Hello! As for the lamps plugged into the socket, they explained to me that in order for the concentration even in a small room to reach a useful (therapeutic level), a lamp the size of half the room is needed))) As for the inhaler, it seems like microscopic particles enter the lungs when inhaled, and thus most cause the cleansing process. I don’t presume to say that this is really the case, since I haven’t delved deeply into scientific research. But in my case, I had a cough with gray sputum for about two weeks, then it stopped, and as an experienced smoker, I can say that the discomfort in the lungs has decreased significantly. Therefore, you need to decide whether or not))) At first I just forced myself to breathe every day before going to bed (sometimes you get tired, you want to put it off until later), now it’s like a ritual, like brushing your teeth))))

What can you buy to cure these terrible adenoids.... For children, an inhaler in the shape of a cute elephant, for adults - a simple cone. I put the varnish on purpose to understand the size of the inhaler. It is porcelain, so it can break, so only breathe with adults. Inside is salt (without any additives), which is hermetically sealed with a “navel”. Somewhere at the level of the abdomen, the partition opens into a hole, from where small particles of salt fall with a sigh. The inhaler is designed for 5 years of use for 15-20 minutes a day.. The only caveat is that you need to inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose. I thought that this was the most difficult thing, but when the trunk is in the child’s mouth, exhaling through the nose occurs automatically (maybe not for everyone, and of course we don’t always succeed, but nevertheless he breathes correctly). 15 minutes is also a lot for us, we will breathe as much as we can. And how useful this is, you can read in, because it’s not for nothing that speleo chambers (salt rooms) are recommended for patients with ENT diseases.

First, I’ll tell you what I bought into when I purchased a portable inhaler with pink Himalayan salt. Regular use of the device gives the same effect as fresh sea air. And this is very important to me, because I believe in its miraculous power.

As a child, I suffered from adenoids, and the doctors said to remove them. However, after a trip to the sea, the impossible happened - the adenoids disappeared, and the reason for this was the salty sea air. That’s why I didn’t even think about it when I added the salt inhaler to my iHerb cart.

  • For the prevention of acute respiratory infections. Daily use for a few minutes helps improve the body's protective functions.
  • To cleanse the respiratory tract. Regular use of a salt inhaler during illness helps to remove sputum.
  • Inhaling salt air as well as sea water spray reduces allergic reactions.
  • Inhalations of Himalayan salt are recommended for the treatment and prevention of various respiratory diseases.

The portable saline inhaler consists of a ceramic body, two filters, and a mouthpiece for inhaling air. Salt is poured into the device between two filters, which perform a protective function. Porcelain filters with fine holes prevent the possibility of inhaling small salt crystals.

The device has a mechanical operating principle and is not connected to the electrical network. The ceramic salt inhaler is so safe to use that even children can use it. Be careful with children, the device contains small parts! All parts of the salt inhaler can be easily washed in clean water, after which they are ready for reuse. The service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is 7 years.

The inhaled air passes through large crystals of Himalayan salt, enriched with its microparticles. Once in the human respiratory tract, it has the same effect on the bronchi and lungs as sea air or air in salt caves. The effect of regular procedures is the same as that of walking along the sea coast or halotherapy.

During viral epidemics and common colds, a saline inhaler must be used daily. The recommended duration of the procedure is 15-25 minutes. The first procedure can be done shorter than 5-7 minutes, increase the duration of subsequent sessions gradually.

  • Pour salt into the inhaler and assemble the device.
  • Place the mouthpiece in your mouth and inhale and exhale through your nose.
  • The airways will begin to clear, so coughing and sneezing may occur during the first procedures.

For the best healing effect from Himalayan salt, the inhaler should also be used for preventive purposes - the salty sea air works wonders!

The inhaler comes with coarse Himalayan salt with the highest degree of purification from dust and small crystals. We can say that salt crystals are reusable - you need to replace them in a portable inhaler once every 1-3 months. The package included with the ceramic inhaler contains 3 doses of pink salt, which will be enough for daily use of the inhaler for 5-8 months (very economical).

In order to buy a salt inhaler on iherb, just go to and you will immediately find yourself in the product card - a set of ceramic salt inhaler and Himalayan Salt Air Inhaler from the manufacturer Squip Products.

When the time comes to buy replacement salt, you should choose the one that is Himalayan salt 220 grams Himalayan Salt Crystals, from the same manufacturer Squip Products.

If you have never purchased from this online store, then using the iherb code MKW109, you will receive a $5+5% discount on your first order.

I like things that help me take care of my health. I am very pleased with the purchase of this device and at the moment I use it regularly, so I have only positive reviews about the salt inhaler.

After the first few treatments, I noticed that I began to cough less and my breathing became more free. Let's see what will happen next. I hope that, together with the salt lamp, the ceramic inhaler will at least slightly compensate for the constant lack of sea air in my body.

Do you use Himalayan salt in any form? Do you use a salt inhaler to prevent colds?

Squip Products, Himalayan Salt Air Inhale

The salt inhaler uses Himalayan pink salt (fraction 3-5 mm). This is the purest crystalline salt of a pleasant pink color, formed from the water of the ocean that existed 250 million years ago during the Jurassic period and is mined today in the mines of the Himalayas at a depth of 800 meters. Himalayan pink salt contains 84 minerals and trace elements, which makes it very beneficial for the human body!

Using a ceramic saline inhaler, you prevent the appearance of pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membrane of the throat and nose. Inhalations help increase the body's protective functions, which helps prevent many different diseases. Salt inhalations are useful in the treatment of diseases such as sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough, sore throat and other respiratory tract infections.

The saline ceramic inhaler is made of ceramic. This material is hygienically clean and also prevents moisture from entering the inhaler and protects the salt from destruction.

The saline inhaler has a filter element installed, both on the side where the air flow enters and on the side where the air directly enters the lungs. The filter prevents accidental inhalation of large salt fractions.

Equipment: ceramic salt inhaler and 1 packet of Himalayan salt, fraction 3-5 mm and weighing 220 grams.

Inhaler dimensions: 13.5 cm x 7 cm.

The inhaler has very convenient dimensions, fits easily into a child’s hand, and is not heavy.

Squip Products, Himalayan Salt Crystals, 7.75 oz (220 g)

Salt is poured into a salt inhaler and procedures are carried out. Perfectly relieves swelling of the nasopharynx, both during allergies and colds. Unfortunately, the product is currently out of stock.

There are few people on Earth who have never suffered from respiratory diseases. Most of the world's population, unfortunately, cannot boast of their good health.

What people don’t do to get better! Some people spare no expense on expensive clinics and medications, while others try simple but effective treatments at home. One of these inexpensive methods is inhalation.

Indications/contraindications and methods of inhalation

Such a concept as “inhalation” has been known for a long time. It was first mentioned more than 1800 years ago, in the 2nd century AD. Even then, people actively used this method of treating bronchi and lungs. Ancient doctors in Rome encouraged all their patients to undergo such procedures.

There are four ways to perform inhalation:

The very first inhaler, powered by a hand pump, was invented by the French in 1858. With every decade this device has improved. And in the 1970s, a nebulizer appeared - a special medical device for inhalation. Its difference from a conventional steam inhaler is that it is capable of breaking down the medicine into such small particles so that they penetrate very deeply, into the very lower respiratory tract, and not just into the upper or middle. The resulting steam promotes rapid penetration of the medicine and its beneficial effect on the body.

Any device has its own strengths and weaknesses. Before using a nebulizer, it is important to review the contraindications so as not to harm your health even more.

Indications Contraindications
Tuberculosis Temperature above 37.5°C
ARVI Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract
Upper respiratory tract diseases (sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis) Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Diseases of the lower respiratory tract (pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma) Intolerance to a certain drug
Cystic fibrosis (presence of a cyst on the respiratory organs) Bleeding from the nose
Prevention of complications from diseases Coughing up blood or purulent sputum

The nebulizer helps both at the initial stage of the development of the disease and with complications and chronic inflammatory processes. This device is so versatile that it is suitable for people of all ages, including infants.

Salt inhalations are especially useful. They give an antiseptic, antibacterial and coughing effect.

And with the help of a nebulizer, salt particles will quickly penetrate to the desired place, moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and increase the discharge of sputum.

Preparation and methods of inhalation

Although salt inhalation is a fairly simple form of treatment, you need to be well prepared before you begin. Preparation takes place in three stages:

Natural sea salt is best suited for this solution. It has been extracted naturally directly from the sea for thousands of years. Unlike regular salt, it contains more than 70 minerals and trace elements, such as:

Sea salt has a number of significant benefits:

To make the solution, you need to boil 1 liter of water. Pour sea salt into hot water - about 2-3 tablespoons. Lastly, after the salt has completely dissolved, pour in 2-3 ml of saline or water for injection. Distilled water will not work in this case. For diseases of the lungs and bronchi, it is advisable to inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose. If the goal is to cure a runny nose, then inhale the vapor through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

The patient is prepared as follows:

Salt inhalation is available to every sick person. However, salt, in the wrong concentration and in the wrong quantity, can not only help, but, on the contrary, harm. Therefore, taking into account the characteristics of your body, it is important not to overdo it with adding this substance to water.

If after some procedures you feel dizziness, increased sputum production and swelling, you must stop inhalation therapy.

Sea salt and air help cleanse the lungs and bronchi from most pathologies. Many also know about the effectiveness of salt rooms, which are prescribed by experienced doctors. They, in turn, contribute to the health of the whole body and strengthen the immune system, but they have one drawback. You need to sign up for the salt mine in advance, spend time traveling, and undergo a course of therapy for a considerable amount. An ideal alternative is a salt inhaler. It will replace it and recreate the same microclimate.

The online store has a large selection of devices for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory system. By using salt inhalers regularly, a person soon feels cheerful and gets sick less. They act on the bronchi and lungs gently but effectively.

How the salt inhaler works

A person inhales the air flow supplied by the device, the respiratory organs are saturated with particles of the saline solution. Microscopic crystals are passed through a specialized filter and reach the upper and lower respiratory tract. Coming into contact with moist air, the particles thin the mucus in the lungs. At the end of the procedure, the respiratory system begins to remove all pathological contents through the nose or throat. As a result, a person feels better, his respiratory organs are cleansed and the body achieves healing!

When to use

Doctors recommend buying a salt nebulizer for the treatment and prevention of the following ailments:
1. rhinitis (including allergic);
2. laryngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, bronchitis;
3. childhood infections: whooping cough, measles, rubella;
4. bronchial asthma;
5. problems caused by smoking.

This medical device is an excellent remedy for flu and colds. By using it immediately after being in crowded places, you can prevent infection with many viruses and infections.

How to choose a salt nebulizer

When choosing a suitable halo inhaler, consider some points:
1. It is better to buy products with a ceramic base.
2. Pay attention to whether it is equipped with a filter. It will eliminate the situation of accidental entry of large salt particles.
3. Devices in which you can change salt have a longer service life.
4. A device that can be washed with hot water is more hygienic than one that does not provide this option.
5. Professional nebulizers from well-established brands are more trustworthy.

Inhalations of this type are as beneficial as the effects of steam nebulizers. But they have their own advantages and features. Respiratory tract diseases are the most common; they arise not only from viruses, but also from hypothermia. Dust, cigarette smoke, pollen, mold and fungi trigger the disease mechanism. If you inhale air with salt, it not only heals the lungs, but also the entire body. Breathe salt with a nebulizer every day for 15 minutes for prevention purposes and you will never get sick! It eliminates the process of inflammation, improves expectoration, eliminates severe symptoms of asthma and allergies, makes breathing easier, makes a person healthier and has no contraindications. Choose high-quality models of effective, proven devices from leading manufacturers. Our catalogs present only the best products at reasonable prices.
Here are products that professionals confidently trust!

It is believed that DIY salt inhalers can be made in different ways. Despite the fact that the design of the device seems quite simple, it is almost impossible to create a device that will allow you to perform full-fledged halotherapy at home.

What is halotherapy

Halotherapy is a treatment with a dry aerosol made from tiny negatively charged grains of salt. Regular salt (sodium chloride) is ground into particles that can float freely in the air.

Salt air is used in two ways:

  • inhale through a mask;
  • enrich the indoor air with it.
Indications and contraindications

Treatment with dry saline aerosol is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • diseases of the respiratory system (sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and others);
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, various skin lesions);
  • cardiovascular disorders of mild to moderate severity;
  • various emotional disorders;
  • weakened immunity.
There are few absolute contraindications. These are acute inflammatory processes, severe heart failure, some blood diseases, renal failure, and oncopathology. In any case, consultation with a doctor is an important step before starting any course of treatment procedures.

Is it possible to assemble a salt inhaler with your own hands?

According to many users, it is enough to have something that grinds salt and figure out how to direct the flying small particles into the respiratory system. One of the common ways to assemble a dry salt inhaler with your own hands is to pour salt into a coffee grinder, cover it with a lid with a hole, turn on the device and breathe in the flying salt grains.

This method has significant disadvantages:

  • the particles turn out to be too large and do not enter the bronchi and alveoli, but settle on the mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx;
  • it is impossible to control the salt concentration in the resulting suspension;
  • As a result, it is impossible to determine the optimal time for the procedure.
These restrictions are especially important if you are going to treat a child. It remains unknown whether a homemade inhaler will be beneficial, harmful, or have no effect at all in a particular case.

Advantages of medical halo inhalers

Unlike do-it-yourself dry salt inhalers, professional devices for such inhalations allow you to fine-tune all the parameters of the procedure specifically “for a patient” of any age with any diagnosis.

They have several operating modes, for each of which the time, particle size, and salt concentration are precisely defined. In addition, the operating principle of a dry-type haloinhaler assumes that the particles are ionized (receive a negative charge), which provides an additional therapeutic effect.

Professional medical equipment, unlike homemade ones, is safe, and its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous tests. Therefore, we do not recommend self-medication.