Russian language lesson in 7th grade Essay on a linguistic topic (C 2): “The role of verbs, participles and gerunds in speech”

We present to your attention a lesson on speech development in 7th grade, which is aimed at preparing for the State Examination in the Russian language. In this lesson, group work is organized; at the heart of each group is a student who is able to help others.The tasks offered to seventh-graders are identical to tasks C2: students must write an argumentative essay based on the statement given to them, justifying their understanding of this phrase. This lesson is one of the links of many years of work, which begins in the 5th grade and ends with the final exam.

Subject:Speech development lesson. Essay on the linguistic topic “The role of verbs, participles and gerunds in speech”

1) Show the role of the verb and verb forms in the text and the features of use in speech.....

During the classes

I. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson. Updating the topic.

We continue to work on preparing for the State Examination: we will write an essay on a linguistic topic.

Listen to the poem and decide which part of the speech will be discussed in today's lesson.

Interesting part of speech

Lives in Russian.

Who does what, will tell:

Draws, writes, or sings,

Embroiders or plows,

Or scores a goal

Cooks, fries, washes, cleans -

He will tell us everything….. (verb)

- How do we formulate the topic?? (The role of the verb in speech)

Let's define: What parts of speech along with the verb can we talk about and why? To find the answer to this question, let's write down the sentence , Let us emphasize the verb and those parts of speech that are formed from the verb.

Name the words that are formed from the verb ( nouns description, presentation, statement;participledrawing,participles contributing, contributing)

- Which of the following words have verb characteristics? (Participle and gerund)

“Continue my thought: the topic of today’s essay is: The role of the verb, ... (participles and gerunds) in speech.”

So, today we will talk about the role of the verb and verb forms in speech. We organize our work in groups. But first, let’s repeat how we will build an argumentative essay

II. Repetition of the structure of an essay-reasoning.

Exercise: name how many parts the argumentative essay consists of. What components are required?

1. Thesis.

2. Theoretical substantiation of this thesis.

3. Argumentation (2 pieces of evidence)

4. Conclusion.

— How many paragraphs should there be in an argumentative essay on a linguistic topic?

Composition of the essay

Scheme 1

1) Thesis (statement).

2) Reasoning about the meaning of the statement

3) Argument, its role.

4) Argument, its role.

Scheme 2

1) A short introduction about the role of adverbs in clarifying the meaning of what is said.

2) An example of the role of a verb in one sentence.

3) An example of the role of participle and (or) gerund in another sentence.

4) Conclusion (phrase).

Is it necessary to connect paragraphs according to meaning?

- How to do it?

CONCLUSIONS between phrase and theory or the beginning of an essay

1. I understand the meaning of this statement as follows:

2. You can understand the words of a famous writer (scientist, linguist...) full name as follows:

3. In my opinion, this statement means the following:

4. It seems to me that the meaning of the words F.I.O. is that...

5, One cannot but agree with the point of view of the full name.

6. Indeed ,

BINDINGS between theoretical justification and arguments

1. Firstly, - Secondly,

3. Let us turn to sentence No...., in which... - Also with the help of adverbs (examples)...

STRAPS between arguments and output

1. Thus, we have proven that...

2. Therefore, having considered two arguments, we realized: ...

3. Reflecting on the role of adverbs in the text, we came to the conclusion that...

4. Having analyzed the arguments, we were convinced of the validity of the statement of the famous linguist...

5. I think we are convinced that...

III. Identifying the role of the verb and verb forms in speech

1. Observation of language material: the role of verbs and verb forms in the text (entry in reference books)

Text 1

First read the text to yourself, then out loud expressively.

The night has flown over the world,

Bringing dreams to people;

From a dark azure chasuble

The stars rained down, sparkling.

The waves gurgled joyfully,

Reflecting her image;

Rye leaned over, stronger

The meadow grass smelled...

The trembling of slightly whispering leaves

And nightingale trills,

Merging into a choir of praise,

There was a ringing in the quiet air.

And smiled meekly

Night, flying over the earth;

From a dark azure chasuble

The stars rained down, sparkling. (A. Pleshcheev)

— What did you imagine when you read the poem?

- Find verbs, participles and gerunds in the text. Underline them in the text.

- Note which verbs explain the gerunds, the sign of which noun denotes the participle?

— What object is active in the sentence?

— What parts of speech help the author describe the picture of the night? How? (Using gerunds as additional actions, the author softens the colors, visual and auditory ideas, thereby achieving a more complete and correct image of the picture of a summer night. Participle whispering creates the image of leaves as living beings. Personification verbs enliven the described picture: the night “flew by”, “the rye was bending down”, “the night was smiling.”

Text 2

Shivering from the fresh breeze,

A little blue in the face, the beefy guys,

Holding hands like guys

Stomp, warming up, around a stump!

- Underline the verb and gerunds. How many participles are used in the poem and why? (Here, for one verb, four gerunds are given, which create a picturesque picture of the “actions” of oil in addition to the main action expressed by the verb. Consequently, gerunds, like adverbs, decorate the verb and complement it with other actions)

2. Conclusions about the role of verbs, gerunds and participles in speech.

The role of verbs, participles and gerunds in speech

1) Saturation verbs allows you to convey the intensity, dynamism of action, movement.

2) Verbs give the text dynamism, they denote the actions of objects, and make objects come to life.

3) Verb forms convey movement, express an attitude towards a person, indicate the subjectivity of a statement, i.e. activate readers, contribute to their unification with the characters.

4) Verbs used to convey movement and dynamics of the surrounding world; convey the course of action or thoughts of a character.

5) Participle allows you to give a figurative description of an object and represent its characteristics in dynamics.

6) Participle promotes semantic accuracy, conciseness and conciseness of speech, introduces an element of bookishness into the statement. The expression inherent in the grammatical nature of the participle was noted by scientists and writers. According to D.V. Grigorovich, “... the gerund completes the movement,” therefore it is an indispensable tool not only for accurate and concise, but also for picturesque transmission of the nature of the action.

7) Participles expressively convey details that paint the action picturesquely.

II. Work in groups.

Group 1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the outstanding linguist A.M. Peshkovsky: “ "(write about the verb and participle).

Group 2. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian writer Alexei Kuzmich Yugov “ The verb is the most living part of speech. The scarlet, most arterial blood of the tongue flows in the verb. The purpose of a verb is to express the action itself.”

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

Group 3. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl " A participle is a part of speech that participates in a verb in the form of an adjective."

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

Group 4*. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statements of the famous Russian philologist Nikolai Ivanovich Grech “The verb gives life to speech - with its presence it gives life to individual words” and the Russian writer Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich “... ».

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

Group 5. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian writer Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich “... the gerund completes the movement».

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

Group 6*. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statements of the Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov about participles "These verbal names serve as a contraction of the human word, concluding contains the power of the verb and the name" and Russian linguist Alexander Matveevich Peshkovsky “Verbs are words that give life to everything to which they are applied.”

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

Group 7-Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian linguist Dietmar Elyashevich Rosenthal “Adverbial phrases are primarily a part of book speech. Their undoubted advantage... lies in their brevity and dynamism. They are also characterized by great expressiveness." .

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

Original text

(1) The famous singer Chaliapin had a voluminous leather briefcase, covered with many labels of travel companies from different countries and cities in which the artist toured. (2) All the years he lived abroad, Chaliapin carried the briefcase with him, trusted no one, and almost never let it out of his hands.

(3) There was a small box in the briefcase. (4) Not only the people who worked with Chaliapin, but also relatives had no idea about its contents.

(5) Arriving in a new city and entering the room prepared for him, Chaliapin took a box out of his briefcase, looked at it thoughtfully and put it under the bed.

(6) It was mysterious and incomprehensible.

(7) After the artist’s death, his widow opened the tightly boarded up box. (8) It contained a handful of land taken by Chaliapin before leaving abroad. (9) A handful of native Russian land.

(According to A. Less)

Alexander Lazarevich Less - writer, journalist, photojournalist and polar explorer .

Note (each group is given informational text

Information text

About the verb

1. The name “Verb” comes from the Old Church Slavonic word "verb" What means "speak”.

3. Verbs can have lexical meanings movements I(jump, run, swim...); sound (sing, talk, shout); state (turn blue, turn golden, get sick); process(absorb, heat up); existence(live, be) and others.

4. Verbs have something in common grammatical meaning is “action”.

In modern Russian, verbs name various actions:

1) related to work activities: chopping, digging, knitting, sewing, etc.;

2) associated with mental and speech activity: thinking, observing, imagining, speaking, deciding, etc.;

3) naming movement and position in space: walk, fly, stand, lie, sit, etc.;

4) naming various states: sad, loving, hating, sick, sleeping, etc.;

5) naming states of nature: dawn, rain, dusk, evening, etc.

About participles and gerunds

In modern linguistics there are several points on the grammatical nature of participles and gerunds.

Some scientists consider them to be independent parts of speech, which stand out along with nouns, adverbs, prepositions, etc.

Other linguists argue that participles and gerunds are special verb forms. Special because they are not conjugated, but behave differently in speech than the verb. Let us remind you: participles repeat the grammatical features of an adjective - they are declined (change according to numbers, genders, cases), but gerunds do not change at all, like adverbs. Let's take participles, for example. They are formed from the verb ( blush - blushing), but will change like adjectives - according to numbers, gender and cases.

These different points of view are also reflected in modern school textbooks on the Russian language. Some of them consider participles and gerunds as forms of the verb, while in other textbooks these words are studied as independent parts of speech.

III. Summarizing. Group report: reading essays and discussing them in class.

IV. Homework.

Based on the text of exercise 226 on page 107, write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the outstanding linguist A.M. Peshkovsky: “ Each part of speech has its own merits"(write about adverbs and adjectives). To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

Student essays

Group 6

The statements of M.V. Lomonosov and A.M. Peshkovsky are somewhat similar, and therefore both authors, revealing the role of the verb and the participle, agree on the same opinion: the participle combines the power of the verb and the name, and the verb itself is the power actions. For evidence, let us turn to the text by Alexander Less “The Mysterious Box”.

Firstly, in sentence 1, the participle “pasted over” helps the author give an accurate description of F.I. Chaliapin’s portfolio. This part of speech characterizes the attribute of the subject by action: the briefcase, covered with many labels of travel companies from different countries and cities, indicated that the singer often traveled around the world on tour.

Secondly, the verbs “took out”, “looked” and “put” in sentence 5 denote not only the actions of Fyodor Ivanovich, but also express his attitude towards this “mysterious box”.

Thus, we have proven that the participle and the verb play a huge role in speech, helping us more accurately express our thoughts and describe our actions.

Osadchenko Nastya

Group 3

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal said: “A participle is a part of speech that participates in a verb in the form of an adjective”

In my opinion, this statement means the following: the participle is formed from a verb, but has the characteristics of an adjective, because it denotes a characteristic of an object in action that appears in time and describes it colorfully and clearly.

For example, the participle “famous” (sentence 1) allows us to understand that Chaliapin was famous and famous. The verb “to glorify” is hidden in this word, at the same time it changes in numbers, gender and cases in the same way as an adjective, and denotes a feature of an object.

In addition, the participle “lived” (sentence 2), giving a dynamic representation of this attribute, characterizes the years that the singer spent abroad.

Persianova Varya

Essay on home text exercise 226

(textbook by M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others, p. 107)

“Each part of speech has its own merits,” argued A.M. Peshkovsky.

Indeed, without them our speech would be poor and gray. This is especially true for adjectives and adverbs, which decorate the language and make it expressive and figurative. Let us prove this thesis with examples from A. Sheikin’s text.

Firstly, the adjective gives the subject a qualitative characteristic, makes the text more informative, vivid, and imaginative. For example, the adjectives “huge”, “ordinary”, “inconvenient” enliven the text and allow the author to convey the meaning of the brand in the world.

Secondly, the adverb “almost” expressively “depicts” the action, characterizes it more accurately: the postage stamp was recognized all over the world, and the adverb “stronger” talks about how important mail is for people.

Thus, we have proven that the role of adjectives and adverbs is obvious. Thanks to many parts of speech, including these, literary texts are created that are capable of conveying all the diversity of life and the world.

Kiselev Denis

Suyazova Irina Anatolyevna, MKOU "Kamensk secondary school No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.P. Zakharchenko" Kamensky municipal district of the Voronezh region

Russian language lesson in 6th grade.

Prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature from the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School. Krasnoarmeyskoe

Listrova Tamara Viktorovna.

1.Repeat and summarize theoretical information about participles and gerunds.

2. Learn to construct sentences with participial and participial phrases, and be able to use them in your speech.

3. Be able to formulate written speech correctly in spelling and punctuation.

Portrait of the Communion

Participle– a special form of the verb, which denotes a sign of an object by action and combines the signs of a verb (aspect, tense, reflexivity) and the signs of an adjective (gender, number, case), answers the questions Which? What do you do? What did he do?

Depends on the noun or pronoun.

Suffixes Present. vr. – ush-yush, ash-yush; om-em-im.

Prosh. vr. Vsh, sh, enn, nn, t.

In a sentence it is a modifier or predicate.

Participle– a special form of the verb, which denotes an additional action with the main action of the verb, answers the questions How? How? Doing what? What did you do?

Combines the characteristics of a verb (aspect, reflexivity) and an adverb (immutability).

Depends on the verb.

Suffixes: a-ya, vschi, shi, uchi-yuchi.

In a sentence it plays the role of an adverbial circumstance.

found out

I know

I want to know

What is a participle and


Silver fairy tale of winter.

Fields covered with snow glisten from the bright sun.

The forest, intertwined with ribbons of footprints, seems like a magical blanket.

On starry nights, moonlight casting a spell over the fields creates a picture of a silver necklace.

A cold night spread over a forest covered with snow.

The trees were dressed in white coats, sparkling in the bright sun.

And at the edge of the forest stood a mighty old oak tree, white from frost.

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

Sliding on the morning snow,

Dear friend, let’s indulge in running...

Participles are usually avoided in conversation.

We don't say: a carriage galloping across a bridge; servant sweeping the room; We are speaking: which gallops, which sweeps, etc.., - replacing the expressive brevity of the participle with a sluggish turn.

A.S. Pushkin

“Not that, not that,” said Dostoevsky irritably, “not that at all!” You're coming out too dry: the penny fell at my feet...should have said: the nickel fell onto the pavement, ringing and bouncing..."Yes, it turned out much more picturesque.

"Ringing and Bouncing"

finishes drawing


D.V. Grigorovich.

The frost sparkling on the branches was mesmerizing.

Seeing the snow-covered forest edge, I was overcome with a feeling of joy.

The snowstorm, which began in the morning, did not stop until the evening.

1. Carefully look at the pictures that will be in front of you, write down your impressions of viewing.

2. Write an essay

"Winter's Tale of the Forest"

3. Check your work.

found out

I know

I want to know

What is a participle and

What is the role of participles and gerunds in speech?


How are these parts of speech formed, with the help of what suffixes. What are they in a sentence

Difficulties associated with the use of a special form of the verb - the participle - in speech can be divided into two groups: in the formation of participle forms and in the use of participles.

Errors in the formation of participles usually consist in incorrect construction of the formative basis (cf.: the use of the wrong form galloping instead of normative - galloping) and in the wrong choice of formative suffix. Since the choice of a form-building basis is common for conjugated and non-conjugated forms, if there is difficulty, you should use the recommendations given in paragraph 2.6.

When choosing a formative suffix in the formation of the participle form, pay special attention to the following cases.

1. Most active past participles are formed using suffixes -вш- from the stem of the infinitive (past tense) ending in a vowel:

write - wrote, decide - decided.

    The suffix -ш- is used if the stem of the infinitive ends in a consonant:

    carry - carried, carry - carried.

note that the suffix -ш- is also used if the stem of the infinitive ends in -shibit, -eret: wipe - wiped, bruise - bruised. Erroneous forms wiped, bruised are quite common in speech, but they are unacceptable in literary language!

2. Passive past participles use the suffixes -nn- (-n-), -enn- (-en-) and -t- ( cleaned, made, finished). In speech, quite often there is an error associated with the use of one suffix instead of another.

For example, in the sentence: The room has been cleaned- instead of the normative form removed with the suffix -n- the suffix -t- was mistakenly used.

3. It should be remembered that when forming a participle, all word-forming prefixes and suffixes of the verb must be preserved. The most common mistake is dropping the suffix -sya when forming participles from reflexive verbs.

For example, in the sentence: The wind tore off the leaves left on the trees- the suffix -sya was illegally omitted. The following sentence would be grammatically correct: The wind tore off the remaining leaves on the trees.

4. It should be taken into account that some verbs are characterized by the absence or infrequency of certain forms of participles. Thus, according to the rules of Russian grammar, passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs:

    Passive participles cannot be formed from verbs like get up, lie down etc., since these verbs cannot be combined with the accusative case without a preposition.

    At the same time, the absence of certain forms of participles may be due not to grammatical laws, but to tradition.


1) The forms of present passive participles (suffixes -om-, -em-, -im-) are not used for verbs:

arrest, protect, beat, take, wake up, carry, twirl, twist, transport, knit, iron, look, cook, warm, smash, load, gnaw, crush, hold, regret, fry, reap, wait, burn, call, know, have, boil, put, glue, prick, feed, paint, sculpt, treat, pour, revenge, grind, wash, find, plow, sing, bake, write, saw, drink, weed, spoil, hide, tear, cut, chop, salt, set, guard, dry, sprinkle, weave, stew, pull, teach, bury, clean, whisper, sew and etc.

2) There are no forms of passive past participles for transitive verbs:

return, get, force(do something) catch, overshadow, lick, pass, remind, fly around, wait, wish, love, greet, run, carry out, pass, decline, conjugate, look at, push.

When using participles in speech, special attention should be paid to the following points.

1. The contrast between active and passive participles is related to the meaning they express.

    Active participles (suffixes) -ushch-, -yushch-, -ashch-, -box-, -vsh-, -sh-) denote a sign of who (what) directly performs the action:

    a singing girl, a boy drawing.

    Passive participles (suffixes) -om-, -eat-, -im-; -nn-(-n-), -enn- (-en-), -t-) indicate a sign of who (what) is experiencing the action:

    a book you read, a magazine you bought.

    In speech, a fairly common mistake is to use active participles instead of passive ones, and vice versa.

    For example, in the sentence: I had one ticket won- the passive participle is used incorrectly, since in this case this construction means: I won a ticket, and not a specific prize, amount of money, etc. with a lucky ticket. It is grammatically correct to use the active participle ( winning ticket), since the defined noun does not experience, but produces an action.

2. In Russian, the passive meaning can be expressed both by passive participles and by active participles from reflexive verbs with the suffix -sya.

    In some cases, both possible forms are used in literary language:

    a project approved by all - a project approved by all.

    In other cases, either only the passive participle or only the active participle of the reflexive verb is used.

    Wed: a built house is a house under construction.

    It should be remembered that the main expresser of the meaning of passivity is precisely the passive participle, and where it is present, the reflexive participle is usually unacceptable.

    Thus, the following phrases will be grammatically incorrect: child, dressing up as a nanny; box, turned carpenter . In this case, the use of passive participles is mandatory: child, dressed as a nanny; box, made by a carpenter.

    The reflexive participle is usually used when the corresponding passive participle is not available in the language or is rarely used. For example, forms of passive past participles from imperfective verbs are not formed or are rarely used.

    Wed: a paper written by a student last year; a report written by a student over the course of a year.

3. It should also be remembered that in Russian there are no and cannot be future participles. You cannot use participles in relation to the future! Therefore, constructions like:

In just a few years we will have a whole complex of enterprises that could cause an environmental disaster.

When forming forms of gerunds, the following points must be taken into account.

1. Imperfective participles are formed from the base of the present tense of imperfective verbs using suffixes -а/-я:

take - take - taking; cry - cry - crying.

    A number of imperfective verbs also form participles using the suffix -uchi/-yuchi:

    being, driving, regretting, playing, walking, sneaking.

    However, they did not receive any widespread use in the literary language. Typically, the forms in -uchi/-yuchi are perceived either as outdated or as a means of stylizing folk and ancient speech.

    note to forms of gerunds from the following verbs: climb - climbing, swim - floating, pinch - pinch, wave - wave(permissible - Masha), suffer - suffering(in artistic speech you can find - suffering), sprinkle - rash(permissible - rash), listen - listening And listening(obsolete).

    In addition, not all imperfective verbs are capable of forming gerunds. As a rule, verbs that do not have vowels in the present tense do not form participles (cf.: weave - weave):

    beat, twist, lie, bend, eat, reap(hand) reap(rye), wait, burn, lie, pour, crush, drink, tear, send, sleep, weave, rub, sew.

    There are no or no participles from verbs with alternating consonants z-zh, s-sh in the stems of the infinitive and present tense (cf.: knit - knit, dance - dance):

    weigh, knit, seem, mow, lick, dance, cut, scratch.

    Imperfective verbs like -ch, na-nut do not form participles:

    protect, burn, might, oven, flog, guard, cut, flow, wither, go out, stall, grow stronger, freeze, get wet, smell, drown, pull.

    Imperfect participles from verbs are not used:

    arrest, run, stab, climb, plow, sing, be born, freeze, want.

2. Perfective participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive (past tense) of perfective verbs, mainly using the suffix -в:

buy - having bought, decide - having decided.

    From a number of verbs of the perfect form, gerunds are formed using the suffix -а/-я ( enter - entering, subtract - subtract etc.) or suffixes -louse, -shi ( offended, upset and etc.).

    In the vast majority of cases, forms with the suffix -в are used: they are shorter and more euphonious. The cacophony of forms like having written M. Gorky especially emphasized. But it should be borne in mind that reflexive verbs usually have only one form - laughing, wrapped up. The use of the suffix -shi instead of the suffix -v is also typical for many verbs with a consonant stem: grow up - having grown up; save - having saved.

    The use of the suffix -а/-я in the formation of perfect participles (cf.: putting - putting, hearing - hearing, noticing - noticing) was a fairly common phenomenon in the 19th and early 20th centuries. For example, such forms were widely used by M. Gorky: leaning, approaching, getting off etc. Currently, many of these forms are out of use.

3. The main mistake when forming participles is the use of one suffix instead of another.

For example, in the sentence: I dialed the number after hanging up- the form of the gerund with the suffix -a was mistakenly used. From verbs with a base to a sibilant, perfective participles are usually formed using the suffix -a, but the normative option would be the form with the suffix -v (putting phone).

    Errors of this kind are quite common when using phraseological units. Many of them contain obsolete forms of gerunds ( hand on heart, headlong). Arbitrary replacement of such forms with modern forms in some idiomatic expressions ( rushed out headlong) is an error!

    Quite regularly in speech, the so-called filling of “empty cells” is also observed, that is, the erroneous formation of gerunds from verbs that in a literary language cannot have gerund forms at all (for example: While sleeping, he shuddered).

Types of research in the lesson Observing the role of participles and gerunds in literary texts Constructing sentences Creating mini-texts with suggested words and phrases Working with photographs of landscapes Individual work on cards Writing a lyrical miniature

Winter in poems by Russian poets Read the texts. Find in them examples of the use of participles and gerunds Birch White birch Under my window Covered with snow, Like silver. On the fluffy branches, like a snowy border, brushes blossomed like a white fringe. And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence, and snowflakes burn in golden fire. And the dawn, lazily going around, Sprinkles the branches with new silver Afanasy Fet A sad birch tree At my window, And the whim of frost Has dismantled it... A wonderful picture, How dear you are to me: White plain, Full moon, Light of high skies, And shiny snow, And distant sleighs Lonely running. Sergey Yesenin Porosha I'm going. Quiet. Ringing can be heard under hoofs in the snow, only gray crows make noise in the meadow. Enchanted by the invisible, The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep, Like a white scarf, a pine tree is tied up...

“Crystal Ringing” by V. Astafiev I went out to the river bank in the morning, and there was a ringing sound along it, thin - thin, barely perceptible. I didn’t immediately understand what was happening: the river was high in the winter, the coastal bushes were flooded, a frost hit at night - the water “dried up” - and a layer of ice formed on all the branches, on the shoots of the willow grass and on the flooded sedge. They hung like bells over the water, the talniks moved in streams, the pieces of ice tinkled barely audibly, and when the breeze picked up, the ringing became thicker, the gloomy, stormy river, which had been humming discontentedly all summer, began to sparkle from end to end. ... A barely audible crystal ringing was heard all around, a scattering of sparkling bells over the banks - the voice of the sad pre-winter throughout the heavenly world. Assignment Find participles and participial phrases in the text of the lyrical miniature and determine their role

Didactic materials Make up sentences using these words and phrases: A bird fluttering from branch to branch, an alley strewn with snow, shining sparks on silvery frost, in a raging blizzard, glass ringing, the foggy face of the moon, an impenetrable forest, snow sparkling in the sun, covered with a snow blanket . Construction of proposals according to these schemes Ι Ι, X. X, Ι Ι,..., and …, Ι._._._._._. Ι, …. Answer the questions: What color is the sky today? What sun? How else can you say this? Selection of associative concepts for the word winter What words come to mind when you hear this word? Which of these are participles and gerunds?

Spelling and syntactic work In a black... forest, a rustling... stream, a rushing... stream, pouring... rain, a steaming... river, a red... dawn, by a waving... lake, swaying .. blowing by the breeze, meeting .. ice floes. The shiny snow that covered the ground creaks under my boot. (Syntax analysis) 1. A path runs down to the river, barely visible in the darkness. 2. The river, faintly illuminated by the moon, turns silver. 3. The reeds rustle, slightly swayed by the wind. 4. Someone’s voices heard from afar echo loudly in the silence of the night. 5. In the distance stood an almost invisible forest. 6. The shadow, swayed by the wind, either shortened or lengthened.7. The forest covered with snow stood alone until spring. (Graphically indicate the participial phrases).