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Great victory of a great people In 1945, we won a great victory over the fascists thanks to our courage, bravery, devotion and love for the fatherland. Of course, science has helped us more than once, especially in the last years of the Great Patriotic War.

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“Katyusha” Katyusha is the unofficial collective name for the BM-8 (82 mm), BM-13 (132 mm) and BM-31 (310 mm) rocket artillery combat vehicles. Such installations were actively used by the USSR during the Second World War. Just a few hours before the war, a decree on their mass production was signed.

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Where were they created? In order to increase the power of Soviet artillery during the war, scientific research and technical institutes of the USSR were given the task of “developing rockets using smokeless powder.” In 1938, a group of scientists created a multi-charge launcher mounted on a truck. In 1929, B. S. Petropavlovsky, with the participation of Langemak, Petrov, Kleimenov and others, at the GDL, developed and officially tested rockets of various calibers - prototypes for the Katyusha projectile. To launch them, multi-charge aviation and single-charge ground launchers were used. “On June 1, 1941, the vehicles were adopted by the artillery.

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History of weapons The BM-13 and BM-8 rocket systems were primarily armed with guards mortar units that were part of the reserve artillery of the Supreme High Command. Therefore, “Katyushas” were sometimes unofficially called “Guards mortars.”

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Use The weapon is relatively simple, consisting of guide rails and a device for guiding them. For aiming, rotating and lifting mechanisms and an artillery sight were provided. There were two jacks at the rear of the vehicle, providing greater stability when firing.

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The power of Soviet technology The Katyusha rocket was a welded cylinder divided into three compartments - the warhead, the fuel and the jet nozzle. One machine could accommodate from 14 to 48 guides. The RS-132 projectile for mounting the BM-13 was 1.8 m long, 132 mm in diameter and weighed 42.5 kg. Range - 8.5 km. In 1939, rockets were successfully used for the first time during the battles at Khalkhin Gol. And with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, tests were carried out in combat conditions.

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One of the main features: During the salvo, all missiles were fired almost simultaneously - within a few seconds, the territory in the target area was literally plowed up by rockets. The mobility of the installation made it possible to quickly change position and avoid a retaliatory strike from the enemy.

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Origin of the name Based on the name of Blanter’s song “Katyusha”, which became popular before the war, based on the words of Isakovsky. On the North-Western Front, the installation was initially called “Raisa Sergeevna”, thus deciphering the abbreviation RS (missile). The version suggests that this is how the girls from the Moscow Kompressor plant, who worked on the assembly, dubbed these cars. In the German troops, these machines were called “Stalin organs” due to the external resemblance of the rocket launcher to the pipe system of this musical instrument and the powerful stunning roar that was produced when launching rockets.

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“Andryusha” On July 17, 1942, in the area of ​​the village of Nalyuchi, a salvo of 144 launching frames equipped with 300-mm rockets was heard. This was the first use of a somewhat less famous related weapon - "Andryusha".

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Who created Katyusha? The original reads as follows: “The final development of the internal ballistic characteristics of powder rocket engines, as well as the design and testing of missile warheads, was carried out by a group of specialists: engineer. M.F. Fokin, F.N. Poida, V.A. Artemyev, D.A. Shitov, V.N. Luzhin, V.G. Bessonov, M.P. Gorshkov, L.B. Kizner, A. S. Ponomarenko and others.”

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Awards to the creators More than half a century has passed and the state paid tribute to the memory of the creators of the legendary Katyushas. By the decision of the President of the USSR, Ivan Kleimenov, Georgy Langemak, Vasily Luzhin, Boris Petropavlovsky, Boris Slonimer and Nikolai Tikhomirov were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. On December 5, 1991, the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle medal were received from the hands of M.S. Gorbachev by the daughters of Kleimenov, Petropavlovsky and Slonimer. The awards of Langemak, Luzhin and Tikhomirov were not presented, since the heroes did not even have close relatives alive to whom they could pass them on.

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One step away from victory Of course, the Katyushas and the slightly less famous Andryushas were not the only achievements of Soviet technology.

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Kalashnikov machine gun Kalashnikov light machine gun (Experimental model 1943). USSR Caliber: 7.62x53 mod. 1908/30 Length: 977/1210 mm Barrel length: 600 mm Weight: 7.555 kg without cartridges Rate of fire: - Food: box magazine for 40 rounds Sighting range: 900 m

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The main function of the artistic style is

AESTHETIC (creating images that evoke an emotional response, aesthetic pleasure, empathy) Artistic style is the key to the human soul

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Tropes and stylistic figures

Epithet Metaphor Metonymy Synecdoche Comparison Hyperbole Litotes Irony Personification Allegory Periphrase Rhetorical Appeal Rhetorical Question Anaphora Epiphora Antithesis Oxymoron Gradation Ellipsis Default Parcellation

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a word that defines an object or phenomenon and emphasizes any of its properties, qualities, characteristics. Transparent twilight of your thoughtful nights (A. Pushkin)

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a trope in which words and expressions are used in a figurative meaning based on the analogy of similarity, comparison (hidden comparison) My tired soul is enveloped in both darkness and cold (M. Lermontov)

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trope, which is based on the replacement of one word with another, adjacent in meaning. In metonymy, a phenomenon or object is designated using other words or concepts, while their characteristics or connections are preserved. The hissing of foamy glasses of punch and the blue flame (A. Pushkin)

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one of the types of metonymy, which is based on the transfer of meaning from one object to another based on the quantitative relationship between them. And it was heard until dawn how the Frenchman rejoiced. (M. Lermontov)

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Comparison -

a trope in which one phenomenon or concept is explained by comparing it with another. Usually comparative conjunctions are used (as if, exactly, as if, as if) Anchar, like a formidable sentinel, stands alone in the entire universe (A. Pushkin)

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a trope based on an excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object or phenomenon. For a week I won’t say a word to anyone, I’m still sitting on a stone by the sea (A. Akhmatova)

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trope opposite to hyperbole, artistic understatement Your Spitz, lovely Spitz, is no more than a thimble (A. Griboyedov)

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A technique of ridicule that contains an assessment of what is being ridiculed. Irony always has a double meaning, where the truth is not what is directly stated, but what is implied. Why, smart one, are you delirious, head? (I. Krylov)

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a trope based on replacing an abstract concept or thought with a concrete image of an object or phenomenon of reality. For example, at the beginning of the Divine Comedy, Dante meets three animals in the forest - a panther, a lion and a she-wolf, which are an allegory of human passions - voluptuousness, pride and greed.

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a trope in which the direct name of an object, person, or phenomenon is replaced by a descriptive expression that indicates the characteristics of an object, person, or phenomenon not directly named. The sun of Russian poetry - Pushkin, the King of Beasts - the lion

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Stylistic figures are special stylistic turns. Their essence lies in the special syntactic structure of speech.

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a structure of speech in which a statement is expressed in the form of a question. And over the fatherland of enlightened freedom Will a beautiful dawn finally rise? (A. Pushkin)

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unity of command As if you curse the days without light, As if the gloomy nights frighten you... (A. Apukhtin)

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repetition at the end of a phrase, sentence, line, stanza Dear friend, and in this quiet house The fever strikes me. I can’t find a place in a quiet house Near a peaceful fire. (A. Blok)

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opposition And day and hour, and in writing and orally, For the truth, yes and no... (M. Tsvetaeva)

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combination of logically incompatible concepts You - who loved me with the falsehood of truth and the truth of lies... (M. Tsvetaeva)

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grouping of homogeneous members of a sentence in a certain order: according to the principle of increasing or decreasing emotional and semantic significance. I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry... (S. Yesenin)

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Omission in speech of some easily implied word, part of a sentence, most often a predicate: We are rich, hardly from the cradle... (M. Lermontov)

Journalistic style. Words-terms. Use of spoken language. There are 5 functional styles. Official business style. Dialectology. Scientific style. Colloquial. Business information. Varieties of language use. Art style. Territorial dialects. "General" spoken language. A means of artistic expression. Professionalism. Vernacular. Properties of spoken language.

“Artistic style” - Repetition of special words and phrases at the beginning of passages that make up the statement. Inversion. Default. You're into me! Metaphor. I read Tolstoy. Multi-union. The waves splash in the blue sea. Parallelism. The stars shine in the blue sky. Litotes. Day is in love with the dark night, Spring is in love with winter, Life is in love with death... Paths. An allegorical depiction of an abstract concept using a specific life image. Artistic style of speech.

“Speech styles” - Let’s test your knowledge. Speech styles. Style features. Signs of each style. Target. Vocabulary groups. The purpose of journalistic style. Speech genres. Features of a journalistic style of speech. Message, information. Scope of use. Imagery, emotionality, concreteness of speech. Accuracy. Language means of expression. Officially - business vocabulary. Language means. Scientific style. Genres of artistic style.

“Type of speech and style of text” - Oral speech. Scheme of scientific style of speech. Written speech. The actors are talking in the dressing room, your friend is talking to you. A story, a message about some event. Content. Narration. Features of journalistic style of speech. Conversational style. Objects of description depending on the situation and goals. Formal – business style of speech. Reasoning and its characteristic features. Characteristics of oral speech. Stylistic experiment.

“Official business style” - Power of attorney. Lesson planning of the course. Business name. The main structural components of an autobiography. Abstract. Reason for choosing a specific topic. Business letter. Sample. Literature analysis. Statement. Areas of use. Generalizations are made. Genres of scientific style. Appeal form. Expected results. Location of parts of the application. Genres of official business style. Main part. Location of parts of the power of attorney.

“Styles of Russian speech” - Speech genres. Journalistic style. Science articles. Message. Main function. Official business style. Types of text. Speech styles. Purpose and main function. Types of speech. The sphere of scientific communication. Purpose and main function. The type of text cannot be determined; it is a special way of storytelling. Conversational style. All types of text. Stylistic features and linguistic means. Target. Logic. The main form of thought. Imperativeness.

Speech situation Goal: Goal: aesthetic impact with the help of created samples and pictures (drawn in words) on the feelings and thoughts of the reader Addressee: Addressee: reader of fiction Scope of use: Scope of use: verbal and artistic creativity

Language features of the means of artistic expression expressive paths Stylistic rhythm of the means of the figures of the phonetics rhyme (allegory (anaphora intonation (assonance of hyperbole antithesis Alliteration) irony inversion Litet Metaphoric Metonius Metonomy Paralleism Personation of the peripheral rhetorical question synecdoic circulation rhetorical circulation comparison Elipsis Epithes) nie)

Vocabulary Clash of different style vocabulary Words used in a figurative meaning (a sea of ​​lights, the earth sleeps) Emotional and evaluative vocabulary Outdated words, folk poetic speech (O oak tree, the Grand Duke of oak forests) Dialectal and colloquial words (I myself, birch tree, // I myself I’ll get dressed...) Phraseological phrases

Linguistic diversity Expressive use of various morphological means Verbs of the perfect form with the prefix za - with the meaning of the beginning of the action (the garden bloomed) Verbs of the present tense instead of the past (I went for mushrooms. Suddenly I see...) Abundance of adjectives and participlesMorphology

Artistic style Artistic style of speech is an important element of the Russian language. It allows a person to express his feelings and thoughts, to aesthetically influence the reader. It is necessary to distinguish the language of fiction from artistic style. The language of fiction is the language of a work of art, which is based on an artistic style with foreign style inclusions

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Artistic style of speech

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The world of fiction is a “recreated” world; the reality depicted is, to a certain extent, the author’s fiction, which means that in the artistic style of speech the subjective element plays the most important role. The entire surrounding reality is presented through the author's vision. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in

this world: its preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

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The artistic style of speech is characterized by attention to the particular and random, followed by the typical and general. Remember “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the “face” of the author’s contemporary Russia.

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The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word performs a nominative-figurative function.
The lexical composition in the artistic style of speech has its own characteristics. The number of words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style includes figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.

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The emotionality and expressiveness of the image come to the fore in a literary text. Many words, which in scientific speech act as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech carry concrete sensory ideas. Thus, the styles are complementary to each other. For example, the adjective “lead” in scientific speech realizes its direct meaning - “lead ore”, “lead bullet”, in artistic speech it forms an expressive metaphor - “lead clouds”, “lead night”. Therefore, in artistic speech an important role is played by phrases that create a kind of figurative representation.

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Linguistic features of artistic style of speech

Heterogeneity of the lexical composition: a combination of book vocabulary with colloquial, colloquial, dialect, etc.

Various grasses have bloomed. On the ridges of the ridge there is a joyless burnt-out wormwood. The nights faded quickly. At night, countless stars shone in the charred black sky; the month - the Cossack sun, darkened by the damaged side, shone sparingly, whitely; The spacious Milky Way intertwined with other star paths. The astringent air was thick, the wind was dry and wormwood; the earth, saturated with the same bitterness of the all-powerful wormwood, yearned for coolness. (M.A. Sholokhov)

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2. Use of all layers of Russian vocabulary in order to realize the aesthetic function.

Daria hesitated for a minute and refused:
- No, no, I'm alone. I'm there alone.
She didn’t even know where “there” was and, leaving the gate, headed towards the Angara. (V. Rasputin)

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3. Activity of polysemantic words of all stylistic varieties of speech.

The river is seething in a lace of white foam.
Poppies are blooming red on the velvet meadows.
At dawn frost was born.
(M. Prishvin).

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I dreamed of catching the passing shadows,
The fading shadows of the fading day.
I climbed the tower. And the steps shook.
And the steps trembled under my feet
(K. Balmont)

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5. Greater preference for using concrete vocabulary and less preference for abstract vocabulary.

Sergei pushed the heavy door. The porch step whimpered barely audibly under his foot. Two more steps - and he is already in the garden.
The cool evening air was filled with the intoxicating aroma of blooming acacia. Somewhere in the branches a nightingale trilled iridescently and subtly.

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6. Wide use of folk poetic words, emotional and expressive vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms.

The rosehip, probably, had been creeping up the trunk to the young aspen since spring, and now, when the time had come for the aspen to celebrate its name day, it all burst into red, fragrant wild roses. (M. Prishvin).

“New Time” was located in Ertelev Lane. I said “fit.” That's not the right word. Reigned, dominated. (G. Ivanov)

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7. Verb speech (the writer names each movement and change of state in stages).

Grigory went down to the Don, carefully climbed over the fence of the Astakhovsky base, and approached the window covered with shutters. He heard only the frequent beats of his heart... He quietly knocked on the frame binding... Aksinya silently went to the window and peered. He saw her press her hands to her chest and heard her inarticulate moan escape her lips. Grigory motioned for her to open the window and took off his rifle. Aksinya opened the doors. He stood on the rubble, Aksinya’s bare hands grabbed his neck. They trembled and beat so much on his shoulders, these dear hands, that their trembling was transmitted to Gregory. (M.A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”)

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