Natalia Shavykina
Decorative drawing “Gorodets painting” in a preparatory school group


Continue acquaintance with Gorodets painting, its coloring, features.

Learn to identify the main elements of a pattern.


Educational: practice in drawing Gorodets flowers - roses, chamomile and bud, following the sequence of image stages; in applying the resin using the tip of a brush.

Developmental: Develop a sense of composition, the ability to beautifully arrange a pattern in a given shape. Develop speech by expanding vocabulary (exposition, exhibit, museum, exhibition). Develop creative abilities.

Educating: develop artistic taste and cultivate love and interest in folk art.

Material for the lesson:

Panels and pictures depicting Gorodets painting, Blanks from album sheets (silhouettes of cutting boards, three samples of boards with step-by-step images of the main Gorodets patterns, gouache, brushes No. 2, No. 4, palettes, brush stands, cloth napkins, glasses of water.

Previous work: introduction to the elements murals; painting elements on a strip of paper; getting to know history Gorodets painting.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, I’m in a joyful mood today, what’s your mood? Now close your eyes and imagine that you have been given a brush and black paint. Paint everything around with black paint. What are you experiencing? What feelings?

Children: fear, melancholy, sadness...

Educator: Now paint everything white. Which color was more difficult to paint? (white). Would you like the world around you to be black and white? (No). How do you see the world?

Children: colorful, colorful, rainbow, cheerful, joyful...

Educator: That's right, you are surrounded by a beautiful, colorful world, beautiful things.

Guys, who can tell me where beautiful rare things are kept?

Children: in the museum.

Educator: Guys, this morning when I came to work, I saw a large envelope on my desk. The address of our kindergarten is written on it and indicated: "Children Romashka group» from the director of the museum. Since the letter was addressed to all of you, I did not open it, I waited until we all gathered in group. Want to see what's in this letter? "Hello children! Museum staff are writing to you. In our museum we want to organize an exhibition of folk products. But there are not enough exhibits for the exhibition. Can you help us? We'll send you a sample. But it didn't fit in the envelope and had to be cut. Hope you can put it together? Thank you for your help.". Guys, can we help?

2. Main part. A game "Collect a picture". -So you made a sample, and what did we get?

Children: cutting board.

Educator:- did you guess what it is? painting?

Children: Gorodets painting.

Educator: By what elements did you guess?

Children: by elements - rose, bud, leaves.

Educator; - And in our garden there is also a mini-museum Gorodets painting. Look. IN Gorodets painting There are three types of motifs and compositions. This is a floral motif, a floral motif with the inclusion of images of horses and birds. And a plot motif, where the masters depicted a plot from people’s lives - a feast, tea drinking, walking, walking with gentlemen, building a house, etc.

Reading a poem « Gorodets» .

Available on the Volga ancient city,

By name - Gorodets.

Famous throughout Russia

His painted, creator.

Bouquets are blooming,

Bright colors of grief,

Wonderful birds flutter there,

As if calling us to a fairy tale.

If you look at the tablets,

You will see miracles!

Gorodets patterns

The hand came out subtly!

Gorodets horse runs,

The whole earth is shaking under him!

Bright birds fly

And the water lilies are blooming!

And now I will tell you riddles, and you will find these elements on the panel.

It’s not flashy, it’s round – not open... (bud).

She won't feel hot in the heat. She is in the water, she is... (kupavka).

It’s like a miracle is blooming here and there... (rosan).

She is round, like a cup, and her name is... (chamomile). Well done! You know all the elements of the pattern. It's time to warm up a little.


Our scarlet flowers are opening their petals (children raise their hands up)

The breeze breathes a little, (Children shake their hands)

The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers (Children clasp their hands above their heads)

The petals close

They shake their heads, (Children crouch)

They fall asleep quietly. (Children sit at tables)

Productive activity.

Educator: -Guys. As you may have guessed, we will paint the cutting board with elements Gorodets, namely a floral motif, using elements such as chamomile, Gorodets rose and buds.

Educator: What to do first (think about the composition - the arrangement of elements on the product.) Let's remember that Gorodets painting consists of 3 stages of work - this is underpainting, when color spots and silhouettes of the main elements are applied. (shows shading - when they are painted with dark paint for the purpose of detailed elaboration of forms and revitalization - applying strokes of details with whitewash to emphasize, highlight the elements of the whole composition.

Stage 1: underpainting. Using brush No. 4, paint circles of pink (girls) and blue (boys) flowers, green leaf elements (two leaves on each side).

Stage 2: shade. Using brush No. 2, paint the core with dark paint. (circle) at the flower and bud, arc. We also draw arcs on the leaves on one side.

Stage 3: revival. With brush No. 2 we apply white paint strokes and small details to all elements of the whole composition.

3. Final part. (children post their work in the center for viewing and analysis).

Educator: What elements Gorodets painting we used in our works?

Children: chamomile, bud, Gorodets rose.

Educator: Are the colors chosen correctly in the underpainting and subsequent stages? Is the pattern neat? Well done boys. You helped the museum staff a lot. Their museum will now add more exhibits Gorodets painting for exhibition.

Publications on the topic:

Recently, my children and I talked about which pieces of folk and contemporary art contain curls. Remembered various elements.

Decorative and applied art is designed to decorate, ennoble and transform the objective world. This art arose in the early stages.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the preparatory group “Decorative drawing. Snowflake" Visual activity. Lesson notes for the preparatory group. Topic: “Decorative drawing. Snowflake". Types of children's activities:.

Abstract of the non-profit organization on artistic development “Gorodets painting” Goal: to continue acquaintance of children with Gorodets painting Tasks: HER. Getting acquainted with the color scheme of the Gorodets painting pattern, with flowers.

Topic: “Gorodets painting” Type of activity: fine art (decorative painting) Duration – 25 minutes. Purpose: to introduce children.

Gorodets fairy tale. Let's get acquainted with Gorodets painting - lesson plans, consultations for parents. Visiting the masters - scenarios for family entertainment. The magic of patterns - a method of teaching Gorodets painting. Decorative drawing and didactic games based on folk crafts. Painting in crafts - gifts for mothers and grandmothers from Gorodets young craftsmen.

Birds look out from the casket - a wonderful painting of Gorodets!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 313.
All sections | Gorodets painting, patterns

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Gorodets painting, patterns - Lesson summary “On a visit to the Gorodets masters”

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Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development “Gorodets painting” 4 Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development “Gorodets painting” 1. Topic “Gorodets painting” 2. Age: preparatory group. 3. Integration of educational areas: artistic-aesthetic, social-communicative, cognitive. 4. Goal: to depict a pattern...

Target. Consolidating knowledge about Gorodets painting, its color, and features.


  1. Continue teaching children to draw a pattern based on Gorodets painting, placing it on a sheet of paper.
  2. Strengthen the ability to paint with the whole brush and its end.
  3. To cultivate love and interest in folk crafts, aesthetic perception; independence.

Type of lesson: creative.

Lesson form: group, individual.

Duration: 30 minutes

Participants: children of the preparatory group.

Age of students: 6-7 years.


Illustrations of products painted with Gorodets patterns; samples of cutting boards with different patterns; cutting board templates; gouache, brushes, palettes, brush stands, cloth napkins, glasses of water.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance with the legend of Gorodets painting, examination of products of decorative and applied art, vocabulary work: rose, kupavka, bud.

Methods and techniques: visual (showing a sample), verbal (story, explanation), practical.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizational stage.

Educator: - Children, our kindergarten teachers are visiting us today. Let's welcome them. Now look at each other and smile. We're in such a good mood!

Guys, when I came to kindergarten in the morning and looked into our kitchen to say hello to the cooks, I saw that the cutting boards were completely ugly. I propose today to make a gift to our wonderful chefs. After all, they cook so deliciously for you! Let's give them boards painted with a beautiful pattern. Do you agree?

  1. Main stage.
  2. Examination of illustrations of Gorodets painting.

Guys, we are already a little familiar with different types of paintings. Now I’ll read you a riddle poem, and you’ll remember what kind of painting it is.

Yellow evening, black horse

And the baths are like fire

Birds look from the casket -

Miracle painting of Gorodets!

Today we will paint the board with a Gorodets pattern.

Now I invite you to look at illustrations of products painted by Gorodets masters and remember the history of Gorodets painting.

Gorodets painting is very famous. What objects were painted on? ( on toys, dishes, cutting boards).

Where did it originate? ( In the villages of the Nizhny Novgorod region).

Yes, there was a lot of forest near Gorodets, and this material was very cheap. Some people cut spoons from it, others sharpened bowls and cups, and still others made spinning wheels. A spinning wheel is a tool used to spin thread. The bottoms for spinning wheels, which were then decorated, gained particular popularity. During operation this bottom was not visible. But, having finished spinning, the peasant woman hung the bottom on the wall, like a picture, and it became an adornment of her modest life.

Then they began to paint dishes, toys, and cutting boards.

  1. Showing the sequence of the pattern.

Let's remember what elements Gorodets patterns consist of. And to make it easier for you to remember, I will ask you riddles:

  1. It’s like a miracle is blooming here and there... (rosan).
  2. She is round, like a cup, and her name is... (chamomile).
  3. She won't feel hot in the heat. She's in the water, she's... (kupavka).
  4. It is not flashy, it is round - unopened... (bud)

Please look carefully at all the objects and tell me what else is painted in Gorodets painting, besides flower garlands? ( horse, bird, rooster).

Today we will learn how to draw these patterns that you see on the samples. Look closely at the sample. Now I will tell you what elements the pattern consists of.

For example, here the pink pattern is located in a straight line; you need to draw it from the central bud. You need to draw a pink circle, it’s called a bud. Then you need to draw two more pink buds, eyes - small red circles, an arch and leaves.

And we also draw a blue pattern, but only the pattern is arranged in an arc. The side buds are raised higher.

Now I will show you how to draw such patterns.

For this we need gouache. First I add red to white. What color did we get? ( pink). We start drawing the bud from the middle of the sheet. Apply a pink color stain using circular movements of the brush. Now you need to draw two more buds on the sides. You need to step back a little from the central bud. We draw similarly to the first one on one side and the other.

While the buds dry, we will draw green leaves at this time. First, we put green paint on the tip of the brush and carefully draw the outline of the leaf, and then paint it over.

While we were drawing leaves, our buds dried out.

What other elements do we need to draw? ( peephole and arc).

Sonya, come out, please draw the peephole.

What color should we take? ( red) Right. Apply paint to the tip.

Where does the eye of the central bud point? ( up). Right. Pay attention, the peephole goes half onto the bud, half up.

Where are the two side eyes looking? ( to the sides). Finish the drawing.

Have the guys all seen how to draw? We take red paint, draw a small circle, and it’s called a peephole.

Now we need to finish drawing the arcs. The arcs look where the peephole looks. We begin to draw the arc with the tip of the brush, press the brush in the middle, and then again with the tip of the brush.

Now we need to draw a blue pattern. It is located in an arc. We also first start drawing the central blue bud from the middle, then draw the side buds, but slightly higher than the central one.

Dasha, go draw a blue pattern. Where do you start drawing a pattern? ( from a blue bud)

What is the next element you will draw? ( leaves).

What's left to finish?( peephole and arcs).

What color will our eye and arc be? ( blue)

Where is our peephole looking? ( up). Half of the eye goes onto the bud, and half looks up.

Well done Dasha. She did an excellent job.

Here, guys, I showed you how to draw a Gorodets painting pattern.

You will choose which pattern you like - blue or pink.

And before work we need to rest. They stood up and put their hands on their belts.

  1. Physical education minute.

Once - bend over, straighten up,

Two - bend over, stretch,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four hands wider

Five, six - sit down quietly,

Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

  1. Practical work. Drawing a pattern.

You guys have paints on your tables. What colors do you see? (red, blue, white, green).

What colors do you think you need to draw patterns? (pink and blue).

How do we get these colors? (children's answers).

That's right, we need to take some red paint and add it to the white. What color will it be? (pink).

How do we get blue? (children's answers).

Right. Add a little blue to the white.

Now you can start mixing paints. Once you have them mixed, you can start drawing the pattern. Choose any pattern you like best.

The children are working.

The teacher walks the rows and helps those who are not doing well. Reminds you that you need to start drawing from the central bud, that the buds are the same size, etc.

  1. The final stage.

Summary of the lesson.

What kind of painting were we talking about today? (Gorodets)

Why did you like it?

Several children are asked in turn to choose the works they like and justify their choice.

You guys are great. You made some very beautiful painted boards. I think that our chefs will be very pleased to receive such wonderful gifts from you. Let's show your work to our guests.

Gorodets patterns,

So much joy for the eyes.

Masters are growing up

Gorodets painting is one of the ancient Russian artistic crafts. This flower coloring book allows you to create incredibly beautiful patterns and ornaments. Thanks to decorative drawing, you can create flowers, a peacock, a horse, a bird, a rose, a cockerel and much more.

Gorodets painting is one of the ancient Russian artistic crafts

Gorodets painting begins with cutting spinning wheels. Various figures were cut out of wood and inserted into the recesses according to the appropriate shape. Later, craftsmen began to paint wooden figurines, gradually adding more new colors.

In the 19th century, craftsmen produced beautiful wooden figures in green, red, blue and other colors. They decorated houses and courtyards. The figures were pleasing to the eye, they were loved to be made, and children admired them. The painted rooster turned out to be very beautiful.

What could Gorodets spinning wheels be decorated with?

  • Sled.
  • Chests.
  • Caskets.
  • Furniture.
  • Household items, etc.

Usually, the painting was symbolic. Genre drawings were valued. For example, a merchant and his horse or cockerel were depicted on the board. Elements of such painting have been preserved to this day.

Floral motifs were given special preference in this craft. Animals were also drawn, such as lions or bulls.

The favorite backgrounds in Gorodets painting for the masters of the 19th century were blue, green, in a word, bright and multi-colored. A black background was used less often.

How is painting done? And then and now the work is painted step by step with a brush. Step-by-step craft does not involve drawing from a finished layout. The blow of the hand on the board should be tight and strong. All the work of the master is quite painstaking, but at the same time, fast. By the nature of the technique, the work is not difficult.

For children and preschoolers, there are many ways to start with simple Gorodets painting schemes, for example, depicting it on the asphalt.

Gallery: Gorodets painting (25 photos)

Gorodets painting: lesson (video)

Gorodets painting: basic elements

For such painting, special paints are required. They are called "tempera". Tempera paints are made from dry powders or their analogues. An alternative to such paints can be ordinary gouache, to which PVA glue has been added. If the master’s choice fell on gouache, then he should know that when painting in Gorodets, before painting the second layer of the drawing, you need to wait until the first layer has completely dried, otherwise the work will have a whitish tint.

All brushes must be dry, otherwise they will deteriorate after use.

The specificity of Gorodets painting is painting without a model, that is, the artist smoothly moves the brush over the surface. What artistic techniques can be used when painting? There are many of them, for example:

  • Broad brush strokes.
  • Fine lines with a fine brush.
  • Masterly strokes with a medium brush.

This type of painting requires special paints.

On what surface is Gorodets painting performed? Usually wood is taken as the basis. If desired, you can create a colored background on it by painting the surface red, yellow or another color.

The work flow is as follows:

  1. To begin with, the master marks the approximate dimensions of the composition on the surface. You can use a pencil for this. At the same time, he does not draw the layout! This is necessary in order to outline the future size of all painting patterns.
  2. Many masters advise to outline the outline of the pattern not with a pencil, but with paints. In their opinion, this is the technology that is considered correct.
  3. The knots of the design are made with a thin brush and light paint. This makes the work look neater.
  4. Darker ones are placed on top of the light spots. This is the peculiarity of this craft.
  5. Before starting work, you should collect several different brushes, since it is convenient to draw different details in your own way. For example, thin lines will turn out beautiful only if you draw them with a thin brush.
  6. The main elements of Gorodets painting are the so-called “revivals”. These include points, circles, spirals, strokes and arcs.

Step-by-step decorative drawing based on Gorodets painting for children

  1. The beginning of the drawing is a life-size sketch of the diagram on wood. The size of the future work and its main elements should be outlined.
  2. To simplify the task, you can draw the size of the composition on paper, and only then transfer the image to a wooden surface.
  3. When the size of the ornament is applied to the wooden surface, you need to highlight the main center of the composition. After this, you can think about the color scheme.
  4. When the question of the composition and color scheme of the composition has been decided, you can begin to draw the ornament in detail.
  5. For children, it is recommended to choose simple drawings. For example, you can depict the sun. A red circle is drawn in the center, and rays next to it. The radial stitches should be the same size.
  6. At the end of the work, the wooden surface is varnished.

It will be easier for your child to draw simple elements

Gorodets painting patterns for the older group

In the middle and senior groups in kindergarten, there is no need to choose too complex elements of painting, because if the child cannot cope with it, then he will be bored. You can opt for a simple ornament and draw a beautiful flower.

Drawing method:

  1. The work will use white, red, brown and green paints. Children should draw either on wooden boards or on shallow wooden plates.
  2. Use a pencil to mark the center of the composition and its size.
  3. Then you can start drawing the flower. A small red circle is drawn in the center. Red paint is then mixed with white to create pink. Another circle is drawn in pink, larger than the first. After that, the circle is red again and pink again. Thus, the flower has a multi-colored middle.
  4. The petals are made with green and brown paints. It’s better to alternate them, so the work will be more beautiful.
  5. You can combine green paint with white to get a lighter greenish color. They can be used to draw the petals from the inside. This drawing is done with a thin brush.

In the middle and senior groups in kindergarten there is no need to choose too complex elements of painting

The work is completed by varnishing the surface.

Gorodets painting: how to draw flowers?

Master Class:

  1. To begin with, select the surface and material with which the work will be performed. The more colorful it is, the better.
  2. The centers of the colors are marked on the surface with a pencil. A bright circle is drawn. Then petals are drawn in each circle. To do this, use a color darker than the core of the flower.
  3. Every flower must have a petal. Light green petals can be painted on the inside with a thin brush. You can also draw the outlines of petals and flowers with darker paint, but not black.
  4. The composition will be complemented by blue berries drawn next to the flowers.

a flower can be either complex or easy - it’s up to the master to choose

Gorodets painting: how to draw a horse?

  1. To do this you need to use black or brown paint. But for the horse to stand out, the background of the work must be light.
  2. The horse's body is drawn with a medium brush. First you can draw an outline for it, and then paint it. The limbs, tail and neck are drawn with a thinner brush. The animal's hooves are drawn separately.
  3. The horse's mane can be painted red.
  4. A beautiful ornament will decorate and complement the composition. You can make a picture frame for it. You can also draw a horse running towards the sun.

Gorodets painting: how to draw the Kupavka flower (video)

Gorodets painting can give a lot of positive emotions to its creator. The main thing is to draw with soul, because then even a novice craftsman will be able to create a real masterpiece.

How to draw a Gorodets pattern on a plate step by step for children over 7 years old

Bogatova Oksana Nikolaevna, teacher of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 94" Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: The master class will be of interest to educators, primary school teachers, additional education teachers, and parents. Children 6-7 years old will be able to complete the work with the help of adults, and older children - independently.
Purpose: The panel plate can serve as a gift to relatives, friends and also decorate the interior of the kitchen.
Target: creation of a decorative panel with Gorodets painting.
- continue to introduce children to folk crafts;
- learn to make a pattern from elements of Gorodets painting;
- improve your drawing skills with a thin brush;
- develop a sense of composition;
- cultivate interest and respect for folk art.

Before starting the master class, I suggest taking a moment to remember the history of Gorodets painting and feel its sunny, kind atmosphere.

Gorodets wood painting- a famous folk craft of the Nizhny Novgorod region. It developed in the second half of the 19th century in the Trans-Volga villages near the city of Gorodets. Residents of the surrounding villages were known as skilled artisans, among whom were blacksmiths, weavers, dyers, carvers, carpenters and joiners. There was a lot of forest in the Volga region, and it provided a lot of cheap material from which everything was made: from children's toys to furniture.

Gorodets spinning wheels were especially famous, which were sold in large quantities at the Nizhny Novgorod fair and distributed throughout Russia. People bought them with pleasure thanks to the funny painted pictures on the bottom of the spinning wheel. After finishing work, housewives decorated the walls with such donuts instead of paintings.

Soon, such painting began to decorate not only spinning wheels, but also many household items: chairs, baskets, boxes, salt shakers and toys.
Gorodets painting is unique in its style, so it is quite difficult to confuse it. Not a single Gorodets product is complete without lush garlands and bouquets of flowers reminiscent of roses and daisies.

The subjects of Gorodets products had a kind of unique plot. Masters depicted gentlemen walking with ladies, riders on horses, tea drinking scenes in rich interiors.

Previously, Gorodets painting was done with egg paints, which were applied to the product in large spots of color, without a preliminary outline.
The drawing was applied in free strokes with a graphic outline in black or white. The predominant colors were blue, red, white and black.
Nowadays, craftsmen use oil paint, which has expanded the color range.
But the motives and technology of Gorodets painting remained the same.
Modern artists, as before, paint all kinds of wooden products: boxes, caskets, decorative panels, cabinets, shelves, bread bins, salt shakers, toys and furniture.

It has become a tradition for Nizhny Novgorod schoolchildren to visit Gorodets on excursions.

There they will learn a lot of interesting things from the history of the Nizhny Novgorod region. They plunge into the atmosphere of the life of their ancestors. They can touch everything with their own hands.

And, of course, they participate in master classes by local artists.

Children are delighted with such trips.

Now let me introduce my master class on drawing Gorodets painting.
Materials: paper plate, white acrylic primer, primer brush, painting brushes No. 1, No. 2, No. 5, gouache (yellow, ruby, white), watercolor paints, simple pencil.

Cover the plate with primer (acrylic dries quickly).

Let's depict one of the elements in the center of the plate - a chamomile. In Gorodets painting, a chamomile can be blue, purple, red, or orange (a multi-petaled fantastic flower). We apply the drawing with a simple pencil.

Stage "underpainting". We make the background with yellow gouache (brush No. 5).

Mix ruby ​​and white gouache to get a pink color. Making a pink background.

We outline the flower with red watercolor and paint the circle in the center (brush No. 2).

Make a second row inside the red petals, then use white watercolor to outline the petals around the center.

We outline with white the large petals inside and the small ones outside (brush No. 2), add three strokes (white and red) and apply dots (brush No. 1).

Now, draw the leaves with mustard color. The leaves in Gorodets painting vary in size, but are always arranged in groups. At the same time, they never exceed the size of the central flower of the composition.

Draw green leaves.

We make veins on the leaves (brush No. 1) - we draw a line along the leaf and several short ones across it.

Veins on green leaves are done differently.

The "revival" stage. We emphasize mustard-colored leaves on all sides with a thin line (brush No. 1) with black paint, and green leaves on one side with tendrils.

Our plate is ready.

In the center of the plate you can depict other options for Gorodets flowers, for example, roses.