The wind threw it under my feet
A pile of dead yellow leaves.
He's fierce. He's cruel.
He has the habits of a trot.

Flexible, fast and cunning
Son of heaven, mighty predator.
The wind, my accursed enemy,
A terrible beast is looking for prey.

Only I am smart and dexterous.
I don't run and hide.
My hearing is keen and my eye is keen.
I can easily solve the problem.

I'll make peace with the air monster.
I'll tame him one day.
It is not easy to become a friend of the wind.
You need to be brave, like me.

And then let's go by sea:
Me and him on a strong schooner.

Waiting for the main Freedom
the old man and the old woman grow dumb:
“_______ ...what is THERE?.. How?!.. ...perhaps..
or will it be..." ...whispered:
____ - ...and we are in HEAVEN...
let us be separate, with you!..
Our Lord... heavenly!.. Does not judge family matters.
Old man... be careful:
-... there,.. everyone will answer with their soul!.. ONE. Of course...
“____...and the Church teaches US that... To all who mourn,..” -
The old woman thought quickly!..
She received the sign of the godmother...
... the old man was behind her,.. - in a light,... spiritual movement.

...and huddle...

Along the rocky ledges... strange relationships,
We, over the years, have risen higher...
And to the side...where unknown, -
but it seems together...
So that HORIZON,... stubborn again,
seemed further,.. lower... Maybe closer.

...imbued with deep INTUITION,.. -
soulful rope of fresh relationships
kept US on a rocky slope...
In a bundle,.. very strong,.. - it was... as not to stumble,.. - not to fall lower, -
Were you and I together?!..
As it should be in the mountains... -
on a steep rocky slope...

The abyss of cursed eyes,
blue ocean
Rocked me, I'm drunk,
Drunk with your love.
And it feels so good to drown
In the depths of sweet eyes,
I am full of passion many times,
He died in it more than once.
My drug is for life
Let it be destructive, let it be
I don’t complain, I’m reproachful,
And my sadness is bright.
The abyss of cursed eyes,
blue ocean
Rocked me, I'm drunk,
Drunk with your love.

Oh, it’s not easy, damn it
way to the Quiet Ocean
from the Baltic seas
Yes, according to my patrimony.
Yes, according to the patrimony -
why the edge,
in a wretched way
yes, beautiful
my side-country
across Russia.

And there are sentries standing along the roads -
milestones, milestones,
along the roads, that - to palaces and forts,
along the roads, where there is love and anxiety,
along the roads, along the roads.

Oh, it shakes and makes me sick
yes on this way,
on the way from edge to edge
It will shake your soul, I reckon.
Will shake out my soul
this hopelessness,
how much power
yes they put it...

“So, it’s all over, I guess...”
he said, mournfully, to himself;
If you don’t agree, then appeal! -
hardly a reason, but to fate...,
having a corner, in her, recently,
where was the piece of bread, even more so,
but the morning took everything away,
pushing the soul, as if into the night...
After all, I will have to leave the house,
where, after all, I was born,
and where my father died in vain,
to amuse the culprit,
who, as if, valued his death,
brought me to this poverty...”
He saw his mother in the portrait,
in anguish, eyes fixed,

And I want to, and I take injections, and my mother doesn’t tell me to.
I rush to the outskirts of the minx like a car.
“Spartak” would envy such speeds.
But my liquid life is tearing my soul apart.

I’m marrying into a fortune, how can I tell my dear?
Heartaches will torment the eyelids,
After all, my wife will join the money floating to me,
So Satan needs to see that she is not nice.

And on the outskirts lives the desired one,
Her green eyes are my problem.
Damned love will destroy me,
Such amorous affairs.
So amorous...


POEMS BASED ON THE POETRY of Viktor Shamonin-Versenev
My beloved readers and friends, with great excitement I present to you my poems for the period from 2015-2017, written under the influence of the works of the famous contemporary poet Viktor Shamonin-Versenev.

That is why there is no need to particularly introduce this extraordinary personality. I'll just say one thing -
Victor Shamonin-Versenev is a phenomenon of our literature.

Earlier, I already had the honor of sharing with you the feelings that I cherish...

The evil eye is a harmful energy-informational impact caused to you by a person with stronger energy, but without performing a special ritual. You can catch the evil eye on the street, in transport, at work, in any crowded place. The evil eye acts as an energetic puncture in your aura, usually at the level of the third chakra, which is responsible for human energy.

Ways to remove the evil eye.

1. A very simple and reliable way to remove the evil eye- take a warm bath with table salt (not iodized), sea salt, or regular flavored bath salt. But it is important that there is a lot of it - about half a kilogram per bath. Lie in the water for 15 minutes, then be sure to wash off any remaining salt from your skin from the shower. And that's it - positive energy will be restored. Going to a bathhouse also helps a lot against the evil eye, and it will be very good if it is built or upholstered with birch. At worst, you need to use a birch broom...

2. Bell ringing against the evil eye
Also, the ringing of bells has a strong counteraction against the evil eye. In all centuries, such a technique has been considered an excellent way to ward off negative energy and evil. It’s better to listen to it near the walls of the church, so that the ringing seems to wash over you. And then go into the temple itself.

3. Removing the evil eye for the Orthodox
Another good way to remove a serious evil eye. It should involve three people who sincerely love and want to help you.
In three different churches - most importantly, at the same time, at the same hour of the same day - they must light a candle for your health and order a prayer service for your health. Then they must buy another candle and bring it home to the one from whom the evil eye is removed. Next, this person must light these three candles in the evening, after sunset, and read the entire evening prayer. If you don’t know or don’t remember by heart, take the Prayer Book. The candles should burn down to half. Then they are stewed by hand - just by hand, and not blown out. And in the morning you need to light unburned candles and after washing your face, read the morning prayer on an empty stomach. Of course, all methods associated with prayers will only help baptized people.

4 Removing the evil eye using spoons
Prepare 3 or 5 or 7 silver or cupronickel or steel spoons. You need to simultaneously hold the spoons in your hand, dip them into a glass of plain water and make several movements: scoop up some water and pour it back. At the same time, sentence the conspiracy:
“Like water from spoons, so from the servant of God (name of the child) all evil eyes, lessons, fears, commotions will come away!”
And before going to bed, wash your sick child with this water, and then wipe his face with the hem of the shirt or robe that you are wearing. Everything will pass, a very high-quality method. This method also helps adults.
If you are performing the ceremony for yourself, insert your name accordingly.

5. Removing the evil eye with aromas.
Everyone probably knows the expression “the devil is afraid of incense.” Frankincense is the most effective aroma that will help remove the evil eye. Fumigate the room (in which there should be no animals) with incense, play (only very quietly), for example, bells, lie down comfortably, try to relax. And lie there for 30-40 minutes. This time is enough for the energy holes in your aura to be mended. Also for this purpose, it is good to smoke elecampane root, St. John's wort, verbena, natural dried herbs or incense.

6. In general, meditation near flowing water (stream, river, they seem to carry away negativity) or an open fire normalizes the energy state. Sit by the fire, let the warmth penetrate every cell of your body, mentally equalize this warmth - your energy state has returned to normal.

You need to make protective amulets or install other protection when you have completely gotten rid of negativity.

There are ways to energetically protect yourself from negative influences. The disadvantage of such methods is that they work only with developed imagination and visualization experience. If your imagination is well developed, then you can easily protect yourself from the evil eye.

Simple protection against the “evil eye”
If in the presence of another person you feel discomfort, anxiety, your health sharply worsens, yawning appears, then put your hand on your solar plexus and mentally say: “I won’t let you.” Figuratively imagine how you have reliably closed your biofield with this.

Golden cocoon.
This method has long been used in magic to protect against the strongest external influences (magical attacks).
Feel the golden pea in the center of the brain at the level of the third eye. You should feel its shine and warmth. This must be felt, and not just imagined. Just feel the good light, the warmth. FEEL the pea split and part of it comes forward from the “third eye” to an arm's length. “Touch” the pea tactilely, feel the connection between both peas, the space between them. Divide in the same way and bring the peas through the “third eye” back and in both directions at arm’s length. Rotate the resulting cross clockwise. The center of rotation should be the first pea. After you FEEL this hoop, make a golden cocoon, centered in your solar plexus, covering your entire body, which will reflect all the impact. Use the "cocoon" only when necessary. When there is no longer a need for it, everything is done in the reverse order. Only, first of all, you need to mentally cleanse the entire outer shell of the “cocoon”.

Protection using the “Mirror Wall”.
It’s enough to figuratively imagine that there is a powerful wall of three rows of bricks around you on all four sides. On the outside of the wall, the bricks are covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world.

Creation of a translucent protective shell.
To protect against the effects of harmful energy, a mentally transparent shell is created that follows the contours of the body. The shell is located at a distance of 5 - 10 centimeters from the body: this shell is transparent only from the inside, from the outside it is made mirror to better reflect everything bad. It is enough to mentally check the condition of the protective shell once every few days, and reliable protection is ensured.

An original way of protection.
You need to mentally stand on a metal disk and figuratively imagine that you are covering yourself with a large metal glass that fits tightly to the surface of the disk. The outer surface of the glass and disk should be shiny and reflective. Absolute confidence is required that this metal will repel any harmful energetic influences.

Conspiracy against self-evil eye
This often happens: a person was happy about a successful operation, a successful acquaintance, healing from some illness, an upcoming purchase, and lo and behold, everything returned to its previous position. This is the evil eye.
You need to stand in front of a mirror and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say, looking at your image, three times:
“Mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, put it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t bring it back.”
Then place the candle on the windowsill, securing it on a saucer, and let it burn out to the end.
The simplest, but no less effective means of protection against the evil eye came to us from our ancestors - a simple safety pin. Condition: the pin must be new. The pin must be spoken correctly. Tuesday on the waxing Moon is best suited for this. You need to take a church candle, light it, and place the sharp end of a pin in the center of the flame. While you hold the pin over the fire, say: “As fire burns this iron, so it will burn the evil thoughts of my enemies. Just as iron pierces this fire, so it will pierce the evil eyes of envious people.” After this, fasten the pin on the left with the snap down at the chest on the wrong side of the garment you are wearing. The pin remains effective for six months, then the spell should be repeated.

The most effective means of protection against the evil eye is a personally made amulet.

Amulet- (from Latin amuletum), an object to which the miraculous ability was superstitiously attributed to protect the owner from disasters, illness and “evil spells.” Even the Christian Church, condemning superstition, continues to use amulets. under the guise of body crosses and amulet, supposedly protecting believers from “evil spirits.” In addition, it is possible to use natural minerals that can protect or repel energy attacks.
These minerals include:
-cat's eye
-eye quartz
-Tiger's Eye

Of the metals, silver is traditionally believed to be able to protect against evil. It seems to me that this belief is more related to the bactericidal properties of silver, because of which holy water is infused in silver cauldrons. In any case, the choice is yours.

Who among us is not familiar with this situation: you suffer from frequent headaches and are undergoing treatment. And finally, this unpleasant state left you. But you have become so used to it, one might say, have become familiar with this state, that you did not even notice its disappearance. And after some time, they suddenly realized that the annoying, tormenting pain had long passed, and the head didn’t hurt. You remember your past suffering and rejoice, and even talk about it to your friends, and suddenly... Like a bolt from the blue: the disease has returned, treatment has to be started again, but nothing helps, even painkillers have almost no effect. This can happen in other areas of life: relationships with people, in business. You think why this happened, try to find the reason. As a result, you come to the idea of ​​a negative impact and begin to figure out your ill-wishers, believing that you have been damaged, but not for one minute do you think that you yourself are the cause of your troubles, since you have jinxed yourself. Many will object: “No, this cannot be! I’m not my own enemy!” and they will make a mistake. The evil eye is one of the types of damage. Usually people endowed with this ability know about it and smooth it out on purpose. But it happens that the evil eye happens by accident, that is, a person who sincerely does not wish you harm unconsciously causes harm through boasting and delight of feelings. A similar thing happens with the self-evil eye, when you stare at yourself. To avoid such troubles, make it a rule not to twirl in front of the mirror, admiring your appearance; doing this is strictly prohibited. A mirror is our image, reflecting our own astral double, so it should be handled with extreme caution. Under no circumstances should you look at yourself for a long time, otherwise you will often get sick.

You can’t eat or drink in front of a mirror - beauty and health will go away.

You can’t look at it at the same time for two people, because your loved one will be taken away from you. And the child should not be allowed to play with the mirror at all: he will become timid and get sick often. On top of that, the mirror “remembers” information well and gives it the opposite meaning, which results in the self-evil eye.

And it is very easy to spoil yourself. For example, you meet a person of the opposite sex, go for a walk together, during which you think with delight about what a wonderful companion you have, how well he treats you, how others envy you, and how good it is that he is nearby, that they love you! Rest assured: in most cases, your idyll will be destroyed, and the reason for this will be your own self-evil eye. And the thought that it is your own fault will bring very little comfort.

If you are praised by work colleagues or friends, neighbors, you are happy, vanity awakens in you, self-esteem increases, you are proud of yourself, how good, talented, irreplaceable you are, then the appearance of the self-evil eye is also very likely. In this case, get ready for the fact that business failures, conflicts with colleagues, and deterioration of family relationships will soon arise. But the most unpleasant thing (if such a definition can be applied) is the self-evil eye, when you wildly rejoice at your successes. Rest assured, the evil eye is guaranteed. Failures will flow like an avalanche, destroying all your well-being. Therefore, in order not to spoil yourself and with your own hands, or rather, thoughts, do not harm yourself by thinking about something good: or about plans for the future, or about peace and love reigning in your home, or about anything at all like this, immediately spit over your left shoulder. And knock on the wood three times with your right hand so as not to scare away luck and not to jinx yourself. If this unfortunate mistake does happen, stand in front of the mirror and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say, looking at your image, three times: “Mirror world, take away the damned evil eye, put it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go, go back.” don't return it." Then place the candle on the windowsill, securing it on a saucer, and let it burn out to the end.

If the misfortune caused by the self-evil eye is enormous, and the above ritual did not produce results, then take some water and recite the spell on it nine times on the waxing moon, spitting three times over your left shoulder after each reading:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (name), am getting rid of the evil eye. Like a stone turned to stone, but I wouldn’t hurt, wouldn’t grieve, wouldn’t shiver.”

If you are planning something, then do not tell anyone about it if you want there to be no obstacles in the implementation of your upcoming plans.

What to do when everything in a person’s life is going wrong, nothing is going well at work or in the family? On a full moon, stand with your back so that the moon is reflected in the mirror you hold in your hands. Speak slowly, looking at the reflection of the moon, not at yourself:

“Matchmaker Luna, look at me from the window. I will smooth you out, but you won’t, the eye is brown, the eye is gray, the eye is blue and beautiful. Be you, my eye, unglaring forever and ever. Just as the moon didn’t jinx me, I won’t jinx anyone. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this, wash your face with blessed water and immediately go to bed. Manipulations must be carried out six times (six full moons).

On July 8, after the Ivan Kupala holiday, in the first half of the day, leave the city and walk until you see a field. Weave a wreath of flowering herbs on it, saying: “I am happy.” All the people who surround me are happy. Troubles and suffering pass me by. Every day you live brings joy. All troubles, misfortunes, suffering remain on this wreath.”

Sit on the ground. Hands should be relaxed and rest on your knees. Say the “Our Father” prayer and listen to yourself, to your heart. When you feel that you have completely calmed down and forgotten about vain thoughts and worries, you can proceed to the next step. Your eyes are closed, your breathing is calm and even. Relax the muscles of your face, arms, legs. Now imagine the tree that you like best. This will be the tree of your life. You are a tree with a luxurious crown, your roots go deep, underground and take juices from it. You have a strong and mighty trunk with many branches. The wind rustles or a storm roars, the tree only sways, but does not succumb to the elements. The roots hold the trunk tightly, the internal work does not stop, and useful substances and juices are delivered to every cell, every leaf or needle. First imagine calm weather. Field. Clear sky. Windless summer day. You are a tree growing alone in a field or on a hill. Feel your roots, trunk, branches, crown. Then imagine the birds chirping in your branches, imagine the people who have come to rest in your shade. Now try to imagine a different picture: imagine the same field covered with snow, heavy rain or thunderstorm, hurricane wind, flood or fire. At the same time, imagine that juices are still moving normally from the earth into you. A hurricane is raging, and you, a tree, hold tightly to the earth with your roots and continue to live. Imagine how, despite all the troubles and adversities, you reach out with your crown towards the sun, while the sky brightens and the storm subsides.

Return home so that there is a forest or grove on your way. Leave the wreath on a dry aspen, rowan tree or on a withered bush, saying: “As with mother’s dry aspen (rowan) the branches and roots of white bologna and red heart dry up and wither, so would trouble dry up and wither when it leaves the slave (a) (Name). Let it be so". After that, leave without looking back, and don’t talk to anyone until sunset.

Recite the water collected on the full moon nine times, each time spitting over your left shoulder: “In the morning there is clean water, from God’s servant(s) (your full name) there is likhovicha. From whom it came, it was passed on to him. He who has a prickly malice will receive a burning tear.”

At noon, say the spell: “First of all, at the best hour, I will pray to the Lord God, I will bow to the Most Pure Mother. Become, Lord, to my aid, to my joy. Dawn-lightning, red maiden, helper to the whole world, help me, persuading the lesson-sentence, think, amusing, hasty, sent, female, male, senile, lad. On the mountain, on the beauty, stood a pear, under that pear the Most Pure Mother from one father, from one mother. She was not in charge of anything, she only reprimanded the servant of God (name) with a lesson-sentence and sent him to steep mountains, to poor vines. The servant of God (your name) works a day, sleeps all night and does not know the lesson-sentence. I take it from the bones, from the relics, from the veins, from the veins, from the violent head, from the bright eyes, from the black eyebrows, from the red blood, from the white bone, so that the damage does not go around, does not ache, does not chill the heart, does not dry out the blood. Take your place, like the Most Pure Mother in the golden chair, to the servant of God (name) for help and joy. Amen".

At sunset: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Save, Lord, protect, Lord, protect, Lord, the servant of God (name) from black, from yellow, from brown, from gray, from white, from male, from female, from infant, from girlish, from childish eyes, from thoughts , from changes of mind, from conversations, from negotiations, from evil people, from fierce damage and curses. It is not I who speak, the Most Holy Theotokos speaks with Her lips, Her fingers, Her Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Dry the towel you used to dry yourself and hide it in the closet among the linen. It will serve you in the future as a talisman against any negative program. If necessary (you will be sure that you have been jinxed or cursed, damaged, etc.), baptize the unopened water (pour it into any container, for example, a glass) with a lit wax candle, read the “Our Father” prayer twelve times. Then wash your face with the enchanted water and dry yourself with a “amulet towel.” Leave a candle stub at any intersection.

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How to find out if you have the evil eye or damage | Policy

What is damage, evil eye, curse

Damage: The word “damage” means harm, loss, flaw, loss, illness, distortion, deterioration, fracture, dirty trick, failure, worthlessness, evil eye (from the dictionary of V.I. Dahl). Also in the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl, you can find other meanings of the word corruption - bad teaching, corruption of morals (moral corruption): “the mind develops, but morals deteriorate.”

The modern meaning of the word corruption is a mistake: “he who does nothing makes no mistakes.” Previously, this proverb sounded like this: “he who does not spoil it does not spoil it,” “without spoiling you can’t do anything.”

Evil eye: Evil eye - “temptation of the eyes”, i.e. an untrue understanding-vision of a person, which can be accompanied by seduction by visible temptations, lust of the eyes and body, as well as walking along the road of life in accordance with man-made signs and other people’s opinions. The evil eye is a targeted energy blow to a person’s energy-information field (forgive the tautology). This the blow is carried out by directing a clot of negative energy at a person, that is, in simple terms, in order to put the evil eye on a person, it is enough to think badly about him or wish him bad things. Oddly enough, every person in his life becomes both the object of the evil eye and its source not once, not twice, but hundreds and thousands of times. The reason for this is simple. In most cases, the evil eye occurs unconsciously. Damage to oneself. Damage to oneself or “self-damage.” As a rule, damage is caused consciously, but there are exceptions. For example, such a type of damage as “self-damage” is known, that is, causing damage to oneself myself.

You may have a question: “Who would think of deliberately damaging themselves?”, but not anyone consciously. Unconsciously, all the time.

Self-damage - example

A person constantly repeats that he will be lucky in everything. Problems at work, in his personal life, not everything is smooth. He says this constantly, always and to everyone. What is happening in reality? But in reality, he personally and voluntarily introduces negative energy into his energy information field a program that is being successfully implemented. That is, it actually damages itself.

So, if you think that you will have catastrophic luck in life, urgently start thinking differently.

When you wake up every morning, think: “What a lucky person I am, I’m always lucky in everything.” Tell all your acquaintances, friends, and colleagues what a lucky person you are. Thus, you will rewrite and implement a positive program into your energy-information shell. Let’s imagine another one situation. The mother constantly tells her daughter that she has a vile character and no one will marry her, and indeed the girl may have problems in her personal life.

And why? A negative program is being introduced. Unconscious damage on the part of the mother.

There are several ways to determine the presence of the evil eye.

Take a gold wedding ring and run it across your cheek. If a white line appears on the cheek, then everything is in order. A black stripe is a bad sign. This means that someone wished you harm and your troubles are not accidental. Also, a dark stripe after the gold ring on your face means that not everything is fine with your kidneys. And if your fingers turn green from the gold ring, then pay attention pay attention to your heart. It follows from this that such a stripe does not always mean - Evil EYE or DAMAGE! If your loved one suddenly gets sick, and you want to find out if someone has jinxed him,

you need to take the freshest egg (preferably the one that the chicken has just laid), run it three times over the face of the sleeping patient, saying the following words:

“Go away, dear egg, just laid by a chicken, reserved for a dear person. Go ahead and tell me if you did anything bad to a close person, a dear person (name).”

These words must also be repeated three times. After this, look to see if the egg has spoiled. If this happens, it means that your loved one has become a victim of the evil eye.

Well, if the egg remains just as fresh, then everything is in order, but you still shouldn’t eat this egg, since it has absorbed information about your loved one and can do a lot of harm if you don’t throw it away.

Symptoms of the evil eye - frequent headaches and toothaches - nervousness and irritability - sudden mood swings - sudden onset of hatred towards loved ones - sudden mood swings - insomnia or, on the contrary, severe drowsiness - fear of sunlight - colds, runny nose, cough - dizziness - discomfort in the spine along its entire length - usually a “smoothed out” person stops dreaming; a “smoothed out” person constantly begins to receive minor everyday injuries: cuts, bruises, bruises, as well as dropping cups and plates, bumping into corners, slipping out of the blue and in general - feeling feeling awkward

It becomes difficult to communicate with people: stiffness and nervousness appear

when the evil eye falls on a person, he seems to have some kind of numbness, he becomes absent, falls into prostration, withdraws into himself and freezes internally. Life in him calms down. With the evil eye, his mood sharply worsens,

weakness appears, as if you had just unloaded a car of coal

Rituals for removing the evil eye:

1. Take a glass of clean water (you can use a cup) and matches. You need to burn nine matches to the very end, lighting each next match from the previous one. Each burnt match is thrown into a glass of water, saying: “Not the ninth... not the eighth... not the seventh...” and so on until all the matches are in the water. Wait a minute: if at least one of the burnt matches stands vertically towards you, you are definitely they jinxed it, and the more such matches there were, the longer the duration of the evil eye and the more destruction it managed to bring. If the matches float on the surface and do not sink, there is no evil eye.

Now you need to say:

“Good is at the gate, evil is gone forever!”

And, with your finger, draw crosses on your forehead, chest, shoulders, elbows, wrists and solar plexus with this water. Take three large sips from the cup, pour out the rest of the water.

2. Place a glass of water at your head at night. Break a raw egg into it and say: “Take everything bad from me.” In the morning you can see “strings” floating in the glass - these are your evil eyes. You need to look at them, and then stir and pour.

3. You need to pour running water into a mug, scoop it up with a tablespoon and pour it through the door handle back into the mug. Do this through three handles - three times through each. And then wash your face with this water, sprinkle it on or give it to someone you think has been jinxed.

4. Light a wax candle, remove 12 matches from an unopened matchbox and cut off their heads with a kitchen knife (necessarily with a wooden handle). Place these heads with sulfur in a white saucer without a pattern so that they lie in a pile. Light this sulfur from a candle. When setting fire, say:

“Burn, smoke, burn your black eye. You are ashes, and for me (my name), the world is bright. So and not otherwise!

Now you need to place all 12 headless matches around the candle. Looking at the flame, say three times:

“Oh my god! Wipe away from me, (your name), twelve Silences, twelve stones, twelve ailments, twelve fatty, bone, crowbar, vein and half-vein! Keys and locks - into the water, fire - up the mountain! To your glory, Dazhbozhe, exactly!”

After this, with your left hand, take one match at a time and light each one from the candle. The cinders should be thrown into a saucer where the remaining sulfur already lies. When all the matches have been burned, take the saucer with the ashes to the nearest X-shaped intersection and leave it there with the words:

“What is taken away is what is cursed. No return! Truly!

“Deliver me (name), from a monogamist, a bigamist, from one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from one-haired, two-haired, three-haired, from your eyes, from your eyes, from your thoughts, from the oncoming one, from the fleeting , from the transverse, from every dashing person: from the young, from the single, from the crooked, from the blind, from the old, from the empty-haired, from the hairy girl, and from your own eyes, and from your thoughts. So you are, so it was, so it will be.”

The first rule of the war against the evil eye:

Never talk about the future success of any event until you have implemented your plan. If the evil eye does happen, the Conspiracy against the self-evil eye will help

You need to stand in front of a mirror and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say, looking at your image, three times:

“The mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, plant it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t return it back.” Then place the candle on the windowsill, securing it on a saucer, let it burn out to the end.

Conspiracies against the evil eye

If you suspect that you have recently been jinxed, speak to a bucket or bowl of water, and then pour all the water on yourself in one fell swoop. Read the plot:

  1. “Deliver me, servant of God (name), from a monogamist, a bigamist, from one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from one-haired, two-haired, three-haired, from your eyes, from your eyes, from your thoughts, from the oncoming , from the fleeting, from the transverse, from every dashing person: from the young, from the single, from the crooked, from the blind, from the old, from the empty-haired, from the hairy girl, and from your own eyes, and from your thoughts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."
  2. Another short and effective spell, which is read over the water intended for washing: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. King of the earth, king of the sea, king of heaven, save and have mercy on the servant of God (name) from the evil eye and from the dashing man. Amen".

If you notice that after communicating with her your health worsens,

and your plans get upset, it doesn’t mean to spoil the relationship. It’s enough when leaving her house (or when she crosses the threshold of your house) to look between her eyebrows and mentally say: “God is with me, and away with your black eye. Amen".

Conspiracy against the self-evil eye This often happens: a person was happy about a successful operation, a successful acquaintance, healing from some illness, an upcoming purchase, look, and everything returned to its previous position. This is the self-evil eye. You need to stand in front of a mirror and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say, looking at your image, three times: “Mirror world, take away the damned evil eye, put it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t bring it back.” Then place the candle on the windowsill, securing it on a saucer, and let it burn out to the end.

A very simple and reliable way to remove the evil eye is to take a warm bath with table salt (not iodized), sea salt, or regular flavored bath salt. But it is important that there is a lot of it - about half a kilogram per bath. Lie in the water for 15 minutes, then be sure to wash off any remaining salt from your skin from the shower. And that's it - positive energy will be restored.

    Going to a bathhouse also helps a lot against the evil eye, and it will be very good if it is built or upholstered with birch. At worst, you need to use a birch broom...

    Removing the evil eye using spoons Prepare 3 or 5 or 7 silver or cupronickel or steel spoons. You need to hold the spoons in your hand at the same time, dip them in a glass of plain water and make several movements: scoop up some water and pour it back. At the same time, pronounce the spell: “Like water from spoons, so from the servant of God (the name of the child) all evil eyes, lessons, fears, commotions will come away!” And before going to bed, wash the sick child with this water, and then wipe his face with the hem of his shirt or robe, which you are wearing. Everything will pass, a very high-quality method. This method also helps adults.

    Bell ringing against the evil eye. Bell ringing also has a strong counteraction against the evil eye. In all centuries, such a technique has been considered an excellent way to ward off negative energy and evil. It’s better to listen to it near the walls of the church, so that the ringing seems to wash over you. And then go into the temple itself.

    Removing the evil eye for the Orthodox Another good way to remove a serious evil eye. Three people who sincerely love and want to help you should participate in it. In three different churches - most importantly, at the same time, at the same hour of the same day - they should light a candle for your health and order a prayer service for your health. Then they must buy another candle and bring it home to the one from whom the evil eye is removed. Next, this person must light these three candles in the evening, after sunset, and read the entire evening prayer. If you don’t know or don’t remember by heart, take the Prayer Book. The candles should burn down to half. Then they are stewed by hand - just by hand, and not blown out. And in the morning you need to light unburned candles and after washing your face, read the morning prayer on an empty stomach. Of course, all methods associated with prayers will only help baptized people.

  1. “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I reprimand, I dissuade from the Swan girl, from the simple-haired woman, from the black husband, from the evil, dashing Tatar. Christ is Risen! (Three times). From black-haired, from white-haired, from red-haired and from black-eyed, from blue-eyed, from gray-eyed, from two-eyed, from odd-eyed, wide-winged, long-snouted, red-snouted, snaggle-toothed, long-toothed, rare-toothed. I reprimand, dissuade from all the ills of evil people, from all negotiations, from all reasons. Amen. Christ is Risen! (3 times)".
  2. “From the gray evil eye, from the white evil eye, from the black evil eye of God’s servant (name). Zarya-zaryanitsa, nenko-poludenko of the servant of God. God bless you." (Three drops of holy water are dripped into the incantation water, three small pinches of salt, three pieces of bread are thrown in, a match is burned and divided into three parts. The patient is sprinkled with this incantation water three times).
  3. They take sacred water, sprinkle it on the patient, wash it with the back of their hand, pour the rest over the threshold, read 3 times: “From gogol - water, from gogolyuha - dew, and from the servant of God (name) other touches, where you came from, that’s where you will go, to the old owner under the stove. Amen. Amen. Amen".
  4. They roll a chicken egg all over the body, then burn it or fry it until black in a frying pan: “On the light head, on the straight back, on the white tummy, on the frisky legs, the egg rolls, the evil eye and the disease dangles on it, all the sickness will gather to the last grain, who sent it, it will return to the one who made it suffer, he will be twisted into an evil rope from the damage.”
  5. You need to take water into a cup or jar, throw in a pinch of salt, light a match and while it is burning, cross the prepared water with it three times, saying three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    On a burning match, you need to break off the burnt part three times and throw the broken off burnt parts into the water. Then the plot is read over the water 9 times. After this, the patient is sprinkled with water, saying: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen” and give the patient water to drink. He must drink water several times a day.” In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save the servant of God (name) from every eye, from bad times, from women’s, from men’s, from children’s, from joyful, from hateful, from slander, from negotiation.”

How to protect yourself from the self-evil eye

This often happens: you just have to brag about your successes, children, successful purchases, and everything immediately goes from bad to worse: children begin to study worse and get sick, new things break, good luck is replaced by troubles.

This self-evil eye, alas, works even on everyday trifles - such a person will buy a movie ticket in advance, and he will definitely either get sick, or there will be an accident on the road, and he will simply be late for the movie.

Life for these people is very difficult - they can’t plan anything, they can’t rejoice at anything from the heart...

The self-evil eye is nothing more than the evil eye that a person inflicts on himself. How this is explained is difficult to say.

I personally see the explanation for this unpleasant phenomenon as follows: in this world in which we have the good fortune to live, everything is imperfect, nothing can be guaranteed, and nothing is absolutely reliable.

And a person who plans something 100% and is convinced that it will definitely happen (and anticipates the pleasure of it in advance) acts against the rules of this world.

This comes into conflict with the egregor of our devilish world, and the world takes revenge on him, destroying those plans that he was sure were absolutely feasible. This is such automatic black magic against the person himself.

How to protect yourself from the self-evil eye?

In order for the self-evil eye not to occur, you need to clearly understand that for our devilish world where we live, the norm is destruction, not stability. Therefore, the collapse of expectations due to various unforeseen circumstances is the norm in this world. And therefore, it is impossible to plan some things 100% and assume that they will definitely come true.

And, no matter how much a person anticipates the pleasure of an expected event that is about to take place, he must still leave room for uncertainty as to whether it will come true.

If at the same time he also worries a little about whether it will fall through, then he will block the effect of the self-evil eye and avoid the collapse of expectations. But you also can’t get too carried away by thoughts about failure, since this can attract this failure (this is another type of automatic black magic). Everything needs moderation.

What to do?

There are old proven techniques: spit over your left shoulder three times, knock on wood, lightly bite your tongue.

And there is also a CONSPIRACY against the self-evil eye.

You need to stand in front of a mirror and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say, looking at your image three times:

“Mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, plant it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t bring it back.”

Then place the candle on the windowsill, securing it on a saucer, and let it burn out to the end.

). “I’ll come to you, damned criminal.” Pushkin .

|| used as a swear word (simple). “Asps, basilisks, cursed Herods, may you live like this in the next world!” Chekhov . “For almost a whole year, my eyes haven’t shown, you damned one.” Melnikov-Pechersky . “I sinned on you, wretched one, forgive me generously.” Chernyshevsky .

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what “CURSED” is in other dictionaries:

    Evil spirit, devil, evil one, unclean, accursed, Satan, devilish, accursed, accursed, accursed, anathema, demon, unfortunate, unclean spirit, vile, diabolical, devil, demon, outcast, accursed, devil, black Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    DAMNED, oh, oh. 1. Outcast, damned (obsolete). O. sinner. 2. Usage as a swearing and condemning word (simple). I'm tired of you, oh! Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    I m. reduction Evil inclination, unclean spirit; Damn, Satan, Devil. II m. Svyatopolk the Accursed. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    I. CURSED oh, oh. 1. Outdated Damned, rejected by the church. O. sinner. // Sinful, wicked. O. kiss. Oh love. 2. Unwind Extremely unpleasant, annoying, very bad in any way. respect. O. wind, cold. Oh my need. 3. Unfold… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    damned- I oh, oh. 1) a) outdated. Pro/damned, rejected by the church. Damn sinner. b) ott. Sinful, wicked. Okay kiss. Oh love. 2) decomposition Extremely unpleasant, annoying, very bad in any way. respect. The wicked wind, the cold... Dictionary of many expressions

    Art. glory window ἐλεεινός, μάταιος, ταλαίπωρος. From repent; see Bernecker 1, 469... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    Accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed, accursed,... ... Word forms

    Damned- poor, pitiable, rejected, unfortunate, unfortunate... Concise Church Slavonic Dictionary

    damned- Borrowing. from Art. sl. language, where it is suffering. prib. from okayati “to curse, condemn”, pref. derived from kayati. See repent, repentance... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • The Damned Throne, Mikhail Vladimirovich Krupin. False Dmitry the First, at the head of a united army consisting of Poles, Lithuanian and Russian nobles, Don and Zaporozhye Cossacks, enters Moscow! The people are delighted - finally everything will be...

The evil eye is the result of a bad evil eye. Evil people are capable of causing illness and death with an evil look, and causing a tree to die. If you believe ancient legends and tales, then brown-eyed people can cast the evil eye, especially if they have thick, fused eyebrows. The evil eye is a scientifically proven fact. It is explained by the ability of some people to transmit negative energy through their gaze. Often people who have an evil look do not do evil on purpose. To cast the evil eye, people's eyes must meet at least for a moment.

People have always tried to protect themselves from the evil eye. One of the effective methods to do this can be called a spell against the evil eye. The plot is aimed at protecting you from negative energy, preventing it from penetrating you and having a negative impact. With a spell you can not only prevent the evil eye, but also remove it.

Spells against the evil eye are not just words. They can combine both words and actions. For example, to combat the evil eye, it is advised to take a salt bath, and then whisper the words of the conspiracy themselves.

1. Salt

In three houses or apartments, ask for salt without explaining why. Pour water into a bowl and throw in three pinches of this salt. Speak to the water and use all of it to wash your face. A mild evil eye should go away after one such procedure. After washing your face and until the morning, do not open the door to anyone and do not talk to anyone, especially strangers. The plot is like this:

Ivan the Baptist, guardian of God's faith,
Golden bowstring, fiery arrow
Fight off, shoot away all the evil eyes, all the temptations,
All the distortions, all the oohs and oohs.
All the screams, all the whispers.
Shake it off, sweep it away, trample it
from God's servant (name),
So that the evil eye does not fall on her.
The century did not last, the day did not pass, the night did not pass.
Roll down, fall off her hands,
From the elbows, from the hair, from the nails, from the clear eyes.
From the character, from the face, like the shell from an egg.
Like water off a duck's back.
May God grant her health and long life.
Sky, you are the sky, red sun.
You, Lord, see everything,
You, Lord, hear everything.
Give, Lord, blessings, grant her healing.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the holy spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

2. On matches

After sunset, sit at the table with the person from whom you want to remove the evil eye. Fill a glass or cup with water. Place nine matches and boxes in front of you. Light a match, raise it between you and the person who has the evil eye and, looking at the fire, say:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save the servant of God (name) from every eye, from bad times, from women’s, from men’s, from children’s, from joyful, from hateful, from slander, from negotiation.”

When the match burns down to your fingers so that you feel warm, throw it into the water. Light the next match and again say the words to remove the evil eye. Thus, burn all nine matches, reading the plot nine times.

The number of sunken matches will indicate to you the strength of the evil eye. If not a single match sank, then the cause of poor health is not the evil eye, but something else. If more than five matches have sunk, then the evil eye is quite strong. If all nine matches are at the bottom, then the evil eye is very strong, be sure to repeat the ritual of removing the evil eye the next day!
Sprinkle the person from whom you want to remove the evil eye with this water, saying:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Let him drink from all four sides of the glass. After this, pour the water onto the street over your left shoulder. Usually within a few minutes the evil eye begins to pass and the person begins to feel better.

3. Above the sleeping person

This lapel must be read exactly when the clock strikes midnight, while the person on whom the ritual will be performed must be asleep. You need to stand near his head, take the icon in one hand, and in the other hand you need to take a church candle and at the same time light it, then read the “Our Father”, and after the prayer you need to say the spell:
“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Negative damage will leave God’s servant (s) (name) into dense forests, where people do not exist, animals do not roam, birds do not live. In the name of the Father , and the Son and the Holy Spirit (2 times),evil corruption, go to the fast river, in which there is no life; from the servant (s) of God (her) (name), evil damage go to the cruel wind that blows in the steppes. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, harbor evil damage to that unkind and evil person who brought this evil damage to the servant of God (name). Pier, corruption, to that person who only brings evil and negativity, but leave God’s servant (her) (name) alone forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

4. Protective plot

This plot can be read just to protect yourself from the envy of others, and even when you suspect that you have already been jinxed. Read a protective spell before going to bed on the pillow on which you will sleep. You need to go to bed early, and when you get up in the morning, be sure to go to church, get some holy water and sprinkle your pillow.

I'll turn to the east,
I bow to Jesus Christ and the ever-virgin Mary,
I will appeal to all the saints:
Come to help me,
Come down from heaven
The iron tyn and the steel fence, take it down!
Jesus Christ and Ever-Virgin Mary,
And with them all the saints,
Kyiv, and Moscow, and Chernigov, and Lutsk,
Came from heaven
The iron tyn and the steel fence were demolished,
Around me are servants of God (name)
From east to west,
From earth to heaven
They made iron and steel fences.
Locked with locks
The keys were concluded
Keys were thrown into the Okiyan Sea,
These were the words spoken:
God you are, witches and witches,
Magi and sorceresses!
All sorts of dashing and knowledgeable people!
If you dry up the Ocean Sea,
When you find the keys,
If you open the locks,
If you are iron-clad and steel-bound, you will leak,
Then you will disfigure and spoil God’s servant (name).
How do you like it, witches and witches,
Magi and sorceresses,
All kinds of people are dashing and knowledgeable
Do not dry up the Holy Ocean of the Sea,
Don't fetch the keys
Don't open the locks
The iron tine cannot be broken,
Also to you and the servant of God (name)
Don't ruin it, don't ruin it
Every day
Every hour
On a day in the sun,
In the night under the moon!
Forever and ever. Amen.

5. Using spoons

Prepare 3.5 or 7 silver or cupronickel or steel spoons. You need to simultaneously hold the spoons in your hand, dip them into a glass of plain water and make several movements: scoop up some water and pour it back. At the same time, pronounce the spell: “Like water from spoons, so from the servant of God (name of the child) all evil eyes, lessons, fears, commotions will come away!”

And before going to bed, wash your sick child with this water, and then wipe his face with the hem of the shirt or robe that you are wearing. Everything will pass, a very high-quality method. This method also helps adults.

6. Using an egg

Pronounce while rolling a raw chicken egg over your body.

The head is light, the back is straight,
along the white belly, along the frisky legs
the testicle is rolling around, the evil eye and illness are dangling around it,
all the sickness will gather to the last grain,
whoever sent it will return to him,
who made the baby suffer,
he will be twisted into an evil rope from damage.

Then throw the egg into the fire and burn it or fry it in a frying pan until black.
Or you can break it into a glass of water. The shell is crushed in the hand in one fell swoop, saying: “I break the illnesses and misfortunes of God’s servant (name).” The egg is thrown into the sewer or buried. The shells are burned or buried.

7. Self-evil eye

This often happens: a person was happy about a successful operation, a successful acquaintance, healing from some illness, an upcoming purchase, and lo and behold, everything returned to its previous position. This is the eye itself. You need to stand in front of a mirror and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say, looking at your image, three times:

“Mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, put it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t bring it back”.

Then place the candle on the windowsill, securing it on a saucer, and let it burn out to the end.

8. To protect the child

You will need water, three small spoons and three gray stones. It is better to carry out this ritual at dawn. Pour water into the bowl where you bathe the child afterward, so that it flows down the spoons. Pour this water over the child. Particular attention should be paid to the chest and crown, and then given this water to drink. Next, go outside, pour out the water and say the words three times:

If you left the forest, go back into the forest,
If it comes from the wind, go into the wind itself,
And if you come from among the people, return to the same people.

9. Water and nettles

Take water before sunrise from any source, even from the tap. Take a lot of water at once, a bucket or large basin. You cannot touch that water with your hands or drink from it. Put three pinches of nettles into that water (in summer it is better to pick three stalks of nettles, but in winter dried ones will do). Keep the nettle in water for three days. Then pour water through a sieve three times and, having wetted your hands in it, wipe yourself three times from the top of your head to your feet, saying a spell against the evil eye: “Where it came from, that’s where it rolled back.”

Then pour this water over yourself every morning, wash your face, or after washing, you can simply splash it on your face. If you remove the evil eye from a child, bathe him in that water on Thursday. But remember: after washing or bathing, the water must be poured down the drain.

10. The evil eye of death

The evil eye comes in different forms. You can jinx a business and a person will go broke; You can put the evil eye on a child and he will sleep poorly. But they can jinx it so much that a person becomes seriously ill and dies. In this case, you need to reprimand the evil eye as quickly as possible, otherwise you may waste time. The patient is seated on the threshold of the front door and, pouring water from glass to glass, the following spell is read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
First time, good hour,
I speak, I say:
From the black eye,
From feminine and masculine,
From minute and half hour,
From midday, from daytime,
Sunset and night,
From an old man and an old woman,
From the glaring devastation,
Where they laughed
Where they got rid of themselves, on a red thread,
For rawhide.
People walked along the threshold,
They stepped on the threshold.
So let my foot stand against this evil eye,
And from this hour the evil eye of God’s servant (name) will leave.
Go, evil eye, to where the old gate is,
Where was the key to them lost?
Where they sold their souls.
There you, the evil eye, live,
You will be there forever.
Word, go to the word,
Business, get to business.
No one will interrupt my word,
No one will take away my business.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.