Do you want to study in detail the features of fortune telling on Tarot cards or would you like to learn more interesting information about each symbol? In this article you will learn about the meaning of the Queen (Queen) of Pentacles (Coins, Denarii) Tarot and a lot of other useful information. Enjoy reading.

Brief description of the Queen of Pentacles card

The Queen of Pentacles has a lot of other names - Queen of Denarii, Lady of Coins, Throne of the Earth, Benefactor. The appearance of this Minor Arcana in a reading is guaranteed to indicate a favorable outcome of current events in accordance with the wishes of the questioner. You can find out more detailed information from the specialists of the Russian Tarot School by signing up for training. Most often, the symbol is depicted as a beautiful brunette sitting on a throne around a fragrant, blooming garden. On the beauty's lap is a pentacle, symbolizing prosperity. The Queen looks like a middle-aged lady, confidence and arrogance are clearly visible on her face. Stability, reliability, prosperity are the main characteristics of this Tarot card. If you get this value, it means the following - the operator has something to take care of, all the troubles are related to the material sphere. Example - buying a new house, furniture, car, real estate, home improvement, etc.

Keywords for the Queen of Pentacles card

Let us give examples of keywords that most fully characterize the Queen of Pentacles card.

  • Fertility
  • Hospitality
  • Abundance in the material sphere
  • Stability
  • Doing business correctly
  • A good education
  • Common sense, clarity of mind
  • Quick wit
  • Ability to manage money
  • Responsibility
  • Craving for luxury
  • Safety
  • Creative self-realization
  • Busy life, craving for pleasure
  • Emotional maturity, self-sufficiency

Key Ideas of the Queen of Pentacles Card

There are several key ideas behind the meaning of the Queen of Pentacles

  • Accumulation and storage of material assets
  • Equality between partners (even distribution of responsibilities, finances, etc.)
  • Maternal care, guardianship, affection
  • Presence of emotional discomfort

Video: Tarot card meaning - Queen of Pentacles

The main meaning of the Queen of Pentacles card

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card depends on its position in the reading. The direct position of the sign indicates stability, favorable terms of cooperation, excellent development prospects, and decent financial rewards. Don’t expect a quick path, but difficulties can be overcome - the main thing is to wait for the right moment without falling into despondency or panic.

The meaning of the reversed Queen of Pentacles card

The meaning of the inverted position of this sign indicates a temporary crisis in business. Try not to neglect existing opportunities, eliminate indecision - this can lead to detrimental consequences. Be independent from others, solve your problems yourself, without counting on anyone. Take a short break, collect your thoughts, and think about your next steps. It is forbidden to rush, draw hasty conclusions and force events. Another interpretation of this Minor Arcana is the presence of a suspicious person in the environment. You should identify it and avoid direct contact with it.

Queen of Pentacles combined with the Major Arcana

The adjacent cards will help you find out the exact interpretation of this symbol. Consider the combination of the Queen of Pentacles with the Major Arcana.

  • : Add a little practicality to your life, avoid wasteful finances
  • : Planned actions must be carefully weighed and thought out
  • : Sanity is the key to success
  • : Avoid unnecessary financial expenses
  • : Put into practice life experience and existing knowledge. Broaden your horizons for other, additional information
  • : Household concerns require practicality and rationality
  • : A stable, strong union of two people
  • : Solving current problems requires some effort
  • : Regain lost control of the situation.
  • : Expenses, ruin, poverty
  • : Don't miss the chance to take advantage of new, profitable opportunities
  • : Get what you deserve
  • : Pointless pastime
  • : Use foresight and caution when planning things
  • : It’s time to put things in order in your own thoughts and areas of life
  • : Negligence, greed, stinginess
  • : Excessive expenses, financial difficulties
  • : Expect the fulfillment of desires and dreams
  • : Probabilities of loss, deprivation, sudden change “upside down”
  • : Recognition, fame, luck
  • Court: Unlocking creative potential, new paths
  • World: Success in doing business, a number of new opportunities

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles in fortune telling for relationships and love

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card on relationships and love suggests the following. It is recommended to make new acquaintances with the prospect of further relationships. The correct presentation and approach to a person will help create marriage bonds. The card indicates a stable, strong relationship, the absence of obstacles, barriers to the development of feelings. Trust, sincere respect for each other, mutual understanding are the main postulates of such a union.

Queen of Pentacles combined with the suit of Wands

Let's consider the meaning of the Queen of Denarii in combination with Wands.

  • : Opportunity for creative self-realization, inspiration
  • : Adjustment of existing plans, understanding of the Life Path
  • : Promising start of a new project
  • : Successful business management
  • : Unspoken cooperation with partners
  • : Promotion, good luck at work
  • : Self-confidence
  • : News, approval of something
  • : Moment of forced stop, reassessment of values
  • : A project doomed to failure, humility, restraint
  • : Stunning news
  • : Excessive haste, danger of “burning out”, losing the necessary energy
  • : Business, confident lady
  • King: Understanding, consistency in work

Psychological state characterized by the Queen of Pentacles

Minor Arcana, indicating a business woman, a good organizer. Sensuality, emotionality, creative inclinations are part of the characteristics of her character. A person loves good things, has excellent style, a sense of tact, and knows how to properly manage finances. Will do everything to improve material well-being. Other options for interpreting the psychological state are a loyal friend, a good team player, a supplier, a philanthropist, a benefactor.

Queen of Pentacles combined with the suit of Cups

Consider the combination of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot with the Page of Cups and other cards of the suit.

  • : Happy motherhood, the emergence of new feelings
  • : Engagement is approaching
  • : Career advancement
  • : Poor judgment
  • : A project that will not come true soon
  • : A good coincidence of circumstances, the presence of a former lover in the life
  • : Ambiguous prospects
  • : Termination of relationship
  • : A winning state of affairs
  • : Living together, marriage bonds
  • : Making plans, possible pregnancy
  • : Interesting offer from an admirer
  • : Understanding, confidence, stability
  • : Union of two lovers

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles card in health matters

The health significance of the Queen of Pentacles depends on the question posed and the position of the sign. The direct position of the card indicates a person’s strong immunity and advises how to avoid chronic or respiratory diseases. Inverted meaning - emotional and physical exhaustion, you should be in nature more often, rest, relax, etc. If the card comes up in a health situation, think about your lifestyle - you should move more, get rid of bad habits, etc.

Queen of Pentacles combined with the suit of Swords

Consider the combination of the Queen of Coins with the suit of Swords.

  • : The person is enterprising and will achieve a lot in life.
  • : The consequences of planned actions are difficult to predict
  • : Divorce, separation from significant other
  • : Long-awaited trip, vacation
  • : Losing, not winning
  • : Leaving the existing routine, moving to another place of residence
  • : Inventiveness, a penchant for creativity
  • : Fear, apprehension, fear of something
  • : Unpleasant feeling
  • : Collapse of prospects
  • : Meeting with an angry, dissatisfied person
  • : Confrontation, outright confrontation with other people
  • Queen: Hypocrisy, mistrust, duplicity
  • : Unpleasant relationship with an authoritative, powerful person

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles in fortune telling for work and business

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles in business depends on the upright/inverted position in the reading. Want to know your likelihood of moving up the career ladder? If during fortune telling the Queen of Pentacles appears, it means that your plans will come true with a high probability. The unfavorable period is over - the way is open for new opportunities. Hurry up to take advantage of the given chance and get a breakthrough in business, the main thing is to correctly set the right priorities. Practicality, restraint, determination, initiative are fundamental to successful work for a fortuneteller.

Get the opportunity for your own self-realization, regardless of your sphere of life. The day will be busy. A fortuneteller can change a lot for the better. Take care of your loved ones, treat them with patience and care. Eradicate the desire to clarify relationships, reproaches, claims. Do household chores and spend time with loved ones.

Warning from the Queen of Pentacles

When making a decision, pay attention to common sense - this will help preserve vital energy.

Questions to ask when drawing the Queen of Pentacles

Below is a list of questions that you can ask this Minor Arcana.

  • The degree of balance between material values ​​and emotions?
  • What and why are you storing for future use?
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • Is someone’s approval important to a fortuneteller?

Let this information help you find answers to your questions. Follow the updates, leave comments and share materials with friends on social media. networks. All the best!

The Queen of Pentacles speaks of maturity, experience, sanity, endurance, serenity, fertility. This means that the card has a positive and worthy side, and brings positive aspects.

In addition, there is stability and calmness, a person becomes patient, sensitive and prudent. His works are appreciated, he knows how to find pleasure even in everyday affairs.

As a rule, the card most often falls on a woman who is not a young woman; she knows a lot and has an excellent maternal instinct. She is a good housewife, a sensitive mother and a caring wife.

Under the influence of this card, the woman is in a festive mood, she wants everything to be worthy and decent, in general, everything is like people. She is for stability and security of material values. That is why it is important for her to have not only a stable income, but also strong family ties, a house with insurance to boot.

The card implies troubles and worries with all its joys, which are associated with pleasant shopping, housekeeping, manual labor, creating a cozy atmosphere, and putting things in order.

Inverted position

With an inverted card, the fortuneteller does not strive to develop and improve, and sometimes even gives up. And this can happen both in the global sphere and in the everyday.

Perhaps we are talking about a poor housewife who many years ago did not know how to cook, and even now she is not particularly distinguished by her culinary abilities. Or we are talking about a person who is afraid of something new, he does not even want to understand it. It is possible that such behavior may be innate.

A person's impracticality can lead him to lose great opportunities, and even worse if a person ends up falling into poverty. A person constantly looks around, listens to other people’s opinions, and depends on people’s advice. As a rule, he is irresponsible, suspicious, distrustful, careless. Logic and common sense are sometimes not enough for him.

Queen of Pentacles: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

In love and relationships, a fortuneteller shows himself to be a cordial and faithful nature. In marriage he gets sensual pleasures. The Queen of Pentacles means that a person has security, or at least strives for it.

The card speaks of readiness for marriage when a man is able to propose to his beloved woman. He won’t have to think about his comfort and coziness, because everything is fine with him.

Two loving people will dream together with pleasure, and then successfully realize their dreams. And if not so long ago there was something wrong in the relationship, now a lot will change for the better.

Inverted position

The arcan is characterized by excessive guardianship, complexes due to lack of self-confidence, and problems of an intimate nature. A person under the influence of the reversed Queen of Pentacles usually feels unprotected. He is unable to control his emotions, and constant resentment towards his partner prevents him from being happy.

It will seem to the fortuneteller that his loved one is not paying due attention to him. Against this background, his mood will often change.

With this card (if it falls to a man), a person will delay the proposal for a long time and will never decide to marry. He will consider that the right moment for this has not yet arrived. Although for those around him he will try to reproduce himself as a successful person, for whom everything is fine on the personal front.

Queen of Pentacles: Meaning in Situation and Question

Straight position

A fortuneteller will show a strong character under different circumstances. He will behave thoughtfully and responsibly, and will even take on complex projects. The card says that he will be ready to patiently and systematically follow his goals.

As a rule, this lasso falls to a reasonable and organized person. In turn, he will be able to show his skill, insight and creative approach to solving professional problems. Thus, he will show a high level of his qualifications. And here we are not talking about great ambitions; it is more important for a person that there is order in everything in his affairs. This means that everything must be so reliable that he can be confident in the future.

The person described by this card can be called a conscientious worker and an excellent performer who could have a high position, but he does not aspire to a high position.
Inverted position

The card speaks of an irresponsible person who tends to transfer his obligations to other people. This person is lazy and incapable of working methodically and systematically. Perhaps he simply does not have the motivation for this or that type of activity.

A person under the influence of the Queen of Pentacles has unjustified pretensions and conceit. As a rule, he expects more, but gets less than he wants.

Due to his sharp tongue and lack of restraint in his statements, he harms himself in many situations (at work, at home). He is often hasty in his actions and impatient, which also has a detrimental effect on his affairs.

Queen of Pentacles: The meaning of the card of the day

You can't let other people manipulate you. It's all up to you now, just do your work consistently and keep long term projects in mind. It is possible to meet a woman who has strong maternal feelings and kindness.

It is this woman who can play an important role in the fate of a fortuneteller. And it’s worth listening to what she has to say.

The card says that you need to be guided by your opinion and judgment, and in no case allow other people to influence your course of thought.

Any task must be done calmly, without fuss, and most importantly, there must be regularity and consistency of actions. There is no need to focus your attention only on work matters, and everyday chores are no less significant.

Queen of Pentacles: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

lack of practicality

Ace of Wands

favorable financial opportunity

thoughtful start

King of Wands

financial initiative


Queen of Wands

financial power


the fruits of economy and practicality

Knight of Wands



prudent management of business

Page of Wands

practical abilities

practical teaching

Two of Wands

financial planning


orderly relationships

Three of Wands

skillful business management


contribution to the settlement of the process

Four of Wands

well-being at home

take control of practical matters

Five of Wands

financial disputes

The third suit of the tarot deck, coins or pentacles, is responsible for material well-being, business, and social status. The coins belonged to traders and merchants. They formed the basic laws of international trade and belonged to the middle class. Later, they became a separate class of society.

In its modern meaning, Pentacles are a sign of business, corporate banks, companies, commercial interests and international relations. For people, this is a card of businessmen and entrepreneurs, or those who can help the fortuneteller in financial matters.

Numerological meaning of lady

The Queen of Coins' number is thirteen. Symbol of change and renewal. It provides a warning to use authority wisely when it comes to one's own interests. If the situation is favorable, the lasso promises a new life after the black streak.

When the alignment is unfavorable, the Queen of Pentacles speaks of delays, obstacles, averting forces that do not depend on the questioner.

Description of the map

The lasso shows a woman in expensive clothes, with and without a crown. She sits on a throne, or leans on it, depending on the author of the deck. In the right hand is a coin. There is blooming nature around the lady. In some decks, the image is supplemented with details, for example, a scepter. The picture shows a hare - a symbol of intuition, rebirth, and feminine wisdom.

Inner meaning

The sacred meaning of the lasso is interpreted from an upright position. A wise, calm woman, she knows how to distribute and increase income. She is smart and reasonable. In layouts for the situation, it shows the ability to overcome difficulties thanks to intelligence and wisdom, about a period of comfort and calm.


The Queen of Pentacles is an arcanum that belongs to the element of earth. For the fortuneteller, he advises not to forget about your life and interests. When there is too much help to others, it is taken for granted and ceases to be valued. Think about what is important to you now. Others are able to cope with problems on their own.

Arcana personality

In the upright position, the Queen of Pentacles tarot represents a young woman. She is smart and calm. Has creative abilities. Loves expensive and beautiful things, but knows how to manage finances. Practical with a strong will and business acumen. I am inclined to teach and educate. Loves charity. Knows how to care, sensual and passionate. The Queen of Dinarii knows how to be a businesswoman at work and a caring mother and wife at home.

Inverted position

The inverted Queen of Pentacles tarot shows an overly self-confident woman, scandalous, explosive. Deceitful and selfish, strive for profit. She likes to talk about her own achievements, she is used to commanding and can be annoying. Such a girl does not like to take care of herself and the house, and spends money thoughtlessly. Reversed Queen of Denarii - mistrust, fears and suspicions.

Psychological aspect of the arcana

The Queen of Petacles lives with worries about tomorrow. Her confidence is unable to raise stocks and savings. He does not know how to be content with little and find joy here and now.

General interpretation

When upright, the Queen of Pentacles symbolizes a way out of a painful past. The process was long, but it brought results. A sign of abundance, recognition, especially for those involved in creativity and art, patience and wisdom.

Reversed position

The reversed Queen of Coins speaks of a stop in business and development. A person is stuck in the past, life has stopped, talents are undiscovered. The fortuneteller cannot or does not want to start a new stage of life because of the fears and doubts that control him.

Love and marriage

In love and relationship readings, the Queen of Denarii in the upright position shows that disagreements and quarrels have come to an end. Partners enjoy each other's company. In relationships there is trust, warmth, a sense of calm and security, devotion, fidelity. For an unmarried couple, the appearance of a lasso is a sign that both partners are ready to start a family.

In an inverted position, the lasso is interpreted as excessive care, turning into importunity, self-doubt, complexes, and jealousy. The inverted Queen of Pentacles tarot shows resentment due to lack of attention to a partner (even if it is not justified), mood swings, quarrels over trifles. With the Wheel of Fortune lasso - the partner is delaying the proposal to formalize the relationship; with the Five of Cups - the partners deny an imminent separation, the relationship is at an impasse.


The direct position of the Queen of Coins in matters of health shows good health, the ability to give birth to a child, and the ability to withstand stress.

In the inverted position of the Queen of Pentacles tarot - anxiety, stress, psychological tension and internal constraint. The fortuneteller lives in anticipation of tests of strength, trials, and troubles.

Finance and career

in matters related to the professional sphere, the Queen of Pentacles speaks of a responsible employee who implements complex projects. He has enough patience to move towards his goal step by step. A sign of creative thinking and an unconventional approach to problem solving. The Queen of Denarii does not pursue ambitions; she values ​​stability and reliability. They do not apply for leadership positions, but if desired, they could take this position. Often the Queen of Coins shows the masters of the profession.

Upside down

The reversed Queen of Pentacles Tarot shows a person who is not out of place. He is reluctant to perform work duties, shifts responsibility and is lazy. The person does not know how to work methodically, there is no motivation for development and career growth. The combination of an inverted Queen with the World is interpreted as an overestimation of capabilities and self-confidence.

Card of the day

The Queen of Denarii warns to calmly do what is planned. Work towards long-term goals, it will take patience. Don't allow other people to interfere and manipulate. It is possible to meet with your mother or another close woman who will give wise advice. Listen to him.

Combinations with other arcana

Let's look at how the Queen of Pentacles changes in combination with other tarot arcana:

Arcana Description
With the Priestess Common sense, experience.
With the Hierophant Everything goes as it should, smoothly without jerks. In readings for relationships and love, the combination speaks of marriage.
With Lovers Pleasure and joy from work.
With Chariot Take control of the situation to get the desired result.
With death Forethought
With a star The ability to set goals and achieve them.
Reversed Queen of Denarii + Hermit Impracticality leading to poverty and debt.
Reversed Tarot Queen of Pentacles + Devil Excessive suspicion, unreasonable fears, distrust of the partner.
With the Moon Tense psychological state, stress. Uncertainty, fears. The fortuneteller lives in illusion.
With Tower Reckless material expenses.
With Peace Career advancement.
With 9 of Wands Focus on business, don't worry about other people's problems.
With 10 of Wands The fortuneteller has taken on too many responsibilities. Doing them will lead to fatigue.
With the Queen of Wands Obtaining a position related to art, floristry, landscape design.
With the King of Wands Difficult relationships in a couple, unnecessary for both
With Five of Cups Issues related to inheritance.
With the Six of Cups Improving your financial situation.
With the Eight of Cups The fortuneteller has the ability to achieve the goal.
With Ace of Swords Circumstances can destroy a stable state of affairs.
With the Knight of Swords Chaos in the life of a fortuneteller.
With Three of Coins Well-coordinated teamwork.
With 10 Coins A happy family.
With the Knight of Coins Successful sale, good work result.

The Queen of Pentacles in a reading usually signifies favorable events that correspond to the desires of the querent. She is in a very “anniversary” mood. The Queen of Pentacles loves what is called the “establishment” - she likes everything to be worthy, decent and “like people’s.” This is a map of a safe and stable material reality, along with such manifestations as a reliable job, a stable income, a strong marriage, a home and insurance to boot. It firmly connects us with the world around us, its worries and joys, and roots us in simple life. Usually this card indicates that we have something to “worry about” and take care of; it carries an immersion in earthly concerns - shopping, housekeeping, manual labor, putting things in order, creating a cozy environment.

A situation of stability, orderliness and comfort, confidence, well-being and prosperity (and often the belief that all this will be acquired naturally, by itself, with minimal effort). Last but not least, this situation rests on common sense and the correct vision of things. This card brings the desire for material wealth and pleasure, as well as a general improvement in life circumstances. In general, its presence in the scenario is a good sign.

The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes self-realization in the material world. It brings openness to promising projects and a willingness to implement realistically feasible tasks. The map may indicate that the process that has begun has already passed the inception stage and is now in a state of filling, drawing material from the environment for its formation. Good deeds are not done rashly, so do not be embarrassed that the event is developing relatively slowly.

The Queen of Pentacles usually symbolizes a woman (but not always), prosperous and possessing substantial property. She is not alien to the desire to help others, sometimes she literally showers with good deeds, because she generously brings into the world what fills her. Moreover, she does it from the heart and without fuss. This could be a mother, a spouse, a woman who maintains a house. In a broader sense - homeland, some area where you feel at home (a circle of people where you feel good).

The Queen of Pentacles is either indifferent or favorable to the questioner, and carries a negative load only when such Minor Arcana are concentrated.

Steadily centered and forward-looking, serene and secure. This is in no way a card of frivolity. According to the Queen of Pentacles, we keep our lives in order in all its material aspects. The bills are paid, seasonal clothes are purchased, the house is landscaped. This card represents spiritual harmony, creative and constructive abilities, as well as love for nature and earthly joys. According to it, realism, endurance, practical acumen, and the ability for purposeful and patient actions grow in us.

The Queen of Pentacles is not one of the needy ones. This is a wealthy woman, accustomed to abundance and comfort, with money and prosperity. The Queen of Pentacles has a highly realistic outlook on life and always strives for material independence and the well-being of her neighbors. She overcomes obstacles with prudence and is difficult to fool. She is characterized by wisdom, experience and maturity, planning for the future, concern for material well-being, reliability, and the ability to support. She knows how to create comfort and beauty, and willingly shares her experience and knowledge with others. All specifically female discussions on the topic of cooking, design and managing one’s own family take place under the auspices of the Queen of Pentacles.

The Queen of Pentacles can represent a businesswoman, a successful entrepreneur, and generally a good specialist who has achieved success in her chosen field and is highly valued by clients and colleagues. She relies on herself and is quite confident in herself, she knows exactly what she wants and how to achieve it. She knows very well that she can achieve almost unlimited amounts, reach the greatest heights in her chosen field of activity. But her inherent sense of inner harmony and the desire for the “golden mean” always make her understand that excessive immersion in one area or another begins to distort her plans for life. In this case, she simply “transfers” her organizational skills to another area. She is respected, among other things, because of her money, but it is not money that rules her (at least in her natural state). This is a noble soul, sincerely striving for the well-being of those dear to her, an extraordinary personality, frank, sincere, brave, prosperous and liberal. Traditionally, heiress or nouveau riche. Her image is perfectly conveyed by Margaret Brown (Titanic).

As a personality indicator, it speaks of a wealthy woman, prosperous and respected. This could be a smart manager or a rich heiress. She can be both firmly married and a free, prosperous lady who does not deny herself anything. It can nourish and support (and sometimes even support) the querent. The King of Pentacles is tough in this regard, because he does not imagine what it means to be in need, but the Queen is merciful and prone to prudent philanthropy. Precisely prudent - she will not throw money around. Her main quality is the ability to intelligently distribute large resources. She is noble and generous, but not one to be fooled or outwitted. This is a morally healthy person who enjoys his position, but at the same time has not lost the ability to enjoy life’s pleasures. The Queen of Pentacles is a great connoisseur of sensual pleasures, good cuisine, high-quality clothing and other worldly goods. She is a fan of ecology and naturalness; she will definitely prefer silk, cashmere and suede to synthetics. The Queen of Pentacles is like fine wine and only gets more expensive over the years. And if only she takes care of herself, then even in old age she will give the impression of a tasty morsel. Otherwise, she, like no other Queen, faces the risk of “wetting,” getting fat and shuffling around in flip-flops.

This card symbolizes a woman who has taken a strong position in life. She is a wonderful wife and mother. She is loved and respected by her colleagues at work and, perhaps, in social activities: she is cramped within her own four walls, she seeks and finds application for her abilities. True, she was able to achieve this only through hard work and overcoming many obstacles. But now she has gained experience and knows how to use it.

Archetypally, the Queen of Pentacles is mother earth and matriarchal earth as the basis of stability. Her spirit is naturalness, fertility and eternal hope for rebirth. Crowley writes: "She is the life-giving force, she is the libidinal energy which symbolically consumes man so that he may be reborn and the old King may come again as a young Knight." The Queen of Pentacles represents external and internal wealth. The state of mind described by this card is a mature and calm possession of earthly treasures, a useful immersion in sensuality, and comprehension of the great magic of everyday life. The greatness of this Queen's soul is such that the deepest secrets of the world are revealed to her, and some interpreters (for example, Guggenheim) indicate that she looks at her pentacle as a clairvoyant instrument. All the Arcana of the Earth teach that in the very depths, below the level of matter, a divine spark arises, a cosmic root cause that gives life. Careful research shows that there is no real difference between matter and energy - they are two manifestations of the same force at different levels of vibration. The wisdom of the Queen of Pentacles is that her materialistic feelings (security, sense of ownership, carnal desires) do not contradict the goals of spiritual improvement. A truly spiritual person is aware of the Absolute in everything, including his own body and the numerous forms of life inhabiting the Earth. The Queen of Pentacles patronizes the transformation of the body into a true temple of the soul, all processes through which the beauty of the body begins to reflect the inner perfection of its owner or owner.

The Queen of Pentacles, personifying the watery side of the earth element, means not only the complete unity of spirit and matter and clarity of perception, but also fertility and fruitful work, sincerity and sensual joys. She has a natural instinct and love for the land, which is most clearly manifested in the image of a peasant woman. In addition, she has a “light hand” in relation to material values, as is reminiscent of the rudely good-natured image of the canteen - Mother Courage from the play of the same name by B. Brecht. She is also a caring mother of many children, a talented actress or artist, or simply a sensual person who gets true pleasure from the simplest joys of life. But this also requires moderation, otherwise the above-mentioned positive qualities will turn into disappointment or inertia, a thirst for pure pleasure. The archetype of this Queen is vividly embodied by Zara Leander with her deep, resinous voice that literally brings you back to earth, her portly beauty and her legendary ability to drink without getting drunk and achieve huge fees by conducting complex negotiations (and, it must be added, working them out conscientiously). She never forgot about the well-being of her children and most of all valued earthly joys and her estate with lands, forests and lakes.

The Queen of Pentacles is the stable center of her family. If the Queen of Wands corresponds to personal communication one on one, then the Queen of Pentacles corresponds to personal communication by a group of people, and in this case it is a family or a circle that is perceived as a family. This card can be used by both the mother of a large family and the head of a production unit, perceived as the “breadwinner and drinker,” and where would we be without him.

The throne of the Queen of Pentacles is surrounded by lush vegetation, symbolizing an excess of vital energy and the natural gift of creation. The goat's head adorning the armrest of the throne and the images of Pan are an allusion to the zodiac sign Capricorn, which rules this card. The back of her throne is painted with cupids and ripe fruits. Around the throne are climbing roses and ripe grapes. At her feet is a rabbit, a sign of sensuality and fertility. The imagery in this card makes it clear that if we sow perception, understanding and ideas into the fertile soil of the soul, we will see our projects and decisions grow and develop, facilitating the search for completeness.

The Queen of Pentacles can be both a realtor and a janitor (but then with a capital letter). Sometimes the Queen of Pentacles is completely immersed in caring for her family and household chores. This card can also talk about a profession related to plants (gardening), animals, and children. If the Queen of Cups gives the ability to heal the soul, then the Queen of Pentacles is in charge of the physical body. This is physical body care, restoration, physiotherapy, healing, cosmetology. She can work in medicine, be a doctor, nurse or healer. The card can also symbolize everything related to soil cultivation and gardening.

The Queen of Pentacles is not lazy. She is characterized by a completely businesslike and practical attitude, and excellent skill in business development. As Margaret Thatcher used to say, managing a household and running a state have no fundamental differences. Such a transaction fully captures the spirit of the Queen of Pentacles. But she definitely will not work for the idea (which the Queen of Wands and the Queen of Swords are, in principle, capable of; as for the Queen of Cups, she is a hard worker), and the first thing she will do is clarify the amount of remuneration, and she knows her own price very well.

Professionally, the Queen of Pentacles is primarily associated with the ability to express oneself in form, and therefore can be considered the patroness of artists and designers. At the same time, she is an excellent manager, attentive and possessing both acumen and intuition. She knows how to make sure everything looks good and works well (the hotel business would simply deteriorate without her). Managing a large country estate is also impossible without the vibrations of this Arcana. He can be an accountant, an official, a bank employee, or a financial consultant.

This is a person reaping the fruits of his labors: an artist who has achieved recognition, a scientist who has made an important discovery. Either way, the card puts a positive emphasis on financial returns. Business that brings dividends.

Advice: demonstrate feminine mature behavior (and not infantile childish or aggressive masculine, for example). Be aware of the benefits received and provided. Behave calmly, creatively, practically, focusing on well-being and convenience. Solve pressing issues. Return to body.

Let: obsession with money, prosperity without happiness, the prosaic desire to possess something.

Traditionally, the card indicates property and luxury. This card is used for profitable business ventures, reliable investments, increase in wealth, and profit. Housewarming.

The Queen of Pentacles carries a very valuable quality - the ability to intelligently manage large (at the moment for the questioner) resources. This is by no means a common gift - most people react to large amounts of money completely inadequately, starting either to hopelessly squander money on nonsense, or to be greedy, arrogant and shaking over their profits. The Queen of Pentacles is absolutely mentally healthy in this regard. She will manage what she has extremely intelligently.

This card portends wealth and abundance, prosperity and prosperity. This is a favorable sign for both financial and housing issues. It foreshadows a situation of orderliness, well-being and often the highest degree of comfort, luxury (and what is luxury for the questioner at the moment is another question - perhaps it is three hot meals a day and a roof over his head, but if a person perceives this as “luxury” , the Queen of Pentacles will give it to him with a smile).

The Queen of Pentacles is generally a very good sign in a relationship scenario. She knows how to create the necessary connections, up to a profitable marriage, and with certain instructions she can even be a wedding signifier. The Queen of Pentacles is first and foremost reliable, heralding the safety of the home. This is the traditional significator of the wife. The ability to wisely distribute resources, create order and comfort, take care of the body and cultivate family values ​​contributes to stability in relationships. If the questioner shows a romantic interest in a married man, then the appearance of this card communicates that the wife is the head of everything, and the chances that he will leave the family are zero. This is a card of loyalty, maturity, family and patience. The person symbolized by the Queen of Pentacles diligently preserves home values ​​and strives to ensure that his loved ones do not need anything and are completely confident in themselves.

This card brings balance, solid ground under your feet, stability and constancy of feelings, the desire to start a family or expand it. In the union described by the Queen of Pentacles, earthly goods, stability and the ability to lean on each other in difficult times play a big role. She also loves marriages based on the “money to money” principle, and at a low level of development and completely based on them. The preoccupation with her vibrations is brilliantly conveyed in the film adaptation of “Balzaminov’s Marriage.”

Such women usually become good housewives. The Queen of Pentacles is also a symbol of the mother (or simply a woman who is inclined to take care of someone less experienced and in need of guidance and advice). She always behaves with dignity, regardless of whether she is married or not, and whether her behavior is in accordance with generally accepted morals. She has the ability to calmly follow her line, so that when looking at her it seems - it’s simply impossible otherwise, and why are we clinging to her?

Being the significator of the partner, she emphasizes devotion, realism, and practical care at the level of feeding, drinking, and putting to bed. This reflects the difference from the also responsive and caring, but much more “psychological” Queen of Cups, who rather takes care of the soul, and this one, the body. Healthy sensuality and natural carnal expressions of love are also demonstrated here. This person is generally characterized by naturalness and a kind of unpretentiousness - she is so firmly rooted in earthly reality, so well adapted to it that she does not particularly suffer from its minor inconveniences and does not be capricious “this is not so, and that is not so” (such claims always betray deep-seated the conflict of man with earthly existence, a kind of negative existentiality, but here existentiality is positive and of the highest grade). The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes the ability to accept your body as it is, take care of it and its needs, and enjoy having it. According to this card, the sensual nature blossoms, we take new steps in the ability to enjoy.

In a negative sense, the Queen of Pentacles can be arrogant and self-confident. She insultingly boldly takes what she wants and who she wants. She is distinguished by an overabundance of vital energy, a colossal ability to love possessively and is already “almost pregnant.” Everything is always very tangible for her. She wants to completely possess her chosen one, to revel in him in the most earthly way, and is able to show exceptional patience and stubbornness in achieving this goal, stopping at nothing in her own way (and, if necessary, paying his bills and pampering him in every possible way). Traditionally, the shadow side of the Queen of Pentacles was assigned such meanings as a brothel owner or a courtesan, with an emphasis on monetary interest and nothing else. But she herself can be a “guardian and savior” for those whom she provides support in exchange for affection.

In general, it indicates a good state of health, but emphasizes lifestyle - fresh air, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, body care. As a signifier of problems, it may indicate that the cause of the illness is a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, which contributes to stagnation in the body. In this case, what is needed is not so much medication as a change in habits and a connection with nature, giving up nicotine and alcohol, movement and the right selection of products. The card may also indicate physical exhaustion, illnesses caused by some kind of deprivation, or a lack of some microelements.

This card promotes treatment and recovery, and the environment and general lifestyle play a big role. The Queen of Pentacles is the doctor who, instead of stuffing a cough with medicine, would rather send him to a mountain hospital in the vicinity of Lake Geneva for ventilation.

The reversed Queen of Pentacles is traditionally a rather formidable sign. She warns of a possible illness, a threat to well-being. Possible loss of money, financial independence, adultery, jealousy and hatred, fear and revenge, embitterment and bitterness, rudeness and cruelty.

Significator of unpleasant, upsetting events, disruption of good plans. The process that could have been initiated by the King of Pentacles never took off. The situation was not fully exploited. At the same time, the possibility of the birth of the process, the possibility of “conception,” has not yet been exhausted, so you should carefully study the situation represented by subsequent cards, and, if necessary, take advantage of it.

Intrigue, fears, indecision, uncertainty. Suspiciousness towards others and the desire to control them. In this respect, she is similar to an overly restless mother of the family. Often this card describes worries about money, the end of a period of prosperity. It can describe both the fear of deprivation and squandering and the inability to manage business wisely. Fruitless situations, non-repayment of debts, inability to make ends meet. The reversed Queen of Pentacles embodies the traditional female problem - the closet is full, but there is nothing to wear.

Many-breasted Artemis of Ephesus

Empress Maria Theresa

"Unsinkable" Molly Brown

Financial well-being, stability, fertility and confidence - this is what the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card represents.

When appearing in fortune telling, it foretells success in all endeavors and the implementation of plans. To obtain an accurate prediction, the meaning of this card in the layout should be analyzed taking into account its position (straight or inverted) and combination with other cards lying nearby. What message does the Queen bring to the fortuneteller, what events does she foretell?

Description of the map

The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes a woman of power, wealth and prosperity. In fortune telling, it can also indicate a person’s high social status, his authority, comfort and material values. This card is associated with such concepts as reliability, stability, freedom, self-esteem, greatness and generosity.

Despite the fact that the card emphasizes a person’s material well-being, it does not at all speak of an obsession with money, greed and the desire to get rich by all means. It denotes a person who thinks not only about the financial sphere, but also about spiritual development. This card combines both earthly concerns and sublime desires.

Meaning in upright and inverted position

Cards are usually interpreted depending on the position in which they lay in fortune telling. A card in an inverted position gives the opposite meaning of the same symbol in an upright position.

If the straight Queen of Pentacles appears in the reading, then you don’t have to worry about your future - all your plans are being implemented, current problems will be resolved, no one or nothing will disturb your peace of mind. In fortune telling, this card may indicate the help of an influential and wealthy woman.

She personifies a kind and generous woman who can give good advice, offer a profitable business or help financially. If the meaning of this card in the layout does not personify a person, then it indicates wisdom, prosperity, wealth and success in a career.

When reversed, the Queen of Pentacles symbolizes material difficulties, losses, unnecessary expenses, theft and obstacles. In the future, this card promises instability in all areas of life. She calls not to make hasty decisions and not to commit rash actions.

It’s not worth starting new projects and actively pursuing your goals just yet.. This is an extremely bad time for beginnings, purchases, transactions, interviews and business meetings.

If in the scenario it represents a person, then this is a stupid and mercantile woman. She is too fixated on material values, there is little spiritual in her. Often the reversed Queen of Pentacles indicates an older woman who may cause financial problems. It is dangerous to trust her - she is unreliable, she can deceive and betray.

If you are telling fortunes about yourself, then the Queen of Pentacles that appears may indicate your inner state. She says that at the moment you feel insecure in your own abilities, which is why financial failures and conflicts with others occur.

In layouts

Sometimes the Queen of Pentacles in fortune telling gives advice and encourages you to follow certain principles. This card advises you to take care of yourself and your health. You need to get rid of negative thoughts in order to feel lighter and freer. She encourages you not to be afraid of your feelings and emotions.

In the layout, this card shows the onset of a favorable period for achieving your goals.. If the card is reversed, it has the opposite meaning. The interpretation of the Queen of Pentacles also depends on the purpose of the layout and the question of the fortuneteller.

For relationships

If your question concerns family relationships and communication with friends, then the Queen of Pentacles that appears in fortune telling predicts the onset of a favorable period in the personal sphere.

If relations with family members are strained, quarrels and misunderstandings constantly arise, then everything will work out. Peace and tranquility will come to the family. Also, this card in a relationship reading may indicate help from loved ones.

To work

The situation at work and business will improve. All that is required of you now is perseverance, hard work, a practical approach to business, and the use of your experience and ingenuity. The Queen of Pentacles encourages you to solve any problem that arises using an unconventional approach and creativity.

In a career reading, it can also indicate stability, reliability and prosperity. The card advises solving problems as they arise and not rushing into decisions. Let everything take its course.

For love

In fortune telling for love, it foreshadows the beginning of a favorable period for establishing a personal life. If the question concerns family relationships between spouses, then the Queen of Pentacles foreshadows strengthening family ties and peace. For lonely hearts, it promises a quick meeting with a soulmate.

It can also mean that a person is ready to start a family. This is a good time for him to get married and have children.

To your health

In fortune telling about health, it indicates strong immunity and longevity.. If the alignment is associated with a sick loved one, then the Queen of Pentacles in this case is a symbol of a speedy recovery.

This is a very favorable card for those who are fighting for their lives and health.. In an inverted position, it indicates skin diseases, as well as ailments associated with the legs. Rheumatism and gout may occur.

Card of the day

In fortune telling, the Queen of Pentacles encourages you to trust only yourself. Do not listen to other people's advice and try not to give in to provocations. You can be manipulated. On this day you will meet a wise woman whose advice or help will help you achieve your goals.

This meeting can significantly affect your future destiny. Don't fuss, try to solve problems as they arise. It's better not to rush into decisions.

Combination with other cards

To find out the exact meaning of the Queen of Pentacles, pay attention to the neighboring cards. What does it mean in combination with other Tarot symbols?

  • Jester– you lack practicality.
  • Mage– think through your actions to the smallest detail.
  • High Priestess- show common sense.
  • Empress– avoid unnecessary expenses.
  • Hierophant– use your knowledge and experience, get useful information.
  • Emperor– show reasonableness in all household matters.
  • Lovers– reliable and stable relationships.
  • Chariot– make an effort to solve current problems.
  • Force– start to control the situation, take everything into your own hands.
  • Hermit- ruin, poverty, expenses.
  • Wheel of Fortune– new opportunities are opening up before you, don’t miss the chance.
  • Justice- get what you deserve.
  • Hanged– meaninglessness.
  • Death– be careful, show foresight.
  • Moderation– put things in order in your head and affairs.
  • Devil- greed, negligence.
  • Tower– expenses, difficult financial situation.
  • Star– your dreams can come true.
  • Moon– losses, the likelihood that everything in life will turn upside down.
  • Sun– luck, creative potential, fame and recognition.
  • Court– new opportunities, revelation of abilities.
  • World– career growth, success in business.

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