
1. Theoretical part

2. Practical part

3. Problems and ways to solve them




One of the main tasks of economic policy at all levels of management is to identify industries or other groups of enterprises - potential growth points and formulate a set of measures to stimulate their development. The development of construction enterprises is often considered as one of the factors for the growth of the regional economy. For the national economic system of the region, the investment and construction complex is one of the key elements. It brings together many participants to solve the main problems of regional planning: meeting the needs to improve the standard of living of the population, developing production and non-production infrastructure, finding sources of financing for the implementation of territorial development goals.

Socio-economic transformations in the Russian economy in the 1990s affected all sectors and complexes of its national economy, including the investment and construction complex, which experienced both a significant decline in production and its subsequent rapid growth. One of the consequences of decentralization of management, disaggregation of the construction complex and privatization of construction enterprises that occurred during this period is the lack of an effective middle level for coordinating construction activities.

In modern conditions, under the influence of such factors as the restructuring of production, the latest technologies in the construction industry, processes of improving the technological and reproductive structure of investments, there is a significant increase in the diversity of the construction contracting market and the relations of its participants. Meanwhile, it is at the regional level that the development potential of the construction complex is primarily realized.

In this regard, it becomes relevant to develop the features and problems of the investment and construction complex at the regional level.

1. Theoretical part

INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION COMPLEX (ISC) - includes the totality of all fund-forming industries: design and contracting organizations, investment engineering industries, the building materials and structures industry, suppliers of equipment and building materials, social infrastructure enterprises. The central link of the complex is capital construction as a branch of the national economy, completing the efforts of all investment sectors and transforming material resources into fixed assets. From the perspective of construction systems engineering, the ISK is a functional system that creates fixed assets. Investments in the reproduction of fixed assets are carried out in the form of capital investments. The investment procedure can be divided into three stages:

1) transformation of resources into capital investments, i.e. transformation of investments into specific objects of investment activity (actually, the investment stage);

2) transformation of invested funds into an increase in capital value, i.e. transformation of investments into new consumer value;

3) increase in capital value in the form of income or social efficiency.

In order to adequately respond to the ever-increasing demands of customers, the ISK must have appropriate internal flexibility, i.e. quickly and effectively change production technology, organizational structure, methods of preparation and decision-making, etc. It is important to emphasize that internal flexibility should be achieved on the basis of such intra-organizational coordination in which the technological resources of the complex can be quickly transferred from one zone to another.

Another equally important condition is the orientation of the economic management system to the search and implementation of new technological opportunities to satisfy the ever-growing demands of consumers. It is no coincidence that the investment sphere, in addition to capital construction, includes the innovation sphere in which scientific and technical products and intellectual potential are sold.

Regional investment and construction complex: formation and functioning.

The peculiarities of reforming the country's investment and construction complex are associated primarily with the extreme uneven development of the regions of the Russian Federation, and, consequently, with the regional specifics of management and the establishment of relations between the federal center and the regions.

It is customary to distinguish two groups of methods by which the state regulates investment activity: methods of direct and indirect influence. All forms of government influence on investment processes in accordance with the Law “On investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments” are divided into three blocks: legal, administrative and economic (Table 1).

Governments of developed countries rely primarily on the levers of indirect regulation (tax, depreciation, credit and financial policies). The state, influencing the investment climate through income taxes, financial and credit mechanisms and depreciation policy, thereby determines the rules of the game in the investment market for various types of business.

There is a lack of investment in the Russian economy, therefore one of the most important goals of investment policy is the search for additional sources and reserves of investment resources, as well as the creation of new sources of investment.

Table 1. Instruments of state regulation of investment activities

The priorities and directions of development of the regional investment and construction complex are reflected in the regional investment policy. Experts identify a number of reasons that hinder the effective implementation of regional investment policies:

Lack of stable tax legislation;

A complex procedure for obtaining tax benefits that are provided for the development of entrepreneurial activity;

The need to adopt new laws on depreciation policy;

The issue of access to land remains unresolved.

Determining the place and role of investment and construction activities in the country's economy requires revealing the socio-economic essence of the investment and construction complex, studying its features and trends in its development in the modern economy.

From the point of view of managing the country's economy, the concept of “construction complex” as an object of government management (at the federal level) currently does not reflect the essence of real economic relations. This is explained by the elimination of the vertical “trust - association - main department of the ministry,” which led to a vacuum at the middle level of management. The activities of construction organizations are independent and government influence on their functional and economic behavior can only be carried out indirectly with mandatory legislative support.

It is believed that investment and construction activities are implemented by a certain system of production, functional and institutional structures that form the investment and construction sector of the Russian economy.

The investment and construction sector (according to the methodology of the State Statistics Committee of Russia) means a certain part of the sector of “non-financial enterprises” and the sector of “financial institutions”. In addition to those listed, it also includes the “government sector” (partially) and the “household sector”. Thus, the investment and construction sector includes investors, the construction complex and institutional structures.

At the federal level, the investment and construction complex can be considered as a set of production, functional and institutional structures. The investment and construction complex acquires specific content and economic content only at the regional level. The national (federal) investment and construction complex can be presented as a set of local and regional complexes. Moreover, each regional investment and construction complex is characterized by a certain uniqueness of the processes of its formation, functioning and development.

In the current economic conditions in Russia, the state of the investment and construction complex has a serious impact on the performance of all spheres of the economy and the livelihoods of the population, and the socio-economic development of the region.

Currently, construction management in Russia is considered not as a hierarchical structure of mutually subordinate organizations in the construction industry, but as a system for managing investment and construction activities with the regulatory role of this activity on the part of government authorities. State regulation of investment and construction activities is a specific management function designed to combine state (public) and private interests to form rational large proportions (ratios) in the national economy between consumption, accumulation and investment based on forecasting, strategic planning, budget financing, taxation and others measures of government influence on the investment, contracting, and real estate markets.

During the transition to a market system, direct management methods are replaced by regulatory ones. The regulatory functions of the state in the development of the economy of the investment and construction complex are among the main ones in solving the problem of increasing efficiency.

As a subject of management (state bodies

Investment and construction complex (ISC) - includes the totality of all fund-forming industries: design and contracting organizations, investment engineering industries, the building materials and structures industry, suppliers of equipment and building materials, social infrastructure enterprises. The central link of the complex is capital construction as a branch of the national economy, completing the efforts of all investment sectors and transforming material resources into fixed assets. From the perspective of construction systems engineering, the ISK is a functional system that creates fixed assets. Investments in the reproduction of fixed assets are carried out in the form of capital investments. The investment procedure can be divided into three stages: 1) transformation of resources into capital investments, i.e. transformation of investments into specific objects of investment activity (actually, the investment stage); 2) transformation of invested funds into an increase in capital value, i.e. transformation of investments into new consumer value; 3) increase in capital value in the form of income or social efficiency.

17. Features of construction policy in the country.

See Question #4

18. Principles of market economics as the basis for the formation of management requirements in a construction organization.

The constitutional guarantees defining the principles of a market economy are as follows:

– unity of economic space;

– free movement of goods, services and financial resources;

– support for competition.

19. Subject, content and purpose of analysis and design of control systems in construction.

In order for the organizational form of the construction production management apparatus to be brought into line from time to time with the continuously changing structure of the subject of management, it is necessary to systematically study the organizational properties and conditions of the production system, the conditions and results of the economic activities of its self-supporting units, and also to determine the effectiveness of the management system as a whole. The process of such a study of objects of study with the identification of weak links in the organization and the causes of disorganization of the management system is usually called diagnostic analysis. Diagnostic analysis is a method of studying organizational systems that uses a systems approach in diagnosis, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the properties and conditions of an organization, as well as the reasons for the disorganization of its structural formations and the emergence of organizational pathologies. Thus, the subject of diagnostic analysis is the properties, states, conditions and results of the functioning of the management system as a whole in relation to any subject of management or with a deeper study of the organizational contradictions of production of the object and subject of management or their individual subsystems and elements in particular. The objectives of the economic analysis of the operating parameters of the production system are to study the organization of management from the point of view of assessing its effectiveness and compliance of the direction of work of each self-supporting unit with its intended purpose, the interests of the organization, association or the whole society, the prudent use of labor and material and technical resources; find out whether the organization’s divisions really worked effectively, achieving the planned results at the cost of the lowest social costs of production and preserving the environmental environment. Structural analysis of information and material flows of the production system (from the point of view of information characteristics) is carried out to assess the adequacy of the control system to the structure of the managed object. Organizational design is a structure-forming method of the organizing process, beginning at the stage of organizing ideas and ending in the process of organizing ideas, things and people in real time and space. It has all the structural elements and attributes of the organization process. The result of organizational design is a project in the form of an album of organizational documents reflecting the variety of organizational decisions.

    Composition and sequence of stages of designing an environmental control system by a construction organization

Stages of designing a management system using the organizational modeling method.

At the first stage design, a matrix-staff model is selected, which is subject to detailed consideration and is necessary for the implementation of subsequent stages. In this way, the first theoretical premise identified as a result of the pre-project survey is implemented.

At the second stage management decisions are distributed among levels within the matrix-staff structure.

Third stage - This is the actual process of designing the management structure. It is based on the study of the possibility of designing one or another variant of the structure for the selected control object. The question of the formation of any management structure will depend on how appropriate it is to have functional, thematic or coordinating levels in it. In this case, expediency refers to the degree of workload of the decision-maker.

At the fourth stage The final choice of the structure option occurs and all further calculations are carried out within the framework of the selected structure.

Onfifth stage the issue of forming the composition of units at levels within the chosen structure is being resolved. This task involves determining the composition and number of managers and performers necessary for making and preparing management decisions. The delivery of this task is due to the fact that the criterion for creating any organizational unit - department or service - is the standard of controllability. The formation of structural units will ultimately depend on how much the resulting number of managers and performers corresponds to the standard of controllability.

On sixth stage a decision is made to implement this structure and approve the management scheme.

Three subsequent stages - seventh, eighth and ninth represent organizational regulation on which the development of documentation regulating the activities of individual performers, departments and the management system as a whole is carried out.

    Methods for constructing and improving OSU

Under organizational management structure is understood a set of elements and levels of management that are in relationships of subordination and connection.

The formation of an organizational management structure is based on the use of a combination of the following methods:

Method of structuring goals;

Functionally oriented method;


Method of analogies.

1. Method of structuring goals. Provides for the development of a hierarchical system of organizational goals and subsequent analysis of the management structure from the point of view of its compliance with the system of goals.

2. Functional method. It is based on the formation of a management apparatus through the allocation of economic management functions in the organization, management actions and their distribution among the structural divisions of the organization.

3. Expert-analytical method. It consists of a survey and analytical study of the organization in order to identify specific features and problems in the organization’s work, and develop recommendations for its rational formation.

4. Method of analogies. Consists of using organizational forms and management mechanisms that have proven themselves in organizations with similar characteristics to the organization being designed.

The use of a set of methods allows:

Form a hierarchical system of goals and objectives;

Identify organizationally separate blocks and subdivisions of the organ being designed;

Rationally distribute powers and responsibilities, functions and management actions between levels and structural divisions;

Determine the relationship of the designed structure of its divisions with the external environment.

Based on the survey and analysis of the current operating system, a justification for carrying out work on the development of the operating system is developed, which can be presented in the form of a note or report. Displayed: 1. justification for the purpose of the OSU council. 2. basic methods and principles of OSU development. 3. justification of new organizational decisions. 4. The note must contain a list of documents for the development or revision of the existing OS. 5. list of activities on the organizational, normative, methodological, information council of the OSU. The project for the development of the OSU must include: 1. the structure of the OSU. 2. updating regulations on joint ventures and job descriptions. 3. the project must include a mechanism for interaction between joint ventures. 4. measures for the selection and training of personnel. 5. measures to overcome possible contradictions.

23.Types of organizational management structures

The organizational structure of the management apparatus is a form of division of labor for production management. Each division and position is created to perform a specific set of management functions or jobs. To perform the functions of the unit, their officials are vested with certain rights to manage resources and are responsible for performing the functions assigned to the unit.

The OSU diagram reflects the static position of departments and positions and the nature of the connection between them.

There are connections: – linear (administrative subordination); – functional (in the field of activity without direct administrative subordination); – cross-functional, or cooperative (between departments of the same level).

Depending on the nature of the connections, several main types of organizational management structures are distinguished: – linear; – functional; – linear-functional; – matrix; – divisional; – multiple.

In the linear management structure, each manager provides leadership to lower-level units in all types of activities. Advantages: simplicity, economy, extreme unity of command. The main disadvantage is the high requirements for the qualifications of managers. Now it is practically not used.

The functional organizational structure realizes a close connection between administrative management and the implementation of functional management.

In this structure, the principle of unity of command is violated and cooperation is difficult. It is practically not used.

The linear-functional structure is stepwise hierarchical. Under it, line managers are the sole commanders, and they are assisted by functional bodies. Line managers at lower levels are not administratively subordinate to functional managers at higher levels of management. It was used most widely.

Sometimes such a system is called a headquarters system, since the functional managers of the corresponding level make up the line headquarters.

Divisions (branches) are distinguished either by area of ​​activity or geographically.

The matrix structure is characterized by the fact that the contractor may have two or more managers (one is linear, the other is the head of the program or direction). This scheme has long been used in R&D management, and is now widely used in companies working in many areas. It is increasingly displacing linear-functional from application.

A multiple structure combines different structures at different levels of management. For example, a branch management structure can be used for the entire company, and in branches it can be linear-functional or matrix.

24. Mortgage management. MORTGAGE - pledge of real estate, mainly land and buildings, for the purpose of obtaining a mortgage loan. A mortgage is a type of collateral in which the pledged property is not transferred into the hands of the creditor, but remains with the debtor. Mortgage also refers to the debt on a mortgage loan.

25 Stages of OSU design.

The process of forming an organizational structure includes the formulation of goals and objectives, determination of the composition and location of departments, their resource provision (including the number of employees), the development of regulatory procedures, documents, regulations that consolidate and regulate the forms, methods, processes that are carried out in the organizational management system .

This whole process can be organized into three large stages:

The formation of a general structural diagram in all cases is of fundamental importance, since this determines the main characteristics of the organization, as well as the directions along which more in-depth design should be carried out, both the organizational structure and other important aspects of the system (the ability to process information).

The development of the composition of the main divisions and the connections between them is that it provides for the implementation of organizational decisions not only as a whole for large linear-functional and program-targeted blocks, but also down to the independent (basic) divisions of the management apparatus, the distribution of specific tasks between them and building intra-organizational connections. Basic units are understood as independent structural units (departments, bureaus, administrations, sectors, laboratories), into which linear-functional and program-targeted subsystems are organizationally divided. Basic units may have their own internal structure.

Regulation of the organizational structure - provides for the development of quantitative characteristics of the management apparatus and procedures for management activities. It includes: determining the composition of the internal elements of basic units (bureaus, groups and positions); determination of the design number of units; distribution of tasks and work among specific performers; establishing responsibility for their implementation; development of procedures for performing management work in departments; calculations of management costs and performance indicators of the management apparatus in the conditions of the designed organizational structure.

The priorities and directions of development of the regional investment and construction complex are reflected in the regional investment policy. The law “On stimulating investment activity in the Chelyabinsk region” provides the following definition of regional state investment policy: “a set of organizational, legal, financial, economic and other measures carried out by public authorities of the Chelyabinsk region and aimed at stimulating investment activity in the territory of the Chelyabinsk region.”
Experts identify a number of reasons that hinder the effective implementation of the investment policy of the Chelyabinsk region:
- lack of stable tax legislation;
- a complex procedure for obtaining tax benefits that are provided for the development of entrepreneurial activity;
- the need to adopt a new law on depreciation policy;
- the issue of access to land plots on the market of the Chelyabinsk region remains unresolved: - what benefits and preferences can be provided to investors on land rent, - to ensure equal access to obtaining land plots through competitive bidding.
Thus, in order to increase the efficiency of the measures implemented by government authorities of the Chelyabinsk region within the framework of investment policy, it is necessary to improve legislation (in particular, regulate only the mechanisms for regulating and supporting investment activities named in the law), ensure its stability, as well as develop information and consulting support for investment activities , support for the formation of new sources of financing investment projects.
Determining the place and role of investment and construction activities in the country’s economy requires revealing the socio-economic essence of the investment and construction complex, studying its features and trends in its development in the modern economy.
From the point of view of managing the country’s economy, the concept of a “construction complex” as an object of government management (at the federal level) currently does not reflect the essence of real economic relations. This is explained by the elimination of the vertical "trust - association - main department - ministry", which led to a vacuum at the middle level of management. The activities of construction organizations are independent and government influence on their functional and economic behavior can only be carried out indirectly with mandatory legislative support.
According to L.V. Dontsov, investment and construction activities are implemented by a certain system of production, functional and institutional structures that form the investment and construction sector of the Russian economy.
The investment and construction sector (according to the methodology of the State Statistics Committee of Russia) means a certain part of the sector of “non-financial enterprises” and the sector of “financial institutions”. In addition to those listed, it also includes the “government sector” (partially) and the household sector. Thus, the investment and construction sector includes investors, the construction complex and institutional structures.
At the federal level, the investment and construction complex can be considered as a set of production, functional and institutional structures. The investment and construction complex acquires specific content and economic content only at the regional level. The national (federal) investment and construction complex can be represented as a set of local and regional complexes. Moreover, each regional investment and construction complex is characterized by a certain uniqueness of the processes of its formation, functioning and development.
In the current economic conditions in Russia, the state of the investment and construction complex has a serious impact on the performance of all spheres of the economy and the livelihoods of the population, and the socio-economic development of the region.
Currently, construction management in Russia is considered not as a hierarchical structure of mutually subordinate organizations in the construction industry, but as a system for managing investment and construction activities with the regulatory role of this activity on the part of government authorities. State regulation of investment and construction activities is a specific management function designed to combine state (public) and private interests to form rational large proportions (ratios) in the national economy between consumption, accumulation and investment based on forecasting, strategic planning, budget financing, taxation and others measures of government influence on the investment, contracting, and real estate markets.
During the transition to a market system, direct management methods are replaced by regulatory ones. The regulatory functions of the state in the development of the economy of the investment and construction complex are among the main ones in solving the problem of increasing efficiency.
In the article by Deryabin Y.V. The following authorities are considered as the subject of management (state investment and construction management bodies):
- bodies for general management of investment and construction activities: legislative bodies of the state (State Duma, Federation Council, parliaments of constituent entities of the Russian Federation); federal executive authorities and their territorial structures (the Government of the Russian Federation and the governments of its constituent entities); judicial bodies of the state (arbitration courts);
- bodies directly managing investment and construction activities (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Energy, Ministry of Regional Development, Rosstroy);
- bodies of indirect management of investment and construction activities (Ministry of Property Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology, other line ministries and their territorial structures, Federal Treasury and its territorial structures, state and regional off-budget funds, etc.);
- functional bodies of investment and financial infrastructure created with the participation of the state (state investment funds, state investment and insurance companies, state specialized investment and commercial banks, investment agencies, etc.).
The processes taking place in the investment and construction sector in recent years are particularly dynamic, which indicates the need to search for a new, more acceptable management model. A significant impetus for solving this problem was given by the reform of federal executive bodies, carried out in accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2004 N 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive bodies” and dated 05/20/2004 N649 `Issues of the structure of federal bodies executive power`. A management system has been adopted, which schematically looks like this: federal ministries - federal services - federal agencies (Fig. 1). Gosstroy of Russia was transformed into the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy) in accordance with the relevant Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2004 N 286. Thus, at the federal level, the management of the construction industry has changed significantly and has moved closer to business entities, since federal agencies are the “lowest” level in the federal echelon of executive authorities.

Investment and construction complex from the perspective of systems theory

Polovnikova Nadezhda Anatolyevna Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and

management in construction Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics" e-mail: [email protected] PolovnikovaNadezhdaAnatolievna Candidate of Economic Science, docent, docent of economics and management in building and construction department of Saint-Petersburg Government University

of Engineering and Economics

Abstract Systems theory, which arose back in the thirties of the twentieth century, has not lost its relevance today. The article examines the investment and construction complex as a system, which plays an important role in the development of regions and the country as a whole. The principles that should form the basis for the management and functioning of the ISK are given. Annotation Systems theory that has arisen still in the thirties of the XX century didn't waste the urgency even today. In the article the investment and construction complex playing an important role in the development of the regions and of the whole country is considered as a system Principles that should be the basis of the investment and construction complex management and functioning are given.

Key words: investment and construction complex, systems theory, system

Key words: investment and construction complex, systems theory, system Introduction

An unrelenting flow of ideas each time sets the direction for the development of theories of knowledge. Currently, practical needs have acted as a stimulator for the development of systems theory, which arose back in the twentieth century. The entire world around us as a whole is a huge system consisting of a whole

a number of systems. The purpose of this article is to study the investment-construction complex as a system, identify its features and develop recommendations for improving the efficiency of its functioning.

The unrelenting flow of ideas every time sets the direction for the development of theories of knowledge; nothing can ignore theory. New ideas and concepts have an undeniable impact on changes in the business environment.

The best concepts are always self-sufficient, even if they rely on earlier ideas, since they are tested by reality and stem from fundamental universal principles, and help to comprehend the world around us. Many ideas are repurposed versions of perennial theories. Thus, at present, practical needs have acted as a stimulator for the development of systems theory.

As an independent scientific direction, this theory originated in the thirties of the last century; was developed by many foreign and domestic scientists, but L. Don Bertalanffy is practically considered the founder of this theory.

The whole world is a unity of systems at different levels of development. Each system is an element of a larger system, each element included in it is also a system, but a smaller one. From this we can conclude that the world around us as a whole is a huge system, which in turn consists of systems.

The most complex system is society. The systems around us are natural biological ones, a set of artificial systems created by man, and finally, man himself. Almost every object can be considered as a system.

The approaches to the concept of “system” are so diverse that there are well over forty of them.

R. Ackoff, F. Emery defined a system as a set of interconnected

elements, each of which is directly or indirectly related to each other

element, and any two subsets of this set cannot be independent.

THEM. Vereshchagin defined a system as “an organized complex of means to achieve a goal.” N.G. Belopolsky believes that this is a part of the material world, created by nature and man, the development and improvement of which depends on interaction with the environment.

Domestic scientists A.M. Korikov and E.N. Safyanov give two definitions of systems: descriptive (descriptive) and constructive.

If the first concept explains how to distinguish a systemic object from a non-systemic one, that is, it gives the concept of a system in general, then the second one helps to build a system, isolate it from the environment, that is, it gives a definition of a specific system, based on a consideration of the structure of the system and its defined function. From all of the above, we can conclude that a system is a collection of interconnected objects that form a single whole that has properties that are not inherent in the individual components of the object, if considered separately.

Taking into account the constructive definition, a system is a certain integral collection consisting of individual elements that are interconnected by material, energy or information connections, as a result of which this collection has some specific properties that are not fully inherent in each of its constituent elements.

The most justified approach to the concept of “system” is a combination of descriptive and constructive definitions.

With the same system structure, the composition of elements can be different, since the same operations can be performed by different elements or the composition of operations and their sequence can change, but the composition of elements remains constant if the properties of the existing elements are sufficient to ensure a change in the structure. Elements and subsystems can belong to several systems at once, which will be interconnected by these elements and the operations they perform

Just as there is no single approach to defining a system, trends in system development vary. According to some, a system is a philosophical category leading to the improvement of the cognitive process, according to others, the system should grow from the study of natural systems, and then become a specific research tool, others assume mathematical formalization, and fourth - a systems approach and analysis of socio-economic systems from this point of view.

Various aspects are used to characterize systems. So, to characterize such a complex system as the society of V.G. Afanasiev proposed using six interrelated aspects: systemic

component, system-structural, system-functional, system-integrative, system-communicative and system-genetic or historical. According to experts, this set of relevant aspects can also be used for systems that are part of it. The “filling” of aspects is determined by the specifics of the system. Let's look at each aspect. The system-component aspect reflects the study of the composition of a system based on the identification of its components (subsystems and elements). System-structural involves representing the structure of the system based on highlighting the connections of the components. Structure is the internal form of a system that determines the way its constituent components interact. It depends on the parameters of the system elements, connects and transforms them, giving integrity to the system, and causes the emergence of new qualities not inherent in the individual components of the system. The system-functional aspect involves identifying functional relationships in the system based on determining the coordination and subordination of components. System-integrative involves the identification of system-forming mechanisms that give the combination of components a new quality. The integrative mechanism can be presented as a joint result of structure, communication and functionality.

System-communicative involves highlighting the interaction of system

topics with the environment, external environment and other systems in its functioning, as well as highlighting factors and relationships. System genetic or historical involves the study of the development of a system based on the study of its retrospective and perspective, that is, consideration of it in continuous development.

Let's consider the investment and construction complex (ICC) from the perspective of systems theory.

Let us dwell on the very concept of investment and construction complex. It appeared during the development of market relations. In a planned economy, investment and construction activities represented the process of mastering state capital investments aimed at the expanded reproduction of state property (the state was the main investor). In these conditions, the activity of creating construction projects was considered as construction, since investments in their modern meaning were not actually carried out.

Currently, the ISK, like any system, is a combination of elements to achieve a specific goal (for example, the creation of comfortable living conditions, the modernization of housing and communal services, the development of the transport system, the reorganization of industrial areas). The concept of a specific system is associated with a specific goal, and the goal with a specific system. The combination of elements into a system is carried out on the basis of direct lines, intended for the transfer of matter, energy, information from one element to another; feedback and neutral connections not directly related to the functioning of the system (can be considered as backup). By their nature, these connections can be material, energy, informational or mixed.

A characteristic feature of the investment and construction complex is that its elements and subsystems belong to different systems (for example, integrated business structures may belong to different

types of economic activities; as well as elements of various systems

there will also be enterprises involved in the construction of several facilities at once, operating in different regions and countries). The investment and construction complex, on the one hand, is an independent reproduction system, on the other hand, it is part of a higher order system - the country as a whole.

This complex is an integral part of the development of any city, region or country as a whole, and plays an important role in achieving strategic goals related to solving a whole range of problems in the economy, social sphere, ecology, and infrastructure development. Thus, in 2010, 54.0% of investments in fixed capital were allocated to the construction of buildings and structures in the Russian Federation. The share of work performed by organizations of all forms of ownership in the type of economic activity “Construction” in the Russian Federation in 2010 amounted to 5.7% of GDP. 216.5 thousand buildings were commissioned, their total construction volume amounted to 397.4 million cubic meters, total area - 91.5 million square meters. meters, including 93.2% were residential buildings. The commissioning of educational institutions of secondary vocational education increased by 5.2 times, libraries - by 2.7 times, rest homes - by 68.4%, sanatoriums - by 56.7%, educational institutions of higher professional education - by 42.1 %, hospital institutions - by 38.1%, outpatient clinics - by 21.4%, preschool educational institutions - by 17.5%, heating networks by 23.3%, sewer networks - by 34.6%.

The investment and construction complex is an integral system, all components of which function and develop as systemic and structural elements of this system, interconnected with each other, as well as the interactions occurring between them and the processes arising from these interactions. ISC is a multi-level and multi-subject system designed to satisfy the needs of individual members of society, their groups, enterprises, regions, and the state as a whole. It is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty of immanent connections and relationships.

This is an open, changing system, which is characterized by relative mobility and flexibility, but often, in a specific implementation, by unstable internal and external connections. As an open “living” system, the ISC has the ability to consciously change, to self-develop, to achieve its goal.

Its formation and development is influenced by many factors of a long-term, medium-term and short-term nature. All this causes the emergence of new subjects (participants), new levels, which in turn form new subsystems and their aggregates. Natural-climatic, geographical, sociocultural and other factors have a significant impact on its functioning.

As an economic system, the ISK has its own management mechanism, focusing on social and economic institutions (administrative norms, customs, rules, laws).

In addition, the ISK is a social system, since its main element is people, their interests, choices, that is, when it and its elements perform their functions, it is necessary to take into account who, when, where and for whom they carried out this activity. As a production and economic system, the ISK, regardless of the legal and spatial organization, is a collection of simple and complex production units. The formation environment, which, like the system as a whole, is the state, with its specific features.

In the ISK as a system, there is constant interaction between its constituent entities, which are organizational socio-economic systems, which have their own goals and objectives, as well as methods and techniques for their implementation.

Each economic entity of the ISC itself is a complex system that has its own internal life, has its own laws and contact with the outside world, but not a single economic entity can do without interaction with another.

The ISK as a system is dynamic in nature, i.e. be constantly in motion: new interactions are created and old interactions between subjects of the business process are destroyed. The interaction of ICC subjects is associated with strengthening interaction in all directions - vertical and horizontal. It should be noted that the emphasis is increasingly shifting to the horizontal direction. Each of the subjects depends on the partner, while competition is partially transformed into trusting relationships.

Systemic relationships, as a rule, are orderly and organized, but exceptions are possible. The functioning and development of an economic system is always aimed at achieving a system-wide goal that ensures the development and survival of the system. To maintain the structural integrity and dynamic development of the system, it is necessary to coordinate the functioning of its elements (subsystems), their compliance with the current state of development of production and consumer needs, taking into account the natural-geographical national environment, the social environment. The pursuit of profit within the ISK, the desire for monopoly of individual large companies in a number of regions, antagonism in the system between its elements (participants) leads to the death of the system.

With the development of market relations and the growth of competition, any economic entity or economic system is subject to the influence of the world system, and the ISK is no exception, even if its participants do not intend to carry out international operations in the near future, since it is necessary to take into account foreign firms operating or seeking to penetrate to the Russian market.

To ensure the structural integrity and dynamic consistency of the functioning of the subsystems, it is necessary that each of them corresponds to new economic conditions, the state of development of production, needs, scientific and technological progress, and the growing scale of production and economy. The management and functioning of the ISC should be based on such principles as: the principle of effective management,

both the entire system and its elements; principles of financial discipline and transparency of ownership structure; principles of information openness and guarantees of rights; principles of effective control and fair remuneration; the principle of legality and ethics; the principle of active assistance; the principle of validity and taking into account the interests of all participants in the system.

Orderliness in the interaction of many elements (participants) of the investment and construction process was established on the basis of the degree of their assistance in obtaining a useful result by the whole system (ISK and the state as a whole). Interaction must represent complete cooperation of elements, and the system must include only those elements that contribute their share to obtaining this programmed useful result, and their relationships take on the character of mutual assistance in obtaining it.


The investment and construction complex is a complex socio-economic, production and economic, open system, which includes a large number of participants, has its own characteristics and influences the development of regions and the country as a whole. Each participant in the ISK is itself a complex system that has its own goals and objectives and uses various methods and techniques to solve them. The social and legal institutions of the country have a significant impact on the ISC, and the results of the activities of this system are influenced by natural, climatic, geographical and other features. To ensure the structural integrity and dynamic consistency of the functioning of the ISK as a system, it is necessary that each of its components correspond to new economic conditions, the state of production development, needs, scientific and technological progress, and the growing scale of production and economy. And to improve operating efficiency, the system must include

Digest only those elements that contribute to obtaining this necessary useful result.


1. Ackoff R., Emery F. About goal-oriented systems. Per. from English edited by I.A. Ushakova. M.: “” 1974. 272 ​​p.

2. Korikov A.M., Safyanova E.N. Fundamentals of system analysis and systems theory. Tutorial. - Tomsk, TSU Publishing House, 1989

3. Afanasyev V.G. Systematicity and society. - M.: Politizdat, 1980. 368 p.

4. Ilyichev A.V. Fundamentals of analyzing the effectiveness and risks of target programs. Origins, formalization, implementation. - M.: Scientific world, 2009. - 305 p.

5. Ageev, A.B. Creation of a modern corporate governance system in joint-stock companies: issues of theory and practice / A.B. Ageev. - M.: WoltersKluwer, 2010. - 288 p.

1. Akoff R., Jemeri F. On purposeful systems. Per. s angl.pod red. I. A. Ushakova. M.: “Sov. radio" 1974. 272 ​​s.

2. Korikov A.M., Safijanova E.N. Fundamentals of the system analysis and systems theory: Tutorial. - Tomsk, publishing company TGU, 1989

3. Afanasiev V.G. System and society. - M.: Politizdat, 1980. 368 s.

4. Ilichev A.V. Fundamentals of the effectiveness and risks analysis of target programs. Sources, formalization, implementation. - M.: Nauchnyjmir, 2009. - 305 s.

5. Ageev, A.B. Creation of a modern corporate management system in joint-stock companies: theory and practice questions/ A.B. Ageev. - M.: Wolters Kluwer, 2010. - 288 s.

Scientific publications (articles and monographs) with keyword investment and construction complex , published by the Creative Economy Publishing House (found: 20 for the period from 2009 to 2017).

1. Faizullin I.E., Krygina A.M., Krygina N.M.
// Housing strategies. (No. 1 / 2017).
The article presents the results of a study of the use of innovative development strategies for enterprises of territorial investment and construction complexes. The main problematic aspects of the development of the construction industry are analyzed, taking into account crisis processes at different levels in the economy, identifying a group of factors limiting the business activity of construction organizations. An analysis of the innovative strategies of regional ISK enterprises was carried out. The applicability of a synergetic innovation strategy in the implementation of reproductive processes of residential eco-real estate is shown, taking into account the specifics of objects of this class.

Faizullin I.E., Krygina A.M., Krygina N.M. Development of eco-housing construction as an effective tool for the formation of innovative strategies for the development of enterprises in the investment and construction complex // Housing strategies. – 2017. – Volume 4. – No. 1. – p. 9-22. – doi: 10.18334/zhs.4.1.38052.

2. Zainullina D.R., Grigorieva K.I.

The article analyzes the systemic problems of the investment and construction complex, which led to crisis phenomena. The authors made an attempt to prove the relationship between the activation of the innovation process in the investment and construction complex and the latter’s recovery from the crisis. The impact of the successful development of the construction industry on improving the regional investment climate and creating favorable conditions for the development of innovation in the region was also analyzed.

Zainullina D.R., Grigorieva K.I. Activation of the investment and construction complex as a factor in the innovative development of the region // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2016. – Volume 17. – No. 21. – p. 2953–2962. – doi: 10.18334/rp.17.21.36912.

3. Abdukhanova N.G., Mukhametvaleeva R.R.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 21 / 2016).
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of development in the investment and construction complex. The concept of “development” as a way of organizing and managing construction production is substantiated. The problems and prospects for the development of development in the investment and construction complex, as well as the role of development in the socio-economic aspect, are considered.

Abdukhanova N.G., Mukhametvaleeva R.R. Development in the investment and construction complex // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2016. – Volume 17. – No. 21. – p. 3023–3028. – doi: 10.18334/rp.17.21.36914.

7. Gareev I.F., Rozhkov V.L., Kotdusova A.G.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 19/2015).

The article presents the characteristics of housing construction and the dynamics of its main indicators. Based on the results of the study, the relationship between the results of investment and construction activities and its main components was revealed. The findings can be useful in developing a strategy for the development of the investment and construction complex.

Gareev I.F., Rozhkov V.L., Kotdusova A.G. Main trends in the development of the investment and construction complex // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2015. – Volume 16. – No. 19. – p. 3149-3158. – doi: 10.18334/rp.16.19.1967.

13. Faizullin I.E., Muharramova E.R., Azhimova L.I.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 19 / 2014).
The article discusses issues related to the development of the construction complex, the need to develop a plan and stages of preparation for the development of the construction complex. Factors influencing the investment and construction complex are presented, as well as an analysis of the development of the real estate market in the city of Kazan.

Faizullin I.E., Muharramova E.R., Azhimova L.I. Development of the investment and construction complex of the Republic of Tatarstan // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2014. – Volume 15. – No. 19. – p. 135-145. – url: .

15. Gareev I.F., Orlov V.Ya.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 24 / 2013).
The financial market currently has collective investment instruments that allow citizens to attract resources to the real estate market. The article reveals issues of the functioning of real estate funds that require further improvement.

Gareev I.F., Orlov V.Ya. Directions for the development of the institution of collective investment in the construction industry // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2013. – Volume 14. – No. 24. – p. 100-107. – url: .

19. Faizullin I.E., Fedorenko O.S.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 5 / 2009).
An analysis of the clustering potential of the Republic of Tatarstan made it possible to identify priority types of economic activity that are ready for the creation of clusters, which include the investment and construction complex. However, at this stage, the creation of a full-fledged cluster in this industry is hampered by the insufficient development of related and supporting areas of activity. How should this problem be solved? What should be the conditions and methodology for constructing clusters? Read about this in the article.

Faizullin I.E., Fedorenko O.S. Development of the regional investment and construction complex based on the cluster approach // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2009. – Volume 10. – No. 5. – p. 159-163. – url: .

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