For me, saltison began with the fact that on New Year’s Eve in Tashkent the prices for beef legs rose so much that the front leg cost the same as a kilogram of fresh boneless beef. It was so absurd that I was even ready to give up cooking jellied meat. But they saved the pork rows at their native market. Because there was a huge pig’s head lying there at a very reasonable price. I must say, the head always evoked a feeling of disgust and even fear - well, eyes, teeth, ears, and all that. But at that moment there was nowhere to go. And besides, I like dishes from my head, so why pretend to be a daisy girl.
The baptism of fire was successful for me. I admit, when I washed and cleaned this head, I sometimes closed my eyes. But “the die was cast”, and like that Caesar, I had already crossed “my Rubicon”, and I ended up with a wonderful elastic, one solid piece of meat - Saltison. Or maybe brawn... But more on that later.

I like to approach a new topic fundamentally, and therefore I began to study the archives of culinary literature at home, then consult with friends and acquaintances. When there were more questions than answers, I went online and started reading everything: serious portals, sites with home-grown recipes, and forums. Having completed my Saltison study, I realized that I was completely confused, and it was time to analyze and make a decision.
So let's start with definitions.
According to some definitions, saltison is a meat product made from boiled, finely chopped pork offal (lungs, liver, heart, kidneys), as well as the head.
According to others, brawn is a boiled pressed sausage product in a natural casing, made from pork and beef meat, bacon, tongues, liver and other offal.
But still others argued that saltison and brawn are generally the same thing.
Most of all I liked the Yandex dictionary, which when asked for “saltison” returned “brawn - translated from Ukrainian)”
I began to search in two directions - separately according to Saltison, separately according to Seltz. I found only one difference - saltison is defined as a sausage product of Italian cuisine, and brawn is defined as pressed meat, a dish of Polish cuisine. Well, by the sound of the names it is similar.
I didn’t find any more differences, except that in some forum discussions, people argued that these are different dishes, justifying that saltison only contains meat and fat, and brawn also contains cartilage and skin turned into jelly. One comrade claimed “Saltison is not brawn, there is little jelly in it! The Germans eat sultz and have presskopf, it is closer to saltison. But of course only the Poles have the correct saltison.”
Another assumption in favor of differences regarding the components is that saltison should also contain a heart, lung, tongue, and often even liver and kidneys. But this entire list, in various variations, participated in numerous recipes for both saltison and brawn.
Sometimes a recipe for saltison involving various offal indicated a special way of cutting boiled components, like meat and fat into cubes, tongue into strips, lungs into cubes, liver into slices, etc.
In all other respects everything was exactly the same. Therefore, the question of how saltison differs from brawn remains open for me
Well, I think I've decided. I will make saltison only from meat and fat, and put everything else into jellied meat. The fact that the same components will need to be divided into saltison and jellied meat is already clear. We won’t throw away the rich broth and meat scraps.
So, all recipes for both brawn and saltison start the same. What is taken is a pig's head, which is chopped into pieces, thoroughly cleaned and washed. Beef leg and other processed offal are also sent there, with the exception of liver - it is boiled separately.
All this is cooked with spices for many hours. The meat is separated from the bones, cut, then a cleaned pork or beef stomach is taken. They fill it with meat, add a little broth, add chopped garlic, tie up the hole and again send it to boil in the same broth for a couple of hours. Then cool and keep under pressure for about a day in the refrigerator.
In general, this is a summary of all series of recipes about brawn and saltison.
The stomach didn't scare me. At our market you can always buy it already washed and perfectly cleaned until white. But I imagined the volume of this stomach, and decided that I didn’t need that much saltison. I'll have to try it sometime though.
So, I decided not to use the stomach, and was somewhat disappointed with myself that I did not follow the technology exactly. And then one of the links brought me to the book “At the Table with Nero Wolfe” by I. Lazerson, S. Sinelnikov, T. Solomonik. What can I say - Stout’s favorite series of books, I even named my cat after Wolfe’s assistant - Archie.
Let me give you an excerpt:
“Here is another rather interesting dish that appears on Wolf and Archie’s table thanks to the art of Fritz.
Fritz had gone off somewhere on his own business during the day, and Wulf and I had dinner together, relying mainly on freshly prepared brawn. I spent about ten hours watching Fritz make brawn and trying to figure out why he did it so much better than everyone else, including my mother, who made brawn back in Ohio, but then I gave up. The secret must have been how you held the spoon when stirring the foam.
Thriller Company, 1993

An excellent translation, except for the mysterious “stirring the foam”... Any amateur cook will easily understand that Fritz skimmed off the foam so that the broth was clear, and did not stir it, which would have led to a completely opposite result... Moreover, that Stout says: skim - skim off the foam... However, we must give credit to the translator for correctly choosing the Russian word brawn, which comes from the German Sulze (jelly). This is the translation of the American word headcheese used by Stout - literally “cheese from the head.” This gelled, usually “sausage” product from ground meat of a pig’s head and veal legs is called fromage de tete (“cheese from the head” in France, which exactly corresponds to the American name), and in England - brawn (also, by the way, the British sometimes called a pig fattened for slaughter). Typically, this type of aspic is served as a snack in the United States, and in African-American communities it is eaten for lunch (Archie and Wolf are just having a snack - Stout doesn’t say a word about “dinner” in the above passage). The only difference in Fritz's recipe is that, deviating from the French "classics", he prepares his brawn not from pork, but from veal's head. But, on the contrary, he takes pork legs, not veal ones... Perhaps this is why Fritz’s brawn turns out better than Mother Archie’s, and it’s not at all a matter of the method of skimming the foam...
Interestingly, you would not know anything about the brawn if you read the novel in another publication. This is how the same passage is given there.
Fritz went somewhere on his own business, and Wulf and I had to take care of dinner ourselves. I must have spent ten hours watching Fritz cook it, but I never learned anything. The secret must be in the way he holds the knife.
Brilliant translation! Indeed, in order to prepare dinner, it’s a good idea to first learn how to hold a knife... And a fork, so that later you can eat this dinner... The given version of the translation is generally notable for the fact that it quite neatly removes from the text all the culinary “excesses” listed above and below. . The translator quickly leads the reader to the denouement of the detective story, not considering it possible for himself to be distracted by unnecessary (and clearly difficult for his qualifications) food...
However, let's return to our brawn...
To prepare 1 “loaf” of brawn you will need:
- 1 veal head
- 2 pork feet
- 1 clote onion (with 6 cloves)
- 4 sprigs of parsley
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 chopped carrot
- 10 black peppercorns
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 liter of water
- 1 liter of dry white wine
- 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
Clean the veal's head, remove the brains and tongue (do not throw away!). Place the head, tongue and legs of the pork in a large saucepan, add the cloute onion, parsley, bay leaves, garlic, carrots, pepper and salt, add water, wine and bring the liquid to a boil. Skim off the foam, reduce heat and simmer covered for 4 hours. After the first 2 hours, remove the tongue and peel off the skin. During the last 20 minutes of cooking, add the brains to the pan. Remove the pan from the heat, remove the brains, head and legs (the meat should easily separate from the bones): Strain the broth into a separate bowl. Remove all the meat from the bones and cut it into cubes about 1 cm in size, and the ears and tongue into thin strips. Place all the meat in a bowl, season with cayenne pepper, nutmeg and mix thoroughly. Pack the meat tightly into a rectangular pan (like a bread pan), pour in enough strained broth to cover the meat, and refrigerate overnight. To serve, place the “loaf” on a platter, garnish with watercress or lemon slices and serve with crackers or French bread.

By the way, Fritz also knows how to cook pork head jelly according to the classic French recipe. This fact is noted in one of Stout’s earlier novels, “Without Evidence,” where he calls such a dish a little differently...
...the day before, at about five o'clock in the afternoon, the phone rang in Nero Wolfe's office. After talking and hanging up, I went to the kitchen to drink water and told Fritz that I was going upstairs to have a little row.
- Listen, maybe we shouldn’t spoil his mood? - protested Fritz, who was at that moment busy with the procedure of removing meat from a pig's head for a dish called fromage de cochon [pate made from pieces of meat from a pig's head covered with jelly - approx. transl.]. But his eyes sparkled. He understood perfectly well that without my so-called “scandals,” the day would have come long ago when there wasn’t a single cent in our bank account. Including to pay his salary.
Publishing company "KUBK-a", 1994

Yes, this is the same “pig’s head cheese” - fromage de tete de pore. And, of course, not “pate” at all, but real pork jelly... Apparently, Stout deliberately uses the French word cochon (pig) here, rather than pork (pig), to emphasize the special taste of the dish made from especially tender meat .

I’ve already completely decided how I’m going to cook saltison! And here it is. I can’t help but trust Fritz himself... True, I didn’t remember the nutmeg that Fritz uses. Well... Life would be enough, let's try different options.

In the meantime, your option
How I prepared saltison according to my own understanding.

Available: Half a pig's head, chopped into pieces by the butcher at my request (to make it easier to look at). Beef tongue with hyoid part, 4 beef knees and 4 pork legs (from stock)
I washed the pig's head and also thoroughly cleaned the skin with a brush - especially the ears - they were a terrible color. I placed all the meat in the pan as tightly as possible. It is important that you add as little water as possible. Some of the meat was not even covered with water. It doesn’t matter - as it cooks, it will become soft and can be drowned. And then, I cook it under a closed lid, so nothing will be left undercooked. Add a handful of black peppercorns, dry cilantro, parsley branches, and bay leaves.
Bring to a boil, carefully skim off the foam. Reduce heat to low. There is no boiling, only sometimes, rare bubbles rise to the surface, overcoming the water pressure.
So, under a closed lid, my meat languished for 10 hours. An hour before the end of cooking, I added salt and a little cumin.
Using a slotted spoon, I scooped out all the meat into two large cups and let it cool. I only cleaned my tongue of the film while it was still hot - otherwise the film would not be removed. She sorted through the meat, separating the bones and transferring the meat, fat and boiled cartilage into different cups. There was some fat - from the top of the pig's head.
I cut the tongue and pieces of meat into cubes, as well as fat. I added a pinch of nutmeg, ground cilantro, and more salt to them. And also some finely chopped garlic by hand. Mixed it up. I put everything in a couple of nested bags. She squeezed out the air. I tied it with a bag on top. She placed a bag of meat on the board and laid a second board on top. I put it in the refrigerator and pressed it down with two pancakes from a large dumbbell. They have long since migrated to my kitchen. Each pancake weighs 2 kg.
And the next day an elastic bar of wonderful saltison came out of the refrigerator. Excess fat has accumulated on the bag. The slices turned out smooth, dense - solid meat with an amazing garlicky spirit. Saltison was destroyed by us and numerous guests with amazing speed. If saltison is a sausage product, then no other sausage is needed.
What remained after the formation of the saltison was turned into a transparent, dense, meaty jellied meat. ()
I provided a photo only to give advice on decorating jellied meat. Of course, this mass of meat in the photograph is not as artistically decorated as we would like. I gave all my mental and creative strength to Saltison; there wasn’t enough creativity to decorate the jellied meat. But that’s not the point, it’s the technology.
To prevent the light details of the jellied meat decoration from floating up and moving where they shouldn’t, you need to fill it in two stages. Pour a thin layer of broth onto the bottom of the vessel and place the decoration details. On top is a layer of chopped meat and boiled cartilage to cover the picture. I have: slices of carrots and quail eggs, parsley leaves and green peas. I didn’t have time to put it into the composition, but I can confirm that not a single detail I laid out moved from its place either vertically or horizontally. They stayed glued together. Yes and why how? This layer of broth with decorations should be allowed to harden and consolidate into the jelly. And later, carefully lay out the rest of the meat and pour in the broth.
The peas can be arranged in a pyramid in the shape of bunches of grapes and decorated with twigs and parsley leaves. The result will be a grapevine. From carrots and eggs you can collect flowers, suns, clouds, swans, seagulls, and any pictures, even make an inscription. Space for creativity.

What is brawn? Seltz is a German dish, and the word is German. Means a cold meat dish such as jelly, prepared in the form of sausage. The brawn is prepared from meat, offal, fish with the addition of lard. Different countries have their own variations of brawn: this is the well-known jelly, jellied meat, and saltison. Gelatin is rarely added, since there are enough well-gelled components. Different spices are used in cooking, but all recipes are characterized by steep salting. On this page we will talk about the Ukrainian version of the dish.

What is brawn made from? A classic of the genre is brawn made from a pig's head, the meat of which is stuffed into the pork stomach. It is also prepared from chicken, offal, tongues (pork and beef together) and fatty fish. Sometimes carrots, nuts, and herbs are added to the brawn. Exclusively for decoration, to make the brawn brighter and more beautiful. The brawn may include, in addition to meat, broth.

What is the essence of cooking in a nutshell? The most basic instructions look like this: cook the meat, cut it into small pieces, pour in the broth in which the meat was cooked, add gelatin if necessary, and place it in a narrow form for hardening, such as a bottle or tin can (“sausage” form). Place in the refrigerator for 9-10 hours. A more thorough method of preparation is in a pork stomach, into which the meat is placed, sewn up, boiled, then pressed and cooled. At home, brawn is also prepared in gauze.

How is brawn served? Cuts like sausage. Served on slices of black bread, with mustard or horseradish.


  • pork stomach 1 pc.
  • pork head - half
  • liver 1 pc.
  • heart 1 pc.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • garlic 6 teeth
  • salt 1 tsp. (less possible)
  • ground black pepper 0.5-1 tsp.
  • lard 2 tsp.

Total time: 6 hours. 40 min. / Cooking time: 4 hours / Yield: 3 kg / Pan 5 l


Big photos Small photos

    The first step is to prepare the pork stomach. Cooking the dish begins with processing the stomach, which requires skill and time. First, I thoroughly rinse the stomach under running water. Then I free it from the internal mucus along with the film on which it collects - I pull the film off, literally like a stocking, carefully lifting it from the edges. Then I rinse the stomach again and leave it in salted and acidified water for an hour. I prepare water for soaking based on the calculation of 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar per 1 liter of liquid. Soaking the stomach solves 2 problems at once: it disinfects the stomach (hygienic purpose) and removes the specific smell (taste purpose). But that's not all. On top of the film is a fat layer, which must also be removed without tearing the stomach. I cut it off very carefully.

    The next stage is separate boiling of the ingredients: meat and offal. First, let's deal with the pig's head. In order to stuff the stomach, half a head is enough. When you buy, ask that it be chopped into pieces, as small as possible, then the meat will fit in the pan, and it will also cook faster. Before putting to cook, each piece of meat must also be properly cleaned - scrape the skin with a knife, then rinse thoroughly and soak. We soak the pork head even more thoroughly than the stomach: fill it with cold water not for 1 hour, but for 4, and during this time we change the water three or four times.

    To cook pork head pieces you will need a large saucepan. Place the soaked meat and fill it with cold water so that the water covers it. Immediately add a whole peeled onion, 2 cloves of garlic, a few black peppercorns and 1-2 bay leaves to the pork. Turn on high heat to quickly bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer with the lid ajar until the meat comes away from the bones. This usually takes 3 hours.

    Somewhere in the middle of the process, I salt the broth with the meat - for my taste, 1 tablespoon of salt is enough. I cool the finished head along with the broth, leaving it in the cold overnight. As it hardens, the surface of the broth forms a greasy film, like jellied meat. It’s okay, when heated, the film will melt and the broth will no longer be useful.

    Now offal . For brawn with pork head, pork liver and heart are used. To remove the bitterness from the liver, you must first soak it, covering it with water for about 30 minutes. There is no need to soak the heart, I just cut it in half, so it will cook faster.

    I fill the offal with cold water, bring it to a boil over high heat, then cook on medium for 40 minutes. I add salt during the process (1 teaspoon of salt without top), skim off the foam when it forms. I don't use spices.

    The offal must cool completely, so I also boil it in the evening and leave it in the cold for the whole night. In the morning we will stuff the pork stomach.

    Filling for brawn . I remove the meat from the head, the lard along with the skin and chop it into medium-sized cubes. I do the same with the liver and heart. I season the abundance of meat with salt, but since the meat and offal are already salted, I focus accordingly, adding minced meat from 5 pressed garlic cloves and ground black pepper. I mix everything with my hands.

    Stuffing. I take the pork stomach out of the refrigerator. I stuff it - the photo clearly shows what it looks like. I sew up the hole through which the filling was placed into the stomach.

    Cooking stuffed pork stomach . I pour warm boiled water into a large saucepan and place the stomach there. After boiling, I cook for half an hour, but I don’t wait passively until it’s cooked, but constantly pierce the surface of the stomach with a thick needle. If this is not done, the stomach, like any intestine, will swell and burst.

    Baking brawn in the oven. After 30 minutes, I remove the stomach and cook it further, in the oven. Place 1 tablespoon of lard on a baking sheet and place in a cold oven. While the oven warms up to 180 degrees, the lard will melt. I put the brawn on a baking sheet, grease it on all sides with lard and set it to bake.

    The brawn will spend 30 minutes in the oven, from time to time I will pierce it with a needle - the stomach can still burst. I recommend turning the brawn a couple of times so that it is baked on all sides, just be careful - it is hot and heavy, weighing about 3 kg. When the surface is browned, I remove the baked stuffed stomach from the oven.

    The last stage is pressing and cooling . I place the finished brawn under a press, put a wooden board on top, and place a weight on it. And in this form I leave it until it cools completely, after which I put it in the refrigerator for another 2-3 hours (or longer).

Troublesome? Yes, it’s troublesome, but look how handsome he turns out. Smelling like garlic, the chilled meat brawn holds its shape perfectly. And if you thinly slice the brawn and make sandwiches with black bread, then you will evaluate your efforts as adequate, because the result will be well-deserved, superlative.

Store the brawn in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. For longer storage, freeze.

Do you understand what Selz is? and why is it so useful? “Brawn” is a compressed boiled “sausage” product in a jar or casing, which can be taken with you on routes in the cool season.
Previously, in the old days, fighters always took a piece of cool brawn with them on a campaign.

Not enough people know, but the “jelly” from “Zeltz” has unique medicinal qualities. Namely, it is often recommended to be taken by people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, as a prevention and treatment of diseases of cartilage, joints, bones, arthrosis-arthritis...etc.
Pharmacies sell all sorts of hodroitins and glucosamines (for joints). but ordinary brawn is even more useful than all this artificially created stuff. And that's why:

The brawn is prepared from bones, cartilage and meat; thanks to this consistency, a jelly-like mixture appears, which contains a large amount of collagen - this is a protein that is the basis of connective tissue in the human body. True, during the cooking process, part of the protein is destroyed, but the remainder is very useful for the body to slow down the aging processes of tissues, skin and bones and the abrasion of cartilage. And its constant use will help to cope with joint diseases and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to the essential ingredients listed above, you can add and cook it to the brawn with the addition of lard, tongue, heart, kidneys, liver and other offal, which are valuable products, along with meat.

It’s very tasty and healthy, even just from a pig’s head (although you can add any offal)

Now we will learn how to cook it ourselves.

Ingredients for making 1st version of “Brawn”:

Pork head – 1 piece;
Onions – 3-4 heads;
Small salt - 3-4 tablespoons;
Bay leaf;
Dark pepper, peas;
Mustard - to taste;
Spicy horseradish - to taste;
Seasonings for meat (whatever you like)
Water (for cooking the meat until it covers one finger).

Inventory for making “Brawn”:

Cutting board;
Kitchen stove;

Making "Brawn".

Step 1: Wash and chop the pork head

The first step is to thoroughly wash the pig's head and chop it into pieces. You should get quite huge pieces (5-6 pieces from an average head). After chopping, again carefully wash the meat to remove blood.

Step 2: Cook the meat

Place the washed pieces of meat into a huge saucepan (as practice indicates, a container of 5 or more liters is suitable). A metal cauldron that maintains the best cooking temperature would be ideal for such cases. Fill everything with cool running water (the meat is covered by approximately 8-10 cm). Cooking the dish takes approximately 3 hours (1 hour on medium heat, 2 hours on low heat).

Attention: After water boils, a huge amount of scale appears on its surface, which must be removed with a slotted spoon. It is recommended to cover the pan with a lid, but if steam leaks out of it and extinguishes the gas, you can move it a little so that it can come out more freely.

Step 3: Add bay leaf, pepper

About 15 minutes before cooking, you can add bay leaf and pepper to the broth. Ready meat is simply separated from the bones, which become snow-white in color.

Step 4: Remove the meat

Using a knife or fork, remove the cooked meat into a colander or into a bowl. You should wait approximately 20-30 minutes until the meat cools and gets rid of excess broth.

Step 5: Disassemble the meat

We disassemble the cooled meat into small pieces and cut it into pieces approximately 1x1 cm.

Step 6: Peel and cut the onion

Peel the onion and chop finely. Add it to boiled meat.

Step 7: Salt the meat and add broth

Salt the meat to taste and dilute it with about one glass of the broth in which the meat was prepared. The mixture of the finished product will depend on the amount of water (a lot of water - more “jelly”). We add the fragrant seasonings for the meat and wait until the whole mass has cooled down one hundred percent.

Step 8: Stuff the bag with meat

Fill a plastic bag (more than half) with chilled meat and seasonings. Tie the bag with a thread and place it in the pan. Cover with a lid of the smallest diameter and press down well with a weight. In this way, “Selts” should brew for about a day in a cold place.

Step 9: Serve the brawn

Cut the finished “Brawn” into pieces and serve with mustard or hot horseradish. Decoration in the form of a small amount of greenery would be appropriate.

The dish differs from our usual “jelly” and “saltison” in the absence of garlic, but this does not spoil its taste at all, although if you like, you can add garlic..
They didn’t add it specifically in the old days, because there was a very fragrant spirit, which could unmask during a soldier’s campaign.)


Do you know what Selz is? and why is it so useful? “Brawn” is a pressed boiled “sausage” product in a jar or casing, which can easily be taken with you on routes during the cold season.
Previously, in the old days, soldiers always took a piece of cool brawn with them on a campaign.

Few people know, but the “jelly” from “Zeltz” has unique healing properties. In particular, it is recommended to be taken regularly by people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, as a prevention and treatment of diseases of cartilage, joints, bones, arthrosis-arthritis...etc.
Pharmacies sell all sorts of hodroitins and glucosamines (for joints). But ordinary brawn is much healthier than all this artificially created stuff. And that's why:

The brawn is prepared from bones, cartilage and meat, thanks to this mixture a jelly-like consistency is formed, which contains a large amount of collagen - this is a protein that is the basis of connective tissue in the human body. True, during the cooking process, part of the protein is destroyed, but the remainder is very useful for the body to slow down the aging processes of tissues, skin and bones and the abrasion of cartilage. And its constant use will help cope with joint diseases and problems of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to the above mandatory ingredients, you can add and cook it to the brawn with the addition of lard, tongue, heart, kidneys, liver and other offal, which are valuable products, along with meat.

It is very tasty and healthy, even just from a pig’s head (although you can add any offal)

Today we will learn how to cook it ourselves.

Ingredients for preparing one of the “Brawn” variants:

Pork head – 1 piece;
Onions – 3-4 heads;
Fine salt – 3-4 tablespoons;
Bay leaf;
Black pepper, peas;
Mustard - to taste;
Spicy horseradish - to taste;
Seasonings for meat (whatever you like)
Water (to cook the meat until it covers one finger).

Equipment for preparing “Brawn”:

Cutting board;
Kitchen stove;

Preparation of "Brawn".

Step 1: Wash and chop the pork head

The first step is to thoroughly wash the pork head and chop it into pieces. You should get fairly large pieces (5-6 pieces from an average head). After chopping, thoroughly wash the meat again to remove blood.

Step 2: Cook the meat

Place the washed pieces of meat into a large saucepan (as practice shows, a container of 5 or more liters is suitable). Ideal for such cases would be a cast iron cauldron, which maintains the optimal cooking temperature. Fill everything with cold running water (the meat is covered by about 8-10 centimeters). Cooking the dish takes approximately 3 hours (1 hour on medium heat, 2 hours on low heat).

Attention! After water boils, a large amount of scale forms on its surface, which must be removed with a slotted spoon. It is recommended to cover the pan with a lid, but if steam escapes from it and extinguishes the gas, you can move it slightly so that it can escape more freely.

Step 3: Add bay leaf, pepper

About 15 minutes before cooking, you can add bay leaf and pepper to the broth. Ready meat is easily separated from the bones, which turn white.

Step 4: Remove the meat

Using a knife or fork, remove the cooked meat into a colander or into a bowl. You should wait about 20-30 minutes until the meat cools and gets rid of excess broth.

Step 5: Disassemble the meat

We disassemble the cooled meat into small pieces and cut it into pieces of approximately 1x1 cm.

Step 6: Peel and cut the onion

Peel the onion and chop finely. Add it to boiled meat.

Step 7: Salt the meat and add broth

Salt the meat to taste and dilute it with approximately one glass of the broth in which the meat was cooked. The consistency of the finished product will depend on the amount of liquid (a lot of water - more “jelly”). Add the aromatic seasonings for the meat and wait for the whole mass to cool completely.

Step 8: Stuff the bag with meat

Fill a plastic bag (more than half) with chilled meat and seasonings. Tie the bag with a thread and place it in the pan. Cover with a lid of smaller diameter and press down well with a weight. Thus, “Zeltz” should brew for about a day in a cool place.

Step 9: Serve the brawn

Cut the finished “Brawn” into pieces and serve with mustard or hot horseradish. Decoration in the form of a small amount of greenery would be appropriate.

The dish differs from the usual “jelly” and “saltison” in the absence of garlic, but this does not spoil its taste at all, although if you like, you can add garlic..
They didn’t add it precisely because in the old days it was too fragrant, which could unmask during a soldier’s campaign.)

You should not leave Seltz in a warm room for a long time, as it “melts”. You can restore the previous structure of the dish by putting it in the cold again.

Bon appetit and healthy joints.

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Seltz is a product that contains meat products such as pork, lard, tongue, liver, etc. Undoubtedly, all these components bring exceptional benefits to the human body. In its consistency and appearance, brawn is very similar to jellied meat, which is packaged in a casing.

Useful properties of brawn

For quite some time now, scientists have come to the conclusion that products containing jelly are more than beneficial for human health. Of course, those who first invented these dishes were unlikely to care about the issue of usefulness. But, nevertheless, even in ancient times, people noticed that those who managed to taste the brawn in the evening or in the morning suffer less from a hangover.

But, of course, brawn is not only a hangover aid. This product has a lot of positive properties that undoubtedly benefit the human body. The composition of the brawn includes:

  • Collagen. It is this component that makes our skin and muscle tissue elastic;
  • Iron. To form blood, iron must be present in the human body;
  • Fat, in turn, contributes to a surge of vitality, as well as increased brain performance;
  • Mucopolysaccharides. This component is responsible for joints, bones and cartilage;
  • Glycine is a substance without which normal brain activity is not possible. It also helps improve metabolism and relieve hangover symptoms;
  • Other amino acids.

As mentioned above, brawn contains fats, proteins and vitamins. Thus, the product will be indispensable for people who play sports and strive to build muscle mass.

Harm and contraindications

No matter what beneficial qualities brawn has, in some cases it can cause harm to the human body. The brawn contains quite a large amount of cholesterol. It will not be news to anyone that it is cholesterol that causes the formation of plaques in blood vessels.

Also, we must not forget about the calories that are part of the brawn. By overusing this dish, you risk gaining weight soon. The product should be consumed in moderation. If you believe nutritionists, then you can eat brawn once a week, then you won’t need to worry about your figure and think about cholesterol. If you are on a diet, then it is better to avoid brawn altogether while losing weight.