The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR note that in 1971 - 1980, major measures were carried out for the comprehensive development of the productive forces of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, provided for in Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 25, 1972 N 368.

During this period, the volume of industrial production in the autonomous republic increased by 1.8 times, the Kholboldzhinsky coal mine, the Selenga pulp and cardboard plant, the plant of metal bridge structures, and the first stage of the Gusinoozerskaya State District Power Plant were put into operation. The construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway, passing through the territory of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, is being carried out at a high pace. The material and technical base of collective and state farms has been significantly strengthened.

Measures have been taken to improve the material and cultural standard of living of the working people of the republic. Between 1971 and 1980, residential buildings with a total area of ​​3 million square meters were put into operation in the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. meters, the material base of education, health care, culture, public utilities expanded and strengthened, and trade and consumer services for the population improved.

In order to further comprehensively develop the productive forces of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, make fuller use of natural resources, increase the efficiency of social production and further improve the living standards of the population of the autonomous republic, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR decide:

1. The ministries and departments of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Buryat Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic will ensure in 1981 - 1985 in the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic:

further comprehensive development of all sectors of the national economy, development of new production capacities, increasing the efficiency of social production and the quality of work, introducing scientific achievements, modern equipment and technology into production, mechanization of heavy and labor-intensive work, automation of production processes;

an increase in industrial production by 1985 compared to 1980 by 1.3 times;

bringing grain production to 570 thousand tons, potatoes to 250 thousand tons, vegetables to 43 thousand tons, livestock and poultry meat (live weight) to 115 thousand tons, milk to 263 thousand tons, eggs to 243 by 1985 million pieces and wool up to 6865 tons.

2. The Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR, the Ministry of Coal Industry of the USSR, the Ministry of Non-ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR, the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the Ministry of Forestry, Pulp and Paper and Woodworking Industry of the USSR, the Ministry of Electrical Engineering Industry, the Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR, the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR, the Ministry of Meat and the dairy industry of the USSR, the Ministry of Procurement of the USSR, the State Supply Committee of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in 1981 - 1990 to ensure the construction, expansion and reconstruction of industrial enterprises and other facilities in the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in accordance with Appendix No. 1 (appendices are not provided).

3. The Ministry of Construction in the regions of the Far East and Transbaikalia, the Ministry of the Construction Materials Industry of the USSR, the Ministry of Rural Construction of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR will ensure in 1981 - 1987 the construction, expansion and reconstruction of enterprises, facilities of the construction industry and the building materials industry in the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in accordance with the appendix N 2.

4. The State Construction Committee of the USSR, together with the Ministry for the Production of Mineral Fertilizers, the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR, the Ministry of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR and other interested ministries and departments of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, will ensure in 1983 - 1984 the development of a master plan for the Eravninsky industrial hub as part of the Ozerny Mining processing plant, factories and workshops for the production of mineral fertilizers, sulfuric acid, iron ore pellets.

On issues requiring a decision by the USSR Government, submit proposals to the USSR Council of Ministers in 1984.

5. To the Ministry of Non-ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR:

ensure in 1981 - 1984 additional technological research on the beneficiation of ores of the Ozernoye lead-zinc deposit, adjustment of the technical project for the construction of the Ozernoye mining and processing plant and submission to the Council of Ministers of the USSR of a comprehensive technical project for the construction of this plant;

to carry out in 1982 - 1987 the construction of a railway line from the station. Mogzon of the Trans-Baikal Railway to the industrial site of the Ozerny Mining and Processing Plant, the 110 kilovolt power transmission line Sosnovka - Ozernaya, as well as the creation of a production base for the construction industry for the construction of the said plant;

to begin in 1984 the development of a feasibility study for the construction of the Kholodninsky mining and processing plant;

to begin in 1983 the construction of a quartzite quarry at the Cheremshanskoye deposit of quartzite sandstones, to develop in 1984, with the participation of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR and the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR, a feasibility study for the expansion of the specified quartzite quarry, taking into account the need for quartzite materials of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy enterprises and building materials industry.

6. In 1982, the Ministry of Coal Industry of the USSR should ensure the development and approval of design estimates for the construction of the Tugnuisky coal mine with a capacity of 9 million tons of coal production per year.

7. The USSR Ministry of Geology should provide:

expansion in 1981 - 1985 of geological prospecting and exploration work for gold, coal, fluorspar and molybdenum on the territory of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic;

completion of detailed exploration of the second stage of the Kholodninskoye deposit of polymetallic ores by 1985 and submit a report on ore reserves at this deposit to the State Commission for Mineral Reserves under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for approval.

8. The ministries and departments of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR will ensure in 1981 - 1985 the construction and commissioning in the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of residential buildings, preschool institutions, secondary schools, hospitals, clinics and vocational schools in accordance with Appendix No. 3.

9. For the further development of agricultural production in the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR will ensure in 1981 - 1985:

establishing for state farms and other state agricultural enterprises located on the territory of the republic a limit of state capital investments in the amount of 490 million rubles for the construction of production and non-production facilities and for the purchase of agricultural machinery and other equipment for them;

bringing the supply of mineral fertilizers to collective farms, state farms and other state agricultural enterprises to 242 thousand tons of conventional units by 1985;

construction and expansion of agricultural production facilities in accordance with Appendix No. 4;

commissioning of 20 thousand hectares of irrigated land, 12 thousand hectares of drained land, reconstruction of existing irrigation systems on an area of ​​15 thousand hectares, watering of pastures on an area of ​​100 thousand hectares, reconstruction of water management structures on previously watered pastures on an area of ​​300 thousand hectares , increasing the area of ​​irrigation of rainfed lands using mobile pumping stations, collapsible pipelines and irrigation machines to 30 thousand hectares;

implementation of measures to increase water supply to existing irrigation systems, including through the construction of regulating reservoirs on small rivers;

annual allocation to collective and state farms of the Autonomous Republic of factory-made wooden houses with a total area of ​​9 thousand square meters. meters;

construction and reconstruction of 467 kilometers of public roads;

construction and expansion of automatic telephone exchanges in cities and regional centers with an increase in capacity by 22 thousand numbers;

an increase in 1985 compared to 1980 in the volume of household services to the population by 1.5 times, including in rural areas by 1.6 times.

10. The Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the USSR and the Ministry of Procurement of the USSR to ensure the supply of agricultural machinery to collective farms, state farms and other state agricultural enterprises of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1981 - 1985 in accordance with Appendix No. 5.

11. The Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR to complete in 1982 the development of a technical project for the construction of the Kurumkan irrigation and drainage system and a feasibility study for the construction of the Kuitun irrigation system.

12. The Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and the State Committee for Agricultural Equipment of the USSR to ensure in 1981 - 1985 the development and implementation of measures to create a base for the maintenance and repair of high-performance wheeled tractors, combines and irrigation equipment and the development of the production base of regional associations of the State Committee for Agricultural Equipment in the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

13. The USSR State Committee for Forestry and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR will ensure in 1981 - 1985 the production of coniferous vitamin and other feed additives in the amount of 14.9 thousand tons for the needs of agriculture of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, including 1 in 1981, 5 thousand tons, in 1982 - 2.3 thousand tons, in 1983 and subsequent years - 3.7 thousand tons annually.

They develop technical creativity among schoolchildren of the republic, provide assistance to schools and families in educating the younger generation.

Orders, instructions of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the city executive committee, the city council based on the results of republican exhibitions of children's fine and applied arts, the activities of the House of Pioneers and the station of young technicians.

Charter of the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity (1991). Regulations on the Republican Station for Young Technicians (1960), on the correspondence club for young technicians (F. R-1612). Regulations on the city House of Pioneers (1952) (F. R-1588).

Minutes of jury meetings for exhibitions of technical clubs, reporting concerts of art clubs, shows, competitions, minutes of production meetings. Estimates and staffing schedules. Work plans for the Young Technicians Station and the House of Pioneers.

Materials of republican scientific and practical conferences of labor teachers, heads of technical circles of schools of the republic. Certificates on the results of checking the state of technical creativity in schools of the republic. Reports from station instructors on the work of technical circles in aimags.

Information about the holding of republican exhibitions of young amateur photographers, competitions in radio sports, military-technical sports. Descriptions and diagrams of rationalization proposals. Information about children's participation at VDNKh. Lists of VDNKh medal winners.

Information about the history of the House of Pioneers (1966), thematic and exhibition plan “History of the Ulan-Ude Palace of Pioneers named after. Postysheva" (1989). Information map of the Palace of Pioneers. Information on checking the work of the House of Pioneers, the station of young technicians. Programs, scripts for holidays, reporting concerts, texts of radio broadcasts. Review books.

Ecological and biological center for students of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude

1954. –

Republican station of young naturalists of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Ulan-Ude

Ecological and biological center for students of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat SSR (since 1992 - the Republic of Buryatia), Ulan-Ude

F. R-2013, 43 d., gg.

Methodological and coordinating center for environmental research, experimental and environmental activities of adolescents.

The Republican Station for Young Naturalists was formed in 1954 (according to the director, since documents for the period have not been preserved).

Structure - director, deputy director for educational work, deputy director for instructional, methodological and organizational work, head of the agricultural and production department, methodologists for research and expeditionary work, ecology, nature conservation and school forestry, youth work and educational experimental sites in schools, out-of-school institutions, laboratories.

Functions - the formation of an environmental culture, instilling skills in environmental activities, improving methodological and experimental work in schools and out-of-school institutions.

The station was reorganized on May 17, 1991 into the Ecological and Biological Center for Students based on the decision of the board of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic No. 18.

Orders and decisions of the Ministry of Education, minutes of meetings of the pedagogical council, annual plans, statistical reports, certificates of work of student production teams of the republic, school forestries, training and experimental sites.

Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude

1956. –

Republican children's excursion and tourist station of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Ulan-Ude

Republican station for young tourists of the Ministry of Public Education of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (from 1990 - Buryat SSR) Ulan-Ude

Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat SSR (since 1992 – Republic of Buryatia), Ulan-Ude

F. R-2019, 86 d., gg.

Methodological and coordinating center in the organization of tourism, local history and excursion work in school and non-school institutions.

Established by Decree of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated January 1, 2001 No.

Structure - organizational and mass department, instructional and methodological department.

Functions - promotion of tourism among teachers and students, holding mass tourism and local history events in schools, pioneer houses, summarizing work experience, providing methodological assistance to centers, stations and bases of young tourists, non-school institutions, educational institutions in organizing tourism, local history and excursion work.

By order of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat SSR dated July 7, 1991 No. 000, the Republican Station for Young Tourists was renamed the Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History.

Orders of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, minutes of meetings of pedagogical and methodological councils, annual plans, annual text reports, documents on the holding of republican conferences, seminars of tour organizers, competitions of schoolchildren in tourism technology for the “Golden Autumn” prize, certificates and information on the state of tourism, local history and excursion work in schools of the republic.

Buryat Republican Department of Vocational Education of the State Committee of Vocational Education under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, Ulan-Ude, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

1940. –

Directorate of Labor Reserves of the People's Commissariat (since 1946 - Ministry) of Labor Reserves of the USSR, Ulan-Ude BMASSR (since 1958 - Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)

Functions - improving the pedagogical qualifications of teachers, improving and improving methodological work in schools of the republic, promoting and introducing advanced pedagogical experience.

Resolutions, orders of the Council of Ministers of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Ministry of Education of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the city administration, the director of the institute for core activities. Circulars, instructions letters from the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR on methodological issues, training and retraining of personnel. Minutes of production meetings, meetings of the institute council, local committee.

Cost estimates, staffing schedules. Plans and reports of the institute and offices. Educational and methodological plans and programs for retraining and advanced training courses for public education workers.

Materials of pedagogical readings, generalizations of the experience of advanced teachers of the republic. Methodological developments for Buryat schools.

Information on the state of educational work in district schools, the results of trial exams in secondary schools of the republic, the work of public education departments, the role of the support school in improving the methodological skills of school teachers.

Reports at republican congresses and teachers' meetings. Summary analyzes of tests in subjects. The results of the socialist competition of the institute’s staff. Articles by leading teachers of the republic's schools. Reviews of the activities of cluster methodological associations.

Buryat State Agricultural Academy of the Department of Personnel Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia

Buryat-Mongolian Zooveterinary Institute, Verkhneudinsk BMASSR

Buryat-Mongolian State Agricultural Institute, Ulan-Ude BMASSR

1934 – August 1935

Buryat-Mongolian Zootechnical Institute, Ulan-Ude BMASSR

September 1935 – 1941

Buryat-Mongolian (since 1958 – Buryat) Veterinary Institute, Ulan-Ude, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

Buryat Agricultural Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, Ulan-Ude, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (from 1990 - Buryat SSR, from 1992 - Republic of Buryatia)

Buryat State Agricultural Academy of the Department of Personnel Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia

F. R-474, 2054 d., gg.

The Institute was organized in 1932. It had two faculties: zootechnical and veterinary. From 1941 to 1944 it was closed. In 1952, the Faculty of Agronomy was created. In 1955, the Faculty of Technology was opened with specialties: leather and fur technology, milk and meat technology, construction of agricultural buildings. In 1961, the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization was opened, 1962 – the Faculty of Agricultural Economics.

Based on the resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated January 1, 2001, the East Siberian Technological Institute was formed on the basis of the technological and construction faculties of the Buryat Agricultural Institute.

Structure in 1977 - office, educational part, science department, accounting, faculties: agronomic, veterinary, zootechnical, agricultural mechanization, economics, correspondence, personnel department.

Trains specialists for agriculture.

Resolutions, orders of the Councils of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Buryat ASSR, the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, the RSFSR, the Buryat ASSR, orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR on the organization and reorganization of the institute, the state of research experimental stations.

Book of orders for production activities. Charter of the Buryat-Mongolian Zootechnical Institute (1939). Minutes of meetings of the Academic Council, State Examination Committee. Estimates and staffing schedules. Thematic plans for research work, educational plans for departments, plans for the personal distribution of young specialists.

Since 1979, the Faculty of Primary Schools began to function.

In 1980, there were 34 departments in 8 faculties.

The structure of the institute in 1988 - office, academic council, scientific department, industrial practice sector, personnel department, accounting, educational department, dean's offices: Faculty of History and Philology, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Physics education, correspondence department, preparatory department.

Function: training teachers for secondary schools.

Orders and instructions of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the USSR, the rector of the institute.

Minutes of meetings of the academic council, methodological association, scientific and practical conferences.

Estimates and staffing schedules. Annual plans and reports of faculties, departments of the institute, plans for publishing scientific works, five-year plans for the development of the institute. Annual reports of the State Examination Commission (SEC), departments on research work, accounting.

Summary reports on the implementation of the teaching load by the teaching staff, on the results of students' practical training, on the movement of students, information on the state of the Buryat-Mongolian Institute and Agricultural Pedagogical Institute (1932).

Books of orders for personnel. Staff forms for teaching staff.

Personal files of teaching staff.

Kyakhta Teachers' Institute of the People's Commissariat of Education of the BMASSR, Kyakhta

F. R-506, 70 d., gg.

Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the establishment of a prize and scholarship named after. Stalin (1940).

Orders for the Kyakhtinsky Teachers' Institute. Protocols of the admissions committee on admission to the institute. Reports on the implementation of curriculum. Department curricula. Schedules of classes, tests, examinations.

Lists of teachers and students, heads of departments (1939). Applications for textbooks and teaching aids. Personal files of students.

East Siberian State Academy of Culture and Arts (ESGAKI), Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia

East Siberian Library Institute, Ulan-Ude, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

East Siberian State Institute of Culture (VSGIK), Ulan-Ude, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (since 1992 – Republic of Buryatia)

F. R-882, 178 d., gg.

F. R-2011, 313 d., gg.

Verkhneudinsk Technical School of Beef Cattle Breeding of the All-Union State Association of Meat State Farms "Skotovod" of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the RSFSR, Verkhneudinsk BMASSR

F. R-1769, 1 d., gg.

We trained qualified specialists with specialized secondary education.

Resolutions, orders, orders of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the RSFSR, Ministry of Culture of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Ministry of Health of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burkoopsoyuz on core activities.

Minutes of meetings of teaching councils, qualification commissions, methodological associations, educational councils, production meetings, general student meetings, local committees.

Cost estimates and staffing schedules. Plans for training and production, personal distribution of young specialists, five-year plans for the admission and graduation of specialists, long-term plans for the development of secondary specialized institutions, curricula and programs.

Passports of the Buryat Agricultural College for the training of management personnel of collective and state farms (years) (F. R-2011), Ulan-Ude branch of the workers' faculty of NIVIT (F. R-1118).

Annual reports and summary text reports on the state of educational work, annual statistical reports on the distribution of students by courses and specialties, text reports of state qualification commissions on examinations, statistical reports on personnel, text reports on the work of the cycle commission in general medical disciplines (F. R -892).

Information on the history of the Ulan-Ude Medical School (1976) (F. R-892), Ulan-Ude Pedagogical School (F. R-882). Information about teachers and administrative and economic personnel, progress and movement of students. Semester progress reports, summary examination reports. Certificate of completion of the Kabansky Pedagogical College (F. R-420). Lists of teachers with personal data (F. R-882), lists of students.

Registration books for issuing diplomas. Books of Honor (years) (F. R-2011).

Photo album of graduates of the Soviet Party School and the Buryat Agricultural College for the training of management personnel of collective and state farms (years). Photo albums on agronomic and zootechnical topics (F. R-2011).

Orders for personnel. Statements for the issuance of salaries, scholarships, bonuses to students, employees and workers.

Ulan-Ude Music College named after. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude

Verkhneudinsk Theater and Music School of the Administration for Arts under the Council of People's Commissars of the BMASSR, Verkhneudinsk (since 1934 - Ulan-Ude)

Ulan-Ude Theater and Music School of the Department of Cultural and Educational Institutions of the Council of Ministers of the BMASSR (from 1958 - Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), Ulan-Ude

Ulan-Ude Music School of the Ministry of Culture of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (from 1990 - Buryat SSR, from 1992 - Republic of Buryatia), Ulan-Ude

F. R-1512, 298 d., gg.

Center for Music Education in the Republic. In 1931, the Buryat-Mongolian technical school was created, in 1936 it was transformed into a theater and music school. In 1940 it was named after the great Russian composer. In 1949, the music department of the Buryat-Mongolian Theater and Music School became independent.

The school has departments - conducting-choral, theoretical-composing, Buryat folk instruments, vocal, piano, orchestral.

Function: trains music education specialists.

Orders of the Ministry of Culture of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, minutes of meetings of the pedagogical council, school passport (1947).

Resolution and decisions of the I and III methodological conferences of teachers of music schools in Siberia (1965).

Charter and general provisions of the music school (1969).

Annual and semester plans for educational work, a plan of activities to prepare for the 50th anniversary of the formation of the USSR, plans for the personal distribution of young specialists; summary annual text reports of the school on the state of educational work; annual statistical reports of the school on the distribution of students by courses and specialties, on the movement of students. Text reports from heads of departments and chairmen of methodological associations on the implementation of curricula; socialist obligations of the team of teachers and technical workers; certificates about the status of work at the school.

Estimates and staffing schedules, annual accounting reports.

Reports on the 25th and 40th anniversary of the school.

Funds of scientific research and cultural and educational institutions

Buryat-Mongolian Scientific Society named after. Dorzhi Banzarova (BMNO), Verkhneudinsk BMASSR

F. R-246, 77 d., gg.

Organizing center for local history work in Buryatia. Formed on April 19, 1924 at the first organizational meeting.

At the first meeting, the tasks were defined, the charter and plan were adopted, the board of the company was elected, and it was named after the famous Buryat scientist Dorzhi Banzarov1.

Voskoboynikov was elected chairman and Voskoboynikov was elected secretary.

Structure – 3 sections: physical-geographical, economic, historical-ethnological.

Commissions: library, museum, editorial and publishing.

The society had a library and the Verkhneudinsk Regional Museum.

Functions - a comprehensive study of Buryatia and its adjacent areas in natural-geographical, economic, cultural-social and historical-ethnological terms; using the results of this study to promote the economic, cultural and social construction of the BMASSR.

Subordinated to the Central Bureau of Local History under the Main Science of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR.

Closed in 1930 due to the reorganization of the system of local history societies, and based on the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the BMASSR, it became part of the Buryat-Mongolian Institute of Culture.

Resolutions, circulars of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, Central Bureau of Local History on the establishment of a section of nationalities, the convening of the III Geological Congress; minutes of the meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the BMASSR on the organization of the Buryat-Mongolian Museum (1924)

Minutes of meetings of the board, sections of BMNO, meetings of members of the society, on the convening of the I East Siberian Congress of Local Lore (1924); holding an industrial exhibition in Verkhneudinsk (1930)

Reports, reports on the activities of BMNO, the work of sections, scientific research. Information about expeditions to study the lake. Baikal, fauna, economy and life of the Buryats. Plans of BMNO, regional bureaus of local history. Lists of scientific societies, museums, local history organizations, articles for the magazine “Buryat Studies”. Questionnaires of society members.

Note: for the years documents of the commission on the organization of BMNO.


There is disrespect for ancestors

the first sign of savagery and


A. S. Pushkin.

Morality is what distinguishes a person from other living beings. A person is capable of making adjustments to the laws of his conscience, but it is these changes that lead to the fact that a person becomes immoral. Pushkin considered disrespect for the memory of his ancestors to be the first such symptom, the first sign. This, it turns out, is where the moral decline of humanity and people begins - with the loss of respect for their ancestors, their deeds, and achievements. It is not for nothing that such people are called “Ivans who do not remember their kinship.”

I devoted my work to studying the biography of my grandfather and grandmother, the Nikitins Pyotr Osipovich and Valentina Aleksandrovna, who left a noticeable mark on the history of not only the village, but also our region, the republic. I think this material will be interesting both for the school museum and the regional one.

The material was collected during conversations with them, memoirs of contemporaries, and newspaper articles of those times.


My grandfather, Pyotr Osipovich, was born on November 5, 1934 into a large and friendly family in the village of Verkhnie Taltsy. His parents, Osip Kapitonovich and Augusta Efremovna, raised 9 children. All children received education

(1 - higher, 2 - specialized secondary). From my grandfather’s memoirs: “... In 1941 I went to first grade, the school was then a seven-year school. From the first grade I worked on a tobacco plantation - weeding and watering. From the 5th grade he worked in a brigade in haymaking. After graduating from the 7th grade, he worked in forest skidding, and at the age of 14 he began working as an accountant in a field tractor brigade. He graduated from the eighth grade in the village of Unegetei in 1949. After working for another year, I finished grades 9 and 10. By that time, a 10-year school had opened in the village of Verkhnie Taltsy.

He was drafted into the army in 1954. Served in the north, port of Tiksi. After service, in 1957 he entered the BSHI at the Faculty of Agronomy.”

Grandmother, Valentina Aleksandrovna, was born on March 30, 1937 in the village of Bayangol, MPR, in a large family where 9 children were also raised. As the grandmother recalls: “The family was large, we huddled in a small hut, we had to sleep on the floor, and we were often sick. I remember how they saw off my older brothers to the front in 1943. They rode in a cart, and we all followed them on foot. The brothers served one in Belarus, the other in Korea.

Father Zimirev Alexander Alexandrovich was the chairman, they practically never saw him at home. The time was very difficult, everyone worked for the front - they donated bread, grain, tobacco, knitted mittens, socks, sewed pouches.

Tobacco was grown in entire plantations, the leaves were collected and strung on long threads, then dried, shag was made from the stems and everything was sent to the front. I really wanted to go to school; in 1945 I went to first grade. I was the eighth child in the family, we learned from the same ABC book, and he told me

I received it pretty shabby, but all the pages were in place. From grades 1 to 4 I studied in the village of Shamor, and then the family moved to Zun Haara station, where I completed 10 grades.


After graduating from school, she entered the Agricultural Institute in Ulaanbaatar, the Faculty of Agronomy, where she studied for 3 years and then moved to Ulan-Ude and continued her studies. As my grandmother recalls, “... it was the best time of my life. We lived only on a stipend, which amounted to 30 rubles.

Here she met Nikitin Pyotr Osipovich, and in her last year they got married. Together we were engaged in research work “The influence of microelements on the yield of agricultural crops and sowing dates.” They wrote a thesis on this topic. They were offered to stay and work at the research institute. But this was not in the nature of the young people; they wanted real work.


In 1962, the young family left for the Kyakhta Territorial Production Collective and State Farm Administration, where Pyotr Osipovich held the position of senior agronomist. In 1963, he was transferred as chief agronomist to the Lenin collective farm in the Dzhidinsky district. Valentina Aleksandrovna got a job at the Petropavlovsk environment school as a biology teacher and in 1964 entered the correspondence department at the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute named after. D. Banzarova at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, which she graduated in 1968.


Where to start, how to increase the gross grain harvest, without which the rise of the collective farm economy is unthinkable? These concerns completely occupied the imagination of the young agronomist from the first days of his work.

This is what the district newspaper of the Dzhidinsky district wrote then: “Walking along the path of intensification, P. Nikitin placed the main emphasis on improving agricultural technology; for watering and irrigation, and fertilization. The collective farm’s grain growers immediately noticed the young specialist’s bold acumen and passion for the land, appreciated his knowledge and, most importantly, his search and daring.”

And in one of the autumn issues, the regional newspaper wrote: “The suffering died down, the collective farm fields went into bins and drains, into piles and trenches in a golden stream and a green conveyor belt. And the grain growers of the aimak gathered for their traditional “Harvest” holiday to take stock of what they had done and outline new milestones...

The agricultural exhibition was crowded during the day. The center of attention was the stand of the Lenin collective farm. Even seasoned field farmers and production leaders shook their heads in surprise when commenting on the indicators of this farm.

Great deal. 31 centners per hectare. And they took hay up - 13 centners per hectare. And corn produces more than 500 centners of green mass per hectare.

Well done Nikitin, young, and apparently early. After all, it’s necessary: ​​all the prizes were taken.

And in the evening at a meeting of the region’s leading collective farm workers. Lenin was awarded first place in grain production. He also distinguished himself in selling it - two annual plans...”

It seemed that everything went as he had planned, but the call of his native land did not give him peace. And in the spring of 1965, Pyotr Osipovich and his family moved to his native village, where he was appointed chief agronomist of the Zaigraevsky state farm. A year later, the farm was renamed the Verkhne-Taletsky state farm, which included the villages of Sannomyssk, Tarbagatai and Verkhniye Taltsy.

In December 1967, he was appointed director of this farm.

“...He had goals - to do everything possible for his native land, so that his fellow villagers would live better, richer. He was a patriot of his native land, he invested

all his energy, impulse of soul, knowledge into the development of the economy of his native land... And Pyotr Osipovich was not mistaken. He achieved his goal: the Verkhne-Taletsky state farm has become one of the leading farms in the Khorinsky district, more than once the farm team has been included on the republican “Roll of Honor.” (newspaper “Udinskaya Nov” dated October 29, 2004)

He worked as director from December 1967 to May 1987. During this time, dairy farms were built in the villages of Verkhnie Taltsy and Dodogole for 200-400 heads with the mechanization of all labor-intensive processes - milking, feed distribution, manure removal. “High mechanization of production at the Verkhne-Taletsk dairy complex has always ensured that milk with high fat content and the least contamination reaches the creamery.” (Udinskaya Nov" 1984)

Almost all livestock buildings were renovated - sheds, calf sheds. A grain warehouse with the necessary storage facilities, repair shops, garages, a standard kindergarten for 90 children, and a standard secondary school for 500 students were built; houses were also built for state farm workers and the living conditions of livestock breeders in herds and flocks were improved.

To create a strong food base, the farm developed more than 3,000 hectares of virgin land. A special industry was created - a fodder production workshop, collective contracting was introduced, irrigation systems were built, and work was carried out to organize the watering of meadows.

As a specialist, he did not stop there; he constantly improved the organization of work. It is no coincidence that the grain growers of the state farm were among the first in the region to introduce the Ipatovsky method of grain harvesting, which makes it possible to reduce crop losses to a minimum and reduce harvesting to a minimum. In livestock farming, a flow-shop system for keeping cows and receiving and raising calves was introduced.

In addition to the introduction of full mechanization on farms, a Livestock Breeders' House was built at the Verkhne-Taletskaya MTF. In a two-story brick

The building housed a spacious red corner, a dining room, a kitchen, a service room, a store, offices for specialists, a bathhouse with a locker room. There was nothing like this in the district, and people came here from all over the republic to learn from experience.

In 1985 they began to build a bridge across the river. Udu, which is of great importance for the surrounding villages.

Naturally, such results did not come by themselves. First of all, this is the merit of the farm manager - the result of a properly structured economic and personnel policy.

“...It was both difficult and easy to work with him. It’s difficult because he has a quick temper and could sometimes explode. He always spoke openly, directly and categorically, regardless of faces. He didn't harbor any evil. It was easy to resolve any issues with him, because he was simple-minded, honest, and stood out among his colleagues for his diligence and enormous hard work. He got up earlier than everyone else, went to bed later than everyone else, was a decent and responsible person,” this is what Polikarp Vasilyevich Bakhaev, the former first secretary of the Khorinsky district port committee, who worked in this post for more than 15 years, writes about him.

It was rightly believed at that time that the Verkhne-Taletsky state farm was a source of personnel in the region. Pyotr Osipovich trained a whole galaxy of farm managers: Pyotr Kirillovich Dubinin, Vasily Yakovlevich Kuzmin, Vladimir Danilovich Ilkov, Pavel Petrovich Pomuran.

The contribution of Pyotr Osipovich to the development of agriculture in the region and the republic is highly appreciated. He is a holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the October Revolution, awarded 5 medals “For Valiant Labor”, “For the Development of Virgin Lands”, and has many Certificates of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He is an Honored Agronomist of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In May 1987, he was transferred to the Baikal Association “Rybakkolkhozsoyuz” to the position of chairman, where he worked for 6 years. I had to travel a lot on business trips to fishing collective farms. Despite the specifics of this production, he quickly got into the swing of things, for which he gained respect from the chairmen of fishing collective farms.

In April 1993, he returned to his native village again as the head of the Verkhnetaletsk rural administration. With the same activity, he solves the problems of the village residents.

He worked in this post until 1999 and at the age of 65 retired.


And all this time, a kind, understanding wife was nearby. It’s not for nothing that people say: “A good wife is half the success.” Together they raised three children and gave them higher education.

But Valentina Alexandrovna was not only a good wife and housewife, but also an excellent teacher. Teacher was her calling.

She worked at the Verkhne-Taletskaya school for 22 years as a teacher of biology and labor training, headed the school site, was the head of industrial training, and the head of the school forestry.

“ 1964-65, 2 km from the village, cabbage and tomatoes were grown in a garden.

In 1966-67, we grew kuuzika seedlings for the state farm on the school plot in greenhouses, and participated in planting, processing and harvesting. For which the school was awarded a tractor and then a car.” Grandma remembers.

Much attention was paid to landscaping the school. In 1977, we moved to a new school building, which was built on a vacant lot. The district leadership gave the task “so that in a year the school will be surrounded by greenery.” Under

The leadership of Valentina Alexandrovna laid out a school site, in accordance with the requirements, there was also an experimental department, an arboretum, a flower garden, a greenhouse, and seedlings of fruit and berry crops were planted.

And it is no coincidence that students always took prizes at regional school exhibitions and flower exhibitions.

“Valentina Aleksandrovna Nikitina, a biology teacher at the Verkhne-Taletsk secondary school, is doing a lot of environmental work. For many years now she has been managing the school forestry.

Her painstaking and fruitful work produces results - all members of the school forestry work with pleasure, they know that nature conservation is of great national importance.

Members of the community and young friends of nature at the school, under the leadership of Valentina Alexandrovna, carried out significant work on landscaping the village and the school grounds. The school is a regular participant in the regional flower exhibition.” (“Udinskaya Nov” 1985)

Under the leadership of Valentina Aleksandrovna, members of the school forestry were engaged in planting pine seedlings, forest belts, protecting green spaces, attracting birds, collecting pine seeds and buds, and medicinal plants (bergenia, hawthorn, rose hips). Students have repeatedly won prizes in regional competitions. It is no coincidence that the 6th district and then republican gatherings of school forestries and young friends of nature were held on the basis of the Verkhne-Taletsk forestry and the Verkhne-Taletsk school forestry in June 1981.

Delegations of school forestries from 18 districts of the republic gathered 20 km from the village in the Barun area. The Minister of Education of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic P.F. took part in the meeting. Badarkhanov, Minister of Forestry N.E. Shelkovnikov, head of the district B.S. Shoynzhonov, director of the Khorinsky and Verkhne-Taletsky forestry enterprises P.P. Romanov, N.M. Filippov.

Students of that time still remember the biology classroom, which was the pride of the school. For assistance, the forestry enterprise was given a bonus of 1,000 rubles for the biology classroom. With this amount, stuffed animals were purchased and, with the help of students under the leadership of Valentina Alexandrovna, a nature museum was organized.

In the office, a wealth of material on environmental work was collected, tablets and stands were decorated.

As her students note: “... Valentina Alexandrovna was calm, friendly, never raised her voice, knew how to attract and interest.” She knew how to sew, knit, and cook, which she taught the girls in labor lessons. She has a rich imagination, drew well, made crafts from natural materials, and knew how to make stuffed birds and fish. Over the years of work, rich herbarium material and collections have been collected.

In 1987 she moved with her husband to Ulan-Ude. She got a job at SPTU-16 as a master of industrial training, and in 1989 at school No. 49 as a biology teacher, organizer of OPT and head. greenhouse, where she worked until 1992 and retired.

For her work, she was awarded the title “Excellence in Public Education of the RSFSR”; for her achievements in the field of education and upbringing of the younger generation, she received certificates from the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Education of Bur. SSR, from the district council of VOOP, etc.


It is possible to be happy even at age

It's after your heart, if you find it,

And, if there is a reliable friend nearby

You won't get bored with him, you won't get lost

Now grandparents, despite their age, are optimists. They do housework and work in the garden all summer. Grandfather doesn't sit still

tries to move more, is busy in the yard. In their free time they read, grandma knits, thinking about her past life, writes poetry. I want to end it with verses:

We weren't looking for an easy life

And we are completely satisfied with fate

Our conscience is clear before people

This makes us doubly happy.

So as not to torment your conscience

Something, something I couldn’t

We managed to do everything

At times, though, they fell off their feet.

“Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality” (A.S. Pushkin) Morality is what distinguishes a person from other living beings. The moral decline of humanity begins with the loss of respect for ancestors, their deeds, and achievements. I devoted my work to studying the biography of my grandparents, the Nikitins Pyotr Osipovich and Valentina Alexandrovna. The material was collected during conversations with them, from the memoirs of contemporaries, and newspaper articles of that time.

My grandfather, Pyotr Osipovich, was born on November 5, 1934. in the village Verkhnie-Talydy. His parents Osip Kapitonovich and Augusta Efremovna raised 9 children. In 1941, grandfather went to school. From the first grade he worked in growing tobacco, from 5 in a brigade in haymaking, after graduating from 7 he worked in forest skidding, from the age of 14 he became an accountant in a field-growing tractor brigade. Finished grades 9 and 10 in the village. Verkhnie-Taltsy. He was drafted into the army in 1954. served in the North, port of Tiksi. After the army, in 1957 entered the BSHI at the Faculty of Agronomy.

Grandmother Valentina Alexandrovna was born on March 30, 1937. in the village Bayangol in the Mongolian People's Republic. Zimireva's parents Alexander Alexandrovich and Maria Vasilievna also raised 9 children. In 1945 went to first grade. After graduating from school, she entered the Agricultural Institute in Ulaanbaatar, Faculty of Agronomy, where she studied for 3 years, then moved to Ulan-Ude and continued her studies. Here they met Pyotr Osipovich and got married in their last year. Together we were engaged in research work “The influence of microelements on the yield of agricultural crops and sowing dates.”

In 1963 P.O. transferred as chief agronomist to the collective farm named after. Lenin, Dzhidinsky district. V.A. got a job at Petropavlovsk Secondary School as a biology teacher and entered in 1964. for the correspondence course at the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, which she graduated in 1968.

In the spring of 1965 BY. moved with his family to his native village, where he was appointed chief agronomist of the Verkhnetaletsky state farm, which included the villages of Sannomysk, Tarbagatai, Verkhnie-Taltsy. In December 1967 he was appointed director of this state farm, where he worked until May 1987. During this time, dairy farms were built in the village. V-T, Dodogole. In V-T a grain warehouse with storage facilities, repair shops, garages, a kindergarten, and a secondary school were built. More than 3000 hectares were developed. virgin lands. The Verkhnetaletsky state farm was one of the leading farms in the Khorinsky district.

P.O trained a whole galaxy of farm managers: Pyotr Kirillovich Dubinin (former director of Kurbinsky), Vasily Yakovlevich Kuzmin, Vladimir Danilovin Ilkov (president of SPK Kulsky). Prmuran Pavel Petrovich_(chairman of SPK Verkhnetaletsky)

In 1985 was elected deputy of the Supreme Council of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In May 1987, he was transferred to the Baikal Association “Rybakkolkhozsoyuz” to the position of chairman, where he worked for 6 years.

In April 1993, he returned to Verkhnie-Taltsy as head of the village administration. He worked in this position until 1999 and retired.

Contribution of P.O. in the development of agriculture is highly appreciated. He is a holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the October Revolution, and was awarded the medals “For Valiant Labor” and “For the Development of Virgin Lands.” He is an Honored Agronomist of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

And all this time, a kind, understanding wife was nearby. Valentina Alexandrovna was not only a good wife and housewife, but also an excellent teacher. She worked at the Verkhnetaletsk school for 22 years as a biology and labor education teacher, headed the school site, and was the head of the school forestry department.

In 1977 we moved to a new school building located on a vacant lot. Under the leadership of Valentina Alexandrovna, a school site was laid out and the school was landscaped. Members of the school forestry were engaged in planting pine seedlings, forest belts, collecting pine seeds and buds, and medicinal herbs. On the basis of the Verkhnee-Taletsky forestry and forestry in June 1981, the 6th district and then the republican meetings of school forestries were held. For assistance to the forestry enterprise, a prize was allocated for the biology classroom, for which stuffed animals and students were purchased under the guidance of V.A. organized a nature museum.

For her work she was awarded the title “Excellence in Public Education of the RSFSR”, she has certificates from the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Education, and from the district council

Now grandparents, despite their age, are optimists. They do housework and work in the garden all summer.

In the process of working on the biography, I became acquainted with only one link in the chain, and in the future I want to continue studying my family. The work of studying the genus requires scrupulousness. Unfortunately, the tradition of studying genealogy in Rus' is almost lost.

You're not the first. But you are extreme. (S. Vikulov)

You happen to live today - you are the last one in your family, and you cannot say in front of your family: “My house is on the edge,” because life is structured in such a way that everything that has been accumulated before is passed on to the last one. And you must convey all this to the next generation, preserve the memory of the family. You have no right to ignore this task set by history. What if your descendants treat you the same way - with disdain, indifference and forget you. A person who has torn himself away from his roots, who has broken the connection of times, who has encroached on what is eternal is insignificant and ridiculous. (Martyshin B.S. “Your Pedigree”)

Nikitina Valentina Aleksandrovna, pensioner

Nikitina Elena Petrovna, student of BSU

Minister of Health of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Back in December 1931, in the village of Aginskoye of the then Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, a daughter was born into the family of the Gyrgenovs Dantsaran Shagdarovich and Yanzhivan Dashevna. They called her Luba. In the summer of 1933, my father was transferred to work in Verkhneudinsk as an inspector of the Burkoopsoyuz. In May 1934, my father voluntarily went to serve in the Red Army. The knowledge of the Mongolian language acquired in childhood determined the type of his service for many years. Starting from the Oryol Armored School, he served as a translator in the military educational institutions of Kalinin, Ulaanbaatar, Yevpatoria, Kyiv, and Moscow, where command personnel for the MPR army were trained. Thus, Lyuba Gyrgenova had the opportunity to live and study in different cities of the USSR, in the MPR, and during the war years, from September 1941, in Buryatia, the village of Zun-Murino, where she lived with her mother with her grandfather Shagdar. Here Yanzhivan Dashevna worked in the Torsky village council as a tax collector from the population of the village of Zun-Murino, and ten-year-old Lyuba kept all the accounting and reporting documentation. Their work during the war was awarded medals “For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” (in 1946 and 1993). In December 1942, Yanzhivan Dashevna and her daughter moved to Ulaanbaatar, to her husband’s next place of service. Lyuba learned to read at the age of 5. Despite the family’s frequent moves, she studied “excellent” throughout the years and actively participated in the public life of schools. She graduated from high school in 1949 in Kiev with a gold medal. At this time, my father was already serving in Moscow at the Military Law Academy. Lyuba entered the medical faculty of the First Moscow Medical Institute and graduated with honors in 1955. By this time, the parents lived in Buryatia. At the request of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, L. Gyrgenova was given the opportunity, immediately after graduating from the institute, to enter a clinical residency in therapy with the famous academician V.N. Vinogradov. After completing her residency in 1957, the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR sent her to work in Buryatia, in the new republican hospital. Thus, in the autumn of 1957, Lyubov Dantsaranovna’s labor and social activities began in the republic. Over the years of work at the hospital, she proved herself to be a highly qualified clinician who boldly introduced new diagnostic and treatment methods into practice, and in 1958, after completing the first acupuncture courses in the USSR in Moscow, she was the first in the republic to begin practicing acupuncture. Since that time, this method of treatment has been used in practice. In 1963, she was appointed chief therapist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, and in December 1965 - Minister of Health of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In this position L.D. Madiyeva worked until March 1987. For over twenty years, the Ministry of Health of the Republic, under her leadership, has directed efforts to develop and strengthen the material and technical base, improve medical care for workers in industrial enterprises and agriculture, protect motherhood and childhood, develop specialized types of medical care, preventive measures to reduce the incidence of the population, training and advanced training of medical personnel. In Ulan-Ude, three large clinics and an emergency hospital, a republican sanitary and epidemiological station, a blood transfusion station, a dental clinic with a hospital, the first buildings of a psychiatric hospital, and standard hospital complexes and buildings were built in ten regional centers. The construction of the Kizhinga Central District Hospital, the surgical building of the Barguzin Central District Hospital, maternity hospitals in the Oktyabrsky district of Ulan-Ude and Sosnovo-Ozersk began, design and estimate documentation was prepared for the construction of a republican anti-tuberculosis dispensary, a children's multidisciplinary hospital, a car garage, a House of Sanitary Education with scientific and medical library. By attracting funds from industrial enterprises, collective and state farms, district, city and republican budgets, a significant number of medical facilities were built, expanded, and reconstructed, including 193 two-apartment houses for rural health workers. During the years of her work as minister, the number of doctors increased almost 3 times and the number of paramedical workers increased 2.3 times. In three medical schools of the republic, the enrollment of students was increased, including through the opening of new specialties: sanitary paramedic, dentist, dental technician; a center for retraining nursing staff was organized on the basis of the republican hospital. Every year, the Ministry of Health conducted on-site training courses for doctors in various specialties by employees of the country’s central institutes; many doctors were sent to courses. About 400 doctors were trained in clinical residency and graduate school alone, which contributed to the creation of research and educational institutions in the republic in the late 80s and 90s: a branch of the Blagoveshchensk Research Institute of Pathology and Physiology of the Respiratory Organs, a laboratory for children's health from the Irkutsk Research Institute of Pediatrics of the East Siberian Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, a branch of the Irkutsk Institute for Advanced Medical Studies and, finally, the Faculty of Medicine at the Buryat State University. The question of opening a medical institute in the republic L.D. During her work as minister, Madiyeva repeatedly challenged the leadership of the republic. On this occasion, she also spoke at regional meetings on the development of the productive forces of Buryatia, but due to the then insufficient material, technical and personnel base, this issue was not resolved. But her contribution to building up technical and human resources later made it possible to translate into reality the training of specialists with higher medical education in the republic. At the beginning of 1966, the young minister L.D. Madiyeva prepared one of the first memos to the OK CPSU, where, in the list of problems that needed to be solved in the republic to improve the health of the population, she proposed to engage in a more in-depth study of the ancient manuscripts of Tibetan medicine “Zhud-shi”, stored in the library of the Buryat branch of the SO USSR Academy of Sciences, to create a scientific unit to complete the translation and study of ancient recipes with the aim of introducing them into modern medical practice. Two years later, by decision of the Presidium of the Baltic Branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a museum of oriental cultures was created at the Buryat Institute of Social Sciences (BION), which later grew into an independent department of biologically active substances (department of Tibetan medicine), where many doctors from practical healthcare were sent. Thus, the Ministry of Health of the Republic supported the initiative of BION scientists to create a scientific direction to study the heritage of Tibetan medicine. I would like to note a significant stage in the activities of the Ministry of Health of the Republic during the construction of the Buryat section of the BAM. In the North Baikal region, with a territory equal to the territory of Lithuania, during the first 6 years of construction of the highway (1974-1980), the population increased from 6 to 53 thousand people. The Ministry of Health of the Republic, headed by L.D. Madyeva had to take prompt measures. A blood transfusion department and a branch of the medical aviation department of the republican hospital were opened at the Nizhneangarsk regional hospital; Due to the construction of extensions and separate buildings, its bed capacity has been increased, material and personnel support has been strengthened. The development of the medical and sanitary service of the BAM was late, and therefore the load on local institutions was enormous. The heads of the Ministry of Health often flew to the region, knew the situation well and regularly reported to the governing bodies of the republic, the Ministries of Health of the RSFSR and the USSR. Therefore, the honorary right granted to the first passenger of the Davan-Severobaikalsk train and the awarding of the medal “For the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline” to L. D. Madyeva was well deserved. From the context of the large, multifaceted state and public activities of L.D. Madyeva deserves attention for her trip in the summer of 1964 to Ceylon and India as part of a delegation of the Soviet-Ceylon Friendship Society, of which the Ministry of Health of the Republic was a collective member at that time. The Soviet doctor in Ceylon was first introduced in the person of Lyubov Dantsaranovna, a Buryat woman from the shores of Lake Baikal. There she took part in several meetings with different groups of the population. For active promotion of the achievements of the Soviet country and, in particular, Buryatia, she was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Soviet Committee of Friendship between Peoples. In the fall of 1976, L.D. Madiyeva and the chairman of the OK trade union of medical workers V.P. Baldanov received the President of the National Union of Healthcare Workers of the USA Leon Davis and his wife, who was visiting the USSR. The meetings took place in a cordial atmosphere, rich in a fruitful program of stay, which was noted in the letter of gratitude from the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Union of Medical Workers L. Novak in personal correspondence. The Ministry of Health of Buryatia constantly maintained business and friendly ties with health workers of the Selenga aimag of the Mongolian People's Republic. In 1970, L.D. Madiyeva personally participated in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the MPR in Sukhbaatar. In 1983, she took part in the reception of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the MPRP Yu. Tsedenbal and his wife during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in Ulan-Ude. The Ministry of Health of Russia assessed the performance of the Ministry of Health of Buryatia very positively, therefore it held interregional seminars and meetings on the basis of some republican institutions. The accumulated work experience allowed the minister to solve complex issues of rural health care in areas with low population density and livestock-raising agriculture. This was the reason for conducting scientific research jointly with the Research Institute of Social Hygiene and Health Organization of the USSR Ministry of Health, which resulted in the dissertation work of the applicant L.D. Madyeva on the topic “Social, hygienic and organizational foundations for the development of therapeutic care for the rural population of Eastern Siberia,” defended in February 1986. Since 1985, cooperation with the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences began, together with the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, with the aim of possibly creating a branch of this institute in the republic, headed by Academician N.P. Bekhtereva. In July 1987, L.D. Madiyeva was elected by competition to the laboratory of atherosclerosis epidemiology of this research institute as a senior researcher and headed a small research group of doctors in the city. Ulan-Ude to study regional features of the development of hypertension and the state of lipid metabolism in adults and adolescents. The idea of ​​creating a branch of the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine in Ulan-Ude, unfortunately, was not supported by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, but the research work continued and ended with the defense of three candidate's theses. In 1991 L.D. Madiyeva moved to practical healthcare - TMO-3, where she headed the organizational and methodological department, and in January 2000 she retired. The selfless work of L.D. Madyeva was awarded government awards: the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and two orders of “Badge of Honor”, ​​seven medals, as well as the medal of the All-Buryat Association for the Development of Culture “For Services to the Buryat People”, honorary titles “Honored Doctor of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” and “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation” . She was a member of the Buryat OK CPSU (1968-1987), a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of five convocations, a member of the presidium of the Buryat Regional Trade Union Council, a member of the board of the All-Union Society of Soviet-Indian Friendship, chairman of the “Doctors against Nuclear War” commission, a member of the Buryat branch Soviet Peace Committee, member of the scientific society of medical historians. She has published more than 130 articles of a scientific, organizational and historical nature. Madyev's husband Petr Bizyayevich worked as a teacher and associate professor at VSTI (VSGUTU) for more than 20 years; their son Alexey, after graduating from the Moscow Higher Technical School. N.E. Bauman works as a teacher at VSUTU, daughter-in-law Larisa is a doctor, grandson Sayan is a graduate of Tomsk Polytechnic University, granddaughter Darima is a schoolgirl. The Madyev family is rich in family traditions and carefully preserves the history captured in documents and photographs. From the book "My Small Homeland - Tunka"