Let's learn today how to determine the compatibility of people using numerology. This is a very important technique, as it allows you to find out in advance where the relationship can lead you and how best to behave. If you have been communicating or living with a person for a long time, you will be able to learn more about your relationship, and perhaps solve the problem of misunderstanding.

So, you need to make simple calculations:

Write the date of birth (yours and your partner's) in one line without zeros.

Add up all the numbers.

Subtract 22 from the resulting number until you get a number less than 22. This will be your compatibility index.

For example:

Victoria was born on September 12, 1970, and Leonid was born on December 2, 1968. We write out all the numbers in a row without zeros.

Add 1+2+9+1+9+7+2+1+2+1+9+6+8=58.

Subtract 22, get 36, and subtract 22 again.

Hooray! Index = 14

1 - In such relationships there will always be a question of leadership. Someone, usually a man, will strive to lead the relationship, to impose his will and his laws. Try not to conflict about this, it will not lead to anything good. Relationships are creative, interesting, a lot depends on the mood of the partners, a lot can be changed. It is good for you to engage in joint creativity.

2 - Soft, harmonious relationships. Soul kinship. You understand each other perfectly. Each partner has a rich inner world and a strong imagination. This is a very favorable relationship.

3 - Good relationships that most often lead to marriage. Maybe the birth of a child. Relationships that bring money and stability. However, don't let others interfere in your life, especially your mother. In this union, the woman will play the main role.

4 - Relationships in which the main role is played by a man. Lots of passion and emotions. Don't let jealousy ruin everything. You will want to completely own your loved one, and this is selfishness. Don't let gossip ruin your union.

5 - An important union in your life. This person will play a significant role. Social differences can get in the way here. Or a difference in interests, outlook on life. Your partner will become your teacher and advisor. Or you will become his guiding star.

6 - The most harmonious of all unions. These are the strongest marriages. Mutual love, harmony and tranquility. However, at first it may be difficult to fully understand each other. Don't worry, everything comes with time.

7 - Very dynamic relationships, a lot of changes, trips, communication. Lots of inconstancy. There may be betrayals. Usually such relationships end quickly. Do not rush into making an important decision about your loved one, as there is a high chance of error.

8 - This is more of a business union rather than a love one. Or - karmic relationships. In a past life, you did something wrong to each other. In this life you must work out your mistakes. Such relationships are difficult to break. We need to work on ourselves. You shouldn't change your partner.

9 - Difficult relationships - everyone for themselves. You may feel very lonely in this union. Lack of affection, attention, warmth. Such an alliance eventually falls apart. This is also unrequited love. You love, but you don’t! Or vice versa!

10 - a very happy relationship. She will bring success and good luck. A person is sent into your life as a lifeline. It will greatly expand the horizons of your capabilities. It can also be a relationship of convenience. In any case, everything will end well!

11 - Difficult relationships. Both partners have very strong characters. Everyone is trying to dominate. Hence the conflicts and discord. Third parties may intervene. Treason. We need to adapt to each other, find a compromise, otherwise the relationship will fall apart. Very good compatibility in sex.

12 - You will go to great lengths for this relationship. It is always a sacrifice. You can endure a lot for the sake of your love. These are complex, karmic relationships, unrequited feelings, resentments, misunderstandings. This relationship will leave a deep imprint on your soul.

13 - Bad alliance. Sooner or later it will fall apart like a house of cards - there is energetic incompatibility between partners. Dangerous relationship. Possible violence in marriage.

14 - Calm, even relationships. This is one of the best compatibility options. You understand each other, there are common goals, common interests. Long and stable relationship.

15 - Danger! Such an alliance is built on manipulation and blackmail. One of the partners tied up another. Severe sexual addiction. Perversions. Black magic. Love spell! Try not to connect your life with this person.

16 - Very unstable relationships. Constant swearing, quarrels. The result is divorce. You don't fit in with each other. The relationship is dangerous for both partners. Close people can have a strong influence. Energy vampirism.

17 - A wonderful union. You complement each other well. A man has been sent to you by your guardian angel. Great future. Collaborative creativity.

18 - There are many misconceptions and illusions in relationships. You haven’t fully understood who is next to you. Deception of treason. Get down to the ground. The danger of making the wrong choice. You cannot use magic to harmonize relationships. Especially the black love spell!

19 - Great. Warm and harmonious relationships. The birth of healthy and happy children. Real love. Understanding. Support.

20 - At the first stage, such relationships can be quite complex. You will adapt to each other. However, very quickly the problems will fade into the background. Strong feelings will appear. Overall it's a good relationship. The main thing is to give time to get used to each other. This is a loyal friendship.

21- Peace, tranquility, harmony. Strong marriage. Serious intentions. Taking care of each other. Excellent energy compatibility.

22 - Very unpredictable relationships. Thirst for freedom. Your partner may be a very unconventional person. This is a volcano that can explode at any moment. It takes a lot of effort to make this relationship smooth and calm. Divorce is likely!

The most favorable relationship - 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19, 21

Most unfavorable relationship - 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22

Despite the fact that each person is an individual with his own character traits, strengths and weaknesses, with the help of numerological methods you can literally “put him into pieces.”

Numerology is a mathematically precise science, which is why the compatibility horoscope surprisingly coincides with real life. To find out the compatibility of your couple, you need to know the full dates of birth of both partners.

Let's look at the calculation using an example:

  1. Date of birth of the girl: 10/16/1991. Add all the numbers: 1 + 6 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 28. Continue adding until one prime number remains: 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1.
  2. Calculate your partner's compatibility number in the same way. For example, his date of birth is 01/01/1984: 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 24, 2 + 4 = 6.
  3. And then add both numbers: 1 + 6 = 7.

As a result, you will receive your couple's compatibility number. Next, you need to decipher what the number you obtained through simple calculations means and determine the forecast for relationships in the near and distant future.

Let's look at the meaning of each number separately.


This number indicates partnerships. In a couple, both set one common goal and go towards it, investing equally. They prefer to do everything together; it is easy for them to agree with each other. They strive to develop and become better.

But there are also disadvantages to such an alliance. Both the man and woman in this couple are strong personalities. Therefore, everyone will strive to dominate, insist on their own, and be in charge. This problem can be solved if we can learn to find compromises and listen to each other’s wishes


This union is very dependent on money. Most likely, the relationship is based on something material. There is a high probability of marriage of convenience, for selfish purposes. It’s good if both are satisfied with it and there is no consumer attitude.

In general, an alliance can be favorable, because people enjoy being with each other, they respect and accept the interests and desires of their partner. If they are united by business or some other common business that generates profit, true love may also come into marriage.

You shouldn't expect strong passion, but trusting and harmonious relationships are quite likely.


A union of two frivolous, creative personalities. They are never bored with each other, but they will also have to forget about calmness. Violent conflicts alternate with no less stormy reconciliations.

Passions will always boil in this couple; no one can endure such emotional intensity for a long time, so everything can end in separation with painful consequences.

Cheating, broken promises, irresponsibility and betrayal - the likelihood of all this is too high for a marriage to be successful.


In such a pair, the partners are very comfortable. They choose peace and stability. This is a union of two conservatives, perhaps even monogamous, so the relationship can last a very long time.

There is harmony in the relationship. There is true spiritual intimacy between a man and a woman. They strive to give each other warmth, care and attention, and prefer to live all the negativity only in the world around them.


Five is the number of love. This is a vibrant, passionate relationship in which people are inexorably attracted to each other. The union will be favorable if a man and a woman can achieve not only sexual, but also spiritual intimacy.

It is very important to sometimes forget about your own selfishness, learn to listen to your partner, understand his desires and needs. Then happiness and harmony are just around the corner.

A-five relationships are exactly what they show in romantic love films. Everyone dreams about them, forgetting about the hidden, “dark” side, which is usually not visible to others.


Very down to earth people, realists. They stand firmly on their feet and never have their head in the clouds. They can be ideal business partners, but in relationships they may lack emotions.

The best option for interaction for these men and women is friendship, but for love it’s worth looking for someone else. Because even if feelings arise, they will pass very quickly, giving way to habit and mutual respect.


The most harmonious version of the union. Everything is in balance here - enough love, good love, enough common interests, goals and outlook on life converge. Partners know how to negotiate, easily compromise, and always keep their promises to each other.

Their married life is not always cloudless, but they successfully overcome problems: both external (material, related to health or work) and within the family. Almost an exemplary couple in the eyes of those around them.


There is a strong attraction between a man and a woman, but it can become dangerous. In such a couple, one of the partners is usually very fixated on the other. He literally dissolves in his beloved, losing himself as a person.

The result is disappointing: someone who is dependent sooner or later ceases to be interesting to their other half, and a breakup is almost inevitable.

This couple can be called very strange, even unusual. These are relationships that do not fit into public and social standards. They anger, surprise, provoke others, and go against the rules.


A very rare variant of an almost perfect union. In it, both partners are very spiritually developed individuals, striving for balance and harmony in everything. If there are no financial problems in the family, there is a high chance that the marriage will last until old age.

The compatibility forecast is very favorable if in a couple the man is responsible for everything material, and the woman takes care of the family, creativity, home, and keeps the home. A traditional family model with a certain touch of house-building.

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Finding a partner with whom you will be happy in life together is not an easy task. One of the important conditions for this is the correct choice of your soul mate. There are many ways to determine the compatibility of a man and a woman. We have already written about. From this article you will learn how to determine the compatibility of partners by year and date of birth.

Eastern calendar compatibility

According to Eastern philosophy, the future of a man and a woman’s life together is determined by their internal energy. If it matches the partners, then such an alliance will be strong and durable. If the energy of the partners differs significantly, then, despite the efforts made, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build a strong and happy relationship.

To determine the compatibility of partners by year of birth, you need to find your sign of the year of birth according to the Eastern calendar vertically in the table below, and your partner horizontally. At the intersection, you will receive a digital value corresponding to the degree of your energy connection with your partner.

Decoding the digital values ​​of the degree of energy compatibility

  • 0 – for such a couple the likelihood of building a good relationship is quite high, since it is easy for them to establish contact with each other. Conflicts and quarrels between partners arise very rarely. Such relationships can be called comfortable
  • 1 – for such a couple, creating a union is very problematic. Many controversial issues arise between partners; they spend a very long time getting used to each other. You need to think carefully before deciding to get married. Even with considerable effort, creating strong, trusting relationships will not be easy.
  • 2 – in such pairs there is a combination of opposite energies. Therefore, relations between partners can be called balanced; they often turn into a strong and long-lasting union. In such a marriage, contact is established between the spouses and complete harmony reigns. Compatibility here is almost perfect, and lovers will have a long and happy life. Disagreements between partners appear very rarely, and spouses quickly manage to reach an amicable agreement
  • 4 – for this couple, the union is built on opposition. Therefore, it is very difficult for partners to adapt to each other. There is nothing to say about understanding in such a union. Such couples are not recommended to enter into a serious relationship, since these marriages, as a rule, break up very quickly
  • 5 – conflicts often arise in this union of energies. Partners cannot be together for a long time because it makes them unhappy. Such people are advised to stay away from each other. You should not even try to build any kind of relationship
  • 6 – the compatibility of such a couple is ambiguous; there may be white and black stripes in relationships. Partners will be able to maintain a relationship only if there are strong feelings. In this union, couples in which the man and woman are similar in age have a greater chance of successful relationships

Compatibility between men and women: numerology

Despite the fact that any person is an individual with his own character traits, strengths and weaknesses, with the help of numerological methods you can literally “sort out” each person.

Numerology is a mathematically precise science, so its predictions quite often come true. To find out the compatibility of your couple, you need to know the full dates of birth of both partners.

Calculation example:

Your date of birth: 01/11/1996. Add all the numbers: 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 28. Continue adding until one prime number remains: 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1.

Similarly, calculate the compatibility number of your partner. For example, his date of birth is 10.10.1994: 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 25, 2 + 5 = 7.

Now add both numbers: 1 + 7 = 8. This is your compatibility number.

So, you have received your couple's compatibility number. Let's now take a closer look at the meaning of each number.


This number indicates a strong relationship. In such a couple, both partners set one common goal and work towards it together. In such a union, spouses prefer to do everything together; it is easy for them to come to an agreement with each other. Partners constantly strive to develop and become better.

However, such a union also has disadvantages. Both the man and woman in this couple are strong personalities. Therefore, each of them will strive to dominate and defend their point of view. This problem can be solved if partners learn to find compromises and listen to each other’s desires


Such a union is very dependent on money. The relationship of such partners is based precisely on something material. Consequently, in such a union there is a high probability of a marriage of convenience. It’s good if both are satisfied with this, and there is no consumer attitude between the spouses.

In general, the union can be favorable, since in such a couple the interests and desires of the partner are respected and accepted. If such a couple is united by business or some other common business that generates profit, true love may also come into marriage.


In this case, there is a union of two frivolous, creative personalities. They will never be bored with each other, but they will also have to forget about calmness. In such an alliance, violent conflicts will alternate with no less stormy reconciliations.

No one can endure such emotional intensity of passion for a long time, so for such a couple everything can end in a painful separation. Cheating, broken promises, irresponsibility and betrayal - the likelihood of all this is too high for this marriage to be considered successful.


In such an alliance, partners are very comfortable. They choose peace and stability. This is a union of two conservatives, perhaps even monogamous people, so such relationships can last a very long time.

In such a couple, there is spiritual intimacy between the partners. They strive to give each other only warmth, care and attention, and prefer to live all the negativity only in the world around them.


This is the number of love. In such a union, as a rule, there is a vibrant, passionate relationship in which the partners are inexorably attracted to each other. Marriage will be favorable if a man and woman can achieve not only sexual, but also spiritual intimacy.

In this union, it is important for spouses to sometimes forget about their own selfishness and learn to listen to their partner, understand his desires and needs.


This is a union of realists. They stand firmly on their own two feet and never have their head in the clouds. A man and a woman in such couples can become ideal business partners, but in a relationship they may lack emotions.

The best type of interaction for such a relationship is friendship, but for love you should look for someone else. If feelings arise in such a couple, they will pass very quickly, giving way to habit and mutual respect.


This is the most harmonious version of the union. Everything is in moderation here - enough love, good sexual compatibility, many common interests, goals and views on life converge. In this pair, the partners know how to negotiate, easily compromise, and always keep their promises to each other.

Of course, even here, married life is not always cloudless, but spouses successfully overcome problems: both external (material, related to health or work) and within the family. This union, as a rule, is an almost exemplary couple in the eyes of others.


There is a strong attraction between the man and woman in this couple, but it can become dangerous.

In such a union, one of the partners, as a rule, becomes very fixated on the other. He literally dissolves in his beloved, losing himself as a person. As a result, a dependent partner sooner or later ceases to be interesting to his other half, and a breakup is almost inevitable.


This is a very rare variant of an almost perfect union. In such a couple, both partners are very spiritually developed individuals who strive for balance and harmony in everything. If there are no financial problems in such a family, there is a high chance that the marriage will last until old age.

The compatibility forecast for such a union is very favorable if in a couple the man is responsible for all material things, and the woman takes care of the family and home, keeping the hearth and home.

I would like to say that if you receive a negative prophecy regarding your future union, you should not be upset and immediately put an end to the relationship. There are many more ways to check the compatibility of a man and a woman. It is quite possible that numerologists are wrong about you in this case.

To be more sure, try checking yours with a partner.

Are we right for each other? This question is the most important in gender relations. In this article you can determine your compatibility!

You can determine your compatibility and more!

In this article you will learn:

  • how suitable you and your significant other are for each other;
  • what type of relationship is typical for a couple like you;
  • what areas of life are common to you;
  • In what areas are you able to achieve maximum mutual understanding?

What does that require?

To determine compatibility in gender relations, you need to determine which zodiac sign your partner is from your zodiac sign.

Where is the zodiac circle located?

Let us remind you that the signs of the zodiac are arranged in the following sequence:

  • Taurus
  • Twins
  • Scorpion
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius

After which, they are repeated again.

Let's say you were born under the sign of Leo and your partner is Scorpio. Let's start the report from ourselves. In this case: Leo - 1; Virgo - 2; Libra - 3; Scorpio - 4.

The number 4 is the number you are looking for, below you will find the characteristics of this value.

How does your partner perceive you?

To find out this, you need to carry out the same counting, but from the partner’s sign.

In the above example it would look like this: Scorpio -1; Sagittarius -2; Capricorn -3; Aquarius -4; Pisces -5; Aries -6; Taurus -7; Gemini -8; Cancer -9; Leo -10.

If you belong to the same zodiac sign?

If you belong to the same zodiac sign, read the description of your relationship number one!

Below you will find a description and a key phrase that allows you to better understand what your connection is based on.

Number 1: “This person is a reflection of myself!”

You are too similar to each other. In the first minutes of meeting you can feel an amazing mutual understanding. Everyone will have the same tastes, opinions and actions.

But when you are together, your strengths and weaknesses appear twice as bright.

The difficulty in your relationship may be that your partner has the same flaws as you, although this also allows you to better understand the motives for some of his actions. Also, such people do not know how to look at each other critically and point out the mistakes they are making.

The most suitable option for a pair of identical signs is a “guest” marriage, when the partners each live their own lives and meet only occasionally (spend vacations together, travel, provide each other with the necessary help).

Business cooperation and work of such a couple are also good if they are not too regular.

Number 2: “I have no financial problems with this person!”

From the outside it may seem that your relationship is built on calculation, and you are seduced by your partner’s well-being. In fact, you may be much more attracted to his attitude towards material values, homeliness, thriftiness, efficiency, as well as his ability to solve property and money problems.

The person represented by your second sign is able to provide you with significant assistance in all areas of life. He will take on many of your tasks and help you complete them.

This gender relationship is stable and over time turns into strong family relationships.

But in no case should you betray his trust, nor should you command or put pressure on such a partner. You may also be overly jealous of your partner.

After several years of living together, such a couple develops a strong habit of each other, and even if a crack appears in their union, it will be very difficult for them to end their relationship immediately.

Number 3: "C"With this person you can finally speak out!”

A good combination for joint creativity, friendly meetings, entertainment and love. Such people most often have known each other for a long time. They either live next door or studied together.

They can also meet while visiting their mutual friends, by chance on the street or thanks to an advertisement in the newspaper.

From the very first minutes you can begin to communicate casually and find common interests.

Communication with a partner represented by the third sign is the basis of your subsequent relationships. In alliance with him, you can smooth out some of your shortcomings, and your advantages will strengthen.

Do not always strive to take precedence in everything; your union is a union of equals.

However, such connections are usually easy, not particularly binding. They are better suited for love relationships than for marriages burdened by everyday problems.

Even if your marriage doesn't work out, you are still good friends.

Number 4: “I have never met a dearer person. We have a great time together!”

From the first minutes of meeting you can be imbued with tenderness and the warmest feelings towards your partner, represented by the fourth sign. It is to him that you are more likely than others to complain about problems, since you intuitively feel that he is inclined to feel sorry for you, worry with you, and show concern and concern for you.

Sometimes you can see in him traits that are inherent in your parents.

It is also interesting that in the case of this type of compatibility between partners there is often a significant age difference.

Often the relationship of such a couple begins with compassion, when one cries into the other’s vest. This phase often drags on, and partners, despite the fact that they have known each other for a long time, nevertheless do not dare to formalize the relationship.

The marriage of such a couple is stable and long-lasting. Tender feelings in such a union do not weaken over the years and even, on the contrary, intensify.

The only thing that can destroy your connection is the excessively capricious behavior of your partner.

Number 5: “How I love him! Against all odds and in spite of everything!”

In gender relations, the number 5 suggests a vibrant and romantic connection. Such people are more likely to be eternal lovers than spouses, good acquaintances or business partners.

In a person five units away from your sign, you always find an inexhaustible source of pleasure and love. It’s a pleasure to spend time with him, have fun and relax, and sex with him is pure magic.

You can meet at a disco, at the cinema, or at a noisy festive party with mutual friends. You can find common ground in areas such as art and creative expression.

After a short dating phase, your relationship smoothly and imperceptibly moves into the “living together” phase. At the same time, you don’t have to rush to officially register your marriage.

Sometimes it happens that the romance of such a couple develops as if according to the script of a Brazilian TV series: with feigned passions, scenes of jealousy, betrayal and forgiveness.

The family union of such a couple is most often good only in the first years. Over time, your partner may get used to you and be tempted to add some variety to his love life.

A sustainable marriage here is possible only if you manage not to suppress the freedom and independence of your partner and do not demand that he devote himself completely to you.

Number 6: “I am connected with this person by a mutual sense of duty!”

In this case, in order for such gender relations to be long-lasting and strong, both should show maximum tact and courtesy. A strong romantic connection rarely occurs in this order.

Your partner may have a sober outlook on life and not be prone to sentimentality¹.

Perhaps your partner has already been married and is now cautious. His feelings cannot be called warm; rather, he is even somewhat calculating. The basis of your connection can be, as indicated in the key phrase, a mutual sense of duty.

At some stage in the relationship, you will understand that now, as decent people, you are simply obliged to get married.

You can meet your partner, if he is represented by the sixth sign, at work or in a medical facility.

In principle, this kind of compatibility is good not so much for love and family life, but for business cooperation. This is a very good pairing in terms of boss and subordinate.

Number 7: “We are so different, but this person is the best partner for me in all areas of life!”

In this case, the pair is opposite zodiac signs.

You and your partner are two sides of the same coin. His behavior reveals traits that you also have. At the same time, he has qualities that you completely lack, and this is what you complement each other with.

Long-term relationships and marriage are possible only if both of you are tolerant and do not strive to lead.

It should be remembered that your partner is inclined to put up with a lot, but only if you present it to him unobtrusively and harmoniously. The slightest pressure on your part, frequent quarrels and scandals will prompt your soul mate to look for a more comfortable life partner.

Strong families with this combination develop at a later age. Usually, opposite signs manage to successfully cooperate in business and general work.

Number 8: “We are irresistibly attracted to each other!”

At the very first meeting, a strong attraction may arise between you, at the level of unconscious passion, and sexual contacts will most likely appear in the very near future.

It turns out that you have very good sexual compatibility. But, as often happens, this alone binds you. In other areas of your life, you may have little mutual understanding. Because of this, you will constantly have to adapt to each other, and all your problems will repeat in a circle, again and again.

For people who do not tolerate uniformity and perceive tension in gender relations as the norm, such a relationship is quite acceptable. In this case, sex can be a definite valve for the release of accumulated tension.

After an act of love, such a couple calms down for a while, their irritability towards each other decreases and the relationship is harmonized. And so on until next time.

For a strong union, you need a healthy sense of humor and a certain leniency towards harsh statements from your partner. Otherwise you will soon feel that you cannot see him anymore.

Unfortunately, it is this couple that is more likely than others to part as enemies².

Number 9: “This person has expanded my understanding of the world, I can listen to him for hours!”

A difference of 9 units is a wonderful friendly contact. Joint activities, conversations, reflections, walks, travel are the best areas of your interaction.

A strong love may arise, but a lasting relationship is possible if you feel the need for a person who will constantly guide and guide you.

Your relationship may begin with some unusual phrase from him, which will greatly interest you. After talking with such a person, you will understand that the world around you is not at all the same as you imagined it until now. In the future, communication with a partner who is nine units away from your sign will significantly fuel your connection.

In addition, you can pay attention to such a person because of his unusual appearance or behavior. Quite often, he may turn out to be a foreigner, a visitor, or a representative of a different nationality.

A stable marriage here can be achieved only if there is good material security. If your partner, being an unrecognized genius-philosopher, is not able to provide for the everyday side of life, your relationship with him may remain at the level of friendship, but not family.

Number 10: “This man brought me into high society!”

This sign is a good helper for you, it can even help you decide in life, as it looks at everything soberly and very rationally. The priority for such a person is social life, social status and respect from others.

For a business partnership, this is one of the best options.

True, in all joint affairs with him, high responsibility, great precision and accuracy are required. Gender relations in such a union are rarely tender, bright and romantic, since the partner is very reserved and cautious.

It will take a long time to achieve his location and trust. There is almost no courtship period in this type of relationship. Your partner, when he considers that he has already taken place in life, will try to quietly transfer your cooperation into a closer relationship.

A marriage with him promises to be stable, and family life is calm and well-off financially.

Number 11: “Thanks to this man, my pipe dreams came true!”

First of all, people who are eleven zodiac signs away from you are reliable friends. They are always ready to support you and open new perspectives for you.

Often you yourself cannot say what kind of relationship has been established between you - love or friendship, since such partners do not share these concepts.

Relationships with such a person are characterized by independence, freedom of morals, originality and democracy. There can be no question of any jealousy. For these reasons, such a partner often lives in a civil marriage.

Before you formalize your relationship, consider whether you have the patience to endure his hectic and ever-changing lifestyle, and whether you can turn a blind eye to the very unusual relationships with his many friends and girlfriends.

Any manifestations of jealousy on your part and the desire to impose your lifestyle will quickly destroy such a marriage. They will simply stop living with you, although as before, you will remain friends and can always count on the help of your partner.

Number 12: “More than anything in the world, I would like to stay with this man on a desert island!”

In a love relationship with such a person, you tend to lose your head and often take wishful thinking. Sacrifice is possible on your part, refusal for the sake of your loved one from many things with which he is incompatible, an overly idealistic attitude towards him and a conscious limitation of your connection with the outside world.

Moreover, in all this you tend to find a certain pleasure.

His fantasy world and avoidance of reality problems negatively affect your life together. The everyday side of such a marriage is also very weak. In addition, your partner is very susceptible to negative influence from the outside.

Most often, such unions last a short time and then fall apart (sometimes for completely unknown reasons).

It also happens that your partner, represented by the twelfth sign, limits you in many ways with his lifestyle.

The article was prepared by Ekaterina Veselovskaya, our astrology consultant

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding

¹ Sentimentality is a mental property, receptivity, dreaminess. A mood in which all external impressions act primarily on the senses rather than on the mind and thoughts (

Compatibility calculator



Why check a couple's compatibility by horoscope?

Horoscope compatibility is an important indicator of favorable interaction between people, especially loving couples.

It is known that love blinds. Yes, a feeling of happiness, inspiration and energy, and you don’t notice any flaws in the object of your love. Even if some kind soul tells the truth about his beloved, you won’t believe it. A negative opinion may simply be hidden envy, a mistake... but the horoscope, the stars themselves in the sky, do not lie. You just need a professional “interpreter” of their signs - an astrologer you can trust.

And even if the second in a couple has no obvious shortcomings, still, unfortunately or fortunately, the incompatibility of people may become apparent. He will be drawn away from his ideal wife; she will be annoyed by his correct and impeccable behavior.

Besides, people change. Lovers usually swear by eternity, make unrealistic promises... but a year or two passes, and all that remains is to surprise. But if you know that in ten years he will have problems with finances, and she will have problems with the law (this is an example of such extremes), then both should think about maintaining a couple. And not only to those who may be left alone, but also to those who expose a loved one to such a risk. And ten years only seems like a long time, but it flies by quickly.

If you listen to the astrologer’s recommendations, you can prepare for life’s “surprises.” And here, even without passion, when creating a couple with a suitable person, you can notice how the feeling of love and respect grows. It is better to prepare for such an important matter as a relationship than to rush into its abyss, wasting your total time and energy.
You can trust a horoscope; the influence of stars on people simply cannot be denied. Here it is important, in addition to a professional astrologer, to treat everything without fanaticism, maintaining harmony. And then you can spoil the best relationship in a couple.

Is it possible to find out about compatibility by date of birth in love (option for independent calculation)

Even in ancient times, it was noted that the date of birth influences the fate of a person. Let's figure out how to find out using numerology whether your significant other is compatible with you.

  1. First you need to write the numbers of your birthdays in a row and add them up. For example, if a girl was born on November 20, 1995, and a guy was born on August 2, 1994, then we add 2+1+1+1+9+9+5+2+8+1+9+9+4 = 61
  2. From the resulting figure, you need to subtract 22: For the case under consideration, we get 39.
  3. If we get a number greater than 22, then we return to step 2 until we get a smaller number.
  4. For the obtained numbers, look at the key presented below.

Digit 1. In your relationship there will be a struggle for leadership of the relationship, due to everyone's desire for leadership. Despite this, when working on yourself, a good union is possible.

Digit 2. One of the strongest and most faithful unions. Mutual understanding and support reign in relationships. Even from the first minutes of meeting you, you might think that you have known this person for 100 years.

Number 3. Such a relationship can develop into a happy marriage. Couples are characterized by stability, wealth and vitality.

Number 4. It is impossible to move away from the intensity of passions and emotions inherent in a couple. To maintain the union, it is necessary to abandon selfishness and not trust gossip.

Number 5. A strong relationship, but one person will guide the other in all matters. The main thing is not to forget about mutual understanding.

Number 6. Love and harmony will reign in the family, but addiction is possible. Maintain warm and affectionate relationships to avoid this.

Number 7. Travel, trips and long distances are destined for such a couple. It will be difficult to maintain the union due to separation. It is important to make the right decision.

Number 8. Such relationships are often commercial. You need to make sure that your partner’s feelings are sincere; if this is the case, then there is nothing to worry about.

Number 9. One of the partners will be haunted by a feeling of loneliness. Think about whether you want this.

Number 10. Success, luck and fortune will be on the side of the couple. As a result, coors will be rare.

Number 11. Difficult relationships. Betrayal and understatement are possible.

Number 12. A relationship that will forever remain in your heart, be it a fleeting romance or a lifelong marriage.

Number 13. An “unlucky” number foretells danger in a relationship. Be careful.

Number 14. Common interests and goals guarantee strong and long-lasting relationships.

Number 15. A negative union, where one person will be haunted throughout his life by the feeling of making the wrong choice.

Number 16. If the relationship is not serious, there will be a lot of quarrels and discord.

Number 17. A great bright future awaits the couple under the auspices of the Guardian Angel.

Number 18. Deception and secrecy will reign in relationships.

Number 19. This choice promises many children for the couple; it will not be possible to limit it to two or three children.

Number 20. At the beginning it is difficult to understand each other, but if you feel like your soulmate, then a harmonious union is possible.

Number 21. Excellent compatibility both night and day. Taking care of each other will come first.

Number 22. What will happen at the turn? You will ask yourself this question very often.

Every person wants to make the right choice. To create an ideal relationship, you can use the results of the numerology test and work on yourself together with your other half.