The Moon in Pisces speaks of sensitivity, strong receptivity and deep impressionability. People with the Moon in Pisces are usually calm, friendly, compliant, they love comfort, convenience, not only at home, but everywhere they happen to be. They have a rich imagination, a vivid imagination, vivid dreams that take them away from the real world into the world of illusions. This, however, is good soil for creative activity, but it makes them helpless and vulnerable to the reality of life. They are pliable, non-aggressive, always give in, but this is not because they agree with what is happening, but because of mental instability, inability to defend their opinion and out of fear of offending someone. They themselves are very vulnerable and dependent on their mood and momentary mood. They have a quick and sharp reaction to any irritant, both external and internal - they often withdraw into themselves, and nothing can bring them out of this state.

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Therefore, often these people outwardly look indifferent, lethargic, dreamy and phlegmatic, but in fact they are subject to very strong and deep emotional experiences. In addition, they are compassionate, merciful, intuitively understand people and feel their condition, especially those who need help. The fate of many of these people is unusual, and their lives are unique. For the most part, they are endowed with phenomenal or extrasensory abilities; they are mediums and clairvoyants. They are idealists, romantics and utopians, they believe in God, even if they received an atheistic upbringing.

If the Moon is damaged - infantilism, passivity, inertia, laziness, attacks of apathy, distrust or painful excessive gullibility, indecisiveness, inconstancy in love and friendship. They are haunted by various fears and litigation, often of a financial nature. Often this position of the Moon indicates a strong tendency towards intrigue and gossip; snitching, anonymous accounts, self-deception, fraud, addictions, and an immoral lifestyle are not excluded.

A favorable configuration with Mars promotes everything related to creative activity.

Unfavorable configuration with malefic planets – poor health, mental disorders.

Characteristics of the Moon in Pisces

in - related.

Feeling + expectation = hope

Keyword: emotional instinctiveness.

Positive qualities of the Moon in Pisces: waiting, emotionality, good nature, willingness to help, helpfulness, sociability, sensitivity, sometimes medial predisposition.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Pisces: carelessness, instability, susceptibility to influence, temptation, lack of ability to resist, lack of vitality, dependence of mood, inferiority complex, danger of being used and letting everything take its course, tendency to enjoyment.

Violations of Moon aspects: tendency to intrigue and deception.

Features in the male horoscope: a man with Moon in Pisces wants a devoted, kind and compassionate partner who will greatly influence him and become necessary in his personal life, but not necessarily in his career.

Features in the female horoscope: In a woman's horoscope, excessive emotions can lead to health problems. Women with this Moon position usually marry late. At the same time, this position indicates someone a quiet magnetism that attracts men.

Health disorders: leg diseases (swelling), colds, digestive disorders, need for drugs, addiction to alcohol.

Moon in Pisces in the natal chart:

You are easily influenced by outsiders, full of understanding and very kind-hearted. You are an emotionally naive person who is constantly dismissive of other people's shortcomings. At the same time, you are easily vulnerable and tend to be sad and cry over every little thing.

You do not like cold and objective facts; you are overly sensitive in relationships with people. Sometimes you lack a sense of humor and common sense.

Your senses can deceive you due to your highly developed romanticism and optimism. You see everything in a rosy light. Because you try to see only the good in everything, you are frightened by reality and the truth of life. You are talented in music, poetry and art.

Depending on the aspects, this may be the best or worst position of the Moon. If the position is favorable, you are a real dreamer, but if it is unfavorable, this can lead to complete self-deception or loss in illusions. You are a quiet, compassionate, friendly, gentle person. You have a good character, but you are too insecure and dreamy. You often change your mind, so you can be cowardly and prone to depression.

The Moon in this position appears in those who have unmanifested extrasensory abilities. When do you want to implement someone plan, then you are faced with many difficulties due to which you are very upset. You need love and protection, you love beauty, harmony and comfort, if this is not there, then you suffer.

The Moon in kinship contributes to the strong sensitivity of Pisces in the near world. People of this psychotype experience a feeling of maternal tenderness towards all children of the Earth, human, animal and plant. The moon endows this psychotype with a strong instinct of self-preservation, intuition, the ability to read dreams, and find answers to everyday questions in them. In their natural state, Pisces are dreamy, absent-minded and tender, vulnerable.

Moon in the decanate sign of Pisces

Lack of will, little vital energy. Unhealthy, sleepy calm. Tendency to passive pleasures, passive experiences. Internal hesitations prevent you from making the right choice.

Love of home and family life. Hospitality, sociability, luxury, comfort, inactivity, laziness.

Activity, strength, energy, desire to act. Increased interest in the opposite sex, sexual adventures. With negative aspects to the Moon - internal anxiety and mental restlessness, internal struggle.

Historical persons with Moon in Pisces

Charles VII, Johannes Morinus, Francesco Petrarca, Leonardo da Vinci, Henri Lafontaine, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Honore Daumier, Edgar Allan Poe, A. S. Eliseev.

Moon transit through Pisces

The Moon in the sign of Pisces increases sensitivity, people want care, attention, understanding and sympathy. At the same time, they become more suspicious and distant. The transit Moon in Pisces can cause self-pity, a desire for solitude, a desire to escape from problems, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages and drugs. But it is precisely at this time that talents most often emerge, and unexpected solutions are found for old problems. The sense of reality is weakening, so it is better not to take on important matters, but this period is conducive to clarifying the facts.

Children become more sensitive than usual, capricious, whiny, find it difficult to concentrate in class, and prefer to “fly in the clouds.”

At this time, you cannot give free rein to negative emotions, as this will not only not help you discharge, but, on the contrary, will unsettle you for a long time. It is better to communicate with those people who are pleasant. It is useful to be in nature at this time, especially near bodies of water - it increases your tone and adds mental strength. It is not recommended to contact fortune tellers, as their prediction may turn out to be false or be misinterpreted. Caution is required when taking medications; it is advisable to limit the amount of fluid consumed.

With a damaged Moon, all the above qualities are enhanced with a negative slant. Self-pity can cause bouts of blues, even depression. Often there is a desire to run away from problems, up to complete isolation and reluctance to communicate with anyone. Whims, reproaches, complaints, and tearfulness are possible. People experience unreasonable anxiety, they are tormented by fears, vague premonitions, and may have nightmares. Naturally, the strength of these manifestations depends on the planets that the Moon aspects and the aspects that the Moon has in the natal chart. You should be careful with medications; for chronic patients these days, it is better to slightly reduce the dose prescribed by the doctor. There is also the danger of accidental poisoning with household chemicals, errors in prescribing and administering medications, etc. (in case of additional instructions in the natal chart).

good time

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for preparatory work, concluding contracts, capital investments;
  • for social activities;
  • to solve legal problems, initiate trials and proceedings;
  • for cases related to hospitals, monasteries, closed institutions;
  • to visit foreign countries, communicate with foreigners;
  • for appeals to sponsors, patronage of the arts, charity events, protection of human rights, helping the sick, disabled, disabled, people deprived of life and fate;
  • for advertising, public speaking, creative work and everything related to art, including communicating with artistic people;
  • for dating, love affairs, intimate contacts, engagements, family celebrations, parties;
  • for marriage, provided that the Moon is in the first half of Pisces;
  • for foreign trips, recreation, hiking, excursions, trips to water basins and sea spaces, best on the 8th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 25th Lunar day, for training and the use of phenomenal abilities, meditation, entering or inducing trance, parapsychological experiments, fortune telling, conducting hypnotic, mediumistic and spiritualistic sessions and other spiritual and occult practices;
  • to visit church, communicate with spiritual people and clergy;
  • to visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool;
  • for fishing, hunting, fishing, brewing beer;
  • for new buildings, agriculture;
  • for planting, replanting, fertilizing and watering plants, mowing lawns.

Bad timing

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for new businesses, enterprises and big endeavors;
  • for a trip to the mountains, mountaineering;
  • to contact fortune tellers and soothsayers;
  • for hair cutting, pedicure;
  • for some types of canning (salting, pickling, fermenting, that is, those that involve the addition or release of liquids; but if the harvest is harvested during the Moon in Pisces, then any preparations are not recommended);
  • for operations on ankles, feet, toes, tendons, ligaments, digestive system organs, lymph nodes;
  • for foot massage, water treatment procedures, taking narcotic drugs.


  • promise more than you can deliver;
  • deception, fraud, spiritual traps;
  • various kinds of excesses associated with food, alcohol and sex;
  • poisoning, viral and infectious diseases.


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

Feeling + expectation - hope

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The Moon in Pisces in a man's natal chart is not a very good position, as it adds sentimentality, vulnerability, and touchiness with or without reason. But this is one of the positions of the romantics. It’s hard for men with the moon in Pisces, because this position gives them qualities that are by no means masculine. Men can also get involved in alcohol, drugs, games, esotericism, and religion. For example, the famous occultist Papus has just such a position. They may have breakdowns and whims.

Despite the large number of disadvantages, men with the moon in Pisces understand women if other horoscope indicators contribute to this. This man is looking for a soft and kind woman, whom he will choose as his soulmate. We should remember that the Moon in Pisces is the image of a wife in a man’s natal chart. Men with the Moon in Pisces are compatible with creative, mysterious women. He himself is quite sentimental, is flexible in his approaches to problems, and creatively solves various everyday issues. He needs not only to understand her, but to merge with her, to become one.

Men with Moon in Pisces

The Moon in Pisces indicates strong receptivity, sensitivity, and deep impressionability. Men with the Moon in Pisces are calm, friendly, compliant and love comfort, not only at home, but also where they happen to be. They have a rich imagination, a vivid imagination, and see vivid dreams that lead them into the world of illusions. For them this is an excellent ground for creativity. But sometimes leaving reality makes them vulnerable and helpless. They are non-aggressive, pliable, often give in, but not because they agree with what is happening, but because of mental instability and inability to defend their opinion or out of fear of offending someone.

These men are dependent on their mood, endowed with a quick reaction to any irritant, both internal and external, which is why they often withdraw into themselves, and then nothing can bring them out of this state. Outwardly they look lethargic, indifferent, phlegmatic, dreamy, but in fact they are subject to deep and strong emotional experiences. Plus, they are merciful, compassionate, intuitively feel and understand people, especially those who need help.

The Moon in Pisces for men gives an extraordinary destiny and a unique life. They are often endowed with extrasensory and phenomenal gifts. These are real romantics, idealists and utopians, often believers, even if they were raised atheist. With negative character development, they show passivity, infantilism, inertia, indecision, attacks of apathy, laziness, distrust or morbid gullibility, as well as inconstancy in friendship and love. Such men are tormented by various litigations and fears, often of a monetary nature. The Moon in Pisces speaks of a clear tendency to gossip and intrigue; anonymous accounts, snitching, fraud, self-deception and an immoral lifestyle are not excluded.

When the ward of the Moon in the sign of Pisces hesitates, he becomes indecisive, difficult to concentrate and secretive. It is worth noting that in astrology the position of the Moon in the sign of Pisces is the most complete, since the Moon is “visiting” Neptune. Such a man has a lot of information in his subconscious about past lives, so their inner world is extremely rich. He is characterized by sensitivity, weakness and secrecy. He is responsive and those around him respond in kind.

The moon gives him amazing restraint. Moon Pisces regularly hesitate and take the easy way out in difficult situations, which is often the result of a lack of courage. Sensitivity sometimes pushes them to use tricks in difficult situations. Compassion, kindness and a strong desire to help put a strain on their bank account. In general, in financial matters, men with the moon in Pisces are not businesslike and can easily harm themselves.

As fathers, they are incredibly sensitive and responsive, caring for their offspring in all areas of life. Such a man is unusually light-hearted, full of sympathy for others, and his understanding borders on telepathy. He simply cannot stand it when a living being, human or animal, suffers before his eyes. Knowing about such responsiveness and kindness, people suffering from mental pain or in a confused state turn to the “lunar” Pisces for help. Often abusing their soft-heartedness.

The soul of such a man is very poetic, he loves music and truly feels it. Many of his feelings are vague and foggy, so it is not easy for him to convey what he really thinks about life. Music seems to be his natural means of communication. In love, such representatives of the Moon in the sign of Pisces are very romantic, but often they are in love not so much with a specific person, but with the relationship itself, in a pleasant state. Their vivid imagination, hypersensitivity and receptivity to the feelings and thoughts of others are manifested in music and poetry, and a love of travel.

They are endowed with courtesy, sympathy, shyness and mental vulnerability, which is why they often feel insulted. They may suffer from persecution mania, and if upset, then from a lack of sense of humor and common sense. They suffer from melancholy, absent-mindedness, neglect of their own appearance, and may be susceptible to mental illness and isolation. Such a man understands the meaning of religious life and has meditation and psychic abilities.

They need to learn not to let their feelings influence their judgments and views. Since they are easily influenced by other people, they need to learn to say a firm “no” so as not to get involved in actions that contradict one another. They can often be seen as volunteers working for charitable organizations. They can cry easily, are sometimes very absent-minded, and willingly write and read. Such men are emotionally naive, so they constantly neglect the shortcomings of the people around them.

They tend to feel sad over every little thing. They do not like objective and cold facts, and in relationships they show excessive sensitivity. Their senses often fail them; due to their highly developed romanticism and optimism, they tend to see everything in pink. They try to notice only the good in everything; the reality and truth of life scares them. Depending on the aspects, this may be the worst or the best position of the Moon. If the position is favorable, then the man will be a real dreamer, but if it is unfavorable, then this will lead to complete self-deception and loss in illusions.

He is a calm, gentle and friendly person with a good character, but too insecure and dreamy. Due to frequent changes of opinion on one issue or another, he can be quite cowardly and prone to depression. The Moon appears in this position for those who have unmanifested extrasensory abilities. When he wants to carry out any plan, he encounters many difficulties, because of which he is always very upset. He needs protection and love, loves harmony, beauty and comfort, if this is absent, then he suffers greatly.

In a word, representatives of such a horoscope experience a feeling of maternal tenderness towards all humanity, animals and plants, all living things. The moon endows this psychotype with the strongest instinct of self-preservation, intuition, and the ability to find answers to any everyday questions in their dreams. In their natural state, these men are dreamy, gentle, absent-minded and vulnerable.

The sign of Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the godly planet. The Moon symbolizes the mind, so a person with the Moon in the sign of Pisces understands the meaning of religious life and has psychic and meditation abilities. Such people are observant and receptive. There is hesitation in their mind, an inability to make a choice. They are sensitive, emotional, sometimes biased. They should not allow their feelings to influence their views and judgments. They are romantic and dreamy, have an easy, compliant character, outwardly somewhat unstable, but having decided on something, they act quite confidently. They are easily influenced by others and should learn to say “no” so as not to become involved in conflicting actions. Such people have a good heart, they are generous, generous and happy to serve. Often such people can be seen volunteering in charitable societies. Tears easily appear in their eyes. They read and write willingly, and are sometimes absent-minded.
According to Brihad Jataka, a person with Moon in Pisces will “trade seafood products or earn money by working in transport. He will use the property of other people, have a beautiful, well-built body, a large head. He will love beautiful clothes. Such people are strongly influenced influenced by the other sex, they have very beautiful eyes, fair complexion. They will enjoy the possession of hidden treasure or knowledge valued by ordinary people." These people are beautiful, have dignity and are trustworthy.

Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Here the Moon is in the sign of the element of Water, visiting Neptune and Jupiter. This appears to be the best position for the Moon.
In general, the presence of the Moon in a water sign gives a very strong intuition, but, as a rule, only superficial intuition; it is associated with the perception of already manifested things that are “on the surface”. And Neptune gives an intuitive comprehension of deep things, hidden secret processes, a feeling of world harmony and ideal. Therefore, you will usually be attuned to the perception of everything deep, hidden and secret; you will most likely have formed a very rich inner world with very deep experiences. Usually you try to hide the depth of your inner world from others, and in some cases you can be very sentimental. You are quite capable of comprehending the secret meaning of things, have a very good sense of rhythm (because Neptune shows a sense of rhythm and musical harmony). You may have excellent musical abilities, you are likely to be very perceptive and an excellent student in almost any field. Pisces give a deep perception of information, and you usually do not absorb it superficially, but feel its inner harmony, inner essence.
This often happens with occultists and mediums. You seem to be susceptible to hypnosis and can often exhibit mediumistic abilities while in a state of hypnosis, although this may not be observed in a normal state. Unfortunately, among people with the Moon in Pisces there are many alcoholics, drug addicts, fanatics, since Pisces are associated with a sense of ideal, harmony, and if you do not see this and cannot perceive it, then an inappropriate environment may develop around you, in which case you will strive for compensation and can replace what is missing with illusions, delusional ideas (fanaticism) or through chemical substitutes (alcohol, drugs). That is, how to create some kind of artificial state that would become a surrogate for this feeling of harmony in the world. At the same time, you can be very suggestible and attached to loved ones (especially for women). You are most likely also characterized by some internal lethargy, sentimentality and secrecy. You may also be an excellent student or an excellent musician. Women with the Moon in Pisces are very gentle if the Moon is not afflicted.
You are also often capable of selflessness - this position of the Moon is perhaps the only one in which a person is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. In other signs this manifests itself somewhat differently. Not only Pisces, but also people with different positions of planets in signs, even Aries, can go to death, however, for him it will simply be an impulse of action, he is overwhelmed with energy. Capricorn can sacrifice himself to achieve his goal, but not in the name of a specific person, and we were just talking about the highest manifestations of the Moon in Pisces.
Medical contraindications. You have an increased susceptibility to all infectious diseases, possible foot diseases, deformation of bone tissue, bones in the foot area. There may be overgrowth of bone tissue, calluses, and increased sweating. The Moon in Pisces can manifest itself in foot and ankle injuries, cones and crooked fingers, growths, and a tendency to blood poisoning. Any contagious disease can cause you to have blood poisoning, a tendency to edema, and not just your feet. You have a craving for strong medications, alcohol and drugs.
During the transit Moon in Pisces, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquids (especially alcohol) - this is unsafe, since there is a connection with the kidneys (Venus is exalted in Pisces). Vulnerable skin, increased risk of allergies. Surgeries and procedures on the sensory organs, liver and legs are dangerous.
At the same time, you need to walk less, as your legs are more sensitive; you need to wear soft shoes. The danger of fungal diseases is strong. Foot massage, water treatments, and taking narcotic drugs and medications are contraindicated.

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Increased sensitivity, receptivity to the feelings and thoughts of others. This gives a feeling of mental vulnerability and forces one to isolate oneself for the purpose of self-defense. Tendency towards parapsychology. Lively imagination, which manifests itself in poetry and music. Courtesy, compassion towards others. With bad aspects, they constantly feel insulted, persecution mania, and other neurotic and psychopathic tendencies. Often extreme shyness.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Acute sensitivity, feelings overflow, drowning in endless impressions. The need to be devoted to another person, to feel needed. The woman is romantic, dependent, and needs protection. Sometimes there is a masochistic attachment. The man is vulnerable, looking for a companion who would understand his fears and worries. Tendency to imaginary escape.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Water signs. High sensitivity, ability to react to the slightest changes from the outside. It closes under external pressure, but can give an unexpected reaction. The inner world will reveal itself only in harmonious conditions. Very emotional.
Moon in Pisces, One of the most fulfilling positions is visiting its highest octave - Neptune. The subconscious contains a lot of information about past lives. Strong intuition and rich inner world.
They are characterized by innate lethargy, sentimentality, and secrecy. They are very helpful people, but everyone else wants to help them too. They have fantastic endurance. These are happy women, gentle, selfless. These are excellent students and excellent musicians.

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

The Moon makes Pisces extremely sensitive to their environment; it must exactly correspond to their evolutionary level, otherwise they become bored and disorderly or suffocate.
An undeveloped Moon gives a capricious and hypersensitive Pisces, who find it difficult to deal with the real world, and when it does not suit her, she floats away into the boundless expanses of her imagination.
This position of the Moon is typical for subtle natures: poets, artists, musicians, what is called bohemia. They serve the subtle world, and the laws of the gross are not written for them, or rather, they are written, but not the same as for the rest, but which ones they must understand for themselves, so as not to degrade and end up in a madhouse, which is likely with severe defeat.
The high level of elaboration of the Moon in Pisces produces the most subtle mystics (other aspects should indicate this) who are able to reach the highest astral planes.
With defeat and weak energy, there is a great danger of becoming a victim of manipulators, magicians and lower astral entities or programs (so-called mediumship).
Very high flexibility and empathy in communication; Lunar Pisces can lift you to the heights of ecstasy and throw you into the abyss of hellish torment - and sometimes she does this in turn, becoming a good black teacher.
Here, the full development of the Moon in Pisces is extremely difficult, since it requires mastery of a very subtle instrument.
Complex: “I have nothing existentially to rely on in this world.”

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in Zodiac Signs

You are unusually light-hearted, full of sympathy for people, and this understanding of their feelings and needs borders on telepathy. You cannot stand it when a living being, be it a person or an animal, suffers before your eyes. Knowing your kindness and responsiveness, people suffering from mental pain or in a confused state often turn to you for help. Sometimes they abuse your soft-heartedness.
You have a poetic soul, you love and feel music. Many of your feelings are foggy and vague, so you cannot easily convey what you think about life. It sounds like music is your natural language. In love you are romantic, often in love not so much with the person as with the relationship itself, with this pleasant state.
Hypersensitivity, receptivity to the thoughts and feelings of other people like a sponge, a vivid imagination that manifests itself in poetry and music. Love of travel.
Agreeable, sympathetic, shy and mentally vulnerable, often feel insulted, suffer from delusions of persecution, and if upset, then lack common sense and a sense of humor.
Melancholy, absent-mindedness, neglect of one's appearance, threat of mental illness and isolation. All diseases begin through the legs.

Planets in signs. The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash

Kindness, compassion, religiosity or mystery, self-sufficiency, imagination. The Moon in Pisces is sensitive to environmental conditions, therefore it strives not to give in to its position and maintain stable emotional attachments. The ability to pass through the rhythms of the environment creates mental strength and turns out to be very beneficial in the field of music (Bach, Glinka, Schubert, Ravel, Mahler, Respighi, Rimsky-Korsakov). These are people who understand religion well (Pascal, Augustine, M. Luther, Ramakrishna), although not necessarily very religious (Moliere). Sometimes this gives a tendency towards mysticism (Edgar Allan Poe, Hoffmann). The Moon in Pisces predetermines attentiveness to one’s own and others’ psyche, which helps to overcome obstacles and failures fixed by the inertia of mental processes, similar to the intuitive search of Cancer. The difference is that a feeling is expressed outward when it finds a form that is not necessarily simple, but certainly beautiful. Like Leo, the soul for Pisces is, first of all, its own soul (and not a social affiliation, as with Sagittarius and Aquarius). Accordingly, she respects others - hence the goodwill. In its spiritual fullness, the Moon in Pisces is somewhat self-sufficient - but this is compensated by receptivity to changes in the external world and beauty. A person strives to achieve aesthetics in his home; he is attracted to beautiful relationships with people.

Why does a man get married? What needs is he trying to satisfy in the relationship? His Moon knows these secrets. It is she who symbolizes the role that a woman should play in a man’s life. Let's ask Vasilisa Volodina, a famous professional astrologer, in addition, she can rightfully be called an expert in relationships between men and women, what you need for a man with the Moon in Pisces:

For a man with Moon in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio or Moon in Pisces The leading instincts in life are the instincts of biological survival, namely the search for food, self-preservation and procreation. Love and hunger rule their world. Well, of course, this is not at all does not mean that the most important thing for them is to eat and have sex, but they feel calm and balanced precisely when these basic needs are fully satisfied. I called the type of woman with whom they are able to stay for a long time “Mother”.

Moreover, this concept is double - you must become not only his own mother (feed, give rest, a feeling of peace and security), but also provide regular sex life and give birth to children (instinct of procreation). That is, to be a mother to himself and his children. Deep down, all men with Moon in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio or Moon in Pisces They need unconditional love from a woman. They remain defenseless little boys forever. who want to hide under the wing of a woman, hoping that she will warm, feed, caress and protect him, no matter what happens. As composer Shainsky (born December 12, 1925, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Aquarius) says about his wife, who is 41 years younger than him: “My wife knows how to cook Ukrainian borscht and protects me from all misfortunes.”

Here is a comprehensive list of what is important for a man who is looking for his “mother”: food, sex, health, his parents and his children, his psychological balance. You have to really take care of all this if you plan to become not just his girlfriend, but also his wife. Someone will object - yes, this is important for everyone! Probably yes, but men with the “Mother” type of preference simply cannot live without all of the above. Perhaps some of you are already scared and think that a man in search of a “mother” plans to sit on his wife’s neck and survive at her expense. This is a misconception.

Just as a child doesn’t care how much his mother earns and how she feeds him, this man just doesn’t care about a woman’s earnings - physical and emotional comfort from communicating with her, love in the family will stimulate him to independent success. First of all, you must be the creator of a cozy home that he will want to return to. Only here “comfort” should not be confused with the word “order”; they do not always intersect. He should have an idea of ​​home as a safe haven, where he can hide from the world after a hard day and where he is definitely loved, where there are no enemies. Try to organize your family life with this man so that raids from relatives (on both sides) do not bother you often. If it is not possible to live separately from his parents, organize for him his own corner (a separate room or chair), which no one ever occupies and where he can relax, come to his senses, and deal with his feelings. Let him get enough sleep: the worst sin with a man of this type is getting him up at six in the morning on the weekend “to go for a run” (unless he started it himself).

Be sure to learn how to cook deliciously and don’t try to limit your food intake. For him, eating well is a basic, basic need. And if you understand that a further affair with food could end badly for him, correct this topic, persistently, but very gently - like a real mother. Try to take the quality of the food, not the quantity. Emphasize the health benefits of diet. In general, take care of his health not only with passive sympathy: “What a pity that you got sick! Will you go to the doctor yourself or call him at home?” You should, when you see an illness, make an appointment with a doctor yourself, and put on a thermometer, and brew some tea with raspberries, and give him this tea. In a state of illness, he is lost and is not always able to take care of himself - well, just like a small child.

Do not think that I am calling for the development of immaturity in a man. Everything has its limit; you don’t need to stir the sugar in your tea with a spoon. But precisely with With the help of your care, he can feel that he is loved and feel the value of marriage. By the way, men with the Moon in Cancer, the Moon in Scorpio and the Moon in Pisces often do not consider it shameful to help their spouse with housework - stand at the stove, sit with the children, help with preparing a holiday or cleaning, because this also has to do with his own comfort.

Never deny him sex, for him this is tantamount to refusing food. In the case of this man, it is completely unacceptable to “punish” or try to control his behavior in this way. A mother is the one who feeds and cuddles, despite the fact that she is angry and dissatisfied with something. By the way, even before marrying this man, be sure to ask how he sees the “childish” question for himself, how many children he would like. Men in whose horoscope the Moon is located in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are often openly child-loving and imagine an ideal marriage as one with many children. This is a fundamental issue for him; it is better to agree right away.

Treat him and your relatives with respect and attention. Do not refuse them help and care. Emphasize that you are all one family, and make an effort to call your mother-in-law not Angela Mikhailovna, but mom. If he himself has a complicated or ambiguous relationship with his family, try to immediately delve into this issue, understand who is who, and correctly “fit” into this established world.

An example of a man with a water Moon is our brilliant contemporary Michael Jackson (born August 29, 1958, Moon in Pisces, Venus in Leo). Although Michael endured a lot of attacks about his sexual orientation, he managed to get married twice. Nothing much is known about his marriages except that he loved his three children very much and spent a lot of time with them. By the way, this one of the needs of these men is to keep their personal lives secret, without dwelling too much on it - it’s calmer, and they need psychological peace no less than they need food and sex. The topic of relatives has also always been very important for Michael: a bunch of brothers and sisters, a tense relationship with his father, but a very warm relationship with his mother - right up to his death.

And finally, the painfully important topic of health - the hyperbaric chamber, pathological disgust and masks in public, at the same time endless plastic surgeries. Perhaps the singer’s path would not have been so tragic if he had happened to meet a woman who could become his real mother. Keep in mind that men with the Moon in Cancer, the Moon in Scorpio and the Moon in Pisces are extremely vulnerable, anxious, sensitive and suspicious people who need constant reassurance and encouragement from the woman they love.

Race car driver Michael Schumacher (January 3, 1969, Moon in Cancer, Venus in Aquarius) was much luckier. He found his beloved, who bore him children and gives him constant care and affection. As Michael himself says, happiness is family, children, a beautiful home and money to spend on a quiet, peaceful life. Michael's wife found the right key to his heart: after another injury, in order for him to think about his health, she refused to give birth to his second child. And she changed her decision only after Michael reconsidered his view on risk in the profession. Everyone thinks that Michael is a brutal reckless driver, but he loves to cook Italian pasta on his own and tinker with the children at home, sharing all household responsibilities with his wife.

I noticed that male actors with the Moon in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces often achieve success in the roles of “simple guys”, sometimes not very intellectual, but attractive for their closeness to the people and basic life values. Still, it’s easy for an artist to play himself, it’s more convincing! An example is the magnificent actor Sergei Bezrukov (October 18, 1973, Moon in Cancer, Venus in Sagittarius). With all the scale of his talent, his roles always show a touching, slightly naive mixture of a sensitive man and a child, so close to the Russian soul: Yesenin, Bely in “The Brigade” or policeman Kravtsov in “The Station”. His wife Irina says about him this way: “...When Sergei comes home, he is laconic and calm. He wants to be looked after, fed, listened to. There is no stress or company at home. The husband comes home as if to a place where he wants to isolate himself from the bustle of the world. He once said: “If you liked to gather noisy companies at home, I probably wouldn’t have been able to stand it for long.” Seryozha goes straight home after work.”

Another “simple guy” of our screen is the wonderful actor Viktor Loginov (February 13, 1975, Moon in Pisces, Venus in Pisces), who became very famous in the role of Gena Bukin (TV series “Happy Together”) - simple, sometimes to the point of cynicism, a man burdened with his family and its survival. Victor himself is the father of five children and hosts a television program with a title appropriate for this astrological type, “Eat and Lose Weight!” As I have said, The theme is “I want to eat!” very relevant for men with a water Moon and certainly plays out in their biography along with the themes of procreation and psychological comfort.

Also, ideal compliance with the image of a “mother” suggests that a woman should be able to save a man in a difficult situation - like a real mother. For example, musicians Robbie Williams (February 13, 1974, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Capricorn) and Sergei Mazaev (December 7, 1959, Moon in Pisces, Venus in Libra) openly admit that the women they loved pulled them out of many years of drunkenness.

Perhaps all of the listed features of this astrological type are clearly demonstrated by the famous journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov (October 20, 1963, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio) treats his family and wife with exceptional tenderness. He is proud of his children, of whom there are already seven, and of his parents. Despite the fact that Vladimir is more often interested in acute social problems in his work, the topic of nutrition did not bypass him - there was excess weight, and the fight against it, and even the publication of a special book on this topic.

If you manage to properly build a relationship with this man and become a real “Mother” to him, he will be attached to you forever and obedient like a child, or almost like a child. One of the strongest marriages in our show business is the Strizhenov family. Alexander Strizhenov (born June 6, 1969, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Sagittarius) met his wife Ekaterina as a teenager, and they have been together ever since. Under the watchful supervision of his wife, Alexander tries to follow a diet and struggles with excess weight, since the topic of love for food has not passed him by. He himself says this: “Wise women always pretend that they are sheep around a shepherd, but in fact they lead. In general, real men are henpecked. And those who consider themselves the center of the Universe are complex types. I am henpecked. My women pretend that I am in charge, but in reality I am completely subordinate to them.”

Based on materials from books by V. Volodina.

Each horoscope is as unique as its owner. In addition to the position of Venus in a sign, there are many other indicators in the horoscope that determine how a man will behave in a relationship and what to expect from a woman. Find out from a professional astrologer how your man’s heart opens.

The dominant Moon in Pisces for a man speaks of receptivity and a balanced character. Being under the protection of a celestial body, men have a developed imagination and deep impressionability. The tandem inscribed in the horoscope forms an extraordinary, reliable personality. They strive for women who can create coziness and comfort.

What does the Moon in Pisces mean for a man?

A man with the Moon in Pisces is a rare combination of deep expression and external peace. Their character is harmonious and balanced. There are no sudden surges in emotions. Any internal message gains strength gradually.

The presence of the Moon at the head of the “house” means a romantic nature. Impressionability is compensated by a sense of duty to create a safe haven. These people are attached to the material world. They create a cozy place, which takes 50% of their effort.

For astrologers, the presence of a tandem indicates that the Moon in Pisces affects religiosity. Representatives of this zodiac attach great importance to spiritual development. Men of this sign act according to the dictates of their hearts.

Profession of a man with the Moon at the head of the “house”:

  • psychologist;
  • actor;
  • writer;
  • fashion designer;
  • seamstress;
  • tattoo artist;
  • artist;
  • musician;
  • teacher;
  • politician;
  • volunteer.

A striking characteristic of the image of the Moon in Pisces is the search for a soul mate. They make good fathers and caring sons. These are reliable partners who demand from their half a reverent attitude towards the family.

It is typical for carriers of the Moon in the horoscope to take any experiences to heart. The depth of their emotional attitude to the situation makes them good interlocutors. They are sensitive leaders and caring psychologists. It is in their nature to listen to other people's problems. The moon is the mother planet. That is why it is their characteristic feature to surround their inner circle with care.

How to win a man with the Moon in Pisces

Do you want to start a relationship if the man has the Moon in Pisces? Remember the main rule: no superficiality. The subject of your attention should occupy you 80%. These are people with developed intuition and subtle psychologists. They cannot be carried out with an external ostentatious attitude.

For men with the Pisces and Moon tandem, the main thing in love is interest. You shouldn't start a relationship if you decide to just try. Pisces just as easily leave those who do not live up to their expectations. They won't look for a reason for long. For them, breaking off a relationship is as easy as entering one.

However, if the subject of your attention is truly dear, he will make every effort to maintain the bond. Attracting the attention of a man with the Moon and Pisces tandem is not difficult. They love romantic and enthusiastic people. Show off your cooking talents and show off your hobbies. It would be enough.

In relationships, Pisces are caring and attentive. You will be provided with walks, trips to restaurants and frequent gifts. The main thing is not to create monotony. Be creative in choosing the location and format of meetings. Get ready for men of this type to worry about little things. This is a part of their nature that they will never get rid of.

White Moon in Pisces for a man

If a man has a white Moon in Pisces in his horoscope, he will attract harmony into his environment. Compassion and care will surround him at the initial stage of his life's journey. These people have vivid dreams, often prophetic. Sharp intuition helps them avoid the most cunning traps. On the path of life, they avoid pitfalls well.

Selena gives Pisces long-suffering. This promotes the path of the heart. They know how to guide with the power of love and can reach the most callous of natures. Men with the Moon in Pisces can become priests who will be loved and revered by others.

An enormous amount of patience and faith in the power of creativity helps these people take care of the mentally ill, the lost and the lonely. They can establish relationships with the most controversial personalities. Their spiritual impulses are perceived not as immaturity, but as heights of spirit and thoughts. That is why they make good leaders who are respected by the team.

A stable psyche and intuition generate inner peace. They make good spiritual teachers. They perceive everything around them through the unity of the world. A non-trivial approach to information allows you to choose only what you need, cutting off false solutions. The main task of men with Selena at the head of the house is to decide on the choice of life path. The further development of well-being will depend on this.

Black Moon in Pisces for a man

The presence of a black Moon in Pisces for a man indicates the protection of Neptune and Jupiter. This enhances the influence of the water element on human life. Lilith acts as a dark patron. Such leadership leads to the emergence of temptations in a man’s life, a desire to exceed his authority.

Lilith at the head of the house means:

desire to succumb to intoxication;

passion for spiritualism;

internally inflated self-esteem;

loss of a sober view of things;

desire for ambitious plans;

the desire to become a criminal, a dictator;

desire to violate one's own code.

Succumbing to the influence of the Dark Moon, Pisces lose their sense of direction. Life begins to become chaotic. Which leads to internal alienation. As a result, a man becomes a criminal, drug addict or alcoholic.

However, if you balance this influence, Lilith will help you achieve success at work. Those under the Dark Moon typically work for organizations with a high level of secrecy. They make good investigators and government observers.

If you fight the urge to the dark beginning, a strong immunity is developed. Having overcome their vices once, Pisces never return to such topics. They become immune to the evil eye, black magic and external influences.

By acquiring a strong habit of struggling with their shortcomings, Pisces strengthen their will. Men of the sign are not subject to hypnosis, persuasion and any fraudulent machinations. They are granted the right to easily identify hidden enemies and get rid of their presence. Lilith is reflected in the sharpness of intuition and sensitivity.