In this lesson, you will learn what types of nouns are, practice determining the gender of nouns in the singular and plural, and observe the gender endings of nouns. Why is gender a constant feature of nouns? Which nouns cannot have gender determined? Are there common nouns? You can get answers to these questions in class.


Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, once divided all things and beings into three classes - masculine, feminine, and "material" (or "material"). They deified many objects, giving them a feminine or masculine gender.

For example, the word child - material kind among the ancient Slavs. Children at all times did not have the right to own personal property. (V. Volina)

Do you know that there are languages ​​in whichNouns have no gender. These are English, Finnish, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and others.

There are languages ​​in which nouns only havetwo kinds. These are French, Spanish, Italian.

There are languages ​​in whichthere are many more genders than in our language.

For example, in many languages ​​of the peoples of the Caucasus and Africa there can be up to 40 genders. They are called “classes” there. (N. Betenkova)

Lesson topic: “Gender of nouns. Gender endings of nouns."

How to find out the gender of nouns

Read the nouns. Which ones are called men and which ones are women?

Grandfather, mother, sister, father, grandmother, son, brother, granddaughter, uncle, aunt, daughter, great-grandfather, man, woman.

In Russian, nouns are masculine and feminine. What kind of words did we write in each column?





great grandfather


These are masculine words, since you can substitute the word He.

These are feminine words, since you can substitute the word she.

What word can be substituted for these words?

Wheel, hollow, insect, towel - IT. These are neuter words.

Nouns There are masculine, feminine and neuter genders. The gender of nouns is determined by substituting pronouns.

To nouns male you can substitute words he is mine.

To nouns female you can substitute words She is mine.

To nouns neuter you can substitute words it's mine.

Determining the gender of nouns in the plural

If it is necessary to determine the gender of a noun used in the plural, the word is first put in the singular, in the initial form. The initial form of a noun answers the questions who? What?

The cranes have flown away

And the rooks are already far away.

We didn’t have time to look back,

Blizzards stirred up the snow. (Vl. Prikhodko)

Cranes- plural, initial form - who? crane, he, m.r.

Rooks- plural, initial form - who? rook, he, m.r.

Blizzards- plural, beginning form - what? blizzard, she, f.r.

Snow- in units, beginning form - what? snow, he, m.r.

Why is gender a constant feature of nouns?

If a noun is, for example, feminine, can it be masculine or neuter?

Nouns are already born with masculine, feminine or neuter words. They do not change by birth. This is why gender is a constant feature of nouns.


Sketched by the sky

White snowdrifts.

The sun burned them out

Doors and windows.(I. Zagraevskaya)

March- he, m.r.

Sky- it, s.r.

Snowdrifts- plural, beginning form - what? snowdrift, he, m.r.

Sun- it, s.r.

Doors- plural, beginning form - what? door, she, f.r.

Okonta- plural, beginning form - what? window, it, w.r.

Which nouns cannot have gender determined?

Eyes, curlers, blinds, mustaches, sleds, skis, skates, vacations.

Eyes- What? eye, it, w.r.

Curlers, blinds

Mustache- What? mustache, he, m.r.

Sled- cannot be used in the singular.

Skis- What? ski, she, f.r.

Skates- What? horse, he, m.r.

Holidays- cannot be used in the singular.

For nouns that do not have a singular form, gender cannot be determined.

For example, trousers, tongs, scissors, day, cream, sawdust, ink, hide and seek, chess, yeast, pincers, twilight.

Common nouns

Interesting nouns: orphan, smart girl, crybaby.

Smart girl- who can be praised with this word, a boy or a girl?

Compare: He was an orphan. She was an orphan.

These nouns, depending on specific circumstances, can act as masculine nouns (He was so smart!), then as feminine nouns(She was so smart!)

These are nouns of a general kind.

Let's pick some more common nouns: ringleader, fidgety, quiet, why, arrogant, sweet tooth.

Gender endings of nouns

What endings can nouns have in the masculine, feminine and neuter gender?

dad A

Slav A

uncle I

You I

daughter A

natures A

Dash A

tet I


movements e

fun e

belle e

Borodin O

lace O

canvas O

Complete the diagram: write the endings.

For nouns male more often endings -a, -i, and zero.

For nouns feminine endings -а, -я and zero.

For nouns Neuter endings -о, -е, -е.

(Some nouns ending -i, For example, dit I, flame I, time I ).

What do words have in common - masculine, feminine and neuter nouns?

In nouns masculine and feminine may have the same endings -a, -i, zero.

Is it possible to determine the gender of nouns only by the ending?

Solving a spelling problem at the end of nouns

Jam_, rainbow_, cave_, swamp_, clearing_, knee_, wheel_, patronymic_, lake_.

Knowing the gender of the noun, substituting words it, she, you can solve a spelling problem at the end, write the letter of an unstressed vowel correctly.

Jam_ ono, ending -o,

rainbow_ ona, ending -a,

caves_ ona, ending -a,

swamps_ ono, ending -o,

glade_ ona, ending -a,

knee_, wheel_, patronymic_, lake_ onό, ending -o.

Jam O, rainbow A, caves A, swamps O, glade A, knees O, wheel O, middle names O, lakes O.

How are borrowed words distributed by gender?

In Russian the word Sun- neuter.

In German the word Sun- feminine (“di zonne”).

The English just say "san" ( Sun), without attributing this noun to any of the existing genders.

The French Sun- masculine (“le soleil”).

In Spanish "el sol" Sun- male.

How are words distributed by gender that came from other languages, that is borrowed words?

In russian language Borrowed words retain the gender they had in the foreign language.

This explains the fact that in modern Russian the words piano, coffee, kangaroo belong to the masculine gender;

somersault, chassis, domino- to the neuter gender, and the word shawl- to the feminine gender.

Nouns borrowed from languages ​​that have no gender receive it in Russian: basketball, football(from English) - masculine.

We look for nouns, determine their gender

Check yourself. Find nouns and determine their gender.

Who wrote what?

Once upon a time there was no paper. The first manuscripts appeared on clay tablets. In the east, paper was replaced by ivory. Animal skin - parchment - was often used for writing. In Ancient Rus' they wrote on birch bark and birch bark.

paper- paper, liquid,

manuscripts- manuscript, journal,

on signs- plate, w.r.,

in the east- east, m.r.,

paper- paper, liquid,

bone- f.r.,

for writing- letter, s.r.,

skin- leather, f.r.,

animals- animal, s.r.,

parchment- m.r.,

in Rus' - Rus, zh.r.,

on the bark- bark, f.r.,

birch bark- birch bark - f.r.


I will remember the feminine gender

And I will say: “She is mine.”

And I will remember the masculine gender

And again I will say: “He is mine.”

The neuter gender is mine!

This is your rule!(E. Semyonova)

In the lesson, you learned that if you need to determine the gender of a noun used in the plural, the word is first put in the singular, in the initial form.

Nouns do not change by gender.

For nouns that do not have a singular form, gender cannot be determined.


  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. For these nouns, select nouns that are close in meaning. Please indicate gender.

    Ring - ...

    Strengthening -…

    Border - …

    Bay - …

    Luck - …

    A curtain - …

    Duty - …

    Silence -…
    Words for reference: heat, fortress, bay, success, silence, duty, ring, darkness, curtain, boundary.

  2. Read the text. Determine the gender of nouns.


    A large gorilla lives in the Prague Zoo. One morning the monkey suddenly fell ill. She refused to eat and moaned. The doctor decided that the animal had eaten too much. The gorilla was given medicine and left. The monkey recovered instantly. During the inspection, she pulled out a key from the caretaker's pocket. She opened the cage for them and began to walk around the zoo.

  3. Read the text. Find the nouns and write them in 3 columns:

    m.r., f. R. , Wed R.

    Petya is dreaming.

    If only there was soap

    It came

    In the mornings to my bed

    And it would wash me itself -

    That would be nice!

    If, let's say,


    Gave me such a textbook

    So that he would

    I could do it myself

    Answer any lesson...

    If only I had a pen,

    So that I can solve the problem,

    Write any dictation... (B. Zakhoder)

  1. Internet portal ().
  2. Internet portal ().
  3. Internet portal ().
  4. Internet portal ().

To use words correctly, you need to understand what kind they are. Is coffee, for example, neuter masculine? If it’s average, then you need to say: “My coffee is cold.” And if it’s male, “My coffee is cold.” How to avoid being branded as an illiterate person when determining the neuter gender?

What are the neuter words? Examples

The division of parts of speech by gender (feminine, neuter and masculine) is not unique to the Russian language. The ending of a word determines whether it belongs to the neuter gender. Neuter nouns are usually inanimate, although there are exceptions:

  • creature,
  • animal,
  • monster,
  • deity,
  • child,
  • monster,
  • person (official).

If a word comes from another language, ends in a vowel, is inanimate, and according to established tradition is not declined, it is considered neuter.

Neuter nouns answer the question: whose is it? If you can say about a word: “It’s mine,” then it’s a neuter noun. There are two types of endings for such words:

  1. -o, -e, -e, -ie. These are, for example, the following words: pots, lake, muffler, gun, understanding.
  2. -me. For example, stirrup, crown, name.

Neuter words can be not only nouns, but also adjectives, numerals and pronouns.

Coffee - it or he?

It seems that the word "coffee" does not obey the rule: it ends in "e", but at the same time it is not neuter, but masculine. exception? Not really. The fact is that the word, along with the drink, came to Russia with Peter the Great. Tea had already been known for a long time, and by analogy with this drink the new product began to be called “coffee.” Then no one doubted that the word was masculine. Its diminutive version of “coffees” is still beyond doubt.

Over time, the word “coffee” became obsolete and was replaced by “coffee.” The word became unbreakable. And here a paradox arose. According to the rules, this word must have a neuter gender. This is why, intuitively, people began to use “coffee” as a neuter word. A process began that transferred the word “metro” from the masculine to the neuter. You probably remember Utesov’s song: “But the metro sparkled with oak railings...”

Why don’t linguists recognize the neuter gender for coffee? Because this word has a special meaning. Using it in the neuter gender is contrary to literary tradition, and therefore is perceived as illiterate. Coffee is included in the list of words that speakers of literate Russian speech fight for. These are the words contract, rings, blinds, cottage cheese, provision and several others.

And although since 2002 you can say “my coffee” in colloquial speech, only the masculine gender is recognized in writing.


Changing words by case is called declension. Neuter words with endings can be inflected. For neuter nouns there are the following rules (see table).




A, -Z: windows, buildings, points

She, ev, ov: windows, fields, trees

U, -yu: window, building, edge

Am, yam: windows, fields, trees

Oh, -e, -e: window, building, edge

A, -z: windows, fields, buildings, trees

Om, eat, -eat: window, building, edge

Ami, -yami: windows, points

E, -i: about health, about the building, on the cutting edge

Ah, -yah: about windows, about trees

Common mistakes

A typical mistake was the incorrect determination of the gender of some words. Because of the ending “o,” which is pronounced “a” in the unstressed version, some inflect such words into the feminine form. Example:

  • The buffet sells pies with jam, manga and dried apricots.
  • We saw the natives living in bungalow.
  • The neighbors bought piano.

The correct options would be to use the highlighted words in the neuter form. That is: with jam, with mangoes, in a bungalow, we bought a piano.

The second common mistake is trying to change indeclinable nouns by case. It’s not just children who get confused, and incredible words of feminine, masculine, and neuter gender arise.

Words that do not change by case. Examples

In addition to inflected words, there are also neuter words that are invariable by case:

  • arpeggio,
  • video,
  • graffiti,
  • dragee,
  • neckline,
  • coupe,
  • cafe,
  • mango,
  • mini,
  • neutrino,
  • penalty,
  • piano,
  • rendezvous,
  • solo,
  • trio,
  • Taxi,
  • fouetté,
  • facsimile.

This list is far from complete. Therefore, if difficulties arise, it is better to turn to dictionaries.

How to remember words without endings: a game

To avoid making mistakes in declination, there is a simple and fun way to check. Try putting these words in several different cases. If it turns out funny and absurd, then this word is not declined according to cases.

  • The kangaroo put on his pince-nez (wrong, there is no such word, you need to put “pince-nez”).
  • To get to the cafe, I took a taxi (it would be correct: “taxi”).
  • We gorged ourselves on crème brûlée, blancmange and dragées (correctly: “crème brûlée, blancmange and dragées”).
  • Let's meet near the depot and go watch the movie "Dynamo" (you need: "near the depot, the movie "Dynamo").
  • I am dissatisfied with the passe-partout with a photo and a panel (it would be correct: “passe-partout with a photo and a panel”).

Play this game with your children. It is not difficult, the main thing is not to forget that these words are not declined by case. Regular games with words develop intelligence and expand vocabulary. Soon the child will feel how to construct a phrase and use words, and will not make mistakes.

Noun gender category

There are masculine, feminine, neuter, and general nouns. The gender of nouns is determined by their ending in I.p. units

Genus category



Neuter gender



With endings

-and I


With endings

on -o, -e, -e









Water area





Raw materials


As can be seen from the table, nouns in may belong to m.r. ( grill) and f.r. ( publicity). The gender of nouns ending in -ь can in some cases be determined by the suffix. So, words with the suffix -tel (builder) belong to m.r., with the suffix -ness (legitimacy), -know (fear) - to f.r. Gender of nouns , like everyone else, when perceiving a text, can be determined by the endings of R.p. and subsequent or at the end of adjectives related to these nouns: beautiful pigeon, beautiful dove etc.; dark night, dark night etc. Based on the endings, it is impossible to determine whether only those words that are always used in the plural belong to one gender or another: sled, wallpaper, chess. Such nouns can be inflected in the plural. according to different samples (cf. in R.p. plural: sleigh, wallpaper, chess). The gender of nouns in the text can also be determined by the form of the predicate verb: if this verb is used in the past tense: stood clear night (zh.r. ). The moon was shining (m.r.) in full force. Quiet sky <... > was (s.r.) calmly, dispassionately(S. Antonov).

The gender of some nouns is determined by meaning, depending on the gender of the person. These include common nouns: started singing, headman, quiet. They can appear in m.r. meanings. and f.r. depending on the gender of the person they call: Which nerd!Which clever girl! Valya(youth) entered to university.Valya(young woman) arrived to university. General gender nouns are inflected according to the pattern of zh.r. nouns. and are usually used in a conversational style of speech: drove, hard worker.

Nouns m.r. - the names of professions and positions are the official names of male and female persons ( rector or Professor SmirnovSmirnova).

Even unofficial positions that were traditionally occupied by men, if a woman occupies them, are still called by the words m.r.: S him[driver] the district ambition immediately disappeared, and he immediately switched his attention from Ksyuta to collective farm groom Klava, trying to catch the eye of Ivan Kuzmich under her arm(E. Yevtushenko). However, many of these nouns are m.r. may carry a predicate in the form of zh.r., especially if it is necessary to pay attention to the gender of the character, but there may also be stylistic reasons for coordinating the predicate with the subject in meaning and not in form. For example: The rector spoke at a meeting with a report.The rector spoke at a meeting with a report; The professor replied to all questions.The professor answered to all questions. Agreement with such nouns definitions in zh.r. ( Our rector... ) is colloquial in nature.

Nouns of each gender have their own system of inflections.

In the Russian language there is a small group of uninflected (indeclinable) nouns that have only one grammatical form ( B-B-Q, metro, show): Look aroundand you will probably see; in the alley Taxi rumble(I. Borodinsky). If such nouns name objects, they refer to s.r. (oscillations V used between m.r. and w.r. observed only in nouns coffee). If unchangeable nouns name persons or animals, everything depends on their gender (cure - m.p., lady- f.r., my - my protégé, Beautifulbeautiful kangaroo).

In colloquial speech, even names are often not declined when used with a patronymic: Well, don't you recognize Tikhon Tikhonovich?- With the berry commissioner muttered with timid playfulness(E. Yevtushenko).

Unchangeable nouns denoting a profession, position, title, traditionally associated with male labor (such as attache, impresario, entertainer, referee), refer to m.r. The gender of indeclinable geographical names is determined by the gender of the corresponding generic noun. For example, Sochi refer to m.p., like the corresponding generic noun city, Mississippi- to zh.r., as well as the generic name river, Ontario- to s.r., like the generic word lake.

Compound words made up of the first letters ( State Emergency Committee- gekachepe) or sounds ( ITAR) of the words from which they are derived receive the gender of the stem word. State Emergency Committee is State Committee(m.r.) under a state of emergency, that's why they say The State Emergency Committee decided; ITAR- This Information telegraph agency(s.r.) Russia, that's why they say ITAR reported. However, if you forget from which words a compound abbreviated word is formed, it receives a gender, like an ordinary word, according to a formal sign: it refers to m.r. at zero termination ( Housing office although this housing maintenance office), to w.r. - at the end -o ( RONO although this district department of public education).

In common parlance, some words are used in a different way than in literary language. Here are some examples:

“I have a liter bottle hidden in one place.” There are canned goods... Let's take it!

“Regulation,” the mechanic smiles. - Are you serious?

— One-piece liters!

- Let's go to! - Izyumin says briefly ( V. Lipatov).

From rheumatisms rub well; Do you know our task! World revolution across all continents; He was Commissioner check; The front will wait! The good ones first power must be planted; Then take out the fork-plates from your treasured chests and stick them in any delicacy, eat for your health; Who are you, Vasily Zakharovich, such authority gave? ( A. Strygin).

In one newspaper he reads a communiqué, in another that the same communique; You know it yourself - highway through we have a long way to go ( S. Antonov).

Oh you skin! It caught! (O. Kozhukhova).

Some errors are quite persistent. These include, for example, the perception of a noun surname as words sr.r., which is reflected in fiction:

Tikhon Tikhonovich even sweated with indignation:

- It turns out interesting. It’s a shame to say who the father is, but to lie about me, to slander me without looking at my age, is not a shame. Who is the father? Last name name it!

- I don’t know him last name, - Ksyuta answered sadly. - I don’t even know the name. I don't know anything ( E. Yevtushenko).

Historically, the gender affiliation of a noun can change (the queen had a female birth name, received a mixed birth name) and its formal indicator (cf.: sanatorium and modern sanatorium).

In case of difficulties with determining the grammatical gender of nouns, it is necessary to refer to standard dictionaries, where for each noun it is necessary to indicate to what gender it belongs.

The main grammatical feature that is inherent in almost every part of speech is the category of gender. How many genders do nouns have and how to correctly determine this category for this part of speech? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

What is the gender of nouns?

Category of gender of nouns in Russian– a grammatical sign indicating the gender (gender) of the object (living creature, phenomenon) called by the noun or its absence. Gender is a permanent grammatical feature of nouns and is studied in the 6th grade.

Features of the category of gender of nouns

There are three types of nouns in the Russian language:

  • Male (he). Masculine nouns in the singular I. p. have the endings -a, -я, and zero.

    Examples of masculine nouns: dad, uncle, knife, table, hawk.

  • Female (she). Feminine nouns in the singular I. p. have the endings -a, -я, and zero.

    Examples of feminine nouns: wife, nanny, night, glory, desert.

  • Average (it). Neuter nouns in the singular I. p. have endings -о, -е.

    Examples of neuter nouns: swamp, gold, sun, lake, jam.

There is also a class of words, the so-called general gender, which, depending on the context, can be used in both masculine and feminine genders

(boring, sissy, crybaby, smart, greedy).

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How to determine the gender of a noun?

For animate nouns, the gender coincides with the gender of a living creature, a person (father, interlocutor - m.r., girlfriend, gossip - f.r.).

For all nouns, gender can be determined by the grammatical form of the adjective, which agrees with the noun:

  • Masculine whose? Which? (white snow, good advice);
  • Feminine. Nouns agree with adjectives that answer questions - whose? which? (fresh newspaper, cheerful friend);
  • Neuter gender. Nouns agree with adjectives that answer questions - whose? which? (green field, tall building).

Morphological norms that regulate the determination of the gender of nouns, contains a whole set of rules that can be divided into five sections for ease of classification and study.

1. Determining the gender of inflected nouns. This is usually the simplest case for determining the gender of a noun, especially if the noun denotes a person whose gender is known to everyone: grandmother (f.b.) - grandfather (m.b.). As for determining the gender of inanimate nouns and animal names, here it is customary to look at the ending: hammer - m.r., fence[a] - zh.r., word[o] - s.r., donkey - m.r., mouse[b] - zh.r.

Despite the relative simplicity of this rule, there are a certain number of exceptions, which we will consider below.

  • There are a number of inanimate nouns that have changed gender from feminine to masculine over time. for example, just a couple of centuries ago, all of the following nouns were feminine: shoe, hospital, rail, jackboot, bracelet, poplar, report card.
  • Along with this, there is an absolutely mirror phenomenon - nouns that were previously classified as masculine, but now they all require an adjective that answers the question “which one?” Such nouns include cuff, citadel, dachshund, attic.
  • There are a number of words that are used equally in both masculine and feminine genders: epaulette - epaulette, pilaster - pilaster, psalter - psalter, spasm - spasma, desman and desman, hangnail - hangnail, dahlia - dahlia, aviary - aviary, banknote - banknote, padespan - padespan, plane tree - plane tree, pancake - pancake. Despite the fact that often one of the forms of these nouns is considered obsolete, their use is not a mistake.
  • The gender of some special nouns is difficult, so we'll just list them with their gender. So, feminine nouns: leggings, sneaker, boot, sandal, sneaker, slipper, shoe, boots, reserved seat, sheet, pancake, parcel, mezzanine, veil, dumbbell, rosin, callus, flannel, fathom. Masculine nouns: shampoo, queen, truffle, tulle, calico, piano, roofing felt, guipure, curtain. Neuter nouns: tentacle, stuffed animal, monisto, bast, jam.

2. Determining the gender of indeclinable nouns. A number of rules also apply to this type of noun, each of which has its own exceptions:

  • Most of indeclinable inanimate nouns has a neuter gender, regardless of the final vowel or its complete absence: jury, highway, interview, depot.
  • Some of the indeclinable inanimate nouns still have a non-neuter gender, which refers to the old form of the word or gender concept: Avenue(street - residential district), coffee(coffee or drink - m.r.), sirocco(wind - m.r.), salami(sausage - f.r.), penalty(blow - m.r.), kohlrabi(cabbage - f.r.).
  • There are a number of nouns whose gender depends on the person they denote: dandy - m.r., lady - f.r.
  • Nouns denoting the name of a profession are usually masculine: attaché, entertainer. But if the profession refers to a female person, then the noun also changes gender to female: elderly doctor Valentina Pavlovna.
  • The same applies to the indeclinable names of birds and animals. By default they are masculine: kiwi, hummingbird. But if we are talking about a female, then the noun also changes gender: The female chimpanzee happily jumped around the cage. Exceptions are nouns "Ivasi" And "tsetse" which are feminine (herring and fly).

3. Definition of the type of abbreviations. In the case of abbreviations, it usually plays a role to what gender the main word in the abbreviated phrase belongs to: RF (Russian Federation), UN (United Nations), RIA (Russian News Agency). Exception: TASS (m.r.) - Telegraph agency of the Soviet Union. If the abbreviation has become a common noun and is declined, then the general rules apply to such a word rules for determining the gender of a noun: university - m.r.

4. Determination of the gender of names of indeclinable proper names. The method of determining gender by common noun, which is a generic concept, also applies here: Sochi (city), Mississippi (river), Everest (mountain).

5. Determining the gender of compound nouns. When determining the gender of such words, you need to take as a basis a word that expresses the broader meaning of the noun: butterfly-admiral, telephone-machine, sofa-bed. Moreover, if, as in the case of a noun sofa bed, both concepts are equivalent, then we determine the gender by the first word: armchair-bed, cafe-restaurant.