In Ingushetia, a scandal is breaking out around the suicide attempt of a resident of the village of Dolakovo, Nazran municipal district. According to official data, on the evening of March 28, 34-year-old Alikhan Kulbuzhev was admitted to the intensive care unit of the Ingush Republican Clinical Hospital. The man tried to hang himself, but his relatives got him out of the noose in time. This incident might have gone unnoticed if a few hours earlier he had not attended an interrogation, where he signed a confession for the murder of his daughter.

Kulbuzhev's relatives reported his abduction and torture during interrogation, which led the man to thoughts of suicide.

A family tragedy occurred on February 6 of this year, when eight-year-old Yasmina, Kulbuzhev’s daughter, suddenly died. The relatives did not establish the cause of death; they did not register the fact of death and buried her on the same day according to Muslim customs. The mysterious death of the girl puzzled her fellow villagers, and various rumors began to circulate around the village - allegedly the family buried the girl at night in their own garden. In addition, Yasmina was raised not by her own mother, but by her stepmother. According to some reports, family life for her parents did not work out, the couple divorced and remarried, and the girl, according to Muslim traditions, continued to be raised by her father. In addition to her, the family had three other young children.

Local police, who had heard rumors, became interested in the mysterious death of a minor girl and conducted an investigation into this fact. They found out that she was in fact buried in her family cemetery. No one conducted a preliminary forensic examination of the corpse, and the cause of death was unknown. At the beginning of March, employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nazran district of the Republic of Ingushetia transferred these materials to the Nazran interdistrict investigative department of the republic of Russia.

During interrogations, the relatives explained that no one beat the girl, and she died, apparently, from some illness, a representative of the republican Investigative Committee told Gazeta.Ru. “Both the police and the investigation have a principled position regarding crimes against minors, so we began an investigation,” the source said. To establish the cause of death, the minor's body was exhumed on March 5. An expert who examined the corpse concluded that death was the result of a closed blunt craniocerebral injury, “accompanied by hemorrhages under the dura and pia mater of the upper part of the head.”

Preliminary interrogations of the child’s relatives and neighbors also showed that at the time of the girl’s death, only the head of the family, Alikhan Kulbuzhev, was in the house.

Investigators had additional questions for him.

According to their version, Kulbuzhev, who realized his involvement in the death of the girl, turned himself in to the police on March 28 and confessed. During interrogation with the participation of a defense lawyer, he said that on February 6 at about 11:00 he carelessly hit his daughter on the head with his palm, and five or six hours later she died. She was buried in a hurry, at night, in a cemetery (according to Muslim traditions, burial should be done as quickly as possible, but before sunset). As noted by the Investigative Committee, after the interrogation neither Kulbuzhev nor his lawyer made any comments. Since the father had a positive character at his place of residence, admitted his guilt, and was not registered at a psychoneurological dispensary, the investigator sent him home on his own recognizance. A few hours later, the suspect attempted suicide.

Now the man is in intensive care and cannot explain his actions. Meanwhile, his relatives have already stated that Kulbuzhev tried to commit suicide after being tortured by police, who forced him to confess to the manslaughter of his daughter.

As lawyer Visit Tsoroev told Gazeta.Ru, he became involved in the case on March 26, when relatives of the suspect turned to him for help. They reported that investigators had taken him the day before and he had not come home to spend the night. The defender went to the investigative department, where he found Kulbuzhev. Then, according to him, he was interrogated as a victim. The investigator explained that Kulbuzhev himself asked to spend the night with them, and he was allowed.

The defendant said that he was offered a deal: he takes the blame on himself and is charged under the “soft” Article. 109 of the Criminal Code (causing death by negligence) or refuses and he will be charged under Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (murder).

The maximum punishment under Art. 109 of the Criminal Code - two years in prison, under Art. 105 of the Criminal Code - 15 years. The lawyer asked Kulbuzhev not to incriminate himself. He was also asked to take a polygraph. He himself was not against it, but the defense lawyer did not allow it and asked to postpone the procedure. “He was scared and worried. A person who is in even the slightest state of stress does not pass the polygraph,” Tsoroev said. The polygraph was postponed until the morning, but the lawyer instead recommended that the client go to a psychologist. The next day, Tsoroev found out that Kulbuzhev had been seeing a doctor since the girl’s death. The psychologist concluded that there is a high risk of attempting suicide. “I asked the investigation not to frighten this man, not to put pressure on him,” the defense lawyer said.

However, on the morning of March 28, the police themselves came to his home with a search. The suspect's relatives complained that they behaved rudely, scared the children, did not present any documents, tied Alikhan up and took him away. After their call, Tsoroyev went to the investigative department, where he saw how three operatives were leading his client. They did not allow the lawyer to approach him, took him into the investigator’s office, left, and only after that the lawyer was able to talk to him.

The investigator presented the defense attorney with Kulbuzhev's confession. “Alikhan looked depressed, mentally broken,” Tsoroyev noted. His client agreed to sign the paper, fearing that otherwise he would be taken to a temporary detention facility. When the lawyer tried to persuade him not to do this, Kulbuzhev said that the police put a bag on him, suffocated him, poured some liquid into him, beat him on the kidneys and head, put a wire on his arm and lightly shocked him so that no traces would remain. After that, he stated that no one would help him and he did not want to return to the temporary detention facility. Kulbuzhev also refused the services of a lawyer. Tsoroev admitted that he also signed a confession and did not make any comments. “I thought, let my client come out, then we’ll look into this matter,” he explained. Then Kulbuzhev was released, he got into the car and burst into tears, complaining that he had ruined the family’s reputation. And in the evening his relatives called the lawyer and told him about his attempt to hang himself.

Tsoroyev called the information that the minor girl was buried at night gossip. According to him, she was buried before sunset, as tradition requires.

The police deny allegations of torture against Kulbuzhev. According to them, he confessed to manslaughter when he turned to the police during a search of his home. The regional Investigative Committee promised to look into the situation and initiated a pre-investigation check based on statements from Kulbuzhev’s relatives. “As part of this inspection, the actions of law enforcement officers will be given a legal assessment,” said a representative of the republican Investigative Committee.

Published 21.12.10 16:12

A brutal triple murder took place in Nazran right next to the courthouse.

Law enforcement agencies of Ingushetia detained a suspect in the murder of three people committed on Monday in the Nazran region of the republic. The brutal murder took place right outside the courthouse. The man slit the throats of 42-year-old Ozdoeva Madina and her daughters, 18 and 20 years old.

A resident of the village of Ali-Yurt, suspected of committing a crime, was detained in hot pursuit, RIA-Novosti reports. The killer turned out to be 24-year-old local resident Tarkhan Ozdoev, his mother’s cousin, who had already confessed to his crime.

A criminal case was initiated under Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder of two or idhumkz more than persons), which provides for imprisonment of up to 20 years or life imprisonment.

NEWSru believes that the background of the bloody massacre is reminiscent of the so-called “honor killings,” which are especially widespread in the Muslim world. In families of religious fanatics, a woman is often seen as a potential sinner who brings disgrace to the entire family. Therefore, not only brothers of sisters, but even fathers often kill their daughters. Moreover, a girl can “disgrace” her family even by becoming a victim of rape herself.

In Vladikavkaz, a criminal case was closed regarding the gang rape of a disabled girl who, for the first time in her life, spent several months in an apartment without her parents. Over the course of many days, the girl was raped one by one by about 30 people. After the incident, they began to incite her to commit suicide on social networks, the girl had tohospitalized so that she does not commit suicide.The victim's defense intends to appeal the decision to close the case; the mother intends to take her daughter out of North Ossetia. According to The Insider, a prize-winner of all-Russian and international freestyle wrestling tournaments is involved in the case.

Alone at home
The victim’s lawyer, Olga Karacheva, asks that the girl’s name, surname and diagnosis not be indicated, and The Insider complies with this request. Zalina Dudueva, her mother, openly communicates with journalists, but her daughter has a different last name.

Zalina, a resident of Vladikavkaz, has four children: two daughters and two sons. She is divorced from the father of her children. One of the daughters has no health problems and lives with her father. The mother takes care of three disabled children. Zalina ensured that her sons studied in a regular Vladikavkaz school - she initiated the first inclusive education project in North Ossetia. Dudueva’s daughter completed nine years of high school, a chef’s course, and entered college to become a hairdresser. Zalina Dudeva, a 45-year-old woman with a higher education, entered the same school as her daughter and studied there for a year, helping her integrate into the educational process. Because her daughter’s main problem is difficulties in socialization.

The girl's mother, Zalina Dudueva

In January 2017, her daughter turned 18 years old, and Zalina Dudueva needed to go with her sons to Moscow to undergo a long treatment course. The daughter was left alone in the apartment. Dudueva returned to Vladikavkaz in May 2017. While she was in Moscow, information reached her that something was wrong with her daughter: for example, she often skipped classes at school, but her relatives who remained in Vladikavkaz did not make enough efforts to understand what was happening.

When Dudueva returned home, she saw that the apartment was littered with garbage, the furniture was broken, used condoms and cigarette butts were lying on the floor, and some things were missing. Zalina Dudueva told The Insider that among the missing is one of the medals of Olympic bronze medalist and eight-time world champion in saber fencing Alexei Yakemenko. The athlete gave the medal to her son.

Involuntary struggle

Zalina Dudueva asked her daughter to describe what happened. From the daughter's story it followed that she had a 13-year-old friend. She let her into her apartment to be alone with a young man. Soon the young man brought friends with him, then other men began to appear. The victim claims that they forced her to have intimacy, beating her for refusal, and also filming sex scenes - with these videos they blackmailed her, demanding that she continue to satisfy their lust.

Zalina Dudueva immediately filed a complaint about the crime, but law enforcement officers were in no hurry to open the case. Dudueva recorded a 50-minute video talking about her daughter for the blog “Ossetia and Around: A View from the Inside.” The video was published July 6, 2017, and the next day the local Investigative Committee opened a criminal case.

Its defendants were three dozen Vladikavkaz residents aged from 14 to 39 years. According to The Insider, among them is Dmitry E., a rising star of freestyle wrestling (Wrestling is a particularly prestigious sport in North Ossetia). Among Dmitry E.'s sporting achievements in 2017 are third place at the Russian championship among youth in freestyle wrestling, as well as victory at the World Schoolchildren's Martial Arts Games in India.

Dmitry E. confirmed during interrogation that he knew the victim, but denied that he had intimate intimacy with her. The Insider contacted the wrestler through his VKontakte page, but at the time of publication of the text, no response was received. Functionaries of the Ministry of Sports of North Ossetia, Deputy Minister Valery Gulcheev and head of the information department of the ministry Diana Tuaeva were unable to comment to The Insider: according to them, they did not know about this situation.

For ice cream

In May of this year, the criminal case of rape of a disabled girl was closed “due to the absence of a crime.” The official representative of the North Ossetian Investigative Committee, Lieutenant Colonel Eduard Gusov, told The Insider that the case was closed after studying all the circumstances of the incident. Gusov suggested sending questions by email. Having received questions, Gusov called back and suggested contacting Svetlana Petrenko, the official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia, for information on the case. Gusov motivated this by the fact that The Insider is not a regional Ossetian publication. Svetlana Petrenko was unavailable for comment.

“According to the investigation, she invited men to her place, and they also gave her money - 250 rubles per visit,” says Zalina Dudueva. Also, according to investigators, the men did not know that the girl was disabled.

“It’s impossible not to see that she is like a ten-year-old child,” Dudueva is indignant. — If you buy ice cream for a child and then come and rape him, is that probably normal? This is for ice cream!”

Also, according to the mother, the Investigative Committee decided that the victim gave away the things missing from the house voluntarily.

After the rape, the girl began to receive messages on VKontakte from the community of so-called “blue whales”, where she was pushed to commit suicide. The girl's suicide would make the investigation virtually impossible. The messages had a great impact on the victim: she had to be hospitalized because doctors feared that she would actually commit suicide. Usually the Investigative Committee fiercely fights “blue whales,” but for some reason they were not interested in information about the instigators.

Cop House

“The investigation of crimes of a sexual nature committed against women with mental disabilities is a very complex process that requires special attention,” says lawyer Olga Karacheva. Creating an enabling environment for survivors to speak freely about what happened to them, without fear or risk of being re-traumatized by the investigative process itself, is key. The girl was forced to participate in numerous investigative actions, which was very difficult for her emotionally. Moreover, her health condition was actually used against her, since the investigator concluded in the decision that she allegedly did not give truthful testimony, including due to her mental state.”

According to The Insider, over 10 months of work, investigators interrogated the neighbors and fellow students of the disabled girl, and based on these interrogations they concluded that she was prone to “promiscuity.” Then they conducted an examination of her mental state: they decided that her testimony should not be trusted. They also interviewed the men who came to her apartment. Some of them denied an intimate relationship, some said that they agreed on sex for money, some - about sex by mutual desire. Part of the correspondence between the victim and several persons involved in the case on social networks was included in the case. Despite the fact that the case is closed, the North Ossetian Investigative Committee will retain several items from the destroyed apartment and 18 handprints as material evidence. Karachev's lawyer, of course, is going to appeal the decision to close the case.

Zalina Dudueva is amazed that the neighbors did not stop what was happening in her apartment.

“We have a “cop” house - cops live in every entrance, and in ours too. And two employees of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection live in our building. One is the deputy director of the center, and the other is a teacher; my daughter has been going to this center since she was three years old. My daughter has been registered with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection since she was three years old, but at the age of 18 her mother did not have time to re-register her disability, and for three months she was de jure without a disability. They probably thought that we had suddenly been cured,” says Dudueva.

At the time of publication, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of North Ossetia did not provide The Insider with a comment.

“They tell me: how bad I am, I left the child in an obviously dangerous situation. I say: now I will know for sure that leaving them among ordinary people is obviously dangerous,” adds Dudueva. Now she intends to take her daughter outside of North Ossetia, and is now looking for funds for this.

UPD: Despite the fact that only a few media outlets wrote about the closure of this criminal case, Deputy Head of the Investigative Committee Boris Karnaukhov promptly overturned the decision of the Vladikavkaz investigators. “This decision was made unreasonably, as set out in the resolution <о прекращении дела – The Insider> the conclusions do not correspond to the established circumstances of the commission of the crime,” says the decision to resume the investigation. The text of the resolution is available to The Insider. The case was transferred from the North Ossetian Investigative Committee to the Investigative Committee for the North Caucasus Federal District - “taking into account the wide public response” and “the need to conduct a large volume of investigative and other procedural actions.”

An ancient custom or a criminal offense? Speaker of the Parliament of Ingushetia Zelimkhan Yevloev called for the introduction of a punishment for bride kidnapping of up to three years in prison. Deputies will prepare a corresponding bill in the near future. The recent case of the theft of a 19-year-old girl, which was accompanied by the beating of her mother, caused a huge resonance in the republic.

The mother of the kidnapped bride is still scared and asks that her face not be shown. She's just back from the hospital: scratched wrists, wounded fingers. I had to fight back. There were only women in the house when five guys burst inside.

“This is the way to take my daughter away from me! Two of them stopped me so that I wouldn’t move; others broke into the house. She was in the bedroom. The three of them took her and dragged her,” recalls the mother of the abducted woman.

Already here the girl was pushed straight into the car. Then everything was like in an action-packed movie: the kidnappers changed phones and addresses in several localities at once. They hid it with friends. They could not find Tanzila Polonkoeva for four days.

When the whole village was already talking about it, the abduction was not in any police report. A separate check is currently being carried out in the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding this matter. The head of Ingushetia became aware of the incident. Only after this – an urgent meeting, instructions to the security forces – was the girl able to be returned to her family. Now her brothers are saying: an interview is out of the question; the 19-year-old student is now hidden from everyone and is not even allowed into college.

“I don’t know how long, but time must pass before all this is forgotten,” says the girl’s brother Ilyas Polonkoev.

Vakha Evloev wanted to marry a student and simply beautiful woman so much that he kidnapped her three times over the course of a year.

“Of course, we were all against it. I apologize for everyone, because I am a mother, I don’t want to wish this on any mother. “I don’t know where my son is now,” says the guy’s mother, Leila Evloeva.

Such love here already ended in tragedy four years ago. Footage from external surveillance cameras. Center of Nazran. Due to the kidnapping of a girl, a shootout broke out between members of two families, killing three people. After this, in Ingushetia, the republican authorities involved the elders in solving the problem.

Imams began to refuse to perform “nikah,” the name given to the marriage ceremony, if the bride was kidnapped. And the kidnappers and their accomplices now have to fork out the cash.

“Penalties in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. These funds will be directed to funds for the poor and for the construction and maintenance of mosques,” says Ali Kotikov, head of the Department of Religious Affairs under the head of Ingushetia.

Previously, according to some sources, more than a hundred girls were kidnapped per year. Such stories did not always even reach the police: not writing a report, but investigating on your own is also a local custom.

With the introduction of sanctions, cases of theft, as calculated by the Department of Religious Affairs, became isolated. But they didn't disappear completely. And investigators are now looking into the situation surrounding another Ingush captive. A criminal case was initiated under two articles at once.

“The identities of the suspects in the crime have been established. In the criminal case, operational measures and investigative actions are being carried out, such as interrogating witnesses, interrogating the victim herself, removing and recording recordings from external surveillance cameras,” said senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation for Ingushetia, Zurab Geroev.

The search for the suspect is now underway. After another unsuccessful theft, Vakha Evloev went on the run. If the guy is proven guilty, he faces up to 12 years in prison.