People have always wanted to look into their future as much as possible, to find out their betrothed, what kind of life it will be, poor or full of cash flows, how many children they will have, and so on. This is especially interesting for young girls, but they do not have psychic abilities, so they can only guess.

When to guess

The most favorable time for truthful predictions is chosen according to the lunar calendar. It is necessary that the full moon shines in the sky, but here, too, certain days are chosen. The most suitable days will be 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 and 13 during lunar cycles. But if the day falls on Friday or Saturday, you can't guess, the exception is if these days of the week fall on Christmas and Christmas days. Moreover, fortune telling at Christmas time and Christmas are considered the most favorable for looking into the future. This is especially true on the thirteenth and eighteenth of January; you can predict how many children you will have, when you will get married, and much more.

On what holidays can you predict the future?

  1. from the seventh to the nineteenth of January;
  2. on Ivan Kupala on the twenty-fourth of June;
  3. on the feast of John the Baptist on the seventh of July;
  4. on the twelfth of July is the day of the Apostle Paul;
  5. on the Feast of the Intercession on the fourteenth of October.

Simple fortune telling for the Christmas holidays

The simplest and most accessible is fortune telling with wax: light a candle and drop hot wax into a plate of cold water and determine the future based on the resulting figure.

Also simple is the following fortune telling, it predicts the gender of future children. To do this, you need a ring and a needle, put the ring in the water and lower the needle on a thread, if they begin to make circular movements in the water, the child will be female, like a pendulum, the gender of the unborn child will be male.

They also tell fortunes by the shadow of burnt paper on plates; for this they take only clean paper, then set it on fire and look at the resulting shadow from the planted leaf on the wall.

Fortune telling about the betrothed with logs is also simple, in the evening they go out to the barn with firewood and without looking they take a log; if they come across one with knots, the husband will have a quarrelsome character, and if they come across a smooth one, the husband will be kind and generous.

How to predict fate on Ivan Kupala and the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul and on Intercession

On the night of Ivan Kupala they tell fortunes mainly for love, in order to find out the fate of young people, in the evening they pick two leaves from the grass (at the same time they are given the names of the people they are telling fortunes about), near the water and bring them home, pin the blades of grass to the wall and when they If they are already dry, you need to look at the location of the grass; if sincere love is stuck together on both sides, they hang evenly, then there is no love.

On this night, they predict how many years a person will live in the world, for this they light a candle. An even flame and complete combustion of a candle means longevity and excellent health in old age. An abruptly extinguished candle means a short life for the fortuneteller; he needs to be careful in the future.

On July 12, they tell fortunes by looking at the grass; in order to determine at what age the girl will get married, they tear up the grass and then count it. How many blades of grass are in your hand at that age and get married? They use dandelions to tell fortunes about the sex of future children; if, after blowing off the cap, the stem is empty, then there will be a son, and if the cap remains, it will be a girl.

Tarot cards are an extremely powerful tool for predicting the future, which makes it possible to protect yourself from mistakes and find the most correct solution to a problem. There are certain rules when working with any magical prediction systems. Tarot cards are no exception. Both professionals and beginners need to know these requirements.

Tarot cards are a super powerful tool for predicting the future

Features of Tarot divination

The most popular ones say that it is not advisable to guess for yourself, for small children, for your family and friends. Here are a few requirements that every fortune teller should know:

  • You shouldn’t guess for yourself, since few people can perfectly control their feelings and emotions, objectively assess the situation, and adequately respond to the cards dealt. The moral attitude and certain thoughts about the expectations of the prediction can be harmful and the result will be completely incorrect.
  • For the same reasons, you should not tell fortunes to your loved ones and friends, because the cards will show what you think about this question, and not an objective answer. If this is unavoidable, be sure to charge for the services; ordinary verbal gratitude is not suitable. A symbolic amount will do.
  • There are also strict prohibitions that no one should violate:
  • Girls and women are prohibited from making fortunes the day before and the day after menstruation. During this period, the female body is very vulnerable, and it is especially harmful to come into contact with someone else’s energy.
  • Fortune telling during illness, nervous tension or simply feeling unwell is also prohibited. Tarot cards take a lot of energy, and if the immune system is weakened, then there will be no strength. It was noticed that after the ritual there is always a “wild” desire to eat something harmful and tasty in order to restore the energy balance in the body.
  • Before starting the process, try to determine the attitude of the person you will tell fortunes to the cards. Does he believe, does he show respect, is there fear of a possible result or not. If a person does not trust and mocks the cards, then they too can play a joke. In this case, the answer of the cards will be false, sometimes even humorous or mocking.

There are also days when it will be difficult for an inexperienced person to read the cards. You cannot tell fortunes on the 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th lunar days. Their energy can interfere with the ritual.

If you have doubts and the question arises “is it possible to guess?”, it is better to contact an experienced professional.

When can you read the Tarot?

There are also some nuances regarding the time of fortune telling:

  • It is forbidden to perform fortune telling on major church holidays;
  • Lunar days are considered favorable: 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13;
  • when half the moon is visible in the sky, the best time to find out a prediction about your financial situation;
  • It is better not to carry out fortune telling on Friday and Saturday;
  • It is recommended to answer questions about financial well-being in February, November or October.
  • love fortune-telling is ideally done in April;
  • April 26 – a chance to find out true information about an upcoming acquaintance with someone in whom the fortuneteller has a personal interest;
  • in September you can find out everything about future trips, as well as about the person who is currently away.

Remember, the main thing is not to get carried away, professional layout, and its correct interpretation depends on your mood and energy strength.

How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards?

The result of fortune telling on Tarot cards, the truth of the answer, depends on the fortuneteller. These rules will help you accurately obtain the information you need:

  1. A possible situation can only be assessed objectively and in no other way; a person’s personality traits should not influence the result. You need to understand that the person who tells fortunes is only a carrier of information.
  2. Don't force the person to accept what the cards say. Sometimes what they say is very difficult to accept. Psychologically, for some it is impossible to do this.
  3. During the fortune telling process there should be no conflicts, anxiety, or beliefs.
  4. Fortune telling comes with experience; you won’t be able to calculate the answers perfectly the first time. This is given only to professionals.

If you are a beginner and this skill is still at a low level, don’t guess at others.

The result of fortune telling with Tarot cards depends on the fortuneteller

How to choose a place for Tarot reading?

A separate room is best for this. All windows and doors must be closed. You need to place lit candles on the table where the cards will lie. This will make it possible to receive information without interference, without extraneous “noise”. The fortune telling table must be covered with a tablecloth. You can choose black or red. Try to fully concentrate during the session, take your time, do not get distracted, and remain calm.

Based on the results of fortune telling, you can determine whether a beginner or a professional is working. An amateur will interpret the situation from the most advantageous and successful side, which will always turn out to be a lie. An experienced tarot reader knows about all the possible outcomes of such interpretations, so he soberly evaluates the cards and gives the correct interpretation.

Lunar calendar and tarot cards

Until today, it remains a mystery why and who decided to associate Tarot cards with the Moon. But it is known for sure that there is a dependence of water on the Lunar calendar, namely the seas and oceans with their ebbs and flows, and we should not forget about our body, which is 75–80% water. From which it follows that the Moon can also somehow act on us.

The meaning of the Calendar is that there are days when you cannot read Tarot. It is not advisable to ask the cards about the past on the 1st and 2nd days of the Moon; on these days it is better to find out about the future. Day 4 is great for all questions, and Day 6 is when you get a new deck off the shelf and use it. The 10th and 13th will tell you about the state of physical health. Day number 16 is special, at this time any deck will answer all your questions to the maximum, the same result will be on the 22nd and 23rd. But the 24th day of especially important news. It is best to talk about the past on the 25th day of the calendar. The 27th and 28th are also very productive, giving the opportunity to try new tarot cards.

On days that are not described here, it is better not to guess, not because it may have a bad effect on you, but it will simply be useless, since you will not receive answers. Only ignorant people who are not properly aware of all the rules for handling Tarot cards say that this can harm you. There are no days of complete ban; even experienced fortune tellers are silent about them. Except on days when the fortuneteller is sick or weak. Although many believe that cards can cure their owner. There is no exact answer for this version, so you shouldn't try to check it.

At what age can you guess?

If you have decided to study this magical sphere and master the skill of fortune telling, then it is better to start as early as possible. Although no one claims that it may be too late to start. Some people start fortune telling at 40, and some at 18. If you want to ask a question about your future or just get some advice from a professional tarot reader, there are a lot of thoughts on this matter. Is it dangerous for children to read fortunes with tarot cards? Yes, it is said that children under thirteen years of age are strictly prohibited from guessing. They also say that it is easier to decipher cards for older people, but it is more difficult for young people. If it happens that you have no one else to turn to except a fortune teller, then it doesn’t matter how old you are. When a person has a problem, everything else fades into the background. It is important to treat the cards with respect and not use them for no reason.

Some people start guessing at 40, others at 18

Prohibitions on Tarot readings

Some people say that you can't guess. Most often this is the opinion of believers. The Church has always had a negative attitude towards magic and fortune telling. According to Christians, if you follow the Lord, then you should not use any magical methods to solve problems or read your future on Tarot cards. But if you look into it in detail, then fortune telling cannot be put on the same scale with some sinful offenses (murder, theft), because there is no damage to the person himself. Some argue that fortune telling can harm not only the fortuneteller, but also his next generations.

It also needs to be said why you can’t read tarot readings every day. The fact is that daily fortune telling, this is a kind of addiction, will not give the true answer. If you act only according to the predictions of the cards, then you can turn your life “in the wrong direction” and everything will not go according to plan. It is impossible for the faint of heart, people with a weak psyche to tell fortunes; they can perceive negative predictions very harshly. So, if you cannot adequately respond to all the answers, it is better not to ask questions.

The most important thing you need to know is your attitude towards the cards, the mood in which you are telling fortunes. The lunar calendar was invented a long time ago and with good reason, but we should not forget about the human factor. In order for fortune telling to still bring you the expected result, it is best to do it on the right lunar day and with a positive attitude. Then all your questions will be answered. Always guess wisely.

Confidence in the future instills peace and harmony in the human heart. It is impossible to know for sure what tomorrow or the coming year has in store. However, there is a way that helps to lift the veil of secrecy and look through time - fortune telling. What days are they doing fortune telling in January 2018? The completion and renewal of the calendar cycle, when the subtle matters of the world are renewed, changed and allow sensitive people to catch the echoes of future events, is most favorable for mystical sacraments.

In Rus', January was called “prosinets”, because at this time in the sky one could see a blue sky between gloomy clouds. Other names for this month describe its harsh and cold weather - “Sechenets”, “Leden”, “Zimets”. The New Year begins on the first of January, when people wish each other happiness and fulfillment of all desires. During the winter holidays, people look closely at signs, predict what life will be like, health, whether there will be changes and achievements.

The most favorable time for fortune telling:

  • New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1;
  • Christmas – the night from January 6 to 7;
  • Old New Year - night from January 13 to 14;
  • Feklistov Day - January 17;
  • Epiphany - evening of January 18th.

Since ancient times, man has been guessing, determining the future by the flight of birds, the movement of clouds and smoke, by the entrails of animals and bones. Wise and respected people - shamans, priests, oracles - made predictions. Now anyone can try to predict their future.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

The end and beginning of the year is an important time, favorable for predictions. There are several simple ways to find out about your destiny. Most often, women do fortune telling, but there are also universal ways to find out about the future.

  • The girl puts card kings under her pillow. Whichever one you dream about, that’s how the groom will be. If there is no sleep, then the card is taken out at random in the morning.
  • An unmarried girl places the first piece of the festive dish at the head of the bed and invites her betrothed to taste it. The groom must have a dream.
  • Another way to predict from dreams is to put feathers, chips, twigs under the pillow, and then interpret the visions. This method is suitable for both men and women.

All predictions and fortune-telling in January 2018 are individual, unique in detail. The fortuneteller independently determines the circle of significant symbolism and trusts his intuition. It is the mystical sense that allows us to predict the future most accurately.

Christmas and Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a special holiday, cheerful and at the same time mysterious. From January 6 to 7, prophetic dreams occur. To find out about the future or find the answer to a question, place a sheet of paper, a pencil and a dream book at the head of the bed. It is better to write down a “fresh” dream and immediately interpret it using a book.

Even before Christmas they tell fortunes by shadows. This is a legendary way of predicting the future, it is quite accurate and does not require special knowledge; you do not need to understand complex symbols.

  • Place an unevenly crumpled sheet of paper on a large heat-resistant plate and set it on fire.
  • When the paper burns out, a candle is lit in front of the ashes so that it casts a shadow on the wall. The plate can be carefully rotated to reveal all the shadows.
  • The silhouette is interpreted (for example, an airplane means marriage to a pilot, a shoe means travel).

To see the signs it is not at all necessary to perform “magic rituals”. A sensitive person sees symbols in everything - in leaves, in the starry sky, in his own sensations. To foresee and predict, you need to trust your intuition.

The art of interpreting natural symbols and silhouettes

Historically, many divination systems developed from folk signs and observations. The signs of the elements were interpreted and comprehended. This is why divination is so closely connected with the natural world. Natural materials are often used as props.

For example, to predict the future using coffee grounds, you need to drink a cup of natural ground coffee, and then tip it on a saucer so that the mass spreads along the walls and forms patterns. The resulting images are then interpreted. Most popular symbols:

  • silhouette of a person - date;
  • wood and plants - obstacles, quarrels, melancholy and travel;
  • animals and birds - anxiety and slander;
  • houses and buildings - profit and prosperity.

Fortune telling with eggs is another method associated with the interpretation of symbols. Only domestic eggs are taken. To find out the future, protein is poured into warm water, and then shadows, signs and the movement of matter are interpreted.

  • protein sinks to the bottom - troubles, loneliness;
  • the protein remains in the center and takes on the outline of the figures (church - for a wedding, ship - a person’s journey and return, as well as other symbols and meanings).
  • If a pregnant woman takes it out from under the hen and breaks the egg, the sex of the embryo will match the sex of the child.

Unusual, scary and beautiful fortune telling

Fortune telling with a mirror is the most mysterious and terrible type of predicting the future for unmarried girls; it requires courage. They tell fortunes at midnight, alone, in front of a large mirror, having undressed naked.

  • Place two candles in front of the mirror to illuminate and cast shadows, as well as a smaller mirror to create an endless “corridor.”
  • When a girl installs mirrors, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummer, Show yourself!”
  • When the image of the groom appears behind him in the reflection, you should look at all the details of his appearance and shout: “Out of this place!” The vision will disappear and the fortune telling will end.

Fortune telling with a ring also helps to see the appearance of your future husband. Place the wedding ring in a glass with a smooth bottom, pour ¾ of water, and then look at the center of the jewelry by candlelight. The face of the betrothed should appear there.

Fortune telling with a boat is very simple and beautiful. Various predictions are written on pieces of paper, then they are attached to a basin, water is poured in and an empty walnut shell is thrown in. Whatever wish the “boat” floats to, it will come true.

When guessing, you must remember that any symbol has many interpretations. Focus on positive meanings and believe in your lucky star, then all adversity will bypass you, and bright predictions will definitely come true.

Fortune telling on cards has practically no restrictions on the time of day. The cards will tell you the truth both day and night. But there are a number of rules, following which you can most accurately see the answers to your questions. Therefore, listen to the advice of astrologers and soothsayers, which sounds something like this:

  1. Monday, like Friday, is most conducive to laying out all kinds of combinations. These days, cards can't lie.
  2. Saturday and Sunday are the times when the cards will not tell you the truth, so you shouldn’t even waste time on this.
  3. Since love is a subtle matter under the auspices of Venus, it is best to conduct fortune telling on this issue on Friday evening. You can also use the lunar calendar and choose the day when the moon will be in the area of ​​influence of Taurus and Libra.
  4. Under no circumstances should a woman begin fortune-telling during her period, since during these days a woman is extremely vulnerable to any magical influences. This can lead to unpredictable problems, ranging from outside influence to the introduction of a negatively minded entity.
  5. Fortune telling after taking an alcoholic drink or drug is strictly prohibited. People of both sexes become just as unprotected as stated above.
  6. You can receive the most accurate prophecies on clear sunny days or clear starry nights. This period is extremely favorable due to the thinning of the border between worlds. It is then that you will be able to almost directly contact higher beings who will treat you favorably and give you the most accurate information.
  7. Just before the full moon or immediately after it, you can get very clear answers to your questions. Just be careful, because these days otherworldly entities are coming into force in our world and can provide information so deep that human consciousness cannot cope with it.
  8. It is best to ask financial questions on days when the moon shines exactly at half light.
  9. The distant future is the topic for fortune telling on Thursday.
  10. Friday will help in fortune-telling on the topic of health, but in matters of finance this day can also bring a loss.
  11. December 13th is the ideal moment to conduct fortune telling for your betrothed. People have long noticed this, which is why most folk fortune-telling for love is carried out on this day.
  12. If you want to tell fortunes for those who are very distant from you, then the most favorable days for this will be the first days of autumn.
  13. Fortune telling for children takes place most accurately in the spring. But remember, fortune telling for children or elderly people can change their future, so entrust this matter to a professional.
  14. You should not guess at a time when the elements are rampant outside the window - a storm, a hurricane, etc. This can introduce serious distortions.
  15. Fortune telling is not recommended for pregnant women. This is argued by the fact that there is a possibility of a magical effect on the baby.

Don't guess for those who have come to a turning point in their lives. At these moments, higher powers give us a test and it depends only on them whether they will pass their exam. This can lead to frequent repetition of these situations, since a person at such moments must believe his feelings and his logic, and not the layout of the cards.

Right and wrong times for fortune telling

It is considered that the most suitable time of year for fortune telling is the period between the New Year holidays and Epiphany. It is believed that these days the line between worlds is thinning, spirits and entities, ready to communicate, penetrate into our world.

However, you don’t have to wait until January - there are many other days and times of the year when fortune telling on cards is more effective. Not only favorable days are of great importance, but also the experience of the person who performs fortune telling. The more energy and personal power he has, the more accurate the result and the less important the day of the week or time of fortune telling is.

An experienced specialist in fortune telling with cards or other magical objects knows very well when to start the process and when it is better to wait. Professionals know that the best time to throw cards is when there is a strong desire to do so, regardless of the time of year or the day of the calendar.

Signs of fate for a seeing person can be viewed either clearly or as if through a fog - naturally, it is better to see the details clearly and in detail than to deal with approximate layouts. In addition, on some days, fortune telling with Tarot cards can even cause harm - as a rule, this only happens to inexperienced and ignorant fortune tellers.

However, certain rules must be followed. In addition to the tips listed in the previous section, there are universal rules for all types of fortune telling:

  • The universally recognized “fortune telling day”, when even beginners can have an effective session, is Friday, the 13th, 19th or 29th. As a last resort - just Friday.
  • The best day to cast a spell on yourself is your own birthday.
  • Another special day for fortune telling is the night before Ivan Kupala (July 6). It is believed that at this time it is especially easy to establish contact with the world of subtle forces.
  • The best days according to the lunar calendar are 12, 14, and 18.
  • You cannot guess in moments of poor health, malaise, especially during illness.
  • Emotional agitation, depression, depression are also not the best time to recognize the signs of fate.
  • You shouldn’t guess too often - such tension of energy forces is accessible only to innate magicians and professionals.

And in conclusion, I would like to warn readers against being overly enthusiastic about such practices. Fortune telling is a fascinating and intriguing activity, but you should not blindly believe the results of such procedures.

And remember that the best way out, if necessary, to radically change your destiny, will not be fortune telling, but... After all, any fortune telling can program you, while a master will help you really achieve what you want.

From time immemorial, in Russia it has been customary to tell fortunes on the January holidays - in the interval between Christmas and Epiphany. From January 7 to January 19 comes the time in which, as our ancestors believed, higher powers could predict the future most accurately.

Probably on Christmas night we all feel the magic around us. It is believed that on Christmas, various ghosts, spirits and evil spirits penetrate our world and try to contact us. Knowing this, our ancestors tried to look into the future on Christmas Eve, see secret signs and change their lives.

What days are best to guess in January 2018

January 5–13 – Holy evenings. It was believed that fortune telling was most reliable precisely on these January days.

January 7 is the Day of St. Catherine the Woman-Giver, who is the patroness of girls’ destinies. Since ancient times, unmarried people have lit candles on this day in front of the image of St. Catherine in the temple so that she would send them a good life partner. Young unmarried men kept fast on this day, hoping for a successful marriage.

January 13 is the feast of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, which is also called St. Andrew's evening. The girls made fortunes about their future groom - both from the 12th to the 13th, and from the 13th to the 14th of January.

From January 16th to 17th - Varvarin Day, an ancient folk holiday. The day before, the girls cut a cherry branch and put it in the water. The one whose branch bloomed in the spring was soon to get married. Also on this day, girls of marriageable age made dumplings and offered the food to the guys. It was believed that if he ate a dumpling prepared by one of the girls, he would soon marry her.

Fortune telling for Christmas 2018: for the future on wax

The brownie is a spirit that guards living quarters, he warns the owner against misfortunes and troubles, and on Christmas night he is able to lift the dark curtain that hides the future of his charges.

For fortune telling on wax we will need a saucer of milk and a church wax candle. Melt the candle and pour it into the milk, while whispering the text:


The saucer is placed near the threshold of an apartment or house. Take a closer look and try to understand what the frozen wax looks like.

1) An egg is a sign that you are ready for a new stage in life.
2) Star - career growth awaits you.
3) Flower - a meeting with a loved one or a wedding.
4) The cross is a harbinger of health troubles, streaks of troubles. The more distinct the shape of the cross, the more serious the problems.
5) The wax has flowed in stripes - a move or a long journey awaits you.
6) Beast - a person will appear in your environment who will interfere with you in everything.
7) Tree leaf - expect financial well-being.
8) Human outlines - fate will prepare for you an acquaintance, which over time will develop into friendship.

After fortune telling a saucer of milk and wax, promised to the brownie, must stand at the doorstep all night.

HOW TO TELL FOR CHRISTMAS BEFORE BED (On the night of January 6-7)

Fortune telling for kings

On the night of January 6-7, before going to bed, girls need to put playing cards with images of kings under their pillow. In the morning, without looking, you should pull out one card. Whichever king the girl gets, so will the husband: the king of spades is old and jealous, the king of clubs is military, the king of hearts is young and rich, and the king of diamonds is desirable.

Fortune telling for a love dream

Before going to bed, a fortune-telling girl needs to eat something salty and under no circumstances wash it down with water. When going to bed, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” According to legend, whoever comes to give you something to drink is the one you will marry.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a stocking

Girls will have to prepare for this fortune telling in advance - buy stockings. Before going to bed, you need to put on a new stocking on one leg and go to bed. At the same time, the girl must say: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.” A man who takes off a fortune-telling girl’s stocking in a dream will become her husband.

Fortune telling on mirrors

This fortune telling is not suitable for everyone, but rather for those who like to tickle their nerves. It is popularly considered one of the most dangerous.

For fortune telling, two mirrors (large enough and, if possible, equal in size) are taken, placed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to place one mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror, so that you get a long corridor illuminated with lights. All animals and strangers must be removed from the room. If it’s very scary, you can leave a couple of modest people, however, they should not make a sound, not look in the mirror and not approach the fortuneteller.

At the end of the corridor formed between the two mirrors, a narrowed one should appear. True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, but you can see not only your betrothed, but also all sorts of evil spirits...

Fortune Telling with Dumplings

One of the most traditional fortune telling for Christmas.

The hostess of the house, inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and puts some filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what he will get, and it is by the filling of the dumpling that they determine what awaits a person in the next year.

For example:

  • Lollipop - life next year will be sweet;
  • Paper bill - big money awaits you;
  • Thread - for a long road or journey;
  • Candies such as dragees are a new addition to the family;
  • Black peppercorn - means life with a peppercorn;
  • Button - many interesting new things.


Fortune telling for the betrothed

In order to find out the name of her future husband, a girl just needs to go out into the street and ask the first man she meets to tell him his name.

Fortune telling by book

It is necessary to prepare a book with suitable content in advance. Without opening the book, the girls guess the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then they open the book to the desired page and read the required lines. Depending on what worries the fortuneteller the most, the chosen paragraph is interpreted.

Fortune telling on the water

Prepare two identical glasses. One of them is filled to the top with water. Having made a wish, the fortune-telling girl begins to pour the liquid from one glass to another. He does this several times. After this, you need to look at the surface where the glasses stood. If no more than two or three drops remain on it, the wish will come true. If there are more drops, it is difficult to implement it.