Result with 300% guarantee! Either you will lose weight or you will get your money back guaranteed!

My name is Lyudmila Kharitonova and at the moment I have managed to develop my own unique method for losing weight, which has already been used by more than TWO THOUSAND WOMEN today!

I would like to tell you a little about myself, and how I came to the conclusion that every woman needs her own unique method for losing weight.

It all started literally a year ago, when I saw that my weight reached almost 100 kilograms and for me it was a really deep shock, because I ate everything I saw and could not deny myself anything. It was very uncomfortable and when I bent over or tied my shoelaces, there was terrible discomfort! The decision came very quickly! IT'S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE DRAMATICALLY!



In fact, at the very beginning, I heard a lot of incomprehensible advice from my friends, who tried a lot of diets and pushed themselves into training, but still I followed their advice and not only didn’t lose weight, but pushed my body even more... and I It became clear that there was no secret, but I decided not to give up!

It was very difficult, but through trial and error I managed to achieve an excellent result only thanks to the system that I personally developed myself!


This is truly an unusual course! The very essence of the project is that you will lose weight very quickly and at the same time actually not notice that you are taking any specific actions for this!

What does the entire course include?

The course consists of 31 STEP-BY-STEP METHODS!

A step-by-step method of losing weight that will allow you to lose weight more effectively!

We tone the body if we haven’t exercised for a long time! Let's warm up the main areas...

A set of exercises for quickly burning excess fat.

Individual approach to each client and a full range of advice on proper nutrition and training.

Do you need to suppress bad habits?! Advantages and disadvantages!

Programming your mind and body for a sports lifestyle and habits that will allow you to change your life for the better!

Setting goals for results to properly adjust your figure!

Secret techniques that really showed excellent results and allowed more than 2000 women not only to lose weight, but also to gain an excellent figure!

An individual nutrition program that will allow you to lose weight much more effectively...

Motivational support, as well as individual support for each participant in the project!

Private control and adjustments during the weight loss process!

Weekly check of results. Your reports - BEFORE and AFTER photos!

Control over your training process and weekly reports!
Why did I decide to create this project?
The fact is that before I not only tried a lot of advice, but also bought various weight loss products, which in the end turned out to be dummies.

I Spent A Lot of Money and Time, But All These Products Didn't Bring Me the Expected Effect!

Only an Individual Method of Losing Weight in 31 Days Gives Amazing Results!

At the moment, my technique has already helped many women and now I receive up to hundreds of letters a day, where women thank me for this technique.

There are no analogues to this weight loss system anywhere, because what are the dangers of other methods? As studies have shown, numerous diets are not suitable for 78% of women, since many women have different body functioning, so diets can even be harmful in some cases, and an incorrect diet can generally be harmful!

Fitness, Pilates, yoga and other techniques also often cannot give effect if you do them yourself.

To Lose Weight, You Need a Balanced Unique System That Gives a Universal Effect Already in 31 Days!

Neither INCORRECTLY designed diets nor pills will ever help you! All this only “eats” your money!

SPORT - This is also an important component, but how to do it?! This unique course will save you a lot of money that you would have wasted on diet pills, as well as your precious time, and at the same time you will start losing weight!


The results are really surprising and the overall weight loss statistics range from 5 to 14.5 kilograms in 31 days, and this despite the fact that this is not a magic pill and you really won’t lose weight by lying on the couch! Every woman knows this, but by following the set of techniques described in the course, you really lose weight!

Many participants in our project stated that their puffiness disappeared and their faces became fresher! The belly has noticeably shrunk, and those who have been practicing this method for two months already have a beautiful belly and their sides are tightened!

As Maria, a participant in the project, writes to us: “I have completely abandoned the elevator, although I live on the eighth floor! I used to have shortness of breath when walking, but now I fly up like a bird to my eighth floor!”

Natalia writes that there were folds on her stomach, but now she has lost 8 kilograms and the folds have noticeably decreased!

Our Method is Certified and is a Recognized and Approved Weight Loss Method!

Still dreaming of a slim figure? Enough! It's time to act!

Get rid of the hated fat immediately!


Many project participants ask many questions. I answer:

Question: Are there any side effects from this weight loss technique?

Answer: There are no side effects observed, since this technique does not include any pills or other unknown drugs. The whole process of losing weight is intense and you actually lose weight and continue to lead the same lifestyle as you did before.

Question: Will I have skin problems?

Answer: On the contrary! This system allows you to improve your skin color and contains a lot of recommendations on how to look younger. On the contrary, your skin will begin to change for the better.

Question: Will I really lose 10 kilograms in 31 days?!

Answer: Everything is individual and everything depends on you. You apply all our strategies yourself and will only lose weight when you apply them step by step. Small deviations will also not harm you, but if you do a small part of our course, then you are unlikely to succeed.

This Method Guarantees That You Will Lose Weight in 31 Days!

You will not only lose weight, but also restore the tone of the young lady and understand that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive pills and go to the gym!

Your health is the most important gift in life, and health is inextricably linked to your weight! With this course, the process of losing weight will go unnoticed and exciting!

This course is designed in such a way that absolutely every woman can go through it step by step and get an excellent result at the end of the course!

You shouldn't write such unfair things. If only because you need to first try an unknown technique, and then talk about “I believe” and “I don’t believe.” Is it really so difficult to agree with this?


Don't be upset! The fact that you don’t need to eat something is not fatal. These are the rules! And encouragement also has its place.

I recommend! I recommend it three times! There is no “rogue” in it. But you need to believe in its effectiveness at least a little.

Take a piece of sausage or meat (you can’t eat them either). And you will hear your consciousness saying “no” to the unauthorized product. By the way, you could replace any product that you should not eat with this:

The candy is not very sweet and not minty.
Potatoes, not fried.
Salads without oil.

I want to lose weight and am ready to do almost anything for the sake of “weight loss”. I tried a lot of things. The result did not console me at all. For a long time I could not understand why.

I’ll take it right now and praise something about which I have no idea at all. Isn't it nice?
Daria, you will forgive me, of course, but you are strange.

Doctor Gavrilov's Club. A unique diet for weight loss. Methodology. Reviews.
A community of people looking for the only correct path to health, to proper, healthy nutrition, to the harmony of the body and the gifts of nature that nourish it, they all make up the club of Dr. Gavrilov.
From the diet of Dr. Gavrilov:

You can make a list of what you managed to lose in your apartment. Of course, you don’t have a hundred-room palace, but losing things is not a difficult matter.
Dance to make your body have fun!
Invent, compose, improvise! All these words are dedicated to movements and your imagination.
Dr. Gavrilov's club is not just a club where people join for discussion. It is very relevant, as is the methodology itself.

There is also a need for you to “put” your thoughts into physical exercise. They should also bring joy. Otherwise, dear experimenters, you will not have any effect from the technique. Progress is a waste of time.

Introduce your body to hoop!
A hoop is not at all the kind of hoop that can serve as decoration for your beautiful hair. There is another type of hoop - hula hoop!
Keep the stairwell on your floor clean!

The technique is good. But I know that only something tough will help me. Gavrilov's technique is a soft (relatively) technique.

Wash it so that it is pleasant to walk in the traces of cleanliness you have created. Wash and be proud of yourself!
Remember what you've lost!

Pessimistic, but very vital.
The technique is amazing! I studied it for a long time. At first she herself did not believe that she was a “worker,” but then she realized that she was not mistaken in her choice.

Juices (not in bags!).
Ordinary water.
Low-fat yoghurts.
Pearl barley porridge.
Buckwheat porridge.

Focus on food is not enough!

The diet should teach you to control your desires related to food.
The diet must give knowledge about what “weight” is and what “hunger” is.
The diet is designed to kill the desire to collect calories in the body.
The diet cannot help but show what it means to visualize the result that a woman dreams of getting.
The diet will remind you that all the knowledge that a woman has accumulated must be streamlined.

It is also measured by products, by the way. Not everything is as bad as you pictured. Here are the products so you don’t think you’re being deceived:


The mystery I want to solve is that I can't figure out mints. Why are they “classified” as harmful products? Funny!
I don’t believe in it, and I won’t try it! Comments are not evidence. You can write anything you want.

Eat when you are hungry and endure this feeling! You cannot tolerate it, because it is more than harmful.
Eat only what you are sure to enjoy chewing.

Some products are strictly prohibited. Don’t break it, but listen. The list of products is below:

Mint candies.
Kilechka in tomato.

Any fruit.
Any vegetables.

Here’s what Dr. Gavrilov’s technique says:

Carry tasty food with you to snack on when you feel hungry. The kind that makes itself known by sucking in the pit of your stomach.

Illogical! Nobody thinks about logic or the reliability of information. I believe in the method. I believe in everything they write.

Those who watch their weight know that there is a very effective cabbage soup diet. But it turns out that anyone who wants to lose weight can benefit from a diet of tomato soup with chili. Moreover, now tomatoes from a new harvest have appeared on store shelves and markets - healthy, ripe and tasty. In addition to tomatoes, the weight loss soup includes hot peppers, which melt fat cells, increasing the body's energy consumption for digesting food.

This diet is useful not only because it helps to get rid of excess weight, but is also good for blood vessels, the heart and more. The heat in peppers comes from the alkaloid capsaicin, which stimulates heat receptors. At the moment, pharmacologists are actively studying the properties of capsaicin. A slight burning sensation trains our body, and in order to overcome discomfort, the brain produces endorphins - pleasure hormones. Miracle capsaicin can prevent the development of cancer cells.

My unique method of losing weight. Diet "Chile"

Medical statistics show that in regions where chili is eaten and added to a large number of dishes, the population suffers from cancer several times less often than in other geographical areas. The perfect combination of boiled tomatoes, which contain lycopene and chili, which contains capsaicin, makes tomato soup very healthy. Lycopene is the pigment that gives tomatoes their red color and reduces the risk of developing heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Capsaicin is able to thin the blood, improve blood circulation, tone the nervous system and increase potency, which is not unimportant. And all this thanks to my unique weight loss method! Tomato Chili Soup Recipe: To prepare the main dish - tomato soup, you need to fry 1 chopped onion and 1 tbsp. spoon chili puree until soft. Add 700 g peeled and chopped fresh tomatoes, 1 can (200 ml) canned tomatoes in their own juice, 450 ml vegetable broth, 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh basil and season to taste. Bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes. Cool and beat everything in a blender or rub through a sieve. Pour into a saucepan, heat and serve with chilli sauce.

Diet menu with chili peppers for a week:

Monday Breakfast: 2 eggs, whole grain toast, tea (without sugar). Snack: 1 orange. Lunch: tomato soup and boiled chicken breast. Snack: 2 prunes, green tea. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Tuesday Breakfast: orange juice, porridge cooked with skim milk. Snack: 1 apple or pear. Lunch: vegetable puree soup, 1 piece of lean ham. Snack: 1 glass of kefir or bio-yogurt. Dinner: tomato soup.

Wednesday Breakfast: 2 toasts with butter and 1 tsp. honey tea or coffee without sugar. Snack: 1 orange. Lunch: tomato soup, steamed cutlets - 2 pcs., fresh tomato. Snack: 2 prunes or 5-6 pcs. hazelnuts Dinner: vinaigrette without potatoes and green peas. seasoned with vegetable oil.

Thursday Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, tea. Snack: 1/2 grapefruit. Lunch: boiled beef 200 g, green vegetable salad. Snack: 2 kiwis. Dinner: tomato soup, boiled rice with 1 tsp. soy sauce.

Friday Breakfast: 1 serving of cottage cheese casserole, tea. Snack: yogurt 125 g. Lunch: tomato soup, potatoes baked in foil 1 pc. Snack: 1 glass of low-sugar fruit drink. Dinner: a portion of jellied fish or jelly without seasoning (i.e. without mustard, horseradish, etc.)

Saturday Breakfast: fruit yogurt 125 g, fruit of your choice. Snack: 1 crisp, tea Lunch: grilled chicken breast. Snack: 2 dried apricots. Dinner: tomato soup, boiled white fish fillet.

Sunday Breakfast: a serving of muesli topped with skim milk. Snack: 1 banana. Lunch: tomato soup, a piece of whole grain bread, 1 cucumber. Snack: 1 glass of kefir. Dinner: Vegetable casserole with Parmesan cheese.

The author's method of losing weight, getting rid of cellulite, gaining attractiveness and self-confidence.

If you know firsthand what it is:

Look with envy at your household gobbling up everything and sigh: you definitely shouldn’t eat this bun or salad with mayonnaise

Can barely walk down the stairs due to muscle pain after physical exertion

Run endlessly to the toilet after drinking weight loss teas

Drink questionable pills

Experience all the fashionable procedures: pressotherapy, honey or lymphatic drainage massages, etc.

And despite all this, you still remain dissatisfied with your appearance, then it’s time to use the MOST POWERFUL weapon: your own subconscious.

Since you are on this site, you are probably interested in esotericism and believe that thoughts are material, that we are responsible for our life and its results. We build our own lives, and therefore our appearance, with our own thoughts.

Working with the subconscious can be much more effective and simpler than grueling workouts in the gym or long-term diets, but it is still work. But this path, the path of working with your thoughts, is much more pleasant and comfortable, it brings joy and pleasure, and not hungry anger and constant muscle pain.

I promise you, there will be no diets, no grueling physical activity.

The main thing in achieving your dream figure is PLEASURE.

So, what will you get if you try my technique in practice:

1. You will lose weight the easy way, and the lost kilograms will not come back

2. Finally get rid of cellulite

3. Improve your body health and look younger

4. You can throw away all the manuals on the topic “How to love yourself”, because you definitely won’t have a problem with this

5. Your self-confidence will also increase.

5. You will increase your charm and attractiveness. Personally, in the process of working with the subconscious, I met my beloved man and married him.

6. You might want to improve something else about yourself. My method will help with this too.

I grew my hair long and my eyelashes became much thicker and more beautiful with the help of a mirror. A friend of mine claims that her breasts have enlarged.

What exactly does my method contain?

1. First of all, we will talk about what is stopping you from being who you would like to be. Let's look for bugs in your head. After all, we have to work with the subconscious.

2. I will tell you all the nuances of how to work with a mirror, I will outline in detail all the specific steps. This is an amazing and most effective method that I have ever come across, and believe me, I know what diets, running and diet pills are.

3. How to generally change your thinking in order to become infinitely beautiful and attractive. Both externally and internally.

4. Of course, we will talk a little about nutrition, but there will be no counting of calories or carbohydrates, because for us the main thing is pleasure.

5.You will also learn the secret of the Magic Soup, which will help you take away those extra pounds.

6. Magic baths will help you get rid of cellulite, which I, of course, will also tell you about.

But that's not all. If you purchase my method, you will receive a BONUS:

A book about sexual and spiritual Taoist practices of restoring beauty and youth (it describes the secrets of breast enlargement).


Read my article on this topic “How I lost 25 kg with the power of thought”, and I talk about the technique, about subconscious blockages that interfere with weight loss and give a meditation “Modeling your body”.

If you know firsthand what it is:

Look with envy at your household gobbling up everything and sigh: you definitely shouldn’t eat this bun or salad with mayonnaise

Can barely walk down the stairs due to muscle pain after physical exertion

Run endlessly to the toilet after drinking weight loss teas

Drink questionable pills

Experience all the fashionable procedures: pressotherapy, honey or lymphatic drainage massages, etc.

and at the same time still remain dissatisfied with your appearance, then it’s time to use the STRONGEST weapon: your own subconscious.

Since you are on this site, you are probably interested in esotericism and believe that thoughts are material, that we are responsible for our life and its results. We build our own lives, and therefore our appearance, with our own thoughts.

Working with the subconscious can be much more effective and simpler than grueling workouts in the gym or long-term diets, but it is still work. But this path, the path of working with your thoughts, is much more pleasant and comfortable, it brings joy and pleasure, and not hungry anger and constant muscle pain.

I promise you, there will be no diets, no grueling physical activity.

The main thing in achieving your dream figure is PLEASURE.

So, what will you get if you try my technique in practice:

1. You will lose weight the easy way, and the lost kilograms will not come back

2. Finally get rid of cellulite

3. Improve your body health and look younger

4. You can throw away all the manuals on the topic “How to love yourself”, because you definitely won’t have a problem with this

5. Your self-confidence will also increase.

5. You will increase your charm and attractiveness. Personally, in the process of working with the subconscious, I met my beloved man and married him.

6. You might want to improve something else about yourself. My method will help with this too.

I grew my hair long and my eyelashes became much thicker and more beautiful with the help of a mirror. A friend of mine claims that her breasts have enlarged.

What exactly does my method contain?

1. First of all, we will talk about what is stopping you from being who you would like to be. Let's look for bugs in your head. After all, we have to work with the subconscious.

2. I will tell you all the nuances of how to work with a mirror, I will outline in detail all the specific steps. This is an amazing and most effective method that I have ever come across, and believe me, I know what diets, running and diet pills are.

3. How to generally change your thinking in order to become infinitely beautiful and attractive. Both externally and internally.

4. Of course, we will talk a little about nutrition, but there will be no counting of calories or carbohydrates, because for us the main thing is pleasure.

5.You will also learn the secret of the Magic Soup, which will help you take away those extra pounds.

6. Magic baths will help you get rid of cellulite, which I, of course, will also tell you about.

But that's not all. If you purchase my method, you will receive a BONUS:

A book about sexual and spiritual Taoist practices of restoring beauty and youth (it describes the secrets of breast enlargement).

Svetlana Kuleshova.

Write all questions to email [email protected]

p.s. A little about the results:

We recently conducted a survey among girls who studied using the method. Most responded, and everyone had some results. Many honestly admitted that they worked out once a week or very rarely, but (to our surprise) even they got results.

Here are examples of such letters:

Svetlana, hello! I wanted to write to you myself. Tell us about your results. Thank you again for the photo, I really like it! I have it on all my screensavers and wallpapers)). I work with him. I have lost weight and am losing weight every day. I honestly admit that I don’t work with a mirror, well, as you described. It’s just that when I look at myself I imagine myself thinner. But I hope that I will connect this method. Since May 28, I have lost about 10 kg. I don't weigh myself often. But I constantly see in the mirror and in my clothes that the process is underway! I'm very happy about this! Well, in general, due to a more active lifestyle, my mood and condition have improved overall.

Hello, Svetlana, it was very nice to receive a letter from you, I’m gradually losing weight, instead of dancing I took up 20-minute workouts, which bring me exceptional pleasure, my body is perfectly toned, although there is no noticeable loss of kilograms, only 4, maybe because it’s 20 days I didn’t work with the mirror, I had a session and was very overwhelmed at work, but I like myself more, thanks for the meditation. Thank you very much for your support!

Hello Svetlana! I just wanted to write to you about the results, over the entire period I lost 6 kg, although to be honest I didn’t change my diet, and most importantly I became much more confident in myself, thank you very much for the exercise, I’ll try it.

Yes, those who rarely exercised achieved less results, only 2-3 kg were lost, but at the same time their attitude towards themselves improved greatly. Those who worked hard lost 6-10 kg or more. Some, after working with the method, wanted to go in for sports or dance professionally. Using additional advice and consultations, 70% (of those who asked questions about this part, of course) improved their personal lives and began to receive job offers.

Unfortunately, one girl didn't get any results at all, but she can't bring herself to believe that she can lose weight this way. At least her self-esteem and self-confidence have improved.

But most of all we were surprised by the results that have nothing to do with weight loss, but it seems like quite the opposite :)):

Hello, Svetlana)) I’m not surprised that you wrote to me, because I remembered you just today)) Now, I’m working through my negative attitudes about my appearance. Figure, appearance, weight. As you wrote to me, because I didn’t really believe it... I worked out a little, about a week, and noticed that my breasts had gotten bigger, and others noticed it. From size 3, it became 4. But I abandoned this matter because I want to change all my attitudes about my appearance. I still have about 4 days left to work on, after which I’ll get serious about my body transformation. To be honest, I can't wait. This is so interesting, I really liked it, following your plan))) I think that the results will beoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooSvetlana)))))))))))))))

And here is the result from the acknowledgments page (also copied below in the comments):

This site is simply amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thanks to the creator of this site, thanks to Svetlana Kuleshova for her advice. I am pregnant! This is after 5 years of careful attempts. Thank you, I adore you! Believe, believe in miracles, they exist! Universe thank you!

Obviously, the subconscious can do anything!

At the moment the technique is not for sale.


Hello, is the method no longer available for purchase?
Answer: No(

Hello, is it possible with this practice to make my stomach go away, but at the same time build up the muscles where I need to? (Also with classes, of course)?
Thank you in advance for your answer
Answer: It’s possible, but at the moment the technique is no longer available for sale.

Hello. Will this technique help remove stretch marks on your legs?
Answer: No, it’s better to choose the “Fairytale Life” or “Love Yourself” marathon, they perfectly transform your appearance.

Good afternoon.
I bought the technique with the help of my sister a couple of months ago, and started actively practicing about a week ago.
I understand that it is too early to talk about results. But, Svetlana, I have some kind of ambiguous feeling. When I read the description of the technique, I saw that there was a whole chapter about working with locks. But when I read it, I thought it was some kind of scam. I understand. that everyone has their own blockages, but if something is said on the topic of identifying blockages, there are methods on how to do this, then essentially NOTHING is said about working with blockages! Examples are given, yes. interesting, but I cannot extrapolate the experience from these examples to myself, although I tried very hard.
As a result, I feel deceived. There is no help in dealing with blockages, and there is also no opportunity to sign up for consultations in the near future. In the end, I feel like I was cheated
Answer: Maria, please read the methodology carefully. From the very beginning there are tasks to work with locks. Everything is described in detail there. You first look for blockages, how to do this is written in the methodology, there are tasks that need to be completed. To make it easier for people to work with the technique, there is a mini-lecture on the website about subconscious blockages that interfere with weight loss, and there is a meditation on “modeling your body.” Also do the techniques from the article “What prevents you from becoming rich.” There are wonderful exercises for getting rid of grievances that cause excess weight. In the methodology, I write about how to identify blockages. Don't just read, but practice. If you want to work with the author, then go to the “New Me” marathon, there we also go over the topic of excess weight and work with blockages, there you can ask questions that you don’t understand. Working with consultations on this technique cost about 5,000, but at the moment there are no free places and there won’t be any in the coming year.

Since I got here, a lot of my dreams have come true. What brought me here was my very important desire about excess weight. And yes, it came true! I became 12 kg slimmer. This is happiness for me, because I struggled with excess weight for 10 years. The weight started to move when I started working out according to Svetlana’s method, Look in the mirror and lose weight; at the same time, last year I completed the New Me marathon. 8 months have passed since I started classes on the programs of this wonderful site and the changes at the moment are very big. I got rid of 2 serious diseases, one of which was a tumor in the uterus. Overall, my health has improved significantly and continues to improve. It took 12 kg, but outwardly it looked like it took twice as much. I began to love myself, to love my reflection in the mirror. My skin has become completely different, elastic, youthful, wrinkles have decreased significantly. Now those people who haven’t seen me for about a year simply open their mouths in surprise when they see me. Everyone asks what happened to me, where I went, which cosmetologist I go to, etc. I changed jobs and already received a promotion, my income has increased significantly.
Surprisingly, the results began to show when I stopped considering myself fat. Yes, I was still fat then, but I began to love and accept myself at that weight, began to take more care of myself and look after myself, buy myself beautiful outfits. Before, I walked around like a pig and waited for me to lose weight. When I accepted myself as I am, my weight moved and began to melt.
There were many blocks, the main block was resentment towards my father. Because of this, I did not accept men and my excess weight served as protection. I also had a lot of complexes, low self-esteem, and constant stress, especially when someone criticized me. Fat served as protection from criticism and some people pitied me and it seemed to me that they loved me. That was the benefit of being fat.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Svetlana for her methodology and her work. Thank you Ekaterina for your work and such a wonderful site. Your methods and marathons are a real miracle. They turned me from a fat mouse into a real princess, and now I want to grow up to be a queen. Thank you and wish you prosperity and great health, as well as inspiration for creating new wonderful programs.
Love, health and dreams come true to all visitors.

Hello! I want to buy a VIP method so that I can get a consultation! I read in the replies that there is no VIP method and there won’t be for a long time. I don’t dare buy the usual method... Because... I know... that I will have questions. I will be grateful.. if you answer me one!.. I don’t quite understand.. what is working through settings and looking for blocks?.. More precisely, I understand.. that you need to get everything out of yourself! But what to do with this?.. Just mentally remember everything in your head.. and mentally throw it away?.. Or does it all need to be written down?.. And then what to do with these notes? I don’t quite understand how to remove these blocks from myself?
Answer: Yana, right now there is no VIP option, all places at the consultation are occupied for the year in advance. The topic of blockages, how we look for them and what we then do with them, how we work through them, is described in detail in the methodology, and we also go through this at our marathons. In "New Me" we cover the topic of weight loss. There is no quick answer to this question in a nutshell. This topic is big, and we specially create programs where we describe everything in detail.

I bought the method, but for some reason it doesn’t come to my email. What to do?
Answer: Write to [email protected]

Svetlana, I have a question about growing hair. Is it possible with the help of your program to get the hair of your dreams or does it only work with the very length and the power of visualization and meditation cannot change genetics? If, for example, I want hair much thicker than my own genetic density, will it be possible to change this?
Answer: It will work, but this technique does not include specific exercises for hair. They are in the reboot, in the “New Me” marathon, and there is a transformation meditation in the “New Life” marathon.

Hello Svetlana! Tell me, do you now have a VIP version of this technique or are you left alone without consultation? How is this wonderful weight loss method going now?
Answer: No, at the moment there is no VIP, all places are taken. Accordingly, there are no consultations. And there are no plans for the next 8-12 months, everything is busy. The technique is now only for independent work.

Thank you for the information on the site, but regarding weight loss, do not forget that you also need to monitor your diet and do exercises, the power of thought is good and useful, but do not delude yourself that subcutaneous fat will simply disappear. The laws of gravity have not been canceled, and even if a miracle happens and the fat simply melts while you are just lying on the couch and dreaming, the skin will sag according to the law of gravity. Therefore, I also recommend sports, so as not to say later that the method did not help))))))
Answer: You get what you believe in. You believe that in order to lose weight it is necessary to change your diet and exercise, so you will lose weight with this belief and only by using these methods. I believe the opposite, and my clients and I have personally lost weight using my method. And it's much more complicated than your version. Everyone has excellent results and their skin is in perfect condition. The main thing here is faith.

Tell me, if you just don’t need to lose weight, but change your figure (tighten your stomach), and if we see an effect, should we continue to use the method after that? How long do the results last?
Answer: It is necessary to prescribe blocking not for excess weight in this case, but in relation to yourself. And work according to the methodology every day. The first result is after 1.5-2 months, then more and more. My weight loss results have lasted for more than 7 years.

Tell me, is it possible to reduce breast size using this technique? Thank you
Answer: Work with the chest as with the whole body. Look for excess weight blockages in your breasts, your hidden benefits from this breast size.

This technique clearly works, in 2 months I lost 6 kg, but outwardly it was all 15. Additionally, I didn’t use any diets. I haven't liked sports since childhood. I spent about a week fiddling with blockages, maybe even more. I filled up three notebooks, but then it became so easy. After the exercises, I gain self-confidence, it seems to me that I even look 10 years younger, definitely younger. A lot of people told me about this. Thank you.

Svetlana, I want to thank you very much. Thanks to your course, I have lost 12 kg and am getting married. Literally on Saturday I received a marriage proposal. I'm so happy that I can't put it into words. Thank you for your work, you are amazing, you are the best trainer I know. I wish you happiness and prosperity.

Hello Svetlana, I want to purchase a method, I wanted to ask in advance, if I don’t understand about the blocking, can I turn to you for help? And how does this happen?
Answer: You can contact me for help and advice if you purchase the VIP version of the technique. Then I consult and go over everything with you in detail, giving you additional tasks. The "Standard" option comes without consultation, for independent work. You do the work yourself. Everything is written there in detail about blocking, a whole chapter. We also cover blocking and the topic of weight loss at the “New Me” marathon. At the reporting marathon, I answer all questions.

Good evening! I haven’t bought the book yet, but I would like to ask: is it possible with the help of this book not only to lose weight, but also to change height, using the techniques from the book?
Answer: Hello, no, I don’t do that.

Good afternoon
I wanted to pay for the weight loss method: “Look in the mirror and lose weight” through Sberbank, but according to the card number listed on the website 4276 3801 3082 6436, the owner’s full name is indicated:
EKATERINA IVANOVNA G. ??????????????
Answer: Well, yes, who should be listed? Goleva Ekaterina Ivanovna. Take a look at the “About the project” section (, everything will fall into place.

Dear Svetlana, unfortunately where I live there are no cards for online payments. I just read the reviews and really want to lose weight. After the first birth, 10 kg of excess weight remained, and after the second birth, + 5 kg. I’m sitting at home, I don’t have the opportunity to go to the gym or dance, because... After the sick leave ended, I was left without work.
Answer: Read my articles on the site, listen to my lecture and meditations for weight loss, work on yourself. It's all freely available.

Svetlana, I thank you for this technique. I couldn’t lose weight for a long time, but after your lecture about blockages and methods, I began to take care of myself. I really wanted to weigh 56 kg for the New Year, but I weighed 63. Now it’s a week before the New Year, and my weight is 55 kg 400g, I’m delighted. Thank you very much!

Hello Svetlana! I wanted to ask if you have a technique to increase the length of your legs?
Answer: no

I bought the technique and just started practicing. After giving birth, I gained 25 kg. I lost 9 kg, but didn’t lose the remaining 16 kg. But I began to understand the reasons, I understood a lot and came to the conclusion that I don’t need size 42 - I’m comfortable with size 48.
I'm used to being this size. Size 52-54 bothers me, I feel heavy. Therefore, girls, Sveta writes correctly - you need to determine what size is comfortable for you - and not chase after magazine pictures. Thank you Katya and Sveta - I will continue.

The technique is simply super! I bought it more than a year ago, practiced it for a couple of weeks, something didn’t work out, and I happily abandoned it. At the beginning of May, I remembered the technique and decided to try again. Oh miracle! My result is minus 7 cm in the waist and 5 cm in the hips, despite the fact that I haven’t really changed my diet and don’t do physical exercise at all. Thank you for this miracle, I will continue to lose weight.

Svetlana, you are the most magical person. I bought your book Look in the mirror and lose weight. It’s interesting whether or not you had such results in your practice. In 2 days, 2 kg and cellulite went away by 50-60 percent. The volume of the leg is almost ideal and this despite the fact that I only worked with the phrase “everything I eat is good for me” and so on. I stood near the mirror for 1-2 minutes. I’m shocked, I haven’t weighed 55 kg 500 g for 11 years. I have a hormonal imbalance after taking birth control pills. Even after giving birth, I weighed 43. A year ago, the lobe and isthmus of the thyroid gland were removed. That's it. I also forgot that I had a cesarean in 2006, which was very unsuccessful. The stomach is like a bag and big, there are no muscles. I'm working on it. I'm almost a beauty already. During these days I ate cheese and sausage and a cake, of course I can fit it in, previously on the scales the minimum was 1 kg, but now it’s a minus. How to work in such a way to attract a favorite and profitable business to myself, it just doesn’t work out.
> My gratitude on a universal scale! All the best! Prosper! I don’t want trivialities, all words are from the heart.
> Thursday, June 23, 2016 user Inna
>> Thank you.

Hello, in which stores can you find and buy your book? I really need to lose weight...
Answer: this is a methodology in pdf format, sent by email after payment.

I am very, very glad that I found this wonderful site and you Svetlana. Your technique really charges with energy and positivity. I bought it a long time ago, but I never got around to taking care of it. This summer I took a vacation and decided, no matter what, to lose weight. I actively took up and began to work according to your method. Special thanks for the lecture, it really helped me deal with my blocks. And lo and behold, in 2 months I lost 6 and a half kilograms, although I had to completely change my autumn wardrobe, but this is a joy for me. Thank you very much, I wish you happiness, love and prosperity. I'm looking forward to new techniques)

Thank you! helped!

Yes, yes yes and yes again! It works and is very cool. I can’t contain my emotions, you were right, Svetlana, that the main thing is to work through the blockages and constant practice. At first I rarely worked out and the result was practically invisible, but a month ago I clearly decided to take charge of myself, because it’s summer and I want to be in shape. I honestly completed all the tasks and here is my result, today when I stepped on the scale I was stunned, and when I fit into my old jeans I simply squealed with delight. Minus 4,800 on the scales, but outwardly it seems like I lost all 8)))) Thank you very much for your work. I'm just flying with happiness)))

Thank you Svetlana!!! The kilograms are melting and melting. To be honest, at first I thought that this technique was so simple, I dreamed in front of the mirror and that was it))) But no, it turned out to be not so simple, it is very difficult to work with blockages. I had to buy VIP because I couldn’t handle it myself, but after I contacted you everything worked out. The main thing in this method is practice and sorting out your problems, and of course, practice again. Audio meditations helped me a lot, after them I immediately felt great and my figure began to change before my eyes. In 5 months I dropped from 52 to 48. I’m moving on to the cherished 44))). Thank you for your care, work and for bringing us closer to our dream. Your happy and beautiful Lida!

Svetlana, tell me, is it possible to work separately with your method on thick and loose legs? Thank you
Answer: yes you can, you work on the figure as a whole, and if you don’t like only the legs or, for example, the stomach, then you work on that.

Hello, I want to leave my review, so to speak. I acquired a weight loss method a long time ago, but I worked out for two weeks, didn’t see much results and quit. But time passed and my sister had a desire to lose weight using this particular method, I kindly shared all the materials with her, honestly, I was sure in advance that this would not work. But since my sister lives in another city and we rarely see each other, what was my surprise when, having gathered with the whole family for the New Year holidays, we all saw not my plump sister, but an inch))) She lost weight from 50 to 46 sizes. I was shocked. After the New Year holidays, I started working out and promised myself that I wouldn’t quit until I got the desired result. I would like to thank Svetlana for paying attention to me and helping me figure it out. Today is already March, and the scales show minus 8 kg. And this is without diets or exercise equipment, and most importantly, my mood is at its best! Thank you very much!

I want to say a huge thank you to Svetlana. I purchased a version of the method with consultations about six months ago, but still did not dare to start practicing. A month and a half ago, I firmly decided that it was time, it was time to change. I started studying everything, and of course questions arose; I just couldn’t figure out my blockages. I began to attack Svetlana with my questions, to each letter I received a detailed answer and also new exercises, each letter set me up more and more for success in the fight against extra pounds. Honestly, sometimes I skipped and didn’t work out, but all the same, during this time my weight decreased by 3 kg, and my volume lost 3 cm. Svetlana also helped me understand a very important problem for me, relationships with men, now I feel lightness, self-confidence and that I will certainly succeed. Thank you for being real and for helping us become happier.

Svetlana, hello. Please tell me, how long does it take for the first result to appear? I’ve been working out with a mirror for a month, doing salt baths, although I can’t decide on the magic soup (I don’t like cabbage), but I haven’t lost weight, and even gained 3 kg. My height is 162, my weight was 58, I wanted to lose it to 50. Why did I gain it, I don’t understand? The blocking worked well.
Answer: the first results appear differently for everyone, for some already in the first weeks, for others after one and a half to two months. If your results stay the same, and even vice versa, you get better, it means you are doing something wrong, or not all the blockages have been worked through. Write me an email in more detail about what and how you do and whether you do it daily, and I will tell you what your mistake and problem are. Perhaps you are also not working with the mirror correctly.

Hello Svetlana. I used to buy Sinelnikov’s book “Love Your Illness,” which is also about the subconscious. This book lays out everything in detail on how to establish contact with the subconscious, but I can’t do it at all. I can’t communicate with the subconscious. But I really want to. Is there a 100% guarantee that using your book I will establish contact with the subconscious and find out why I am gaining weight, why it hurts there, why I cannot improve my relationship with my husband, etc. I just don't want to throw money away.
Answer: my method is not a panacea for everything, it is aimed specifically at losing weight, identifying blockages that give fullness, working through them and also doing exercises specifically to improve your figure. It does not cure any diseases. To attract love, there is my other technique “how to attract love”. Regarding health, read the articles on the site. My technique has nothing in common with Sinelnikov’s book; I have different exercises and techniques.

I first turned to Svetlana and purchased the “Look in the mirror and lose weight” technique from her 5 months ago. But circumstances were such that I began to use it in October 2014.

Before this, I tried several times all sorts of ways to lose excess weight, and if the kilos went away, they came back... And this despite the fact that I have been doing oriental dancing for the second year, and have also been doing oriental dancing for 5.5 years every morning bodyflex, plus on top of everything I got a puppy a year ago and I walk three times, i.e. My lifestyle cannot be called “sedentary”.
Of course, the figure looked athletic, but all this remained under a layer of fat. So, at the time I became familiar with the technique, I weighed 87 kg. The maximum that I managed in the “fight” with excess weight was to reach 82 kg, and this was under the condition of extreme moral stress and self-abuse by refusing my usual diet.

The results to date, after starting to use Svetlana’s invention, have exceeded all my expectations: 14(!) cm have gone from the waist, this morning I weighed myself - 76 kg(!), the volume under the breasts has gone from 95 cm to 80 cm. By the way, the first thing I noticed when my weight suddenly exceeded 80 kg that it became easier for me to walk and my breathing became easier. And imagine, I’m far from a girl - I’m 39 years old - but the weight has gone off, and those around me immediately see it. I’ll tell you more, the weight continues to slowly decrease, I think that sooner or later it will become what it should be, taking into account my physique and lifestyle. Now I have to think about updating my wardrobe. For example, jeans from size 33 became size 31.

Svetlana’s informative and voluminous methodology is quick and easy to read, thanks to a well-thought-out structure, and allows you to easily understand the essence. Svetlana revealed the proposed steps to solve the problem of excess weight in an accessible form. Therefore, I think that her author’s development is suitable for both beginners and those already “experienced” who want to be slim. In general, FSEM IS AMAZING TO READ!

Best regards, Alexandra.

Updated 08/21/2015

I am that Sasha [...] it took me another five kg. Today I will send photos, only if you post them, please retouch your face.

Svetochka, thank you, thank you and thank you 1000,000 times. Everything worked out, I’m slim again. I bought a dress with an open back, clingy, I had only dreamed of wearing this before, but my figure didn’t allow it, but now my happiness and delight know no bounds, I will shine and conquer everyone with my graceful figure!

Good evening, Svetlana)) I managed to reduce my weight)) Thank you very much)) I am very glad that I found you)) Today, I sent money through Sberbank for the practice “You are the wizard of your life” I saw that you are going do a marathon with Ekaterina) So cool, I was looking for something like that. You are so smart, thank you!!!)))))

Is it possible to change my appearance using your technique? I want me to have BIG BEAUTIFUL EYES AND LONG BLACK EYELASHES. But in fact, I have small eyes and dark brown eyelashes.
Can you change everything you want in your appearance using this technique, or are there some nuances that cannot be changed?
Answer: Eyes can be enlarged with exercise. You can also work on your eyelashes. I would rather suggest you not a weight loss technique, but to take part in ours, where you will not only be able to change your appearance, but will generally be transformed, work on your inner beauty and attractiveness.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the creator of this site and Svetlana. You helped me understand all my attitudes, understand what I am afraid of, what I want. I was able to start loving myself and believing in my strengths
I changed inside and it clearly affected my appearance. Now my wardrobe had to change to 2 sizes smaller and this is not the limit. People around me all say how younger I look, ask for the names of creams and procedures, and the most interesting thing is that men several years younger than me began to court me. This is a paradox!

I’ve been working out for 3 months now, the result is 1) I’ve lost one size. 2) I began to love and appreciate myself, completely changed my image. 3) People around me couldn’t help but notice my changes, and now every day I feel men looking at me and, as proof, I hear compliments. 4) My relationship with my husband has improved, he again began to pay attention to me and even give me flowers. 5) I was offered to lead an interesting project. I am still striving for my ideal, but what I have already received has already changed my life. I am very grateful to Svetlana and the creator of this site, you can’t even imagine what you do for people, it’s just a miracle. And I want to wish everyone else success, change your thinking and attitude towards everything, work on yourself and don’t stop, even if something doesn’t work out and it seems like everything is in vain. Changing your thoughts and all your beliefs is very difficult, tested on yourself.