▫ Alexander Gennadievich, why not? There were enough problems in the country, and there is real evidence that the same I. Stalin often refused this “export”, although he had such opportunities. Now, if we were talking about Ulyanov, I would doubt it, very much so. By the way, I somehow had to work in 1998 with a number of once secret directives of the 1920s, in Leninka. They are still not publicly available, they are issued only for scientific work, and even then under the supervision of staff. They are so vigilant! I even gave a subscription; copying and distributing it was then prohibited. White gloves and all that... In general, I came to the conclusion that Stalin, compared to Ilyich, is white and fluffy. The documents contained reports of the number of those executed, the majority behind his resolution. Moreover, sometimes a family stole a bag of grain for all sorts of bullshit - they were shot. Everyone. So here it is. So, Stalin, with his sometimes forced repressions, is a baby. Alexander Leonidovich, I))) didn’t say that. Not even close. There were also priests who went over to the side of the Nazis. Was? Was. Are the Cossacks, who are now so persistently promoted, heroes or traitors-collaborators? Well, there’s no definitive answer here. History knows both those and other examples. There were Plastuns - the elite of our intelligence, there were Cossacks who became heroes of the Union, but there were also those who accepted titles and awards from the Nazis, burned, killed and raped. That's right, the main thing is to look adequately and see both sides of the coin. With princes, too, everything is not so clear. Some obviously kissed, like the Ryazan principality in the Battle of Kulikovo, for the sake of their interests, others were ready to die... With all this, I will also note that it is still better to be proud of the country’s victories than, based on individual vile facts, to criticize it indiscriminately.
▫ Thank you!
▫ Igor Vyacheslavovich, you yourself talked about how history is distorted - I just continued, and using a domestic example: the “creativity” of certain confessions. And the fact that they meddle in the topic of the Second World War with their “victorious” statements (from my point of view - so deeply insulting not only veterans) is not my fault, but their deep problem. Midway is negative. Is the fiction from these non-comrades positive, or what? But no, the same Midway, only even more offensive. It's one thing - they fought. “Thanks to us they won” is another matter. The horse is saddled according to their deeds and words, and not according to my passion. The lack of choice does not mean that the destruction of their own people by princes should be written off from history. This means that assessments should be given... adequate. When it’s only positive, it’s also somehow not ice. One-sided - and, as a result, incorrect. There is always a choice - to kiss the boot or die with honor. But they so skillfully learned to recognize kissing boots as a feat...

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It’s always unpleasant when the program interface changes, settings are lost, and necessary buttons disappear. One of these unpleasant situations is the disappearance of the display of sheets in the panel next to the scroll. Maybe this happened by accident, or maybe the children managed to remove the sheets from the program, or so colleagues joked on April 1st. The absence of a sheet panel in the window is convenient when the user always works with one sheet, but most often sheets are still needed. How to enable the display of Excel sheets in the bottom panel?

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Presentation on the topic "Japan" in geography for schoolchildren. Consists of twenty-three slides and tells about the symbols of Japan, the spirit of the nation of Japan. The history of Japan is also covered.

Text fragments from the presentation:

Sakura is a symbol of Japan.

Tokyo- Capital of Japan.

Kyoto- from 794 - until 1868 - this city remained the capital of Japan, the cultural and spiritual center of the country, the place of permanent residence of the emperors. More than two thousand temples and pagodas have survived in modern Kyoto.

The most important role in the development of Japanese architectural styles was played by the penetration of Buddhism into the country in the 6th century.

  • Daihoonji Temple
  • Kiyomitsu Temple (Pure Water Temple)
  • Silver Pavilion
  • Nantzenji Temple next to the Silver Pavilion
  • The Golden Pavilion stands on the shore of the lake, but the interior is separated from the exterior by sliding walls. When the walls are moved apart, this separation disappears and nature comes inside the house.
  • Garden at Kiyomitsu Temple
  • Rock Garden (Ryoanji)

This fusion with the natural environment had a profound impact on the development of garden art, one of the most distinctive types of medieval art in Japan.

In the temple gardens of Zen monasteries, a type of symbolic garden gradually developed - a dry landscape.

In his composition, mountains, streams, and cascades were indicated by stones and sand. There were no flowering plants in such gardens - only trees and shrubs. But the main thing in the work of a garden artist was suteisi - the art of arranging stones.

At first, only members of the imperial family had the right to make sake; later this skill was adopted by Buddhist monks, and only in the Middle Ages did peasant farms begin to produce this drink for their own consumption. The method of obtaining the drink in those distant times was very picturesque, but not very hygienic. Rice grains were simply chewed and spat into wooden containers, where fermentation took place without any fuss.

Purer sake began to be produced only in the 12th century. The drink began to be produced on an industrial scale in the 17th century.

In a social sense, geisha are valuable for Japan because now only they have become carriers of the spirit of antiquity: only geisha know how to wear a kimono exactly as it should, and only they have the quantity left that a self-respecting Japanese woman should once have had.

  • Karate
  • Master Oyama. Fight with a bull
  • a symbiosis of the Japanese poetic genre “haiku” and visual arts - photography, painting, graphics
  • Yellow leaves
  • These are the feelings of trees
  • Flying away
  • Kateggh