Many of us have experienced alcohol poisoning through excessive drinking. When intoxicated, the body urgently needs our help. So what to do if you have alcohol poisoning? And is it possible to help the victim at home?

In small doses, ethanol is oxidized in the liver and does not cause significant harm to the human body. But after exceeding the permissible amount of ethanol, the liver cannot cope with the load, and gradual poisoning occurs or.

The main causes of alcohol intoxication are:

  1. Drinking a large amount of alcohol.
  2. Poor quality alcohol.

In the case of a large dose of alcohol, determining the severity of the poisoning yourself is not so difficult.

Separately, it is worth highlighting poisoning from low-quality alcohol. According to statistics, about 90% of victims of a surrogate do not make it to the hospital; they die on the road. Such intoxication is not accompanied by the main symptoms, therefore, before medical help arrives, the victim needs first aid for alcohol poisoning.

Main symptoms of poisoning:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Rapid breathing.
  4. Cold sweat.

If a person is poisoned by surrogates, visual impairment and convulsions occur.

A hangover syndrome is also alcohol poisoning, only to a mild degree. Mild and moderate degrees of alcohol intoxication can be treated at home using medications and traditional methods.

If a person's condition is critical, they should seek medical help immediately. No home recipes or medications can save a person’s life.

What to do first?

Regardless of the severity of intoxication, first aid is required for alcohol poisoning.

First, thoroughly cleanse your stomach. Drink 2 - 3 glasses of water and induce vomiting, then repeat the action several times.

Secondly, if the poisoned person is unconscious, under no circumstances should one induce a gag reflex, the person may choke on vomit. It is necessary to lay the victim on his side, free him from tight clothing and allow him to periodically sniff ammonia, call an ambulance.

Treatment of drug poisoning

If the degree of poisoning is mild, you can begin treatment at home.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning? First of all, it is necessary to get rid of ethanol, normalize the water and salt balance, and restore the intestinal microflora. And only then neutralize the breakdown products of ethanol and relieve pain syndromes.

To get rid of ethanol, you need to drink enterosorbents.

These are well-known drugs:

These medications should be taken after cleansing the stomach. Their action is to envelop the intestinal walls and remove waste products from the body.

Important: sorbents neutralize not only harmful substances, but also medications. Therefore, the interval between taking enterosorbents and tablets should be 1.5 - 2 hours. Otherwise, the action of the tablets will be ineffective.

Everyone knows that alcohol is a strong diuretic, therefore, when drinking alcohol, and even more so when vomiting occurs, the body becomes dehydrated. If you are poisoned, you need to drink more regular fluids.

Pharmacies also have medical solutions that help with imbalances. In case of poisoning, you can take Regidron solution orally at the rate of 10 - 15 ml/1 kg. body weight. Analogues of this solution are Citraglucosolan and Hydrovit.

In addition, to restore balance, an oral solution can be made at home:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt and 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

To completely remove ethanol and decay products from the body, you need to drink plenty of fluids, diuretics or herbal decoctions (linden blossom, parsley root, mint, horsetail, thyme). Herbal teas are the safest, and they also saturate our body with vitamins and antioxidants.

Also, in case of poisoning, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. To restore intestinal microflora, you can drink fermented milk products or special medications.

Such probiotics include: Linex, Lactobacilli, Bifiform, Enterol, Bifidumbacterin, Baktisubtil.

In case of alcohol poisoning, you should not:

  1. Combine alcohol and the drug Furosemide. This combination has a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys.
  2. In a state of intoxication, you should not take aspirin; complications may arise. The tablets can be taken after the onset of a hangover.
  3. Do not use sleeping pills under any circumstances.

Treatment of poisoning with folk remedies

If alcohol poisoning does not threaten a person’s health and life, you can use folk recipes to restore the body:

Such remedies can be easily prepared at home. They will not only help the body get rid of ethanol, but also provide useful substances, give strength and restore a healthy state.

If first aid for alcohol poisoning does not give results, the person does not get better, consult a doctor immediately. Perhaps the causes of poisoning are more serious, and these methods will only worsen the situation.

The doctor will conduct an examination and then prescribe the correct treatment. If necessary, in a hospital setting, IVs will be placed and the correct dosage of medications will be prescribed.

Diet after alcohol poisoning

After alcohol poisoning, you should also stick to a diet. Food should not create additional stress on the liver. Therefore, the basic principles of nutrition were drawn up:

In order not to ask the question of what to do in case of alcohol poisoning - observe the dose of alcohol, or better yet, lead a healthy and sporty lifestyle!

Symptoms following alcohol poisoning occur for several reasons. We will talk about them below. It should also be noted that such unpleasant signs of intoxication are pronounced. It's quite difficult not to notice them.

general information

Alcohol poisoning (symptoms and treatment at home will be described below) occupies a leading position in our country among all household poisonings. In more than 60% of cases, this condition leads to death. Most of them (about 95-98%) occur before medical care is provided.

So how to recognize the symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning and what measures to take to avoid tragic consequences? You will learn about this in the presented article.

What is alcohol?

Alcohol is the name given to drinks that contain ethanol (wine or a chemical colorless and volatile substance of moderate toxic activity that is easily flammable. Ethanol can be mixed with ordinary water in any quantity. It is easily soluble in fats, and also easily penetrates biological membranes and quickly spreads throughout the body.

Intoxication, poisoning, intoxication

Alcohol intoxication is a special state of the human nervous system, which occurs as a result of drinking drinks containing ethanol.

There are four degrees of intoxication:

  • lung;
  • average;
  • heavy;
  • coma.

At the initial stage, this state is manifested by an unreasonably joyful and also elevated mood (that is, euphoria). The consciousness of the intoxicated person is preserved (small disturbances may be observed). After some time, thinking processes slow down. In addition, a person’s mental and physical activity decreases, his consciousness is depressed, and he becomes slow, lethargic and drowsy.

When coma develops, they speak of severe alcohol poisoning.

As for severe intoxication, this condition is associated with the toxic effect of ethanol breakdown products on the human body.

What are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

Speaking about the signs of alcohol poisoning, one cannot help but note the fact that they can manifest themselves in different ways. It depends on the amount you drink and the quality of the drinks. In addition, the symptom of alcohol poisoning is closely related to which human system or organ has been exposed to toxic effects.

Gastrointestinal tract

With primary damage to the digestive system, a person experiences abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. What is associated with each of the listed symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

Abdominal pain occurs due to the direct damaging effect of ethanol on the mucous membrane of the small intestine and stomach.

Diarrhea occurs due to a disruption in the absorption of minerals, water and fats, as well as a rapidly occurring deficiency of the enzyme that is necessary for the absorption of lactose.

Nausea is a sign of general intoxication.

As for vomiting, most often it is central in nature. In other words, it is associated with the toxic effect of alcohol on the central nervous system.


When the nervous system is damaged, a person experiences: mental agitation, delirium, euphoria, impaired coordination of movements, hallucinations, increased sweating, convulsions, decreased body temperature, dilated pupils, impaired attention, thermoregulation, as well as speech and perception.

Each mentioned symptom of alcohol poisoning is associated with impaired metabolism of nerve cells, oxygen starvation, the damaging effect of ethanol on the cells of the central nervous system and the toxic effect of intermediate products of the breakdown of alcohol (acetate, acetaldehyde,


The first signs of alcohol poisoning from the heart are:

  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dizziness;
  • facial redness;
  • general weakness;
  • pale skin;
  • malaise.

The appearance of such symptoms is explained by the fact that the patient loses a lot of fluid during diarrhea or vomiting. Also, due to the increased permeability of the vascular walls, fluid from the vascular bed passes into the space between the cells. To compensate for the volume of blood (circulating), the human body includes the following compensatory mechanisms: narrowing of peripheral vessels and increased heart rate. Thanks to this, the blood is redistributed and saturates more important organs.

Respiratory tract

How does alcohol poisoning affect the respiratory system? Symptoms of such a lesion are expressed as follows:

  • acute respiratory failure;
  • noisy and rapid breathing.

The listed symptoms arise due to damage to the respiratory center, the development of cerebral edema and metabolic disorders. The occurrence of acute is associated with the entry of vomit into the respiratory tract and a reflex spasm of the bronchi and larynx.

Renal system

With kidney damage, the patient experiences increased urination or, conversely, decreased urine formation (sometimes to complete absence).

Such conditions are associated with the fact that by reducing secretion (of the hypothalamus, which retains water in the body), ethanol increases the process of urination. In addition, alcohol promotes the removal of calcium, potassium, and magnesium from the human body, disrupting their absorption in the intestines. Thus, a deficiency of these elements occurs.

In severe cases, ethanol damages the kidney structure.

Liver damage

Symptoms of alcoholic liver poisoning are also pronounced. These include severe pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as yellowing of the skin and sclera. Such signs arise due to the damaging effect of ethanol on liver cells and disruption of intracellular metabolism.

Acute alcohol poisoning: symptoms

In case of severe poisoning, the patient may fall into a coma. At the same time, he loses consciousness and also does not respond to any external stimuli (for example, loud sounds, patting his cheeks, tingling sensations, etc.).

A concentration of alcohol in the systemic circulation of 3 g/l or higher causes coma. Currently, there are two phases: superficial and deep. Let's look at their symptoms in more detail.

  • Superficial coma.

This condition is characterized by: loss of consciousness, floating movements of the eyeballs, decreased pain sensitivity, excessive salivation, pupils of different sizes (constricted - dilated), reaction to irritation with protective movements or changes in facial expressions, rapid heartbeat, redness of the skin and eye membranes, shortness of breath .

  • Deep coma.

Symptoms of alcohol surrogate poisoning are very often accompanied by loss of pain sensitivity, decreased body temperature, absence of tendon reflexes, convulsions, loss of muscle tone, decreased blood pressure, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, decreased depth and frequency of breathing, and a pronounced increase in heart rate.

Severity of alcohol intoxication

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning can be mild or severe. What does this depend on? We will answer the question posed right now.

  • Amount drunk. When large dosages of ethanol enter the human body, especially at one time, the liver does not have time to process it. Thus, the products of incomplete alcohol breakdown accumulate in the blood, after which they damage vital organs such as the brain, liver, kidneys, heart and others.
  • Age. Children and the elderly are the most sensitive to the effects of alcohol. This is due to the fact that adolescents have not yet developed all the necessary neutralization mechanisms, and in old people they no longer perform their function in the required capacity.
  • Individual intolerance. Personal intolerance to ethanol and, as a consequence, the rapid development of intoxication is especially common in people. This is due to the fact that they have reduced activity of a special enzyme, which is necessary for the complete breakdown of alcohol.
  • Pregnancy, malnutrition, fatigue, diseases of the pancreas, liver and diabetes. Such conditions reduce the work and neutralizing function of the main cleansing organ (liver).
  • Combination of alcohol and medications. The toxic effect of alcohol increases several times when taken simultaneously with drugs such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antidepressants, NSAIDs and others.
  • Additives and impurities. The toxic effect of alcohol is increased by additives and impurities such as methyl alcohol, aldehydes, higher alcohols, ethylene glycol, furfural and others.
  • Ethanol consumption on an empty stomach. When drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, it is absorbed into the blood in half the dose, which can lead to severe poisoning.

What to do if intoxicated?

Now you know why alcohol poisoning occurs. Symptoms and treatment of this condition are presented in this article.

If you notice that your friend feels sick after drinking alcohol, you should immediately call an ambulance. This is due to the following points:

  • A severe pathological condition caused by alcohol intoxication quite often leads to death.
  • Only an experienced doctor is able to assess the condition of the victim and prescribe treatment.
  • Treatment of poisoning requires the use of a number of medications.
  • In most cases, treatment of severe alcohol intoxication is carried out in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

First aid at home

How should alcohol poisoning be treated (symptoms and treatment for this condition are described in this article)? First, you need to call a specialist. While the doctor is on the way, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim. What is it?

  • Ensuring airway patency. To do this, you need to remove the patient’s tongue (if it is retracted), and then clean the oral cavity. If possible, use a rubber bulb. If excessive salivation occurs, the patient should be given 1.0-0.1% atropine intravenously. These measures are necessary to ensure adequate oxygen supply and prevent blockage of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Place the victim in the correct position (on his side) and fix his tongue (for example, press with a finger or a spoon).
  • Perform artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage (in case of respiratory and cardiac arrest). Such procedures must be carried out until the heartbeat and breathing appear.
  • Bring the victim to consciousness if he has lost consciousness. To do this, you need to bring cotton wool with ammonia to the patient’s nose.
  • Induce vomiting (only if the person is conscious). To do this, he needs to be given a saline solution or a special vomiting agent. This procedure is effective only in the first hours after drinking ethanol.

If the above methods do not help, then resort to the following:

  • Gastric lavage. The victim is given the maximum amount of water, and then pressure is applied to the root of the tongue.
  • Warming the patient. The person is placed in a warm bed and wrapped in a blanket.
  • Reception of adsorbent. The victim is given sorbents that can absorb various types of toxins. They accelerate the neutralization and removal of alcohol from the body.

Medicines for the treatment of alcohol poisoning

In a hospital, the victim may be prescribed the following medications:

  • The drug "Metadoxil" intramuscularly. This is a medication that was created specifically for the treatment of alcohol poisoning. It increases the activity of enzymes that are responsible for the utilization of ethanol. Thus, the product in question accelerates the processing and removal of alcohol. In addition, it restores liver cells and improves the mental state of the victim.
  • Vitamins and glucose mixed in one syringe. This cocktail improves metabolic processes and also accelerates the neutralization and elimination of ethanol. In addition, it reduces the risk of alcohol-related psychosis.
  • Droppers for water-mineral balance. They improve blood circulation through the vessels, and also help restore the necessary water and mineral balance.

It should also be noted that symptoms of alcohol poisoning of the pancreas and liver require the use of hepatoprotectors. Such medications improve the functioning of these organs, restore damaged cells and accelerate the neutralization of ethanol.

Often, for alcohol intoxication, doctors use the drugs Pyrozol and Fomepizole. These are the newest antidotes used for poisoning with ethylene glycol and methyl alcohol. They reduce the activity of the liver enzyme and interrupt the formation of toxic elements.

Alcohol poisoning always causes a lot of trouble for a person. The symptoms are very similar to food poisoning; there is general intoxication, headache, nausea and vomiting. If you follow a gentle diet after the acute signs of the disease have subsided, you can help the body recover faster. Nutrition after alcohol poisoning should be balanced; you should use only natural products that contain many useful substances.

How diet helps

Alcohol poisoning severely affects all organs, but particular harm is caused to the digestive tract and liver. Dietary nutrition helps to quickly restore the balance of microelements and vitamins in the body. The human stomach after any poisoning is very weak, the mucous membrane is thinned and inflamed. In this regard, food should be light, quickly digestible and healthy. Fatty and heavy foods can cause stagnation in the stomach and provoke new bouts of vomiting.

Particular attention should be paid to drinking. It is strictly forbidden to include low-alcohol drinks in the diet after poisoning - this will only worsen the situation. All drinks consumed by the patient should be as healthy as possible.

When and what can you eat after alcohol poisoning?

If a person is poisoned by alcohol, he or she experiences severe weakness, nausea, and vomiting. In such a state, there is certainly no appetite and the patient has no time to eat. The victim is quickly given first aid, which consists of gastric lavage, cleansing enema and taking sorbents. Further the person must be well hydrated to prevent dehydration.

Food can be offered no earlier than 12 hours after the symptoms of acute intoxication have subsided; ideally, wait a day. During this time, the gastric mucosa has time to recover a little. Therapeutic fasting, when only drinking is consumed, is very beneficial for the body. The liver and stomach do not process food, so all the body’s resources are devoted to removing toxic substances.

A day after poisoning, the victim begins to feed. Nutrition after alcohol poisoning should be as follows:

First day

  • Viscous porridge made with water with a little added salt and sugar. The porridge should be cooked as a slurry.. To do this, take oatmeal, rice or buckwheat, chop it a little and boil it for a long time in a large volume of water. Take at least 3 glasses of water per glass of cereal.
  • Baked apples with honey or sugar. It's better to add a teaspoon of honey. This useful product contains many microelements that help restore electrolyte balance.
  • Well ripe bananas. The fruits should be uniformly yellow, without green areas. Unripe bananas contain a lot of starch, which can cause re-intoxication.
  • Decoctions of raisins and dried apricots, as well as jelly from berries and fruits.

Second day

Starting from the second day, the diet can be slightly expanded; the menu includes vegetable puree and meat. The patient is given the following products:

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  • Mashed potatoes with water and no added oil. You can add a little salt to the potatoes; do not use green potatoes.
  • Boiled chicken breast or lean veal. The meat is boiled in salted water and then ground in a blender. The resulting pate is consumed as an independent dish or mixed with mashed potatoes.
  • Uneatable crackers or drying.
  • Light vegetable soups cooked in the second broth. For cooking you can use potatoes, carrots, rice, greens.
  • Bifidokefir.

From the second day, bifidokefir is included in the victim’s diet.. You need to drink a glass of it several times a day. This healing drink normalizes the digestion process and helps fill the stomach and intestines with beneficial microflora.

The third day

From the third day the person is gradually transferred to the usual diet. The following products are added to the diet:

  • Porridge with skim milk. Whole milk can be diluted half and half with water.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lean fish.

A person after poisoning should drink a lot. To do this, give compotes, jelly or juices diluted with water. You can offer the patient weak sweet tea, preferably green.

After alcohol intoxication, the stomach is very weakened and irritated, so it is difficult for it to process large amounts of food. After alcohol poisoning, you need to eat in small portions, many times a day. The interval between meals should be at least 2-3 hours. During this time, the previous food that entered the stomach has time to be digested almost completely.

You need to drink a lot, the volume of drink per day should be about 3 liters. With this drinking regime, all toxins will quickly be removed from the body, which will lead to a speedy recovery.

What can you give to drink?

They give the patient a drink after alcohol poisoning in fractional portions, but very often. For this purpose, you can use the following drinks:

  • Dried fruit compote with honey– you should not add prunes, as they are smoked and can be heavy for a weak stomach.
  • A decoction of raisins and dried apricots with a small addition of rice. This drink has a mild enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Kissel from cranberries, cherries, black currants. Such an enveloping drink helps to quickly restore the gastric mucosa and well vitaminizes the entire body.
  • Clean still water.
  • Green tea with added honey. This drink has an invigorating effect and activates the body's defenses.
  • Weak black tea with sugar. A good drink that lifts the tone well and restores the patient’s strength.

To soothe a victim after alcohol poisoning, you can use a decoction of mint and chamomile. The decoction helps relieve inflammation from the stomach, gently soothes and has a bactericidal effect.

What not to eat or drink after alcohol poisoning

Intoxication greatly depletes the body, so During the rehabilitation period, it is important to eat light foods. It is not recommended to eat the following foods during the recovery period:

  • Fatty meats - pork, beef, lamb. Fatty poultry - chickens, geese, ducks - should be used with caution.
  • Smoked products – balyki, sausage and other products that have been smoked.
  • Any canned food and semi-finished products.
  • Fried and fatty foods.
  • Whole cow's milk, as well as fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Some seafood - shrimp, mussels, squid and fatty fish.
  • Sweet baked goods.
  • Very spicy and salty foods.
  • Some varieties of cereals are pearl barley, corn, barley and wheat.
  • Chocolate and products containing cocoa.
  • Raw vegetables, especially cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes - they cause fermentation in the stomach.
  • Citrus.
  • All legumes.

In addition, oil should be introduced into the diet with caution. It is advisable to cook food without fat, and then add a little butter or vegetable oil to the finished dish. In this case, the fat will not heat up, which means that harmful substances will not be released into the food, which will reduce the load on the liver.

During the recovery period after alcohol poisoning, drinking any alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Even beer can add to the trouble. It must be remembered that ethyl contained in any alcohol is poison for a weakened body.

The consumption of carbonated drinks is strictly prohibited. They contain a lot of dyes, flavors and preservatives, so they can cause deterioration in health. And the carbon dioxide contained in such drinks will cause flatulence.

There is no need to offer concentrated juices to the patient after poisoning. Such products have increased acidity, to which a weak stomach can react by vomiting.

What to pay attention to

There are several tips that will help you quickly recover from alcohol poisoning and return to a normal diet:

  • All food for humans after poisoning should be stewed, boiled or baked. Steaming of dishes is also allowed.
  • Nutrition needs to be balanced. Foods should have enough proteins and carbohydrates, but little fat.
  • All food offered to the patient must be warm. You should not give cold food, which is difficult to digest, or hot food, which can cause a stomach burn.
  • You should not eat yeast baked goods for at least a week after alcohol poisoning. Such dishes promote fermentation and gas formation, which is very undesirable during the recovery period.

Signs of alcohol poisoning are very unpleasant and can bother a person for several days. A diet will help you recover quickly. The main rule of such nutrition is to eat light food in small portions, but often. Even if the diet does not bring adequate relief for several days, then a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

The question to narcologists about what to do when intoxicated is often asked by spouses of addicted people. Lack of awareness of the problem, degradation of the alcoholic’s personality under the influence of toxic ethanol substitutes does not allow contacting a specialist due to denial of the disease.

Classic remedies used by a person with an addiction to alcoholic beverages are cerucal (for vomiting), activated charcoal (for cleansing the intestines). When toxic metabolites accumulate, such medications cannot cure addiction. Under the influence of poisons, pathology of internal organs develops, and irreversible changes in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys gradually develop. Organ failure causes death. Alcoholics die young!

Alcohol poisoning: symptoms and syndromes

The problem is aggravated by the high cost of alcoholic beverages. In the absence of funds, a replacement for the next dose of alcohol is required. To compensate for the deficiency, alcohol-containing products are used: colognes, perfumes, medicinal tinctures, lotions. When consuming alkaline polishes, alcohol varnishes, and BF adhesives, life-threatening poisoning occurs.

The lethal dose of ethyl alcohol is 300-400 mg. This concentration is achieved by drinking 2-3 bottles of vodka per day with a break after 1-2 hours.

A decrease in the body's resistance in chronic alcoholics is accompanied by a certain degree of failure of internal organs. Against this background, mortality increases not from alcohol substitutes, but from exacerbation of secondary diseases.

Main symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • Mild degree – nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders;
  • Medium degree – disruption of the cardiovascular system, changes in coordination and gait;
  • Severe – alcoholic coma with loss of pain and temperature sensitivity.

Due to the body’s high adaptation to alcohol surrogates, the comatose state of an alcoholic is not lethal. After a few hours the condition is restored.

The danger comes from severe injuries, bedsores, and gangrene of the extremities when a person is immobile for a long time. Disruption of local blood supply, hypothermia occurs at an ambient temperature of about 12 degrees Celsius. Gradually it decreases to 31-32 degrees. Reduction of heart rate to 30-60 beats per minute. Respiratory depression - up to 8 breaths per minute. These conditions lead to death directly from respiratory failure (in the first day) or from dangerous complications in the future (pneumonia, lung gangrene).

Problems after drinking alcohol can befall anyone, regardless of social status or the quality of the product consumed. Poisoning with alcohol and its surrogates requires proper detoxification of the body in order to avoid a long recovery period and possible treatment of severe consequences. The symptoms of intoxication are approximately the same for everyone; there are differences in individual characteristics, which depend on the state of health and personal tolerance.

What is alcohol intoxication

Alcohol poisoning (ICD code 10 - T51) is the depressing effect on the body of ethanol and its decomposition products (acetaldehyde) during the processing process. Physiological, behavioral and psychological reactions are disrupted. At the same time, alcohol poisoning is more often perceived as exposure to large doses, but there are cases when a small amount of ethyl alcohol is enough to poison the human body.

Primary alcohol poisoning includes a state of euphoria, which manifests itself in impaired coordination of movements, altered perception of reality, and changes in behavioral patterns. What is commonly called a hangover already refers to the secondary process of intoxication, when the body tries to independently remove decay products.


For people who do not consider themselves alcoholics, but drink alcohol daily, chronic alcohol intoxication is typical (the “stomach fermentation” syndrome, when ethyl is independently produced in excess quantities, is not considered). In practice, this is total damage to all internal organs from the gastrointestinal tract to the brain. The main problem of this condition is that the human body can no longer get rid of alcohol substrates on its own; against this background, concomitant pathologies develop:

  • body weight imbalance (both excess weight and unnatural thinness are possible);
  • early degree of arterial hypertension;
  • constant tremor of the limbs;
  • redness of the skin;
  • respiratory system disorders;
  • a feeling of severe chills or heat, which alternate in waves;
  • anemia;
  • peripheral nerve damage;
  • excessive sweating.


A single dose of 300-400 ml of ethanol or a proportional amount in a short period of time can lead to death, but in most cases acute alcohol intoxication occurs, which can be eliminated with timely medical care. Typical signs of severe alcohol poisoning are considered to be: excessive salivation, convulsions, intense redness of the face and palms, problematic breathing, loss of consciousness or a borderline state.


If we take into account the psychological causes of poisoning, then it should be noted that drinking alcohol against the background of altered emotional consciousness (stress or extreme joy) leads to an incorrect perception by the body of the effect of ethyl on the brain. In this case, intoxication does not occur for a long time, but the person continues to strive for it. At this rate, much more alcohol enters the body than the drinker often allows himself.

Alcohol (acetaldehyde) poisoning can occur even when drinking, for example, one glass of vodka. It all depends on the quality of the drink, the body’s personal tolerance, duration and speed of consumption. In fact, alcohol intoxication occurs due to the decomposition of ethyl alcohol by the liver and the redistribution of organ efforts to get rid of the breakdown products.

Separately, it is worth highlighting poisoning with alcohol not intended for internal consumption: denatured alcohol, methyl alcohol and counterfeits of unknown composition. In this case, fusel oils enter the body, frankly poisonous components that are not intended for consumption due to their toxic characteristics.

How does alcohol affect the body?

Exposure to small doses of alcohol in combination with proper nutrition will not lead to poisoning of the body. The permissible dosage is determined by the person himself according to his own feelings. An increase in intake volumes leads to intoxication of the body and the appearance of corresponding symptoms. The toxic effect of alcohol extends to all organs and systems:

  1. Poisoning and cell death. Pure ethanol actively kills living tissue, which is why it is used as a universal antiseptic. The widely held belief that alcohol kills brain cells is not entirely true. Exposure to acetaldehyde disrupts neural connections, but only in exorbitant quantities leads to cell death.
  2. Sexual dysfunction. For the most part, this applies to men. Sperm formation occurs within 75 days. Exposure to alcohol disrupts normal spermatogenesis and leads to the development of defective sperm, so it is recommended to give up alcohol for about 3 months if you plan to conceive a child. Damage to eggs in women, although they are more reliably protected, occurs with chronic alcoholism, since the egg volume is present in the body from birth.
  3. The fetus in pregnant women may develop abnormalities due to improper functioning of the mother’s organs and systems due to alcohol damage.
  4. The brain loses normal oxygen supply, neural connections are disrupted, which leads to gradual degradation of mental capabilities, decreased intelligence, and the development of dementia.
  5. The heart and blood vessels begin to wear out faster than nature intended. The consequences of chronic alcohol consumption are hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, coronary disease, and heart attacks.
  6. The gastrointestinal tract suffers from the destruction of mucous membranes by alcohol, peptic ulcers, gastritis develop, and the salivary glands are damaged.
  7. The liver is the main organ where the body breaks down alcohol and begins to remove it from the system. Ethyl disrupts normal functioning and leads to tissue death.
  8. The kidneys lose their ability to normally remove waste products. Their incorrect operation leads to an excess of fluid with residues from the breakdown of alcohol in the body.
  9. CNS. Depending on the intensity of use of ethyl-containing substances, a whole range of problems can develop: from anemia, muscle dysfunction to complete or partial paralysis.
  10. The immune system is weakened due to a decrease in the production of leukocytes and a general inhibition of body functions by alcohol.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

The main signs of alcohol poisoning are common to most people. Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system have similar manifestations regardless of gender, age and social status. The main critical factors in the degree of intoxication and the intensity of symptoms are the quantity and quality of the drink. Standard manifestations of intoxication are as follows:

  • euphoria and delirium;
  • hallucinations, visual disturbances;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • impaired coordination of limbs, perception of body position in space;
  • lowering the threshold of the self-preservation instinct;
  • incoherent speech, slower thought processes;
  • diarrhea;
  • low blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • tremor of hands and feet;
  • chills;
  • paleness of the skin of the body, against the background of redness of the face;
  • general malaise;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea, vomiting.


Vodka intoxication manifests itself in the same way in all patients, with variations depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Often manifested by aching, nagging pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, delirium tremens with a sudden stop in the intake of alcohol, dizziness. In critical cases, vodka poisoning of the body leads to an alcoholic coma, which requires immediate hospitalization.

Ethyl alcohol

If we talk about alcoholic products that are classified as food products, the symptoms of poisoning were described above. Further, it all depends on the person and the type of alcohol. For example, the liver of an average adult man will completely neutralize 0.5 liters of beer in about 1 hour. Exceeding this dose leads to the toxic effects of alcohol. Ethanol poisoning manifests itself solely depending on the body’s tolerance, which depends on age, gender, body weight, and nationality.

Surrogate alcohol

Substitutes for alcoholic products include not only moonshine and low-quality drinks, but also technical liquids that contain ethyl, butyl, methyl and other alcohols. Poisoning with alcohol surrogates is dangerous because chemical combinations that are not natural for food products enter the body (fusel oils from moonshine products can be called the “safest” ones).

Poisoning with such liquids brings increased symptoms: vomiting, headache, diarrhea, tinnitus. Added to this are total chemical damage to the kidneys, liver, heart, and brain. In the case of methyl alcohol, the result of poisoning is often complete or partial blindness due to the nature of the effect. It is important to remember that attempting to consume alcohol substitutes increases the chances of death (even after a small dose) tenfold.

Isopropyl alcohol

Isopropanol is a moderately toxic liquid and is widely used in household or technical products. The most famous solution containing it is the popular “Anti-Freeze”. Due to the characteristic alcoholic smell, some people use it instead of alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol poisoning is similar to ordinary alcohol, but has characteristic features: a pronounced smell of acetone in the breath, continuous vomiting (sometimes containing blood).

What to do if you have alcohol poisoning

The first thing to do in case of obvious alcohol poisoning with severe symptoms is to call an ambulance. Most regular drinkers try to deal with intoxication on their own, and turn to doctors only in critical cases: zero reaction of the poisoned person to external influences or the fact of using surrogates (counterfeits). First aid for alcohol poisoning before doctors arrive:

  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • give access to fresh air, make breathing easier;
  • cleanse the stomach of any remaining alcohol that has not yet been absorbed into the blood;
  • take any sorbent according to the instructions (activated carbon, Medichronal or similar drugs);
  • give a saline laxative;
  • feed with enveloping food (jelly, viscous porridge like oatmeal).

How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home

Folk remedies effectively relieve poisoning if taken in a timely manner. You don’t need to go to the store for this - most of the ingredients for this kind of medicine are already in everyone’s cupboard or refrigerator. Removing alcohol intoxication at home:

  • ensure fresh air enters the room;
  • induce vomiting to get rid of the remaining alcohol (for example, drink a solution of potassium permanganate, ammonia-anise drops or 1 teaspoon of powdered mustard per 1 cup of water);
  • give a cotton swab soaked in ammonia a sniff (you need to use this method carefully so as not to poison the victim);
  • drink hot tea with a little sugar.

IV drip at home

An alcohol intoxication drip quickly removes acetaldehyde and related breakdown products from the blood. The main thing is that next to the victim there is a person with minimal paramedic education. The solution itself can be purchased at any pharmacy: 5-10% glucose + saline solution. In severe forms of alcohol poisoning, doctors use detoxifiers and hepatoprotectors.

Gastric lavage

All methods are acceptable here to flush the body - from enema to provoking vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. Gastric lavage for alcohol poisoning is intended for one thing - to remove alcohol from the stomach before it is absorbed into the blood. One way is to drink as much water as possible in a short period of time. The main thing is to induce vomiting. The gag reflex is a natural reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to alcohol poisoning. Its absence during prolonged use of ethyl may be an alarming factor that the body is turning off its self-preservation functions.

Alcohol poisoning pills

The most common and affordable medications are drugs and tablets for alcohol poisoning:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Aspirin;
  • No-shpa;
  • Enterosorbent;
  • Ethylene glycol;
  • Polysorb;
  • Biotredin;
  • Limontar;
  • Yantavit;
  • Metadoxyl;
  • Glycine;
  • Cerucal.

Folk remedies

What does detoxification look like using folk remedies (if there is no obvious threat to the patient and you only need to remove the symptoms):

  1. Honey water. Fructose will help you sober up quickly and get rid of the symptoms of poisoning. The total mass of diluted honey should be approximately 150 grams. The concentration should be chosen so that a person can drink without gagging.
  2. Diuretic teas.
  3. Milk.
  4. Soda solution (1 tsp per 1 glass of water).
  5. After clearing the stomach of alcohol, an antiemetic soothing infusion of saffron is best: 1 tsp. per glass of boiling water. After it cools down, drink in small sips. In addition, this will help stop the urge to vomit.
  6. Apple cider vinegar – 1 tsp. half a glass of water. One sip every 10-15 minutes.
  7. The best remedy for the effects of drinking alcohol is sauerkraut brine.

How long does alcohol intoxication last?

The duration of the poisoning period directly depends on the type of alcohol, personal tolerance (tolerance), and snacks during the feast. Rapid removal of alcohol from the body using the above methods will get a person back on his feet in about 4-5 hours. In this case, echoes of the symptoms of poisoning will remain, but the condition will significantly improve, and the consciousness will be cleared.

If you do nothing, the body will remove the breakdown products of alcohol for several days. The process takes 1-3 days. Symptoms of poisoning may return in waves. It is highly not recommended to treat yourself with alcohol - a new dose will give a temporary impression of improvement, but will increase the period of natural cleansing of the organs.