The presented layout will help reveal secrets hidden from prying eyes. Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Secret Pocket” is interesting, but at the same time dangerous. Any secrets trigger the mechanism of curiosity in us. It is useless to fight this, such is the nature of things.

Moreover, it is almost impossible to overcome this feeling when it comes to a loved one. Everything connected with the object of adoration should belong to us!

Principles and rules of fortune telling

This divination can be applied to feelings, past, present and, of course, to the future. Layouts related to the manifestation of the secret can be very effectively produced using the so-called dark Tarot decks. Not everyone can respond correctly to their energies.

But no one forbids you to use classic sets or the Paracelsus deck, which is considered dark (since the author was involved in black magic), but its energy is neutral. We make the layout with a full Tarot deck.

Online option

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to do a live reading, you can try the free online love fortune telling Secret Pocket using Tarot cards.

Layout diagram

Some tarot readers, for moral reasons, do not tell fortunes about the private life of a person who does not know about it. The “Secret Pocket” Tarot card layout will help you satisfy your curiosity on your own.

The meaning of the cards

  1. First card: what is he pursuing in this relationship;
  2. Cards 2,3,4,5 - how he feels towards the questioner;
  3. Cards 6,7,8 – what he can do in a relationship;
  4. Cards 9,10,11 - what will be done in the near future;
  5. The twelfth card is what is hidden;
  6. The thirteenth card is why or why it is hiding;

If you decide to spread it to yourself, to your relationships, and choose a demonic deck, having never used such Tarot sets before, don’t risk it. Try meeting them under other circumstances that are less important to you.

They require very careful use. You need to have certain character and mental properties for these cards, undoubtedly interesting and strong in all respects, to speak to you.

We can advise you to purchase such a deck, meditate on it and work through it via the Internet on social networks or on specialized forums. Now this is finding a lively response, and for you it is an invaluable experience and an opportunity to open new horizons.

Women will always trust fortune telling. Some do it themselves, others turn to those who owned the technology. The weaker sex is especially interested in the topic of love, fidelity and fortune-telling for betrayal.

When to perform a fidelity ritual?

Each sacrament should have its own time. To prevent your spouse from losing interest in other women, you should cast spells on the waning moon. For loyalty and self-love, read on the waxing moon. And they most often guess about their husband’s infidelity during the full moon.

It is better to carry out the process in person with a magician or on your own. Online ones are automated and produce an average result, pre-programmed on the site. By choosing a magical intermediary, you will surely find out the truth and be able to use a spell to bring back your loved one. Ordinary or Tarot cards will help you with this.

So, you have learned the truth. If the result is not in your favor, again you need to turn to professionals. It is impossible to achieve a good outcome in absentia regarding the fidelity of a loved one. From time immemorial, this work was thanked: “in order to take something you need to give” - this is the law of balance. Not only can you not achieve your goal for free, but you can also pay for what you have done by losing your personal money. The magical mediator must feel the energy of the one with whom he has to work. For full contact you need a thing, a photograph, a favorite item.

What is important to know?

Tarot fortune telling is an old proven method that ladies have resorted to for more than one generation. They are impartial and honest, their answers hit the target with great probability.

What you can find out:

  • present day;
  • past;
  • perspective;
  • about your partner and yourself;
  • betrayal of physical/spiritual type;
  • how the partner reacts to the opposite sex;
  • why did he take the path of sin?
  • How will this “duel” end?

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is only a springboard for reflection; a specialist will interpret them. If you do this, be careful to look at the exact meaning of the cards. Everything must be taken into account, especially the position: normal, inverted.

Fortune telling for treason using playing cards

First of all, you need to formulate and speak the question. Place 4 pieces in a row, one below the other. The first 4 cards that come together will show you the answer.

Meanings of fortune telling for fidelity, reasons for betrayal:

  • 6 – frequent departures, business trips.
  • 7 – loss of feelings, midlife crisis, road “to nowhere”;
  • 8 – romantic nature;
  • 9 – love (love spell).
  • 10 – chronic workaholism, “betrayal” with work (painful responsibility).
  • V. - the other half will cause a lot of trouble, often drinks, gets tired, and leaves home.
  • D. – rival, betrayal.
  • K. - fidelity, old age, charm with his wife.
  • T. – love for home, family (possibly as a reason for maintaining a marriage).

Rituals based on the results of fortune telling

If the situation is bad, you need to do the following.

The ritual should be performed strictly with a red lit candle. Place the cards you come across in front of you during the full moon and read the following words:

&The full moon gives me strength for further actions. My words are strong!&.

Put everything under the pillow.

  1. If fortune telling has shown betrayal, a rival, or something negative, the ritual of fidelity should begin on the next night of the waning moon.
  2. If they show love for you, then wait for the waxing moon.
  3. Ritual of fidelity (in a bad situation)

For the conspiracy you will need wedding rings, your husband’s item, a red candle and braid of the same color. Choose a wedding day in church and go to the ceremony, repeat word for word after the priest speaking for the newlyweds, squeezing wedding rings in your right hand, tied together with a red thread or braid. Keep your left hand on your heart. Then the ring can be returned if the spouse does not wear it, they can be left tied and put away in the southwestern part of the apartment, where love is “kept.”

After the ritual, wait for the day when the moon begins to wane, read all the days while the moon is waning. Every evening, lighting a candle, pick up your husband’s thing and say the following words:

&As the moon melts, so does the desire of my beloved, the servant of God, to look at other women, to desire them, to take them. My words are strong! Amen!&.

On the last night, at exactly 12 o'clock after the words, burn the bad cards in a cup and scatter the ashes out the window. While the moon is getting smaller, there is no need to say anything else.

Ritual for the love of a husband with a good layout of cards

On the first day of the waxing moon, also with the thing in your hands and by candlelight, pronounce the following conspiracy against betrayal:

&As the moon grows by leaps and bounds, so would the love of my husband, God’s servant (name) grow for me and strengthen day by day! My words are strong!&.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards &Secret Pocket&

To carry out the process of fortune telling for betrayal more subtly, you should use what is closest to your spouse. You can take a pillowcase from the pillow on which he sleeps or the pillow itself. A clean handkerchief, but from a pocket, shirt, etc. The “Secret Pocket” fortune-telling is carried out on the item you have chosen: the cards must remain wrapped for at least three hours in order to absorb the husband’s energy. We lay it out into 13 cards:

Shuffle the entire deck, then draw 13 at random. The interpretation will depend on the question posed. The question could be something like this:

  • What exactly does such and such a person feel towards me?
  • What does he think about me?
  • What exactly is my beloved (name) trying to hide from me?
  • Is my spouse cheating on me?
  • Why is the rival strong?
  • The 1st one in the deck will tell you about your partner’s expectations of you and the relationship, and why he is still with you.
  • From 2 to 5 they will show you what your partner feels for you: love or dislike, passion or indifference, perhaps jealousy or even fear.
  • From the 6th to the 8th they will show you what interferes with the relationship, for example, a husband’s betrayal or a common interest in work, jealous relatives.
  • From the 9th to the 11th he will tell you about your spouse’s future plans for you.
  • 12 - in fortune telling, I am the one who will point you to the existing secrets of the second half. Secrets can relate not only to betrayal, but also to other topics.
  • 13th answers the questions: &Why?&, &Why?&.

For a wife, treason will be indicated by Ladies (these are mistresses), and for a husband, on the contrary, by Kings (lovers).

Fortune telling for infidelity using a comb

You will need a red, thin candle. Usually there are hairs left on the comb, they need to be collected, and at the end of the whole action they are burned with the words: just as hairs burn in a flame, so my husband burns out of love for me. Move the comb lightly over the flame while saying the following words:

&I endow the personal with immeasurable power, with true truth. If my wife is a chopper, let him give me this sign.

Place the comb in holy water and burn the hair. You need to monitor your spouse for several days. If the result is positive, the comb should: break, cause pain, fall out of your hands, get lost.

If so, then repeat the ritual over the fire again, but with different speeches:

&This object is in contact with your head, with your thoughts, I free your thoughts from love for another woman! Every touch to your head is a sign that you are free from her bonds, every touch to your head is a sign that you are losing interest in everyone except your spouse!&.

And according to your faith you will be rewarded...

It’s up to you to believe or not to believe fortune-telling, but faith often works miracles. Perhaps the betrayal of your loved one is just your fantasy, but having received a positive response from the cards, you will become more suspicious and jealous, and begin to harass your spouse in vain. And it’s not far from a real mistress.

The most exciting question that sooner or later begins to torment anyone is betrayal. Even if the relationship is built on mutual trust, deep in the soul there may be a grain of doubt.

Tarot cards are able to deal with this problem by giving a monosyllabic answer, thereby confirming or refuting suspicions. The most popular layout for betrayal is considered to be the “Secret Pocket”.


Tarot readers claim that most often people turn to them specifically to determine whether a partner has someone on his side. Nobody wants to be deceived, so a variety of methods are used.

"Secret pocket" layout considered quite effective. In addition to the fact that he will give an accurate answer to the question of interest, he will be able to analyze the relationship. This knowledge will be relevant when choosing a model of behavior in a given relationship.

There are nine cards in the layout. Based on this, we can say that the fortune telling is quite detailed. It reflects not only the past, present and future of relationships, but also reveals position of each partner.

Also, not only physical betrayal is considered, but also emotional and even intellectual. If betrayal has already taken place, then the alignment will tell you about the possible reasons and tell you how to act in the future.

Ultimately, the layout provides the following opportunities:

  • Find out the degree of a person’s predisposition to cheating;
  • Determine the reasons why this may happen;
  • Identify areas where dangers lurk;
  • Predict the future of relationships;


The cards are thoroughly shuffled and placed in three vertical rows. Very important follow the schedule. The first card starts the left row, located on top. The second card is in the middle of the second row. The third card is located under the first.

There are more extended layout, consisting of thirteen cards. It is also in demand, but not every tarot reader can correctly decompose and decipher it.


Cards are deciphered as they increase, and not depending on their position in the layout. This condition must be met. Because it saves logical connection between the characteristics of the cards.

The first card in this layout talks about what is happening in the relationship today. The second card generally characterizes the partner. The third card shows how the partner treats members of the opposite sex. Already at this stage of fortune telling, you can understand what the likelihood of betrayal is in this case.

The fourth card talks about the possibility of physical betrayal. The fifth card touches on another type of betrayal - emotional. The sixth card speaks of opportunity intellectual treason. This includes spending time with friends or dedicating a person to work.

The seventh card examines possible causes of betrayal. The eighth card shows how the relationship will develop in the future. The ninth card tells us what the questioner needs to prepare for, what to expect from loved one.

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands card is a fairly strong, fiery card. She can both characterize the situation and talk about the presence of an outside woman in the relationship. It all depends on where exactly this card is located.

In general, when interpreting relationship layouts "Queen of Wands" considered a sign of love and respect. She emphasizes rich life experience. Most likely, the couple had already gone through a lot, which subsequently cemented the union.

Under the influence of certain factors, the presence of the “Lady of Wands” in a reading may foreshadow a revival of feelings and a transition to a new stage in the relationship. The reversed position of this card has the opposite characteristic. In this case we are talking about selfishness and stubbornness. It is for this reason that it is possible conflict situations in relationships.

Located next to the “Ace of Cups,” the “Queen of Wands” speaks of the speedy acquisition of offspring. In this case, there can be no question of any betrayal. The combination of this card with the “Six of Swords” indicates a sudden change of place of residence.

Most likely, this step will be a solution to problems in the relationship. "Eight of Cups" together with the lady, is a direct sign of the end of the relationship. In this case, it is possible that the partner will leave for another person.


The Jester card is considered truly controversial and unpredictable. So when it falls out in love scenarios, tarot readers prefer to postpone the alignment to another time because they do not consider it indicative. But some experts take on decoding in this case too.

This card predicts a series of strange events. They can go beyond the usual, surprise, and in some cases even shock. If the card is reversed, then there will be problems in the relationship. certain problems.

It is quite possible that the partner will be passionate about another person. But this will happen unconsciously, on the initiative of this person. How the situation is resolved largely depends on the questioner himself.

King of Pentacles

This card talks about having a mature relationship. It is likely that we are talking about an older couple. However, maturity can also manifest itself in the very nature of the relationship. This means that the union is quite strong, tested by time and various situations.

The downside in this relationship is that there is no former passion in it. Love is based on respect and trust for each other. This union has well developed family values. Both partners look in the same direction. If a couple does not have children, then they will definitely appear soon.

What most often makes people in love or married people suffer from suspicion, suffer and worry? Of course, thoughts about whether your loved one is hiding something. What if he has an affair on the side or some kind of secret? When we become suspicious, it affects our relationships, and sometimes non-existent lovers and mistresses become the reason for real separation. To avoid tormenting yourself and your partner once again, perform the “Secret Pocket” Tarot spread - it will allow you to find out for sure whether your other half is hiding something.

Under what circumstances can you use the Hidden Pocket Tarot spread?

Fortune telling will be useful if you are tormented by any kind of doubts and suspicions. In the end, you will not lose anything: at best, you will breathe a sigh of relief when you find out that there are no secrets of the Madrid court behind your back; at worst, you will make sure that you have excellent intuition, since you were able to sense that your partner is hiding something important.

So, what will the “Secret Pocket” Tarot layout allow you to find out: does your other half have another partner, are there any other secrets that he prefers to remain silent about, how your loved one really treats you and what he is going to do

“Secret Pocket” layout: features and meaning of card positions

The “Secret Pocket” Tarot layout, the diagram of which is shown in the figure above, belongs to the category of medium complexity. The number of cards used is thirteen. A novice tarot reader who can already navigate the meanings of the Arcana quite easily can handle this fortune-telling.

Before laying out the cards, as usual, you need to ask the deck a question, shuffle it, and then pull out any thirteen cards, arranging them closed according to the presented diagram.

What do the positions mean?

  • 1 - The purpose of the person of interest relative to the questioner. The card describes what this person wants to achieve from the relationship, why he is near the questioner
  • 2, 3, 4, 5 - The true attitude of a loved one, his experiences, feelings, emotions, in a word - all the responses of his soul to this relationship
  • 6, 7, 8 - Real actions of your other half, his behavior, actions
  • 9, 10, 11 - Plans for the near future of the person you are interested in. How a person intends to act, what he is going to do, what he plans to do regarding the client and their relationship
  • 12 - That same “secret pocket”, a person’s secret, what he hides, what he doesn’t talk about, keeps silent
  • 13 - The reason forcing a person to remain silent

Many people are interested in how you can find out that a person is not hiding anything? But this already depends on the intuition of the tarot reader. In fact, if you understand human psychology, each of us has things that we prefer not to talk about even to our closest people. And this will not necessarily be a connection on the side. This may include secret fears, painful experiences from the past, some childhood grievances, or even family or inheritance matters that do not concern your other half.

An example of the interpretation of fortune telling “Secret Pocket”

To make everything fall into place, let’s imagine that a young man came to see us and was tormented by suspicions about his girlfriend’s infidelity. Suppose that a girl often leaves home under dubious pretexts, does not allow her to look at her phone, closes her page on a social network, in a word - she behaves very suspiciously.

We are doing a “Secret Pocket” Tarot spread for a young man and here are the cards we get.

1 -10 Cups. Based on this card, it would be logical to assume that the girl has high hopes for this relationship. She wants to build a family, have children

2, 3, 4, 5 -2 of Cups, Star, Ace of Cups, Lovers. All the fallen Arcana unanimously speak of sincere feelings, love, strong emotions, but the Lovers hint at some kind of choice that occupies the girl’s thoughts. And this choice is clearly related to relationships

6, 7, 8 - 2 of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, 8 of Swords. We can say that the girl’s behavior is clearly unstable. She behaves unpredictably, as if she is being led by some of her own ideas, and in general one gets the feeling that she finds herself in some seemingly hopeless situation.

9, 10, 11 - 4 of Swords, Hermit, Queen of Swords. The girl clearly wants to take a break from the relationship, figure out what is happening, think carefully and perhaps even ask for smart advice from some experienced woman

12 - Empress. In this case, Arkan clearly hints at pregnancy, which the person of interest to us, apparently, hides from her boyfriend

13 - Jester. Most likely, the girl is afraid to tell her loved one about this, because she believes that they are not yet old enough to join the family.

The most important thing in this layout is to try to feel the cards intuitively. Do not use book values. Believe that your gut instinct will tell you much more than any literature or brochure accompanying the deck.

The “Secret Pocket” online layout is used when a loved one is suspected of cheating. This free fortune-telling on erotic Tarot cards of Manara will show whether there has been betrayal or its likelihood in the future, the relationship in a couple.

In conclusion, the cards will advise you on how to change your life, yourself, in order to build the relationships you strive for. The Manara deck is best suited for love situations.

The best time to use fortune telling for treason is Christmas time. However, throughout the year it can also be used on suitable days: Monday and Friday. It is not advisable to start work on weekends. Fortune tellers believe that these days the Higher powers can deceive a person and give him false information.

Questions the cards answer

1. What your relationship means to your partner.
2, 3, 4, 5. Feelings, thoughts, conscious and subconscious, of your partner towards you.
6, 7, 8. How the partner behaves in the relationship, what he is trying to demonstrate to you.
9, 10, 11. What the partner is trying to do in the near future.
12. Secret pocket, what is your partner hiding? Is there a fact of betrayal or a lover/mistress?
13. If the answer to the previous position is YES, then what motivates the partner to secrecy or cheating. If the answer is no, what needs to be done to improve the attitude.

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