Reserve "Artobstrel"

Artillery bombardment allows you to fire artillery fire at a selected area. A salvo of high-explosive fragmentation shells is fired into the selected area.

To use the Artillery reserve in battle:

1. Press the key that corresponds to the Shelling reserve (default 7–9).

2. Point your sight at the area of ​​the map where you want to fire. The affected area is indicated by green dots.

3. Click to start firing.

Until the shelling begins, you can cancel the use of the reserve by pressing again the key that corresponds to the reserve being used.

Features of the "Artobstrel" reserve:

· When you use a reserve, projectiles fly towards the affected area from the side of your base.

· The angle of entry of projectiles into the affected area is the same for any selected firing zone.

· Shells enter the affected area randomly and evenly throughout the entire shelling period.


Characteristic Artillery battalion level
Time until ready to fire (s)
Radius of the affected area (m)
Damage of one projectile
Armor penetration
Number of shells per salvo
Preparation cost ()

Bomber Aviation Regiment

Produces an “Airstrike” reserve, allowing the commander to call an Il-2 attack aircraft, which will strike the specified area with cumulative anti-tank bombs (PTAB).

The operation of PTAB in this type of reserve differs from an artillery strike. The aircraft, approaching the target, drops bombs at an angle of 90°, that is, vertically, which ensures that the ammunition hits the vulnerable spots of the tanks. In addition, the right angle of impact of the bombs allows the use of reserves against the enemy hidden behind houses and terrain.

The damage caused by bombs and their number per combat mission depend on the level of the building in which the reserve was made.

Each of these reserves can be used once during the battle.

Before the battle begins, the commander needs to add reserves in the pre-battle room. (The first player to enter the pre-battle room becomes the commander.) The order to use the reserve is also given by the commander.

After the commander's tank is destroyed, it is impossible to use combat reserves!

Below is a table with the strength and cost of combat reserves depending on the level of the corresponding building.


Characteristic Bomber Regiment Level
Damage of one air bomb
Number of bombs per flight
Affected area (m2)
Armor penetration
Flight time (s)
Preparation cost ()

The preparation time for each of the combat reserves in buildings is 5 minutes at any level.

Non-combat reserves, such as bonuses to experience, credits, etc., are available in the current version of the mode.
Only one reserve can be used at a time; the remaining reserves are placed in the warehouse.
Reserve "Airstrike"

An airstrike allows you to attack the enemy from the air. During an attack, the bomber drops anti-tank bombs on a target area. It is impossible to shoot down a bomber.

To use the Airstrike reserve in combat:

1. Press the key that corresponds to the Airstrike reserve (default 7–9).

2. Point your sight at the area of ​​the map where you want to bombard. The affected area is indicated by a green outline.

3. Click to lock the center of the affected area.

4. Use your mouse to adjust the bombing direction.

5. Click to lock the target area and bomb. After selecting a target area, the bomber heads to the specified area and drops bombs.

The affected area and the time until the bombs are dropped are visible only to players on your team.

While the affected area is not fixed, you can cancel the use of the reserve by again pressing the key that corresponds to the Airstrike reserve.

Features of the Airstrike reserve:

· Bombs are dropped almost vertically, so it is impossible to hide from them behind objects on the map.

· Bombs are dropped sequentially from one end of the affected area to the other in the direction of bombing.

· The bombs are powerful enough to destroy some city buildings.

Types of non-combat resources:

“Battle Payouts” is a bonus to credits earned in all types of battles. Produced in the Financial Part building.
“Tactical training” is a bonus to experience earned in all types of battles. Produced in the Tankodrom building.
“Military Exercises” is a bonus to free experience earned in all types of battles. Produced in the Military School building.
“Additional instruction” is a bonus to crew experience earned in all types of battles. Produced in the Training Unit building.
“Heavy transport” is a bonus to obtaining industrial resources in sorties. Produced in the Automotive Unit building.
Each reserve has a level from 1 to 10, which is determined by the level of the building in which it is produced. Thus, you can increase the reserve level by improving the corresponding building. At the same time, the parameters of the reserve change, such as validity period, bonus size, production period and price.

Battles in Fortified Areas mode:
How is an industrial resource mined? What is the role of ordinary clan players in the Fortified Areas mode?
Each clan player is assigned to one of the buildings and makes up the so-called Garrison. When creating a fortified area, all players are assigned to the Command Center by default. However, each player has the right to choose any other building of the fortified area and assign to it. It is important to remember that the garrison of any building is limited to 20 players, while the garrison of a military base is not limited.

Defense Settings

Battles for the Fortified Area allow you to attack the Fortified Areas of other clans, once again proving your strength and authority. But before you can plan attacks on other clans, you need to:

· upgrade the command center to level V;

· have at least 15 fighters in the clan;

· organize the defense of your Fortified Area.

Depending on the level of the defending clan’s Fortified Area, the battle is held in the format of one of two divisions: Champion or Absolute. The division determines the level of available equipment and the number of fighters participating in the battle (see Progress of the battle for the Stronghold).

Defense organization

Only the clan commander can organize defense.

To organize the defense of your Fortified Area:

1. Click Fortified Area Settings().


3. In the window that opens, click next to the corresponding parameter and select the necessary settings.

4. Click Apply.

The following settings are available to you:

Defense period The period during which every day you need to defend your Fortified Area from attacks by other clans. The defense period lasts one hour. Choose a time that is convenient for your clan, since the defense period can only be changed once every 14 days. Required parameter
Ceasefire One day a week when other clans cannot attack your Stronghold. Moreover, on this day your clan can attack the Fortified Areas of other clans. The day of the ceasefire can be changed once every 14 days. Optional parameter
Neutrality A period during which other clans cannot attack your Fortified Area, but you cannot attack other Fortified Areas. Neutrality is established for a period of 3 to 14 days. Neutrality can be declared no more than once every 90 days. Optional parameter

If you set a different defense period or ceasefire day, the changes will take effect after 14 days. The time at which changes take effect is indicated to the right of the corresponding parameter.

In the “Fortified Area Settings” window, you can select the server on which all battles for your Fortified Area will take place. If necessary, you can always install another server. In this case, the changes take effect immediately. You can change the server every 14 days.

Disable defense

If for some reason your clan no longer wants to participate in the battles for the Fortified Area, you can disable the defense of your Fortified Area. In this case, other clans will not be able to attack you, but you yourself will not be able to fight for the Fortified Areas.

To disable the defense of your Fortified Area, press Fortified Area Settings > Disable defense. Changes will take effect in 48 hours. During this time, you can cancel the defense disabling.

Important! When disabling defense:

· The level of all buildings in your Fortified Area, including the command center, will be reduced to IV.

· The level of all prepared reserves above level IV will be reduced to IV; however, the number of prepared reserves will not change.


Now that defense of your Fortified Area organized, it's time to plan attacks on other clans. Before sending fighters to attack, it is necessary to select a future enemy and learn as much as possible about him.

To select a clan to attack, in the lower right corner of the screen, click Intelligence.

In the "Intelligence" window you are shown a list of clans that are most suitable for attack.

The list of clans contains the following brief information:

· level of the clan's fortified area;

· clan tag;

· the period of defense, when you can attack the Fortified Area of ​​this clan;

· average level of buildings in the clan's Stronghold.

Search for a clan

However, you do not have to attack one of the automatically selected clans. Intelligence allows you to search for a clan using a combination of the following filters:

· All clans. Clans in the region who organized their defense.

· Favorites. Clans you have tagged as favorites.

· Latest. Clans you recently fought with in the battles for the Stronghold.

Search by tag

In the search field, enter two or more tag characters and click . The search results will show clans whose tag contains the combination of characters you entered.

Clans search range

To open the filter window, click .

· Level of the clan's stronghold. Use the sliders to set the minimum and maximum level of Fortified Areas. The search for clans will be carried out within the selected range.

· The period of enemy defense. Set the start time of the defense period to select clans ready to fight at a time convenient for you.

Clan information

To view detailed information about any clan presented in the list of search results, click on the corresponding line of the list.

The right side of the window displays detailed information about the selected clan:

1.Emblem, tag, name and motto of the clan.

2.Favorite clan flag. Check the box to add the clan to your favorites list. The favorites list will allow you to quickly find clans that interest you.

3.Clan statistics:

· number of battles fought for the Fortified Area;

· percentage of victories in battles for the Fortified Area;

· production coefficient (the ratio of looted and lost industrial resources in the battles for the Fortified Area).

4.Calendar. Serves to select the date of attack on the clan (see. Calendar).

5. Division, in the format of which battles will be fought during an attack on a given Fortified Area (see Progress of the battle for the Fortified Area).

6. Directions of the Fortified Area. You can see buildings that have been erected in open areas. To view the level of enemy buildings, move the cursor to the corresponding direction. Buildings of level IV and below are shown translucent, since battles cannot be fought for them.

7. Attack! button. Shown only next to open directions of the Fortified Area. Serves to announce an attack on the Fortified Area of ​​the selected clan in the appropriate direction (see Attack).


When you have selected a suitable clan to attack, do not rush to close the window " Intelligence". You can only schedule an attack on another clan from this window.

Choose your attack direction carefully. When plundering an enemy building, your clan receives an amount of industrial resource equal to 20% of the maximum safety factor of this building. The higher the level of a building, the greater its safety margin, which means that for looting this building you can get more industrial resources.

Remember that you cannot cancel a scheduled attack! If your clan is not ready for battle at the set time, you will be given a technical defeat and you will lose industrial resources.

To schedule an attack on another clan’s Fortified Area:

1. Set the date of the planned attack on the calendar.

2. Press the button Attack! opposite the direction you want to attack.

3. In the window that opens, select the direction of your Fortified Area from which you plan to attack. Remember that if the attack fails, the enemy will counterattack from that direction.

4. Click Confirm attack.

The division of the upcoming battle for the Fortified Area is determined during the assignment of the attack. The division does not change even if the level of the defending clan’s Fortified Area changes.

After confirming the attack, the icon on the right side of the Intelligence window shows which direction of the Stronghold you will attack.

A new attack on the same clan can only be scheduled 7 days after the battle.


Once you begin active hostilities against other clans, it may be difficult to keep all the planned attacks and defensive battles in mind. The calendar will allow you to track all upcoming battles for the Fortified Area. In addition, the calendar reflects brief results of past battles.

The calendar displays past events in the last 14 days and scheduled events that will occur in the next 14 days.

Let's look at the notations used in the calendar.

If your clan has declared neutrality and there are less than 14 days left before the start of the neutrality period, the neutrality period is displayed at the bottom of the calendar.

Battles for the Fortified Area

Battles for the Fortified Area is a mode in which you attack Fortified Areas of other clans and defend your own. The industrial resource obtained in battles can be used to develop your Fortified Area, modernize buildings and prepare new reserves.

Before the start of the battle for the Fortified Area, select a target to attack and set the time of the battle (see. Intelligence).

When there are less than 24 hours left before the battle for the Stronghold, a corresponding icon appears in the direction where the battle will take place.

Types of icons:

Click on the icon to view a list of upcoming battles for the Fortified Area and their times.

If there are less than 15 minutes left before the battle begins or the battle has already begun, the icon begins to pulsate. Now you can join a squad that will fight in the battle.

To take part in the battle:

1. Click on the battle icon on the general plan of the Fortified Area.

2. In the window that opens, click Participate.

To view the full list of ongoing and planned battles for the Fortified Area over the next 14 days:

1. Click on the battle mode selection button (to the right of the button To battle!).

2. In the menu that appears, select “Fortified area: battles.”

3. In the window that opens, click Participate.

Squad formation

The unit for the battle for the Fortified Area is in many ways similar to the detachment for the sortie (see. Forays). The main difference is the information panel at the top of the window. Let's take a closer look at the symbols used in the information panel of the battle for the Fortified Area.

1. Type of battle for the Fortified Area:- attack on the enemy’s Fortified Area, - defense of one’s own Fortified Area. The structures of your Stronghold are always shown to the left of the battle type icon.
2. Pointer indicating which structure the next battle will be fought for. Buildings below level V and construction sites are displayed translucent - battles are not fought for them. Hover your cursor over a building to view detailed information about it.
3. Map, where the next battle will take place as part of the battle for the Fortified Area.
4. Time until the start of the next battle as part of the battle for the Fortified Area.
5. Unit readiness indicator. Lights up green when the squad leader has confirmed the squad's readiness to go into battle. If both units have confirmed their readiness, the battle will begin ahead of schedule.
6. Slots for selecting combat reserves(see Selecting Combat Reserves)
7. War Room Commander during battle can use combat reserves. Any clan player, regardless of clan position, can be a battle room commander.

Selection of combat reserves

For an additional advantage in the battle for the Fortified Area, use combat reserves.

The following combat reserves are currently available:

· Airstrike.

· Shelling.

You can take one reserve of each type into battle. Only the commander of the combat room can take the reserve into battle.

To take a reserve into battle:

1. Click on the combat reserve slot. A window for selecting reserves will appear.

2. Select the required reserve.

You can only select pre-prepared reserves located in the building.

To deselect a reserve, click Put away.

Combat reserves cannot be used for some time after the start of the battle.

Only the battle room commander can use reserves in combat. If a battle room commander's vehicle is destroyed in battle, unused reserves are returned to the corresponding buildings and can be used in subsequent battles.

Progress of the battle for the Fortified Area

Battles within the framework of the Battle for the Fortified Area are conducted in the format of one of the following divisions:

· Champion Division - when attacking a Level V–VII Fortified Area;

· Absolute division - when attacking a Tier VIII–X Fortified Area.

The division of the battle for the Fortified Area is fixed at the moment the attack is ordered (see Attack).

The division determines the level of technology and the number of players who can take part in the battle.

If a clan with a Tier VIII–X Fortified Area attacks a clan with a Tier V–VII Fortified Area, the attacking side cannot use combat reserves. The defending side, on the contrary, can use combat reserves.

Battles for the Fortified Area take place according to the following rules:

· Type of equipment. Restrictions on the type of equipment do not apply.

· State of the art. Limited by the division within which the battle takes place.

· Battle mode. Standard fight.

· It's fight time. The battle lasts up to 10 minutes. After the battle time expires, the defending side wins.

· Buildings. Battles are fought for buildings of level V and higher.

For each structure, a map is assigned on which all battles for this structure will take place. The card is selected randomly. Maps change every 14 days.

To view the map assigned to a structure, hover over that structure in the squad window. The map on which all battles for this building will take place is indicated in the tooltip.

The first battle within the framework of the battle for the Fortified Area begins automatically at the moment the defense period of the defending clan begins. The battle involves players who pressed Ready! by the time the battle begins. The break between fights is 5 minutes.

Attack and counterattack

The first battle within the framework of the battle for the Stronghold is fought for the building of the defending clan, which is located further from the command center. If the attacking clan wins, the next battle will be fought for the building located closer to the command center.

When a clan wins a battle for an enemy structure, it temporarily captures that structure. In the event of a second battle for this building, it is considered the property of the clan that captured it.

However, when the attacking clan is defeated, the defending clan launches a counter-offensive, which, if carried out skillfully, can result in the looting of the enemy’s command center (see. Looting buildings).

If an attack is scheduled for your Fortified Area, this does not mean that you will only have to defend yourself in battle. Repel the enemy's advance, counterattack him, and let his devastated Fortified Area serve as a warning to other clans!

Looting buildings

When a clan wins a battle for an enemy structure, it plunders it.

When looted, industrial resources in the amount of 20% of the maximum safety factor of a given structure at this level go to the winner. The industrial resource is written off from the building's warehouse. If there is not enough industrial resource in the warehouse, the missing amount is taken from the strength scale of the structure.

Consequences of reducing the strength of the structure:

· it is impossible to use the reserves of this building;

· the started preparation of reserves in the building is suspended;

· it is impossible to prepare new reserves in this building.

When the safety margin of the command center is reduced, the preparation and use of reserves in all buildings of the Fortified Area is impossible.

Remember that the looting of captured buildings occurs only after the end of the battle. Therefore, the capture of one of your buildings does not mean that you will necessarily lose an industrial resource. Gather your strength and recapture the building from the enemy! In this case, you will save all accumulated industrial resources.

Technical defeat

If, by the time the battle begins, the commander of one of the squads has not confirmed his readiness to go into battle, such a squad will be given a technical defeat. The next battle will be fought for the structure of the clan, which was awarded a technical defeat.

If by the time the battle begins both units have not confirmed their readiness:

· both clans receive a technical defeat;

· all buildings in the direction of the attacking clan lose strength, as if plundered;

· all buildings in the direction of the defending clan lose strength, as if plundered;

· the battle for the Fortified Area ends.

Results of the battle

The Battle for the Fortified Area ends in one of the following cases:

· A detachment from one of the clans fighting in the battle captured the enemy’s command center in battle.

· The defense period of the defending clan has expired. In this case, the current battle ends, but a new one does not begin.

If there are less than 20 minutes left until the end of the defense period of the defending clan, the results of the battle are summed up and a new battle does not begin.

As soon as the battle for the Fortified Area ends, the results are summed up:

· If a clan has captured at least one building, each clan player who participated in at least one battle receives an industrial resource in proportion to the combat experience earned.

· If a clan wins a technical victory, each member of the squad is awarded 750 combat experience, which is used to sum up the results of the battle.

Not all tanks in War Thunder can boast good firepower. Light tanks cannot carry a heavy gun, and not all medium tanks are equipped with a great gun. Fast tanks are good for reconnaissance, they have excellent mobility, and what they lack in weapon power in War Thunder they make up for - light and medium tanks can cause art. shelling over a given area.

In order for a tank to be able to call an artillery strike, you must first research this ability. Research can be started by right-clicking on the tank icon in the hangar and selecting modification, then you need to select research - art. support.

After research, call option artillery strike will appear in the War Thunder combat interface. Usually to evoke art. support needs to be pressed button 5, and indicate the area of ​​fire. After choosing, some time will pass and shelling will begin in the specified area. Enemies will know that fire will be fired in the square; they will be warned by a special message. Therefore, the opponent will have a chance to leave, but this cannot always be done, because the tank may have damaged chassis, or it may be blocked by allies.

After calling for artillery support, it becomes temporarily unavailable, later artillery support. shelling can be selected again.

When to call for artillery support in War Thunder

Light tank it is very difficult to penetrate a heavy one, so to defeat a heavy one, you can first knock down his caterpillar, and then call for artillery. shelling, the opponent will not be able to leave the danger zone and may be destroyed. Artillery fire on a concentration of enemy equipment is also effective - not all enemies will have time to disperse.

Call art. support is not the only advantage of light tanks in War Thunder, high-speed vehicles can capture points, attack in groups, get behind opponents, take advantage of all the opportunities - and you can win more often.

Artillery often attracts criticism from World of Tanks players. Indeed, she has a special gameplay that is different from other classes. Artillery is capable of throwing over obstacles and in most cases fires across the entire map. At the same time, it often has a large one-time damage, so even one hit from a high-explosive shell from artillery means a serious loss of strength and many critical damages. Even one landmine sends weakly armored vehicles into the hangar.

You have to come to terms with the artillery of World of Tanks...

Plus and minus...

These advantages are offset by no less serious disadvantages. Artillery has low hit points, is poorly armored, and is vulnerable to light tanks several levels lower. The average aiming time takes 5-7 seconds (and this is with poor horizontal aiming angles in most cases), and reloading can last 40 seconds, or even 50. Artillery in general depends most on the FBG, which can hardly be called an advantage. You can do everything right (take good positions, choose your lead wisely, etc.), but miss over and over again only because of an unfavorable FBG. This, of course, happens in other classes of equipment, but much less frequently.

The advantages of artillery include high one-time damage, the disadvantages are a low margin of safety.

But for a player who receives a high-explosive shell from artillery that costs most of the safety margin of his own vehicle, this is unlikely to serve as a consolation. Amazingly, many tankers still do not know how to effectively counter artillery, for which they often pay for being sent to the hangar early. The matter is perhaps aggravated by the fact that after a serious nerf to artillery in update 8.6, many people stopped being completely afraid of it. And it’s completely in vain, this class is still capable of inflicting significant damage, although its influence on the outcome of the battle has significantly decreased.

Artillery can be effectively countered

Defense Strategies

There are three main strategies for defending against artillery: constant maneuvering, occupying reliable cover, and playing from camouflage. With the latter, everything is simple and clear: if the enemy does not see you, then he will not shoot at you. The exception is the occasional blind shot, but artillery now takes so long to reload that few people risk firing with a very low chance of hitting.

To protect against artillery, tanks must constantly maneuver

Situations when you shoot from one position, light up, and drive away behind cover are a slightly different matter. And then you shoot again from the same position where you were shining a minute ago. In such cases, one can expect that the artillery will fire blindly, or at least be concentrated at a given point. So it's better to change positions more often.

With the first defense strategy, namely constant maneuvering, everything is also quite simple. Artillery now takes a long time to converge, and the spread of even a small movement of the barrel or, moreover, the body is very significant, so it is difficult to hit a vehicle moving at a speed of 40 km/h. But - it is possible, so when moving you need to zigzag and constantly change direction.

On slow and clumsy cars, of course, it is difficult to avoid being hit in this way; you simply will not be able to accelerate to sufficient speed. But even minimal movements back and forth and fidgeting in one place seriously reduce the likelihood of a direct hit; a splash does not cause any significant damage. It’s worth remembering the “three-second rule” here. The principle here is the following: if the artillery is focused on the square where you are, and you are illuminated, then it takes the enemy about three seconds to accurately aim and shoot.

This can be used in the following way: after the light is illuminated, you start, for example, moving forward, after three seconds you stop and go back. The enemy's artillery takes the lead when you are driving forward, shoots, but misses, since you suddenly began to retreat. It cannot be said that this technique always works, but it does significantly reduce the damage received.

It is important to pay attention to the location of enemy artillery and, if necessary, choose suitable cover

The last strategy left is to occupy a high cover over which artillery cannot throw a shell. Here you need to remember that the trajectory of different cars is very different. For example, at Ob. 261 it is extremely flat, so you can hide from this artillery even without very high cover, but British vehicles have a very steep trajectory, which allows them to throw shells behind fairly high cover.

“Illuminating” the artillery

But you need to pay even more attention to where the enemy artillery is, otherwise all your attempts to hide from it behind cover will be simply pointless. In most battles, artillery is illuminated only towards the end of the battle, but this does not mean that until this moment it is impossible to understand where exactly it is located. Firstly, when you are hit, the direction from which the shot was fired is displayed. Secondly, there are standard positions for artillery, and you need to know them.

To protect against artillery, constantly maneuver and use cover

Often she stands near the base, almost in a circle. This is usually what inexperienced players do, but the majority are like that. So the arrival of a powerful high-explosive projectile should most likely be expected from the direction of the enemy base. There are also standard positions far from the base (often in the corners of the map), where artillery often stands. The situation becomes much more complicated when the enemy team has three or more vehicles of this class; most likely, they will position themselves in such a way that they can shoot through almost any position, so it will be extremely difficult to hide from a powerful high-explosive projectile.

More precisely, you can stand behind cover somewhere near your own base without fear of receiving such a landmine, but slightly more active actions will already be punished. It's hard to do something here. On city maps, this problem is solved as if by itself; there are many tall buildings, sometimes only British artillery can throw high-explosive shells over them.

But there is no need to relax. Long straight streets are dangerous; artillery can work along them. It’s especially worth paying attention when artillery is targeting you, this happens quite often: as soon as you move out from behind cover, a high-explosive shell immediately arrives, although you waited, say, a minute, and there are allies nearby in the crossfire.

Negative statements from World of Tanks players regarding artillery are heard constantly. However, learning to resist it is not difficult.

Of course, such situations are unpleasant, but you should find the positive side in everything. Firstly, your allies will be able to act more actively, and you just need to play more carefully. Secondly, such a situation may simply mean that it is better for you to change flank and disappear from the light for a while. Use the new time, for example, to analyze the situation using the minimap and find weak points in the enemy’s defense.

What to do?

It is unlikely that the number of negative comments about artillery will ever seriously decrease. Still, this is a class with a special gameplay, and they don’t like anything that stands out, especially since being hit by a powerful high-explosive shell can ruin the battle at the very beginning, even for a heavy tank. However, they definitely won’t remove artillery from the game, and you shouldn’t expect a change in its characteristics; the developers have repeatedly stated that they are generally satisfied with the situation with this class. Therefore, you should treat artillery as a given and learn to counter it. It will not be possible to completely avoid the damage from it, but anyone can seriously reduce it.

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Reserves are various bonuses (to experience, to credits, to crew experience, etc.) that the Fortified Area brings. These bonuses apply to all clan members above the rank of reservist in all battles without exception, be they random or team battles, or battles on the Global Map.

Thanks to reserves, you can receive bonuses, similar to those provided during promotions or a premium account, without investing money.

Reserves are made in buildings and are valid for a certain time after activation.

What are the reserves?

In the Stronghold mode, there are eight types of reserves available, which are divided into two groups:

  1. Long-lasting reserves (valid for 2 hours).
  2. Reserves for battles.

How to prepare a reserve?

In order for clan fighters to be able to use the bonus from the reserve, this reserve must be prepared. Reserves are being prepared in buildings. Each type of reserve has its own preparation cost, expressed in industrial resources. To prepare a reserve, the building’s warehouse must have the required amount of industrial resources. To prepare a reserve:

To find out how much time is left until the end of preparation, click on the building in which the reserve is being prepared.

How to increase the reserve level?

Type of reserve The bonus it gives Where is it produced?
Battle payouts Increasing the number of credits that clan members receive as a result of any battle Financial part
Tactical training Increase in combat experience that clan members receive based on the results of any battle Tankodrome
Military training Increase in free experience that clan members receive based on the results of any battle Military school
Additional instruction Increasing the crew experience that clan members receive based on the results of any battle Training part
Heavy transport Additional industrial resources received for battles in Forays and Offensives Motor transport part
Requisition Additional industrial resource received as a result of the Offensive Trophy brigade
Airstrike Additional industrial resource when calling an airstrike. A bomber will fly into the indicated area and bomb the enemy equipment. The resource is available in the “Sortie” and “Offensive” modes Bomber Aviation Regiment
Shelling Additional industrial resource when calling for artillery shelling. An artillery battery will cover the specified area of ​​the map with a salvo of high-explosive fragmentation shells. The resource is available in the “Sortie” and “Offensive” modes Artillery battalion

Each reserve has levels from I to XII. They are determined by the level of the building where the reserve is made (with the exception of reserves of level XI and XII). Thus, you can increase the level of reserve by improving the corresponding structure. At the same time, the parameters of the reserve change, such as validity period, bonus size, period and cost of production.

In update 9.6, it will be possible to build two new buildings in Fortified Areas: an artillery division and a bomber aviation regiment. In them, clans will produce special reserves that can be used directly in battle.

Please note: to build new buildings you will need to free up space on existing routes. Thus, starting from version 9.6, the number of available buildings exceeds the number of construction sites.

At the moment, combat reserves are only available for use in battles for Fortified Areas and are not available in sorties.

Artillery battalion

Produces the “Artillery Shell” reserve, when used, it covers the square of the map indicated by the commander with dense artillery fire using high-explosive fragmentation shells.

The action of this reserve is similar to the action of self-propelled guns. The shells arrive from the direction of their base and land in the area at an angle of about 50°, causing damage identical to damage from standard ammunition from the self-propelled gun arsenal.

The number of shells, their strength and the dispersion of fragments depend on the level of the building in which the reserve was made.

Bomber Aviation Regiment

Produces an “Airstrike” reserve, allowing the commander to call an Il-2 attack aircraft, which will strike the specified area with cumulative anti-tank bombs (PTAB).

The operation of PTAB in this type of reserve differs from an artillery strike. The aircraft, approaching the target, drops bombs at an angle of 90°, that is, vertically, which ensures that the ammunition hits the vulnerable spots of the tanks. In addition, the right angle of impact of the bombs allows the use of reserves against the enemy hidden behind houses and terrain.

The damage caused by bombs and their number per combat mission depend on the level of the building in which the reserve was made.

Each of these reserves can be used once during the battle.

Before the battle begins, the commander needs to add reserves in the pre-battle room. (The first player to enter the pre-battle room becomes the commander.) The order to use the reserve is also given by the commander.

After the commander's tank is destroyed, it is impossible to use combat reserves!

Below are tables with the strength and cost of combat reserves depending on the level of the corresponding building.



The preparation time for each of the combat reserves in buildings is 5 minutes at any level.

Other changes

The Fortified Area page was moved to , at the same time new features were added:

  • View clan statistics in battle mode with detailed information on the number of buildings and Command Centers looted.
  • Information about the time of defense, truce, ceasefire and the clan's game server.
  • Battle calendar, where you can see planned attacks on the clan, as well as free slots for attack.
  • Information about directions with buildings on them, attacks assigned to these directions, and outgoing attacks on other clans.
The following information is also available for your own Stronghold:
  • Strength of the Command Center and all buildings.
  • The amount of industrial resources in all buildings of the Fortified Region.
  • A list of fighters and the amount of industrial resources they earned, both for the Fortified Area as a whole, and separately for each building.
You can go to the updated Fortified Area page from the clan profile by selecting the appropriate item in the menu on the right. You can discuss the new page at