“One of the most combat-ready units of the Russian Armed Forces, the Special Forces of the GRU of the General Staff, celebrated its 60th anniversary. On the eve of this important event, representatives of the organizing committee for preparations for the celebration approached the Chairman of the Charitable Foundation “Participation” Sergei Anatolyevich Mikhailov with a request to assist in holding the anniversary.

The board of trustees of our fund decided to allocate 250,000 rubles for the celebration of the GRU Spetsnaz, - said Sergei Anatolyevich Mikhailov. - Such a significant amount is recognition that this legendary unit of the armed forces makes a significant contribution to strengthening the combat capability of our country.

The Charitable Foundation “Participation” has been providing effective assistance to the Russian Armed Forces for more than fifteen years, patronizing military units, Military schools, individual units, and also provides enormous assistance to military veterans and their families. The current charity event of the “Participation” foundation for the preparation and holding of the 60th anniversary of the GRU Spetsnaz is a continuation of a glorious tradition.”

Who is this Sergei Anatolyevich Mikhailov, who makes a significant contribution to strengthening the combat capability of our country, patronizes military units and sponsors GRU special forces?
A moment of attention:
Mikhas from Solntsev
Crime story
Larisa Kislinskaya
Having arrested the leader of the Solntsevskaya criminal group, Sergei Mikhailov, nicknamed Mikhas, in Geneva, the Swiss police encountered amazing things that can hardly be explained only by the mystery of the Russian soul.

Silence of the Lamb
As the Swiss news agency reported, when detained, he denied “any connection with a criminal organization” and insisted that he had become “a victim of rivalry between economic clans that are rampant in the Russian capital in the sphere of selling contracts.” And soon the Swiss police received two interesting documents from Sergei Pogramkov, Mikhailov’s Moscow lawyer. In one, signed by Solntsevo interdistrict prosecutor V. Kisel, it was reported that “Sergey Anatolyevich Mikhailov, born in 1958, registered at the address: Moscow, Novoperedelkinskaya street, building 8, apt. 20, is a person with no criminal record”... From another document signed by the head of the investigative department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation V. Kazakov, it followed that “information about the existence of criminal cases initiated against Mikhailov S.A. by other investigative units of the Prosecutor’s Office of Russia, as well as investigative structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the tax police of the Russian Federation, employees The investigative department of the Prosecutor General's Office is not available."

The Swiss, who are taking unprecedented measures to protect the investigator who is leading the Mikhailov case, and who know what resonance this arrest caused in the Russian press, have ceased to understand anything. To clarify the situation, they turned to the Moscow RUOP and found out that Mikhas was nevertheless convicted - on April 4, 1984 by the Solntsevsky District Court of Moscow for “theft of property committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons” and “deliberately false denunciation and deliberately false testimony with accused of a particularly dangerous crime." Received three years probation. In addition, in December 1989, he was detained along with the Averin brothers, Evgeny Lyustarnov and Sergei Timofeev (better known as Sylvester) for extorting money from the chairman of the Fund cooperative Vadim Rosenbaum, and at the end of 1993 - on suspicion of organizing the murder of Valery Vlasov - director of the Valerie casino. True, it was not possible to bring him to criminal responsibility - the victims and witnesses suddenly abandoned their initial testimony... According to Ruopovites, the “law-abiding” Mikhailov, through offshore companies, “laundered” money received in Russia from extortion, arms and drug trafficking, and bought real estate in Western European countries.

Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov, who arrived in Geneva, explained that such “discrepancies in Mikhailov’s biography became possible due to the fact that Mikhas’s “criminal dossier” disappeared from the computer network of the Russian prosecutor’s office, and therefore the Swiss authorities received an “incorrect” certificate about his “criminal activity.” ".

RUOP is an anti-Semite
Meanwhile, according to operational information from the Swiss prison - the Champ-Dolon castle - Mikhas sent several "babies" to Moscow with valuable instructions. Firstly, he sternly punished, “don’t feed the cops.” Secondly, urgently involve the press and in the eyes of the Russian public create an image of him not only as an honest businessman, but also as a martyr. The sums allocated for this from the Solntsevo "common fund" were astronomical (in comparison, seventy thousand dollars paid to one journalist for a tale about how the RUOP for no reason arrested the old sick thief in law Pavel Zakharov, nicknamed Tsirul - now deceased - a penny ). The most surprising thing is that the Solntsevo district police officer became responsible for relations with the press. And he, apparently, coped with the task: several programs were aired at once, in which the question was angrily asked: if Mikhailov was arrested illegally, then why are human rights organizations silent? I don’t know whether the Solntsevo district police officer supervised the Israeli press, which was reviewed by Evening Moscow, but human rights activists of this state reacted instantly. It turns out that Swiss nationalists are oppressing the “poor Jew” (Russian to the seventh generation, Mikhas, who has a legal Russian wife, entered into a fictitious marriage with an Israeli woman and received dual citizenship). Mikhailov, the Israeli press claimed, was a true Jew, although he was baptized and professed Orthodoxy.

But a lot of dirt was poured on the RUOP member who spoke in Geneva as a witness for the prosecution. Thanks to his testimony, as well as the operational report sent by the RUOP, the period of Mikhas’ detention (officially he is charged with violating the visa regime, purchasing real estate in Switzerland using dummies) has been extended - an investigation is underway to determine his involvement in the activities of international criminal organizations.

"Who can testify against me?" - Mikhas asked in shock when the Swiss announced to him that a prosecution witness had arrived from Moscow. The interrogation was conducted through a television monitor, the detective’s face on the screen was deliberately blurred. Five minutes later, Mikhailov, citing a headache, returned to his cell and consulted with his Swiss lawyers for six hours. During the next meeting with the Ruop detective, Mikhas asked: “Mr. Policeman, is he a major? When he returns to Moscow, he will already be demoted.” This was recorded as a threat. Therefore, Sergei Anatolyevich no longer particularly highlighted the piece of paper with the phrase “Only death is stronger than death.”

When the major returned to Moscow, it turned out that the Solntsevo gang had already visited his house...

And soon the Ruop detectives received a transcript of the conversation, from which it followed that “the Solntsevskys tracked the entire route of the operative” about Mikhas’s criminal record and his criminal activity, they learned that it was not registered in the office, but went directly to Geneva. They also learned the name of the one who prepared it. “Well, let’s leave this out, like that (the names of the detectives are called. - Author)... If we achieve it, they will be kicked out, no one will hire them anymore.” Next came the names of the people to whom Mikhas’s intercessors should reach, the fabulous sums that they could receive by interceding for the “merchant and martyr.”

A star named... Solntsevo
How did a simple waiter manage to achieve such influence and power? After all, Mikhailov, like the late new wave mafioso Sylvester, did not go through the corridors of party power or prison universities.

After graduating from school, athlete and Komsomol member Sergei Mikhailov worked as a waiter in the restaurants of the Sovetskaya, Sevastopol hotels, and in the Khrustalny restaurant, and at one time - together with his permanent Solntsevo sidekick Viktor Averin, who later went down in the history of the Moscow criminal world under the nickname Avera Sr. In 1984, Mikhas imitates the theft of his motorcycle, which he actually dismantles for spare parts, sells, receives full insurance, and then his first and so far only sentence - three years of "chemistry."

Having returned, Mikhas joins the brigade of Solntsevo “catalans”, which included Alexander Petrov, nicknamed Fool, Nazir Mizitov, boxer Pyotr Gorbatykh, nicknamed Petya Masenky, convicted of murder, as well as the Averin brothers. When putting together a group, Mikhas relied on athletes and unconvicted youth. Forensic experts believe that the success of the “Solntsevskaya” brigade lies precisely in the fact that it did not experience the oppression of the old “thieves’” morality and, rather, resembled a Western-style gang, and therefore easily adapted to new conditions.

Mikhas's favorite meeting place was the Kometa Hotel, as well as the Leipzig, Jadran, and Polish Fashion stores. There they found people willing to play cards, “three thimbles” and “shoes”. Soon they meet with Sylvester. The group also includes Mikhail Kudin, nicknamed Mishka Kvakin, Gennady Shapovalov, nicknamed Shapoval, and thief in law Dzhemal Khachidze. By the way, the classic “thieves in law” played rather the role of arbitrators in the group. The focus was on new wave businessmen and people like Otari Kvantrishvili who kept their image clean.

By December 1989, when Mikhasya and Co. were arrested, Solntsevtsy “controlled” more than 20 commercial firms in Moscow and the region, the restaurants “Sovetsky”, “Pokrovka”, “Tourist”, “Kometa”, “Aist”, “Nil” ", "Anchor", hotel "Dagomys", "Partner Bank", and the team included about 800 active participants, united in 10-12 "teams". Then Mikhailov, Timofeev, Lyustarnov and the elder Averin were charged with extortion. Mikhas was listed as a representative of the commercial director of the "Fond" cooperative at the Moscow branch of the Soviet Cultural Fund. The rest of the gang occupied the positions of supply chief, deputy chairman for sports work, and security guards. They were detained for illegal possession of weapons - three sawn-off shotguns, two foreign pistols, two hunting rifles, grenades and smoke bombs were found in the cooperative. It turned out that these were flowers...

The chairman of the "Fond" cooperative, Vadim Rosenbaum, was also arrested and found himself involved in racketeering. Just at this time he was planning to run for the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, so he threatened the Murovites that as soon as he became a deputy, he would destroy them all. The best friend of the “Solntsevskys” did not have time to register, but their own person had already been introduced into the election commission - a representative of the “Fond” cooperative, T. Samokhina. By the way, Mikhasya’s sister.

I don’t know what good this cooperative did for culture, but it did a lot for the “Solntsevskys”: “Mikhas and KO” traveled from the “Foundation” to Korea and China, to Austria and Germany, they received a Volvo with numbers of four sevens and four eights.

As now, in 1989 there was a fuss in the press about the illegal detention of “honest” cooperators. And while they were sitting in the temporary detention center at 38 Petrovka, the free gang paid for the services of journalists and processed witnesses. As a result, the trial, as already mentioned, did not take place.

An indicative story took place in the Cheryomushkinsky court of Moscow, where the case of several Solntsevo bandits, including Shapovalov, was to be heard. The criminal case, on four hundred pages of which episodes of criminal activity were outlined, was stolen: someone, presenting a lawyer’s certificate (as it was later found out, was fake), received a voluminous volume from the office and disappeared. While the senior investigator of the Cheryomushkinsky District Department of Internal Affairs, V. Korchevsky, was restoring the case, the three main witnesses from the Landrace company, unable to withstand the threats, went on the run. Others - from the Mezen cooperative - were threatened through relatives and friends. When this didn’t help, they shot...

In short, when the investigator restored the criminal case, the witnesses no longer gave any testimony. The Solntsevskys were freed.

It is not surprising that after all this the victims no longer turned to the police, but also to Mikhas. One of them told the investigator that when his car was stolen, he asked Mikhailov to help find it. The guy was blindfolded and driven for a long time. And when the bandage was removed, he saw that the clearing in the forest was a real underground car park. There he found his Zhiguli and became... Mikhas's debtor. Isn't this an episode from "The Godfather"?

A bandit won't hurt a child!
So, in 1991, Mikhas was again “free with a clear conscience.” From prison he sent traditional “babies” - he asked them to quiet down for a while, break into groups, and recruit new people. It was at this time that the “Krasnogorsk”, “Tushinsky”, “Kuntsevsky”, part of the “Orekhovsky” and “Lyubertsy” joined the “Solntsevsky”. In 1992, Sylvester was released, but a black cat had already run between him and Mikhas. The authority of the latter was by this time unshakable. A gesture was enough for him to remove the person. Once he pointed out to his fighters two apostates and tapped himself on the forehead - twice. In the Meshchera rest home, both were shot in the forehead. In the same way, Mikhas's former "foreman" was killed - Borya Anton, who defected to Sylvester.

The next detention of Mikhailov is associated with the murder of Valery Vlasov. Vlasov, who was repeatedly convicted, opened the Valery casino in the Universitetskaya hotel, the proceeds from which, as he assured, went... to orphans. In order to receive various benefits, Vlasov became the founder of the Center for the Rehabilitation of Boarding School Graduates for children with developmental delays, and the president of the Handicap orphanage association, for which he received the nickname General Orphan. As soon as the criminal investigation team visited the casino (and it was a very crime-prone place), Vlasov immediately sent out complaints about the police “hurting orphans.” In fact, the casino belonged to the Solntsevskys. A number of serious crimes were committed there - murders, robberies, thefts, robberies; firearms and drugs were stored and sold there. The car service station near the casino was “held” by Nadir, and Mikhas, who acted as an “arbiter” during the conflict between Vlasov and Otari Kvantrishvili, after successfully resolving the dispute, became almost the absolute owner of “Valerie” and also fell in love with orphans. Later he joined the Council of Founders of the Charitable Foundation "Participation", which cast a seventy-five-pound bell with the inscription in Old Church Slavonic script for a church in the village of Fedosino near Moscow.

In 1993, in Israel, Mikhas founded the international non-governmental foundation "House of Orphans". With his direct participation, according to RUOP, the Maxim company, SV-Holding JSC, Arbat-International JV, as well as a number of companies in Austria, Hungary, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, and Liechtenstein were founded. In 1993, while leaving his native casino, Vlasov was shot. The two Solntsevo militants guarding him disappeared. Everyone knew that Vlasov’s death was very beneficial to Mikhailov, so he was detained on suspicion of murder. According to one version, during a search they found a diplomat with three million dollars on him. When asked whose money it was, Mikhailov replied that... orphans. They left the diplomat, and Mikhas told the gang that “the cops took the money.”

Professor Plumber
It was not possible to prove complicity in the murder of Vlasov: Mikhailov is again free and leaves for Hungary. Together with Seva Mogilevich, one of the richest people in this country, who has a certain reputation in our criminal circles, he opens a number of companies and a five-star hotel in Budapest. Then he moves to Israel, where he arranges a fictitious marriage. With the help of a Japanese man, whom he had met more than once, he acquired a villa in California. During this time, as follows from the documents, he becomes “the managing director with his seal of the MAB International company in Belgium” and opens an export-import company in Houston (USA). In February 1994, “Professor Mikhailov” (as it was written in his diplomatic passport) was appointed honorary consul of Costa Rica in Moscow. The Russian Foreign Ministry rejected this appointment, but Moscow detectives assure that Mikhas was not very upset by this - he was not eager for a diplomatic career, he was more interested in cocaine. Small and prosperous Costa Rica, where a multi-storey mansion in the capital costs the same as a good two-room apartment in the center of Moscow, is located very close to the world's largest drug producers. No wonder the Solntsevskys opened a number of joint trading companies in Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador.

The first time Mikhailov was detained abroad was in July 1995 in Prague. In honor of the 40th anniversary of Avera Sr., a company of “Solntsevskys”—800 people—gathered in the restaurant “At the Dove.” The reason for the arrest was a signal that they were going to kill Seva Mogilevich and this would lead to the outbreak of a large-scale gangster war. By organizing a raid at the Pigeon, the police broke the plans of counterintelligence agents who had been “herding” the clients of this Russian restaurant for two years, tracking all contacts. In the end, everyone was released, although the feast was ruined, and after that the road to the Czech Republic for Mikhas was closed. He also now came to his historical homeland secretly - some of the Solntsevo lads were dissatisfied with the fact that they were being led from abroad, and he feared the revenge of his own lawless men.

Small, quiet Switzerland seemed to him the ideal place...
Now the Swiss authorities are going to check the accounts of “professor” Mikhas. The accounts of 300 immigrants from Russia, whom the Swiss suspect of connections with the Russian mafia, have also been frozen. The topic of Yuri Skuratov’s negotiations in Geneva was directly related to the investigation of the criminal case of Mikhailov, who is now telling a touching story that he allegedly “conducted business with local financiers regarding the construction of the Turkmenistan-Ukraine gas pipeline and the repair of the entire Moscow water supply system,” and his allegedly “ laid down by competitors. Mikhas' version is supported by his expensive Swiss lawyers. In Moscow, personal lawyer Sergei Pogramkov is actively conducting business; by the way, he is now defending the interests of the son of the head of the Moscow regional police department, police lieutenant Mikhail Kulikov, who was recently charged with committing a number of robberies.

RUOP sources reported that Mikhas’s “support group,” represented by the directors of the largest Moscow market and a famous furniture store, is looking for approaches to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, being in full confidence that the overly active RUOP detectives will still be “let go” there. However, in Mikhas’s phone book, seized by the Geneva police, the messenger from Shabolovka found many famous names.”

An ordinary foreman became, according to the West, the leader of the Russian mafia!
The story will be about another “general” of the criminal world, Sergei Mikhailov, nicknamed Mikhas. He repeatedly received offers to “be crowned,” but did not want to do it on principle. About this and much more - in the material about Mijas.
First term - for fraud
Sergei Mikhailov was born in the Moscow region, in the now famous Solntsevo. At the beginning of his working career, he worked for six years as a waiter at the Sovetsky restaurant. In his youth, the future criminal authority becomes a master of sports in classical wrestling. Mikhas first found himself under investigation at the age of 26, in principle, for a rather innocent act, nothing bloody or creepy. He was charged with theft by fraud. Mikhailov staged the theft of a motorcycle in order to obtain insurance for it. However, the Soviet court, as it was said about him in the famous comedy film, showed humanity and gave Mikhailov three years probation. True, while the investigation was going on, Mikhas spent six months on a bunk in the pre-trial detention center. There he acquired, despite his pioneering nature, some authority. Perhaps his classical wrestling skills helped him in this.

Upon his release, Sergei Mikhailov worked in some kind of cooperative. Since the mid-80s, Mikhas begins to select his own team of athletes. Within a few months, more than two dozen commercial structures in Moscow and the region were under the control of his group, numbering up to forty fighters, including the very Sovetsky restaurant (Mikhas stroked his vanity). A little later, the future crime boss Sergei Timofeev (Sylvester) joined the gang.

CorrespondentCNNand employee of the Russian Presidential Administration

In December 1989, MUR officers detained Mikhas and Sylvester, charging them with racketeering. At the trial, witnesses in the case named 24 structures controlled by the Solntsevskaya gang. So for the second time Mikhas ended up in prison. And he was already completely in authority there, since the criminal world of the capital knew him well. They say that he had some kind of friction with the orthodox thieves behind bars, but maybe these are just rumors. Moreover, Mikhas seemed to be sitting in the famous MU-Ra detention center on Petrovka, 38, and there you can’t really communicate freely with thieves.

During the investigation, many witnesses, for obvious reasons, changed their testimony, and the criminal case fell apart. Mikhas was released a year and eight months after his arrest. Then he was detained several more times. So, in 1994, he was found to have the files of a CNN correspondent, as well as an employee of the Russian Presidential Administration. But Mikhas got out of it this time too, after which he emigrated to Israel. He did not come to the Promised Land empty-handed. By that time, Mikhas had accumulated a fair amount of capital (tens of millions of dollars). In Israel, he is engaged in the hotel business and invests money in other projects.

In 1995, Mikhailov left Israel and began traveling around Europe with several authoritative friends. In the same year, Mikhas was detained in Prague at the Golub restaurant, owned by Seva Mogilevich, while celebrating his birthday. The operation of the Czech police using helicopters was a complete surprise for those gathered. About a hundred people fell into the hands of justice that evening. But the Czech law enforcement officers turned out to be no luckier than the Russian ones: none of the detainees had anything illegal with them, and they all had to be released. This is how we also arrest thieves in law at gatherings. With pomp, with special forces. And everyone is quickly released. And why is all this necessary?..

Then Mikhas lives in Switzerland. Soon he meets the famous thief Jap, which develops into a joint business - drug trafficking. But they quickly quarreled.

In Switzerland he sat in a castle

Meanwhile, in Switzerland in 1996, Mikhailov was charged with a new charge: violation of the passport and visa regime. The investigator immediately ordered the seizure of all Mikhas' Swiss accounts. Information leaked to the press that they had several tens of millions of dollars. It was money laundering and drug trafficking that were primarily of interest to the investigation, and the passport regime is just that - just a reason for arrest,

Mikhas ended up on Swiss bunks, namely, in the Chan-Dollon prison in Geneva. This is a very interesting prison, similar in appearance to a medieval castle. He was kept in a separate cell of increased comfort. Mikhas was not bored in his cell, but continued to manage his criminal business remotely. Sent little ones. Through numerous lawyers, for example, he ordered his “Solntsevsky” comrades to throw a hysteria in the Russian press, like: “These bourgeois are keeping our fucking guy in prison for no reason!” The press coped with its task. Something similar happened, by the way, when the great and terrible Pal Palych Borodin thundered into his bunk for several months in the USA. They showed his family, several adopted children...

By the way, while Mikhailov was steaming on his bunk, the then Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov said the following: “Bringing Mikhailov to criminal responsibility, even on Swiss territory, will have a very sobering effect on the Russian criminal world. Together we need to break the psychology of Russian bandits, who are still confident that if they leave Russia, they will not be punished. They need to feel that the law enforcement system in the world community is united and that it will get them everywhere. But at the same time, Mikhas’s case is fraught with serious danger. If the case does not end in anything, it will be a terrible blow to the authority of law enforcement agencies, and indeed to criminal justice in general.”

Nevertheless, Skuratov said that he would not demand extradition to his homeland for Mikhas - that’s right, it would be better for foreigners to deal with him. It seemed more correct that way. They should have put Mi-khas behind bars for a long time, if not until the end of his days.

By the way, in the same place in 1997, Skuratov hinted at Mikhas’s connection with the murder of journalist Vlad Listyev (“Solntsevsky” had their own interests in ORT). However, things didn’t go beyond hints, as usual.

Almost became a deputy

But Swiss justice also turned out to be powerless - a high-profile trial against the Russian mafia did not work out. But the newspaper men presented the case precisely under this guise, calling Mikhas almost the leader of this very notorious Russian mafia. But Mikhas’s lawyers worked competently, and the investigators never collected a worthwhile evidence base. As a result, in 1997, Mikhailov was released right in the courthouse. He spent almost a year in Switzerland.

After the Swiss prison, Mikhailov returned to Russia, where he continued to engage in various businesses. Mikhas' interests are scattered throughout the country. He also made his mark in politics - in 1999 he was represented on the lists of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia at No. 16, but then he was denied registration due to dual citizenship (Israeli). The last time law enforcement officers were interested in Sergei Mikhailov was in 2002 - he was arrested again and a search was carried out at his dacha. But Mikhas again came out unscathed.

Didn't want to be crowned

As we can see, Mikhas did not spend much time behind bars, and even then only in pre-trial detention centers. In addition, Czech and Swiss cells were little like our “huts” in appearance and comfort. More precisely, they weren’t similar at all. True, despite his short prison experience, Mikhas constantly received offers to “be crowned.” And he had every right to do so, in modern times. But for some reason he did not do this, although he had good connections among thieves (for example, with Dzhemal Khachidze or the same Yaponchik). Perhaps it was due to the fact that the criminals who emerged from the athletes did not understand the orthodox lesson. Why these grandfatherly concepts, symbols that smell of mothballs, when you need to earn money, here and now. This was the basis for the rapid rise of the Solntsevskaya group. When the bandit-athletes, or rather, their leaders, became significant figures on the criminal map of Russia, they began to receive offers to be crowned. Some agreed. But Mikhas is not there. He always called himself a businessman. Maybe he didn’t want to spoil his business reputation with stars on his collarbones.

Konstantin Zhukov
Based on newspaper materials
"Behind Bars" (No. 10 2009)

Over the years, racketeering began to actively develop and flourish in Russia. Individuals involved in this business began to unite into stable, cohesive gangs.

One of the largest groups formed in the late 80s - early 90s was the Solntsevo organized crime group. And despite the fact that about 30 years have passed since its creation, the activities of this gang are still legendary.

A little history

This group was finally formed by 1988 on the territory of the Solntsevo municipal district of Moscow. And in 1990, a number of other criminal gangs joined it: “Chertanovsky”, “Yasenevsky” and “Cheryomushkinsky”. A year later, the described criminal group teamed up with a fairly influential gang from the Orekhovskaya organized crime group.

This coalition was called the Solntsevo-Orekhovskaya group, the leader of which was Sergei Timofeev, nicknamed Sylvester. He was a representative of the Orekhovskaya group, and he also made the decision on the imminent withdrawal of this group from the Solntsevsko-Orekhovskaya group.

"New Horizons"

Then the Solntsevo gang began to trade in smuggling, drug trafficking, and the sale of cars and weapons. There were more serious “trades”, such as organizing and involving in prostitution, kidnapping, extortion and murder.

By 1993, the Solntsevskys reached a new level and, along with the criminal business, began to engage in completely legal activities. Since that time, members of the group began to direct large cash flows to the organization of firms and credit institutions. Thus, by the mid-90s, representatives of the Solntsevo mafia had opened more than 100 organizations with various statutory activities, and 120 banks throughout Russia.

At the same time, the group’s sphere of influence expanded beyond Moscow. Pushkinsky and the Moscow region were also taken under the “roof”. For example, the gang owned the famous market on Gorbushka, where the monthly profit from each entrepreneur averaged about $500.

Where does the money come from?

Members of the Solntsevskaya organized crime group tried to extract money from various areas of activity. They have taken over the Solntsevo automobile market and taxi drivers working on the territory of the Kievsky railway station, Sheremetyevo-2 and Vnukovo. They also received money from entertainment establishments located in controlled areas.

The Solntsevo lads received huge income from the Cosmos, Universitetskaya, Central Tourist House hotels, and the Valerie and Maxim casinos. They also protected merchants trading in the markets of the South-Western region and in Luzhniki.

Capturing new territories

As mentioned above, the described criminal group did not limit its activities only to Moscow and the surrounding region. The Solntsevskys quickly spread their influence, for example, to cities such as Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Tolyatti and others.

The Solntsevo gang became so powerful that even a number of Baltic and Latvian organized crime groups paid them “tribute.”

Using the proceeds, members of the criminal group actively bought real estate abroad: in Spain, France, Greece, the USA, Cyprus, Poland and Hungary. It is known that the Solntsevo mafia had a so-called central office in the center of Vienna. But members of the organized crime group liked to celebrate all significant holidays in Prague.

Solntsevsky leaders

The official leaders of this organized crime group are:

  • Sergei Mikhailov, nicknamed Mikhas;
  • Victor Averin, nicknamed Avera Sr.;
  • Alexander Averin, nicknamed Avera Jr. or Sasha-Avera;
  • Alexander Fedulov, nicknamed Fedul.

It is generally accepted that the founder of the Solntsevo group is Mikhas, since it was he who united so-called like-minded people under his “wing” in the 80s of the last century. Later, it was they who became active members and leaders of the Solntsevskaya lads.

Viktor Averin, who was a close friend of Mikhas, also took an active part in the formation of the gang. By the way, they both met while working as waiters in the restaurant of the Sevastopol Hotel.


His criminal debut took place back in 1984, when he was convicted of giving false testimony and theft of property. Five years later, Sergei Mikhailov was again detained by law enforcement officers on suspicion of extortion and possession of weapons. However, this time he managed to avoid a criminal record (they say that thanks to connections in government agencies).

In 1993, Mikhas again came to the attention of the police. This time he was suspected of involvement in the murder of Valery Vlasov (director of the Valerie casino).

It is noteworthy that, despite his dubious biography, in 1995 Mikhas managed to become honorary consul in Moscow from Costa Rica. He did not stay in this position for long, as criminal aspects of his biography began to emerge.

In the same year, Mikhailov moved for permanent residence to Switzerland, where a year later he was taken into custody on charges of money laundering and illegal acquisition of real estate in this country.

It is believed that Mikhas was involved in at least four contract killings (including the brutal murder of Vlad Listyev). He was also suspected of being in Israel and of organizing uninterrupted drug trafficking through Russia to Europe.

Since 1996, it was Sergei Mikhailov who began to be considered the sole and full-fledged leader of the Solntsevo group. At the same time, Mikhas led the activities of the organized crime group while abroad.

Averin brothers

As already mentioned, Viktor Averin (aka Avera Sr.) stood at the origins of the Solntsevo group together with Mikhailov. They are considered the founders and leaders of this organized crime group.

Avera Sr. tried to build a gang in the image of the American mafia, while making certain adjustments related to the Russian mentality. This group was not built on the principles of the thieves' law. Averin, Sergei Mikhailov and Alexander Fedulov formed a completely new type of gang.

It was Avera Sr. who introduced mandatory attendance at gyms and shooting ranges for all members of the group. He also expelled and severely punished those “fighters” who tried to become involved in the use of drugs and alcohol.

Having founded the Solntsevo group, he brought his younger brother into its activities. (aka Avera Jr.) quickly joined the gang and even became one of its leaders.

Currently, both brothers permanently reside abroad, from where they direct the “work” of the criminal group.


In addition to Mikhas, Fedul and the Averin brothers, the Solntsevo group included such authoritative personalities as:

  • Evsey, aka Semyon Shorin, who was responsible for the safety and distribution of the “common fund”, as well as for communication with law enforcement agencies.
  • Yuri Denisov is a kind of treasurer of the criminal group. He had long-standing friendly relations with Mikhas and was his personal economist. He also took an active part in all the financial frauds of the group (with gold, cars, transporting money abroad).
  • Jamal Khachidze (born in 1937), nicknamed Dzhemal, is a recognized thief in law, the highest society of the underworld. He was a mentor and judge of an organized crime group.
  • It is worth noting that this criminal group had a strict hierarchy and delineation of responsibilities and roles. Each authoritative member had his own area of ​​activity, which he supervised and for which he was personally responsible to the leaders of the organized crime group. Also, all the authorities had their own fighters, who unquestioningly followed all the instructions of the leaders.

For example, Nadir is Mikhas’ close associate. His criminal responsibilities included overseeing the automobile business related to the theft of domestic cars and foreign cars. He had a whole staff of qualified car thiefs under his command, as well as experts in cutting license plates on engines and car bodies.

No less significant are Andrei Skrylev and Semyon Mogilevich - loyal friends of Sergei Mikhailov. They were in charge of the gambling business in Moscow and the Moscow region. True, at a certain period Skrylev was out of favor with Mikhas due to drug use. Semyon Mogilevich was a reliable ally and responsible executor of all Mikhailov’s instructions.

Smoked, he was also responsible for automobile transportation to Vnukovo. And Anatoly Anisimov, also known as Budelya, controlled the Vietnamese community in Moscow and the region. In addition, he supervised automobile centers in Solntsevo and Kuntsevo, as well as Mercedes and Volvo auto centers.

Another notable personality is Anatoly Nuriev, vice-president of the Ochakov joint-stock company. Provided the gang with uninterrupted vehicle maintenance. It was at his technical station that stolen cars, spare parts were stored, and license plates were also exchanged. And Aram Atayan began by controlling the thimble makers and other street scammers. Then he began to supervise casinos and gambling clubs in Moscow.

Are there no more Solntsevskys?

Despite the fact that now there is practically no information about the Solntsevo mafia in law enforcement reports, this does not mean at all that this organized crime group has ceased to exist. It continues to be quite large-scale and influential. Moreover, the mafia continues to carry out its activities both in Russia and the countries of the former CIS, and abroad.

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don and Chelyabinsk are not a complete list of those cities where the Solntsevskaya group continues its criminal activities.

Instead of a conclusion

For more than 40 years, many have felt fear at the mere phrase “Solntsevskaya lads”. The history of this group goes back to the turbulent 90s of the last century.

This organized crime group was built according to completely new principles and laws for that time, thanks to which it managed to exist to this day without losing its power and influence. But this criminal group, unfortunately, also owes this to the corruption of law enforcement agencies and other government agencies.

This group is responsible for a huge number of crimes, including such serious ones as murder, extortion, involvement in prostitution and the organization of brothels, arms and drug trafficking. However, despite such a number of criminal acts, only a few of them were solved, and the perpetrators were brought to justice.

godfather "Mikhas" (aka Mikhailov) and agent "Drozdov" (aka Patriarch Alexy)

Many heroes of the dashing 1990s had problems with the law. Some went to the West to do legal business there and became second-class citizens. Others remained in troubled Russia - and were right: now they are respectable entrepreneurs.

“Absolutely a compromise person”

On the entrepreneur's website Sergei Mikhailov there is a letter of gratitude from the organizing committee for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff for financial support: the Participation Foundation, whose board of directors is headed by Mikhailov, allocated 250,000 rubles for the celebration. Mikhailov was also awarded a certificate of honor by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev, “for charitable activities.”

Mikhailov did not always have complete understanding with law enforcement agencies. In October 1996, he was detained in Switzerland and placed in a remand prison. Swiss authorities tried to accuse him of money laundering and being the leader of an organized crime group. Shortly before the arrest, in August, a US FBI report was released on Semyon Mogilevich, in which Mikhailov, along with Viktor Averin, were mentioned among the members of the “Solntsevskaya organization.”

Two years later, the charges were dropped and the Swiss paid the entrepreneur $0.5 million in compensation.

Quote: The Solntsevskaya “brotherhood” is one of the most famous and well-known, as it has spread its influence not only to other regions of the Russian Federation (according to some sources, the Tambovites in St. Petersburg represent the interests of the Solntsevskaya brothers), but also to other countries of the world (including the USA, Italy and other countries). The group took shape by 1988, but the beginning of its activities dates back to the 1970s. The origins of the organization were former waiters with prison experience Sergei Mikhailov (Mikhas) and Victor Averin (Avera Sr.), who built their “brigade” according to Western models. At one time, the Solntsevo organized crime group was considered the youngest and most successful group. http://criminalnaya.ru/publ/37-1-0-455

Upon his release, Mikhailov returned to Russia, where he began to gain a reputation as a businessman and philanthropist.

Part of Mikhailov’s business is connected with Vnukovo. He started here back in the late 1980s. His cooperatives sold flowers and consumer goods next to Mogilevich's stalls. There the entrepreneurs met and became friends, as Mikhailov recalled earlier. Today Mikhailov also has a business at Vnukovo, and these are no longer flower tents, but a cargo complex. Based on SPARK data, Mikhailov and his partners, through the Aerotoria company, control 75% of Vnukovo Terminal CJSC, the revenue of this company in 2009 was 243.7 million rubles.

Until 2004-2005 Vnukovo Airport had a 15% share in the Vnukovo Terminal, says the chairman of the board of directors and co-owner of Vnukovo Vitaly Vantsev. But then, according to him, the airport sold it to Vnukovo Terminal itself, and, on the contrary, bought shares in other companies from Mikhailov, for example, in the aircraft ground handling company Port-VS. In 2005, according to SPARK, its revenue was 233.2 million rubles.

“An absolutely compromising person, it’s very pleasant to deal with him” - this is how Vantsev characterizes Mikhailova, whom he has known for more than 16 years. “We really always find a common language with the airport management, as, in fact, it should be,” agrees Mikhailov.

Mikhailov's partner in another business was Dmitry Amunts, who soon became Deputy Minister of Culture. Until 2003, Mikhailov owned 3.9% of the Mercator company, which supplies road and municipal equipment, as well as cleaning equipment; Amunets had 46.16% (data from the Integrum database). "Mercator Holding", as stated on the company's website, in 1998-2007. earned 3.5 billion rubles from supplies to the state of road and municipal machinery and equipment, and its market share of combined road machines is now more than 42%.

According to the president and co-owner of Mercator Holding Stanislav Nikolaev, Mikhailov helped the company a lot when it started its business. “The plant had a large debt; people had nothing to pay their salaries with. I provided significant assistance. But I had too many other projects, and I eventually left this business, having received everything that was due to me,” confirms Mikhailov. Amunts said that he left the founders of Mercator before entering the civil service, as he put it, “cleaned up all the tails,” and does not want to remember Mikhailov.

Of course, like any respectable businessman, Mikhailov has investments in real estate. His office is located in the Central House of Tourists (CDT) on Leninsky Prospekt. “CDT has a new registered brand - the Astrus Hotel,” says Mikhailov. “We have changed not only the name, but we are changing the very essence of the hotel, improving the number of rooms, expanding the scope of services and infrastructure.” Astrus is owned by MTK-International OJSC, whose website says that Mikhailov and his long-time partner Averin. The total area of ​​the 33-storey complex, built in Soviet times, is 65,000 square meters. m, it has 495 rooms, three restaurants and three conference rooms.


Mikhas - waiter, merchant, philanthropist and simply mafioso .

Some criminologists believe that the main direction of the joint “business” of Yaponchik and Mikhas was the establishment of drug trafficking after the murder of Yaponchik’s previous “companion” – Sylvester. Information was leaked to the press that FBI special agent Lester McNulty, relying on materials from a study of the Russian mafia, in his testimony at the trial in the Yaponchik case, stated that Sergei Mikhailov in early 1995 made an attempt to create his own drug transportation channel and gradually move away from Ivankov.

Sergei Mikhailov, Mike Tyson, Victor Averin

Until 2007, the chairman of the board of directors of CDT was Alex Grim, a US citizen of Russian origin, or Alexander Gromadsky- one of the founding fathers of the Russian entertainment and gambling industry. Mikhailov and Averin were co-owners of the company Alex Grim and Co., and through another company it owned a stake in Rublevo 2, whose assets were 20 hectares on the 1st km of Novorizhskoye Highway. In 2004, the asset was sold to Snegiri Development company Alexander Chigirinsky. 20 hectares of land in this area at that time could cost $10 million, estimated the general director of the Zemer group Ilya Terentyev.

Since January of this year, Mikhailov and Averin have been listed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as co-owners of the Moscow trading and commercial company Dom Furniture. “Now this company has been repurposed, and a food market has begun operating at 101 Leninsky Prospekt,” says Mikhailov.

“He did a very clean business.”

Photo Konstantina Tsyganov hangs on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the “Wanted” section. The operational duty officer of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate confirmed that they are still looking for Tsyganov. But you need to look for it not in Russia, but in Bulgaria. After the death of his brother, the leader of the Uralmash group, Tsyganov, after spending some time in prison, left Russia. In 2001 he received Bulgarian citizenship. In Bulgaria, a donkey and his partner Andrey Panpurin, he has had a residence permit there since 2006. This is evidenced by agreements on the establishment of companies from the Bulgarian Trade Register, where the documents of the founders are indicated.

Quote: One of the most powerful organized crime communities (OCS) in the Urals, Uralmash, was mainly formed in Yekaterinburg by 1991. It all started with a small team of former athletes, friends and relatives who lived in the vicinity of the legendary Uralmash plant. Brothers are considered the founding godfathers of the OPS Grigory and Konstantin Tsyganov. The brothers were joined by relatives, neighbors, classmates, very good acquaintances - Sergey Terentyev, Alexander Khabarov, Sergey Kurdyumov, Alexander Kruk, Sergey Vorobyov, Andrey Panpurin, Igor Mayevsky, and a couple of dozen more people.

In Bulgaria in the early 2000s. Tsyganov and Panpurin went into real estate and agriculture.

According to the Bulgarian Trade Register as of May 2010, Tsyganov is listed as the owner of the Bulgarian companies Laudis Holding Group (66%, his contribution is 2.5 million euros), Laudis Building and KNT. His partner in Laudis Holding (34%, contribution - 1.2 million euros) is Panpurin. The holding includes eight companies that are mainly engaged in real estate projects. The Laudis group of companies has invested in residential and commercial real estate in Sofia and other cities in Bulgaria.

The group began its most famous project in 2007 - the construction of the resort town of Costa del Croco near Tsarevo on the southern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. The seaside project includes a hotel, a residential complex, a shopping and business center, 12 swimming pools, cafes, restaurants, fitness centers, gyms, a beauty salon and shops, as well as a yacht pier. All this on 85 hectares. The real estate was going to be sold, including to clients from Russia. But a crisis occurred and construction stopped in 2009.

Now it is difficult to estimate the cost of the Costa del Croco project: on the coast, behind the fence, the concrete skeletons of unfinished buildings rise, driven in piles and a tower crane stick out. As follows from the website eurostate.ru, 927 apartments and 30 family houses on stilts in the Costa del Croco are valued at approximately 80 million euros.

Now Laudis Property, owned by Panpurin, judging by the advertisements on the Real Estate Abroad and in Russia portal, is selling projects in Bulgaria: a building in the center of Sofia for a casino (area - 3500 sq. m) for $3.5 million, retail space in the center of Sofia (1500 sq. m.) with an approved project for the construction of a casino for 4.35 million euros and another building by the sea in Varna (8000 sq. m.) for 7.5 million euros.

In Bulgaria, Panpurin and the Laudis Holding company own the Nikolovo pig farm for 1,000 sows. “He saved the pig farm, although here many enterprises of this kind were bought in order to destroy them and get land for real estate,” says another Bulgarian partner of Panpurin, adding that the pig farm received 25 million leva (about 12 million euros) of European subsidies for development.

Panpurina's company has a stake in the Pasat-Europe plant in Tsarevo (production of yachts, boats, boats, fiberglass water slides). “We were negotiating in Germany to restore production,” says his partner. But now it will be difficult to implement these plans. In the spring, the Bulgarian authorities decided to expel Panpurin and Tsyganov from the country.

Quote: 10/14/2010. Yesterday it became known about the detention in Sofia (Bulgaria) of one of the founders of the Uralmash OPS, Konstantin Tsyganov, and Andrei Panpurin, who is considered the “financier” of the OPS. They are charged with illegally obtaining Bulgarian citizenship in 2001 and participating in an organized criminal community on the territory of Bulgaria. . http://www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=1521938

“According to two separate orders of the head of the Bulgarian National Security Agency dated March 18, 2010, Tsyganov and Panpurin are subject to deportation from the country,” said an agency representative. He writes that the warrants were issued in accordance with Article 42 of the Bulgarian Law on Foreigners, according to which expulsion can be applied if the presence of people in the country constitutes a serious threat to national security or public order (he does not disclose what exactly the threat is, citing secrecy). . Tsyganov and Panpurin appealed the deportation orders to the Supreme Court of Bulgaria, but on October 5, 2010 the court rejected them; the decision is final.

Before being deported from Bulgaria, Tsyganov and Panpurin were placed in a detention center for the temporary stay of foreigners (in Busmantsi, near Sofia). The residents of the Urals found themselves in the situation of the hero of the film “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia.” “They have to leave Bulgaria, but, as I heard, they don’t have Russian passports, so the situation is quite complicated,” says Panpurin’s partner.

A friend of the “highest political circles of Russia”

When in October 1992 Russian law enforcement agencies carried out an operation against the Malyshev group, a St. Petersburg businessman Gennady Petrov, who was classified as one of the “Malyshevskys,” fled the country and headed for Spain, a Spanish police report says. Petrov finally moved to Spain in 1998. At the same time, he received Greek citizenship and became Gennadius Petrov.


The Tambov-Malyshevskaya criminal group was involved in money laundering, arms trafficking, drug supply, document forgery, cobalt and tobacco smuggling, as well as extortion, bribery of officials and organizing contract killings of unwanted people. . In the late 80s and early 90s, Malyshev’s group (modestly called “empire” by him) was one of the strongest and most numerous in St. Petersburg. It consisted of about 2 thousand fighters andseriously competed with the Tambov ones.

Gennady Petrov and Alexander Malyshev (right)

It is believed that the Solntsevskaya group was formed as an independent organized crime group in 1988 and consisted of former service sector workers with a criminal record. It was believed that at first the Solntsevo gang were led by Sergei Mikhailov and Viktor Averin (Avera Sr.). Soon, criminal brigades from other districts of Moscow joined the Solntsevo gang: Cheryomushki, Chertanovo, Yasenevo. When united with the Orekhovskaya organized crime group, it was named Solntsevsko-Orekhovskaya. This criminal “holding” was led by the notorious Sylvester (Sergei Timofeev), who, as a result of a showdown, was subsequently blown up in his 600 Mercedes.

According to law enforcement agencies, the Solntsevo-Orekhovskaya gang controlled the Moscow Southern River Port and the Western District of the capital, and their sphere of influence included the gambling business. As it developed, the organized crime group began to engage in smuggling, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, extortion and many other especially dangerous crimes. Sylvester was one of the first leaders of an organized crime group to begin investing money obtained through criminal means into legal businesses - over a hundred banks and companies were registered with members of the group in Russia and Crimea.

It was claimed that Solntsevo at one time had several large metropolitan hotels, a casino, and the Solntsevo car market. In addition, in the 90s, the organized crime group controlled the groups that “patronized” AvtoVAZ, had financial interests in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, and was paid by Baltic criminal gangs. The Solntsevskys also gained fame because of their bloody battles for the redistribution of spheres of influence with ethnic groups, in particular with Caucasians.

In August 1995, law enforcement agencies carried out a large-scale operation “Sunset” against the Solntsevo family, in which almost 500 employees of various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took part. However, information about the action was leaked to the organized crime group, and the police were able to detain only one authority of the group - Alexey Kataev, nicknamed Cyclops, who, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was involved in protecting financial pyramids, which included Chara Bank.