1. General labor protection requirements

1.1. Based on these Occupational Safety Instructions for a hairdresser, instructions are developed for a hairdresser, taking into account the conditions of his work in a particular organization, taking into account local characteristics.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a preliminary medical examination, introductory and fire safety training, have practically mastered the techniques of proper handling of tools, equipment and devices, as well as have passed labor safety requirements and requirements, are allowed to work as a hairdresser.

1.3. The hairdresser must comply with the organization's internal labor regulations, work and rest hours, and work schedule.

1.4. A hairdresser may be exposed to the following harmful and (or) dangerous production factors during work:
— moving parts of an electrified tool;
— increased air temperature in the working area due to the operation of thermal appliances (hair dryers, dryers, compressors and other equipment);
— increased air mobility; increased voltage in the electrical circuit;
— insufficient illumination of the work area; sharp edges of cutting tools;
- tension in the hands and fingers; long-term static physical activity (overload due to being in a “standing” position);
— chemical factors (hair dust, chlorine, ozone, thioglycolic acid, synthetic detergents, paraphenyldiamine (ursol) and others).

1.5. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the hairdresser is issued special clothing and other personal protective equipment, provided for by standard industry standards for the free issuance of personal protective equipment.

1.6. The hairdresser must know:
- instructions on labor protection for a hairdresser;
- dangerous and harmful production factors associated with the work performed;
- ;
- ;
- rules of industrial sanitation;
- ;
- rules for using personal and collective protective equipment.

1.7. The hairdresser must notify his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens his life, as well as the health of other people, about every accident that occurs at work and about the deterioration of his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute disease.

1.8. The hairdresser should:
- leave outerwear, shoes, hats, personal items in the dressing room;
— before starting work, put on clean special clothing;
- before and after completing customer service, after visiting the toilet, any contamination of hands and before eating, wash hands with soap and wipe dry with a clean towel for personal use;
- care for the skin of your hands using protective and softening agents (cream, lotion), trim your nails in a timely manner, clean the subungual spaces;
- do not allow eating in the workplace.

1.9. If there is a fire alarm in the hairdressing salon, the hairdresser is responsible for.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Do not pin special clothing with pins, needles, and do not keep sharp, fragile or breakable objects (combs, scissors, razors, glass bottles) in clothing pockets.

2.2. Check by external inspection:
— sufficient illumination of the working area, and if necessary, install an additional lighting lamp or require the replacement of burnt-out lighting lamps;
— serviceability of electrical plugs, sockets, power supply cables (cords) used for electrical tools and devices (no exposed areas, kinks or twisting of power supply wires), voltage compliance for the network and electrical appliance;
— presence and reliability of grounding connections (no breakage, strength of contact between metal non-current-carrying parts of the device and the grounding wire), do not start work if there is no grounding;
— the condition of the floors along the path of movement (no potholes, uneven surfaces, foreign materials or slippery surfaces); if necessary, require cleaning the floor or wiping the slippery area yourself.

2.3. Before starting work, you must make sure:
— in the absence of cracks, bulging of vessel walls, leaks in rivet joints and other malfunctions of equipment in which water is heated;
— availability and serviceability of instrumentation, signal lamps, time relays, glass integrity, serviceability of hot water taps, compressor, electric water heater, etc.;
— the correct initial position of the controls of the tools and devices used;
— in clear, jam-free operation of the “start” and “stop” buttons (toggle switches) of the hair dryer, infraheater, drying cabinet and other electrical equipment.

2.4. Check the serviceability of the hydraulic lifts and the stability of the hairdressing chair, as well as the chair for the master, make sure that they rotate easily around their axis.
To work in a comfortable working position, if necessary, adjust the angles of the back and seat of the client’s chair.

2.5. When preparing to use a thinning razor, care must be taken when placing the blade on the pins and attaching it together with the combs to the handle plate.

2.6. To avoid unnecessary movements during work, the following should be placed comfortably and steadily:
- on the right side of the hairdressing unit - disinfectant solutions, a cotton pad with cotton wool, bottles with hydrogen peroxide, eau de toilette, cologne, powder compact;
- in the center of the block - liquid soap, shampoo, conditioner, conditioner;
— in the right drawer of the block there are disinfected tools (manual hair clipper, straight razor, scissors, combs);
- on a mobile table - stands with curlers, bobbins, hair dyes, clips, hairpins, brushes, tongs, etc.;
- hang a hand mirror, electric razor, hair clipper on the right side of the wall mirror on a special hook, and a hand hair dryer on the hook to the left of the mirror.

2.7. Check the operation of an electric tool (electric razor, hair dryer, hot scissors) at idle speed.

2.8. In rooms for drying, coloring and curling hair, check the operation of forced ventilation.

2.9. Do not work with open wounds and cuts on your hands. Protect all damage to the skin on your hands with finger caps and adhesive tape.

2.10. Do not wear bracelets, chains, watches, or rings while working.

2.11. Report any detected malfunctions of the used power tools, equipment, electrical wiring, lighting, sanitary equipment and other problems to your immediate supervisor and begin work only after they have been eliminated.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Perform only the work for which you have been trained, for which you have received instructions on labor protection and approved by your immediate supervisor.

3.2. It is necessary to operate closed-type bactericidal ultraviolet irradiators (recirculators) with ozone-free bactericidal lamps for indoor air disinfection in accordance with their operating instructions and only after undergoing special training in safe handling measures.

3.3. Do not entrust your work to untrained or unauthorized persons.

3.4. Use serviceable equipment, tools, and devices necessary for safe work; use them only for the work for which they are intended.

3.5. Follow the rules of movement in the room, use only designated passages. Do not block passages and exits with any materials or objects.

3.6. Open hot and cold water taps slowly, without jerking or much effort. Do not use hammers, other impact instruments or random objects for these purposes.

3.8. Do not block the passages between chairs, to sinks, dryers, to control panels, switches, escape routes and other passages with excess furniture, excess supplies of clean linen, mobile tables, and other items.

3.9. To prevent occupational diseases of the legs during work, you should use a special mobile chair for the master, and, if necessary, adjust it in height. Do not use mobile tables, chair armrests, or random objects for sitting.

3.10. Scissors must be stored only in a case, carried and handed over to another worker closed, rings first. Do not catch falling scissors in flight. Do not walk around the hall with scissors open. Do not wrap the scissor rings with cloth, insulating tape, or other materials to avoid hair getting stuck in them.

3.11. Use hand protection when mixing dye components, coloring clients’ hair, preparing disinfectant solutions, and disinfecting instruments.

3.12. Remove cut hair from the client's neck and face with a clean individual napkin or cotton wool. Do not blow off cut hair or remove it with a razor brush and powder.

3.13. Collect cut hair in a closed scoop directly next to the chair and place it in an airtight container (disposable plastic garbage bag or craft paper bag); Close the container, bandage it and take it to the utility room.

3.14. It is not allowed to shake out cut hair from plastic bags and sacks into containers for household waste and reuse the bags (bags).

3.15. If lice are found on a client, the cut hair must be collected and burned in a galvanized bucket.

3.16. While doing your hairstyle, it is not allowed to hold combs, bobby pins, or hairpins in your mouth.

3.17. When edging your temples with a razor, close the razor before moving to the other side of the chair.

3.18. Particular care must be taken when working with a straight razor, as well as when grinding it on a whetstone and straightening it using a hanging or block belt.

3.19. A straight razor should only be stored closed in a special drawer in the toilet.

3.20. When working with a straight razor, the following is not allowed:
- swing a razor;
— being distracted by conversations with colleagues, clients or strangers;
- carry and transfer it unclosed to another employee;
- try to catch a falling razor;
- walk around the hall with an open razor.

3.21. To avoid overheating, an electric hair clipper should be turned off every 30 minutes of operation.

3.22. Replacing electric razor blades should be done with the electric motor turned off and disconnected from the power supply.

3.23. Do not cut wet hair with an electric razor, do not turn on or off a hair clipper, hair dryer, dryer, electric razor, climazone, electric water heater, or other devices and power tools that operate from an electrical network with wet and damp hands.

3.24. When turning on or off a power tool or equipment, you should hold onto the plug body.

3.25. Before connecting the compressor or water heater to the electrical network, make sure that the liquid level is sufficient for the operation of the device using a water meter glass or other device indicating the water level in the working vessel.

3.26. When operating an electric hair dryer, drying cabinet, climate zone, infraheater, water heater and others, comply with the safety requirements established by the manufacturer.

3.27. When operating electrified tools and equipment, the following is not allowed:
- independently disassemble and repair them;
- pull the supply wire to disconnect;
- use damaged plugs, sockets, make connections with twists;
— close the ventilation holes provided for in the design of the electrified tool;
— use electrified tools without safety nets provided by the design;
- violate technological breaks or increase the operating time of the tool (devices) without breaks established in the operating manuals (especially devices made in a plastic case);
- carry or move stationary devices and table lamps connected to the electrical network;
— leave operating devices and equipment unattended, allow untrained and unauthorized persons to operate them;
— dry damp or wet napkins, towels, negligees on heating equipment.

3.28. If voltage appears on the body of the electrical device (“electric shock”), the smell of burning insulation, the appearance of extraneous noise, spontaneous stopping or incorrect operation of the elements of the device or tool, it should be immediately stopped (turned off) with the “stop” button and disconnected from the electrical network. Report this to your immediate supervisor and do not turn it on to the network until the problem is resolved.

3.29. Be careful when manipulating a hot cloth (squeezing, shaking, etc.) when applying a hot compress to the client’s face. Be careful not to splash hot water when preparing vegetable dyes.

3.30. When coloring clients' hair using a dye containing ursol, use a dye containing no more than 1.2% ursol in combination with a substance that weakens its effect. Making homemade paints is not allowed.

3.31. Perm hair using rubber gloves in a separate room or workplace equipped with forced ventilation.

3.32. Clips, curlers, bobbins, caps and nets for perming hair, caps for highlighting should be washed with running water and detergents.

3.33. After using electric razors, wipe removable knives twice (with an interval of 15 minutes) with a swab moistened with 70% ethyl alcohol.

3.34. When working with disinfectants, it is necessary to use only moderate and low-hazard disinfectants (hazard classes 3 and 4), non-volatile and non-dusting, in hygienic and ready-to-use formulations.

3.35. To prevent occupational diseases of the skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract when working with disinfectants, you should:
— the preparation of disinfectant solutions should be carried out in separate isolated rooms with artificial or natural supply and exhaust ventilation;
— pour dry disinfectants into special containers, and then gradually add water;
— containers with working disinfectant solutions must be tightly closed with lids;
— perform all work with solutions using rubber gloves;
— comply with the instructions for use of the disinfectant;
— use personal respiratory protection equipment specified in the instructions for the disinfectant (respirators, protective masks);
— make maximum use of original disinfectants in small individual packaging.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If an electric tool or other equipment breaks down, threatening an accident at the workplace or in a hairdressing salon (steaming, water leakage and other malfunctions), it is necessary to stop operating and supplying water and electricity to it, report the measures taken to the immediate supervisor and act in accordance with the instructions received.

4.2. If during work the workplace becomes contaminated with spilled solutions or shampoos, then work should be stopped until the contaminants are removed.
The curling solution should be removed from the floor using a rag, and the contaminated area should then be rinsed with warm water and wiped dry.

Rinse the area contaminated with shampoo thoroughly with water until the slipperiness is eliminated and wipe dry.

4.3. In the event of an accident in the power supply network, a break in the pipeline, or a heating radiator, it is necessary to stop work and call the appropriate emergency team by telephone.

4.4. If an emergency occurs, notify all employees and visitors of the danger, report to the immediate supervisor about the incident and act in accordance with the plan for localizing and eliminating the emergency.

4.5. If a fire or signs of fire are detected (smoke, burning smell, increased temperature, etc.), you should:
- stop work and immediately report this by phone to the fire department, while giving the address of the facility, the location of the fire, and provide your last name;
— take measures to evacuate people,, if possible, begin to extinguish the fire and ensure the safety of material assets.

4.6. In case of injury or sudden illness, a victim must be provided with first (pre-medical) aid in accordance with the first aid instructions.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Disconnect electrified tools and equipment from the power supply (infraheater, climazone, water heater, drying cabinet, hair dryers (dryers) and other devices).

5.2. Treat removable knives of electric razors and hair clippers in accordance with the established instructions.

5.3. Rinse with running water and disinfect the cutting edges of tools and devices in a bactericidal emitter or in solutions of disinfectants. Put them away in storage areas.

5.4. Wash with the addition of detergents, dry and put away hair clips, curlers, caps and other devices used during work.

5.5. Disinfectant solutions used to disinfect instruments should be placed in specially designated storage areas. Containers with disinfectant solutions must be tightly closed with lids, which must be marked with the name, concentration and date of preparation of the solution.

Every hairdressing salon worker must know the safety rules and follow them in their practice.

Let's look at the basic rules:

  • 1. After working with each client, the comb should be disinfected in an ultraviolet irradiator or in a solution (at least 15 minutes). When the comb becomes dirty, wash it with soapy water.
  • 2. It is necessary to ensure that the comb teeth are not very sharp and do not have burrs.
  • 3. You cannot store a comb in a pocket of your work clothes and leave it in the client’s hair.
  • 4. When working with chemicals, do not use iron combs.
  • 5. When working with a razor, after each client it is necessary to disinfect it in an ultraviolet irradiator or denatured alcohol. In addition, it is necessary to change the blade in the machine.
  • 6. The razor should be stored in a case.
  • 7. The razor should be handed over closed in the case.
  • 8. When working, you must ensure that the razor head is directed towards the protruding parts of the face and head.
  • 9. When shaving, you must be extremely careful; you cannot wave the razor and talk to the client.
  • 10. After servicing each client, the blade of the thinning razor must be changed, and its plastic parts must be disinfected in an ultraviolet irradiator or kept in the solution for at least 15 minutes.
  • 11. After disinfection, the razor must be wiped dry to avoid moisture getting into the case.
  • 12. After serving each client, scissors must be disinfected in an ultraviolet irradiator or denatured alcohol.
  • 13. Store scissors in a case.
  • 14. The scissors should be passed holding them by the working blades, with the rings facing forward.
  • 15. Use scissors strictly for their intended purpose.
  • 16. If scissors fall, do not try to catch them to avoid injury.
  • 17. When connecting to the network, you must check the integrity of the machine cord and the compliance of the supply voltage.
  • 18. Changing knives should only be done with the machine engine turned off.
  • 19. Do not handle the clipper with wet hands or cut wet hair.
  • 20. The machine should not be stored in a drawer of a dressing table; it should be suspended at the workplace to avoid damage to the integrity of the cord.
  • 21. Before connecting electrical devices to the network, it is necessary to check the serviceability of their wires and the presence of grounding.
  • 22. It is prohibited to plug in all electrical devices with wet hands.
  • 23. It is prohibited to use electrical devices that do not have safety nets.
  • 24. Before placing the client under the dryer, it is necessary to put a hair net on the curlers.
  • 25. It is not allowed to disassemble electrical devices yourself.

Also, general management and responsibility for the state of labor protection in hairdressing associations rests with the director, who is obliged to:

Manage the work on labor protection, compliance with labor legislation and the implementation of resolutions and orders of higher organizations and directive documents on labor protection issues. Manage work in all departments in strict accordance with current regulations, rules and standards of safety and industrial sanitation.

Develop long-term and current safety plans and labor protection agreements concluded with trade union bodies.

Do not allow hairdressing salons to be put into operation until they are fully equipped and sanitary premises equipped with ventilation, heating, as provided for in the projects and current norms and regulations, and also without their acceptance by the relevant commission.

Provide hairdressing salons with the necessary material and technical means to carry out safety measures and improve working conditions.

Follow the instructions of state supervisory authorities, sanitary and epidemiological services, technical labor inspection of the trade union to further improve working conditions.

Ensure normal operation and proper use of sanitary facilities, provide workers with free protective clothing, safety footwear, and personal protective equipment in accordance with current standards.

Organize timely training of department heads and all workers in safety rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and labor legislation, provide them with instructions, rules, regulations and other necessary literature, as well as widely promote safe practices and work methods.

Organize a medical examination of workers and employees in accordance with the existing regulations, appoint by order of association persons responsible for the condition and safe operation of buildings controlled by the bodies of Gosgortekhnadzor and Gosenergonadzor, participate in the investigation of the circumstances and causes of industrial accidents and ensure the implementation of measures to prevent them .

Take measures to eliminate the causes of injuries and report accidents in accordance with the current Regulations on the investigation and recording of accidents at work.

To hold accountable in accordance with the established procedure persons who violate labor legislation, rules and regulations of safety and industrial sanitation or carry out orders and other directive documents on labor protection. Periodically hold meetings on occupational safety issues to analyze the causes of occupational injuries and diseases, and develop measures to eliminate them.

Responsibility for organizing work on labor protection in hairdressing associations, in district and city production departments rests with the chief engineer, deputy chief, who is obliged to:

  • - timely submit reports to higher economic and statistical bodies on the implementation of labor safety measures, on the use of funds allocated for these purposes, on the state of industrial injuries, on the work to introduce labor safety standards at enterprises;
  • - within 24 hours, review and approve reports of industrial accidents, taking the necessary measures to eliminate the causes that caused the accidents. Send one copy of the approved act to the head of the workshop, the trade union committee, the technical labor inspector of the trade union and public utility enterprises.
  • - carry out systematic control over the labor safety of workers, over timely, high-quality briefings in accordance with GOST;
  • - ensure the good condition of equipment, apparatus, tools, proper condition of workplaces, production premises and common areas, do not obstruct access to fire hydrants and primary fire extinguishing means;
  • - exercise control over the timely issuance of sanitary and hygienic clothing to workers, the timeliness and quality of its washing, cleaning and repair;
  • - monitor employees' medical examinations;
  • - comply with the requirements of regulatory authorities, ensure the elimination of violations of labor safety standards and regulations identified during the inspection;
  • - inform the higher management of the association and the trade union committee about each accident, investigate the accident within 24 hours together with the public inspector and labor safety engineer or the person entrusted with these responsibilities, find out its circumstances and causes, and also determine measures, preventing the recurrence of such cases. Draw up an act in 4 copies in form N-1 and send it to the head of the association.

  1. It is forbidden to turn on faulty switches; they must be protected by boxes.

  2. Do not use exposed sockets.

  3. It is prohibited to turn on and off electrical appliances with wet hands.

  4. The voltage of electrical devices should not be higher than 220 V.

  5. Before work, the hairdresser must check: the tightness of screws, fastening units and parts. Pay attention to the presence of exposed or damaged wires.

  6. Wires of portable electrical devices should not touch wet or hot surfaces.

  7. If any malfunctions are detected in electrical devices, work with them must be stopped.

  8. Repair of electrical appliances should be trusted only to specialists.

  9. If a hair salon uses a boiler to heat water, do not turn it on without first lowering it into the water. And be sure to turn it off to collect warmed water.

  10. When leaving the workplace, be sure to turn off the local lighting and all electrical appliances.

  11. When working with scissors, razors and other cutting tools, be attentive to both yourself and the client.

  12. Scissors and razors should be stored in cases. Pass the scissors to each other, rings first.

  13. If the scissors fall to the floor, do not catch them in flight.

  14. When serving customers, try not to engage in conversations with hair salon employees.

  15. It is strictly forbidden to use toxic substances that are prohibited in the hairdressing salon.

  16. All containers, vials, bottles, etc. must be signed.

  17. Chemical compositions, perfumes, and cosmetics used in a hairdressing salon must have quality certificates.

  18. It is prohibited to use expired products in the hairdressing salon.

  19. It is strictly forbidden to store flammable and hot substances in the vicinity of heating devices.

  20. In hairdressing salons, you can smoke and light matches (lighters) only in places specially designated for this purpose.

  21. Every hairdresser must be equipped with fire extinguishers.

  22. At the first sign of a fire, each hairdressing salon employee is obliged to call the fire department - 01 and, before the firefighters arrive, take all measures to eliminate the source of the fire.

Sanitary requirements for the maintenance of hairdressing salons and tools

The master has three sets of tools in his work:

One for work

The second one is for disinfection

The third one is in stock or being sharpened
Cleaning the premises– daily

spring-cleaning– weekly

Sanitary day- once a month

Floors are washed twice a day– once: wet cleaning, a second time with a 1% chloramine solution
Two methods of disinfection:

Physical – sterilization using high temperatures (“macrostop”), ultraviolet lamps (“microcide”), indoors—“recycler”


Ethanol– denatured alcohol not lower than 70% - holding time 30 minutes. (if dirty, strain through cheesecloth)

Chloramine solution 3%- exposure time 1.5 hours (30g of chloramine per 1 liter of water), prepare daily

Mistral solution 3%- exposure time 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with running water. (30 ml of Mistral concentrate and 970 ml of water), prepared for 10-14 days.

Chloramine solution 0.5%-1%- for disinfection of the entire room (5-10g of chloramine per 1 liter of water)

Iodine and 3% hydrogen peroxide– for disinfection of skin cuts.
The working day begins with preparatory work

  1. Preparation of working tools

  2. Preparation of the workplace

  3. Disinfectant solutions

  4. Preparing laundry
Final work is carried out after each client

  1. Put away laundry after client's laundry

  2. Instrument disinfection

  3. Cleaning up the workplace
Premises and equipment of hairdressing salons

Hairdressing salons come in different categories, differing from each other in equipment, number of workplaces and workrooms.

Hairdressing salons have special requirements: They must have a waiting room, a wardrobe, separate rooms for manicures, pedicures, and utility rooms.

The following sanitary standards have been established for hairdressing salons: The height of the working hall must be at least 2.7 m, the area of ​​the hall is 4.5 sq.m. for one workplace, the distance between chairs is at least 1.5 m. from the outer chair to the wall is at least 70 cm.

Floors in the room must be waterproof. The walls must be painted with paint or other finishing materials that can be easily washed at a height of at least 1.5 m.

Basic equipment for hairdressers: dressing tables with mirrors and work chairs. All equipment must be kept in perfect order.

All tables should be covered with glass, polished, marble or plastic materials. There should be taps with mixers for hot and cold water above the sinks.

Each chair must have a bedside table for storing linen and tools. The chair should be covered with leatherette so that it can be easily cleaned from dust and hair. The room where customers are served should have an atmosphere of comfort and peace. Light colors and modern furniture contribute to the creation of such an atmosphere.

The most favorable room temperature is 18-20 degrees.

The increase in temperature resulting from drugs must be eliminated by good ventilation. It is advisable that the lamps be daylight and do not cast shadows. Each toilet item has its own rules of use and, accordingly, sanitary requirements for the maintenance of the workplace and liability for their violation.

For the work of a master at the workplace, it is necessary to have disinfectant solutions, sterilizers and all the necessary tools.
Tools and accessories

A hairdresser must have:

  • Straight and thinning scissors

  • Thinning (safety) razor and straight razor with insert blade

  • Combs and brushes for every type of work (combing, cutting, styling and curling hair.)

  • Electric hair dryer

  • Electric machine with attachments

  • Hair styling and curling tools

  • Adaptations
Scissors master's main tool. Manufactured from high quality steel, in various shapes and sizes. The scissors consist of two blades that turn into handles with rings for the thumb and ring fingers. Scissors must always be sharp; the quality of the haircut and its artistic execution depend on this. The sharpness of the scissors can be checked by cutting a thin layer of cotton wool; if the cotton wool wrinkles, cuts poorly, and the fibers remain between the ends of the scissors, it means they are poorly sharpened. Scissors must be taken care of and used correctly. They deteriorate due to the incorrect position of the screw, which should be screwed in enough for the blades to move freely. If the blades compress and unclench tightly, the screw should be unscrewed, but if they do not fit tightly, turn it.

After work, the scissors are disinfected, wiped dry, and the crosspiece at the screw connection points is lubricated with oil. The quality largely depends on how well the craftsman correctly masters the techniques of working with scissors. Straight scissors are used for general haircuts, trimming temples, mustaches and beards, as well as thinning.

Thinning scissors are used to thin out the thickness of the hair and make a smooth transition. Thinning scissors have a special design. The cutting part of these scissors is designed in such a way that the hair is cut at separate intervals equal to the cutouts between the teeth of the scissors.

Combs made from various materials: metal, plastic, bone and silicone. The length of the combs is from 15-20m, thickness is 3-8mm. There are combs: combined (one half of the comb should have frequent teeth, and the other with sparse teeth), with a uniform arrangement of teeth, with a pointed handle (tail), with an ordinary handle and “fork”, combs of irregular shape. The ends of the teeth are somewhat blunt, because Sharp teeth can easily damage the skin during operation.

Brushes Used for head massage, combing, hair styling and styling. They may have plastic, metal or bristly teeth. Flat The brush is convenient for lifting strands of hair at the root . Semicircular– gives hair fullness. Brushes from natural bristles Give hair shine and make it elastic. Round Use a brush to round the hair strands. Flat brushes are used to massage the head and smooth out very curly hair; there are balls at the ends of the teeth that protect the scalp from scratches.

Electric cars Vibrating- vibrate slightly in the hand, rotary- do not vibrate, most often have removable knives, rechargeable– work both from the mains and from batteries.

The electric machine consists of:

* housing in which the electric motor is located,

*two knives - movable (small) and fixed (lower),

*special lever that regulates the length of the cut and the distance between the knives,

*power cord (at least 1.5 m),

*a set of removable knives and attachments (combs: No.1 - 3mm; No.2 - 6mm; No.3 - 9mm; No.4 - 12mm and No.5 - 15mm)

The electric machine cannot be kept on all the time; after each operation it must be turned off. Cutting wet or dirty hair causes corrosion of knives and clippers. After cutting, be sure to remove remaining hair and disinfect with alcohol, at least 70%, at intervals of 15 minutes. All moving parts when assembled are lubricated with oil.

Straight and safety razors Designed for cutting and shaving hair. *A straight razor consists of two main parts – pens(where the blade folds) and blade: consists of a working blade (blade), a neck (DESIGNED FOR HOLDING THE RAZOR DURING WORK) and a tail (for a more stable hold of the razor with the little finger while working).

*Safety (thinning) razors, protected by combs (teeth), are intended for thinning hair, because... They are convenient for thinning hair strands towards the ends. *The new blade is inserted with the client, do not insert the blade with wet hands. Before and after use, razors are disinfected.

Hair styling and curling tools:

* Curlers (stylers) ) - metal, plastic with spikes and clips, electric curlers, modified: on “lipuns”; boomerangs - flexible curlers; hairpin-shaped; spiral, etc.

* Bobbins – for perm, there are classic and modified ones, different in diameter and length. Each bobbin diameter has its own color.

*Electric tongs – “iron” - for straightening; "corrugation"; "wave"; round - of different diameters to create curls; “cone”, etc.

*Hairdryer – used for styling and drying hair. It consists of a plastic body with a tip on one side and a mesh opening on the other side. There is a switch on the housing that regulates air temperature and power. An electric motor is placed in the middle of the housing, on the shaft of which an impeller is fixed; rotating, the impeller blades direct air into the outlet pipe. The tube contains an electric furnace. The air, passing by a hot electric furnace, heats up and goes outside. A more convenient hair dryer with a power of at least 1500 - 2000 W.

The hair dryer has attachments: for drying hair (wide nozzle), for styling hair (narrow nozzle) and diffuser (round wide nozzle) - for styling hair using your hands.

Devices used in a hairdressing salon

Devices are what help the master in his work.

*Sprayer (sprayer) – for moisturizing hair during work, as well as applying styling products. *Bowls – for preparing dyes, hair treatment products and perm compositions. * Brushes – for diluting and applying dyes and medicinal preparations. *Shaker – for mixing dyes; collar for painting; *Sponges – for applying chemical compounds. *Clips - metal and plastic, for securing hair, of different lengths and shapes. *Insulating cap – for perm and hair treatment. *Mask for fixing styling. *Caps – polyethylene, silicone and rubber for highlighting hair. *Timer; applicator; measuring cup; rubber or silicone gloves; spatulas and much more.

Electrical equipment in a hairdressing salon

Currently, three main types are most often used in hairdressing salons: susuar, climazone, infraheater.

Sushuara– hair dryers. Various models of dryers are produced: wall-mounted, moving on rollers, but they all have almost the same structure. On the drying head of the dryer there is a time relay and a temperature regulator from 20 to 70.

Climazon– a device for accelerating chemical processes during hair coloring, curling and treatment. Climazon is equipped with infrared lamps that can support 2 operating modes - more and less powerful. The lamps are movable around the axis of their attachment to the frame. Climazon can be stationary and mobile. Climazon with a chrome-plated stand, height-adjustable, on a plastic five-arm. Climazon is most often equipped with a computer, which allows the master to choose the optimal heating temperature and holding time for the compositions, depending on the structure and condition of the client’s hair.

Infraheater is an electronic infrared hood that allows the hairdresser to perform precise, gentle hair and scalp treatment. Ideal for use with full hair coloring with any dyes, as well as for bleaching and dye removal. It is equipped with special generators that emit energy with a long wavelength and thus stimulate the action of chemicals without high temperature. Like the dryer, the infraheater can be placed on a support with rollers or attached to the wall using a bracket.

In addition to the tool, you must have hairdressing underwear:

Peignoirs-capes made of materials that protect the client’s clothing from contamination. When painting, disposable synthetic and polyethylene negligees are used. The peignoir should cover not only the client, but also the chair in which he sits.

Cotton napkins placed on the client’s shoulders during haircut, coloring, perm, hair washing, hair styling. Napkins are disposable.

Towels Waffle, linen, terry and disposable are used. After one-time use, all linen is put into washing containers or disposed of.
Washing head
Pursues three goals:

*Hygienic – removal of fat and dirt from the surface of the head.

*Deformation – removing traces of the previous hairstyle.

*Preparatory – softening of the outer scaly layer.
Three types of hair washing:

*Therapeutic – using medicinal drugs

*Dry – using dry shampoos (aerosol, alcohol)
Two ways to wash your hair:

*With head tilted forward (standing)

*With the head tilted back (sitting)
Preparatory work:

  1. Prepare the workplace, i.e. sink (sink)

  2. Invite the client to the sink chair

  3. Conduct a preparatory conversation

  4. Comb your hair, examine your head, determine your hair type and condition

  5. Cover with a towel or napkin of the client

  6. Prepare water t 36 – 38 degrees.

  7. Choose shampoo

Hair washing sequence:

  1. Wet hair generously with water

  2. Pour shampoo into palms, rub over palms

  3. Distribute evenly throughout hair, starting from the roots.

  4. Lather in a circular motion with your fingertips, moving from the edge line to the highest point of the head.

  5. Rinse off the shampoo if you need to apply it a second time.

  6. Perform hygienic washing 2 times

Final works:

  1. Carry out a neutralization reaction on the hair (conditioner, balm, mask)

  2. Dry with light blotting movements and wrap in a towel.

  3. Comb your hair starting from the ends

  4. Offer an additional service (drying, styling, cutting)

  5. Remove hairdressing underwear

Shampoo classification:

  1. Conventional (household, for daily use)

  2. Special (mild action, for every day, neutral pH level, for oily, dry, normal hair, for volume, etc.)

  3. Medicinal (for problem hair, dandruff, hair loss, etc.)

  4. Shampoos for special purposes (for colored hair, before and after perm, deep cleaning, smoothing hair structure, polishing, etc.)

Correspondence to pH (acid-base balance level) in shampoos:

pH is the letter symbol for the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, expressed as the negative decimal logarithm of that concentration.

pH from 1-14 units. pH=7 – neutral

pH>7 – alkaline

Most shampoos containing pH = 5.5 - these shampoos are neutral, corresponding to the pH of the skin and hair.
Used to neutralize and rinse hair : acidic and balanced acidity rinses, balms (liquid, creamy), conditioners for easier combing and adding shine, various masks.

Indications - scalp massage stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, improves nutrition of hair roots, enhances hair growth, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, makes the scalp soft and elastic. Thanks to massage, the effect of medicinal drugs is enhanced (the drug is applied to clean and damp hair, then the head is massaged). All of the above results are achieved by performing a classic massage.

Contraindications to perform classical massage are fungal and pustular diseases, abundant hair loss, various injuries, hypertension.
Classic head massage (picture 1)

1.The pads of the thumb and index fingers grasp the folds in the area of ​​the brow arches throughout the entire thickness of the tissue. The trapped folds are compressed. The movements are repeated along the entire length of the brow ridges from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

2. The pads of two to three fingers of both hands perform circular kneading behind the ears in the area of ​​the mastoid processes.

3.The pads of two fingers of both hands apply pressure stroking from the eyebrow arches to the hairline.

4. Using the palms of both hands, stroke from the superciliary arches to the border of hair growth.

5.The pads of two fingers perform circular kneading from the crown to the border of hair growth. The massage is performed with the right hand.

6. The head is tightly grasped with the palms, and the skin of the scalp is shifted first to one side and then to the other. First, the hands clasp the temporal region, and then the parietal and occipital regions. During kneading, do not allow your hands or fingers to slide through your hair.

7. The right hand is placed on the parietal zone, and the left hand is placed on the occipital zone. With the right hand, a circular kneading of the scalp is performed, gradually moving the hand over the entire head. The left hand supports the head.

8. The right hand is placed on the parietal zone, and the left hand is placed on the occipital zone. The fingers of both hands are spread in different directions. The skin of the scalp moves in different directions, but simultaneously.

9. The right hand is placed on the parietal zone, and the left hand is placed on the occipital zone. The skin of the scalp moves towards each other. The movement is repeated over the entire surface of the head.

Each stage of classic massage should be repeated 2 – 3 times.

Massage technique heads: picture 1 - classic massage

In addition to the long-known classic massage, there is a stimulating massage (allows you to feel fresh and invigorated after a hard day) and a soothing massage (gives maximum relaxation and allows you to escape from everyday worries). The secret here lies in the correct execution of the movements. Massages consist of several stages, which will allow the client to relax, as well as feel invigorated and full of energy. Both types of massage can be performed both with and without the use of medicinal drugs, i.e. as an independent service.
Stimulating head massage (picture 2)

  1. Kneading the cervical vertebrae, first on one side and then on the other, using two or one fingers of the right hand.

  2. Press with all fingers. The fingers gradually move from the occipital zone to the parietal zone. The pressing force must correspond to the client's wishes. When performing this stage of the massage, the thumb displaces the index, middle and ring fingers.

  3. Circular movements. The fingers are placed at right angles to the head and make circular movements from the back of the head to the hairline on the forehead and again towards the back of the head. The pressure is adjusted according to the client's wishes.

  4. Tapping movements with the palms of both hands. First, the shoulder area is massaged, then the occipital area (horizontal lines), then the parietal area (from ear to ear). Movements should be springy and light.

  5. Acupressure. Pressing is done with four fingers. The massage starts from the back of the head, moves behind the ears, moves to the temples and ends at the hairline at the forehead. The pressure gradually increases and then gradually weakens. After each cycle, the arms return to their original position.

  6. Zigzag movements. The fingertips of both hands move in zigzags from the occipital to the parietal zone. In this case, the hands should be moved in opposite directions.

Head massage technique: picture 2 - stimulating massage

Hairdressing: A practical guide Konstantinov Anatoly Vasilievich

Safety precautions and fire prevention measures in hairdressing salons

Safety precautions and fire prevention measures in hairdressing salons

General provisions. Personnel training and instruction

Newly built hairdressing salons are allowed to be put into operation only in full compliance with sanitary standards and compliance with regulations on occupational health, safety and fire prevention measures.

All new and reconstructed hairdressing salons put into operation must be accepted by a special commission with the participation of representatives of the State Sanitary Inspectorate and the technical inspection of the trade union.

All administrative staff of a hairdressing salon must know the Safety and Industrial Sanitation Rules for hairdressing salons and be guided by them in their practical work. All instructions for the operation of equipment, safety precautions and industrial sanitation in force in hairdressing salons must be developed in accordance with these Rules.

Responsibility for the state of safety and industrial sanitation in the hairdressing salon and for the correct organization of work rests with the manager. In case of accidents during work, the head of the hairdressing salon must be guided by the “Regulations on the investigation and recording of industrial accidents”, approved by the resolution of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of May 20, 1966, and draw up a corresponding act.

Without special permission from the Presidium of the Central Committee of the trade union of workers of local industry and public utility enterprises, none of the provisions of the Rules can be changed. Those guilty of violating the current Rules are held accountable in accordance with current legislation.

Only persons who have passed a safety exam to the extent required to perform the work safely are allowed to work in a hairdressing salon.

All hairdressing salon employees must undergo safety instructions and training: before starting work (induction training), directly at the workplace, and then periodically at least once a year.

All new employees of hairdressing salons must receive a written referral from the HR inspector for safety training. After completing the instructions, a corresponding mark is made on the direction. The referral with a note on completion of the briefing is handed over to the HR inspector for storage in the personal file of the person who has completed the introductory briefing.

Completion of induction training must be documented in a special log kept by the person responsible for safety precautions in the hairdressing salon.

Safety training for those applying for work should consist of familiarization with the working environment in the hairdressing salon and internal regulations; with existing legislation on labor protection, safety regulations and industrial sanitation; with the necessary precautions and fire safety rules.

Introductory training is carried out only by persons responsible for safety precautions in hairdressing salons. To conduct instruction, a standard program and special visual aids should be used.

Directly at the workplace, safety instructions must be given not only to those newly hired at the hairdressing salon, but also to persons transferred from other hairdressing salons. Instruction at the workplace should be carried out by the head of the hairdressing salon or the foreman immediately before the start of work of the person being instructed and only individually with him.

Instruction at the workplace includes familiarization with: the responsibilities of a hairdresser and the requirements for the proper organization of his workplace; with the rules for servicing electrical equipment and its hazardous areas, the purpose and rules for using tools and devices; with rules of conduct in case of dangerous moments at work.

It is the responsibility of the head of the hairdressing salon or foreman to familiarize the employee with the safety instructions for the relevant profession.

The manager of a hair salon may allow an employee to begin work only after he has thoroughly understood the safety rules and regulations.

After each training session at the workplace, a corresponding entry must be made in a special journal kept by the head of the hairdressing salon.

In all cases of violation of safety instructions, the head of the hairdressing salon has the right to appoint an extraordinary repeated briefing for any employee of the hairdressing salon.

Electrical equipment, electrical equipment and power tools

When installing, operating and repairing electrical networks, electrical equipment, portable electrical devices and power tools in hairdressing salons, it is mandatory to comply with the “Rules for technical operation and safety of servicing electrical installations of industrial enterprises”, approved by the Main Energy Directorate under the State Planning Committee of the USSR (Soyuzglavenergo) and agreed upon with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

Electrical equipment, electrical devices and power tools must be kept in good condition.

Live parts of electrical equipment, electrical devices and power tools must be protected by casings.

Wires or cables to portable power tools and electrical equipment should not touch wet or hot surfaces.

Portable step-down transformers must be connected to a 110-120 V network using a plug and a flexible wire no more than 1.5 m long, enclosed in a common braid or hose.

If any malfunctions are detected in electrical devices or power tools, work with them must be stopped.

The tools used for electrical work (pliers, round nose pliers, wire cutters, screwdrivers, etc.) must have insulating handles made of plastic or rubber.

It is prohibited to leave the ends of wires and cables uninsulated after dismantling electrical equipment and lighting fixtures.

It is prohibited to carry out repairs to electrical equipment, portable electrical equipment and live power tools.

Every hairdresser should have a first aid kit and instructions for providing first aid to victims of electric shock.

Responsibility for compliance with safety regulations during installation, operation and repair of electrical equipment, portable electrical devices and power tools rests with the head of the hairdressing salon.

Grounding subject to:

housings of stationary electric motors and frames of electrical distribution panels at a rated network voltage above 127V;

housings of portable electrical devices and power tools operating at voltages above 36 V, regardless of the frequency of the electric current;

housings of step-down transformers.

A portable power tool with a voltage of 220V does not need to be grounded if it has a plastic case, and the design of the power tool drive guarantees against electric shock.

Portable electrical devices must be grounded with a flexible conductor located in a common shell with the phase conductor. The use of a neutral grounded wire directly near the electrical apparatus for this purpose is prohibited.

Plug sockets for portable electrical devices must be equipped with a special contact for connecting the grounding conductor. In this case, the design of the plug connection must exclude the possibility of using current-carrying contacts as contacts intended for grounding. Connections between the grounding contacts of the plug and socket must be established before live contacts come into contact; the shutdown order should be reversed. The grounded contact of the socket must be connected to its housing, if this housing is metal.

The grounding terminal on the transformer body must be connected to the grounding terminal of the socket outlet through which power is supplied to this transformer. In addition, the output voltage windings of the specified transformers must be grounded. The grounding wire is connected to the transformer terminal using clamping threaded contacts.

In cases where an electrical device or tool to be grounded receives power from a step-down transformer, grounding the body of the electrical device must be performed by connecting the grounding conductor of the hose wire supplying the electrical device to the grounding terminal of the step-down transformer.

Grounding conductors for portable electrical devices must be copper and have a cross-section of at least 1.5 mm.

Grounding wiring connections must provide reliable contact. The connection of grounding wires to the housings of devices (hair dryers, hair steamers, permanent curlers, compressors, etc.) and other electrical machines must be carried out by bolting or welding.

An inspection and check of the above-ground part of the grounding device must be carried out simultaneously with checking the electrical equipment for which it is intended, but at least once every 3 months, as well as whenever the equipment is moved. Inspection of the grounding device and measurement of its resistance must be carried out at least once a year.

The resistance of the grounding device at any time of the year should not exceed 4 ohms.

A permanent grounding device in operation must have a passport containing a grounding diagram, basic technical and design values, data on the results of inspections and tests, the nature of the repairs performed and changes made to the grounding device.

Stationary and portable equipment and power tools. Electrical equipment and power tools must meet the following basic requirements:

quickly switch on and off from the power supply, prevent spontaneous switching on and off;

be safe to operate and have live parts inaccessible to accidental contact;

The voltage of electrical equipment and power tools should not exceed 220 V.

The body of an electrical apparatus or power tool that is to be grounded must have a special clamp for connecting a grounding wire with a disconnect symbol “3” or “Earth”.

Plug connections intended for connecting electrical equipment and power tools must have inaccessible live parts and, if necessary, have a grounding contact.

To connect electrical devices and power tools to the electrical network, a hose wire must be used; Multi-core flexible wires (PRG type) with insulation for a voltage of at least 500 V are allowed for use.

The absence of a short circuit to the housing and the condition of the insulation of wires of electrical equipment and power tools, as well as the absence of separation of the grounding conductor of electrical equipment, is carried out with a megger at least once a month by an electrician on duty with qualifications of at least Group III.

Electrical equipment and power tools are checked by external inspection; Attention is drawn to the serviceability of grounding and insulation of wires, the presence of exposed live parts.

It is prohibited to install faulty electrical equipment and provide electrical tools with defects for use.

Before starting to work with electrical devices and power tools, the hairdresser must check:

tightening screws, fastening units and parts;

condition of the wires, integrity of the insulation, absence of kinks in the cores,

proper grounding of electrical devices.

If the current supply is interrupted while working with the electrical apparatus or power tool or there is a break in operation, the electrical apparatus or power tool must be disconnected from the power supply.

Hairdressers are prohibited from:

disassemble electrical equipment and power tools and make any repairs;

Use alcohol or products containing alcohol to clean electrical devices with heating elements.

Control over the technical condition of electrical equipment and power tools is carried out by the head of the hairdressing salon and the foreman of the electricians servicing the hairdressing salon.

The head of a hairdressing salon must have at least III qualification group in safety precautions.

Fire prevention measures

The responsibilities of the head of the hairdressing salon and the foreman include periodic briefing of all personnel of the hairdressing salon on fire safety at least once a year with a mandatory note in a special log.

Hairdressing salon managers and foremen are given full responsibility for the proper use of the hairdressing salon heating system.

It is strictly forbidden to store flammable and hot substances in close proximity to heating devices. In case of need, the emergency exit (back door) available in the hairdresser and the approaches to it must always be free.

It is forbidden to use “bugs” instead of burnt electrical plugs - fuses.

As in all public places, in hairdressing salons you can smoke and light matches only in areas specially designated for this purpose.

Even in the case of a short-term departure from the workplace, the hairdresser must turn off local lighting and individual heating devices.

All electric heating devices must have fire-resistant stands.

Each hairdressing salon must be equipped with fire extinguishers at the rate of one fire extinguisher for every 100 m2 of area, but not less than one per hairdressing salon.

All hair salon employees must comply with fire safety regulations. In addition, every hairdressing salon must have a permanent fire brigade. Moreover, the crew should consist of the people most trained in fire safety rules. A list of fire brigade personnel must be posted in a visible place.

The manager is directly responsible for the safety of the fire equipment of the hairdressing salon.

Each hairdressing salon employee at the first sign of fire (smell, fumes, smoke, flames, etc.) is obliged to immediately call the fire brigade by phone 01 and, before the firefighters arrive, take all possible measures to eliminate the source of the fire.

In the event of a gas leak, it is necessary to urgently call the emergency service and take measures to ventilate the room.

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In daily work, a master hairdresser must follow the following rules when performing basic technological processes for servicing clients.

o When working with a razor, you should not be distracted and talk to the client;

o When changing blades (safety razors), the master’s hands must be completely dry;

o Work is performed on a table;

o Do not keep scissors, combs and other sharp instruments in the top pocket of your robe;

o When working with hot water (washing hair), it is necessary to monitor its temperature, especially after coloring and curling, when the skin is degreased and irritated by chemicals. The temperature of the water used is lower than usual (about 40°);

o Edging hair in the area of ​​the auricle should be done carefully so as not to damage the client’s ear. The auricle is full of blood vessels, and bleeding is difficult to stop;

o When shaving your neck, you must be careful not to cut off small warts that are often found, as this will also make it difficult to stop the bleeding;

o To stop bleeding from cuts, use tincture of iodine or hydrogen peroxide;

o When refreshing your head with cologne or covering your hair with hairspray, you must ensure that the splashes do not get into your eyes;

o The master must be extremely careful in performing all work related to the use of perhydrol, not allowing the use of a concentration of more than 9% for oily scalp (the head has not been washed for more than 23 days) and no more than 35% for oil-free skin (the head has been washed less than 2 days ago) ;

o It is prohibited to work with perhydrol without using measuring containers (beakers);

o Particular care must be taken when working with the lightening drug "Blondaransupra", a strong agent. When working with it, you should not tie your head with plastic wrap. Strands of hair should be separated by partings in order to ensure the release of heat generated during the decomposition reaction of perhydrol;

o You cannot use ammonia in large doses in lightening solutions, as this leads to scalp burns;

o It is necessary to ensure the mandatory grounding of electrical appliances, and do not turn on electrical equipment with wet hands.

Providing first aid

All employees of hairdressing enterprises must know the rules of first aid.

§ Strong acids and alkalis in contact with the skin must be washed off from the affected area with plenty of cold water;

§ For acid burns, the affected area is treated with bicarbonate of soda or washed with a 2-3% solution, and for alkali burns, weak 2-3% solutions of boric, citric or acetic acid are used;

§ If acid or alkali gets into your eyes, first of all you should rinse them thoroughly with water, and then send the victim to a medical center;

§ For thermal burns, wash the affected area with a freshly prepared solution of potassium permanganate or tannin;

§ In case of electric shock, the victim must be immediately released from its influence;

§ If the victim is conscious, but has previously fainted or been under the influence of electric current for a long time, he should be taken to a doctor;

§ If the victim is unconscious, he must be laid down, unbuttoned his clothes, open the window, let him smell ammonia and urgently call a doctor;

§ If the victim has no signs of life (breathing and heartbeat) or in case of difficult, very sharp and convulsive breathing, you should immediately begin artificial respiration and cardiac massage;

§ In all cases of electric shock, regardless of the condition of the victim, calling a doctor is mandatory;

§ In case of heatstroke, the victim should be immediately taken to a cool place with fresh air. If breathing stops or becomes severely disrupted, it is necessary to start artificial respiration;

§ In each hairdressing salon (salon), persons must be allocated and trained to provide first aid;

§ All enterprises must be equipped with a set of necessary equipment to provide first aid to the victim.

Fire safety organization

All hair salon employees must comply with fire safety regulations;

Every hairdressing salon must have a permanent fire brigade.

Each hairdressing salon must be equipped with fire extinguishers at the rate of one fire extinguisher for every 100 m of area, but not less than 1 per hairdressing salon

Store flammable and hot substances in close proximity to heating appliances;

At the first sign of a fire, each hairdressing salon employee is obliged to immediately call the fire brigade by phone 01 and, before the firefighters arrive, take all possible measures to extinguish the fire.

Do not block passages and exits;

Dry hairdressing underwear using electric


Smoking is prohibited indoors only in specially designated areas.