Religion can be changed not only by people. In the course of history, mosques became temples, synagogues became mosques, and Christian monasteries were settled by Buddhists.

Magoki Mosque

The mosque was built from the 10th to the 14th century. The building is located in the Uzbek city of Bukhara, on the site of an old bazaar, where spices and idols were traded in the old days. Archaeological excavations also speak of an ancient pagan sanctuary at this place. Local literature says that on the site of this mosque there was a Buddhist monastery, then a Zoroastrian temple of the Moon, which was rebuilt into a mosque. Bukhara is the oldest of the cities of Central Asia, and indeed in ancient times there were Buddhist communities and temples of fire worshipers. For some time, before the construction of the synagogue, Bukharian Jews prayed in this mosque separately from the Muslims who visited it.

Synagogue del Transito

The oldest synagogue of Toledo is a city in the very center of Spain. Built in 1357. After the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, it became the monastery of San Benito, where the knights of the Order of Calatrava prayed and lived. Today it is a museum.

As-Sunna Mosque

Once a numerous monastery of Yemenite Jews, the synagogue in Djibla was rebuilt into a mosque in the 16th century. Together with the mosque in honor of Queen Arva, it is the dominant feature of the city.

Hagia Sophia

The main Christian cathedral of the Middle Ages, a symbol of the Byzantine Empire. Here, in 1054, Patriarch Cerularius was excommunicated and the churches were divided. So the cathedral became the main Orthodox church. For some time (1204-1261) it was under the rule of the Crusaders. After the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, Hagia Sophia became a mosque.

Seville Cathedral

The largest Gothic cathedral in Europe, was built for a hundred years on the site of a mosque in the city of Seville. The cathedral is the hallmark of the city, especially its main tower - the Giralda, rebuilt from a minaret typical of the Arab countries of North Africa. From the Muslim building remained: a portal decorated with bronze plates, a courtyard and a fountain (built for the first time by the Visigoths).

Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque

Located in Cyprus in the city of Famagusta. The temple in the mature Gothic style was built at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries by the descendant kings of the Crusaders. After 1571, the temple was turned into a mosque, which was called the Magus Hagia Sophia.

Intercession Cathedral in Vitebsk

At the beginning of the 19th century it was built as a Catholic church. However, already in the middle of the century it was closed and rebuilt as an Orthodox church: domes were added and murals were added.

Church of Michael the Archangel in Smolensk

The temple was built at the end of the 12th century in a style very significant for Polotsk-Smolensk architecture. This style arose under the influence of European Gothic and gave the building a "rushing upward" character. After the conquest of the city by the Poles in 1611, he served as a church for about a hundred years. Later again passed into the hands of the Orthodox.

They amaze even experienced tourists. It is hard to believe that this is the creation of human hands. The "Houses of the Gods" are huge and magnificent, designed to make you think about the frailty of life and find peace of mind.

Sagrada Familia has become a symbol of Barcelona (Spain), although construction has not yet been completed. It has been going on since 1882 and is financed only by donations from private individuals.

The architect of the temple, Antonio Gaudi, was a well-known specialist in non-standard solutions, whose projects were ahead of their time and were truly fantastic. So was the Sagrada Familia. All in bizarre curls, it looks like a huge rock in the middle of the square. But it is worth getting closer, and the structure can be viewed for hours. Fragments from the Bible are carved on the walls. This was the idea of ​​a genius - to create a unique architectural book.

Listing the most beautiful temples in the world, one cannot fail to mention St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. It is the heart of the Catholic world, such a miracle simply could not become an ordinary architectural monument. For 100 years, 18 popes led the construction of the cathedral. The design was carried out by 12 of the greatest architects, including Michelangelo and Raphael.

The size of a football field, it does not depress with its grandeur, but amazes. From the outside, the building in the form of a cross looks like a castle with domes, but inside it is a real museum. Everything here is a work of art: altars, naves, statues, mosaics, columns. Tourists should go up to the famous statue of Peter on the papal throne and rub his feet. The saint's feet are already worn out from lovers of making wishes.

The most beautiful Orthodox churches

The Orthodox Church also boasts architecture.

St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia, these are 9 churches built on the same foundation. Many people know the terrible story of how Ivan the Terrible ordered the masters' eyes to be gouged out so that they would never again be able to repeat such beauty. Particularly striking are the onion domes of the temple, with a unique finish and different patterns.

How many times the fate of the cathedral hung in the balance! Either the French wanted to blow it up in 1812, or the party leaders tried to clear a place for parades, but it survived, although it remained a museum. Only occasionally services are held here.

famous Andrew's Church in Ukraine - a representative of the Baroque. It is built on the terrace of a two-story building that stands on an artificial hill. Empress Elizabeth herself laid the foundation for the court church. According to legend, even Andrew the First-Called erected a cross on this place and declared that God's Grace resides here.

The church does not have a traditional bell tower, inviting the townspeople to the service. For a long time, services were not held in it, because the heirs to the throne were rarely here, and the church was royal. There is a legend that the sound of bells can wake up an underground spring, which will completely flood the shrine.

The most beautiful Buddhist temples

Temple Wat Rong Khun in Thailand - an amazing snow-white fairy tale, which was created in 1997 by a famous artist. Khalermkhai Kositpipat collected money from the sale of his works for 20 years in order to build an all-white temple with glass mosaics. The structure encircles a pond with white fish.

In the rays of sunset, this splendor reflects the red rays of the sun, and during the day the beauty is simply blinding. The temple is like a lace, all in curlicues, with interesting sculptures. Tourists note that the building does not look like traditional Thai. If you are not interested in Buddhism, then you should definitely come here to take amazing photos.

Shwedagon Temple Complex in Burma differs from traditional Buddhist architecture in color and splendor. In addition to being one of the unique temples in the world, the pagoda is also one of the holiest for believers. Relics from different Buddhas are immured under the Shwedagon: a bowl, part of a tunic, a staff and 8 hairs. The famous pagoda has no entrance, it is a heaped hill lined with stone and brick, and covered with gold on top.

Silver bells hang from the spire to catch the wind. The entire top of the temple is studded with emeralds, rubies, sapphires and diamonds. It has shrines that correspond to the days of the week. They believe that wishes come true if gifts are left in the one that corresponds to the birthday.

The most beautiful Muslim temples

The mausoleum-mosque (India) occupies a place not only among the most beautiful temples in the world, but also among the most famous. Translated from Persian, the name of the tomb means "the crown of all palaces." Previously, the snow-white building was crowned with silver doors, the walls were decorated with pearls and precious stones. Until our time, such wealth has not survived. But there were inlaid gems, fine painting and mosaics.

The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan for his third wife, Mumtaz. This is an amazing Indian story: the emperor met love in the market and, blinded by its beauty, stopped noticing the poverty around. Mumtaz, despite her advanced age (19), bore him 13 children, and died giving birth on the 14th. The tomb still conveys all the beauty of Shah Jahan's beloved.

famous sheikh zayed mosque, built in Abu Dhabi, demonstrates the power and wealth of the UAE. Here you can see the world's largest carpet, a chandelier in Swarovski crystals, listed in the Guinness Book of Records for its size. The spiers of the minarets prop up the sky, their height is 115 meters. The largest mosque can accommodate 40 thousand believers.

At present, the problem of the formation of tolerant consciousness has become especially acute, and textbooks of the humanities in elementary school contain a minimum of information on this problem and a minimum of material for work, which, in my opinion, indicates the absence of a system in solving this issue. Therefore, in the classroom, the teacher should use every opportunity to instill in children a sense of respect for someone else's way of life.

So when studying history in the 4th grade of the topic “Adoption of Christianity in Russia”, it is necessary to acquaint students with the content and essence of the three (out of the four main) religions of the world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which allows us to more fully substantiate the reason for the adoption of Christianity in 988 by Prince Vladimir " Red Sun.

Acquaintance with these religions can begin with the definition of the architectural features of the temples.

Primary school students are fertile ground for international education, which is very important at present, so it is important not to miss the time when you can convey to children the idea that people of different religions complement each other, enrich their inner and outer world.

Lesson objective: to give children knowledge about the similarity of the religions of the world, about a single source of their origin.

The purpose of the lesson: patriotic education, education of a sense of tolerance in children.


  • images of Orthodox churches, Muslim mosques, Jewish synagogues;
  • a set of postcards "Temple of Christ the Savior";
  • textbook E.V. Saplina, A.I. Saplin "Introduction to History" Grade 4 M.: "Budt Bust", 2002;
  • notebook of creative tasks E.V. Saplina, A.I. Saplin "Introduction to history" Grade 4, M .: "Drofa", 2005; atlas "History of the Fatherland" grades 3-5, M .: "Bubblebust", 2000;
  • Holy books - Bible, Koran.

During the classes

1. Setting the goal of the lesson

Today we are going to take a little trip. We will visit different churches. What temples have you been to? We will start our journey from the Orthodox Church.

2. Posting new material

Architectural features of Orthodox churches.

The teacher demonstrates the image of the Orthodox Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

What is a Russian temple?

What geometric shape does it resemble? (Square.)

From the point of view of the ancient peoples, the square is a symbol of what? (Symbol of the earth.)

What is the end of the temple? (Domes.)

What geometric shape does the dome resemble? (A circle.)

The circle from the point of view of ancient people is a symbol of what? (Heaven.)

What conclusion can we draw? (The dome is also a symbol of the sky.)

How many domes do you see on the Cathedral of Christ the Savior? (5)

The number of domes can be different: one chapter - in honor of Jesus Christ, three chapters - in honor of the Holy Trinity, five chapters - in honor of Jesus Christ and the four evangelists, seven - the number of church sacraments: baptism, chrismation, repentance, communion, sacrament of priesthood, sacrament of marriage, unction.

The teacher demonstrates images of temples with different numbers of domes.

Very rarely there are temples with 9 domes in honor of the meeting of the soul of a deceased person with angels of 9 ranks. Such a rare nine-domed is the Dmitrovsky Assumption Cathedral, built at the expense of Dmitrovsky Prince Yuri Ivanovich, son of Ivan III in 1509-1533, and the Moscow Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed (Church of the Intercession on the Moat), built under Ivan IV in honor of the capture of Kazan on October 14, 1552 . Children look at the images of temples, their domes.

There are 13 domed temples in honor of Jesus Christ and 12 apostles.

We will find an image of such a temple on page 3 of the atlas "History of the Fatherland".

What is the name of this temple? Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

What are the domes crowned with? (Cross.)

Even in pre-Christian times, the sign of the cross in many religions was a symbol of the divine and a symbol of eternal life, and with the adoption of Christianity, the Cross of the Lord includes these meanings and is for Christians a sign of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Work with a notebook. In the workbook on page 11, find an Orthodox church.

How did you determine that this is an Orthodox church? It resembles a square, has a dome crowned with a cross.

What does an Orthodox church look like inside?

Postcards with the interior of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior are posted on a board or stand.

The main part of the Orthodox Church - altar.

The altar is the most important part of an Orthodox church. The word "altar" is Latin. The altar existed in pre-Christian times. In early Christianity, the altar was the table on which the sacrament was prepared. Only priests or men can enter the altar when performing the rite of baptism. The altar is separated from the rest of the temple by a wall with icons - an iconostasis, which allows the clergy not to be distracted during the sacred service.

There are 5 rows of icons on the iconostasis. In the center are Royal Doors. From the entrance through the whole church to the royal doors lies royal way, which is marked on the floor with a different color or carpet.

Demonstration of the model of the iconostasis with the Royal Doors.

Work with the textbook.

Page 25. Top drawing. What is shown? Royal Doors.

Prove, confirm your words with lines from the text.

Bottom drawing. What is shown? Orthodox church and bell tower.

Why is a bell tower built next to an Orthodox church? Christians are called to worship by the ringing of bells.

What does an Islamic mosque look like?

Work with a notebook. In the workbook on page 11, find a Muslim mosque.

The teacher demonstrates a picture of a mosque.

How did you determine that this is a mosque? Mosques have a crescent moon.

The construction of Islamic religious buildings is based on a rectangular courtyard (similar to the square shape of an Orthodox church - a symbol of the earth)

What is the end of the mosque? Dome. (Resemblance to an Orthodox church: the dome is a symbol of heaven.) What is the dome crowned with? Crescent. (Christians have a cross)

The word "Islam" means "giving oneself to God." In Arabic, it sounds "Muslim", hence the Russian word "Muslim" came from.

What architectural similarities do we see in an Orthodox church, a Muslim mosque?

Quadrangular shape, dome with a cross or crescent symbol of religion.

AT difference from Christian temples, in mosques there are no images of living beings (animals and humans). This has a deep religious meaning: not to be distracted from the prayer directed to Allah.

The mosque is decorated with geometric and floral ornaments, inscriptions in Arabic script.

A minaret is being built next to the mosque. Muslims call for prayer by singing from the top of the minaret. (Christians - bell ringing)

Religious similarities in Christianity and Islam.

Do Christians have a god? Yes. Muslims? Yes. What is the name of the Muslim god? Allah.

Do Christians have a holy book? Yes, the Bible (Greek - a collection of books). The holy book of Muslims is the Quran (Arabic - read by heart, recite).

Showing and examining the sacred books - the Bible and the Koran.

Arabian and biblical sacred books have common roots. (Adam, Eve, Abraham - Ibrahim, Moses - Moussa.)

Do Christians have angels? Yes. Muslims? Yes. (Archangel Gabriel, in Islam - Jabrail).

Differences in Christianity and Islam, Judaism.

Christianity recognizes the trinity of the deity: God is the Father, God is the Son, God is the Holy Spirit. Islam recognizes monotheism and considers Jesus the penultimate prophet. Jews consider Jesus Christ the last prophet.


Work with a notebook. In your workbook on page 11, find the Jewish synagogue. What architectural features can we identify in the Jewish synagogue?

At the heart of the temple is a quadrangle, like an Orthodox church and a mosque. The synagogue is also crowned with a dome.

The teacher demonstrates a picture of the synagogue.

There are no images of living beings in the synagogue, only floral ornaments and inscriptions (as well as in mosques)

Judaism is the oldest of these three religions. The holy book of the Jews is the Bible.

Judaism was the first to proclaim monotheism. Judaism is the source from which came Christianity (the most widespread religion). On the basis of the ideas of Judaism and Christianity, Islam appeared (the second world religion in terms of the number of adherents). That is why there is so much in common in these religions, which means that you can always find a common language when resolving any controversial issues.

3. Generalization

On the board (stand) posted images of temples for comparative analysis.

What kind architectural similarities we see in an Orthodox church, a Muslim mosque, a Jewish synagogue?

At the base of the temple is a square. The dome is a symbol of the sky. Cross, crescent, star - religious symbols.

The absence of the image of living beings in the mosque and synagogue, so as not to be distracted from prayer, and in the Christian church there is an iconostasis that separates the altar from the rest of the church, so that nothing distracts the clergy during the ceremony.

Arabian and Biblical tales have common roots. (Adam, Eve, Abraham - Ibrahim, Moses - Moussa.)

The main sacred book: the Koran - among Muslims, the Bible - among Christians and Jews.

4. Summing up

What new did you learn today?

What conclusions can we draw?

People of different religions complement each other, enrich their inner and outer world.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are religions close to each other, because they have a lot in common.

5. Homework

Textbook, pp. 24-28, workbook, pp. 11.


1. E.V. Saplina, A.I. Saplin "Introduction to History" Grade 4 M.: "Budt Bust", 2002;

2. O.A. Andreev. Spiritual revival of personality through the analysis of world religions. Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2003.

3. T.D. Sholokhov, G.N. Podshibyakin. Shrines of the land of Dmitrov. Photo album. Moscow: LLC Publishing Group Life, 2005.

March 08, 2017

For believers of different religions and denominations, temples are a place of worship and prayers and rituals. For many centuries, people have been building and decorating temples that satisfy not only their spiritual, but also aesthetic needs...

The main temples of various religions are, as a rule, also outstanding monuments of world architecture; each of them attracts numerous pilgrims and tourists from all over the world.

Jerusalem Temple (Israel)

Believing Jews all over the world, according to the canons of Judaism, have only one temple. And that one is actually non-existent. Until the 1st century AD, it was located in the center of Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount.

Now on the site of the Jerusalem temple is the Muslim mosque Kubbat as-Sahra, and the Jewish shrine was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, after which, as the legend says, the Jews scattered around the world.

However, in memory of the Temple in Jerusalem, every synagogue in any place of the earth repeats the design of the Temple in the basis of its internal structure. Including the oldest one, which is, oddly enough, not in Israel, but in the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, and is called the Old New Synagogue.

St. Peter's Basilica (Vatican)

The main and largest temple of all Catholics in the world.

The ceremonial and spiritual center of the Roman Catholic Church. It is located in the center of the capital of Italy, on the territory of the smallest state in the world - the Vatican.

Outstanding artists and sculptors of the Renaissance - Bernini, Raphael, Michelangelo and others - participated in the creation of St. Peter's Cathedral. The dome of the Cathedral is the highest in the world, 136.6 meters.

Al-Haram Mosque (Saudi Arabia)

The main mosque of all Muslims of the world is located in Mecca, in Saudi Arabia.

In the inner courtyard of the Al-Haram mosque is the most revered shrine of Muslims - the sacred stone of the Kaaba, thanks to which millions of pilgrims from all over the world visit the mosque every year.

The area of ​​the entire temple complex is 357 thousand square meters, up to a million pilgrims can be accommodated here at the same time. Near the mosque in 2011, the world's largest complex of skyscrapers, Abraj al-Beit, was built.

Borobudur (Indonesia)

This giant building is the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

Borobudur is located on the island of Java, Indonesia. It is noteworthy that this amazing temple, built around 800 AD, after a volcanic eruption and a strong earthquake, was abandoned for about 800 years, covered with volcanic dust and overgrown with jungle.

The restoration of the temple began only in 1907. There are more than 500 statues of Buddha and about 1500 stone bas-reliefs with religious scenes in Barobodur.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow (Russia)

Full name: Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior. It has the highest status among Russian Orthodox churches - the Patriarchal Compound. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill is the rector of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The current temple, built in the 1990s, is an external recreation of the temple of the same name, built in this place in the center of Moscow in the middle of the 19th century in memory of the war of 1812 and completely destroyed during Stalin's rule in 1931. The temple building can accommodate 10,000 people.

Religious issues are always acute, therefore, to talk about the difference between the structures of different concessions should be solely from a cognitive point of view. And although the essence of all religions in the world is the same - to do good, attributes, rituals and even prayers are different. So what is the difference between a mosque and a temple - this is a question that is often asked in everyday communication. Let's understand and try to find out the difference between these two religious buildings for prayer.

What is the difference between a Muslim mosque and a Christian temple

The temple is the general name of all places for performing rituals in the Christian religion. For a long time, Christians did not have the opportunity to build their own places for prayer, so they often prayed in the catacombs and dungeons, where they could hide from prying eyes, since the first followers of Christianity were persecuted by the Romans. Already in the 4th century, Christianity received permission to build temples in the Roman Empire, after which they began to build places for prayer. How are temples different from mosques?

  • Architecture

The main element in the temple is the shape of an elongated quadrangle and a column at the entrance, and for all currents - for Catholics and Orthodox.

It is obligatory to have at least one dome and bell tower on the territory of the temple, and all domes are crowned with crosses.

It is important that the temple differs from the mosque in that it may look modest outwardly, but inside even the smallest church in the village will be covered in gold, silver and expensive materials, and the walls are always painted with magnificent paintings.

To the altar of the temple, which always looks to the east, you can go from three sides, through the main entrance and on the right and left.

  • Traditions

During the service, the men in the temple stand on the right, and the women on the left. Practically all Christians, except for Catholics, must stand during the service. Also, for everyone, except for Catholics, women need to enter the temple with a covered head, and men with an uncovered one.

Islam as a religion appeared later, in 610, at the same time the first mosque was built near the city of Medina, known as the Mosque of the Prophet. At the same time, an architectural style was created that distinguishes a mosque from a temple. And the main difference is that this is not just a prayer house, but also a place for local holidays, as well as a shelter for tired travelers.

  • Architecture

Mosques may have a square or round outline, but at the same time they always resemble a fantastic palace. It is obligatory to have a minaret - a high tower, which were originally lighthouses and guard posts, but then became the place from where the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer. The number of minarets on the territory of the mosque can be any.

Another fact that distinguishes a mosque from a temple is that instead of a cross, a crescent is used here. And inside the mosque there is no extra furniture, the place for prayer looks modest.

  • Traditions

A typical mosque has a main hall overlooking Mecca, three auxiliary halls and 4 iwans. It is also important that women pray separately from men, as it is believed that they can pray everywhere, and men only in the mosque.

When entering the mosque, you must take off your shoes, and clothes must be closed.