Who is considered the most beautiful princess of England? You thought it was Catherine of Cambridge. There is no doubt that Catherine Elizabeth is a gorgeous woman, but today twenty-two-year-old Amelia Windsor is considered an unrivaled beauty and enviable bride of the crowned house. No wonder journalists awarded her the title “Rose” of England.

Amelia Theodora Sophia Margaret Maria Windsor is the first cousin of Elizabeth II herself and the 35th heir to the English throne. The fact that Amelia is on this list is already a great reason for pride, and the serial number does not matter, everything in this life is unpredictable.

short biography

Amelia Windsor was born in Cambridge in August 1995. This is the youngest daughter of Sylvanas and George Windsor, the great-great-great-granddaughter of George the Fifth. The princess's family originates from the deepest historical branch of the crowned family. The great-grandmother of this young beauty is none other than the Duchess of Kent. This person of royal blood on her father’s side was our Emperor Alexander II’s granddaughter, Alexander III’s niece, and Nicholas II’s even a cousin. So the first beauty of the English throne has Russian roots. Amelia is the third child in the family, she has a brother and sister, Marina Charlotte and Edward.

Amelia first attended a Catholic boarding school (private) in Berkshire with her older sister. Now the girl is studying in Edinburgh, studying foreign languages ​​and art history at the university. The English beauty dreams of a career as a journalist.


The greatest influence on the formation of the girl’s character was her father -George, who is the son of the Duke of Kent. The count received a higher education and has the title of master. Friends from his student years called the Duke “recluse,” and his ill-wishers called him “bespectacled.” George worked in Budapest and New York in the diplomatic service, and then moved into the antiques business. Apparently, a passion for antique objects passed from him to Amelia.

It was her father who instilled in the young beauty a love of languages, reading and books. Religion also played a big role in raising children in this family. The older brother and sister adhere to the Catholic faith, so they are not on the list of contenders for the English throne, the youngest daughter and father are adherents of the Anglican faith.

Mother - Silvana Tomasseli, is an exotic personality of the royal house, since for Silvana, marriage with George is the second. The princess's mother is from Canada, but she herself is of Austrian roots and adheres to the Catholic - Roman faith. Works at the university, teaches philosophy and history. The restraint in Amelia's character comes from her mother. Silvana raised her children in the spirit of tiara-shunning, where composure, restraint, and calm come first. However, the first beauty of England is not a snob at all. Her friends were shocked when they saw the princess working as a waitress.

Hobbies and style of the younger Windsors
Amelia did not grow up surrounded by cameras and ubiquitous journalists, and she rarely goes to Buckingham Palace itself, except at Christmas dinner and at William’s wedding. The young princess’s first appearance in “high” society took place in 2013. The debutante had it from Elie Saab, a Lebanese couturier.

The girl later shared her impressions of the ball, saying that she was terribly worried, was afraid of falling and forgot all the steps in the dance. Of course, this would not have happened, since the princess had been preparing for a long time.

Her first steps immediately brought fame. The press started talking about the girl, her photographs appeared in the most famous magazines. No wonder. Who can be left indifferent by a chiseled girlish figure, huge eyes and an upturned nose? And manners! The girl, unlike her high-ranking relatives, is very reserved and at the same time simple, which is important. With such external data, Amelia increasingly began to appear in the lenses and pages of magazines.

Many began to predict a career in the modeling business for her. Amelia does not deny this fact, as she loves fashion very much and even completed an internship at Chanel and gained valuable experience. She also took part in the show Dolce & Gabbana as a model.

The girl loves shopping, but does not attack fashion boutiques, like many “star” children, but prefers unique things with history. The Queen's granddaughter loves the London antique market and the Marais district in Paris. But the princess’s favorite thing is her mother’s sweater, which she wore in her youth. According to the young princess, this is the most comfortable thing in her wardrobe.

Beyond fashion, Windsor supports the royal family's passion for charity. She helps veterans resolve issues with housing, food or clothing, and travel tickets.

Edward, the princess's older brother, also loves fashion, hunting, and racing cars. This is a very smart and educated young man, president of the university club. Marina, Amelia's older sister, loves sports, parachutes, is also passionate about fashion and even completed an internship at Hermes.

She graduated from the University of Edinburgh and works for a Brazilian publishing house.

0 March 3, 2016, 3:39 pm

The other day, Princess Amelia Windsor graced the cover of the British magazine Tatler, which often publishes photographs of young and promising people from high society. The magazine called the girl “the most beautiful representative of the British royal family”: they even say that the princess will supplant the favorite of the British, Kate Middleton..


Amelia Windsor is the youngest daughter of George Windsor, Earl of St. Andrews, and Silvana Windsor, Countess of St. Andrews. She is 36th in the line of succession to the British throne.

For a time, Amelia was the only one of her family who had the right to inherit the British throne. The fact is that her mother Silvana belongs to the Roman Catholic Church by birth; because of her marriage, Amelia’s father George Windsor was excluded from contenders for the throne (according to the act of 1701, Catholics cannot claim the British crown). Amelia's older brother, 26-year-old Edward, and sister, 22-year-old Marina Charlotte, were also excluded from the order of succession because they converted to Catholicism in their teens. Amelia remained a member of the Church of England. This is how peaceful and calm Game of Thrones can be.

However, in 2015, after a number of changes in British legislation, Earl George Windsor again found himself on the list of heirs to the throne.


Amelia, along with her older sister Marina Charlotte, studied at the private Catholic boarding school St. Mary's in Berkshire. It is curious that Princess Caroline of Monaco and the writer Lady Antonia Fraser also studied at this boarding school.


An example for Amelia is her cousin, Lady Gabriella Windsor. The girl dreams of trying herself in journalism, like her relative.

Amelia is now a student at the University of Edinburgh. She is also passionate about fashion, and many predict a career in modeling for her. By the way, Amelia’s aunt, Lady Helen Taylor (née Windsor), was a former model and collaborated with Giorgio Armani.

Giorgio Armani and Lady Helen Taylor, 2007

Now Amelia often attends charity balls, debutante balls and other similar events popular among British aristocrats. Amelia's official "debut" in the world took place on November 30, 2013 in Paris at the annual Debutante Ball, where she shone in a dress from Elie Saab.

Personal life

Amelia does not strive for fame and popularity: she does not have accounts on social networks, she rarely participates in fashion photo shoots for magazines, and appears at social events only if the occasion is related to charity.

It is also known that Amelia loves to go shopping. In addition to boutiques of famous designers, the girl also likes to visit flea markets.

Photo Gettyimages.ru

Photo by Tatler

So, based on numerous requests from those interested, I present a list of the 40 most enviable blue-blooded brides. A small note - among them there are several ladies not of aristocratic blood by origin, but, one way or another, associated with royal or aristocratic houses. The ladies come from fairly well-known families, most have not been married before, the age of our ladies is from 18 to 72.

Men are a little less fortunate in this regard, because ladies receive the title of husband upon marriage.

Well, we present the list of brides!

1. Lady Gabriella Windsor(born 1981, 34 years old)

Daughter of Prince Michael of Kent, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II

Beautiful, smart, well-mannered, and also monogamous, in a word - a real lady. Gabriella prefers to remain in the shadows and has not inherited the extravagance of her mother, the Princess of Kent.

She studied at Brown University (USA) and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature. In 2012 she received an MA in Social Anthropology from Linacre College, Oxford University.

A freelance journalist by profession, she has written several articles for the Spanish version of the glamor magazine Hello!

Lady Gabriella also does not like to talk about her personal life. However, several years ago she had a serious affair with a journalist from India Atish Taseer. Everyone was sure that Gabriella and Atish would get married, but a few years later the couple separated, announcing that their paths had diverged and Lady Gabriella did not want to move to India.

Gabriella, in addition to English, speaks excellent Spanish and, according to rumors, knows a little Russian. She was intended to be Prince William's bride.

2. Sheikha Hind, youngest daughter of the beautiful Sheikha Moza and sister of the ruling Emir of Qatar (born 1993, 22 years old)

Since 2009, Director of the Office of the Emir of Qatar.

3. Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg(born 1991, 24 years old)

The only daughter of the reigning Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Henri.

At the University of Luxembourg he studies literature, history and philosophy. She continued her studies in the USA. Speaks five languages ​​(Luxembourgish, French, English, German and Spanish). He enjoys horse riding, tennis and water skiing. In close circles she is known as a regular at the most elite tennis courts in Europe.

According to experts, in recent years Alexandra has developed her own style and personality.

4. Princess Iman bin Abdullah(born 1996, 19 years old). Eldest daughter of King Abdullah II of Jordan and Queen Rania.

The princess studies at Georgetown University in Washington, USA

5. Lady Viola Georgiana Grosvenor(born 1992, 23 years old). Youngest daughter of the Duke of Westminster, an influential and fabulously wealthy British aristocrat

Photo on the left

6.Princess Beatrice of York(born 1988, 27 years old). Granddaughter of the British Queen.

In 2008, the princess became a student at Goldsmiths College, University of London, receiving a BA in history. The princess is exempt from many of the obligatory official high ceremonies, as the family decided that she should devote all her time to her studies. Princess Beatrice lives a full life and manages to do everything - gains knowledge, has fun with her sister, applauds warmly at fashion shows and only occasionally participates in royal ceremonies.

The princess admitted to having autistic tendencies, so she supports foundations that support people with autism.

However, it is unlikely that anyone else will win the princess’s heart; for many years Beatrice has been faithful to her only boyfriend, David Clarke.

7. Princess Eugenia(Evgenia) Yorkskaya (born 1991, 24 years old). Sister Beatrice, youngest daughter of the Duke of York.

Witty and spontaneous, Eugenia shines in any company. The girl works and lives in London.

8. Lady Marina(born 1992, 23 years old) and Lady Amelia Windsor(born 1995, 20 years old), granddaughter of the Duke of Kent, relative of the British royal family

Lady Marina

Lady Amelia

Lady Marina Windsor works for a publishing company.

The youngest daughter, Lady Amelia Windsor, studies at St. Mary's private Catholic boarding school near Ascot (Berkshire). She plans to connect her career with journalism, like her cousin Lady Gabriella Windsor. She starred in a photo shoot for Tatler magazine, took part in the Young Debutante Ball and even announced that she dreams of becoming a designer.

9. Zenuska Mowatt(born 1990, 25 years old). Granddaughter of Princess Alexandra of Kent, a relative of the British royal family. Works in the publishing house of a fashion magazine.

10.Princess Marie Caroline of Liechtenstein(born 1996, 19 years old). Daughter of Alois, Crown Prince of Liechtenstein and his wife née Sophia of Bavaria

11. Princesses of Belgium, Their Imperial and Royal Highnesses.

Princess Maria Laura (born 1988, 27 years old).

Eldest daughter of Princess Astrid of Belgium and Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este. Princess Maria Laura studied Chinese, and even spent 2 years studying in China, after which in 2008 she entered the National Institute of Languages ​​and Oriental Civilizations (Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales) in Paris. The Princess speaks fluently the three languages ​​of Belgium: French, Dutch and German.

Her younger sister, Princess Louise Marie of Belgium (born 1995, 20 years old).

Princess Louise Marie graduated from Sint-Jan Berchman College, as did her older brother and sister. Currently attends Sevenoaks School in Kent, UK.

12. Japanese princesses

Princesses Mako (born 1991, 24 years old) and Kako (born 1994, 21 years old) are the granddaughters of Emperor Akihito of Japan, daughter of Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko.

Princess Mako

Princess Kako

Princess Mako was educated at the International Christian University in Tokyo. She studied English at University College Dublin. Previously graduated from Gakushuin Girls' School in Tokyo.

In August 2006, she spent two weeks in Austria at a school sponsored by the Homestay program. Later, the girl spent an academic year in the UK. Princess Mako has been something of an internet idol since 2004, when she was shown on television wearing a Japanese school uniform as a sailor suit.

Princess Kako is gifted in figure skating and the art of sewing. In 2007, she represented the Meijijingu Gaien Figure Skating Club and the Spring Figure Skating Cup team in a competition held by the Japan Skating Federation. Princess Kako ranks among the highest in the Shinjuku area (Girl B - Primary School 6 years old or above). The princess communicates freely and without shame with her peers on social networks. He blogs at mixi.jp.

Princess Tsuguko of Takamado (b. 1986, age 29) is a member of the Imperial House of Japan and the eldest daughter of Prince Norihito and Princess Hisako.

The Princess graduated from Gakushuin High School, and attended the University of Edinburgh in Scotland from 2004 to 2008, where she studied sociology and psychology. In 2008, she was included in Forbes magazine's "20 Hottest Young Princesses" list.

In March 2013, Princess Tsuguko graduated from the Department of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University. She works in Japan for the UNICEF Committee. She attends ceremonies at the imperial palace and accompanies her mother on visits.

One “But” - it is extremely unlikely that the princesses of Japan will connect their lives with a foreigner.

13. Pauline Ducret(born 1994, 19 years old) is the eldest daughter of Princess Stephanie of Monaco.

Pauline actively takes part in the annual International Circus Arts Festival, as well as in diving sports competitions.

Pauline has a younger sister, Camilla, and a cousin, Princess Alexandra of Hanover.

Pauline's Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulinedcrt/

14. Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana(born 1987, 28 years old), daughter of Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn and his common-law wife, actress Yuvadhida Polprasert, granddaughter of the King of Thailand.

After completing her secondary education, she entered the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at Chulalongkorn University, from which she successfully graduated in 2009.

The girl has been interested in fashion since childhood, so she often attends fashion shows and even created her own clothing brand, which, however, is not very popular.

15. German Princess Elisabeth of Thurn and Taxis(born 1982, 33 years old), daughter of the German billionaire Prince of Thurn and Taxis and his wife Princess Gloria.

With brother

She runs a fashion blog and works for several glossy magazines, but has also written serious articles for Vatican Catholic publications about the revival of Catholicism in France and the lives of saints.

An extravagant nature, she knows how to attract attention.

16. (Princess) Karina-Elizaveta of Romania(b.1989, 26 years old), née Medford-Mills. Granddaughter of the ex-King of Romania Michael, sister of Prince Nicholas of Romania. She has not been officially given the title of princess, but anything is possible in the near future.

17. Princess Theodora of Greece(born 1983, 32 years old) - daughter of the ex-king of Greece Constantine, the girl was destined to be the bride of Prince William.

Theodora lives in the USA; she previously decided to make a career in Hollywood, but limited herself to only episodic roles and filming in short films.

18. Granddaughters of the last Emperor of Iran, daughter of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi.

Princess Noor Pahlavi (b. 1992, 23 years old).

Princess Iman Pahlavi (b. 1994, 21 years old).

The princesses live and were educated in the United States, but also spend time in Paris with the grandmother of the ex-empress Farah.

When asked about succession to the throne if the monarchy is ever restored in Iran, Prince Reza replied that he does not see a problem with inheriting the throne through the female line.

19. Eugenia Martinez de Irujo(b. 1968, 46 years old), daughter of the late Duchess of Alba.

Divorced, has a daughter from her first marriage. She works as a public relations manager for Tour Design House. According to Vanity Fair Spain, the rich and aristocratic Eugenia is a very enviable bride.

20.Princess Zahra Aga Khan(b. 1970, 45 years old), daughter of Prince Aga Khan, international spiritual leader of the Ismaelites.

Despite the fact that she has two brothers, many consider Zahra to be her father’s true heir, because she has invested a lot of effort in the prosperity of the family heritage funds. In short, a real businesswoman. Divorced, two children.

21. Princess Fauzia Latifa(born 1982, 33 years old) - daughter of the ex-king of Egypt Fuad II. She studied political science and later worked as an adviser to the French deputy Daniel Spanier. Lives and works in France.

22. Infanta Elena(born 1963, 51 years old). For a long time, Doña Elena remained in the shadow of her brother and sister, but after the divorce and other changes, other features of the intelligent daughter of the King of Spain were revealed to the public. Divorced, two children.

23. Maria Leon(35 years)

No, not an actress, but a natural blonde and Spanish aristocrat, daughter of the Marquis of Cañada. She studied exact sciences at university, but works in the fashion industry. Author of the book Vestir con estilo (How to dress with taste). Loves to travel. Divorced.

24.Princess Angelica Latufuipeka Tukuaho(born 1983, 31 years old).

The only daughter of the monarch of the exotic island kingdom of Tonga, George Tupou VI. Religion is Methodist Christian. Since 2012, he has held the position of Extraordinary Representative of the Kingdom of Tonga in Australia. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the International University of Geneva and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Canberra, Australia.

25. Carmen Cervera, Baroness Thyssen(72 years old)

The daughter of a Catalan and a native of Navarre, Carmen Cervera was educated in private schools in Barcelona, ​​London and Switzerland. She was in a close relationship with the French singer Johnny Hallyday. In 1961 she won the titles of Miss Catalonia and Miss Spain and took part in the Miss World beauty contest. In Hollywood, Cervera met Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe. In the 70s, Cervera had a romantic relationship with Al Pacino. In the 80s and 90s she starred in several films. Through her third marriage to Baron Thyssen, Cervera became an art collector. The Baron fell in love with the beautiful Carmen so much that he gave her only illegitimate son his name. In 2011, the Carmen Thyssen Museum opened in Malaga. The art collection was the subject of a long-running dispute between Carmen and Thyssen's children from previous marriages, which ended shortly before the baron's death in 2002.

Despite her advanced age, according to Vanity Fair Spain, Carmen is still an enviable bride.

26. Corinna Sayn-Wittgenstein (born 1964, 51 years old). German princess and entrepreneur, former “favorite” of the Spanish king Juan Carlos. Her origins are not princely. After her second marriage, Corinna took her husband's surname and became Princess Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sain. Divorced, two children. Owns a luxurious mansion in the suburbs of Madrid, as well as other valuable properties.

27. Erznerduchess Eleanor von Habsburg(born 1994, 19 years old) is the eldest daughter of Archduke Charles, head of the House of Habsburg, and nee Francesca Thyssen, the only daughter of Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen.

28. Pippa (Philippa) Middleton(born 1983, 32 years old). Sister of Catherine Duchess of Cambridge. Not an aristocrat, but nevertheless appears on the lists of aristocratic eligible brides, probably due to her relationship with the royal family, because her sister will one day become Queen of England.

Pippa has a boyfriend, Nico Jackson, but many note that the girl is still in search of female happiness.

29.Princess Charlotte of Bourbon-Parma(born 1993, 21 years old). The eldest daughter of the French prince (legitimist) Charles-Emmanuel of Bourbon-Parma and his wife, née Baroness Constance de Ravinel.

30.Earl Spencer's Daughters, brother of the late Princess Diana

Lady Kitty Spencer (b. 1990, 25 years old). Received a Master's Degree in Luxury Brand Management

Twins Lady Amelia and Lady Eliza Spencer (b. 1992, 23 years old). Girls appear in the media much less often than their older sister.

31.Princess Theresa zu Leiningen(born 1992, 23 years old) is the only daughter of Prince Karl-Emich zu Leiningen (who took the name Nikolai Kirrilovich Romanov in Orthodoxy) and his second wife Baroness Gabriella Thyssen, who became the second wife of Prince Aga Khan.

On right

32. Princess Mafalda of Bulgaria(born 1994, 19 years old). Daughter of the Bulgarian Prince Kirill, granddaughter of the ex-Tsar of Bulgaria Simeon II.

33. Princess of Prussia Irina Maria Nina Kira(born 1988, 27 years old) - daughter of Prince Christian-Sigismund of Prussia, granddaughter of Grand Duchess Kira Kirrilovna Romanova.

34. Princess Maria Olympia of Greece and Denmark(born 1996, 19 years old) is the daughter of Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece and née Marie-Chantal Miller. The girl actively shares her life on Instagram and poses in glossy magazines, trying to create the image of a modern glamorous princess.

35.Princess Alix de Ligne(born 1988, 27 years old). Daughter of Prince Michel de Ligne and Princess Eleanor of Orléans - Braganza.

36. Daughter of the Indian Maharaja, Princess Akshita Manjari Mayurbanj(Akshita Manjari Bhanj Deo, born 1992, 23 years old).

Studying at one of the higher educational institutions in the USA.

37. Maria Francisca of Braganza, Infanta of Portugal(b. 1997, 18 years old), daughter of the Duke of Braganza, head of the Royal House of Portugal

38. Lady Rachel Fitzalan-Howard, eldest daughter of the Duke of Norfolk, a British aristocrat and landowner (b. 1989, 26 years old).

39. Princess of Swaziland, Sikhanyiso Dlamini, born 1987, 28 years old. The eldest daughter of the King of Swaziland and his first wife, the first of the king's 30 children from different wives.

The exotic princess is extravagant and has been involved in a scandal over the embezzlement of a large sum from the state treasury. However, in 2014, the princess created a foundation aimed at development in the fields of health, culture and education.

40.Princess Euphelma Choden Wangchuck, Princess of Bhutan(born 1993, 22 years old). Daughter of the former King of Bhutan and his fourth wife Sangay Choden Wangchuck, half-sister of the current King of Bhutan. She received her education at the prestigious boarding house La Rose in Switzerland. The youngest of the princesses of the mountain kingdom. Based in the capital of Bhutan, she is known for her activities in supporting various socio-economic and environmental development programs.

Lady Amelia Sophia Theodora Maria Margaret of Windsor(English: Lady Amelia Sophia Theodora Mary Margaret Windsor, born August 24, 1995 in Cambridge) is the youngest daughter of George Windsor, Earl of St. Andrews, and Silvana Windsor, Countess of St. Andrews. Granddaughter of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and great-great-granddaughter of King George V. She is 36th in the line of succession to the British throne.


Born at Rosie Hospital (Cambridge). At one time she was the only member of her family eligible to inherit the British throne: her mother Silvana belongs to the Roman Catholic Church by birth and Lady Amelia's father was excluded due to her marriage. Amelia's brother Edward, Baron Dauntpatrick, and sister Marina Charlotte were excluded from the order of succession because they converted to Catholicism in their teens, but Amelia remained a member of the Church of England. This situation changed in 2015 when, following changes in British law that removed these restrictions, the earl (but not his eldest Catholic children) was again listed as heir to the throne.

Lady Amelia studies at St. Mary's private Catholic boarding school near Ascot (Berkshire). She plans to connect her career with journalism, like her cousin Lady Gabriella Windsor. She starred in a photo shoot for Tatler magazine, which is known for often featuring photographs of members of the British royal family on its covers.

On her father's side she is a distant relative (great-great-great-great-granddaughter) of Emperor Alexander II.

Lady Amelia Windsor before the Christian Dior Couture Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2018-2019 show

A pretty, still very childish face, clear eyes, blond disheveled hair - a real princess from fairy tales. She is not yet 25, and she is already called the first beauty of England. But what about the wife of Prince William, you quite rightly ask, or the new star of the family, Meghan Markle? It looks like Catherine of Cambridge and Meghan of Sussex will have to make room on the pedestal and give way to the younger generation, which will give a head start to any of their older relatives.

The competitor's name is Lady Amelia Windsor, who is the great-great-granddaughter of King George V and the youngest daughter of George Windsor, Earl of St. Andrews. Today she is a social media star, a darling of brands and glossy publications, and a real it-girl of royal blood, who has gained worldwide fame in just two years. We tell you how she managed it.

Failed Queen

Lady Amelia, or as she calls herself on Instagram, Mel Windsor, does not wear a tiara - simply because, as a rule, girls from a noble family try on the family jewelry for the first time on their wedding day (or after). However, Dolce & Gabbana hastened to put the crown on the head of the young aristocrat ahead of time. The Italian duo, in principle, loves young representatives of blue blood, and Lady Amelia is no exception. She is too pretty in elegant dresses and tiaras.

Amelia Windsor...

... on the Dolce & Gabbana Fall/Winter 2017/18 catwalk

However, if Mel were to get married, she would still be able to count on a family piece of jewelry - fortunately, the Kent branch, to which the girl essentially belongs, has a couple of priceless examples. Many of them belonged to Amelia’s great-grandmother, the famous Greek and Danish princess Marina, wife of Prince George (Elizabeth II’s uncle). Marina's mother, Elena Vladimirovna, was the granddaughter of Russian Emperor Alexander II - and, therefore, Amelia is a distant relative of the Romanovs.

A funny mystery of history: among experts there is still an opinion that initially the Greek royal family (as well as some Windsors) cherished the hope of marrying Marina not to George, but to the Prince of Wales himself, the future Edward VIII. More precisely, initially her older sister Olga was supposed to take the place of the future British queen, but she married the brother of the King of Yugoslavia in 1923. Marina, as they say, at one of the receptions managed to momentarily charm the heir to the throne, which gave her parents new hope. But David quickly got off the hook - and Marina married his younger brother.

Prince George and Princess Marina are Lady Amelia's great-grandparents

Of course, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, but it is still interesting to imagine the further development of events if Marina had become Edward’s wife. In addition, let's not forget about the recently declassified conspiracy against the father of Elizabeth II, which took place in 1936. In any case, if Marina had happened to become queen (she would have become queen even if she had married David, because then there would have been no abdication) and produced the same offspring that she eventually produced, then Amelia’s grandfather, now the Duke Kentish would have ruled Britain long ago, and her father George would have been first in line to the throne.

The Earl and Countess of St Andrews are the parents of Amelia Windsor

But that's not all. The thing is that Amelia’s mother is a Catholic, so when, back in 1988, the Earl of St. Andrews took her as his wife, he renounced his right to the throne (despite the fact that he himself remained an Anglican). Amelia's brother and older sister, Edward (Baron Dauntpartrick) and Lady Marina Charlotte, subsequently converted to the Catholic faith. But Mel remained an Anglican. So when the old law barring Windsors married to Catholics from claiming the throne was changed in the early 2010s, Amelia's father was restored, but her brother and sister were not. Thus, if not for thousands of “buts,” then Amelia’s father would sooner or later be able to take the throne - and Mel herself, being the only Anglican of his children, would be the first contender for the role of queen!

However, all these are just games of the imagination. In reality, the main characters of the royal family remain Elizabeth II and her descendants, the future queens in the person of Camilla and Catherine have also been identified, and Amelia is content with only a place in the fourth ten heirs. Moreover, he is really satisfied.

Debuting "princess"

It must be said that Amelia was indeed very lucky to not be born among the first heirs to the throne. Just imagine the position of an aristocrat, in whose veins flows the blood of rulers not only from Great Britain, but also (at least) from Greece and Russia, and who is absolutely not burdened by the burdens of royal protocol. Yes, she is not a princess or a duchess - and yet she remains a girl of royal blood, who is allowed absolutely everything at the same time. Amelia travels the world, gets tattoos, works as a model and makes a career in fashion and journalism, vacations with whoever she wants, sunbathes topless, runs social networks - and does not answer to anyone for anything.

Amelia at the Trooping The Color show, 2017

Amelia Windsor at the Serpentine Gallery party, June 19, 2018

However, Lady Amelia was brought up like a real princess. It simply couldn't be any other way. On her father's side, the girl comes from the royal dynasty, and on her mother's side, from the Tomaselli family of Austrian origin. The latter is famous in European intellectual circles: for example, the patriarch of the family, Giuseppe Tomaselli, was a famous musician, and his children at one time entered the theatrical elite of Austria and Italy. In fact, Amelia’s mother, now Countess Silvana, is a recognized historian in Great Britain, specializing in the politics of Great Britain and France.

Amelia Windsor (in white jacket) with the royal family at the 2006 Trooping the Color show

In short, fate itself ordered Amelia, her brother and sister to become exemplary representatives of the young aristocracy. Mel and her older sister Marina studied at the prestigious St. Mary's Girls' School in Ascot, from where, by the way, Princess Caroline of Monaco once graduated. Marina then fell in love with the theater (later the girl thought about a career as a diplomat, but now the type of her activity is unclear), and Amelia forever fell in love with fashion and decorative arts.

Lady Amelia as a child

Lady Amelia with her mother at the gala evening preceding the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, April 28, 2011

Mel was only fifteen when she appeared on the pages of glossy magazine with Edward and Marina. However, her star was destined to shine truly brightly a little later - three years later, at the traditional Debutante Ball in Paris. Young unmarried girls from noble families, accompanied by worthy gentlemen, dancing until the morning, magnificent dresses - an event reminiscent of the customs of a bygone era, became for Lady Amelia the starting point on the path to social life. It was then that she, in an Elie Saab couture outfit, began to be perceived as the only celebrity in the family of the Earl and Countess of St. Andrews. Neither Evard nor Marina will subsequently be able to eclipse the glory of their younger sister.

Amelia Windsor and other noble girls at the Debutante Ball in Paris, autumn 2013

She will continue her education at the University of Edinburgh, where she will study French and Italian and develop her interest in fashion and art. “Initially, I wanted to study Latin,” Mel said in an interview with W magazine. “I adore it, I adore literature written in Latin. But then I realized that knowing languages ​​is much more important if you want to work in fashion. After all, this way you can communicate with everyone.”

She had someone to be inspired by: at one time, her own aunt, Lady Helen Taylor, worked as a model, remaining the muse of Giorgio Armani himself for 17 years. “My aunt has always inspired me,” Amelia admitted in an interview with the Telegraph in 2018. “I always thought she dressed really well and was a lot of fun growing up with her.”