The concept of “style” in literary criticism. The style of a literary work. Style functions, style carriers, style categories. The concept of the stylistic dominant of a work of art. Types of style dominants.

Style (from gr - a pointed stick for writing on tablets covered with wax) became used by Roman writers metonymically, to designate the features of written speech of a particular author. Features of the verbal structure of the pr-y. The aesthetic unity of all figurative and expressive details of the form of the pr-y, corresponding to its content, is style

STYLE- in literary criticism: a set of individual characteristics of artistic techniques (linguistic, rhythmic, compositional, etc.) or a certain work, or genre, or period of the writer’s work, determined by the content. For example, Gogol the satirist is characterized by comparisons of heroes with the world of domestic animals, tongue-tied speech of characters, attention in their appearance not to the eyes, but to the nose, anti-aesthetic actions (spit, sneezed), etc., which are connected together by the thought of the lack of spirituality of the people depicted ( “Dead Souls”, “How Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforov and why”, etc.). In linguistics, the concept of S. is somewhat narrower (linguistic style).


Word style(gr. stylos - a pointed stick for writing on tablets covered with wax) began to be used by Roman writers metonymically, to designate the peculiarities of written speech of a particular author. This word is still used in this meaning today. Many literary critics and linguists still believe that only the features of the verbal structure of a work should be called “style”.

But since the second half of the 18th century. the same word began to be used to describe the features of form in works of other types of art - sculpture, painting, architecture (in architecture, for example, Gothic, Romanesque, Moorish and other styles are distinguished). Thus, a broader, general art meaning of the word “style” was established. In this sense, it is not only possible, but also necessary, to be used in theory and in the history of fiction. It is necessary because the form of a literary work is not limited to its speech structure; it also has other aspects - substantive visualization and composition. All these aspects of the form in their unity can have one or another style.

There is also the opposite extreme in the use of this word. Some literary scholars believe that style is a property of a work of art as a whole - in the unity of its content and form. This understanding is not convincing. Can we say that the characters that the writer reproduces in the images of his work have a certain style, or those aspects and relationships of these characters in which he is especially interested and which he highlights, strengthens, develops by constructing the plot of the work and resolving its conflict? or that emotional attitude towards these aspects of characters, for example romantic or satirical, which the writer expresses through all components of the form of the work? Of course not. The content of the work in all these aspects has no style. The style has a figurative and expressive form of the work, completely and completely expressing its content, completely corresponding to it.

The form of works of art has a certain style precisely because of its imagery and expressiveness. A work in terms of its form is a system of images, consisting of many different subject and verbal semantic details, compositional and intonation-syntactic devices, and these figurative details and devices carry one or another ideological and emotional expressiveness. The aesthetic unity of all the image and expressive details of the form of a work corresponding to its content is style.

The perfection and completeness of style are distinguished to the greatest extent by works that have depth and clarity of problematics, and even more so with historical truthfulness of ideological orientation. The shallowness of the issues easily leads to a pile-up of random, internally unjustified plot episodes, subject details and character statements. All this deprives the form of the work of its aesthetic integrity.

But the dignity of content does not mechanically give rise to the dignity of form. To create a perfect form that matches the content, the writer needs, as already said, to show talent, ingenuity, and skill. What is also very important is the writer’s ability to rely on the creative achievements of his predecessors, to choose from the creative experience of his national literature and other national literatures the forms that best suit his own, original artistic ideas, and to rebuild them accordingly. To do this, the writer needs a broad literary and general cultural horizon. If the writer has neither great talent nor a broad creative outlook, works may arise with great merits in content, but not perfect in form, devoid of style. This is the “lag” between form and content.

But on the other hand, a literary and artistic form can also have independent aesthetic significance. This especially applies to the verbal side of the form, to artistic speech, which is of greatest importance in lyricism with its meditativeness and poetry. The poetic and verbal form is often extremely sophisticated and refined in its entire structure; it can, with its external aesthetic significance, seem to cover up the shallowness and insignificance of the content expressed in it. This is the “lag” of content from form. Such were, for example, many works of Russian decadent poetry of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Literary works, distinguished by the artistry of their content and the corresponding perfection of form, always have a certain style that has developed under certain conditions of the development of national literature.

To judge a writer’s style, one must understand the patterns of historical development of national literatures.

Every time you write a text or simply communicate with other people, you choose the style of speech that is most relevant for the given moment. There are five styles in total, but the success of your dialogue, both with your interlocutor and with the reader, depends entirely on the correct choice of each of them. For the reader, the style of your presentation is even more important, since when reading a person does not have non-verbal information about you, such as facial expressions, gestures, breathing rate, gaze, etc. So, today we will look at what text styles exist, what features they have and, of course, we will look at examples of these styles.

Five Basic Speech Styles

So, as mentioned above, any text that you create can be classified into one of five speech styles. Here they are:

  • Scientific style
  • Journalistic style
  • Art style
  • Formal business style
  • Conversational style

Please note that different types of text tend to be different styles, although they may describe the same object. Let's look at an example. Suppose you need to write a text about a washing machine. How can you write it:

  1. You write a review with the main characteristics (scientific style)
  2. You write a selling text (conversational style)
  3. You are writing an SEO article for a blog (journalistic style)
  4. You write hypnotic text (art style)
  5. You are writing a commercial proposal (formal business style)

However, for greater objectivity, today we will not focus on the washing machine, but will simply consider all five styles of speech with various examples.

1. Scientific style of speech

The scientific style is characterized by strict writing requirements, which are described in more detail in the article "". In this article, an example of a scientific style will be more condensed, but if you are interested in an expanded version, it can be found at.

The scientific style is used among scientists as well as in educational settings. A distinctive feature of the scientific style is its objectivity and comprehensive approach to the issue under consideration. Theses, hypotheses, axioms, conclusions, monotonous coloring and patterns - this is what characterizes the scientific style.

An example of a scientific style of speech

Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude that the object has a soft homogeneous structure, freely transmits light and can change a number of its parameters when exposed to a potential difference in the range from 5 to 33,000 V. Research has also shown that the object irreversibly changes its molecular structure under the influence of temperatures above 300 K. When mechanically acting on an object with a force of up to 1000 N, no visible changes in the structure are observed.

2. Journalistic style of speech

Unlike the scientific style, the journalistic style is more controversial and ambiguous. Its main feature: it is used for “brainwashing” in the media, and, therefore, is initially biased and contains the author’s assessment of ongoing events, phenomena or objects. The journalistic style is widely used for manipulation. Let's look at examples.

Let’s say that in the village of Experimentalovo, a local resident, Uncle Vanya, conducted a series of tests of a new chemical drug on a chicken, as a result of which it began to lay golden eggs. Now let's see how the journalistic style can convey this information to us:

Example of journalistic style of speech No. 1

Incredible discovery! A resident of the remote village of Experimentalovo has invented a new drug that makes hens lay golden eggs! The secret that the world's greatest alchemists have struggled with for centuries has finally been revealed by our compatriot! So far there have been no comments from the inventor, he is currently on a heavy drinking binge, but we can definitely say that the discoveries of such patriots will definitely stabilize the economy of our country and strengthen its position on the world stage as a leader in the field of gold mining and production gold products for decades to come.

Example of journalistic style of speech No. 2

An act of unprecedented cruelty and inhumane treatment of animals was demonstrated by a resident of the village of Experimentalovo, who, for his own selfish purposes, with particular cynicism, used unfortunate chickens to create his “philosopher’s stone.” The gold was obtained, but this did not stop the flayer, and he, like an absolutely immoral type, went into a deep binge, without even trying to help the poor creatures who had become victims of his outrageous experiments. It is difficult to say what such a discovery entails, however, given the trends in the “scientist’s” behavior, we can conclude that he is clearly plotting to seize power over the world.

3. Artistic style of speech

When you are overtired by the dryness of the scientific style or the duplicity of the journalistic style, when you want to breathe in the lightness of something beautiful, bright and rich, overflowing with images and an unforgettable range of emotional shades, then the artistic style comes to your aid.

So, the artistic style is “watercolor” for a writer. It is characterized by images, colors, emotions and sensuality.

An example of artistic speech style

Sidorovich slept poorly at night, waking up every now and then to the sound of thunder and flashing lightning. It was one of those terrible nights when you want to wrap yourself under a blanket, sticking your nose out for air, and imagine that you are in a hut in the wild steppe hundreds of kilometers from the nearest city.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the palm of his wife, who was sleeping next to him, ran across Sidorovich’s ear:

“Go to sleep already, you damn traveler,” she moaned, sleepily smacking her tongue.

Sidorovich turned away offended, pouting. He was thinking about Taiga...

4. Formal business style of speech

The main characteristics of business style are accuracy, pedantry to detail, and imperativeness. This style places the main emphasis on conveying information, does not allow dual interpretations and, unlike the scientific style, may contain first and second person pronouns.

Example of business style of speech

I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, express my sincere gratitude to the employees of the Primer LLC company, in particular, S.S. Sidorov. and Pupkov V.V. for the high level of quality of service and the prompt resolution of all controversial issues right on the spot and I ask you to encourage them in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement of Primer LLC.

5. Conversational style of speech

Conversational style is most characteristic of the modern Internet. With the massive emergence of blogs, it has become dominant on the Internet and leaves its mark not only in web journalism, but also in selling texts, slogans, etc.

The conversational style essentially blurs the boundaries between the author and the reader. It is characterized by naturalness, relaxedness, emotionality, its own specific vocabulary and adjustment to the recipient of information.

Example of conversational style of speech No. 1

Yo, dude! If you read this text, you will understand the topic. Energy, drive and speed are what define my life. I love extreme sports, I love thrills, I love when the adrenaline rushes through the roof and blows my mind away. I can’t live without this, dude, and I know that you understand me. I really don't care: skateboard or parkour, roller skates or bike, as long as I have something to challenge. And that's cool!

Example of conversational style of speech No. 2

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the Earth switched places with Jupiter? I'm serious! Would New Vasyuki appear on his rings? Of course not! They're made of gas! Have you really bought such blatant nonsense for even a minute? I won't believe it in my life! And if the moon fell into the Pacific Ocean, how much would its level rise? You probably think that I am a rare bore, but if I don’t ask these questions, then who will?


So, today we looked at examples of speech styles in all their, albeit not rich, diversity. For different situations, different directions will be optimal, but the main thing you should pay attention to when creating text is the language of your audience and a style that is convenient for them. The emphasis on these two parameters allows your texts to be read in one breath, and, therefore, increases your chances of successfully completing the task assigned to the text.

The scientific style of speech is associated with scientific activity, reflects theoretical thinking, the main features of which are objectivity, abstraction from the concrete and random, systematicity, logical evidence and consistency. The general purpose of speech is to convey new knowledge about reality to the addressee and prove its truth.

Scientific style is heterogeneous. It highlights:

actual scientific texts written by specialists and intended for specialists. These are articles, monographs, reports, abstracts, abstracts, abstracts, reviews, dissertations;

popular science works that introduce non-specialists to the achievements of various branches of science;

educational and scientific essays intended for training specialists.

Popular scientific literature, which simply tells about complex things, introduces not only the results of the research, but also some of its techniques, and the working conditions of specialists. Scientific presentation is intertwined here with artistic style, and a purely bookish style with colloquial style. What in the scientific genre itself seems superfluous, in a popular scientific presentation turns out to be necessary, for example, the personality of the author, his attitude towards what is depicted; Among the linguistic means, there is an abundance of interrogative constructions, imperative verbs, inviting the reader to think. “My life in art” by K. Stanislavsky, “The law protects you” by B.S. Nikiforova, “Notes of an Investigator” L.R. Sheinina serve as an example of this substyle.

The genres of the educational and scientific substyle are listed at the beginning. The purpose of student scientific work is to instill skills in independent scientific work based on in-depth study of a topic, teach students to analyze and generalize scientific material, draw objective conclusions from it, and independently solve individual scientific problems. The purpose of the course work is specifically determined in each individual case. This may be the study of theoretical material on a chosen topic, various points of view of scientists, generalization of material, for example, on some topics in the history and theory of state and law; There may be independent development of any issue or part of it. The theoretical part of the work is necessarily supported by practical observations, archival materials, experiments, etc. If, when writing term papers, a student learns to make scientific conclusions, then the thesis, as a rule, examines serious, topical problems that the student solves independently. The thesis summarizes all the student’s scientific work over the years of study.

Genres of scientific style: article, monograph. Abstracts (articles, reports); report, review; textbook, lecture, etc.

The speech structure of the scientific style is adapted for the concentrated embodiment of logical-conceptual content, the constructive principle of the style - generality and abstraction - finds its expression in a variety of specific speech characteristics. The most important of them:

  • - in vocabulary - the activity of general book and terminological layers; decreased use of concrete words and increased use of abstract words; preference for words in their literal meaning; lack of common usage of colloquial lexical material; the logical nature of the expression of assessments and emotions;
  • - in morphology - presentation “in the third person” with the complete infrequency of copular verbal forms of the 2nd person and the rare use of forms of the 1st person. Activity of the “present constant” tense of the verb. Usage of copular verbs (to be, to be, to be considered, to differ, etc.) as part of the predicate. Predominance of names (nouns, adjectives) with a reduced proportion of verbs. Increased importance of singular forms of nouns; activity of the adjective genitive case of nouns;
  • - in syntax - the frequency of noun phrases; preference for a compound nominal predicate; activity of passive structures; the prevalence of impersonal sentences with modals and infinitives; the use of complex sentences with conjunctions; the use of introductory words and phrases with informational and logical meaning, isolated circumstances and definitions; predominance of neutral word order.

The official business style of speech is associated with the administrative and legal sphere of activity, fixes a system of social roles and regulations regulating their interaction. The prescribed social role is presented as obligatory. The general purpose of speech is to regulate and streamline the relationships of people in the business sphere of life.

Substyles of official business speech: administrative and economic, legislative, diplomatic, etc. Any text of official business style can be called a document.

Genres: autobiography, statement, receipt; business letter, act, order, instruction, charter, resolution. Law; communique, memorandum, note, etc.

The speech structure of the style is adapted to state socially significant facts and abstract prescriptions of provisions and actions approved from an administrative and legal point of view. The constructive principle of the style is abstract imperativeness, i.e. the constant presence in speech of the expressed will, but not of an individual person, but of one or another bearer of certain rights and powers (this capacity can be an individual, an institution, a social institution, or the state as a whole) .

The speech features of the official business style in the most general form are accuracy that does not allow interpretation, impersonality and standardization of presentation. These qualities are manifested in strict compositional standards of business documents, the use of numbering and rubrication, a large number of speech standards (clichés), i.e. ready-to-use phrases and constructions assigned to an entire style or its substyle or genre.

In the vocabulary, official business speech is formed, first of all, by the general book layer and professional (legal, diplomatic, administrative, business, office work) terminology. The book vocabulary includes archaisms (this, that, etc.) and denominative prepositions (along the line, in order to avoid, etc.). In terms of content, a group of prescription units is distinguished (approve, permit, prohibit, oblige, indicate, etc., with their derivatives), as well as nomenclature business vocabulary (names of institutions and organizations, designations of social roles in business relations, etc.).

The morphological picture is characterized by an increase in the activity of the infinitive, as well as the present tense forms of the verb with the meaning of prescription; the uncommonness of the 2nd person forms, expressed by the nominal nature of speech; activity of the adjective genitive case of nouns.

The syntax of a business text is clearly bookish in nature. Passive and infinitive constructions and complex sentences are widely used here. Sentences with homogeneous members are very typical for this style, and the number of the latter can be very large, often more than ten. Separate circumstances and definitions are actively used to provide additional information.

The journalistic style of speech is associated with a wide range of public and personal activities, political-ideological and cultural social relations, and with understanding everything that happens in the world from the standpoint of the public good. It is characterized by mass targeting and personal and collective authorial responsibility. The general goal of journalism is the formation of public opinion about real events, conditions and persons deserving public attention. This goal determines the social assessment of journalistic materials.

The speech structure of a journalistic style is determined by the peculiarities of text production (information must be presented quickly, sometimes in an extremely short time), as well as by the intention of publicists to appeal not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of their readers/listeners. The constructive principle of style - a combination of standard and expression - is associated precisely with these two factors. Depending on the predominance of standard-informative or expressive-influential meanings, official and unofficial substyles of journalism, informational-business, and informational-analytical substyles are distinguished.

The official sub-style is represented by the following genres: chronicle, information, analytical commentary, article, etc.

Informal - genres: interview, report, essay, open letter, feuilleton.

The informational and business subgenre focuses on genres based on texts (documents) of a business nature, adopted by certain government structures, on their entry into force. These documents have imperative force for the general reader.

The informational and analytical substyle is typical for serious, reputable publications that can afford to accumulate information, then generalize it, analyze it, draw conclusions, and make predictions.

This sub-style to some extent overlaps with the newspaper-scientific sub-style, the texts of which provide the reader with a large amount of scientific information, acquainting the general reader with the achievements of modern scientific thought in a form accessible to a non-specialist.

These non-fictional substyles of newspaper speech are contrasted with artistic journalism, in the works of which the main functions of newspaper speech are enriched with aesthetic components, the emotional and evaluative attitude of the author to the events described.

A specific speech pattern of style is characterized by stylistic heterogeneity and a focus on accessibility of presentation.

The informational nature of journalism is manifested in the documentary accuracy of the text (the presence of proper names, dates, statistical information, etc.), the well-reasoned nature of the statements made, the reliance on the terminology of the displayed field of activity, and the widespread use of commonly used speech standards. At the same time, this style is open to colloquial and artistic phenomena: in a journalistic text, colloquial vocabulary and phraseology, unusual combinations of words, metaphorization, and appeal to a rarely used linguistic device are common. Here there is always a search for the new and unusual, while the new can quickly be replicated and turn into its own opposite - a stamp. Upon realizing this, the stamp is rejected, and the search for expressive means that can provide the effect of novelty and, consequently, increased impact begins again.

The conversational style of speech is associated with everyday activities and everyday consciousness in understanding various realities. Serves everyday personal informal communication, implemented primarily in oral dialogical form. A specific feature of the style is the lack of preliminary planning, lack of preparation (spontaneity).

Conversational substyles: everyday conversation, table conversation, personal letter, etc.

The speech structure of a style is determined by its individual and personal character and the close relationship between speech and the communication situation. The constructive principle of conversational style can be considered situational and emotional-evaluative information content. The result of this is weakened normativity, logical discontinuity and inconsistency, the importance of external linguistic means of transmitting information (using gestures, facial expressions, tempo, timbre of speech, etc.), incomplete structure of sentences and other linguistic units.

Colloquial speech is constructed in a specific personal way: here lexical and syntactic units with a general meaning are rarely used and specific units of all language levels are widely represented, personal forms of verbs and personal pronouns are actively used (the frequency of verbs in colloquial speech is several times higher than in scientific speech) . Emotional and evaluative content receives a variety of open (emotional interjections, conversational particles, emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology, occasionalisms, word-forming means of subjective assessment, constructs of expressive syntax) and hidden (logized lexical, tempo-rhythmic, plot-situational) expression. In colloquial speech, a whole layer of linguistic means has been developed that reflect the idea of ​​relaxed private communication. They are marked in dictionaries with the mark colloquial. - colloquial, for example: canteen, doctor’s office, well. This style is also characterized by a large number of speech standards.

Artistic speech is the art of words, which determines aesthetic motivation when using linguistic means and the paramount importance of the individualized linguistic taste of a creative person.

When considering the language of fiction as a functional style, the subject of attention is the stylistic commonality of artistic works of different genres, trends, types of literature, as well as chronological periods (genre and individual characteristics of artistic works are studied by the stylistics of the literary text and the stylistics of the idiolect - the individual language of the writer or poet).

A special property of an artistic text is “meaningful form”: words and other linguistic means of ordinary language with their inherent meanings are used to create an artistic whole that figuratively represents reality.

The constructive principle of the style is artistic and figurative concretization. A word functions in a work of art not so much as a word-concept, but as a word-representation, and since this representation is not random, but proposed by the author as part of a holistic artistic image, we can talk about a word-image. Artistic speech excites the reader’s imagination; it is imaginable, almost tangible.

The principle of artistic-figurative concretization is manifested through the active use of vocabulary of a specific meaning and concretization (sometimes with the help of personification) of abstract words, metaphorization and other types of semantic transfer, subtle consideration of grammatical semantics (for example, shades of meaning of the verb aspect or tense), reliance on the phonetic semantics of linguistic units. The image is also created by conveying the emotional perception of the subject of speech by the author or character of the work of art. Not only lexical units based on the transfer of meaning can appear figuratively. Any neutral unit of language, with the help of a special organization of context, can be involved in a single aesthetically organized whole, and as a result acquire a figurative meaning, a new - artistically justified - content.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the number of substyles in each specific style of speech is not determined by any specific number; some new substyles are constantly being identified, some substyles are merging into one.

Substyles provide only some narrowly focused context, without changing the overall style of speech.

Each functional variety has such rich linguistic means that it is always possible to construct texts in a variety of ways and effectively, and in this various substyles play an important role; they contain a certain set of tools that allow you to correctly construct a text.

compositional style-forming public

The artistic style of speech is the language of literature and art. It is used to convey emotions and feelings, artistic images and phenomena.

Artistic style is a way for writers to express themselves, so it is typically used in writing. Orally (for example, in plays) texts written in advance are read. Historically, artistic style functions in three types of literature - lyrics (poems, poems), drama (plays) and epic (stories, novels, novels).

An article about all speech styles -.

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The features of the artistic style are:

2. Language means are a way of conveying an artistic image, emotional state and mood of the narrator.

3. The use of stylistic figures - metaphors, comparisons, metonymies, etc., emotionally expressive vocabulary, phraseological units.

4. Multi-style. The use of linguistic means of other styles (colloquial, journalistic) is subordinated to the implementation of the creative concept. These combinations gradually create what is called the author's style.

5. The use of verbal ambiguity - words are selected in such a way that with their help not only “to draw” images, but also to put hidden meaning into them.

6. The information transfer function is often hidden. The purpose of artistic style is to convey the author’s emotions, to create a mood and emotional state in the reader.

Artistic style: case study

Let's look at the example of the features of the style being analyzed.

Excerpt from the article:

The war disfigured Borovoe. Interspersed with the surviving huts stood charred stoves, like monuments to the people's grief. Gate posts were sticking out. The barn gaped with a huge hole - half of it was broken off and carried away.

There were gardens, but now stumps are like rotten teeth. Only here and there were two or three teenage apple trees nestled.

The village was deserted.

When the one-armed Fedor returned home, his mother was alive. She grew old, grew thin, and had more gray hair. She sat me down at the table, but there was nothing to treat her with. Fyodor had his own, a soldier's. At the table, the mother said: everyone was robbed, damned skinners! We hid pigs and chickens wherever we wanted. Can you really save it? He makes noise and threatens, give him the chicken, even if it’s the last one. Out of fright, they gave away the last one. So I have nothing left. Oh, that was bad! The village was ruined by the damned fascist! You can see for yourself what’s left... more than half of the yards were burned down. The people fled where: some to the rear, some to join the partisans. How many girls were stolen! So our Frosya was taken away...

For a day or two, Fyodor looked around. Our people from Borovsk began to return. They hung a piece of plywood on an empty hut, and on it there were lopsided letters with soot on oil - there was no paint - “The board of the collective farm “Red Dawn” - and off and on! Down and Out trouble started.

The style of this text, as we have already said, is artistic.

His features in this passage:

  1. Borrowing and applying vocabulary and phraseology of other styles ( as monuments of people's grief, fascists, partisans, collective farm rule, the beginning of a daring misfortune).
  2. The use of visual and expressive means ( hijacked, damned skinners, really), the semantic ambiguity of words is actively used ( the war disfigured Borovoe, the barn gaped with a huge hole).
  3. They've robbed everyone, you damn skinners! We hid pigs and chickens wherever we wanted. Can you really save it? He makes noise and threatens, give him the chicken, even if it’s the last one. Oh, that was bad!).
  4. There were gardens, but now stumps are like rotten teeth; She sat me down at the table, but there was nothing to treat her with; on oil - there was no paint).
  5. The syntactic structures of a literary text reflect, first of all, the flow of the author’s impressions, figurative and emotional ( Interspersed with the surviving huts stood charred stoves, like monuments to the people's grief. The barn gaped with a huge hole - half of it was broken off and carried away; There were gardens, but now stumps are like rotten teeth).
  6. The characteristic use of numerous and varied stylistic figures and tropes of the Russian language ( stumps are like rotten teeth; charred stoves stood like monuments to the people's grief; two or three teenage apple trees nestled).
  7. The use, first of all, of vocabulary that forms the basis and creates the imagery of the style being analyzed: for example, figurative techniques and means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context, and words of a wide sphere of use ( grew old, emaciated, burned, in letters, girls).

Thus, the artistic style does not so much tell as it shows - it helps to feel the situation, to visit the places that the narrator is talking about. Of course, there is also a certain “imposition” of the author’s experiences, but it also creates a mood and conveys sensations.

The artistic style is one of the most “borrowing” and flexible: writers, firstly, actively use language of other styles, and secondly, they successfully combine artistic imagery, for example, with explanations of scientific facts, concepts or phenomena.

Scientific and artistic style: case study

Let's look at an example of the interaction of two styles - artistic and scientific.

Excerpt from the article:

The youth of our country loves forests and parks. And this love is fruitful, active. It is expressed not only in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests. One day, at a meeting, even splinters of wood appeared on the presidium table. Some villain cut down an apple tree growing alone on the river bank. Like a beacon, she stood on the steep mountain. They got used to her, like the appearance of their home, they loved her. And now she was gone. On this day, the conservation group was born. They called it "Green Patrol". There was no mercy for the poachers, and they began to retreat.

N. Korotaev

Features of the scientific style:

  1. Terminology ( presidium, laying forest belts, Krutoyar, poachers).
  2. The presence in a series of nouns of words denoting the concept of a sign or state ( bookmark, security).
  3. Quantitative predominance of nouns and adjectives in the text over verbs ( This love is fruitful, active; in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests).
  4. Use of verbal phrases and words ( bookmark, protection, mercy, meeting).
  5. Verbs in the present tense, which have a “timeless”, indicative meaning in the text, with weakened lexical and grammatical meanings of time, person, number ( loves, expresses);
  6. A large volume of sentences, their impersonal nature in combination with passive constructions ( It is expressed not only in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests).

Features of the artistic style:

  1. Wide use of vocabulary and phraseology of other styles ( presidium, laying forest belts, Krutoyar).
  2. The use of various visual and expressive means ( this love is fruitful, in vigilant guard, evil), active use of the verbal polysemy of the word (the appearance of a house, “Green Patrol”).
  3. Emotionality and expressiveness of the image ( They got used to her, like the appearance of their home, they loved her. And now she was gone. On this day the group was born).
  4. Manifestation of the author's creative individuality - author's style ( It is expressed not only in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests. Here: a combination of features of several styles).
  5. Paying special attention to particular and seemingly random circumstances and situations, behind which one can see the typical and general ( Some villain cut down an apple tree... And now it was gone. On this day the conservation group was born).
  6. The syntactic structure and corresponding structures in this passage reflect the flow of the author’s figurative and emotional perception ( Like a beacon, she stood on the steep mountain. And then she was gone).
  7. The characteristic use of numerous and varied stylistic figures and tropes of the Russian literary language ( this fruitful, active love, like a beacon, it stood, there was no mercy, growing alone).
  8. The use, first of all, of vocabulary that forms the basis and creates the imagery of the style being analyzed: for example, figurative techniques and means of the Russian language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context, and words of the widest distribution ( youth, evil, fruitful, active, appearance).

In terms of the variety of linguistic means, literary techniques and methods, the artistic style is perhaps the richest. And, unlike other styles, it has a minimum of restrictions - with proper depiction of images and an emotional mood, you can even write a literary text in scientific terms. But, of course, you shouldn’t abuse this.

Texts are written for readers, so they must be accessible and understandable. And the explicit use of vocabulary from other styles is possible only for authenticity, to create colorful images of characters or atmosphere.

So, during a conversation between two bankers, economic terminology is only a plus, but “” cliches and cliches when describing beautiful nature will definitely be superfluous.

Thus, when working with an artistic style, with all its flexibility, one is very careful about the vocabulary. Especially if you write or are planning to write works of fiction. For it is the artistic style that is considered a reflection of the Russian literary language.

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in rhetoric: everyday-colloquial, documentary-business, artistic, scientific, journalistic, church-religious functional styles; in them, in turn, stand out genre styles, or styles of types of literature: style of homiletics, academic oratorical prose, historical prose, lyric poetry.

"literary styles" in books

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