A three-year-old child has almost completely switched to adult food, but there are still some restrictions in his diet. Let's look at what babies should be fed at this age, how to prepare food and how to build an optimal diet that covers all the child's needs.

Principles of proper nutrition

The opinion that you should monitor a child’s nutrition only until the age of 3, and then the child can be allowed to eat whatever he wants, is erroneous. Rational nutrition is no less important for children who have crossed the three-year mark than for children 1-2 years old. It provides the following nuances:

  • All food products for a three-year-old child can be divided into those consumed daily and those consumed occasionally. The foods that your baby needs every day include fruits, butter, bread, meat, vegetables, sugar and milk. It is not necessary to give cottage cheese, fish, cheese and eggs every day - dishes from these products are prepared 1-3 times a week, while using up the entire weekly allowance of the product.
  • The distribution of calories during the day for a three-year-old child will be: 25% for breakfast, 35-40% for lunch, 10-15% for afternoon snack and 25% for dinner.
  • With regard to macronutrients, special attention in a child’s diet should be paid to the intake of animal proteins (they should constitute at least 2/3 of the total amount of proteins in the diet) and vegetable fats (they should be at least 15% of the total amount of fats).
  • As for carbohydrates, the diet of a 3-year-old child should contain at least 3% fiber and pectin, which the baby gets from fruits and vegetables.
  • Seasonings and spices are added to dishes for a three-year-old child in small quantities. Rare consumption of canned and dried foods is considered acceptable.

Needs of a 3 year old child

Three-year-old children move a lot, grow actively and need high-quality sources of both energy and plastic material. After 3 years, a child needs approximately 1500-1800 kcal per day. The amount of protein and fat in the daily diet of a three-year-old baby should be approximately the same, and carbohydrates should be supplied 4 times more than any of these nutrients.

In terms of specific products, the needs of a three-year-old child are:

  • A child should consume up to 500 g of a variety of vegetables per day, and potatoes should make up no more than 1/2 of this amount.
  • It is recommended to consume 150-200 g of fresh fruit per day.
  • Vegetable or fruit juice should be drunk in a volume of 150-200 ml per day.
  • A three-year-old child is given cereals, pasta and legumes in amounts up to 50 g per day. The porridges begin to cook not viscous, but crumbly.
  • The maximum amount of sugar and confectionery products that contain it (marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, jam) in the diet of a 3-year-old child is 50-60 g. At the age of 3, it is already acceptable to start giving chocolate.
  • A child should eat 150-170 g of different types of bread per day (a minimum of 50-60 g of rye bread is recommended).
  • A child can consume up to 90 g of meat per day, and up to 50 g of fish.
  • A three-year-old child eats 1 egg every other day or 1/2 every day.
  • Dairy products (among them milk, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and others) should be supplied up to 500 g per day.
  • The child’s menu may include mild hard cheese (it can also be processed) in an amount of up to 15 g per day.
  • Cottage cheese is limited to 50 g per day.
  • Vegetable oil is added to various dishes for a child in the amount of 6 g per day.
  • Animal fats in a child's diet can be represented by butter (it is recommended to consume up to 17 g per day, adding to porridge and on bread) and sour cream (add up to 15 g to different dishes daily).
  • Margarine can only be used in making homemade baked goods.
  • Flour products are limited to 100 g per day.

What drinks can be given?

Children of this age are given fresh juice, compote of fresh, dried and frozen fruits, special juice for children, drinking water, rosehip decoction, jelly, coffee substitute, tea. At the same time, tea for a three-year-old child is made weak and preferably with milk. Children of this age are boiled cocoa once or twice a week.

What should not be included in the diet?

Three-year-old children are not given:

  • Smoked meats.
  • Products with artificial colors, preservatives and other additives.
  • Fatty meats.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Mushrooms.


Getting your child on a certain diet helps improve digestion of food, as his digestive tract will produce digestive juices for the next meal. Hot food should be given to the child three times a day. There are 4 meals in total at the age of three, and breaks between them should be about 4 hours (the maximum allowable break is 6 hours). It is recommended to give your baby food at the same time every day, deviating by a maximum of 15-30 minutes. In between meals, you should not allow your child to snack on sweets.

What are the best ways to cook food?

Starting from the age of three, it is permissible to give fried food to a child, but preference should be given to previously used food processing methods - boiling, stewing, baking. Unlike cooking for adults, meat for preschoolers is cooked longer (up to two hours), and fish - less (up to 20 minutes).

Long-term processing of vegetables worsens their mineral and vitamin composition, so cook potatoes, carrots, and cabbage for no longer than 25 minutes, and beets for 1 hour.

How to create a menu for a three-year-old child?

  • In the diet of a three-year-old child, the range of dishes is already quite large. Stews, stuffed and fried vegetables, various fish dishes, puddings, and casseroles are prepared for children. Dishes from legumes and meat are given in the first half of the day due to their long digestion.
  • The volume of one meal for a 3-year-old child increases to 350-400 ml, and the total daily volume of food increases to 1500 g.
  • For breakfast, the child is given a main dish (porridge, noodles, egg or cottage cheese dishes) in the amount of 250 g. The child is offered a sandwich and a drink in the amount of 150 ml.
  • Lunch begins with an appetizer, which is most often a vegetable salad and weighs about 50 g. The first courses are given in a volume of 200-250 ml. For the second course, they offer a meat dish weighing 70-90 g (replaced with fish twice a week) and 110-130 g of side dish. Also, the child’s lunch should include bread (up to 80 g) and a drink (juice, compote, jelly) 150 ml.
  • For an afternoon snack, a three-year-old child is offered 200 ml of kefir or yogurt, accompanied by cookies (25 g) or homemade cakes.
  • Dinner includes a main dish weighing 200 g, a drink of 150 ml and bread up to 40 g. Dairy-vegetable dishes are considered the optimal food for dinner, as they are easily digested.
  • When creating a menu, you need to ensure that you do not repeat the same dish at different meals on the same day. For example, if the side dish for lunch was cereal, then it is better to make dinner from vegetables.
  • In cold weather, your child can be offered more porridge and bread, and in hot weather, more fruit dishes and vegetables.

Example of a weekly menu

A three-year-old child can eat something like this:

Examples of healthy recipes

Radish and egg salad

Wash and peel 50 g of radish, cut into thin slices. Cut half a hard-boiled egg, combine with radishes, add 10 g of sour cream and add a little salt. Sprinkle fresh dill on top.

Meatloaf stuffed with carrots and rice

Sort and rinse 10 g of rice, boil until tender. Peel 50 g of carrots, grate and simmer together with 5 g of finely chopped onions until half cooked. Mix rice, onions, carrots and half a hard-boiled and diced chicken egg. Take 100 g of minced meat and place it on a cutting board moistened with water. After putting the rice and carrot filling inside, form a roll with wet hands, turn it seam side down and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes. Shortly before the end of cooking, brush the roll with 10 g of sour cream.

Fish and potato soup

Fry finely chopped onions (10 g), parsley root (5 g) and carrots (10 g) in butter (5 g). Bring 250 ml of fish broth to a boil, add vegetables, add diced potatoes (100 g) and cook for 20 minutes. When serving the soup, place 70 g of boiled fish in a plate and sprinkle chopped dill on top.

Liver stewed with vegetables

Peel the films and cut into pieces 100 g of liver. Wash and chop 20 g of cabbage, 20 g of carrots and 10 g of onion. Place the chopped liver in a baking dish, and vegetables on top, add salt, pour milk and place in the oven for 30 minutes.

Beats from the heart

Pass 70 g of heart through a meat grinder, add 5 g of semolina, 30 ml of water and mix. Make meatballs from the resulting minced meat, roll them in flour and fry them a little, then finish them in the oven.

Squid stewed with vegetables

Cut 100 g of white cabbage, 10 g of onion and 10 g of carrots. Simmer the vegetables over low heat, covered, for 30 minutes, add 10 g of tomato paste and 50 g of squid, cut into cubes. Simmer the dish for another 10 minutes.

Cabbage casserole

Cut 100 g of cabbage, pour in 40 ml of milk and simmer until soft. Pour 10 g of semolina into the cabbage and, stirring, simmer for another 10 minutes. Add one hard-boiled quail egg to the resulting cabbage mass, which needs to be finely chopped. Transfer the mixture into a greased baking dish and spread 15 g of sour cream on top. Bake until done, serve with sour cream.

Cottage cheese and noodle casserole

Boil and strain 50 g of noodles, combine with 50 g of cottage cheese, add a teaspoon of sugar and a raw chicken egg (half), beaten with milk (40 ml). Place the cottage cheese and noodles in a baking dish, spread sour cream on top and bake until done.


Mix 3 g of cocoa powder and 16 g of sugar, pour into a saucepan where 100 ml of milk and 100 ml of water are combined and heated to a boil. Bring to a boil again.

Possible problems

The most common nutritional problem for a three-year-old child is poor appetite. Its cause is usually frequent snacking and parental indulgence in the child’s whims regarding different foods. However, decreased appetite may also indicate a disease, such as intestinal pathology, nervous stress or helminthic infestation.

If your child's appetite is low, you should offer him a more nutritious dish first (this especially applies to lunch, when eating meat and side dishes is more important than soup). To improve digestion and increase appetite, cook a variety of foods for your baby. To do this, you do not need to introduce a lot of foods into his diet, just expand the possible range of dishes from those foods that the child does not refuse. For example, if a child eats beef cutlets, offer him a soufflé, goulash, roll, or casserole with vegetables. You can also increase your appetite by using different sauces.

Also keep in mind that there are situations when a child will not want to eat and will still be healthy:

  • Right after sleep.
  • For negative emotions.
  • At high room temperatures.

A child who goes to kindergarten should be given fruits, vegetables and protein dishes from cottage cheese, meat and fish at home to supplement the nutrition the child receives in kindergarten.

Consider the following nuances:

  • From the age of 3, a child can begin to master a fork. Offer your baby a small fork with non-sharp teeth. Show your child how to prick pieces of food with this utensil, as well as how to scoop up crumbly food.
  • Do not seat a child who has just returned from a walk or who has played an outdoor game at the table. Let the baby calm down a little and only then start eating.
  • Teach your child hygiene by reminding him to constantly wash his hands before eating. You should also teach your child table etiquette. The best way to do this is to lead by example.
  • Don't distract your child while eating. Remember that a 3-year-old baby cannot eat and talk at the same time.
  • On weekends, try to avoid long breaks without food and do not encourage your child to eat foods that are unnecessary for him.
  • Present

Delicious and healthy breakfasts for children

The child should always be well-fed, cheerful and happy. Breakfast plays an important role in this difficult matter. What should you feed your child for breakfast and what can you prepare so that the little picky children will devour the offered dishes with appetite?

Oatmeal with cunning

Almost any mother will say with confidence that you should give your child porridge for breakfast. However, it is a rare baby who will eat it with enthusiasm. Here you can resort to a little trick. In one bowl, mix 1 cup with ½ cup almonds, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, cinnamon and salt. In another, beat 1 glass of milk, egg, 1 tbsp. l honey and vanilla. Combine the contents of two bowls and stir until smooth. Add the apple cut into pieces, half a glass of raspberries and pour the mixture into a greased baking dish. Place it in an oven preheated to 180°C for 45 minutes. This tasty and healthy alternative to porridge for children for breakfast is sure to please your child too.

Portrait of meat

But dads competently declare that the best breakfast for children is a sandwich. The main thing is to cook it correctly. Grind the onion and a slice of bread in a blender. Then add 250 g of minced veal and turkey, yolk, a pinch of marjoram and beat again. From the resulting mass we make cutlets and fry them in oil. Cover the hamburger bun with a lettuce leaf and place our patty on top. Proper serving will help awaken your child’s appetite. You can make ears for a sandwich from pieces of ham, and eyes from cucumbers and olives. Even the most irreconcilable whims will approve of this breakfast recipe for children.

Omelette as art

What can you cook for your child for breakfast quickly and without much difficulty? Of course, an omelette, but not quite an ordinary one. Separate 4 yolks from the whites, mix with 50 ml of milk, salt and pepper, then add the whipped whites. Pour the egg mixture into a heated frying pan with oil, sprinkle with 50 g of grated cheese, reduce the heat and, without disturbing, fry the omelette for 7 minutes. Meanwhile, grate the apple and combine it with cream cheese. Fold the finished omelette in half and put the apple filling inside. This quick breakfast for your child will fill him up well and energize him until lunchtime.

Morning cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is perhaps the healthiest breakfast for a child, because he needs complete protein, amino acids and calcium first of all. Of course, you can’t do without a creative approach here either. Knead 200 g of cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt, then mix well with 1½ cups semolina, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of salt. Transfer everything into a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 40–45 minutes until golden brown. This dietary breakfast for a child is best served warm, with cool sour cream, fruits and berries.

Summer pancakes

It has been noticed that children eat sweet pancakes for breakfast with great pleasure. Why don't we cook them too? Mash a couple of bananas with a fork in a bowl, add 2 beaten eggs, ½ cup milk and stir until smooth. Separately sift 1 cup of flour with 1 tsp. baking powder, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. ground nuts, pour in 100 ml of milk and mix well. Now combine both parts of the dough and knead it to the consistency of sour cream. Form pancakes and fry them in a frying pan until golden brown. You can serve them with strawberry sauce and fresh berries.

Carrot in camouflage

For children, the recipes for which can be found on our website must include vegetables. The child can't stand them? Then disguise them as something seductive and tasty. Mix 200 g of sifted flour with 1 tsp. soda, 175 g sugar, 2 eggs and 150 ml olive oil. Knead a homogeneous dough and add 2 grated carrots, 75 g of canned pineapple pieces and 75 g of walnuts. Mix the resulting mass again and pour it into muffin tins, having previously greased them with oil. We will bake them in the oven at 180°C for 25 minutes.

Chocolate exercise for the brain

Breakfast options for children that include chocolate are particularly popular. Making them useful won’t be a big deal. Peel 2-3 ripe bananas and cut them into several pieces. Break 100 g of milk and white chocolate into pieces. Place all the ingredients in a saucepan, pour 700–800 ml of milk over them, and slowly bring to a boil until all the chocolate has dissolved. Then pour the mixture into a blender and beat until smooth. Pour the smoothie into a glass, garnish with cinnamon and grated chocolate.

Every young mother tries to feed her baby not only tasty, but also healthy. How to diversify breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch and dinner for 3-year-old children, choose products and diversify the child’s menu, read our article

Proper nutrition of the baby is a guarantee of its healthy development. For a three-year-old child, the diet gradually becomes the same as for adults. The need to prepare something special for the child will soon completely disappear. He will eat at the same table with adults. In the meantime, the question of what to cook for breakfast for a 3-year-old child is the first in a series of questions about your child’s daily diet.

The basic rule is that everything should be healthy and tasty, and it is desirable that the dish looks appetizing. Classic in this regard are various porridges - oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, corn. Little tricks - in addition to the traditional piece of butter, you can add:

  • mashed apple;
  • grated cheese;
  • dried fruits, finely chopped;
  • fruit purees.

Breakfast for a 3 year old child - recipes that have been tried and recommended:


You can fry it in a pan or put it in the oven. There are many options for additives - red or green peppers, tomatoes, herbs, zucchini, broccoli, etc.


250 gr. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add one egg, two tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, 1.5-2 heaped tablespoons of wheat flour. You can use corn flour - it will be tastier. Mix everything well, roll into flat cakes and bake in vegetable oil.


It's very easy to prepare. Add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar to 400 grams of milk and cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Separately in 100 gr. dissolve milk 2 tbsp. starch, add the beaten yolk, stir until the lumps disappear completely and pour into the ready-made mixture. Cook for 2-3 minutes. Then the mixture must be transferred to a mold and cooled in the refrigerator.

Afternoon snack for a 3 year old child. Recipes:


You will need: 100 gr. semolina, a glass of milk, 3 eggs, granulated sugar, flour and a little soda. Preparation: mix semolina with milk, cook a little and leave to swell completely. Beat eggs with sand, flour and a pinch of soda with a mixer. Then you need to add chilled milk with already swollen semolina to the resulting mixture. The resulting dough must be placed in a mold and baked in the oven.

Pancakes with curd

Add 4 eggs, one heaped tablespoon of wheat flour to 0.5 liters of milk and fry the pancakes over medium heat. For the filling we use cottage cheese, granulated sugar to taste and finely chopped banana. Mix all the ingredients well in a bowl, apply an even layer to the finished pancake and roll it into a tube. You can lightly fry it in a frying pan or simply sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Often young mothers are interested in what to cook for a 3-year-old child for an afternoon snack. If there is very little time, and the child needs to be fed on time, we can recommend the following recipes.

Apples with cottage cheese

Cut out the core of the apple and make a small depression. Prepare the filling from cottage cheese with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and one egg. Stuff the apples with filling and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. The afternoon snack is ready - tasty and healthy.

Cauliflower Omelette

It cooks very quickly. Cauliflower (lightly cooked) can be stored in the freezer and kept at the ready. We take out several inflorescences, pour boiling water over them and place them in a deep frying pan. 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and 3 tbsp. milk - beat well. Pour the mixture over the cauliflower and fry in vegetable oil or put in the oven for 10 minutes.

The main meal for the baby will be lunch. Let's talk about what to cook for a 3-year-old child for lunch. But first, some useful tips. Carefully choose the products that will be used for your baby's food. Unfortunately, there are now a lot of quite toxic and often harmful additives, dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, etc. If possible, purchase exclusively natural products.

First courses for children 3 years old must be present in the baby’s daily diet. They are rich in vitamins and are easily digestible. Children, as a rule, eat liquid food with great pleasure.

So, soup for a 3 year old child. There are numerous recipes. We chose the most common option:

Chicken noodle soup

Easy and simple to prepare, very healthy and tasty

Boil the chicken in advance. Remove from the broth and cut into small pieces. For one serving we use only 2-3 pieces of meat. In a saucepan, fry onions, carrots and potatoes, add the prepared broth. When the potatoes are almost ready, add baby noodles to taste, drop in the pieces of meat and add chopped fresh herbs.

We recommend baking main courses for children aged 3 years in the oven rather than frying them in a frying pan. This way you will retain more nutrients and vitamins, and also limit the use of additional fats. Try to completely exclude ingredients that are too spicy from your baby’s diet, or introduce them in small quantities.

Most mothers are surrounded by a dense ring of household responsibilities, sometimes missing important stages in the growth of the younger generation of the family. Morning awakening is often accompanied by a mother’s thought: “What should I cook for my child for breakfast?”, which comes along with dreams of his good appetite and mood. The first meal is very important, both for obtaining a little energy and full development, and for the health of his still fragile digestive system.

Of course, there is a difference between breakfast for 2-year-olds and breakfast for a schoolchild. Breakfast for kids should not only be nutritious, but also arouse the child’s interest. Food that is ugly in appearance gives rise to a reluctance in the baby to eat, not its taste. Little children do not yet have taste preferences, but external stimuli (unusual presentation of dishes) are always perceived with interest.

Seeing something boring on a plate, a 1-2 year old child refuses to eat it, and the mother insists that it will alarm him. But, if at an early age you follow the whims of the baby, then you can accustom him to junk food, and this is fraught with the development of unhealthy eating behavior in the future. Therefore, a delicious breakfast for children is an attractive presentation of the food, and not, in fact, recipes.

Three important conditions for a proper breakfast for children 2 years old

Condition one

A 2-3 year old child should have breakfast twice. The first morning meal is designed to start the bowels and be light and liquid. The second breakfast must already be high in calories, high in carbohydrates.

If your baby wakes up late (at 9 am or later), then you can skip the first breakfast. In this case, after waking up, give him some herbal unsweetened tea and start cleaning the bed and water procedures.

Condition two

Don't insist on eating immediately after your baby wakes up! Do some exercises in bed, tidy up the crib in a playful way, and wash your face and brush your teeth together. The baby will cheer up and ask to eat.

Condition three

Serve the dishes in beautiful “packaging”: a plate with a child’s drawing on the bottom, a decoration of bright berries and fruits and other creative elements.

Sample breakfast menu for children 2 years old

First breakfast

For meals that trigger the work of the stomach and intestines, herbal tea, weak tea with milk and a small cracker are suitable.

Don't give your little one sugary cookies! After eating sweets, the child will soon not want to eat. A third of a banana or a baked apple with herbal tea is the best option instead of cookies. For the first meal, 100-150 ml of kefir or low-fat yogurt is also suitable.


Offer carbohydrate and high-calorie foods after 1-1.5 hours. It should be nutritious and tasty. We offer you several breakfast recipes for your baby:

Option #1

Cottage cheese with sour cream and fruit.

Cocoa with milk and bread with butter.

Option No. 2

Egg omelet - with milk and vegetables (grated carrots, pumpkin or herbs).

Weak tea with milk, toast with jam.

Option No. 3

Milk porridge - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal or millet - with dried fruits.

Liquid yogurt or kefir.

Semolina porridge, which mothers grew up eating, should not occupy a significant place in children's breakfasts. Semolina contains only calories and no nutrients. Therefore, semolina porridge should be prepared for a child no more than once a week.

Option No. 4

Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream.

Tea with milk and a few unsweetened cookies.

Option No. 5

Fried eggs with sausage and herbs.

Cocoa with milk and toast with jam.

There are dozens of options for children's breakfast for a 2-3 year old child! The main thing here is not to overdo it with sweet dishes. Porridge and cottage cheese do not need to be sweetened at all. If you supplement the porridge with dried fruits or fresh fruits, the fructose and sucrose contained in them is enough to sweeten the dish.

Recipes for children's breakfast

Cottage cheese casserole with apples

Ingredients: 3 apples, 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 yolk, a handful of raisins and a third of a bag of vanilla sugar.

  1. We wash the apples under running water. Using a knife with a sharp end, we cut out the insides from the side of the peduncle, forming a cavity for the filling with a wall thickness of about 8-10 mm. Remove the seeds and partitions from the cut-out apple pulp and chop the pulp into small pieces.
  1. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add vanilla sugar, beat in the yolk, throw in the raisins and sliced ​​apple (the part of the apple that was removed). Mix the entire curd mass thoroughly and fill the voids in the apples.
  1. Place the stuffed fruits in a baking dish and bake in the oven (200 degrees) or in a slow cooker on the “baking” mode for 20-30 minutes. Cooking time depends on the type of apple.

* Cook's Advice

If your baby is not allergic to honey, then place a third of a teaspoon of honey in the center of each apple with curd filling. It tastes better this way!

Milk millet porridge with pumpkin

Prepare millet porridge in water (2 tablespoons of dry millet). Peel the pumpkin (100 g) and grate it. Add pumpkin to the cooked millet, add a little salt, add 1 tsp. sugar and pour half a glass of milk. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Serve with butter.

If you have time and the child is keen on playing, then do not cook the porridge with milk, but immediately after the milk boils, cover the saucepan with a lid and wrap it in a warm scarf or towel and let it simmer in the warmth for 20-30 minutes. It's healthier for the baby!

Milk rice porridge with cranberries

Cook the rice, add milk, sweeten with sugar or honey and simmer in milk for 10 minutes. Serve with butter. We decorate the dish with cranberries and come up with an interesting story about “berries in the snow.” The porridge will be eaten!

The more we think about what to cook for our child for breakfast, the more ideas come to us. Fairy tales featuring your favorite characters, beautiful and original presentation of ordinary dishes, brightly colored plates and cups - everything brings success! When thinking about the menu, just imagine yourself as a child!

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 12 minutes


As you know, proper (healthy and tasty) nutrition is the key to a baby’s health. And, of course, breakfast plays the main role in the daily diet. In order for your baby to have enough energy for the whole day, in the morning you need to eat a full, healthy and, naturally, tasty meal. That is, stock up on energy until the evening.

And so that the baby does not protest against “healthy breakfasts”, they should be approached creatively and lovingly.

What are the benefits of porridge?

  • Oatmeal. A universal dietary breakfast, rich in vitamins, healthy acids, microelements, and vegetable proteins. Oats are an ideal antioxidant, an assistant in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and a source of biotin (a vitamin, the deficiency of which leads to weakness, drowsiness, decreased appetite, etc.).
  • Buckwheat. A real storehouse of vitamins. Yadritsa is a natural and tasty mini-pharmacy that rids the body of bad cholesterol, has a positive effect on heart function, and has an antitoxic effect. The list of benefits of buckwheat is huge.
  • Pearl barley. At first glance, it is not the most appetizing, but extremely healthy porridge. Pearl barley porridge contains a lot of vitamins, protein and starch, microelements, lysine (an antiviral amino acid).
  • Rice. This porridge is good for intelligence, rich in fiber, vitamin B and protein.
  • Millet. Porridge for the heart. This breakfast is rich in minerals, vitamin PP, amino acids, and microelements.
  • Corn. Breakfast for the gastrointestinal tract. Contains vitamins (PP, C, B), carotene, lysine and tryptophan, fiber, silicon. Porridge reduces fermentation in the intestines, removes toxins, and is low in calories.

It is still too early for a child aged 1-3 years to eat pearl barley (it is difficult to digest), semolina is also not recommended, but other cereals will be very useful.

How to make porridge tasty for a child?

  • Add a piece of butter (butter) during the cooking process.
  • Pour a little milk into the porridge (when ready) and bring to a boil.
  • Add fruits (dried fruits), nuts, jam or preserves, vegetables.
  • Add baked apple or grated cheese.
  • Add fruit puree, chopped or whole berries.
  • Add fruit juice for color.
  • Add the whipped mixture of boiled vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower).

Use your imagination. Porridge for breakfast can become a “canvas” in a plate - with the help of fruits, candied fruits or jam, “draw” culinary landscapes, unknown animals or fantastic characters for your child. Not a single child will refuse such porridge.


People usually protest against omelettes less often than against porridges, but such a breakfast also requires design and mother’s imagination. Omelet is useful for containing (in eggs and milk) vitamins B, E, A, D, fats and proteins, and useful elements.


  • Egg consumption should be moderate to avoid allergies.
  • Quail eggs are an ideal option (the risk of allergies is reduced to a minimum, there are no strict restrictions). Instead of 1 chicken - 3-4 quail.
  • The eggs should first be washed with water.
  • Cooking options: bake in a frying pan with a lid (after 2 years), bake in the oven or steam (from 1 year).
  • To make the omelet tasty and attract the baby’s attention, add vegetables (carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini or potatoes) and herbs to the dish. We “draw” funny pugs on top using food, plant tomato ladybugs, etc.

What can you use to make an omelet for a child?

  • Omelette with cheese and zucchini. The zucchini is pre-fried and then filled with the future omelet (eggs and milk, 2:1). You can sprinkle grated cheese after the omelette has risen.
  • With herbs and tomatoes. Beat 3 quail eggs with milk, add chopped herbs and tomatoes, a piece of butter, put in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
  • With broccoli and carrots (from 1.5 years).
  • With potatoes and grated cheese (from 1 year).
  • With vegetables (from 1.5 years). Zucchini, greens, carrots, bell peppers.
  • With carrots and cauliflower (from 1.5 years).
  • With spinach (from 2 years old).
  • With fish. Pour the boiled fish into the future omelette and bake in the oven or microwave.

Curd breakfast. Syrniki

After 6 months, cottage cheese for the baby is a mandatory part of the menu. Cottage cheese contains phosphorus and calcium, a lot of vitamins, and it is possible to use the product in a wide variety of variations. For example: cottage cheese with sour cream, berries or fruits, dumplings or dumplings with cottage cheese, cheesecakes, curd mass with various ingredients, cottage cheese cookies, casserole and much more.

And here we will talk about the most favorite curd dish among kids - cheesecakes. They are prepared quite simply, and can be served with almost any “sauce” - sour cream, jam, condensed milk, berries, fruits, etc. (according to age).

How to make cheesecakes?

  • Mix the egg with sugar (1.5-2 tbsp).
  • Add flour (1.5-2 tbsp) and stir.
  • Add 250 g of cottage cheese, stir.
  • Form cakes from the mixture and roll them in flour, fry on both sides over low heat.
  • You can add berries, fruits or candied fruits, honey, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, etc. to the cheesecake mixture.
  • Cottage cheese for children should be used only natural.
  • Before serving, cheesecakes should be beautifully decorated - for example, in the form of mini suns with rays of jam or in the form of dandelions. Or you can pour jam on it and decorate with berries.
  • Choose cottage cheese with a soft consistency for kids.
  • Do not overcook the cheesecakes - cook over low heat, slightly browning. Then blot with a napkin to remove excess oil.
  • You should not give fried foods to children under 1.5-2 years old.
  • For children 1-3 years old, you can grind cottage cheese (50-60 g) into a paste and add porridge, fruit puree or ground berries to it.


This dish is suitable for babies one year old and older. Such a breakfast will not only be healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. That is, any little picky person will like it. The benefits and advantages of pudding are easy digestibility, delicate consistency, improved appetite and metabolism, and a lot of beneficial elements for health.

Pudding options:

  • With cottage cheese and semolina.
  • With vegetables.
  • With meat or fish.
  • With berries.
  • With rice or chocolate.

How to prepare pudding for a baby?

  • Pour milk (400 ml) into a saucepan, add 2 tbsp sugar, add vanilla sugar, cook until the sugar dissolves.
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in 100 ml of milk, add beaten yolk, carefully pour into the pan to the prepared mixture. Cook for a couple of minutes, stirring.
  • Transfer the mixture to the cooled pans and refrigerate, covered with foil (for 2 hours).

You can decorate with berries, coconut, nuts, apples or cranberries, etc.


An excellent breakfast option for babies 11 months and older. A dietary dish that is an airy culinary delight with various ingredients based on whipped egg whites.