It's still hard to be a celebrity! There are always cameras around, journalists scurrying around, and every step taken or word spoken is recorded by the ubiquitous paparazzi.

While entire teams of PR people, press secretaries and agents carefully develop their image - kind and noble, wild and funny, or soft and courteous - celebrities themselves can sometimes make a mistake and say something completely ridiculous. These funny quotes celebrities clearly demonstrate that you can easily change someone's perception of yourself, but you can never stop being who you are.

This list contains several of the most funny sayings celebrities of our time. While we might expect to hear stupidity from the lips of celebrities whom we know to be not very smart, some of the most popular and worthy famous people of our time, sometimes they also get into trouble.

Find out if your favorite celebrity has ever said anything funny with this list of 25 funny and ridiculous statements famous people who will make you laugh.

25. Axl Rose

"It's actually very difficult to have a one-on-one relationship with someone who doesn't allow me to be with other people."

24. Tina Fey

"I'd like to sell my heart for another liver so I can drink more and worry less about it."

23. Sean Connery

"I like women. I don't understand them, but I like them."

22. Al Pacino

"I asked God for a bike, but then I realized that wasn't how it worked. So I stole the bike and asked God for forgiveness."

21. Jessica Simpson

"Is it chicken or fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken of the Sea'."

20. Melissa Etheridge

"This one is the only one naked man that will ever end up in my bedroom."

19. Kanye West

"I won't go on about reincarnation, but the first time I went to Gucci in Chicago, I felt right at home."

18.50 Cent

"I can't believe my grandma makes me take out the trash. I'm rich, ***, and when I come home, I don't need this ***!"

17. Denise Richards(Denise Richards)

"I'm not really the best advisor. I got divorced and stole my best friend's husband."

16. Arnold Schwarzenegger

"I think gay marriage is something special that should be between a man and a woman."

15. Loretta Lynn

“I liked Michael Jackson better as a dark-skinned man. And I also liked his nose a lot better back then. If he makes it even smaller, I don’t know how he’s going to breathe.”

14. Pete Sampras

"I didn't have a big fat Greek wedding, but I have a lot of fat Greek friends."

13. Britney Spears

"I never really wanted to go to Japan. Just because I don't like to eat fish. And I know it's very popular there in Africa."

12. Miley Cyrus

"I can't sing, I can't dance because I'm a stupid redneck, but I can shake my ass, so I don't care."

11. Kid Rock

"If I were the President of the good old States, I would turn churches into strip clubs and watch the whole world pray."

10. Jack Nicholson

"I hate it when they say, 'Nice to meet you,' before I've even had a chance to say anything. How do you know I'm a pleasure to meet? I'm a ****.”

9. Christina Aguilera

"I wouldn't feel okay wearing clothes that covered my body."

8. Arnold Schwarzenegger

"The best activity for your body is to swing and fuck."

7. Paris Hilton

"What is Wal-Mart? They sell things like walls there?" [apparently, she confused part of the name of the store - "wal" - with the word "wall" ("wall") - approx. transl.]

6. Bette Midler

"If sex is such a natural phenomenon, then why are there so many books on how to have it?"

5. Geri Halliwell

"At first my mother was Spanish. Then she became a Jehovah's Witness."

4. George Clooney

"Run for Senate? No. I've slept with too many women, I've done too many drugs and been to too many parties."

3. Lil Wayne

"I learned this in college. You have to smoke a joint the night before an exam while you're studying, and then another joint in the morning, and everything you read will be remembered. I did this five times and I swear to God, I never got less than a 92." ".

2. Paula Abdul

"I'm tired of people not treating me like the gift that I am."

1. Betty White

"Why are those who want to become strong told, 'You have to grow balls first'? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you really want to become strong, first you have to grow a vagina - that's where it takes the hardest hit."

Jennifer Psaki, whose phrases have spread all over the Internet, is far from the only politician, who regularly makes mistakes in his speeches. Let's remember who else regularly made the world community laugh with their ridiculous phrases.

1. John Kerry
Jennifer Psaki's boss, US Secretary of State John Kerry, was also different interesting statements. For example, speaking to university students in Virginia, he said that “Americans support democratic institutions in Georgia and Kyrzakhstan.”

2. George Bush
The record holder for the number of blunders is, of course, George W. Bush. During his presidency he public speaking made more mistakes than Psaki and Kerry combined in their entire lives.

Moreover, Bush's mistakes were not always harmless. For example, during a visit to Japan, he confused the words “devaluation” and “deflation.” As a result, the yen rate went down. The situation was corrected only after the statement official representative The White House, which stated that the president had misspoke.

However, most of Bush's mistakes did not have such serious consequences. For example, he confused Australia and Austria, and asked the President of Brazil in surprise: “Do you also have blacks?” In 2004, Bush, following a meeting with the President of Chile, said: “We reaffirmed our commitment to decisively fight terror, root out the drug trade and pay tribute to those who corrupt our youth.”

The Americans also laughed at this phrase from the president: “I would like to thank my friend Senator Furst for joining us today. You know, he's married to a girl from Texas. I want you to say hello to her: Karen - she's a simple Texas girl just like me."

At times, Bush's remarks sounded truly ominous. “Our enemies are inventive and resourceful, but we are no worse. They are constantly coming up with new ways to harm our country and our people, and so do we,” he once said. And the phrase “I have the honor of shaking the hand of the brave Iraqi whose hand was cut off by Saddam Hussein” would be the envy of many masters of the horror genre.

3. Sarah Palin
Other US politicians were also remembered for their funny statements. Thus, vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, polemicizing against vegetarians, asked a rhetorical question: “If God didn’t want us to eat animals, then why did he make them from meat?”
4. John McCain.
Sarah Palin's fellow Republican John McCain was once very concerned that "armed clashes have occurred on the border between Iraq and Pakistan."

5. Mitt Romney
The presidential candidate from Republican Party Mitt Romney, outraged by the fact that the windows on the plane do not open. “If there is a fire on board, you have nowhere to go... you can’t breathe, air from outside doesn’t come in because the windows don’t open... This serious problem. And it’s very dangerous,” he once said after his wife survived a plane crash landing. Romney also added to the collection of geographic blunders of American politicians. According to newspaper estimates The Guardian, during 2012, he stated six times in his election speeches that Syria is the only route to the sea for Iran.

6. Viktor Yanukovych
Of course, it's not just American politicians who make mistakes. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was especially remembered for his blunders. So, he called Israel European country, and simply “gave” the Greek Mount Athos to Palestine. During the 2010 election campaign, Viktor Yanukovych called Bulgaria Belarus, the famous Russian poetess Anna Akhmatova - “Akhmetova” (apparently, confusing her surname with the surname of the oligarch), Anton Chekhov - Ukrainian writer, and the corrupt system is democratic.

A funny incident happened when Yanukovych spoke in Lvov. “The best genocides of the country have gathered here!” - he addressed the city residents. “Not genocides, but the gene pool,” his assistant suggested to the president. “Yes, and the gene pool too,” Yanukovych was not embarrassed.

I also remember the phrase uttered by Yanukovych after a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev: “At the very beginning, Dmitry Anatolyevich and I agreed that we would not talk about bad things, but would do better.”

7. Vladimir Putin
Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s slip of the tongue during a teleconference with the people in 2006 was immediately dubbed the “Freudian slip.” The President said that Russia had finally paid off all its debts. “And now no one needs us,” the head of state sadly concluded. After a second he corrected himself - “they don’t owe it to anyone.”

8. Viktor Chernomyrdin
The “Chernomyrdinkas” could well be a worthy competitor to the “psakisms” and “Bushisms” in Russia. Thanks to aphorisms former prime minister, Russians learned that “you have to be born into charisma,” “there’s no worse thing than vodka,” that “you can’t harness a cart in the middle of a horse,” and “the government is not a body where you can only use your tongue.”

If you want to know how stupid quotes can be and just laugh or be surprised by it, then you have come to the right page. Here are the dumbest quotes found on the Internet.

I'm smarter now. They shout at me: “Hey, Paris, take off your top!” Sorry no. They just want to take my picture and make money. And I'm not stupid!

First my mother was Spanish, and then she became a Jehovah's Witness
Geri Halliwell

I have an opinion on all issues. Very clear opinion. True, sometimes I disagree with him


What kind of things are they? stupid statements. Creepy.

When you talk to a very smart person, you feel stupid. And when you talk to a stupid person, you feel how dumb you are.
Stas Yankovsky

I feel good when I'm happy
Winona Ryder

I absolutely want to baptize Brooklyn, although I haven’t decided on religion yet


I think that same-sex marriage is something that should happen between a man and a woman
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Grudge is a sign of old age. I’m young, so I throw other people’s words out of my head, nothing sticks in my memory...
“Image for rent” Daria Dontsova

Smoking kills. And if you are killed, you lose an important part of your life.
Brooke Shields

Our offensive is like the Pythagorean theorem - there is no answer to it


I'm Armenian, so of course I'm addicted to laser hair removal
Kim Kardashian

If I get married, it will most likely be a woman
Dima Bilan

Everything needs to be looked at in perspective. For example, now I respect people without legs
Jessie J

A happy actor is dead actor, because only after death you cannot change. After death I'll probably be a brush
Sylvester Stallone

I do very boring things. I have to wear blue pants all the time
Dmitry Medvedev

I want to be like Gandhi, Martin Luther King or John Lenon. Only alive.


I'm not anorexic. I'm from Texas. Are there anorexics in Texas? I haven't heard of this!
Jessica Simpson

Every time I watch TV and see all these hungry children in different countries, I can't hold back my tears. I really want to be as thin, but without all this torment, death and everything else.
Mariah Carey

I never wanted to visit Japan. Just because I don’t like fish, but it’s very popular there in Africa
Britney Spears

I began to notice gravity as a child
Cameron Diaz

We hope that by reading these stupid phrases you will become smarter. Dumb Quotes- this is interesting.

Celebrities from the world of cinema and pop, as well as world politicians, like no one else, must monitor the correctness of their speech and avoid making ridiculous mistakes, because millions look up to them and look up to them. But this is all in theory, but in practice, many of them, in their interviews, say such absurdities that one becomes ashamed of them. In 2003, a special award was even organized for these “smart guys” called the “World Prize for Stupidity.” It is noteworthy that you can vote for each contestant nominated for this award via the Internet.

Christina Aguilera:

“So, where will the Cannes Film Festival be held this year?”

Brooke Shields:

"Smoking kills, yes. If you are killed, you have lost the most important part of your life."
“It would be better if I lost my virginity not at 22, but earlier. I suppose that in this case it would be easier for me to find myself, and even difficulties with overweight It would be less in college.”

Steven Seagal:

"People all over the world see me as their spiritual leader."

Paris Hilton:

"Kabbalah helps me resist own fears. For example, if one of my friends takes my clothes and then doesn’t give them back. And if I meet her in this outfit, I will definitely confront her."

Britney Spears:

Journalist: Britney, what do you think about the meeting between Tony Blair and George Bush this week?
Spears: Who is Tony Blair?
Journalist: British Prime Minister.
Spears: I guess he's a big shot.

Mike Tyson:

"Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into a Bolivian."

Jessica Simpson:

“Is there fish or chicken on my plate? I know there’s tuna, they call it chicken of the sea.”

Victor Yanukovich:

“At the very beginning, Dmitry Anatolyevich and I agreed that we would not talk about bad things, but would do better.”

“The best genocides of the country have gathered here! ... Yes, and the gene pool too.”

“At a minimum, we should not trade grain, but should process it, for example, into meat or meat products.”

Alexander Lukashenko:

"Soon the Belarusian people will eat normal, human eggs."

"It's time to take action and veto the taboo!"

“Don’t complain to me about your illness here! We have a lot of sick people in our government.”

“In our family we have one, one and a half, two children maximum!”

“Belarus stood on the edge of the abyss, and I helped it take a step forward.”

“We will widen this bottleneck and increase the birth rate.”

Viktor Chernomyrdin:

“I can speak to everyone in any language, but I try not to use this tool.” “You have to be born into charisma.”

“When I know it will help, I won’t hold it back!”

"Russia is a seasonal country."

Victor Yushchenko:

"The rich man must pay the full price, and the poor man must be protected by law."

Leonid Kuchma:

"I became more, you know, angry. Angry in the good sense of the word."

“I am the president, the head of state, and I should not deal with the many issues that I have to deal with, including the economy.”

Mikheil Saakashvili:

"France and I have always had a good relationship, but after this meeting (with President Sarkozy) everything turned 180 percent."

“I brought Minister Tkeshelashvili to you. He will tell you what and where he will do it for you.”

“And today Georgia is becoming an exporter of eggs to Iraq.”

George Bush:

“I am proud to be a nation founded on such great values.”

"America is addicted to oil."

Jennifer Psaki:

Psaki: - We do not recognize the results of the referendums in Lugansk and Donetsk. There were continuous violations: voting carousels, involving children in voting, pre-marked ballots.

Sorry Jen, maybe I'm just ignorant, but this is the first I've heard of this. What are election carousels?

To be honest, I read this, but I’m also not familiar with this term.

Vitaliy Klichko:

“And today, tomorrow, not everyone can watch. Or rather, not only everyone can watch, few people can do it.”

"If a person put on an SS uniform, then... there is a clear... he painted himself in the colors in which he... painted himself. And... those people who... uh... there are very there are many points of view on this matter... I clearly adhere to and... I clearly understand that those manifestations. If you are already asking the question so bluntly that we supposedly..."