Fortune telling about the king will allow you to find out about a man’s attitude towards you. This card fortune telling is suitable for those who doubt the sincerity of their partner’s feelings. Also, this alignment can be used at an early stage of a relationship, when communication is just being established between a man and a woman.

Fortune telling for the king

For fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 cards. For the prediction to be correct, the deck must not have been previously used in the game. If you use this deck to tell fortunes, you should not play on it or give it to other people.

Make a wish for the man you are going to wish for and find his card. If your chosen one is blond with blond hair, then his card is the king of diamonds, if he is dark-haired or fair-haired, then his card is the king of hearts, if he is dark-haired, then his card is the king of spades, and if he is brown-haired, then his card is the king of clubs.

Place your man's card in front of you. Shuffle the deck, remove the top with the little finger of your left hand and place it at the bottom of the deck.

The meaning of cards when telling fortunes about the king

First card will tell you about your man's thoughts. If this is a card of a light suit (hearts and diamonds), then the person often thinks about you. If the card is of a dark suit (clubs and spades), then you are not in his thoughts.

Second card will tell about the man's intentions. A card of a light suit means that your chosen one wants to be close to you. A card of a dark suit - he does not take you seriously.

Third card in fortune telling he will tell you what is in his heart. If a card of a light suit is drawn, then this can be regarded as falling in love. If a card of a dark suit falls out, then he is tormented by doubts and bad thoughts.

Fourth card will tell you about your relationship if you are with him. Light card - love and harmony await you. Dark - quarrels, jealousy and misunderstandings await you.

Fifth card indicates your future with him. Light suit - you will be together. Dark suit - you are not destined to be together.

In this love fortune-telling with cards, it is important to take into account the meaning of the cards by seniority. The larger the card, the more the prediction value increases. For example, if the first card is the Ace of Diamonds, then the man has deep feelings for you, but if the Six of Diamonds is the card, there are feelings, but not so strong. Also with dark suits.

Free fortune telling for the king will allow you to find out about the true feelings of your chosen one. It is recommended to carry out this layout no more than once a week, otherwise the cards will lie. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.05.2014 09:30

Josephine Beauharnais - the first wife of Napoleon, the Empress of France, who was a famous trendsetter and, in particular, ...

The simplest way to tell a person’s opinion about you is considered to be the method with ordinary playing cards. Find out how to do it at home...

We live in a world of energies and information and are literally in energy flows, where the past, present and future are closely intertwined and connected with each other and, accordingly, with us. In connection with this representation of reality, it becomes obvious that man is capable of influencing the present and the future. Fortune telling with playing cards for love establishes an invisible thread between the thoughts of your lover and you, and the cards are only a tool that brings the necessary information to you.

Women and young girls often try to tell fortunes about the king, for whom they wish for their beloved man. This desire is easily explainable and stems from the stereotype of a woman being successful when she has a man next to her. In addition, a woman has an extremely great need for love, so her beloved occupies a much more important place in a woman’s life than her beloved in the heart and life of a man. Telling fortunes about the king and finding out how your loved one treats you with this fortune-telling is simple, but the revelations of playing cards are far from simple, they can change your life and your future.

Shuffle the deck of cards, remove four kings from it and decide for yourself which king you want to tell your fortune on, which king you want to see next to you. It turns out that your choice can say a lot about yourself and your character.

The King of Spades symbolizes a passionate man or a jealous man. Perhaps your personal life is now completely calm, you lack emotions and passions, so you would like to see a man next to you who can bring sharp feelings into your life.

The King of the Cross is directly related to work or business problems. This could be your business partner, your boss, or a colleague with whom you have entered into an intimate relationship. Relationships at work add a touch of adventure to life, but don't forget that office romances are often sources of trouble. Therefore, do not take office romances seriously; it is better to look for a lover on the side.

The King of Diamonds indicates success in your personal life. You attract many men, therefore, having a beloved man nearby, you are also not deprived of the attention of strangers from the stronger sex. You know how to appreciate the merits of other people, and also try not to notice shortcomings, which saves you from many troubles, ill-wishers and hidden enemies. You are very sociable, but your flaw is frivolity.

King of Hearts. This person is no longer young, self-sufficient, married, and, in addition, is bound by other obligations. The fact that you chose it indicates your penchant for material stability. You prefer a cozy chair and a soft blanket to fiery passion. You don’t like loneliness, you want to have a partner who will appreciate you for who you are, with all your shortcomings. Household chores give you pleasure; since your youth you have dreamed of one role: wife and mother.

Layouts on playing cards. Fortune telling for the betrothed.

The layouts on playing cards for the king are very different, this layout is simple. To tell fortunes for the king, in this fortune telling for your betrothed you will need 36 cards, which are thoroughly mixed, and then the king of the desired suit is guessed:

The King of Diamonds is a light-eyed blond;

The King of Hearts is light brown and dark-haired;

King of Spades – brunette;

The Cross King is brown-haired.

After this, the cards are removed and laid out one at a time in front of you with a saying on each card, until the card of the king appears, for whom you decided to tell fortunes, and for whom you asked your question about the love of your betrothed.


1 card – Dear King,

Card 2 – Tell me dear,

Card 3 – Do you love me?

Card 4 - I love you,

Card 5 – With all my heart,

Card 6 – With all my soul,

7 card – But there is someone better than you!

If, after finishing the saying, you did not find the card of the desired king, then start saying the saying from the beginning. If the king gets 2 or 3 cards of the saying: Say dear and Love me, then your loved one has not yet decided on his feelings.

The king in this situation is the person for whom the girl is fortune-telling, that is, her partner. When a girl is interested in her fate together with a certain man, she can easily find out what she is doing and what her love is dreaming about. The layout is carried out on a playing deck of 36 cards.

The main thing is to have the right attitude, and take a deck that was only used for fortune telling, and not used for card games. First you need to choose the right king:

  • If your beloved is young and blond and not married, then you should choose the King of Diamonds card.
  • A fair-haired man who is middle-aged, elderly, or married corresponds to the King of Hearts.
  • A man with dark hair who was married but divorced is, accordingly, the king of clubs.
  • The King of Spades card corresponds to an old brunette man or a widower.

Sometimes, if it is a fortune telling for a lover, a lady is placed next to the king, symbolizing the fortune teller. Based on the following pair values:

  • The queen and king of diamonds mean a young couple who have not yet tied the knot.
  • The Queen and King of Hearts are an older unmarried couple.
  • Club suit - for couples connected by marriage.
  • The Queen and King of Spades signify a couple of advanced years, widowed or lonely elderly people.

However, couples can change if feelings connect people of different ages or marital status. It is better to consciously approach the choice of card meanings in order to achieve maximum reliability.

And although most often such fortune-telling implies precisely romantic feelings for the king, people often make fortunes in this way about their own sons, colleagues, and superiors at work.

You can tell fortunes about an unfamiliar man to determine his attitude.

You should not exaggerate or downplay the age or appearance of the man for whom the alignment will be performed. In this case, the result may not correspond to reality. Cards are a tool that resonates with the magical world, so they cannot be deceived.

The fortuneteller takes the deck in her hands and imagines the face of the man who is in her heart. You need to tune in to the question of what to expect with this person. Next, there are several ways to carry out fortune telling.

Simple fortune telling for the king

The king card corresponding to the image of the man is located in the center of the table. The deck shuffles well. The fortuneteller does not allow any unnecessary thoughts, only the image of her chosen one.

Next, 8 cards are randomly selected from the deck. The first two must be placed to the left of the king. The second pair is on top. The third is to the right of the king. The fourth one is from the bottom. Each of the cards here has its own meaning:

The first card on the left shows the chosen one’s past, the second one will tell you about what he is doing at the moment.

The third card, located above the king, shows the present, the fourth will indicate your joint position.

The fifth card, located to the right of the king, shows how the beloved sees the future, the sixth will show whether there is a place for a fortuneteller in this future.

The seventh card, located under the king, will answer the question of what the king thinks about the fortuneteller, the eighth - about what the fortuneteller thinks about the king.

Simple fortune telling with playing cards

The fortuneteller keeps the question and the image of her loved one in her head and shuffles the cards. Next, he begins to lay out the cards one after another, turning them over as he does so.

At this time, you need to pronounce the names of the cards, starting from the lowest rank: six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace. The cards that coincide with what was said matter, the rest are put aside.

This procedure must be carried out with the entire deck of cards. If not a single card matches what was said, the future of the fortuneteller with this person is uncertain, or it will not happen.

Card meanings

Six of Hearts: means a date.

Seven of Hearts: a good time in the company of your chosen one.

Eight of Hearts: communication with a favorable outcome, perhaps even the date will reach a victorious end.

Nine of Hearts: a quick declaration of love.

Ten of Hearts: your lover will propose.

Jack of Hearts: an unexpected guest will disrupt joint plans.

Queen of Hearts: The king has another, or is in love with another woman.

King of Hearts: the fortuneteller will have another man who will help her forget about her chosen one.

Ace of Hearts: A Love Letter.

Six of diamonds: an unforgettable journey with the king.

Seven of diamonds: means a rival.

Eight of Diamonds: feelings of disgust, contempt, hatred.

Nine of Diamonds: an obstacle to being together.

Ten of diamonds: an unexpected gift.

Jack of diamonds: friend.

Queen of Diamonds: the fortune teller will cheat on the king.

King of Diamonds: A lover who will be refused.

Ace of diamonds: the fortuneteller will have to be content with friendly relations with the king.

Six of Clubs: useless, unproductive, disrupted trip to your loved one. Bad date.

Seven of clubs: fortune telling is attractive to someone, flirting.

Eight of clubs: many bitter tears.

Nine of Clubs: the fortuneteller will be hampered by the grave consequences of the king’s past.

Ten of clubs: lies, vain hopes.

Jack of clubs: the enemy of the fortuneteller is not indifferent to her.

Queen of clubs: you can only expect friendship with your chosen one.

King of Clubs: An evil rival who interferes with relationships.

Ace of clubs: fatal, bad news, destroying relationships.

Six of spades: a journey that will be unsuccessful.

Seven of spades: big quarrel.

Eight of spades: showdown, tears.

Nine of spades: you won’t be able to stay together or remain friends.

Ten of spades: there are evil enemies.

Jack of spades: deception.

Queen of Spades: female enemy, female rival.

King of Spades: The opponent who will break your bond.

Ace of spades: sad news, incidents.

Layout for a pair of king-queen cards

A pair of cards is placed in the center of the table, which symbolizes a pair of lovers. The rest of the deck is carefully shuffled. One card is taken from the deck and placed between the king and queen.

Next, two cards are taken from the deck and placed face down on top of the king and queen. If suddenly the cards coincide, they need to be put aside to the card on which they coincided. In place of the last two cards, the one that was the last in the opposite pile is laid out. The deck goes through the king and queen three times, and before each repetition the cards are thoroughly shuffled. Next, the matching cards are deciphered:

A pair of sixes means separation, a long journey.

A pair of sevens - for a long-awaited meeting, a date.

A pair of eights - to talk about a joint future.

A pair of nines will mean minor difficulties that will not interfere with love.

A pair of tens means mutual interest.

A pair of jacks - for a desired joint outing or a romantic dinner at home.

A couple of ladies is not a good sign. It may indicate the presence of an evil rival, or a betrayal of a partner.

A pair of kings - to a rival, or a woman’s infidelity.

A pair of aces - to unexpected news.

Fortune telling for three kings

This situation will tell you what the future holds for a couple of lovers and whether they are destined to be together. The card of the king being guessed at is laid out in the center of the table, the other three kings are located above it. The remaining cards are shuffled well.

Then they alternately lay out face down on three kings, the very last card in the layout is laid out on the main king, symbolizing the chosen one of the fortuneteller. After this, the cards need to be collected, shuffled again and all actions repeated twice more.

The three cards that remain on the main king should be read. They will tell you whether the king loves the girl who is telling fortunes about him, or whether she has a rival, and what awaits them in the future. The interpretation of the cards in this case does not depend on their suit:

Sixes: This relationship has no future. Even if they continue, the partners will not be happy. It is better to stop everything right now, or not try to get closer to the king.

Sevens: signify good news, perhaps even a marriage proposal.

Eights: An important conversation about relationships that will change everything.

Nines: the king's sincere feelings are hampered by minor adversities. It takes effort to be together.

Tens: only friendly relations are possible, and nothing more.

Jacks: The king is not playing fair. There may be deception on his part.

Ladies: means a rival. The lady lying closer to the king indicates that he is inclined in her favor.

Aces: to great adversity in relationships, despite feelings. You need to try hard to maintain and develop this connection.

Fortune telling for four kings

This is relevant when a girl has several fans, but she cannot understand how sincerely each of them treats her. To begin with, you need to select 4 kings, and, according to the suits, assign to each the name of the man for whom fortune telling is being carried out.

Variations: take not 4 king cards, but 3 or 2, or assign each of the king cards to the question to which you need to get answers. The kings are laid out on the table, face down, in this order: king of hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades.

The deck is shuffled, and a question is formed in the fortuneteller’s head that she wants to ask the cards. Cards are laid out on the kings one by one, face down. The steam rooms are removed. The deck is laid out three times, each time after the deck runs out, it must be thoroughly shuffled.

The meanings of the cards in such fortune telling differ depending on the question.

If a girl was interested in how her chosen ones treated her, then the cards will have the following interpretations:

6 - possibility of betrayal;

7 - he is waiting for a meeting;

8 - you can only count on friendship;

9 - sincere love;

10 - romantic interest;

Jack - he longs for a kiss;

Lady - the couple will remain on friendly terms and nothing more;

Ace - the beloved yearns for the girl who is telling fortunes about him.

If the question is what attracted a man’s attention to a girl laying out cards, the interpretation will be as follows:

6 - he noticed beautiful legs and could not resist;

7 - he drowned in bottomless eyes, and now dreams about them in his sleep and in reality;

8 - he could not resist the character of his beloved, and dreams of living together;

9 - he loves strong and powerful women, and he saw a fortune teller;

10 - he fell in love with the girl’s gentleness and kindness;

Jack - he is crazy about the perfect figure of his beloved;

Lady - he fell for the perfect facial features;

Ace - he fell deeply and completely in love with all the traits inherent in a fortuneteller.

The corresponding meanings of the cards will help answer the interesting question of what awaits the girl and her betrothed:

6 - he wants to get to know each other better, and will invite this girl for coffee and ice cream in a cafe during the day;

7 - he will invite a person interested in him to a restaurant, or offer to spend a romantic evening together according to his own scenario;

8 - he will open his soul to his beloved in a long, frank conversation;

9 - he is open to his beloved and will give her pure, sincere, long-lasting love;

10 - the meeting with him will end in bed;

Jack - longs for a kiss;

Lady - only friendly meetings await you;

Ace - the desire to be together.

In general, in this scenario, you can ask the cards absolutely any question and get a quick, honest answer to it, which will help the girl be prepared for different situations related to her chosen one.

Knowing the meanings of all the cards and interpreting them correctly, you will soon be able to practice this fortune-telling at any time and anywhere, quickly receiving answers to any questions from the universe.

An example of reading a king layout

Suppose that in a simple layout the king has a queen of hearts and a six of clubs on his left side, an ace of diamonds and an eight of spades on top, a jack of diamonds and a ten of hearts on the right side of the king, and an ace of hearts and a nine of clubs below. Let's see what happened:

Past: you met thanks to your mistress, or a romantic relationship between you (queen of hearts), while your family was destroyed before your eyes, or you caused its collapse (six of clubs);

Present: you help each other (Ace of Diamonds), but your partner does not feel love, or there is a strong obstacle to the relationship (Eight of Spades);

Future: you and your chosen one will get rich (ten of hearts), everyone will congratulate you (jack of diamonds);

Currently, your feelings: he has a strong physical attraction (Ace of Hearts), and deep in your soul you condemn your loved one for this.

By using your imagination, any scenario can be turned into a clear and logical complete story.

An easier method that allows, for example, to brighten up time apart.

It allows you to find out what is currently happening to the king. It consists in the fact that you need to carefully shuffle the deck, tuning in to thoughts about what your king is doing at a given moment in time.

Then, one by one, cards are taken from the deck with a text similar to the old children's fortune-telling with a daisy:

  1. Favorite on the road?
  2. Or anxious?
  3. Does he remember me?
  4. Hugging someone else?
  5. Sleeping in his own bed?
  6. Or is he harboring a grudge?
  7. Does he read books?
  8. Counting money?
  9. Does he miss me?
  10. Dreaming of a meeting?

What else do you need to know about telling fortunes about the king? How to do it correctly?

Anyone who begins to tell fortunes with cards should know several important rules. They will help make the process more accurate and the result reliable.

  • You cannot use a playing deck for fortune telling. As soon as a person begins to guess, his cards turn into a tool and an assistant. They cannot be played with, indulged in, or given into the hands of just anyone. Neither strangers nor loved ones should know where the deck is kept.
  • Fortune telling should be done on certain days. The best day for fortune telling is Friday. The worst is Sunday. On Sunday the cards lie.
  • During the shuffling process, you can and should talk and consult with the cards. out loud or mentally pronounce thoughts and questions of interest. In general, communicate with the deck as with a wise advisor.
  • It is better to store cards not just in a secret place known only to their owner. They need a special home: a box or a thick black bag.
  • You cannot tell fortunes in an altered state of consciousness, or to people who are in it. No alcohol during fortune telling!
  • All sounds and smells in the room should be pleasant, nothing should be distracting.
  • You need to take cards extremely seriously, trust them, and then everything will work out.

An ancient way of telling fortunes about kings

In the old days, young girls who had not yet met their love often told fortunes during Christmas time. Fortune telling about the four kings made it possible to understand what the future betrothed would be like.

To do this, they took cards of four kings from a deck and placed them under the pillow before going to bed, trying to imagine the desired image and how their life together would turn out. Fortune tellers often saw the image of a groom in a dream. Waking up the next morning, the girl put her hand under the pillow and took out one of the cards:

  • The king of spades meant an old husband with a bad character.
  • The king of clubs is a military man or a rich man.
  • The King of Diamonds meant an ideal husband.
  • The King of Hearts will surround the girl with care, love and prosperity for the rest of their lives.

So fortune telling about the king became a popular pastime, which mothers taught to their daughters, and daughters to teach to their daughters, and so it, changing over time, has come down to the present day.

King fortune telling online

Today, fortune telling can be done at any time, even without having the treasured deck of cards at hand. Just as in real fortune-telling, many online resources will offer you fortune-telling in express mode online and completely free of charge.

Some sites provide fortune telling services online or via Skype, but this is a longer procedure that will certainly cost money.

In any case, many sites have made fortune telling for the king online a pleasant and interesting procedure, where you can independently choose the design of the deck, point out the cards themselves, and allow artificial intelligence to give the interested person interesting values ​​​​for each layout, which the fortuneteller himself does not have to think about for long. How seriously to take the results of quick fortune telling online is a matter for everyone who goes for it.

Fortune telling for love

Everyone who is in love wants to know whether it is mutual, and what to expect from their soulmate in the future. After all, nothing affects a person’s life, destiny and well-being as much as his relationship with his loved one. People have come up with a huge variety of ways to get answers to questions that concern them, including through fortune telling.

People tell fortunes about love in order to know about bad events that can be prevented and to prepare for good ones. For example, a fortuneteller may ask the world of magic a question about whether she should expect the birth of a child, and when approximately this might happen. Or, if she suspects her husband or lover of cheating, cards or other tools will tell her to what extent her suspicions are justified.

In addition, any of the fortune-telling helps to develop intuition and apply new skills in practice, and establish a connection with the universe for those who practice fortune-telling and are interested in esotericism.

Fortune telling by wish

They also use fortune telling to set their internal compass on the right path. Modern man has new desires almost every minute, and asking the question of infinity is sometimes useful in this atmosphere of information oversaturation.

First you need to understand whether this desire is true or imposed. You can then use the cards to play a simple 36-card solitaire game. To do this, you need to tune in to your question so that nothing around you interferes with it, and lay out four rows of eight cards in each face down. To play solitaire, you need to open all the cards.

There are simpler ways to tell fortunes using cards. For example, take any one out of the deck at random. A heart card will mean a quick fulfillment of a wish, a diamond card - after a while. If you come across a club card, your wish will not come true. And any card of the peak suit will mean that if this desire comes true, then there will be trouble. Therefore, you need to forget about it immediately.

Bottom line

Thanks to the magic of cards and fortune telling on cards, both in reality and online, you can find out about the intentions of a loved one and the future with him, lift the veil of the true relationship between partners, and even learn about the attitude of a colleague or boss.

To know the future or not is a personal choice for each person; for some it may be very sad, and it would be better to never know, but for others, thanks to this knowledge, they will be inspired to make global changes or serious actions in life.

Each woman is incredibly beautiful and often more than one young man sympathizes with her. But the choice is always so difficult, and sometimes you can’t imagine what the person who is so persistently trying to gain your trust actually feels and desires. Should you trust them? Who should I choose?

Fortune telling using four kings helps you choose your person among applicants

Fortune telling for 4 kings will help in such a difficult matter. This layout is quite simple, but it is worth remembering that any gypsy fortune-telling always carries a deeper meaning than it seems at first. Therefore, it is difficult to immediately say what exactly the cards contain, and an inexperienced fortuneteller may completely misinterpret.

What's the secret?

The thing is that the basics of gypsy magic are passed on only within a close family circle. But many facts have reached us. There is such a possibility that we will not be able to conduct a thorough fortune-telling for the four kings, but we will be able to get fairly correct answers.

This fortune telling can be done in order to get answers to 4 questions, or you can do fortune telling about the king in order to find out the attitude of one man towards you. Gypsies often sat down to tell fortunes with this layout because it is simple, convenient and reliable. In addition, cards can always tell you something that you wouldn’t know if you just asked a person.

Four Kings can tell you what no man can tell you

How to make a layout for 4 kings?

There's nothing complicated about it. Fortune telling is done using playing cards. First of all, you need to decide on the fortune-telling card, since each of the kings, when fortune-telling by four kings, has its own meaning.

The kings of the red suits are free young men in the prime of life, while the kings of the dark suits are older people who are either divorced, married, or simply have a passion. If necessary, then you can not take all the kings, but only the necessary ones.

Let's start with the schedule:

  1. We lay out the four kings face down in order: hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades. We think of the names of gentlemen in accordance with age and position.
  2. We carefully shuffle the cards, asking them a question that interests you, and remove the deck.
  3. We lay out one card for each king face down in turn. If it turns out that there are paired cards in the layout, that is, two nines or two volts, then we remove them, and in their place we put two new ones from the deck. This procedure must be repeated three times.
  4. We begin the interpretation on the dropped paired cards. They are the ones who speak the true thoughts of the passion.

The more similar the chosen card is to the living chosen one, the more accurate the fortune-telling will be. This layout is suitable for figuring out what exactly awaits you with this or that chosen one of your heart. In a similar way, you can tell fortunes about anything, just by speaking the cards to a different question each time.

The layout of 4 kings will help you figure out what awaits you with your chosen one

We will help you understand the meaning of the cards if you are wondering about the future with a young man, if you want to find out what exactly attracted a man to you, your future plans and what a man really wants.

Interpreting the cards

This is the best option for a 4-question layout. If you were concerned about the attitude of your chosen ones, then each of the cards will tell you the following:

  • The youngest card, six, speaks of the unclean intentions of your chosen one, namely the desire to get closer to another woman.
  • Seven tells that the man you are wondering about is looking forward to meeting you.
  • Eight is just a friendly desire to get to know the fortune-telling girl better and have a conversation.
  • Nine is a symbol of sincere love for a girl.
  • If a couple of tens come up, then this is an interest in the young lady.
  • Jack speaks of the romantic mood of the passion and the desire to merge with her in a kiss.
  • Ladies, this is an indicator that you will remain friends.
  • Aces talk about the young man’s sincere longing for you.

When you have performed a similar ritual, but with interest in what attracted a man to your person, then the cards will tell you the following:

  • A pair of sixes means that the young man has noticed your beautiful legs. However, make no mistake, he is not making grandiose plans for you.
  • Seven is an indicator that in your eyes someone has clearly drowned and is now thinking only about them.
  • Eight speaks of your wonderful character, which the young man liked so much.
  • Nine talks about your daring and decisive nature, which the guy likes so much.
  • It is clear that a pair of jacks directly says that you have a wonderful figure and the man simply could not take his eyes off your curves.
  • Ladies symbolize the true beauty and aesthetics of your face. Charming features attracted the man you are wondering about.
  • Aces are complete fanaticism. You are loved from toe to toe, with all your whims and troubles.

Aces mean complete fanaticism. A man loves you with all your flaws!

What do you think your chosen one wants to do now? Maps will help in this matter too.

Using the above scenario and asking the question “What awaits me with him?” the cards will give the following meanings:

  • Six will reveal to you that soon you will be taken on a date to some cafe or to a movie.
  • Seven speaks of a young man's desire to invite you on some special date, maybe for a romantic dinner.
  • Eight predicts a very long, open, sincere conversation with a guy. You will learn information that under other circumstances he would never tell you.
  • Nine speaks of the purity of your chosen one’s desires. Sincere mutual, boundless love is what awaits you.
  • A couple of tens gives a hint of a meeting that will end in bed pleasures.
  • Jack means that a man cannot wait to lock lips with you.
  • Ladies predict friendly relationships, similar to family ones, but without a drop of romance.
  • Aces mean a man’s endless desire to always hold the hand of a girl who is telling fortunes.

And if you still really hope for a future together with a man, then you should ask this question to the cards. They will definitely tell you whether the chosen one is right for you.

Interpretation of cards for this question:

  • Six indicates that the young man will not be faithful to you and will succumb to temptation and become close to another woman.
  • Seven predicts a romantic walk where you will learn a lot about each other.
  • Eight seeks to upset you, since nothing more than an everyday “Hello - Goodbye” will last for you.
  • Nine is a symbol of love. A romance is planned that will develop into a strong relationship.
  • Ten says that you have found a suitable sexual partner, but will this develop into something more serious? No.
  • The ladies predict a wonderful friendship.
  • Aces indicate that soon the lovers will have to separate for a while due to some affairs of one of the halves. You will miss each other madly.

Aces indicate that the couple will have to separate for a while

Remember that if the cards fall not in pairs, but all four at once, then the interpretation gains strength.

Old Slavonic method of fortune telling for kings

Once upon a time, our great-grandmothers used fortune telling for the king on Christmastide in this way: the fortuneteller put four kings under her pillow and imagined her future life. After which she called her betrothed and asked him to come to her in a dream. The next morning, the girl, without getting out of bed, put her hand under the pillow and pulled out the king.

The king of spades in this case meant a man who was older than the girl and had a bad character. The king of clubs is a military man or a rich person. The King of Diamonds is the ideal husband for a fortune teller. If the card is a card of hearts, then this girl will be the happiest in marriage, as she will be surrounded by love and prosperity. It was from those times of the 4th king that fortune telling began to actively enter into the simple life of the people.

Fortune telling with cards is actually very easy and can always help solve complex issues.

Fortune telling about the king allows you to find out what the chosen one is doing now, what his thoughts and feelings are, and plans for the future. For divination, a new deck of 36 playing cards is used, and in some cases a set of Tarot. It is not recommended to take up divination on Mondays - at this time the cards can lie. You cannot lay out fortune telling cards for sick people or women during critical days. The cards must be treated with respect, without mocking their power. Then fortune telling about the king will show the true state of affairs and clarify all the issues of interest.

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    Fortune telling with playing cards

    Before making layouts, two significator cards are selected. This is the name of the card denoting the questioner or her chosen one. In fortune telling with playing cards, the following associations are generally accepted:

    • for young people not burdened by marriage, the king or queen of hearts is chosen;
    • unmarried persons under 30 years of age correspond to the king or queen of clubs;
    • an older man is designated by the king of spades, a woman by the queen.

    For four kings

    Fortune telling allows you to find out how her four admirers feel about the fortune teller:

    • Four kings are drawn from the deck. They are mixed and laid out in four piles, face down: in the layout it is not visible which king is located where.
    • Under each of them, cards are laid out in four piles, face down, so that you can see which card is which.
    • If two cards match in one of the piles, they are transferred from the pile to the king. Another card from the deck is placed in the empty space under the king.
    • When the cards run out, all four piles are shuffled again and dealt out. In general, the cards should be laid out three times.
    • By matching cards, the intentions and concerns of each of the kings are judged.

    All cards that match in fortune telling, except for ladies, indicate the man’s attitude towards the fortuneteller.

    If two ladies coincide during the process of divination, this indicates that the man has an affair on the side. In this case, all matching cards following the lady do not belong to the fortuneteller, but to another woman.

    "Royal" layout

    Two cards representing the sorceress and her chosen one are placed face down. The remaining deck is shuffled. Then you should take one card from the deck and place it between the two significators.

    After this, one card at a time is taken from the deck and stacked alternately on the queen and then on the king. If two cards of the same value come across (the suit does not matter), they are placed separately near the card where they appeared. In this case, you should take one card from the opposite pile and put it instead of two.

    The “Royal layout” is interpreted as follows:

    • a stack on the king - the thoughts and feelings of a man, events that he will initiate in the near future;
    • stack on the lady - thoughts and feelings of the fortuneteller, her contribution to the relationship;
    • in the middle are possible obstacles between the fortuneteller and her chosen one.

    On a full deck of a man's feelings

    For this ancient gypsy prediction, they take a playing deck, shuffle it and move it towards themselves with their left hand. Then they make a guess about the suit of the chosen one and lay out the cards one at a time, saying the words to each of them:

    If there is no hidden king in all seven cards, you should continue fortune telling using the same phrases. Fortune telling is interpreted depending on what words the king fell on:

    • “king of spades” - a man does not think about what kind of feelings he has for the sorceress;
    • “tell, don’t hide” - he is not indifferent, but is still in thought;
    • "do you love me?" - a man loves a sorceress;
    • “I adore you, I love you” - only the fortuneteller loves, her feelings are unrequited;
    • “I love with all my soul” and “with all my heart, dear” - a man experiences a strong attachment to the fortuneteller;
    • “but there is something better than the king of spades” - you should look for another fortuneteller, a relationship with this person is futile.

    Relationships by card suit

    The king card is placed in front of you. Then the deck is shuffled, the top is moved and the deck is placed down. Then five cards are placed on the table one by one. They are interpreted as follows:

    • 1st card - thoughts and feelings of a man. If the card is red, the chosen one often remembers the fortune teller. If it's black, no.
    • 2nd card - his plans for the future. Red suit - the man sees a future together, black - he does not think about the future with the witch.
    • 3rd card - what is in the heart of the chosen one. Red is love. Black - he is haunted by doubts about the correctness of his choice.
    • The 4th card is a possible relationship scenario in the future. The red card speaks of love and harmony. Black - conflicts, jealousy.
    • 5th card - whether there is a future for the relationship in principle. Red suit - the couple will be together. Black - no.

    Fortune telling "Male thoughts"

    One of the simplest types of divination on playing cards. To carry it out, the king is pulled out and the cards are shuffled, thinking about the chosen one.

    Then the deck is shifted and six cards are taken out of it. They must be removed from different places in the deck, not in order. The order of the cards indicates the following:

    • 1 - what does the chosen one think about the fortuneteller;
    • 2 - what is in his soul, what worries him most;
    • 3 - future of relationships;
    • 4 - a man’s internal aspirations;
    • 5 - fears and concerns of the chosen one;
    • 6 - what is happening in his life.

    Layout "What does a man do"

    The deck of cards is shuffled. First you need to wish for a king.

    Then they begin to take out a card from above and say one phrase at a timefor each of them:“He dropped in for a visit, crossed the threshold, on the road, on the bed, at the table, loves deeply, sleeps soundly, kisses, grieves.”

    If the king is not dropped the first time these phrases are spoken, they are repeated. Whichever one the king appears on will indicate the man’s occupation:

    • “dropped in for a visit” - interpreted literally, the chosen one dropped in to see a friend for tea;
    • “on the threshold” - now he is in some authority;
    • “on the road” - he is on the way;
    • “on the bed” - cheating with another woman.

    The interpretation of the remaining phrases is literal.

    For the future of the relationship

    Before fortune telling, it is necessary to remove the king from the deck, as well as the card indicating the fortune teller. They are placed next to each other on the table. The deck is then shuffled and shifted. Under the king they place three, four, five and six pieces in a row. This makes four rows. Each of the rows will tell about the future:

    • the first row indicates what awaits in the very near future;
    • the second - within 30 days;
    • third - year;
    • the fourth - more than a year.

    On a man's feelings

    The chosen king is placed in the center. The deck is shuffled and four cards are laid out around the king clockwise.

    Cards whose suit matches the king indicate the actions that the man will take. Cards whose suit does not coincide with the king indicate the impact that the fortuneteller herself has on his life.

    If after the fortune telling the fortune teller still has questions, you can take out another card from the middle of the deck. She will clarify the situation of interest.

    Interpretation of fortune telling with playing cards

    The dropped cards are interpreted as follows:

    Suit Meaning
    • Ace - serious intentions of the chosen one. He loves the witch with all his heart. Possible wedding.
    • A king or queen is a male or female person under the age of 30 who is in the social circle.
    • Jack - dreams of love.
    • 10 - the desire to always be close to the sorceress.
    • 9 is a positive card, speaks of love. The betrothed has serious intentions.
    • 8 - there is a lot in common between the chosen one and the fortuneteller, which is what their communication is based on. May mean a declaration of love.
    • 7 - sexual passion.
    • 6 - there is a date, a meeting. Sometimes indicates flirting with a stranger.
    • 5 - misunderstanding will cause an unpleasant situation, but a way out of it can be found.
    • 4 - the relationship will face some difficulties; the fortuneteller will have to make a difficult choice.
    • 3 - a “third wheel” will appear in the relationship.
    • 2 - mutual love, which may come to marriage, renewal of relationships, true friends
    • Ace - friendly relations.
    • A king or queen is a male or female person, respectively, bound by marriage.
    • Jack - the chosen one wants to reconcile with the witch or get closer to her, but he lacks the courage.
    • 10 - the fortuneteller and her chosen one have a strong, stable relationship.
    • 9 - love.
    • 8 - casual friendly communication.
    • 7 - trusting relationships.
    • 6 - genuine interest
    • 5 is a difficult, but pleasant period. The card speaks of marriage or addition to the family.
    • 4 - someone whom the fortuneteller trusted may betray. A difficult period, which the fortuneteller, however, is able to overcome on his own.
    • 3 - love affection for several people at once, but it is unlikely to last long. You should not count on mutual and strong love.
    • 2 - a good lesson awaits the fortuneteller. You shouldn't count on your friends' help
    • Ace - cold calculation. Money comes first.
    • King or queen - a boy or girl in a social circle.
    • Jack - indicates a situation of choice, thoughts about another passion.
    • 10 - the chosen one tries to “buy” the fortuneteller’s love with gifts or trips to a restaurant.
    • 9 - strong feelings.
    • 8 - common interests, often professional. Business cooperation.
    • 7 - selfish intentions.
    • 6 - anticipation of the upcoming meeting. But in this suit this is not necessarily a romantic date. There may be a desire to spend time with friends.
    • 5 is a period of success in relationships.
    • 4 - quarrel due to the interference of relatives.
    • 3 - family troubles, disagreements, quarrel with a loved one. However, it is also possible to add to the family.
    • 2 - a pleasant acquaintance, which, if both partners wish, can develop into marriage. The main meaning of the card is success
    • Ace - a break in a relationship due to a serious conflict or betrayal.
    • The king or queen are elderly people. They often put a spoke in the wheels and hinder relationships.
    • Jack is a disappointment.
    • Thoughts about betrayal arise.
    • 10 - complete break.
    • 9 - selfishness, lack of love.
    • 8 - conflict due to incompatibility of characters.
    • 7 - resentment, tears.
    • 6 - reluctance to see each other.
    • 5 - missed opportunities.
    • 4 - betrayal, lies, separation.
    • 3 - slight stress, anxiety, depression.
    • 2 - parting with a loved one

    Fortune telling about the king using Tarot

    A Tarot layout allows you to shed light on a person’s secret desires and find out what’s on a man’s mind. A large number of symbols in the Tarot allow for a more multifaceted interpretation than in fortune telling with playing cards.

    Choosing a significator for a man

    One of the figured cards of the minor arcana is chosen depending on the character of the person. In Tarot fortune telling, a card separate from the entire layout, symbolizing either the questioner or the hidden person, is called a significator. It can be taken either from the deck on which fortune telling is performed, or from another set of cards.

    Among the kings of the four suits (wands, cups, swords, pentacles), the card that best matches the characteristics of the hidden man is taken as a significator.

    King of Wands

    The card is suitable to represent an ambitious person striving to achieve new career heights. His life was not without difficulties, but he owes his current success only to himself.

    The King of Wands is well suited to represent businessmen and athletes.

    King of Swords

    Swords symbolize a cold, indifferent person. When making decisions, a man relies on cold logic and is emotionally unresponsive - the King of Swords is ideal as a significator. The King of Swords is well suited to designate a male military man, a representative of law enforcement agencies, a surgeon or an official.

    King of Cups

    Such a man is distinguished by a deep understanding of life and its philosophical meaning. The card is suitable to represent a creative person, endowed with intuition and imagination. The King of Cups is a sociable person who loves to spend time in company. Often prone to drinking alcohol. Over the course of his life, he has been married several times and changes several professions.

    The card is suitable for identifying philosophers, psychologists, artists, bartenders and, oddly enough, clergy.

    King of Pentacles

    The card is suitable for a pragmatic man for whom money is the highest value. At first glance, he can see any potential in a person that will bring income. The hard work of the past has paid off handsomely today for the King of Pentacles.

    Such a man loves and knows how to make money. He spends them with no less pleasure. If there is no finance, for the King of Pentacles law and mercy cease to exist. The card can be used to designate a financier, a banker, or a large businessman.

    Choosing a significator for a woman

    The fortuneteller can choose any card that is close to her, or choose based on universal ideas:

    • The priestess is a woman wise with experience;
    • The Empress is a lady who has children;
    • The star is a woman of a creative profession who loves to spend time in society.

    If the querent is over 18 years old, a queen of any suit of the minor arcana can be chosen for her:

    • of wands - an ambitious lady, a “careerist”;
    • cups - emotional, creative nature;
    • swords - a self-confident, power-hungry woman;
    • of Pentacles - a housewife who lives at home and with family.

    If the woman is under 18 years old, a page is chosen as the significator. The two eights of the minor arcana are considered universal symbols. The 8 of Pentacles is a fair-haired lady, and the 8 of Cups is a dark-haired lady.

    "Three Cards" Layout

    This layout on a man’s thoughts is done using three cards. The arcana are laid out in the shape of a triangle, in the center of which is the selected significator:

    Both lower peaks indicate to a greater extent the nature of a man’s thoughts about the fortuneteller than his thoughts about other people or matters.

    Layout "Love"

    In this layout there are two significators: the chosen king and the card denoting the sorceress.

    This fortune telling about the king is resorted to in cases where there is no confidence in the feelings of a man. The layout shows the peculiarities of the situation at the time of fortune telling and lifts the veil of the future.

    Cards are interpreted as follows:

    • S1 - significator of the fortune teller;
    • S2 - significator of her partner (king);
    • 1 - how does the fortune teller feel about the man now;
    • 2 - what needs the fortuneteller expects from her partner;
    • 3 - what character trait is the most attractive in him;
    • 4 - how does the fortuneteller see the future of relationships;
    • 5 - a man’s feelings;
    • 6 - what is most attractive to him in a fortuneteller;
    • 7 - what needs does a man expect from a fortune teller;
    • 8 - how he sees the future of the relationship.

    What awaits the relationship in the future: the layout for the king “Pyramid of Venus”

    This alignment allows you to find out what awaits the relationship in the future. In the center is a significator card, indicating the desired man. Meanings of other cards:

    • 1 - feelings of a fortune-teller towards a man;
    • 2 - what awaits a love affair in the near future;
    • 3 - will there be conflicts in the relationship;
    • 4 - is there any reason for jealousy;
    • 5 - whether there will be a change in the official relationship (registration or divorce);
    • 6 - does the man gossip about the fortune teller with other people;
    • 7 - will this union bring happiness to the questioner;
    • 8 - at what stage is the love affair now;
    • 9 - what helps to strengthen it;
    • 10 - what destroys the union.

    Interpretation of Tarot cards in fortune telling for the king

    They begin to interpret the cards one by one, starting from the first position. Each of the cards in the prediction is not interpreted in isolation, but in connection with the arcana surrounding it.

    Major Arcana

    The major arcana in the layout are interpreted as follows:

    • Magician, Hermit, Moon, Hanged Man - a man lies like a witch. Treason or other deceptive actions on his part are possible.
    • Emperor, Devil - point to the manipulator. A person seeks to impose his will, to manage relationships for his own convenience.
    • Tower, Court - the fortuneteller should change his behavior in relationships. The man thinks about the questioner in an accusatory manner and is ready at any appropriate moment to make claims and break off the relationship.

    The remaining arcana are interpreted according to their nature:

    Map Meaning
    JesterA man's thoughts are filled with illusions. He does wishful thinking. In an inverted position, the card means that a love affair with a witch is fatal for a man
    EmpressHe associates the image of the questioner with the maternal one. In the reverse position indicates thoughts about carnal pleasures
    HierophantA man wants to build relationships according to certain rules, formalizing the relationship. When reversed, the card indicates a high level of tolerance
    LoversIn the upright position, it indicates the awakening of sexuality, the revival of old love. In the opposite position - dreams will not come true
    ChariotTriumph in love. In the reverse position - indicates promiscuity
    JusticeRespect for the fortuneteller, stability of relationships. In an inverted position - balance is disturbed
    Wheel of FortuneThe beginning of a new cycle of love. In the opposite position - a man rarely remembers the fortuneteller
    ForcePassionate relationships. An inverted card speaks of intimate difficulties
    DeathOld feelings die, but new ones appear. In an inverted position - plans for the future will be disrupted
    ModerationGood energy compatibility between partners. In the opposite position - maintaining harmony in relationships, but for a short period of time
    StarBright hopes. The desire to “fix everything.” In an inverted position - missed chances
    SunSincere love, positive emotions when thinking about a woman. In the opposite position - the mask of an “ideal relationship” falls away
    WorldAny doors are open to the couple, all wishes will come true. An inverted lasso has the same meaning, but delayed in time - all dreams will come true, but not now

    Minor Arcana

    Junior suits arkans are interpreted as follows:

    • Wands - the chosen one seeks to compete with the fortuneteller or is in conflict. In any case, his feelings are filled with passion.
    • Cups - a man reflects on the fortuneteller in the light of his experiences and feelings. His thoughts are filled with love and gentleness.
    • Swords - the partner does not experience any emotions, he is completely indifferent. He can only be attracted by benefits in a relationship.
    • Pentacles - a man thinks about the common benefit for the couple, about opportunities to earn extra money.

    After any fortune telling, it is useful to clear the deck. To do this, you can fumigate it with rosemary or sage smoke, let the cards lie in the sun or moonlight, or simply shuffle them vigorously several times.

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