Ancestral energies are a very powerful force. We often don’t notice this kind of support, but it exists. It is greater the better the relations among the living members of the clan and the purer the relations were among those who are no longer alive. Then the ancestral energies flow unhindered, and each of those living today receives them in full. But this is not always the case. We may not be aware of this, but the relationships of our ancestors still influence us, as well as what these ancestors were like: if there were many black magicians in the family, family curses that the members of the family themselves sent to each other, or others sent it to them, then all this negativity now creates the karma of the family and affects those living today. And such an impact can take different forms - from illnesses, even fatal ones, and accidents to failures in life, difficulties in starting a family, problems of consciousness and much more.


  1. Understand and accept your place, role and tasks in the family
  2. If you are not in your place, or playing a role that is not yours, then, having understood this, allow the ancestral system to be rebuilt so that you take your true, harmonious place, thus restoring the harmonious flow of ancestral energy
  3. Restoring the male and female ancestral streams allows you not only to improve relationships with relatives, but also to harmonize relationships with the opposite sex, as well as provide a more harmonious and enlightened life for your children and grandchildren.


  • 2 techniques for restoring connection with your Feminine gender, we open the flow of Yin energy:
  • 2 prayers + 1 meditation to restore Ancestral energy connections, remove negative ancestral programs and claim your right to the Power of the Ancestral.


Feminine strength is what attracts men to a woman. Men subconsciously feel the power of a woman and are drawn to her, she attracts them and fascinates them. Female power... have you ever wondered what it is? How much feminine power do you have? And where does it come from? Why are some women always in the center of male attention, while others are deprived of it, although they may have an attractive appearance and a good figure?

Did you know that the life of every person is influenced by the fate of his family in three generations. One way or another, you feel some kind of influence. Some things affect you positively, some negatively.

The world for us begins with MOTHER - she lets us into life, she becomes the first woman we recognize, and she also gives us an example of femininity. The connection with our mother and the relationship with her influence our entire future life as a woman - our attitude towards ourselves, towards men, towards children.

Our mothers raised us the best they could, the best they knew how - they were taught this way by their mothers, or, conversely, they were NOT taught. It often happens that daughters promise themselves: “I will never!” Never! I won’t be like my mother!” Or: “I didn’t ask HER to give birth to me! Now I’m on my own, and my mother is on her own!” Or not so sharply: “Mom is very caring, but she’s already tired of me with her love. I want to run away somewhere...”

And these are not just words - at such a moment a woman renounces her connection with the roots of her clan, her Feminine Gender. Whether we know it or not, in our subconscious we carry the message of our Feminine Gender - both positive and negative.

I offer you two techniques for restoring connection with your Feminine gender, the flow of Yin energy:

  • This is the receipt of the abilities, talents, support, approval and strength of the Family on the maternal side.
  • Receiving support and approval from the Feminine Mother.
  • This is a “new birth” technique in order to rewrite the negative matrices of birth, the trauma of existence and other severe negative programs of birth and childhood (which I wrote about in the article Mental splits of childhood). You will be able to get rid of the influence of bad perinatal birth matrices on the possibility of a joyful, fruitful life.
  • Powerful grounding - the ability to realize in matter will increase significantly.

II MODULE. REMOVING negative birth programs

Loneliness, illness, failures in the family or in business, problems with children, difficulties with self-realization, childlessness, lack of understanding with parents, financial difficulties and much more - all these are problems caused by violations in the family program.

Often, trying to cope with these problems, we overcome enormous efforts on ourselves, read a large amount of literature, attend trainings and seminars for personal growth, but the problem remains unresolved. Sometimes success comes, but then we seem to fall into the abyss of bad luck and previous complications in life. We look for the reason in ourselves, but in fact the reasons for failure are hidden in the generic program.

We are a continuation of our ancestors, their actions and ideas, the difficulties they experienced and much more.

I suggest 2 prayers + 1 meditation to remove negative birth programs, with which you can:

  • Cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th generation
  • Seek guidance, help and support from any of your ancestors.
  • Restore broken connections in the energy system of my Family.
  • Claim your right to the Power of the Family.

the cost of both modules is 1.5 thousand rubles.



Good afternoon, Lyudmila! Of course it’s worth it, and it doesn’t matter whether you remember your grandparents’ names. I think that you are at that very wonderful age, which is given just for forgiveness, the opportunity to finally achieve peace in your soul. And generic programs, negativity towards relatives is what this peace takes away. It's never too late to let go of negativity. You can also read the reprimand from the family.

  • #3

    Thank you so much for answering me, Lisa! Forgive me one more question. I lived in Kyrgyzstan, I had to send my son to Norilsk to his sister after the army, because... there was nowhere to work. In 2001, he died in his apartment, from which I have not known for 17 years. Maybe you can help. If you don't answer, I'll understand.

  • #4

    As I understand it, you have nothing to answer me. Thank you!

  • #5

    Unfortunately, I can’t say anything about my son (((

  • The effect of healing a family can be compared to a stone thrown into water. Waves of creative energy spread both into the future and into the past, washing away negative traces in the family line. You and your children will be freed from difficult programs and will be able to choose their own lives, not burdened by bad heredity.

    Meditation from Archangel Michael for cleansing and healing the family:

    1. Take a comfortable position.
    2. Breathe and relax.
    Sit or lie down, close your eyes and begin to take a few deep breaths.

    Relax, feel your body. Look at yourself from the outside. Feel your hands and feet, how they are filled with the pure Divine energy of the Father-Creator. You can invite your Guardian Angels, Mentors, Teachers to accompany you on this journey to your Family.

    Slow down your breathing and focus all your awareness on relaxing your body, calming your mind, and letting all your daily worries go.

    We take a slow, 1-2-3-4 deep breath, and imagine how energy pours into us and passes through our entire body, freeing each of our cells from accumulated negativity, pain...etc.

    Exhale slowly for 1-2-3-4, exhale and imagine how we exhale all the negative energy that has stagnated in us, all experiences, adversities, problems, etc.... We repeat at least three times.

    Our body is calm, our mind is clear, we feel the warmth spreading over our shoulders, arms, stomach, legs... We connect with our Higher\\Inner Self. You feel calm, balanced, your thoughts are clear, you are connected with your Self .

    3. Let's ground ourselves.
    (everyone does this as they are used to)

    Intention: “We ask you to cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th generation on the maternal and paternal lines.”

    I am Mikhail, I came according to your intention
    And I will cleanse the family up to the 9th generation
    You need to relax, breathing evenly.
    We will go with you to a cave in the center of the Earth,
    Where are your books of Life collected?
    Give me your hand, I will lead you.
    Trust me!
    We are with you at the majestic mountain,
    The Gate appears before us,
    And the doors open with a creak.
    There are steps in front of us and we go down the steps
    We enter the gate.
    Look, what do you see?
    This is the beginning of our journey.
    The steps lead further down and we go down them lower and lower until we reach the door.
    Look at the door, what is it like?

    And express your intention again

    I,____[enter name here]____, Please cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th generation on the maternal and paternal lines.”
    The door swings open
    You enter a large and bright hall,
    There is a table in the middle of the hall,
    There is a book on the table.
    Look at the book, what is it like?
    Take her in your hands
    This is a book of your incarnations and lessons.
    If you are interested, you can look through it,
    Or we can start work right away.
    Put your hands on the book
    I lay my hands on yours
    And I open the Flow of Light and Love
    I open the Violet Flame of Transformation.
    These streams in one impulse fill and illuminate your genealogies.
    Cleans from plaque.
    You ask for forgiveness from everyone you once offended,
    Those who gave you lessons ask for forgiveness from you.
    Forgive everyone with all your heart and accept everything in yourself and others.
    Open your heart to All Acceptance!
    And let your Love and Light flow always and everywhere, Here and Now!
    I am Michael, I heal all your wounds,
    I wipe away all your tears
    I transform hate into love
    Diseases in the Light,
    I fill you with Peace of Being and Wisdom.

    Your family tree, look at it.
    How does your tree feel?
    Are there any disadvantages to it?
    Little light? Lots of shade? Dry branches? Is the soil dry? What kind of leaves?
    Give the Tree what it needs.

    Say it like this:

    “Archangel Michael, give my family tree as much light as it needs, as much fertile soil as it needs and as much as it needs, etc.”

    Now we can finish the job.
    I take my hands off your hands,
    Now you let go of your hands.
    Look at the book, what does it look like now?
    Are there any changes?
    Thank her and let her go.

    You and I are returning,
    Give me your hand.
    We go out, and the door closes with a creak.
    Now we go up the steps, one after another.
    And here are the gates, they are open,
    We go out, turn around, and the gate evaporates.
    We are standing at the foot of the mountain.
    Thank this place for allowing you into the Hall of Memory!
    The Invisible Servants hear everything.
    The rustling of the trees tells you that you have been heard,
    And they were happy to help.
    I hold your hand and return you to your place,
    You are at home.

    You can open your eyes.
    You are at home.
    This concludes our journey to the Hall of Memory.
    Thank you for your work and trust in me.
    With love Archangel Michael!
    Truly so!

    Let's figure out why you need to heal your family?

    • If you want more from life, the current level does not suit you.
    • If you can't live easily and freely.
    • If your fate is not going well.
    • If you are plagued by relationship problems or health problems.
    • If many relatives have similar scenarios (childlessness, lack of money, unhappy marriages, etc.).
    • If there were severe cases of death, suicide, poverty and disease in the family...

    This means you should look into the past and start healing your family.

    Each of us is connected with our Family, with our Ancestors. Almost all traditions claim that our life and destiny are closely determined by the program of the Family. Any doctor today will tell you that 80% of your health depends on heredity. What your ancestors were sick with, the more you can get sick, but if your ancestors were healthy and strong people, then the safety margin of your health is very significant. In fact, not only health, but also many lines of fate are determined by ancestors.

    A person is a member of the clan and generic system. He is born within the framework of this system, and the system distributes to him everything accumulated that it itself possesses. What does it have? “Baggage” from energy (negative or positive), ancestral karma (positive or negative), the quality of ancestral ties, the strength or weakness of the genus. The generic system functions according to the principle of hierarchy (pyramid) and succession. What was “acquired” in the system before the appearance of a new member of the system, those achievements, that energy and resources will be used by the new member of the system.

    That is, a child, like a flower, blossoms and grows on the foundation, energy, resources that his parents and the generic system as a whole give him. If new members of the system do not replenish it with their investments (energy, kindness, love, care), the energy of the system will dry up, and new members of the clan will get less and less of the clan’s resources - everything positive and good will be “eaten up” before it...

    No one drops out of the clan, from the ancestral ties. The ancestral memory “carries” within itself the “archives” of all members of the clan and accumulates all their deeds, all their influences on the clan - good and bad. Even if a person did not invest either good or bad into the generic system, he still weakened the system - by the fact that he used generic resources and did not invest or compensate for what was spent. Although the system influences each of its members, worsening or improving its state of affairs, each member of the system can have a positive or negative impact on the system, strengthening or weakening it, and sometimes destroying it. This is the effect of mutual responsibility. Also, the new member of the system will be “inscribed” in the ancestral karma, which will influence his life simultaneously with his individual karma. Energy and karma developed and accumulated by parents and ancestors in general have already influenced you, determining your basic data, characteristics, characteristics and conditions in which you were born. And they will continue to influence.

    If your ancestors and relatives quarrel, drink, harm each other and other people, destroy themselves and others, hate each other, live in anger and envy, curse each other or other people, “shatter and destroy the system” - the consequences of all this “will leak out.” "and to you. It’s not a fact that it’s in the same format, it’s not a fact that it’s “one to one,” but in general - in the form of various deteriorations in your destiny and life.

    What goes around comes around. Only the ancestors sow, and the descendants reap. And a person, trying “on his own” to break out of his vicious circle of problems, often forgets about the problems of the ancestral order, and the struggle for his happiness will be complicated by the fact that a person is fighting against the system, trying to break out of the system that is his "holds the legs so that the birth lasts"- you probably could hear such expressions. Just like this - a strong family, a happy family, a lucky family, a rich family. These are characteristics of the quality and strength of the family.

    • Here is one family - a rich one,
    • the other is poor,
    • the third is “none.”

    In one family there are cancer patients, alcoholics, schizophrenics, and chronic need. But in the other - no. Why? The quality of energy, ancestral connections and ancestral karma that the genus possesses is why.

    How do you understand what kind of power you are connected with, positive or negative?

    Connection with the positive force of the family:

    • You do a lot or almost everything in your life easily;
    • You are almost never haunted by negativity in any areas;
    • You have good dreams;
    • Your family, parental and personal, has good relationships, filled with love and positivity;
    • Health is normal;
    • You can shape your destiny the way you want;
    • You are not held responsible for the fates and misfortunes of your relatives.

    Connection with the negative force of the family:

    • Severe mental states, mood swings;
    • You very often remember conflicts in your family, with your parents, etc. or you are in conflict;
    • You have difficult dreams about your ancestors;
    • You feel or it seems to you that your parents or your family will not allow you to build your life the way you want;
    • You think you are indebted to your loved ones;
    • There is very little love and a lot of negativity in your parental family and in your family;
    • You don't feel happy in life.

    In order for your life and the life of your children to improve, you should begin to heal and cleanse the ancestral energy of the family.

    Healing of the race- this is a whole arsenal of actions aimed at cleansing oneself and one’s ancestral system. The root lies in changing your attitude towards life, as well as full and good contact with your ancestral system, so that it does not interfere, but helps you live. In a word, you need to work in two directions at once: on yourself and with the strength of your family.

    Healing the family is the best way to correct your destiny.

    Possessing the power of calling the Ascended Masters, the energies of Angels and Archangels, Reiki energy and other healing frequencies, master healer, acts as a conductor of pure divine energy.

    During the session, the divine channel is opened and tuned in to receive subtle energies to transfer them to the client. The entire process of work takes place in the Healing Stream, through the Ascended Masters, Guides and Mentors. The value of such a session is that when tuning into divine frequencies, the healing process starts in the most favorable way and continues for a long time until the situation is resolved and healed.

    • Each person is unique, and it is for him that he needs his own special method and approach.
    • Each healing session is a unique process of interaction with a person from the soul level through intuitive vision and clairvoyance.
    • To remove negative programs (ancestral programs), Reiki energy, crystals, high-frequency settings, energies of Angels and Archangels, the Lords of Karma are successfully used, and practices of immersion into the client’s past lives, into his inner world, into the mystery of feelings, emotions and energies are used.
    • In the Healing Stream, work occurs not only with the physical body, but also with all subtle bodies, with consciousness and subconsciousness, and with all birth canals at the same time.
    • This is not a one-day process and requires the willingness of the person himself to work on himself, to change himself and his life.
    • But the result is worth the effort spent, bringing positive results and favorable changes in the life and destiny of both you and your family members, your children and descendants.

    Let's remember our ancestors. They were invincible. They felt the power and glory of their family. They had excellent health, strength and endurance, and were skilled craftsmen. The Russian people are a storehouse of talent: scientists and writers, poets and musicians, unsurpassed craftsmen and talented, brilliant inventors.

    The Russian people are invincible. Therefore, they are trying to weaken us using all sorts of methods. For example, imposing the opinion that swear words are an integral part of Russian culture. But this is not so. Our ancestors knew the sacred power of the Word. Their speech was clear.

    Sound, word are electromagnetic vibrations. And electromagnetic vibrations, as we know, affect the molecules of DNA heredity. This means that DNA perceives the impact of human words. In a living DNA cell, swear words cause DNA gene mutations, akin to radioactive radiation! And it doesn’t matter whether we heard them from a live interlocutor or from the TV screen. And gene mutations are genetic diseases and degeneration of a clan, people, race.

    Also, any formed negative (anger, envy, aggression, etc.) manifested through words, thoughts, feelings, emotions lead to gene mutations, breaking the DNA strands, distorting the program written in the genes.

    Breaks in family relationships are the loss of roots that support and fill with strength, which wise ancestors carefully preserved and strengthened. The consequences are especially terrible when children and parents renounce each other and curse each other. Then, karmic problems and diseases, transmitted over several generations, fall heavily on people and their family. It is difficult for an ordinary person to track them, because they can manifest themselves in any area: serious and sometimes fatal illnesses, congenital deformities, suicide, infertility, poverty, the inability to create a happy family...

    More recently, scientists have come to the discovery that the DNA molecule consists not only of genes responsible for physical shape: facial shape, hair color, eye shape, etc. For the most part, it consists of encoded texts that determine the entire program of human life, development, health, etc. Moreover, these texts occupy 95 - 99 percent of the total content of chromosomes! And only 1 - 5 percent is occupied directly by genes that synthesize proteins.

    The text (the program of life and all ongoing processes) is deployed in multidimensional space. It is constantly moving, changing, because our chromosomes breathe, sway, generating a huge number of texts.
    Cells talk to each other, just like you and me - the genetic apparatus has an infinite number of languages.

    Any word (thought, emotion, feeling) acts as a wave genetic program that can have a significant impact on a person’s behavior and life, changing his genetic code. Even if you just read, information reaches the cell nuclei through electromagnetic channels, creating or destroying your life.

    Think about it, how much negativity has there been in your life? Your parents' lives? Ancestors? What's in your genome? What will you pass on to your children and grandchildren?

    Genetic programs can be restored

    Our family is our ancestors in a direct line (mother, father) up to the 7th generation inclusive, where mother and father are the 1st generation, grandfathers and grandmothers are the second, etc. And so there are only 254 people + the person himself.

    Beyond the 7th generation, the blood connection is blurred; the genetic material of our ancestors from the 8th generation and beyond is no longer traceable in us.
    Each person contains the genetic material of 254 people. DNA stores all their programs of life, health, development, various abilities, talents, habits - good and not so good

    Course “Healing genetic ancestral programs”, will help you:

    • restore the chain of ancestral ties
    • heal the fate of the family, including your own and your descendants
    • restore genetic programs to their ideal original form
    • to heal the genetic material that we inherited from all our ancestors up to the 7th generation inclusive.

    By changing the energy-informational matrix of each representative of the clan, clearing it of negativity, limiting programs, imprinted destructive emotions and energetic dirt, we also restore DNA, transform our genes that carry information about our ancestors, which changes along with the energy-informational matrix of the clan.

    How many people, how many destinies... Each with their own character, habits, talents, capabilities... Most genes are asleep. A small part is active. It is possible to selectively activate the necessary genes responsible for the manifestation of certain hereditary abilities and leave them dormant or even neutralize those responsible for destructive tendencies passed on by inheritance.

    Course “Healing genetic ancestral programs”, is a system of revolutionary author’s techniques for restoring the integrity of ancestral ties, receiving help, support and the necessary qualities and abilities stored in the kin, liberation from imposed restrictions, liberation and opening of cash flow.

    Genetic information can be updated and corrected, and also transmitted over a distance - a DNA molecule can exist in the form of a field. A simple example of the transfer of genetic material is the penetration of viruses into our bodies, such as the Ebola virus.

    Features of the author's techniques of the Course Healing Genetic Ancestral Programs- their quick and high-quality result on the physical plane, due to entering the energy-information field of generic programs and carrying out the necessary transformations there according to a certain safe algorithm. As a result, those sections of DNA that contain genes and programs associated with the generic field (inherited) are transformed in a person.

    By healing genetic programs, you heal your life and rewrite the history of your family and your descendants. You and your children can live a better life.

    The author's course HEALING GENETIC AND ANIMALS PROGRAMS - "ENERGOGENETICS" is included in the training program of Svetodar Tsykulova's School of Extrasensory Sensitivity "SLIGHT"

    Independent meditation on healing the family is serious and important work. Before starting meditation, relax and express the intention to protect yourself from negative influences. Healing meditation on gaining the power of the genus restores the connection with the genus and returns the support and protection of the ancestral egregor in all areas of life. It is clear that an active egregor initiates the dynamics of the flow of abundance in the life of a meditating person.

    Self-meditation on healing the family and gaining its strength

    You can also listen meditations for healing online without registration and completely free. Invite your higher self, guides and mentors for help and support. But, before starting the meditation for healing the family, say the following regulated phrases:

    “I express my intention to claim my right to the strength of my family. Let the work of restoring ancestral energy connections and removing negative programs proceed at optimal speed for me. And may this work not stop until complete healing.”

    Healing meditation - imagine yourself among your ancestors

    Visualize pictures that will help you enter a state of healing meditation and get the results you need. You are standing, and your father is standing behind you to the right. Behind you on the left is your mother. Don't confuse the sides! It is important! Every parent has a hand on your shoulder.

    Mentally move back generations. So you see how behind your father, in the same order, are his parents, behind your mother, her parents. And so on. You are unlikely to be familiar with the faces of representatives of distant generations. In this case, you can mentally label them as shapes. As a result, a pyramid of generations is built, the top of which will be you yourself, the paternal branch of the family will flow to your right, and the maternal branch to your left.

    The Power of Meditation for Healing – Listening to the Magical Words of Intergenerational Connection

    Now you need not only to listen to meditations on healing the genus online, but also to speak the words of mutual connection yourself. When pronouncing the text of meditation, imagine that all representatives of the family, even the most distant, ancient generations, are saying these words with you.

    “With gratitude for the gift of life, I embrace and bless my entire family with love. In the name of the Creator, I express my intention to restore connections in the energy system of my family, including in it all those expelled and forgotten, unwanted and deprived of love and support. In the name of the Creator, I express my intention to transform the energies of separation, rejection and destruction into the energies of love and unity at all levels, in all generations and destinies of my kind. In the name of the Creator, I bless with love and release those who of their own free will choose to leave the energy system of my family. In the name of the Creator, I accept the power of my family with gratitude and love. I accept responsibility for the received strength of my family and express my intention to direct the energy of my family ties for good.”

    Watch the video meditation for healing