According to the directory “Religious Associations of the Russian Federation,” the Russian Orthodox Church accounts for more than half of the religious communities (6,709 out of 12 thousand), uniting approximately 75% of believers in Russia. There are 2,349 Muslim communities, comprising 18% of Russian believers. The religious life of adherents of Islam is managed by 43 spiritual administrations of Muslims. In addition, there are 113 Buddhist communities in Russia (Kalmykia, Tyva, Moscow, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Anapa, etc.) Organizations of other faiths are registered in Russia: the Roman Catholic Church, Old Believers, Evangelical Christians, Baptists, Christians of the Evangelical faith -Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Jews, Lutherans, etc. State registration of religious organizations is carried out by justice authorities on the basis of submitted documents. The state reserves the right to refuse registration of a religious organization. In Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” specifies as grounds for refusal the contradiction of the goals and objectives of a religious organization with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation; non-compliance of the charter and other documents with legal requirements or unreliability of the information contained. (In 1996, a criminal case was opened in Moscow against the Aum Shinrikyo branch on charges of antisocial activities)

One of the oldest forms of culture is RELIGION. Religion is a worldview and attitude, as well as corresponding behavior, based on belief in the existence of God or gods, the supernatural. During the existence of mankind there have been many religions. Known: PANTHEISM (Greek - universal) - identification of God with the whole world, deification of nature. POLITEISM (Greek - many) - polytheism (ancient Greece, Rome, ancient Slavs, India) MONOTHEISM (Greek - one) monotheism, a religious system that recognizes one God. ATHEISM (Greek - denial) - denial of the existence of God. Distinctive features of religion beliefs rituals Ethos (moral position) View of the world Symbol system

Religion has come a long and difficult path in its development. TOTEMISM - worship of a clan, tribe, animal, plant, object considered an ancestor. ANIMISM - belief in the existence of souls, spirits FETISCHISM - belief in the supernatural properties of special objects MAGIC - belief in the effectiveness of rites, rituals National religions: Judaism Hinduism Confucianism Shintoism World religions Buddhism Christianity Islam Hinayana Tantrism Lamaism Mahayana Hinayana Tantrism Lamaism Mahayana Orthodoxy Catholicism Protestantism Orthodoxy Catholicism Protestantism Sunnism Shiism Kharijism Sunnism Shiism Kharijism

Religion Structure Functions - Religious consciousness - Religious cult - Religious organization - Religious consciousness - Religious cult - Religious organization - Worldview - Regulatory - Therapeutic - Communicative - Culture-translating - Integrating - Legitimizing - Worldview - Regulatory - Therapeutic - Communicative - Culture-translating - Integrating - Legitimizing ating

The role of religion in the life of society Religion is one of the ways to find answers to philosophical questions: “Is there a soul?”, “What underlies human actions?”, “What is the difference between good and evil?” Some argue that additional strength was given to a person by the confidence that he is not alone, that he has divine patrons who come to him in difficult times. Others believe that there are many unknown things left in the world, the secrets of which man longs to reveal, but cannot do so, and when there are no scientific answers to questions, they are found in religious ideas. People's belonging to the same religious faith and their joint performance of religious rites united them into one whole. A common religion and joint religious activity were a powerful unifying factor that contributed to national consolidation. By preaching moral commandments, religion had a tremendous influence on the development of spiritual culture - sacred books (Vedas, Bible, Koran) - sources of wisdom and kindness. Architecture, music, painting, literacy; a powerful source of patriotism (Sergius of Radonezh, Great Patriotic War)

According to the directory “Religious Associations of the Russian Federation,” the Russian Orthodox Church accounts for more than half of the religious communities (6,709 out of 12 thousand), uniting approximately 75% of believers in Russia. There are 2,349 Muslim communities, comprising 18% of Russian believers. The religious life of adherents of Islam is managed by 43 spiritual administrations of Muslims. In addition, there are 113 Buddhist communities in Russia (Kalmykia, Tyva, Moscow, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Anapa, etc.) Organizations of other faiths are registered in Russia: the Roman Catholic Church, Old Believers, Evangelical Christians, Baptists, Christians of the Evangelical faith -Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Jews, Lutherans, etc. State registration of religious organizations is carried out by justice authorities on the basis of submitted documents. The state reserves the right to refuse registration of a religious organization. In Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” specifies as grounds for refusal the contradiction of the goals and objectives of a religious organization with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation; non-compliance of the charter and other documents with legal requirements or unreliability of the information contained. (In 1996, a criminal case was opened in Moscow against the Aum Shinrikyo branch on charges of antisocial activities)

Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 14) Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” of 1997 The state grants its citizens the right to profess, individually or together with others, any religion or not to profess any, to freely choose, change, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them. A religious association in Russia is recognized as a voluntary association of citizens and other persons permanently and legally residing in the country, formed for the purpose of jointly professing and spreading the faith. Religious associations Religious group Religious organization SectSect ChurchChurch Voluntary association of citizens permanently and legally residing in the territory of our country operates without state registration

By the end of the 20th century, the position of religion and the church in the world had strengthened significantly. What do you think is the reason for this? This is due to the social upheavals that humanity has suffered (revolutions, world and religious wars, the consequences of scientific and technological revolution). People tired of social catastrophes seek peace of mind in God, the church, in faith, and religion helps a person find peace of mind. However, in modern religious activity there is a significant share of fanaticism and religious extremism, rejection of dissidents and other believers.

For the sustainable and stable development of multi-religious Russia, it is necessary to maintain inter-religious peace. Otherwise, our country will be on the brink of disaster. What are the “risk factors” that threaten interreligious peace and harmony? 1. Religious intolerance 2. Expansion of the activities of non-traditional faiths and religions and the emergence of no less widespread opposition to them, the desire to deprive non-traditional faiths and religions of access to the media, education, and the opportunity to engage in charitable activities

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Religion in the modern world. Religious associations and organizations in the Russian Federation
Grade 11

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Lesson Plan
1. Religion as one of the forms of culture. 2. The role of religion in the life of society. 3. World religions. 4. Freedom of conscience. 5. Religious organizations and associations in the Russian Federation.

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Religion is a worldview and attitude, as well as corresponding behavior, based on belief in the existence of God or gods, the supernatural.
Religion is a set of ideas, beliefs and rituals that unite people into a single community. The main feature of religion is belief in the supernatural

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love of God, fear of evil spirits...
myths, legends, tales, the Bible, the Koran...
prayer, sermon, sacrament...
church, sect, monastery...

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worship of a clan, tribe, animal, plant, considered an ancestor.
belief in the supernatural properties of special objects
belief in the existence of souls, spirits

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Orthodox Christianity
Catholic Christianity

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Signs of world religions
Huge number of followers
EGALITARITY – preaching the equality of all people, appealing to representatives of all social groups
Propaganda activity and proselytism - the desire to convert people of another religion to one's faith
Cosmopolitan (transcends nations and states)

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Worldview Regulatory Therapeutic Communicative Cultural Translating Integrating Legitimizing

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* Some argue that additional strength was given to a person by the confidence that he is not alone, that he has divine patrons who come to him in difficult times. * Others believe that there are many unknown things left in the world, the secrets of which man longs to reveal, but cannot do so, and when there are no scientific answers to questions, they are found in religious ideas.
Religion is one of the ways to find answers to philosophical questions: “Is there a soul?” , “What underlies human actions?”, “What is the difference between good and evil?”

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The role of religion in society
People’s belonging to the same religious faith, their joint performance of religious rituals, united them into one whole. A common religion and joint religious activities were a powerful unifying factor and contributed to national consolidation.
By preaching moral commandments, religion had a tremendous influence on the development of spiritual culture - sacred books (Vedas, Bible, Koran) - sources of wisdom and kindness. Architecture, music, painting, literacy; a powerful source of patriotism (Sergius of Radonezh, Great Patriotic War)

Slide 19

According to the directory "Religious Associations of the Russian Federation"
The Russian Orthodox Church accounts for over half of the religious communities (6,709 out of 12 thousand), uniting approximately 75% of Russian believers.
There are 2,349 Muslim communities, comprising 18% of Russian believers. The religious life of adherents of Islam is led by 43 spiritual administrations of Muslims
There are 113 Buddhist communities in Russia (Kalmykia, Tyva, Moscow, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Anapa, etc.)
Organizations of other faiths are registered in Russia: the Roman Catholic Church, Old Believers, Evangelical Christians, Baptists, Christians of the Evangelical faith - Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Jews, Lutherans, etc.

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Freedom of religion is only an element of freedom of conscience, since freedom of religion includes freedom to choose religion and freedom to practice religious rites.
Freedom of conscience is a person’s natural right to have any beliefs. Freedom of conscience is a broader concept than freedom of religion.

Slide 21

Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 14) Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” of 1997
The state grants its citizens the right to profess, individually or together with others, any religion or not to profess any, to freely choose, change, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them. A religious association in Russia is recognized as a voluntary association of citizens and other persons permanently and legally residing in the country, formed for the purpose of jointly professing and spreading the faith.

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A voluntary association of citizens who permanently and legally reside in the territory of our country operates without state registration
Religious associations
Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal before the law

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State registration of religious organizations is carried out by justice authorities on the basis of submitted documents. The state reserves the right to refuse registration of a religious organization. In Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” specifies as grounds for refusal the contradiction of the goals and objectives of a religious organization with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation; non-compliance of the charter and other documents with legal requirements or unreliability of the information contained. (In 1996, a criminal case was opened in Moscow against the Aum Shinrikyo branch on charges of antisocial activities)

Slide 24

By the end of the 20th century, the position of religion and the church in the world had strengthened significantly.
* This is due to the social upheavals that humanity has suffered (revolutions, world and religious wars, the consequences of scientific and technological revolution). * People tired of social catastrophes seek peace of mind in God, church, faith, and religion helps a person find peace of mind.

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In modern religious activity there is a significant share of fanaticism and religious extremism, rejection of dissidents and other believers.

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For the sustainable and stable development of multi-religious Russia, it is necessary to maintain inter-religious peace. Otherwise, our country will be on the brink of disaster.
Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill

Slide 27

RELIGION. (plan)
1. The concept of religion, its features. 2. Reasons for the emergence of religion. 3.Functions of religion in modern society: A) compensatory (therapeutic); B) ideological; B) communicative; D) regulatory; D) integrating; E) culturally transmitting. 4.Early forms of religion: A) totemism; B) fetishism; B) animism. 5. National-state religions: A) Judaism (Israel); B) Hinduism (India). 6.World religions: A) Buddhism; B) Christianity (Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism); C) Islam (Sunnism, Shiism). 7. The relationship of religion with morality and law. 8.Freedom of conscience and religion. 9. State and religion.

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1.What is religion. 2. Religious organizations: A) church, B) sects 3. Functions of religion: A) worldview B) educational C) regulatory D) compensatory E) communicative 4. Types of religions: A) polytheistic, monotheistic B) archaic, national-state, world 5. Features of world religions 6. Freedom of conscience.

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1. Religion and religious faith. 2. Features of religious faith: A) belief in the presence of supernatural forces B) experiences, feelings of a person in relation to God C) religious cults and rituals 3. The role of religion in human life: A) regulation of people’s behavior B) education of a person C) formation of a worldview D) providing psychological assistance E) ridding a person of loneliness E) uniting people to solve problems important to society. 4. Religious organizations and associations: A) the church as an organization of followers of religious doctrine B) sects and their characteristics 5. Freedom of conscience, freedom of religion 6. The Constitution of the Russian Federation on freedom of conscience and religion: A) equality of religions, the absence of an official, state religion B) separation of church and state C) guarantees for believers to practice their worship D) lack of discrimination on religious grounds.

The role of religion in the modern world Religion is one of the oldest and main (along with science, education, culture) forms of spiritual culture. In modern science, the definition of religion comes from the recognition of its basic belief in GOD: (RELIGION IS FAITH IN GOD)

Other approaches to understanding the essence of religion: Religion is a system of views based on the concept of the sacred, the holy. Religion is one of the forms of human adaptation to the world around us, characteristic of culture, and the satisfaction of his spiritual needs.

Religious faith consists of faith itself, i.e. belief in the truth of the fundamentals of religious teaching; Knowledge of the most essential provisions of the doctrine; Recognition and adherence to moral standards contained in religious requirements for a person; Compliance with the norms and requirements for everyday human life.

TYPES of religion MONOTHEISTIC - based on belief in one god; POLYTHEISTIC - professing polytheism; RITUAL - with an emphasis on the performance of certain cult actions RELIGIONS OF SALVATION - recognizing the main doctrine, ideas about the world and man, their posthumous fate.

Signs of world religions A huge number of followers all over the world; They are cosmopolitan, inter- and supra-ethnic in nature, going beyond the boundaries of nations and states; They are egalitarian (they preach the equality of all people and appeal to representatives of all social groups); They are distinguished by extraordinary propaganda activity and proselytism (the desire to convert people of another confession to their faith)

State religions with national ideas Hinduism is professed by 80% of the inhabitants of India. Confucianism (named after the founder of Kong Fuzi, Confucius), has been considered the fundamental state and moral philosophy of China for more than 2 thousand years. Acts as a world religion. Taoism is a philosophical school of China (from the central concept of this school “Tao” - the way).

The role of religion in the modern world: Most people living on Earth are adherents of one of the existing world religions; - In many countries of the world, religious associations are separated from the state. Nevertheless, the influence of religion on the political life of modern society remains significant. A number of states recognize one of the religions as state and compulsory. Religion as a form of culture is one of the most important sources of moral values ​​and norms that regulate the everyday life of people and preserves the principles of universal morality. The role of religion in the revival and enhancement of cultural heritage and the familiarization of people with it is invaluable. Religious contradictions continue to be a source and breeding ground for bloody conflicts, terrorism, and a force of separation and confrontation. Religious fanaticism is destructive; it is opposed to culture, universal values ​​and human interests.

RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE Art. 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, including the right to profess individually or together with others any religion or not to profess any, to freely choose, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them.”

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The presentation on the topic “The modern world and religion” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 16 slide(s).

Presentation slides" alt=" Lesson plan. 1. Religion as one of the forms of culture 2. The role of religion in the life of society 3 World religions 4. Freedom of conscience 5. Religious organizations and associations in the Russian Federation" title="Lesson plan. 1. Religion as a form of culture 2. The role of religion in the life of society 3. World religions 4. Freedom of conscience 5. Religious organizations and associations in the Russian Federation">!}

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Lesson Plan

1. Religion as a form of culture 2. The role of religion in the life of society 3. World religions 4. Freedom of conscience 5. Religious organizations and associations in the Russian Federation

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One of the oldest forms of culture is RELIGION. Religion is a worldview and attitude, as well as corresponding behavior, based on belief in the existence of God or gods, the supernatural. During the existence of mankind there have been many religions. Known: PANTHEISM (Greek - universal) - identification of God with the whole world, deification of nature. POLITEISM (Greek - many) - polytheism (ancient Greece, Rome, ancient Slavs, India) MONOTHEISM (Greek - one) monotheism, a religious system that recognizes one God. ATHEISM (Greek - denial) - denial of the existence of God.

Distinctive features of religion

beliefs rituals

Ethos (moral position)

View of the world System of symbols

Slide 4

Religion has come a long and difficult path in its development. TOTEMISM - worship of a clan, tribe, animal, plant, object considered an ancestor. ANIMISM - belief in the existence of souls, spirits FETISCHISM - belief in the supernatural properties of special objects MAGIC - belief in the effectiveness of rites, rituals National religions: Judaism Hinduism Confucianism Shintoism

World religions Buddhism Christianity Islam

Hinayana Tantrism Lamaism Mahayana

Orthodoxy Catholicism Protestantism

Sunnism Shiism Kharijism

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Religion Structure Functions

Religious consciousness - Religious cult - Religious organizations

Worldview - Regulatory - Therapeutic - Communicative - Culture-translating - Integrating - Legitimizing

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The role of religion in society

Religion is one of the ways to find answers to philosophical questions: “Is there a soul?” , “What underlies human actions?”, “What is the difference between good and evil?” Some argue that additional strength was given to a person by the confidence that he is not alone, that he has divine patrons who come to him in difficult times. Others believe that there are many unknown things left in the world, the secrets of which man longs to reveal, but cannot do so, and when there are no scientific answers to questions, they are found in religious ideas. People's belonging to the same religious faith and their joint performance of religious rites united them into one whole. A common religion and joint religious activity were a powerful unifying factor that contributed to national consolidation. By preaching moral commandments, religion had a tremendous influence on the development of spiritual culture - sacred books (Vedas, Bible, Koran) - sources of wisdom and kindness. Architecture, music, painting, literacy; a powerful source of patriotism (Sergius of Radonezh, Great Patriotic War)

Slide 11

According to the directory “Religious Associations of the Russian Federation,” the Russian Orthodox Church accounts for more than half of the religious communities (6,709 out of 12 thousand), uniting approximately 75% of believers in Russia. There are 2,349 Muslim communities, comprising 18% of Russian believers. The religious life of adherents of Islam is managed by 43 spiritual administrations of Muslims. In addition, there are 113 Buddhist communities in Russia (Kalmykia, Tyva, Moscow, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Anapa, etc.) Organizations of other faiths are registered in Russia: the Roman Catholic Church, Old Believers, Evangelical Christians, Baptists, Christians of the Evangelical faith -Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Jews, Lutherans, etc. State registration of religious organizations is carried out by justice authorities on the basis of submitted documents. The state reserves the right to refuse registration of a religious organization. In Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” specifies as grounds for refusal the contradiction of the goals and objectives of a religious organization with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation; non-compliance of the charter and other documents with legal requirements or unreliability of the information contained. (In 1996, a criminal case was opened in Moscow against the Aum Shinrikyo branch on charges of antisocial activities)

Slide 12

Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 14) Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” of 1997 The state grants its citizens the right to profess, individually or together with others, any religion or not to profess any, to freely choose, change, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them. A religious association in Russia is recognized as a voluntary association of citizens and other persons permanently and legally residing in the country, formed for the purpose of jointly professing and spreading the faith.

Religious associations

Religious group

Religious organization

Sect Church

A voluntary association of citizens permanently and legally residing in our country operates without state registration

Slide 14

By the end of the 20th century, the position of religion and the church in the world had strengthened significantly. What do you think is the reason for this? This is due to the social upheavals that humanity has suffered (revolutions, world and religious wars, the consequences of scientific and technological revolution). People tired of social catastrophes seek peace of mind in God, the church, in faith, and religion helps a person find peace of mind. However, in modern religious activity there is a significant share of fanaticism and religious extremism, rejection of dissidents and other believers.

Slide 15

For the sustainable and stable development of multi-religious Russia, it is necessary to maintain inter-religious peace. Otherwise, our country will be on the brink of disaster. What are the “risk factors” that threaten interreligious peace and harmony? 1. Religious intolerance 2. Expansion of the activities of non-traditional faiths and religions and the emergence of no less widespread opposition to them, the desire to deprive non-traditional faiths and religions of access to the media, education, and the opportunity to engage in charitable activities

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