The Conqueror is a tier 9 British heavy tank in World of Tanks. In many ways, it continues the concept of its predecessor in the branch: an accurate weapon with low one-time damage for its level, relatively weak armor. Compared to its predecessor, the vertical aiming angles have deteriorated somewhat, but, in general, there are no fundamental differences in the tactics of using these machines.

Magnificent weapon

So, let's start with the gun, which is simply magnificent on this British tank. One-time damage of 400 units is minimal for this level and class, but the accuracy (0.33) and aiming speed (1.9 seconds) are pleasing. One of the best in the game is stabilization, to some extent this is due to not the best mobility (after all, this is a heavy tank). It is often possible to hit a moving enemy on the move from a distance of several hundred meters.

Damage per minute is almost 2300 units, this is a good indicator for a heavy tank. Penetration is one of the best for this level and class: a regular projectile penetrates an average of 259 mm, a “gold” sub-caliber projectile penetrates 326 mm. The British even got a good high-explosive shell: it penetrates 120 mm and inflicts 515 units of damage. Although in modern conditions it is often ineffective to shoot landmines even at completely “cardboard” opponents.

Not all is well with the armor

For a heavy tank, armor is extremely important, here the Conqueror is not so good. The thickness of the upper frontal part is 130 mm; although it is located at an angle, it is often penetrated by level eight machines. A light tank can also penetrate the lower frontal part. The thickness of the sides is only 51 mm, so they can be penetrated even at a very large angle. The sides are protected by screens, but they only significantly reduce the damage from the splash of high-explosive artillery shells, nothing more.

Conquer - heavy British tank of the ninth level

The turret is protected much better, although the thickness of the armor is hardly impressive: in the front of the turret there are 152 mm, in the sides - only 89 mm. But rational angles of inclination, streamlined shapes and a strong gun mantlet save the day. Naturally, the Conqueror can easily penetrate the side of the turret, but it often “tanks” with its forehead. Vulnerable are the “cheeks,” although few people think of shooting at them, and surveillance devices. If you stand still, you will be penetrated quite easily, even if you have hidden your body.

Dynamics of Conqueror

The dynamics are not bad for a heavy tank: the maximum speed is limited to 34 km/h, but the specific power is almost 15 hp. per ton. The Conqueror accelerates quite briskly and climbs gentle hills relatively quickly. But in place it spins mediocrely (the rotation speed of the chassis is 26 degrees per second), and some fast medium tank can easily spin you around.

The safety factor is 1950 units, which is a good value for this level and class. The view reaches 400 meters, which is also good. The ammunition capacity holds 35 shells, which is not so much, but it is almost impossible to shoot them all in battle. Compared to its predecessor, the vertical aiming angles are somewhat disappointing: the gun moves down by 7 degrees, so in some positions you will not be able to shoot at the enemy.

Conqueror tank in battle

The tactics of using these tanks often greatly depend on the level of battles. If you find yourself at the top and will have to fight mostly against vehicles of the seventh and eighth levels, then you should play the classic role of a heavy tank, that is, ride in front, “tank” and deal damage mainly from close range. The Conqueror's armor is quite mediocre, but if you hide the lower frontal part, “tank” through the turret, and use folds in the terrain, you will often not be penetrated. Excellent stabilization allows you to appear for a shot literally for an instant and accurately shoot at vulnerable spots.

If you are thrown into a battle with mostly Tier 10 tanks, then you shouldn’t rush forward. Your armor is no longer worth much in battles of such levels, and you will encounter much more experienced opponents. It is better to play the role of a second line support tank. Penetration even with an ordinary projectile will be enough against most opponents, and good accuracy with such tactics will not be superfluous. But this means that you need to be afraid to move forward. Often you need to help your allies, cover him with your tank if he has few safety points left.

In battles with tenth levels, Conquer armor does not help

In general, the good accuracy and excellent stabilization of the gun should be used as much as possible. If possible, force a firefight on the enemy at long distances; most likely, you will hit and penetrate more often. The Conqueror feels good on hilly terrain; vertical aiming angles are sometimes not enough for a position where the same T32 can implement a strong turret, but excellent stabilization allows you to show the turret for a shot literally in an instant.

Stabilizer for ventilation

From the standard set for a high-level heavy tank (rammer, stabilizer and coated optics), you can exclude the stabilizer and replace it, for example, with improved ventilation. Still, the stabilization of the British tank is already very good, although a lot depends on personal preferences. For some, “there can never be too much stabilization.” In a standard set of equipment consisting of a repair kit, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, the latter can be replaced with pudding and tea. The tank rarely burns.

Choosing perks is also not difficult; everything here is standard for a heavy tank: repairs and the commander’s sixth sense are of paramount importance. There is no point in camouflage, Conqueror is large, it glows easily, so you won’t be able to play it effectively with camouflage. The loader will benefit from a non-contact ammunition rack; the Conqueror's shells are located in the front part of the hull.

Comfortable car

In general, the Conqueror series tanks are very comfortable vehicles to play. An accurate penetrating weapon with excellent stabilization allows you to hit the enemy from a distance of 400-500 meters. The Briton also performs well in close combat. The armor is generally weak, but clever use of terrain folds and “dancing” with the corps make it possible to level out this drawback.

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Super Conqueror is a British tier ten heavy that many people liked. A decent machine that can adapt to your playing style and become a great competitor to everyone else.

Let's start our review with the viewing radius of this heavyweight. It is equal to 400 meters here. A very comfortable indicator for combat.

The tank weighs from 77 to 80 tons, and its engine power is determined by 950 horsepower. In total, we obtain a specific power equal to 12.34 hp/t.

These indicators also affect the maximum speed, which is quite good here for a TT - 34.3 km/s front and 12 km/h rear.

The rotation speed is 26 degrees/s, the turret rotation speed is 32 degrees/s.

Booking Super Conqueror

This machine has a very good safety margin - 2,400 units.

The tank has become more fortified compared to its predecessors. The turret and hull are equipped with screens that make the tank less vulnerable to enemy attacks.

The sides of the hull have armor similar to that installed on tanks at a lower level.


We see that we have a very strong tank in front of us, capable of effective play thanks to its armor. Will his weapons please us?

Let's look at it from the very beginning. The one-time damage of the TT does not stand out; here it is equal to 400/400/515 units.

However, the rate of fire makes up for the lack of alpha strike. It is precisely because of the rate of fire that the tank takes the lead among its classmates in terms of damage per minute - 2,758 units/min.

Armor penetration is also not inferior to other characteristics - 259/326/120 mm. With such indicators, the tank will be able to target and hit heavy tanks even in the frontal part of the hull, not to mention the sides, for example. However, situations may still arise when additional assistance is needed. We recommend carrying about ten sabot rounds, which become very useful in critical situations.

This tank's accuracy results are excellent. It has a record 2 seconds of convergence and 0.33 meters of dispersion at 100 m.

The vertical aiming angles are very comfortable. The gun can bend down 10 degrees. This will allow you to play comfortably on different terrain.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having talked about weapons, armor and the main characteristics of the tank, let's begin systematization. For clarity, we will present all the strengths and weaknesses using a system of points.


  • viewing radius;
  • excellent turret front armor;
  • mobility;
  • high DPM;
  • excellent accuracy.


  • insufficient NLD;
  • weak one-time damage;
  • small BC size for such a DPM.

In order to improve the strengths of the machine as effectively as possible, we will install the necessary equipment for this. We offer this option:

  • The rammer will increase the DPM indicator;
  • The vertical aiming stabilizer will provide even greater accuracy of the gun for more confident shooting while moving;
  • Improved ventilation will increase all crew skills.

Crew training

Crew training is usually taken seriously, because working on mistakes takes time. Therefore, we propose the following sequence for leveling up your crew:

  • Commander – “The Sixth Sense”, “Repair”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Gunner – “Repair”, “Smooth rotation of the tower”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Driver mechanic– “Repair”, “Smooth progress”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Loader (radio operator)– “Repair”, “Non-contact” ammunition rack”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Disguise”.


Choosing equipment is always easier. You can drive with a standard set of:

  • small first aid kit;
  • small repair kit;
  • hand fire extinguisher.

However, if there is no shortage of silver, we choose the premium set, which includes:

  • large first aid kit;
  • large repair kit;
  • pudding with tea (you can also take an automatic fire extinguisher, but this equipment rarely burns).

How to play Super Conqueror

What we have before us is definitely a very strong machine that can adapt to any playing style and combat situation.

As a rule, at the beginning of a battle, the vehicle takes close range to hold off the enemy with its armor and, using powerful weapons, penetrate tanks.

The good news is that not only does the tank adapt to any play style you choose, but it also handles confidently on any map. Be it the city or open spaces.

Level 9 called Conqueror World of Tanks.

The British conqueror tank is in the development tree at level nine.

The conqueror heavy tank is not for everybody. His feature is two important features, rate of fire and damage. On it you will quickly be able to dismantle an equal enemy, but at the same time you will pay with almost the weakest armor on the level. He doesn’t like noobs because he has a decent cost of repairs and shells, but in the right hands it won’t be difficult to become a plus with him. In addition, you will be pleased with a good margin of safety and a good turning speed of the hull and turret.

Tactics for playing Congueror

From the very beginning of leveling up, you will be greeted by a “trough” that is slow in speed and turn, weakly armored and with low one-time damage. But after he becomes top, he will inspire fear on the battlefield among opponents of his level. The battle tactics on it are the only one and very simple, presented in the form of support for the allied heavy tanks. Our tank has a cannon that has fast reloading, excellent penetration, and terrible one-time damage per shot of 400-500Hp. After an accurate shot at the enemy, he will most likely get scared and hide away from you. The shooting accuracy of this top gun can be compared with the shooting accuracy of . Our tank penetrates well into the forehead, sides and especially into the commander’s turret.

Disadvantages and Advantages

  1. High rate of fire
  2. Good dynamics at its level
  3. Large one-time damage per shot
  4. Large safety margin
  5. Good shooting accuracy
  1. Weak hull and turret armor
  2. A large number of turrets on the tower

Additional modules

  1. Medium caliber gun rammer
  2. Reinforced aiming drives
  3. Improved ventilation


  1. Small first aid kit
  2. 105-octane gasoline
  3. Small repair kit

Tank profitability

Repair from 17000 to 18000

Ammunition for 1 shell 1085

Profitability without a premium account from 20,000 to 40,000

Profitability from a premium account from 30,000 to 60,000

Leveling sequence

  1. Chassis (FV214A)
  2. Engine (Rolls-Royce Meteor Mk. IVC)
  3. Engine (Rolls-Royce Meteor M120)
  4. Engine (Rolls-Royce Griffon)
  5. Cannon (OQF 20-pdr Type B Barrel)
  6. Turret (Conqueror Mk. II)
  7. Gun (120 mm Gun L1A1)

Upgrading crew skills

  1. Repair
  2. The Brotherhood of War
  3. The commander has an eagle eye

Gunner - sniper

Driver - smooth ride

Loader - non-contact ammunition rack

review guide heavy tank conqueror