We will develop for you a complete package of documents that are subject to verification. These are documents for inspections by Rospotrebnadzor (SES), fire safety documents (EMERCOM), labor protection documents.



Occupational Safety and Health

1.Permission for the type of activity from Rospotrebnadzor

2.Production control program

3.Employee medical records

4.Orders on sanitary measures

5.Logs: accounting for disinfectants, accounting for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems and many others

6.Agreements for sanitary measures: agreement for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization, agreement for removal of household waste, etc.

1.Registered fire safety declaration

2. Fire safety orders

3. Instructions for fire safety at the enterprise

4.Certificate of training of employees responsible for safety

5. Magazines

6.Evacuation plan

7.Fire prevention plan

8.Regulations for the maintenance of fire automatic systems, fire warning systems, fire extinguishers

1. Regulations on labor protection

2.Order from the manager on approval of labor protection instructions

3. Occupational safety instructions

4. Journal of labor safety instructions

5. Logbook for issuing labor safety instructions

6.Documents confirming the qualifications of employees

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6 reasons to contact us

1 Financial guarantee

We have no hidden fees or additional payments. If necessary, you can pay for the order in installments

2 High quality with guarantee

We guarantee the execution of ALL orders thanks to two-stage document quality control by a personal consultant and department head.

3 Transparency and integrity of work

Honesty is what we put at the core of our interactions with clients. You will be provided with complete and reliable information on all.

4 First class service

Your order will be handled by a personal manager who will complete the order efficiently and in the shortest possible time.

5 Confidentiality

All data about your company is used exclusively to fulfill your order and is not disclosed to third parties.

6 100% result guarantee

The professionalism and many years of experience of our employees help resolve your any legal issue.

Leave a request and we will call you back as soon as possible!

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Opening a workshop for the production of semi-finished products is becoming an increasingly promising business. At the same time, the opening of such an enterprise is associated with a number of issues. “How to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products? What documents will an entrepreneur need for a semi-finished products workshop?
Any entrepreneur is obliged to take care of the preparation of all necessary documents for the semi-finished products workshop in a timely manner. The presence of permits is a mandatory condition for the operation of the enterprise.


So, what documents are needed to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products? Where to start collecting documents for the semi-finished products workshop?

Package of documents for the workshop semi-finished products includes many papers. You need to have sanitary documents: various journals, contracts, orders and certificates. In addition, to open a workshop semi-finished products you need to collect fire safety documents, including instructions, logs, plans and orders. Do not forget about personnel documentation, statutory documents and documents for the premises if you are planning to open a workshop semi-finished products.

  • Project Description
  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Manufacturing technology of semi-finished products
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for opening an enterprise for the production of semi-finished products. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment. Using the example of an enterprise in the Ulyanovsk region.

A typical business plan for opening an enterprise for the production of semi-finished products in a small town. Using the example of an enterprise in the Ulyanovsk region.

Project Description

The goal of the project is to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products in the village. Mullovka, Melekessky district, Ulyanovsk region. The production of semi-finished products is a promising business area. This statement is explained by the fact that the demand for semi-finished products is steadily growing. There are more and more busy people in society who do not have time to prepare homemade food. Semi-finished products allow you to prepare your favorite dish in a matter of minutes, while saving a significant part of your precious time.

Despite the large number of enterprises that have opened today, there is still a shortage of high-quality semi-finished products at affordable prices. This niche is what our company plans to fill.

Opening a workshop for the production of semi-finished products is also beneficial from an economic point of view. The main indicators of the economic efficiency of the project are as follows:

  • Net profit per year = 1,535,277 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 17%;
  • Project payback = 8 months.

Where to start opening a workshop for the production of semi-finished products

To implement the project, it is planned to receive subsidies in the amount of 300 thousand rubles within the framework of the state program to support small and medium-sized businesses in the Melekessky district - grants for start-up entrepreneurs. Also, own funds in the amount of 700 thousand rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the project. The total investment in the project will be 1 million rubles.

Opening a workshop for the production of semi-finished products also has its own social indicators:

  1. Registration of a new business entity in the Melekessky district;
  2. Creation of 12 jobs in the district;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments into the budget of the Melekessky district.

How much money do you need to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products?

All funds received under the state program to support small businesses will be used to purchase fixed assets. The cost estimate for the project is presented in the form of a table:

Which taxation system to choose for an enterprise

The organizational and legal form of our enterprise will be a limited liability company - Simbirsk Pelmeni LLC. The director of the enterprise is Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, she is also the initiator of the project. The taxation system for the workshop for the production of semi-finished products will be the simplified taxation system (STS).

The actual location of Simbirsk Pelmeni LLC is located at the address: Ulyanovsk region, Melekessky district, r.p. Mullovka.

What documents are needed to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products?

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Simbirsk dumplings LLC was registered at the local INFS branch;
  2. A building was purchased to house production. Room area - 1168 m2. The building is currently being renovated in order to comply with all SES and fire safety requirements of the production facility;
  3. There is a preliminary agreement with the company Elves LLC for the purchase of equipment for a workshop for the production of semi-finished products;
  4. Preliminary agreements have been concluded for the supply of semi-finished products to stores in Dimitrovgrad and Samara.

Description of products and services

The initial range of products produced by the workshop will include:

  • Homemade dumplings, wholesale price 130 rubles/kg;
  • Amateur dumplings, wholesale price 110 rubles/kg;
  • Russian-style dumplings, wholesale price 90 rubles/kg;
  • Homemade cutlets, wholesale price 110 rubles/kg;
  • Amateur cutlets, wholesale price 90 rubles/kg.

As the enterprise develops and new sales channels are established, the range of products will increase.

About 150 kg of finished products will be shipped daily. The average wholesale selling price will be 106 rubles/kg.

The technology for the production of semi-finished products includes such stages as: meat acceptance, primary processing of carcasses, culinary cutting, meat sorting, preparation of semi-finished products, packaging of finished products.

Our company will use only high-quality raw materials. This includes: cooled or chilled beef of the first and second categories (GOST 779-55), meat pork (GOST 7724-77), veal, baking flour (GOST 26574-85). Raw materials will be sourced from local wholesalers, large agricultural producers and farms. All incoming raw materials will undergo strict veterinary control.

Marketing plan

The main competitors of our enterprise will be similar manufacturers located in the Melekessky district and the city of Dimitrovgrad, as well as manufacturers from other regions. The range of products produced by competitors is very wide, and the price range is also quite significant. However, as research shows, there is a shortage of high-quality “home-produced” semi-finished products in retail outlets. The demand for such products is always high, and there is often no supply.

The competitiveness of our products will be achieved primarily through a competent ratio of price and quality of goods. Sales of manufactured products are planned to be carried out through the following sales channels:

  1. Sales through retail points of sale, shops and pavilions;
  2. Sales through wholesale organizations;
  3. Concluding supply contracts for local chain stores.

The main markets for the products are the city of Dimitrovgrad and the Melekessky district, as well as the cities of Ulyanovsk and Samara. Currently, there is an agreement to supply products to LLC Chain of Supermarkets (Dimitrovgrad), LLC Saturn (Dimitrovgrad) and LLC New Product (Samara).

Advertising of manufactured products is planned to be carried out by posting information on bulletin boards, in the media, on the Internet, as well as during personal visits to commercial enterprises.

How much can you earn from selling semi-finished products?

Total monthly revenue of the enterprise will be 1,030 thousand rubles.

However, this revenue figure will be achieved only after 6 months of operation of the workshop. Because before reaching large production volumes, it is necessary to establish sales channels for products and win the trust of consumers.

Thus, the enterprise’s annual revenue will be 10,815,000 rubles.

Production plan

The production of semi-finished products will be carried out in a premises with a total area of ​​1168.88 m2. In this case, the workshop itself will be divided into appropriate sections:

  • Area for receiving and cutting up animal carcasses;
  • Semi-finished products production area, which has sub-areas for the production of minced meat and dough;
  • Packaging and labeling area;
  • Storage area for raw materials and finished products;
  • Room for working staff;
  • Shower and toilet rooms;
  • Accounting and production administration office.

The enterprise will comply with all norms and sanitary rules imposed on such facilities by regulatory authorities. The workshop premises will have good lighting, ventilation and air exchange with an influx of clean outside air. The walls, floors and ceilings bordering the refrigerator compartment will be insulated. All workplaces where personnel come into contact with unpackaged products will be equipped with sinks with hot and cold water supply.

What equipment to choose for the production of semi-finished products

The main equipment required for the production of semi-finished products includes: a dumpling machine, a dough mixing machine, a flour sifter, a meat grinder, a blast freezer, a split system, a freezer, a refrigerator, a chest.

When choosing equipment, the main emphasis is on reliability, ease of operation, availability of spare parts, low cost and, accordingly, high payback rates.


The planned staffing of the workshop for the production of semi-finished products will include 12 people.

Financial plan

The cost of raw materials for the production of semi-finished products, per 1 kg of products produced, is as follows:

Taking into account the planned production volume of semi-finished products, the annual costs for raw materials and ingredients will be 6,011,250 rubles.

The monthly expenses of the enterprise will be 750,737 rubles, and the annual expenses will be 9,008,850 rubles.

The main expenses of the enterprise are the costs of purchasing raw materials for the manufacture of semi-finished products - 67% of total expenses per year. In second place are the costs of paying wages to workshop workers - 19% of total costs.

Net profit based on annual sales of semi-finished products will be 1,535,277 rubles. The profitability of the workshop for the production of semi-finished products is 17.0%. With such indicators, the project will pay for itself in 8 months.

The enterprise will make tax contributions to various levels of the budget of the Ulyanovsk region up to 498,682 rubles per year.

Where to start producing semi-finished products

At the initial stage, we will need to register a new subject of production activity. After which you need to rent or purchase property and build a production facility yourself.

How much money do you need to start a business?

When starting the production of semi-finished products, the amount will be taken into account based on the final product. For example, when establishing the production of semi-finished meat products (dumplings, cutlets, etc.), 1 million rubles are needed. This does not take into account the construction of the structure or the cost of rent, without paying staff.

How much can you earn from the production of semi-finished products?

The full payback period for the production of semi-finished products is eight months. After this time, we can talk about receiving net profit. The net annual profit from the production of semi-finished products will be 1.5 million rubles. Taking into account the expansion of production areas and access to additional markets for finished products, net income from the production of semi-finished products increases significantly.

Which equipment to choose

To establish the production of semi-finished meat products, you will need to purchase:

  • dumpling machine and freezer;
  • blast freezer and vibrating meat sifter;
  • dough mixing machine and refrigeration chamber.

What documents are needed to open

registration documents as a subject of production activities;

  • documents for the production facility (lease agreement, ownership documents);
  • permission from the sanitation station;
  • permission from the fire inspection;
  • agreement for the purchase and supply of equipment for the production of semi-finished products;
  • contracts for the supply of semi-finished products;
  • an agreement with the company for the removal and disposal of production waste;
  • agreements with employees and collective agreements;
  • job descriptions, etc.

Which tax system to choose for registering the production of semi-finished products

A simplified taxation system for the production of semi-finished products is the best option.

With the high pace of life in the modern world, people often do not have enough time to prepare food; studies indicate a constant increase in demand for semi-finished products. This state of affairs indicates that the workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products as a business is a promising area that allows the owner to make a significant profit. The opening of such an enterprise has important social significance, as it allows you to create new jobs and provide additional money to the region’s budget.

What are semi-finished products?

Semi-finished products are products that are transformed into ready-made food through simple manipulations. Their preparation is characterized by high speed, which is why this type of product has recently become increasingly popular. Production can be carried out from meat or other raw materials, that is, a natural or processed product is obtained. A distinctive characteristic of the product is its division into portions in the factory.

Finished goods are classified according to the following criteria:
- according to the production process used (natural, chopped);
- for animal meat (rabbit, pork, beef, lamb);
- according to the characteristics of the temperature state (chilled, frozen).

Semi-finished products can be sold at retail and wholesale, when concluding contracts with stores, cafes, etc. The production of dumplings is currently a fairly occupied niche, but the production of pancakes with meat or other fillings, cabbage rolls, frying sausages and other semi-finished meat products of varying degrees of readiness is growing demand and such products are in excellent demand among consumers. A separate direction in the business of semi-finished products can be considered the production of ready-made meals using blast freezing of raw materials and the sale of sets of products and spices with instructions for preparing dishes of various cuisines.

Today's business for the production of semi-finished products, using modern equipment, allows us to produce high-quality products while preserving all nutrients, and quickly reconfigure our production to produce one or another product.

Let's consider the business of semi-finished products based on the production of cutlets. Some will say that cutlets are nonsense. Your products can be supplied to schools, institutes, canteens, cafes and various eateries. So the sales market for this product exists and requires a market for cheap and high-quality raw materials for its development.

Description of the enterprise

When choosing an organizational form of doing business, it is better to open an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. It is cheaper and faster to open an individual entrepreneur, so for our enterprise we choose this organizational form. To pay taxes, it was decided to choose a simplified “income-expenses” taxation system. Such a system will avoid a number of problems that novice entrepreneurs usually face. Before starting production, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with GOST R 52674-2006 and GOST R 51187-98; you can search for other standards on the Internet.

OKDP codes:

1511400 – semi-finished frozen meat products;

1511410 – ready-made quick-frozen products;

1511420 – natural portioned semi-finished products.

Future products are subject to conformity certification, and the production premises must receive an epidemiological conclusion.

Workshop space.

In order for food production to be possible, the premises must comply with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary-epidemiological service and fire safety. The optimal choice would be a place where work in this area has already been carried out (cooking, confectionery shop), otherwise a fairly high-quality renovation will be required. You should not consider the option of selecting premises for production in the basement, located in a residential building, with low ceilings, where it is impossible to provide the necessary communications, including supply and exhaust ventilation.

The logistics component is important; the building must have convenient access routes so that raw materials can be unloaded and finished products loaded without unnecessary problems. The cost of real estate in the center reaches high values; this is not the best choice for starting a business, so you can consider the available options on the outskirts, in close proximity to the raw material base.

The premises for the production of semi-finished products should be divided into the following zones:
- acceptance and cutting of raw materials;
- direct production of semi-finished products, in the form of minced meat;
- packaging and labeling operations;
- stock.

A separate room for workshop employees should be equipped; a convenient location of the shower and toilet will be a big plus. The administration requires a separate room for comfortable work.

For our calculation, we assume that we rented a premises of 100 sq. m. meters, rental cost 300 rubles/m2. This area will house the production itself, product storage warehouses and living quarters for employees.

The cost of initial investments in equipment and repairs for organizing a semi-finished products business.

We remind you that at our enterprise we are going to produce homemade cutlets from minced meat. It is impossible to imagine the functioning of an enterprise without the purchase of specialized equipment; this will be the main cost line for starting your own business. In total, the purchase of equipment in the amount of 828,500 rubles is required, such costs consist of the purchase of the following things:

SPLIT System - 70,000 rub. (the temperature when cooking minced meat should be no more than 14C);
- meat grinder – 40,000 rubles;
- apparatus for forming cutlets – 150,000 rubles;
- freezer for storing raw materials and finished products (2 pieces) – 200,000 rubles;
- minced meat mixer – 160,000 rubles;
- packaging machine – 88,500 rubles;
- other production equipment and improvised means (cutting tables (2 pieces), hooks for carcasses, knives, bowls, buckets, etc.) – 50,000 rubles;
- organization of living quarters for the manager and employees - 50,000 rubles;
- computer and printer – 20,000 rubles.

Costs are not limited to the purchase of equipment; the following costs should be taken into account:
- carrying out repair work on the premises - 200,000 rubles;
- connection of communication networks - 300,000 rubles;
- purchase of additional equipment and special clothing - 50,000 rubles;
- other associated costs, including product certification - 60,000 rubles.

The total initial investment in the cutlet production business is 1,438,500 rubles. Also, at the initial stage, working capital will be needed to start production. In our case, it took 1,430 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

Working capital

Repair work

Organizational expenses

Total expenses

The technological production process is divided into separate stages:
- reception of raw materials;
- primary processing;
- cutting;
- sorting operations;
- cooking individual products (grinding main ingredients, kneading minced meat, forming cutlets and freezing);
- packaging work.

To gain authority, it is necessary to use the highest quality raw materials that meet the highest standards. Certain types of products have their own GOST standards. It is preferable to work with farmers or reputable large producers. All purchased meat must undergo maximum control by the veterinary service.

Marketing plan.

The high demand for high-quality semi-finished products shows that opening a workshop is currently a profitable investment. There is some competition in this area, but the lack of relevant products in retail shows that there is necessary room for development in the niche. Product promotion is carried out through advertising in local newspapers, bulletin boards and specialized Internet resources, and by establishing personal connections.
To achieve maximum efficiency, sales of manufactured products will be carried out in three directions:
- retail points of sale;
- wholesale sales to large suppliers;
- wholesale sales directly to chain stores.

Staff for organizing a business.

Fully ensuring the functioning of production requires the work of a staff of 4 employees, which includes:

Preparation of raw materials – 1 employee;
- accountant – outsourcing services;
- product preparation – 2 employees;
- cleaning lady – 1 employee.

As production develops, wage rates can be increased. In some cases, the use of an accountant’s labor is not effective; the services of outsourcing companies are more economically feasible.



Cleaning woman



List of manufactured products.

The profitability of an enterprise largely depends on a successful start; it is important to start making tangible profits from the very first stages of the business’s operation. To solve this problem, we need to decide on the products offered; the initial product of our workshop will be the production of homemade cutlets, the cost is 200 rubles per kg. or 15 rubles per piece.
For wholesale sales, such prices are quite natural. As income increases, the list of products offered may be replenished with new items.

For our calculations, we will produce and send 500 kilograms of products to stores every day, with an increase in productivity to 1000 kilograms per day in six months. If a manufacturer can establish itself from the best side due to high quality, decent demand for its products is guaranteed.

Immediately after the start of activity, reaching such a volume is a problematic task; initially, as many semi-finished products will be produced as can be supplied by buyers. Increasing connections and finding sales points will make it possible to gradually increase production capacity, characterized by the quantity of goods produced.

Our business costs consist of the following indicators:

Fixed expenses


Payroll taxes



Accountant services

Variable expenses

Cost of products

Communal expenses


Insurance individual entrepreneurs

Packaging cost

Other variable expenses

Total costs

Cost of raw materials for the production of cutlets.

Cost of production of cutlets.

price, kg/r.


article, rub/kg

Beef meat

Raw beef fat

Wheat bread


Bulb onions

Ground black pepper

Table salt

Drinking water

Total consumption per 1 kg of minced meat

Meat yield rate after deboning,%

Business payback and financial results.

The profitability of a business is more clearly demonstrated by efficiency indicators, which, according to the calculations carried out, acquire the following values:
- profit for two years – 13,842 thousand rubles;
- profitability of the enterprise - 17%;
- payback period - 10 months.

Determination of the net profit of the enterprise.

We will determine the profitability and payback of the business.

Based on the results of the planning horizon, the profit will be slightly less than 14 million rubles, and the profitability indicator will be equal to 17%. If these values ​​are accurately reflected in practice, then all investments will pay off in 10 months, which is an excellent result.

To start the operation of the enterprise, an amount of about three million rubles will be required. If this is possible, you can take advantage of various small business support programs that will help cover part of the costs of starting a business.

Conclusion. The market for the production of semi-finished products is interesting; there are many niches for development in it that are currently not occupied. Since this business involves quite high-tech equipment, it is worth paying special attention to debugging production so that products of exceptionally high quality are produced. Such products can easily win the competition in the market and bring you to a leading position. Good luck in business!