In Moscow, in the family of a career officer, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Lev Leshchenko's mother died when her son was one year old.

The future singer spent his childhood in Sokolniki, where he studied in the choir of the House of Pioneers, attended the swimming section, the literary circle and the brass band. At the insistence of the choirmaster, he gave up all the clubs and began to seriously study singing, performing on the school stage with the songs of Leonid Utesov, popular at that time.

In 1959, after graduating from school, Lev Leshchenko entered the Bolshoi Theater, where he worked as a stagehand for a year.

From 1960 to 1961 he worked as a fitter at the Precision Measuring Instruments Plant.

He served in tank forces as part of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. In January 1962, the unit command sent Private Leshchenko to the song and dance ensemble, where he became a soloist.

In September 1964, Lev Leshchenko became a student at GITIS. From the same year, he began working at the Mosconcert and as an intern group at the Operetta Theater. During the summer holidays he toured with concert bands throughout the USSR.

In 1969, the singer was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Operetta Theater.

In February 1970 he became a soloist-vocalist of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. At that time, he was engaged in intensive creative activity - he performed on the radio, recorded romances, folk and Soviet songs, and works by foreign composers. The singer performed the role of Porgy in George Gershwin's opera "Porgy and Bess", Rodion Shchedrin's oratorio "Lenin in the People's Heart" in a recording with the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gennady Rozhdestvensky, and collaborated with the Variety Symphony Orchestra conducted by Yuri Silantiev.

In March 1970, Lev Leshchenko became a laureate of the IV All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. He became a participant in many radio and television programs, concerts in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions.

In 1972, Leshchenko became a laureate of the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria. In the same year, with the song “For that guy” he received first prize at the then prestigious festival in Sopot.

A new impetus to the singer’s popularity was brought by the song “Victory Day” by Vladimir Kharitonov and David Tukhmanov, performed for the first time in 1975, on the 30th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, and which the singer himself considers one of his main achievements.

In 1980-1989, Lev Leshchenko continued his concert activities as a soloist-vocalist of the State Concert and Touring Association of the RSFSR "Rosconcert".

He performed hits that became classics of the national stage, including “White Birch”, “Don’t Cry, Girl”, “Love Lives on Earth”, “Tatiana’s Day”, “Beloved Women”, “We Can’t Live Without Each Other”, “ Nightingale Grove", "Earth's Gravity", "Not a Moment of Peace", "Native Earth", "Parental Home", "Where is My Home?", "City Flowers", "Meadow Grass", "Gentlemen Officers" and many others .

In 1990, Leshchenko created and headed the musical agency theater, which was given state status in 1992.

For more than 10 years, Lev Leshchenko taught at the Gnessin Music Pedagogical Institute (now the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music). Many of his students became famous pop artists - Marina Khlebnikova, Katya Lel, Olga Arefieva, Varvara and others.

Over the years of creative activity, Lev Leshchenko has released a number of records, magnetic albums and CDs. Among them are “Lev Leshchenko” (1977), “The Gravity of the Earth” (1980), “In the Circle of Friends” (1983), “Something for the Soul” (1987), “The White Flower of Bird Cherry” (1993), “No minutes of peace" (1995), "Scent of Love" (1996), "World of Dreams" (1999), "Simple Motif" (2001), "Territory of Love" (2005), "Best Songs" (2009) and others.

In 2001, in which the artist talks about his life and contemporaries.

In 2013, the artist joined the public council under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Lev Leshchenko - People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984). In 2015 he was: Honored Artist of Transnistria and People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. He is a laureate of the Moscow Komsomol Prize (1973) and the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1978).

A trim figure, military bearing, soft facial features, a kind smile - this is Lev Valeryanovich. If you don’t know for sure, then it’s impossible to guess how old Leshchenko Lev is. But the singer is so famous that almost everyone knows his age.

The year of birth of Lev Leshchenko is 1942, the very height of the Great Patriotic War. His childhood occurred during the hungry post-war period, but the singer remembers it only with warmth. Nowadays, like half a century ago, Lev Leshchenko is still famous. The biography and personal life of this talented person deserve attention and, of course, are of interest to admirers of his work.

Family and childhood

The year of birth of Lev Leshchenko, as mentioned earlier, is 1942. His parents were happy when they had a boy on February 1st. The father was especially happy. Being already a career military man, he was really looking forward to his son. This event happened in Moscow, so the singer is a native Muscovite, and his entire childhood was spent in Sokolniki.

The Leshchenko family has its roots in the village of Nizy, Sumy district, Kharkov province. The singer’s grandfather, Andrei Vasilyevich Leshchenko, came from there, who in 1900 moved to the Kursk province (the village of Lyubimovka). There he worked at a sugar factory as an accountant. It was from him that Leo inherited absolute pitch and a unique voice. Andrei Vasilyevich played the violin in a factory quartet, and also sang in a church choir. The grandson often visited his grandfather and received his first music and vocal lessons from him.

The singer's father, Leshchenko Valeryan Andreevich, was born in 1904 and lived a long life, making an excellent military career. After graduating from high school in Kursk, he got a job at a neighboring state farm, then, following the assignment received in 1931, he moved to Moscow. He worked as an accountant, like his father. After being drafted into the Red Army, he never left military work. First he took part in the Finnish campaign of 1939-40, then the Great Patriotic War broke out. He went from soldier to officer and retired with the rank of colonel. He was awarded many medals and orders. Despite the trials that befell him, he turned out to be a long-liver; Valeryan Andreevich died at the age of 99. As a child, Leva spent a lot of time with his father, went to shooting ranges, ate in the soldiers’ canteen, he was, as everyone called him, “the son of the regiment.” The father could not keep track of the nimble child, so sergeant major Andrei Fisenko was assigned to him. How old was Leshchenko Lev when he first put on a military uniform? This is a very interesting fact: at the age of only 4 years, he decided to try on the uniform, and in addition, he stood on soldier’s skis, which were three times longer than himself!

The singer's mother, Claudia Petrovna Leshchenko, was born in 1915, but did not live long. In 1943, a year after the birth of her son, she died. She was only 28 years old. Lev Leshchenko’s house was left without feminine warmth for five whole years. In 1948, his father married Marina Mikhailovna, who gave birth to Lev’s sister, Valentina Valerianovna. The boy’s relationship with his stepmother was excellent; the artist still remembers her with love. The adoptive mother raised her stepson as her own, not depriving him of attention and affection.

School time

Since childhood, Leva dreamed of a career as an artist, listening to Utesov’s songs. The beginning of his creative career was laid at the Palace of Pioneers. Not yet deciding what he liked best, the boy attended two clubs: choir and drama. In the first he sang, and in the second he read poetry with rapture. After some time, not a single regional or city amateur show was complete without the vociferous Leo. Soon the boy gave preference to vocals; the teachers completely agreed with his choice. The voice was wonderful, but the lessons in the drama club were not in vain: Leo was no stranger to artistry.

Young Lev Leshchenko

The biography of this period covers the formation of the artist’s personality and mastery of the profession. His school years flew by, and young Lev went to enroll in a theater institute. The first attempt was unsuccessful. The young man decided not to leave the stage and got a job as a simple worker at the Bolshoi Theater. Then he still had to leave there and work for some time as a fitter at a factory.

Having received a summons to the army, Leshchenko sought to get into the naval ship, but his father “tried”, and his son ended up in a tank instead of a ship. Lev was sent to serve in a group of Soviet troops in Germany. There, the young soldier was noticed for his voice and remained a soloist in the song and dance ensemble until the end of his service.

In the army, Leshchenko did not forget about his intention to study at the theater. Returning to civilian life, the persistent guy appeared for the fourth time before the admissions committee, which was more favorable and accepted him into the musical comedy department. So Leshchenko became a student at GITIS. In his second year, he played the role of the Sinner in the production of “Orpheus in Hell” at the Operetta Theater. And this was the first step to worldwide fame.

Pop singer Lev Leshchenko

The biography of this time in the artist’s life is the acquisition of fame combined with incredible hard work. After a successful debut in 1966, the singer became a full member of the Moscow Operetta Theater. But the young artist did not want such fame: he dreamed of tours, an enthusiastic audience, he was drawn to the big stage. Four years later, in 1970, he was accepted by the USSR State Television and Radio. Many experienced singers could only dream of such an invitation. From that moment on, a pop career began: recording songs, live broadcasts on the radio... His talent was recognized by the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra, with which the singer performed.

Popularity grew steadily, Leshchenko became the first number on the Soviet stage. The song “For that guy” was the first sign. And the artist truly became famous when he performed the immortal song “Victory Day” by David Tukhmanov. It was first performed in 1975 and became the calling card of Lev Leshchenko.

Awards and titles

The work of such a talented singer as Lev Leshchenko has been repeatedly noted by the state. The biography of this artist is worth studying! The performer has earned a large number of titles and awards, some of which I would like to mention here:

1. Honored Artist of the RSFSR - 1977.
2. People's Artist of the RSFSR - 1983.
3. Order of the Badge of Honor - 1989.
4. Order of Friendship of Peoples - 1980.
5. Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II, III and IV degrees;
6. “Golden Gramophone” - 2009.

When the USSR ceased to exist, the singer did not sit without work for a minute. In 1990, he created the Music Agency and began organizing tours, presentations, concerts...

The artist continues to give concerts and go on tour. Lev Leshchenko discovered his talent as a teacher: among his students there are such celebrities as Marina Khlebnikova, Katya Lel, Varvara... His wonderful duet with his best friend Vladimir Vinokur is known to everyone and enjoys success both in our country and abroad. Lev Valeryanovich wrote the book “Apology for Memory”, in which he talked about his life.

Lev Leshchenko: biography, personal life

In his personal life, the singer is happy; he was married twice. Lev Leshchenko's first wife, Alla Aleksandrovna Abdalova, was an actress and singer, with whom he lived for 10 years, from 1966 to 1976.

With his second wife, Irina Pavlovna Bagudina, the singer started a family in 1978 and found true family happiness. They have no children, which Lev Valeryanovich regrets.

Interesting facts from the life of the famous singer

Lev Leshchenko has a very eventful life; there have been many different incidents over many years of creative activity.

Interesting Facts:

1. In 1980, at the closing of the Olympics, Lev Leshchenko and Tatyana Antsiferova performed a song that brought all listeners to tears - “Goodbye, Moscow.” The Olympic Bear flew into the sky to this song.

2. Leonid Brezhnev was very fond of songs performed by Leshchenko; no one dared to turn off the TV during the singer’s performance.

3. In 1970, Leshchenko miraculously survived. He was about to tour the south with his musicians and parodist V. Chistyakov. But he was not allowed to leave Moscow, as he had an important speech to perform in the capital. The plane took off without him, there was a plane crash, people died. Such vicissitudes of fate.

4. In the 80s, the singer gave concerts in Afghanistan. On the way to Jalalabad, the escort fell behind and the car stalled. At this time they were attacked by dushmans. Only the newly started engine saved the passengers of the GAZ car, including Lev Leshchenko, from certain death: the attackers did not have time to reach the frightened travelers.

Good afternoon, my dear readers. Today I wanted to remember my childhood and those artists whose concerts I watched on an old black and white TV. When a voice came from the screen Lev Leshchenko- People's Artist, and then Honored Artist of the RSFSR, my grandmother always asked to turn it up louder. And even I, a child, listened in fascination to the powerful baritone of this performer. Would you like to take a walk with me through the pages of his biography? So…

Biography of Lev Leshchenko

The first cry of the future great artist was heard in a Moscow maternity hospital on February 1, 1942. His childhood occurred during the most terrible war and post-war years. His father, Leshchenko Valeryan Andreevich, went through the Soviet-Finnish war, and after the end of the Second World War he worked in the USSR Ministry of State Security. Lev inherited his good health from his father, because he died just one year short of his hundredth birthday... But Lev Valeryanovich got his strongest voice and ear for music from his grandfather, Andrei Vasilyevich Leshchenko, who at one time was a singer in a church choir, and even played the violin.

Some publications say that Leshchenko is not a real name Lev Valeryanovich. But Wikipedia is silent about this fact... And the artist himself resolutely refutes these rumors!

Son of the regiment

Little Leo was left without a mother very early. She died when he was about a year old. Due to his father’s intense employment in the service, little Leshchenko was the so-called “ son of the regiment».

He walked in the ranks, put on a small uniform, like a real military man, and in winter he got huge skis that were three times his size. Sometimes the father took the boy to stay with his grandfather, who taught his grandson the basics of singing and playing the violin. Over time, Valeryan Andreevich married again, and Lev had a younger sister and a new mother.

The beginning of a long journey

The boy's singing talent was immediately noticed at school. In his free time from lessons, Lev was engaged in choral singing, swimming, learned to play wind instruments and mastered the artistic expression. Soon his choirmaster insisted that the boy study only singing. Since then, not a single school concert has been complete without his participation.

Already at that time, the talented Lev easily took on complex age-appropriate songs by Leonid Utesov.

After graduating from school, the future voice of “Victory Day” tried to enter the theater institute, but the first attempt failed miserably. After working for a year as an ordinary backstage worker in the theater, Lev went to serve in the tank forces. But, having considered the talent of the young conscript, the command sent him to the song and dance ensemble.

After finishing his military service, the young artist again tries to conquer his Alma Mater. And, despite the fact that at that time the enrollment of students was already completed, an exception was made for him. Having successfully passed all the exams, Lev entered GITIS. A year later he became a student at the Operetta Theater.

Creative activity of Lev Leshchenko

The career of this talented performer was skyrocketing. In the late 60s, the artist began performing at the Moscow Operetta Theater. And four years later he was popular on the USSR State Television and Radio. His next achievements speak for themselves! The powerful voice of the “Moscow Nightingale” was appreciated not only by the audience, but also by the jury of many famous competitions in Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Belarus and other countries.

For a long time, Lev Valeryanovich taught at the Music Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnesins. Under his clear leadership, many wonderful artists appeared on stage.

Artist's creative baggage

Over the years of his stage activity, Leshchenko has released several dozen CDs, records and albums on other media. His popularity was absolutely deserved. The soft timbre of the baritone, combined with an aristocratic, “thoroughbred” appearance, had an indelible impression not only on the female part of the audience.

Lev’s courageous performance of the song “Alyoshenka” or “Ballad of Mother” made the whole audience cry, and even the courageous military men did not hesitate to wipe their eyes...

And all his compositions can be called fundamental, songs for centuries that will always touch the strings of any living heart... Just remember his “Victory Day”, which became a hit...

Now Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko 74 years old. He was married twice, but, unfortunately, never became a father. Throughout his life, the artist has led a healthy lifestyle and is actively involved in sports. I really want to wish this performer to live for many more years and pass on all his invaluable knowledge to the younger generation.

Lev Leshchenko - famous singer, Several generations know about him and love the songs. You can recognize his voice from the first words; the artist has achieved everything in life through his hard work.

Leo not only achieved success in his career, but the performer’s personal life is also excellent.

How did his career on stage begin, how did he become a famous performer, and later a producer?

What does the popular musician still regret and what would he like to improve in his life? This is what we will talk about today.

The artist's childhood and youth

In 1942, when World War II was in full swing, Lev Leshchenko was born. His dad was at the front, and then remained to serve his homeland. Mom ran away from her life due to a terrible incurable disease when she just turned 28 years old. Throughout his childhood, the child did not see his own father due to business trips.

The child was raised by his own grandfather Andrei. Thanks to him, Lev began to get involved in music. The boy really missed his mother, and lacked the attention of his own father.

The child spent his childhood years in Sokolniki. Leva was very capable and attended various additional activities, I practiced vocals and went to the pool. Leva did not know what to choose and therefore did everything at once, but his grandfather was more supportive of his desire to study music.

The young man graduates from school and decides to enter theater school, but he failed on his first try. Lev goes to work at the plant and at the age of 18 he receives a summons to the army.

Everyone in the army knew that Leo sings well, and asked to join a local ensemble. The young man begins to perform. Despite his service, Lev did not give up preparing to enter a higher educational institution.

After leaving the army, Lev entered the theater. The teachers initially doubted the young man’s abilities, but soon changed their minds and were confident that Lev Levchenko would become famous throughout the world.

Leo takes part in theatrical performances. His the first role was minor, and he practically had no words. This is how Leshchenko’s acting career began, and together with the troupe he went on his first theatrical tour.

Since 1971, Lev began performing solo. The young man begins to have his first fans. Leshchenko is beginning to be invited to participate in concerts, programs, and theatrical productions.

After 6 years, Lev Leshchenko was awarded as an Honored Artist. In 1983 Leshchenko become a People's Artist of the Soviet Union.

Since 1990, Lev Leshchenko has held the honorary position of director of the theater. They organized holiday events and concerts throughout the country.

Leo was a teacher at a higher educational institution. He became a real mentor and teacher for many famous people, such as Katya Lel, Varvara.

Leo became famous thanks to his talent for singing. The artist has enough rare timbre of voice.

Lev Leshchenko has always been a very reserved, well-mannered and gallant person. In his youth, Leo had many fans who would happily take the place of the artist’s life partner.

Personal life of the performer

Lev Leshchenko does not like to talk about his personal life in public, so not much information is known. Leo there were two wives and he lived with each of them for quite a long time.

In 1966, the artist registered his marriage with Alla. The girl played in theater and cinema, toured cities. The marriage lasted more than ten years, after which the young people decided to leave.

Their marriage broke up when Alla suspected that her husband had someone on the side. It was a young girl, a student, who won the artist’s heart. Allah did not tolerate husband's betrayal and collected his things.

In 1978, Lev married Irina for the second time. They met when the girl was still a student and the artist admits that he fell in love at first sight. Irina didn’t even know that such a performer as Lev Leshchenko existed.

Despite the fact that the young man was 12 years older, this did not interfere with their romance. The young people spent all their free time together.

The artist admits that this woman is happiness of his whole life. Lev and Irina still live together.

Leshchenko was not lucky enough to have his own children in any of his marriages. Leo really regrets that God did not give him children, but time cannot be turned back.

Leo is interested in many things besides his career. From sports games the artist prefers: basketball, football, tennis.

Lev Leshchenko is known in many countries and he achieved his popularity solely on his own. Even Brezhnev was delighted with his voice young performer.

On the personal front, everything is not as colorful for the artist as on stage, but he has repeatedly stated that he is happy and thanks life for every new day.

On Tuesday night, at the 100th year of his life, the father of People's Artist of Russia Lev Leshchenko, Valerian Leshchenko, died. Valeryan Andreevich died at home. At this time, his son was not with him: Lev Leshchenko is now on tour.

As the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper writes today, Valeryan Andreevich was a retired military man, colonel of the border troops, participated in two wars: the Finnish and the Great Patriotic War, for his distinctions in which he was awarded government awards.

According to those close to him, two things were most important to him in life: service and family. Everyone who knew Valeryan Leshchenko will remember him as a patriot, a man of great courage, decent and responsible.

It was not possible to contact Lev Leshchenko, and the journalists called his best friend Vladimir Vinokur: “Leva was on tour in Chisinau - this bitter news was told to him at night, and he immediately bought a plane ticket. Now I also can’t contact Leva. Mobile phone unavailable: apparently he is still in flight right now."

“What can I say: his father, Valeryan Andreevich, was a historical man,” Vinokur noted. “A former career officer who defended Moscow in 1941. Always slender, fit - in general, Leva took after his father. I can’t even imagine that happened to him. After all, until the last days, as far as I know, Valeryan Andreevich felt well, was of sound mind, dreamed of how he would celebrate his anniversary this year - after all, he was only a few months short of living to see his centenary. It’s a shame.”

The civil funeral service will take place on March 4, 2004 at 11.00 at the address: Moscow, Tsyurupy Street, building 31 (morgue of the Institute of Morphology). The funeral will take place at the Mashkinskoye cemetery.

According to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Leshchenko learned the news about his father’s death in the afternoon from his wife. There was no way to cancel the concert - all tickets were sold out. Leshchenko held a rehearsal at 16.00, after which he locked himself in the dressing room. Exactly at 18.00 he took the stage. The artist “performed” the concert, which lasted more than two hours, in such a way that no one in the crowded hall guessed about his experiences, the newspaper notes. There were no flights to Moscow in the evening. The singer flew home only yesterday, March 3.

Later, Lev Leshchenko told the Izvestia newspaper about his father:

My father was from Lyubimovka, near Kursk, and graduated from high school in Kursk. After the revolution, he went to work on a state farm as a simple worker. The Civil War found him a fifteen-year-old boy with a high school education. In 1931, my father was sent to Moscow, where he began working as an accountant at a vitamin plant on Krasnaya Presnya. Five years later I met my future mother, Klavdiya Petrovna Fedoseeva, a native of Ryazan. Four years later, my older sister Julia was born.

In 1939, my father, as a graduate of special military courses, was awarded the rank of lieutenant, and he went to the Soviet-Finnish war. And in 1940, having been demobilized, he returned to his vitamin plant. But not for long. On the second day after the start of the Great Patriotic War, my father, as a senior reserve lieutenant, reported to the Sokolniki military registration and enlistment office, where he was assigned to the special forces. My father visited us quite regularly, supplying the whole family with food from his service rations, which was a huge help at that time.

As soon as he was informed that his son was born, he immediately rushed home, taking with him a loaf of bread, a quarter of alcohol and some other products from his ration. The alcohol was diluted with water, all the necessary washings and washings were performed, after which they wrapped me in swaddling clothes and had a small family feast. And after a year or two, my father made a decision - in order not to be torn between service and home, he brought me, my mother and sister to Bogorodskoye, where he settled in a barracks for the families of officers. I remember on rare days when he came home from work, I was woken up late at night and our communication began, during which he let me play with his pistol and saber.

Fate did not offend him: ninety-nine years also means something. There seems to be complete order with this in our family, they say: it’s all in the genes. But I believe that at the same time one must also be able to manage such a valuable inheritance and not squander it on trifles. Intelligence was in his blood - even being a very old man, he would certainly get up if a woman entered the room. My father was an unusually modest man. He gave all of himself to his family and service.

Based on materials from Russian media