Popular artist Dima Bilan Now he has no right to go on stage and release albums. On March 29, at a press conference at RIA Novosti, she spoke about this Elena Kovrigina, producer's widow Yuri Aizenshpis.


At the beginning of the press conference, Elena Kovrigina announced that on the tenth day after the death of Yuri Aizenshpis, she turned to lawyer Pavel Astakhov with a request to prepare all the documents so that the producer’s son Misha Aizenshpis would take over the right of inheritance. Kovrigina was worried that her son’s rights would not be infringed.

The fact is that at the beginning of his creative activity, Victor Belan (Dima Bilan) signed a contract with producer Yuri Aizenshpis that the brand, image and repertoire of the artist “Dima Bilan” belonged to Aizenshpis’ production center “StarPro”. The contract also stated that if Dima Bilan breaks off relations with StarPro, then he is ineligible to compete for the next ten years. According to the Civil Code, after the death of Yuri Aizenshpis, the StarPro company became the property of the son of producer Misha Aizenshpis.

Pavel Astakhov showed documents to journalists, confirming that the rights to the brand, image, and repertoire of Dima Bilan by right of direct inheritance belong to 15-year-old Misha Aizenshpis. Until the child reaches adulthood, his mother and guardian Elena Kovrigina will manage the son’s property.

According to Elena Kovrigina, she is not interested in show business and she does not intend to become involved with the artist Dima Bilan. She signed agreement with the Soyuzconcert company, to which the rights associated with the Dima Bilan project are transferred. Representatives of the Soyuzconcert company present at the press conference, in turn, stated that it is theoretically possible that they will transfer the Dima Bilan project to some Western company. Let us recall that a dispute over the rights to use the singer’s stage name flared up in September 2005 after the death of Aizenshpis. “Then Bilan disappeared from our field of vision and showed up with new owners. He left the company, believing that the death of Aizenshpis frees him from all contracts. But he does not have the right to simply turn around and leave, because we are talking about legally unresolved issues. This is business and nothing more,” Elena Kovrigina said at a press conference. In the fall of 2005, Elena Kovrigina negotiated with Dima Bilan’s new producer, Yana Rudkovskaya. The talk was about two million dollars, which, according to Kovrigina, Yuri Aizenshpis invested in Dima Bilan and equipment of his studio. Elena offered the new producers to reimburse the StarPro center for these costs. But the negotiations then suddenly stopped. There were no payments from Dima Bilan. The singer continued to perform, but did not answer phone calls, and only once came to Kovrigina’s home and brought a pack of chips and a can of Coca-Cola for Misha. Elena also reported that Dima Bilan is still registered in the apartment that belonged to Yuri Aizenshpis.

By the way, Dima Bilan’s performance at the Eurovision Song Contest, like any other performances of the singer after the death of Aizenshpis, can also be interpreted as a violation of the law.

Elena Kovrigina explained her almost two-year silence by saying that during negotiations with a representative of the new producers and Dima Bilan, she promised not to make a fuss about this issue. And then she was busy preparing all the necessary documents. Neither Elena Kovrigina nor Pavel Astakhov said whether penalties would be applied to Dima Bilan for non-compliance with contracts.

The foreign word “producer,” unknown to Soviet citizens, was first introduced into the lexicon by Yuri Aizenshpis. Before him, people involved in organizing concert activities were usually called administrators, impresarios or concert directors. Aizenshpis’s innovation affected not only the formal name, but the very essence of the activity. In addition to organizing tours and solving purely everyday issues while traveling, he invested his own money in the artist, in his advertising and promotion, and in return, by “promoting” him, he made a profit.

Yuri Aizenshpis was a businessman to the core and raised the domestic music industry to a new level. The pioneer of domestic show business was barely 20 years old when he tried to put into practice his ideas about the profession of producer. He took the Moscow rock band Sokol under his wing. It was 1965. In the country of the Soviets, performers like Valery Obodzinsky were considered the extreme manifestation of the musical avant-garde. Officially recognized music was presented by the immortal Joseph Kobzon, Lyudmila Zykina and someone else like that.

The era of domestic vocal-instrumental ensembles had not yet begun, and Yuri Aizenshpis had already begun to use the phrase “rock band,” which was absolutely incomprehensible to the average Soviet ear, taken from the Western music industry. The first producer of the Soviet Union himself became acquainted with modern music from vinyl records, which he successfully sold.

His parents, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, could not imagine that their son would become an asocial element in the USSR from a young age and spend 17 long years in prison. His father is a Jew with Spanish roots, whose ancestors moved to Poland. In 1939, with the flow of Polish refugees fleeing the advance of Nazi troops, he found himself in his new homeland, which he had to defend with a rifle in his hands. Mom is from Belarus, she spent 3 years as a partisan in the forests.

Yuri Aizenshpis was born in 1945 in Chelyabinsk. Parents moved to the capital, where they lived very modestly - in an ordinary barracks. Only in 1961 did they move to a Khrushchevka building near the Sokol metro station. Aizenshpis went to study at the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute. He had to study economics not only in the classrooms of a higher educational institution, but also on the street, where he “pushed” Beatles and Rolling Stones discs to rock music connoisseurs.

The black marketeer himself turned into a frantic music lover, having collected a rare collection of albums by Western rock musicians. After the records came the turn of fashionable imported clothes, scarce fur items and musical equipment. Gradually, Aizenshpis had a network of clients and suppliers in his hands. He established connections with foreigners. His acquaintances included ambassadors of foreign countries and their children. As a student, he was no longer in poverty as in childhood. Everywhere and always since then, he has managed to provide himself with a standard of living significantly above the average par value. Then he tried to make money by producing a musical group, but he had to continue his first experience almost 2 decades later.

After graduating from university, Yuri Aizenshpis got a job as an economist at the Central Statistical Office. The work didn't bother him much. The underground business has reached gigantic proportions. Yuri Aizenshpis switched to foreign currency and gold. The turnover of illegal transactions was almost equal to the budget of the institution where he was an employee. Numerous agents of an ordinary economist bought foreign currency from Moscow taxi drivers and prostitutes. In those days, gold bars were already officially traded by Vneshtorgbank.

The ubiquitous KGB dealt with currency traders in the USSR. In 1970, Aizenshpis was quite expectedly arrested. During a search of his apartment, they found $17 thousand and 10 thousand “wooden” rubles - gigantic sums of money at that time. The underground millionaire was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Being a “huckster” according to the thieves’ classification, Aizenshpis, nevertheless, did not live in poverty in the “zone”. Records and currency replaced tea, cigarettes and alcohol. The born businessman did not waste time in the colony. After 7 years he will be released on parole. He will return to Moscow, but literally in a few weeks he will again find himself in a pre-trial detention center and still under the same “currency” article. This time, during the search, $50 thousand will be found, but all the bills will turn out to be counterfeit.

Again 10 years of captivity. In April 1988, having gone beyond the “ban”, Yuri Aizenshpis will find himself in a completely new world. He saw that he was very unlucky in life. He was given two convictions for nothing. In the future he will achieve his full acquittal. It will not be possible to return only the unique vinyl collection. The speculation pursued in a socialist state will receive a different interpretation - ordinary business, a market economy. Aizenshpis had no interest in resuming trading operations with currency or other goods. I am no longer the same age, and my health has been seriously damaged by prison. He acquired a bunch of chronic diseases - diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver. In prison he had to suffer from two types of hepatitis.

Producer Yuri Aizenshpis

Yuri Aizenshpis decided to take music seriously. Initially, the recidivist was sheltered by the creative association “Gallery”, which worked under the wing of the city committee of the Komsomol. Yuri Aizenshpis has always been distinguished by his high sociability and incredible ability to adapt in any conditions. This helped him in his work. Ideological Komsomol members felt the taste of money and were not averse to making extra money on young talents. Aizenshpis quickly got up to speed in the music business and soon abandoned patronage, starting to work for himself.

His first production project was the Kino group and its leader. It was then that he first called himself a producer. In 1990, Yuri Aizenshpis was the first in the USSR to fully finance the release of the “Black Album” of the Kino group with his own funds. Before him, no one had risked doing this. After Tsoi, he worked with the rock groups “Technology”, “Moral Code” and “Dynamite”. Following the groups came the turn of solo performers - Vlad Stashevsky, Katya Lel, Dima Bilan and several others of a smaller caliber.

To finance Stashevsky’s project, Aizenshpis attracted Alexander Makushenko, who was well known to him from years of imprisonment, whom he knew as Sasha Tsygan. Music in the hands of a businessman turned out to be an attractive tool for making big money. In 2001, Aizenshpis became the general director of the entire Media Star enterprise. Everything would have been fine, but I was very worried about my health. Yuri Aizenshpis was forced to adhere to a constant diet, regularly see doctors and constantly swallow a bunch of pills.

Yuri Aizenshpis - cause of death

In September 2005, he began to experience stomach bleeding. A perforated ulcer will be added to the huge bouquet of diseases. Doctors successfully eliminate the new problem, but the next day the patient dies from myocardial infarction. The first time he had a heart attack immediately after his second release from the “zone.” He will be buried at the Domodedovo cemetery in the suburbs of Moscow.

The most successful projects of producer Aizenshpis are considered to be the first and the last. Viktor Tsoi is still considered a cult singer among rock fans, and Dmitry Bilan is the only Russian pop singer to win the most prestigious victory at Eurovision. The producer will not be able to wait for the singer’s success, which will come 2 days after his death.

After the death of the producer, Dima Bilan will become the target of an attack for Aizenshpis’s common-law wife, Elena Kovrigina, who tried in court to justify her right to the performer’s name brand, which, as she believed, completely belonged to her common-law husband and argued that the “star” had not fulfilled some terms of the contract. She failed to defend her innocence. Dima Bilan fell into the hands of another producer, Yana Rutkovskaya.

11 years after the funeral of Yuri Aizenshpis, his name will again appear in criminal reports. The police will arrest the producer's son Mikhail, in whose belongings one and a half grams of cocaine will be found. Despite his demonstrated penchant for crime, the son did not completely follow in his father’s footsteps. Music was not for him.

A 22-year-old citizen was detained by patrol officers of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg in the early morning of November 12. When checking the documents, it turned out that he is the son of the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis, known for his work with the Kino group, Vlad Stashevsky and Dima Bilan, and has been wanted in the capital for almost a year as someone who has lost contact with relatives.


"The man was taken to the police station and questioned. After which the police informed their Moscow colleagues that the citizen had been found,” law enforcement officials told Life News.

Let us remind you that his mother reported the disappearance of the son of the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis. On January 21, the police received a statement that the 21-year-old son of producer Yuri Aizenshpis had disappeared. His mother Elena Goyningen-Güne said that the young man left home on January 16 and nothing has been known about him since then.

Let us note that this is not the first time that the name of Mikhail Aizenshpis has appeared in the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports. In February last year, police detained him near the Polezhaevskaya metro station. He ended up in handcuffs after he approached the police. Then A 20-year-old guy asked for help, asking to be taken into protective custody..

The behavior and words of the young man seemed suspicious to the police, so just in case, law enforcement officers decided to detain him. During the search, Mikhail was found to have a suitcase with money and a narcotic substance.– presumably cocaine. Aizenshpis was taken to the police station for questioning, after which his apartment was searched. According to eyewitnesses, Aizenshpis Jr.’s stepfather came to the apartment during the search.

Employees of the patrol service of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg detained a 22-year-old man early on Thursday morning. When checking his documents, it turned out that he is the son of the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who worked with the Kino group and Dima Bilan.

Mikhail Aizenshpis, detained by police, was on the wanted list in Moscow for almost a year as he had lost contact with his relatives. The young man was taken to the police department and interviewed, writes LifeNews.

Then the police informed their Moscow colleagues that “the citizen had been found,” a law enforcement source said.

In February 2014, Mikhail Aizenshpis was detained in Moscow for drug possession. 1.58 grams of cocaine were seized from him. In addition, the detainee had a briefcase with money on him.

According to the police, Mikhail behaved “not quite adequately” and was most likely under the influence of drugs.

The son of a famous producer spent several hours at the police station, and after paperwork and interrogation, he was released on his own recognizance.

Producer with a criminal past

Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis was born on July 15, 1945 in Chelyabinsk, where his mother, Muscovite Maria Aizenshpis, was evacuated.

The father of the future producer, WWII veteran Shmil Moiseevich Aizenshpis, was born in Poland, and came to the USSR to escape persecution after the occupation of the western part of Poland by the troops of Nazi Germany.

Yuri's parents worked at GUAS (Main Directorate of Airfield Construction). At home they had the first mass-produced Soviet TV, KVN-49, and a gramophone with a collection of gramophone records.

Until 1961, the Aizenshpis lived in a wooden barracks, and then received an apartment in the prestigious Sokol district of Moscow. In his youth, Yuri played volleyball, handball and athletics. But due to a leg injury, he quit the sport at the age of 16.

In 1968, Yuri graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in economic engineering, and two years later he was arrested. During a search of Aizenshpis's apartment, 15,585 rubles and $7,675 were confiscated. As a result, the young man was tried under Art. 88 (“Violation of rules on currency transactions”) and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

As Yuri Aizenshpis himself said, he took the criminal path because of his love of music, collecting records.

“Being engaged in the purchase and sale of music discs, I felt a taste for money and a beautiful life. Then jeans, equipment, furs followed. Then gold and currency. It was in 1965 that I first saw and touched American dollars,” the producer recalled in an interview given "Gordon Boulevard".

According to him, he bought currency from taxi drivers and prostitutes, who were more likely than other Soviet citizens to come into contact with foreigners.

When Yuri served his first sentence and was released, a few weeks later he “carried out a large operation of buying and selling 50 thousand counterfeit dollars.” For this he was sentenced to another seven years in prison.

According to Yuri, although he had diplomat friends, there was no way to avoid prison. “Then society was not so corrupt. In prison, I was in prison with the son of the head of the KGB investigative department. And there were many such examples. Nowadays you can close a criminal case for money. Back then it was very difficult,” said Aizenshpis.

However, in the same interview he expressed the opposite idea. "There (behind bars. - Note website) 70 percent of prisoners are starving. I wasn't hungry. How? Money does everything, of course, unofficially,” the former prisoner, who made a brilliant career in show business, confessed.

Upon his release in 1988, at the height of perestroika, Aizenshpis worked in the creative association "Gallery" under the city committee of the Komsomol, organizing concerts of young performers. Since December 1989, he has been the director and producer of the Kino group. After the death of its lead singer Viktor Tsoi in 1990, Yuri took out a loan and used this money to release the “Black Album” (the last work of the Kino group). Thus, the producer was one of the first to violate the state monopoly on the release of records.

Aizenshpis was the producer of the groups “Technology” and “Moral Code”, and also brought Linda, Vlad Stashevsky, and Katya Lel to the big stage.

Yuri Aizenshpis's last major creative success was his collaboration with Dima Bilan. But in September 2005, the producer died of a heart attack, two days before the triumph of his pupil, who received the Russian version of the prestigious MTV-2005 music award.

June 26, 2015, 01:00

Yuri Shmilevich became famous while working with the legendary rock band Kino. Thanks to Aizenshpis, Russians became acquainted with the work of many talented people who to this day release hits and sell out audiences. He was called the “godfather” of Russian show business.

1. Aizenshpis’s parents are Jews. Maria Mikhailovna is a native Muscovite. Father, Shmil Moiseevich Aizenshpis, a Polish Jew, fled from Poland to the USSR, fleeing the Nazis, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Little Yura with his parents

2. In his youth, Yuri Shmilevich was seriously interested in sports - volleyball, handball and athletics. However, at the age of 16 he suffered a serious leg injury and was forced to quit the sport.

3. At the age of 16, he already organized semi-underground concerts of the first Soviet rockers, and then became the administrator of the Sokol group, with which he even got a job at the Tula Philharmonic. Since the musicians toured a lot, Aizenshpis’s monthly income reached 1,500 rubles (Soviet ministers then received only a thousand).

4. Yuri Aizenshpis does not have a musical education. In 1968, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in economic engineering.

5. In 1968, 23-year-old Aizenshpis resigned from the Philharmonic and went to work as a junior researcher at the USSR Central Statistical Office with a salary of 115 rubles. But the “major”, who smelled of French perfume, rarely showed up at the workplace. His main income was currency fraud, as well as the purchase and sale of gold. Every evening he came into contact with a large number of people - taxi drivers, prostitutes, waiters and even diplomats (for example, the son of the Indian ambassador). “The volume of transactions that I made,” said Aizenshpis, “reached up to a million dollars.” The underground millionaire was then only 25 years old.

The trial of currency traders in the USSR

6. In 1970, Aizenshpis was arrested for money fraud and spent a total of almost 18 years in “places not so remote.” Some of them are in the settlement. During all the years of imprisonment, he did not get a single tattoo.

Photo from the book “Lighting the Stars. Notes and advice from a show business pioneer"

7. In the “Krasnoyarsk-27” zone, there was brisk speculation in tea, sugar and vodka. Then he began to occupy leadership positions at local “construction sites of the century.” Once in a colony-settlement, he escaped from there to Pechory and, having charmed a local intellectual, began to live with her. He was exposed by a guest at home - a police colonel, but amazing luck and knowledge of psychology helped Aizenshpis out. He was transferred to another colony to a cushy job as a normalizer. And during his second imprisonment, Aizenshpis received a number of patents and even a letter from the Minister of Internal Affairs of Mordovia for his rationalization proposals.

8. From December 1989 until the death of Viktor Tsoi in 1990, he was the director and producer of the Kino group. He was one of the first to break the state monopoly on the release of records, releasing the “Black Album” in 1990 using money taken on credit.

Musicians of the group "Kino" and Aizenshpis at the presentation of the "Black Album". Source: wikimedia.org / by New Look Media Team

Viktor Tsoi and Yuri Aizenshpis

9. Yuri Shmilevich was the producer of such famous musical groups as “Technology”, “Moral Code” and “Dynamite”. Thanks to him, Russians recognized Linda, Vlad Stashevsky, Katya Lel, Nikita and pop singer Sasha.

Yuri Aizenshpis with members of the Dynamite group

Vlad Stashevsky and Yuri Aizenshpis

10. It is believed that it was Aizenshpis who brought the “blue lobby” into Russian show business. Allegedly, at first the cool guys brought their mistresses to the producer to promote their mistresses, and then they started bringing their lovers too. “Spending time in prison could have influenced Aizenshpis’s orientation,” says Alexander Stefanovich, Alla Pugacheva’s ex-husband.

11. Singer Dima Bilan, who conquered Eurovision, is the latest and probably the most successful project of producer Aizenshpis.

With Dima Bilan

12. Was in a civil marriage with Elena Kovrigina. In 1993, the couple had a son, Mikhail. After the death of Yuri, Elena married the editor of a television program on the TNT channel, Leonid Gune.

With his wife Lena and son Misha

Yuri Shmilevich with his son Misha

13. Aizenshpis spoke rather disparagingly about his own income, saying that he earned exactly enough to provide for his family and pay for telephone calls. True, in exchange for the stolen Volvo, he nevertheless acquired two other cars - a Pontiac Bonneville and a Ford Explorer.

14. Yuri Aizenshpis died on September 20, 2005 from a myocardial infarction. He was buried near Moscow next to his parents at the Domodedovo cemetery.