it becomes thinner as it goes up. It should also be convex in the front, its uppermost third should be the widest. The beautiful hip tapers down towards the knee.
  • The foot of a beautiful foot is long, thin, with a low instep, and has thin and flexible toes without curvature.

Proportions of beautiful legs

The height of a woman and the length of her legs should be proportional - then they are considered beautiful. How to define this in numbers?

  1. The first and main digital ideal of beautiful legs is that their length minus half of the total height is equal to two centimeters (for women with wide bones).
  2. The length of the legs minus half of the total height for women with normal bone width is 4 centimeters.
  3. Leg length minus half of the total height for women with thin bones - from 6 centimeters.

How to measure leg length correctly?

You need to measure their length with a centimeter from the tubercle, which is visible on the femur, to the foot. The length of the legs has been measured since the time when a person received an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bnumbers, and then we started talking about the proportions of the legs in relation to the body, and the proportion of the body itself. These proportions were thoroughly clarified by Polyclitus, an ancient Greek, in the 5th century BC.

Body proportions

They have not changed to this day. The waist volume in a harmoniously built body should be twice the volume of the neck. As for the lower leg, its volume should be the same as the volume of the neck. The circumference of the thigh in a harmonious body is one and a half times the volume of the lower leg. The distance from the waist to the heels should be 3:2.

Normal body type

  1. Height – 161-165 centimeters, weight – 55 kg, leg length with this build is 84-86 centimeters
  2. Height – 166-170 centimeters, weight – 55-56 kilograms, leg length – 90-92 centimeters
  3. Height – 171-75 centimeters, weight 60-61 kilograms, leg length – 91-94 centimeters

Of course, it's not enough for a woman beautiful legs- Gait is also important. This benefits slender legs even more. Therefore, if the beauty of legs is not given by nature, then it is worth working on your gait, and a woman will be able to change her perception of herself only for the better.