Colonoscopy is an endoscopic method for diagnosing the intestines, performed using a colonoscope device. It consists of a long flexible probe with a camera, the image from which is transmitted to a specialist’s computer, lighting and a tube for supplying air to the intestinal cavity.

It also includes special forceps, which are necessary for collecting biomaterial for histology. The appearance of the device frightens patients, and they begin to wonder: intestinal colonoscopy - does it hurt? Almost all patients experience discomfort of varying intensity, and below we will consider which factors help reduce discomfort during the procedure, and which, on the contrary, increase it.

The main advantage of the procedure is that it allows a quick assessment of the condition of the large intestine. Another advantage of the method is that the intestines are examined along its entire length, i.e., all 1.5 meters.

Thanks to diagnosis, the doctor can:

  • study the shade, shine on the intestinal mucosa;
  • analyze the diameter of the intestinal lumen and its motor activity;
  • identify the presence of various inflammatory processes in the intestinal cavity, as well as the appearance of neoplasms;
  • identify the presence of cracks, ulcers, polyps, erosions, scars on the mucous membrane;
  • take biomaterial for further histological examination;
  • remove a small formation, foreign body or polyp located in the intestinal cavity;
  • remove the source of bleeding;
  • carry out recanalization of the narrowed area;
  • take pictures and more carefully examine the intestinal cavity and its mucous membrane.

Colonoscopy is a unique procedure that helps to quickly assess the internal condition of the intestines and accurately make a diagnosis.

How is a colonoscopy performed:

  1. Immediately before the procedure, the patient should remove all clothing below the waist. If desired, the patient can wear special ones.
  2. Next, the patient is placed on the table. He should lie on his left side. Legs should be bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach.
  3. After this, the patient is inserted into the cavity of the rectum. If the patient has a low pain threshold, the anal area is lubricated with anesthetic agents. The most commonly used is dicaine ointment or xylocaingel.
  4. As the specialist examines the intestinal cavity, the specialist moves the device deeper into the organ. In order to straighten the folds of the mucous membrane, air is pumped into the intestines, which is then removed using a special tube. If after several hours the patient still has a feeling of bloating, then he needs to take activated carbon tablets.

Usually the procedure lasts about 10 minutes, but in the presence of intestinal pathologies it may take longer. After the examination is completed, the patient can get dressed and return to his normal life.

Is it painful to have a colonoscopy?

The procedure is absolutely safe, but patient reviews on whether colonoscopy is painful vary.

Most note that mild pain appears only when air begins to enter the intestines. In the future, unpleasant sensations do not arise.

Some patients after the procedure complain that colonoscopy is painful; such reviews can be provoked by the following factors:

  • Unprofessionalism of the doctor.
  • Features of the patient's body constitution and low pain threshold.
  • The presence of pathologies of the organ being studied, for example, irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Inappropriate posture. Typically, the procedure is performed with the patient lying on their side. But if it’s painful to do a colonoscopy this way, you should inform the specialist and change your position.
  • The structure of the intestine. During diagnosis, the patient may feel discomfort associated with the passage of the device through various bends and angles in the organ. For example, the hepatic or splenic corners of the colon.

Anesthetics are not usually used. However, if it is very painful to have a bowel colonoscopy or there are factors that predispose you to it, your doctor may suggest pain relief.

Local drugs (tablets, injections) and general anesthesia are used. In the latter case, the patient is put into a medicated sleep before the procedure begins and wakes up when it is finished.

Also during the procedure you may feel the urge to visit the toilet. To get rid of such symptoms, you should take a deep breath.

How to prepare for the procedure?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question: is intestinal colonoscopy painful or not? Patients experience varying degrees of discomfort, from mild discomfort to severe pain. Doctors say that proper preparation will help reduce them.

Initially, the patient should get rid of feces. To do this, the patient needs to follow a slag-free diet for 2-3 days. It is based on the exclusion of foods rich in dietary fiber, which contribute to the formation of feces and bloating.

Immediately before the procedure, you should cleanse the intestines. This is done through enemas or the use of laxative medications.

The day before the procedure you do not need to eat any food. You should also not eat before the procedure itself. The intestines should be empty and clean.

So, the level of discomfort or pain during colonoscopy depends on many factors, including the anatomical features of the intestine. Proper preparation for the procedure and the use of pain relief can help reduce discomfort.

Useful video about colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is a visual method of examining the mucous membrane of the large intestine. As a rule, the procedure lasts no more than a quarter of an hour and allows you to get a fairly detailed picture of what is happening in a given organ and identify serious pathological processes.

The manipulation is performed using a colonoscope. Its main component is the optical system, which allows visual inspection of the lumen of the colon using fiber optics. When a patient hears from his attending physician that he needs to undergo such an examination, the first thing that begins to worry him is whether it hurts to do a colonoscopy?

Medicinal sleep or without pain relief?

Usually pain is a response to irritation of nerve endings, but there are no nerve endings as such in the intestines, so there is no need to talk about a classic manifestation of pain syndrome. As a rule, it is more correct to talk about the unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations that can appear from the pressure of the air flow released to smooth out the folds of the mucous membrane, or when the device passes the bends of the intestine.

If a person has a normal sensitivity threshold, then this process is absolutely tolerable! Much depends on the positive attitude of the patient and how much he trusts the specialist who performs the colonoscopy. It is important to get rid of fear, as it provokes muscle spasms and interferes with the procedure, causing additional discomfort.

Experts are against performing colonoscopy under medicinal sleep, since it is impossible to interact with such patients, and they will not be able to report their feelings, which can tell the doctor how best to proceed with the manipulation. However, in some cases you cannot do without pain relief or medicated sleep:

  • The patient is a child with a low sensitivity threshold.
  • A patient suffering from adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity is being examined.
  • The patient has erosions, ulcers and other pathologies of the intestinal wall.

When inserting an endoscopic instrument, most patients do not experience acute pain. If the process nevertheless turns out to be painful, then this should be reported to a specialist and then he will lubricate the anus with anesthetic ointments or reduce the air flow.

The intensity of pain depends on the individual structure of the intestine, the presence of neoplasms and other characteristics of each patient

Patient reviews

Even if the doctor describes in detail all the nuances of the procedure and assures that everything can be endured without anesthesia, this, as a rule, is not enough and the patient begins to actively seek reviews from other patients about colonoscopy. It seems that doctors only have a theory, and those who have undergone this procedure can themselves give a true description of this manipulation and say for sure how painful a colonoscopy is.

Vladislav, 25 years old:
“Of course, like everyone else, before the procedure I read reviews about hellish torment during this procedure and was terribly afraid of it. But I had no choice and had to agree. I did it for profit, I deliberately refused anesthesia. The whole process in my case took 7 minutes, or at most 10. The doctor and nurse were excellent and actively distracted me during the process. It didn't hurt me at all. I realized that it is important to prepare well for the procedure. And, by the way, this is what turned out to be more unpleasant for me than the insertion of the colonoscope itself. I’ll say this - it may hurt someone, but it’s all individual.”

Karina, 37 years old:
“Believe me, giving birth is more painful! In my case, the procedure lasted almost 30 minutes, but I could stand it all. It was especially painful when the device passed the corners of the colon. Well, it’s very unpleasant when they let air in - at that moment a strong urge to go to the toilet begins and it feels as if bloating has begun from overeating. I did not resort to anesthesia or pills, I just took a few motherwort tablets before the procedure. After the colonoscopy, I still felt fullness and the urge to go to the toilet for several hours, but then that went away. Scary - yes. It hurts terribly - no. The main thing is to find a good specialist.”

It is completely normal that the patient may be concerned about the question of intestinal colonoscopy - does it hurt or not? The procedure is truly non-standard. But the patient still will not find a consensus, since everything is very individual. But if you cooperate productively with a doctor, then in any case the whole process will go as quickly as possible and with the least discomfort for the patient.

Not all intestinal diseases can be accurately determined by routine examination and palpation. Therefore, when standard methods do not help establish a specific diagnosis, doctors recommend undergoing a colonoscopy - a special high-precision instrumental examination. It will immediately allow you to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment. However, the procedure is not the simplest, and its implementation depends on the individual characteristics of the clients. Therefore, patient reviews of intestinal colonoscopy differ significantly from each other.

Description of the study

Colonoscopy is essentially a visual examination of the intestines “from the inside.” The informative value of colonoscopy is undeniable. However, it is resorted to as a last resort. Often the patient delays this diagnostic test, hoping until the last minute that other tests will help identify the problem. This is due to the fact that everyone experiences the procedure differently. Many people wonder if it hurts to have a colonoscopy? There is no single answer here: for some, the study is very painful, while others tolerate it easily.

The study is carried out using a colonoscope - a special probe equipped with a microcamera and a lighting system. The tube of the probe is flexible, which allows it to be moved along the bends of the intestine. In addition, it is equipped with forceps for tissue collection and an air supply system so that the intestinal walls can be straightened.

Svetlana, 27 years old: “Colonoscopy: hell on earth”

A month has passed since I was subjected to the most terrible and painful procedure, and I still cannot forget this nightmare. For me, a colonoscopy was the final diagnostic chord. When the unexamined stomach organs were running out, it turned out that the only problem left to look for was in the intestines. In addition, it turned out that he could not be examined in any other way: neither ultrasound nor x-ray.

All hell broke loose with Fortrans, a special laxative prescribed before a colonoscopy. This is just a mega laxative: as soon as I was rinsed and sent to the toilets. But, as it turned out, these were trifles. It seemed to me that the worst thing was inserting the device into the intestines. And just as I decided to breathe a sigh of relief, my waking nightmare began.

Even a preliminary injection of painkiller did not help. I heroically tried to endure, but after a couple of minutes I gave up and began to moan, howl, cry and writhe. Then I realized that the expression “climbing up the wall” is not a metaphor. In general, the procedure resembles medieval torture. For about 15 minutes they literally mocked me. By the end, I was ready to lose consciousness.

When they released me, I couldn’t come to my senses for a long time. I barely made it home - crying and exhausted. My stomach hurt for two days, I couldn’t really sit, and the “bonus” of this was incessant diarrhea. The most annoying thing is that I didn’t need a colonoscopy. As it turns out, my intestines are in perfect order. But if suddenly I have to go through this hell again, I will not agree to it without anesthesia, under anesthesia - and nothing more.

Maxim, 34 years old: “I’ve had a colonoscopy a dozen times and each time the sensations are different”

Colonoscopy can be tolerable or very painful. It all depends on the characteristics of the patient: the general condition of the body, the professionalism of doctors and the equipment itself. It is interesting that abroad studies are not carried out without anesthesia; in our country, the procedure is performed under anesthesia only for a separate, very significant fee, and even then not in every hospital.

The last time I had a strong feeling that I was being impaled. I heard somewhere that an injection of no-shpa before the procedure will help relieve the pain a little. Oddly enough, when a colonoscopy is done with old equipment, with a black and white image on the screen, it is not as painful as with modern colonoscopes.

An important point: if you have not had any operations before a colonoscopy, the examination will not be so painful. They say that sensations depend very much on the shape of the intestine itself. Yes, for some this procedure is painless, but for others it becomes a real torture. Therefore, I do not support those who accuse those who allegedly lied about hellish torture. And it’s certainly stupid to compare colonoscopy with FGS. I didn’t believe it either until I walked in someone else’s shoes and became convinced that this examination could be either easy or very difficult, depending on the circumstances.


Before a colonoscopy, the patient must be prescribed medications to cleanse the intestines. This is necessary for the most accurate results. Cleansing is carried out in several ways:

  1. Strong laxative, mainly Fortrans.
  2. Enema.

All bowel cleansing activities are carried out several days before the examination. Initially, the patient is recommended to switch to a therapeutic diet that excludes heavy foods and fiber. While taking a laxative, you should drink as much water as possible to prevent dehydration. Also, after starting to take the medicine, they eat only liquid food.

Marina, 24 years old: “The preparation is many times worse than the procedure itself.”

I was scheduled for a colonoscopy before surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. After reading horror stories on the Internet about this procedure, I almost panicked. But then I told myself “you still have no other choice” and pulled myself together. So, I was prescribed 1 pack of Fortrans. The pack contained 4 sachets of more than 100 grams each.

I started preparing the day before the examination. I ate buckwheat porridge for breakfast and had it for lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon. That's it, nothing else could be eaten. I started taking the laxative at half past seven in the evening. 1 sachet is diluted in a liter of water. I was told to drink two liters of this stuff in the evening, and two in the morning. After a couple of hours, I started running to the toilet and didn’t stop until the morning.

At half past five in the morning I drank the rest of the Fortrans, and two hours later I did another enema. And at the 11th hour I was at the clinic. In the office they handed me blue panties with a hole and shoe covers and laid me on my right side. The doctor began asking about preparations for the procedure, and at question 4 I realized that the procedure was already underway. The nurse pressed on my stomach from time to time, and the doctor periodically said that I needed to be patient a little. But I never felt anything. I didn’t experience any pain, the only thing I wanted was to throw out my hospital pants and eat normally.

When should you have a colonoscopy and why?

Colonoscopy is performed if there are suspicions of some serious bowel dysfunction. This is the most reliable way to detect malignant tumors.

The study must be prescribed when:

Irina, 42 years old: “Unpleasant, but necessary”

Before the colonoscopy, I already had an ultrasound and CT scan with contrast. Although they didn’t find anything bad in my intestines (only colitis and diverticula), I didn’t calm down until I had this procedure done. I had a colonoscopy done without anesthesia; under anesthesia, everyone who was not too lazy recommended that I undergo it because of the high splenic angle and the tortuous sigmoid colon. But I didn’t want to put a strain on my heart and got by with just a no-shpa injection.

There was almost no pain - only when the colon was inflated and the splenic angle was passed. In general, the sensations depend on the presence of operations, adhesions and the professionalism of the doctor. The main thing is not to panic, carefully monitor your condition and tell your doctor about pain in a timely manner.

With or without anesthesia?

It is possible to perform a colonoscopy without anesthesia; under anesthesia, the examination is carried out by a patient with a non-standard intestinal structure or diseases that increase pain. You will have to pay significantly extra for anesthesia: the cost of a procedure with anesthesia doubles.

Marina, 29 years old: “It’s unbearable without anesthesia, but you can do it under anesthesia”

My constitution is not very “successful” for this procedure: I am both tall and light in weight and, as a result, have a more curved intestine. The research took almost an hour. It was a real execution. There was no FGDS even close.

Although I am a very patient person with pain, I could not resist groaning, moaning, and then screaming. I howled, threatened the doctors, demanded that they stop immediately and undergo general anesthesia at any cost. But they didn’t listen to me, and stubbornly continued to turn my guts out. If anyone has to do this procedure, don't waste your money. Believe me, it’s better to be safe than to experience the hell that I went through.

Evgeniy, 36 years old: “How painful it will be depends on the structure of the intestines”

I did a colonoscopy not only without anesthesia, but even without pain relief. I was lucky: I found a very careful, experienced and attentive doctor. But it still hurt almost all the time: sometimes it was quite tolerable, and sometimes I wanted to scream.

The doctor explained that it will hurt or not depends on whether the person is fat or not. If you are thin, then the intestines seem to be “dangling” and are not adjacent to the fat layer. Therefore, the intestine is more curved, and it is when turning corners that pain occurs. In addition, the pain threshold also affects. Only a doctor can determine with certainty whether a colonoscopy is necessary. If he strongly recommends this procedure, you should not delay or try to avoid it. It will help detect many dangerous diseases, including malignant tumors.

Particularly impressionable patients often try to avoid colonoscopy, despite the strong recommendations of doctors.

Nervous stool

I'm not an exception. No matter how much the gastroenterologists tried to convince me to decide on a colonoscopy, they didn’t succeed. I started having problems with my intestines about 7 years ago. As soon as I got nervous or disrupted my usual diet, I got “bear sickness.” There were times when, due to diarrhea that started at the wrong time, I could not leave the house without taking a fixative drug.

Doctors just shrugged: similar symptoms accompany many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including serious ones (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, benign or malignant tumors). In order to find out the truth, I was advised to undergo examinations, among which one of the first places is a colonoscopy.

No, no, not this!

After interviewing friends and acquaintances who had undergone this diagnostic procedure, I firmly decided for myself: I would only go for it on pain of death. The prospect of writhing in pain for 15-30 minutes while a long tube was pushed into your anus was not at all exciting to me. Articles on the Internet adding fuel to the fire of my fears spoke about the complications of this invasive procedure (with penetration into organs and tissues. - Ed.) procedures, up to infection and intestinal perforation.

The main thing is preparation

I decided not to use pain relief, and decided to undergo a frightening diagnostic procedure only when it became completely unbearable. I chose the doctor by word of mouth. But it was still necessary to prepare for the upcoming execution...

False alarm

I entered the endoscopy room on my legs stiff from fear. But my fears were not justified. The doctor I chose turned out to be a true professional: during the examination I never felt pain. Except that sometimes there were unpleasant, but quite tolerable sensations.

I flew out of the office like a bird. All my fears were behind me. And most importantly, they didn’t find anything serious about me! It was necessary to decide on this procedure at least for this reason.

The source of my suffering turned out to be irritable bowel syndrome, a functional disorder that occurs in some people in response to stress and is quite successfully treated.

Expert commentary

Victor Veselov, Head of the Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Surgery of the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor:

Indications for colonoscopy are the presence of complaints such as blood in the stool, unstable stools, frequent diarrhea or constipation, discomfort, pain and other unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area. But, even if there are no such symptoms, after 45-50 years you must undergo a colonoscopy. Especially if someone in your immediate family has had colon cancer. After all, many intestinal diseases, including malignant ones, can be asymptomatic.

Colonoscopy can diagnose many serious colon diseases in the early stages. During the examination, the specialist has the opportunity not only to examine the condition of the intestinal mucosa (for the presence of ulcers, erosions, polyps), but also to study its contractility and tone. If necessary, a biopsy is performed during a colonoscopy - tissue samples are taken for morphological examination.

Technically speaking, colonoscopy is a complex procedure. Only an experienced endoscopist can painlessly pass an endoscope through the entire colon (up to the cecum, and, if necessary, into the small intestine). But there is a technique that allows you to do this: non-forceful rotational advancement of the colonoscope, when the device moves along a small radius without the formation of additional loops. The collected intestine is, as it were, strung on the apparatus, which reduces the length of the inserted part of the endoscope and reduces the possibility of pain and trauma. And replacing the air supplied into the intestinal lumen with carbon dioxide (they have already begun to use it in ours and in some other clinics), which has the property of being absorbed and excreted by the body during breathing, practically eliminates the unpleasant sensations after the study.

There is no need to worry about possible infection during a colonoscopy. In self-respecting clinics, endoscopic equipment is disinfected in compliance with all modern standards. The leading position is occupied by the processing of endoscopes using automatic washing and disinfecting machines.

If desired, colonoscopy can be performed under intravenous anesthesia, the so-called “drug sleep”. In this case, the patient retains sensitivity, but he does not remember his sensations. But such a procedure will cost significantly more, and the patient is unlikely to be able to get behind the wheel and begin other vigorous activities on the day of the study.

Proper preparation for a colonoscopy is an important aspect. To do this, two or three days before the study, you need to follow a slag-free diet, excluding foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, herbs, vegetable soups, rolled oats, flour), and the day before, refuse dinner.

It is also important to properly cleanse the intestines with the help of modern laxatives. The cleaner the intestine, the faster, more comfortable and, most importantly, more effective from a diagnostic point of view, the study will be carried out.

When prescribing a method for examining the colon, the patient has a question about whether it is painful to do a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is one of the most effective methods of colonoproctology. According to the description, this procedure is not very attractive, which is why this question arises, but the more truthful, scientific and understandable information is received, the better the patient will understand the essence of the procedure, and the less fear he will experience in front of it.

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic method for examining the colon, from rectum to cecum, which allows in a few minutes, usually 10-15, to give a complete picture of the condition and existing pathologies of this organ. The procedure is carried out using a colonoscope - a device consisting of a long hose, a backlight, an eyepiece, a small nozzle that supplies air, a device for collecting material for subsequent research, and a mini-camera capable of taking photos and videos.

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic method for examining the colon, which allows us to give a complete picture of the condition and existing pathologies of this organ.

The patient is placed on his left side, with his knees brought to his stomach. The colonoscope is carefully inserted by the endoscopist into the rectal area. The colonoscope moves very slowly through the intestine, examining its walls, moderately supplying air to smooth out existing folds of the mucous membrane. It is this moment that causes the greatest discomfort and unpleasant sensations, even pain. Information is displayed on the monitor and, if necessary, recorded or photographs taken.

Is it worth doing pain relief?

Even after receiving complete information about the procedure and how it is performed, many patients still have doubts about whether pain relief should be performed or not.

In what cases is a colonoscopy painful, and doctors still resort to pain relief, and sometimes to the procedure under anesthesia? The following cases of colonoscopy under local or general anesthesia are possible:

  • when inserting a colonoscope, most patients do not experience pronounced pain, and if pain does occur, the doctor lubricates the anus with anesthetic ointments, and after a few minutes the procedure continues;
  • if the patient has destructive processes;
  • the presence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • during the procedure in children.

There are no nerve endings as such in the intestines, so pain in its usual manifestation is unlikely. An unpleasant sensation of pressure occurs when the air flow increases to smooth out the folds of the mucous membrane or when the colonoscope passes intestinal bends. But with the usual threshold of sensitivity, they are tolerable, and what is important here is the patient’s positive attitude, trust in the doctor performing the procedure, and the absence of fear, which causes muscle spasms that interfere with the procedure and contribute to the occurrence of additional unpleasant sensations.

Carrying out a colonoscopy procedure under anesthesia is not encouraged by doctors; it is always more effective to deal with an awake patient who reacts to what is happening and talks about his feelings and concerns. In this case, the doctor is also able to respond adequately, trying to reduce the discomfort as much as possible. It is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations, for example, if you have the urge to defecate, the doctor will advise you to breathe deeply. Sometimes it may be necessary for the patient to turn onto their back and return to the starting position on their side. If you complain of pain from stretching the mucous membrane under air pressure, the doctor will reduce the air flow.

Thus, with productive cooperation, it is possible to carry out the procedure as quickly as possible with the least discomfort without the use of anesthesia.

Colonoscopy is the most informative method for diagnosing colon tumors, including benign and malignant tumors. For the purpose of early diagnosis of these diseases, it is recommended for all people over 40 years old once every 4-5 years. If complaints arise, such as discharge of pus, mucus or (colon), abdominal pain, stool disorders of various types, a colonoscopy is prescribed immediately. There may be other indications for its use: diagnosis or even suspicion of the presence of any disease of the colon that arose during sigmoidoscopy or irrigoscopy. During a colonoscopy, you can clarify the diagnosis, photograph the formation, and, if necessary, remove it, take material for a biopsy, remove a foreign body, and stop bleeding.

This method is also indispensable when monitoring patients after treatment. A colonoscopy is prescribed if polyps are present.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contraindications to colonoscopy are:

  • inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • heart and pulmonary failure;
  • severe forms of ischemic and ulcerative colitis.

Before the procedure, you must notify your doctor about any existing chronic diseases and medications you are taking. Sometimes a general blood test may be required in order to see the whole picture of the patient’s condition even more clearly and to make the procedure as safe as possible for the patient.

Preparing for a colonoscopy

Proper preparation for the colonoscopy procedure helps to obtain the most effective results in a minimum period of time, while significantly reducing all unpleasant sensations and discomfort.

Preparation is primarily aimed at freeing the intestines from fecal matter. Their presence in the lumen of the colon interferes with the examination of the mucous membrane and prevents the correct diagnosis. To cleanse the intestines it is recommended:

  • 1-2 days before the procedure, adhere to: products of plant origin are excluded from the diet - fruits, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, as well as black bread; you can eat boiled meat, eggs, liquid cereals, fish, cheese and butter;
  • the day before, consume only liquid foods, for example, broths, and drinks - tea, juices, water;
  • at the same time you should take 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil;
  • after stool in the evening, do 2 enemas with water at room temperature, with a volume of at least 1.5 liters each; in the morning the procedure must be repeated 1 or 2 times, depending on the condition of the intestines.

You can facilitate the procedure of cleansing the intestines by turning to the use of special drugs that promote more thorough cleansing of the intestines: Lavacol, Fleet,. In this case, you do not have to resort to taking laxatives or cleansing enemas.

What to do after the study and possible complications

After the colonoscopy procedure, the patient can return to his normal lifestyle.

If you still feel bloated from an excess of gases, you can take several tablets of activated carbon crushed and mixed in a small amount of water at the rate of 2 tablets per 10-15 kg of weight.