By analogy with the pre-Easter fast, called the “Great Lent,” the fast before Christmas was sometimes also called the Lent, but “small.”The anticipation of the holiday and its anticipation with some testing of oneself can be no less spiritually fulfilling than the holiday itself. And that's why church calendar tunes in to it for a long time, gradually and incrementally.

ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT HOLIDAYS during Lent, when the day beforeAll-night vigil:

December 4 - - (twelfth holiday)

December 13th - service of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called

December 18 - memory of St. Savva the Sanctified

Polyeleos happens the day before:

29th of November - memory of the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew

December 2nd - memory of St. Philaret of Moscow

December 6 - memory of St. blgv. book Alexander Nevsky / St. Mitrofan of Voronezh

December 10 - celebration in honor of the icon Mother of God"The Omen" -

December 13th - memory of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called

December 26 - memory of the martyr. Evarest, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardaria and Orestes

January 1 (after the end of the Divine Liturgy) - Prayer service for the beginning of the New Year

January 2 - memory of St. right John of Kronstadt

On the eve of Christmas, the All-Night Vigil is celebrated at 16:00.

The early Liturgy of the Nativity of Christ in some churches is celebrated at night.

At the very beginning of Lent and during this “Little Lent”, a special place in the service is occupied by the memory of the Old Testament prophets and righteous people - Obadiah (December 2nd) , Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai (December 14, 15, 16 and 29, respectively). They are not highlighted during all-night services, but apparently they were collected deliberately for this Lenten period. The services to these prophets are not at all festive, but repentant in nature. This shows that before the coming of Christ, humanity was burdened with the burden of both the fall of Adam and its own iniquities. But even this did not prevent the faithful of God in those days from looking into the future with hope and faith in salvation:

"God! Do Your work among the years, among the years reveal it; in anger, remember mercy!.. His majesty covered the heavens, and the earth was filled with His glory... You come forward for the salvation of Your people, for the salvation of your anointed. You crush the head of the wicked house, stripping its foundations to the top...” (Song of Habakkuk - Hab. 3, 1-19).

December 4 - , the All-Night Vigil is celebrated the day before. Introduction - the twelfth holiday, one of the most revered. On this day, it is celebrated how the Most Pure Mother of God, at the age of three, was brought to the temple by the righteous Joachim and Anna and dedicated to God.

More than a month before the holiday in Orthodox churches Christmas carols begin to sound. First time - at the All-Night Vigil on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, about whom it is sung that “The Virgin clearly appears in the temple and announces Christ to everyone”:“Christ is born - praise! Christ from heaven - drop it! Christ on earth - ascend! Sing to the Lord, all the earth; and sing with joy, O people, for you have been glorified.”

These words themselves are taken from the first lines of “Words 38, on Epiphany or on the Nativity of the Savior” by St. Gregory the Theologian (“Christ is born: glorify! Christ from heaven; come out to the meeting! Christ is on earth - be exalted! Sing to the Lord, all the earth (Ps. 95: 1)! And I will say to both together: let the heavens rejoice, and the earth rejoice for the sake of the Heavenly , then Earthly! Christ in the flesh; rejoice with trembling and joy - with trembling because of sin, with joy because of hope ... ").

From this moment (December 3, evening) at all holiday services, as well as on Saturday evenings before Sundays, we hear these irmos of the Nativity Canon- more details: Irmos of the Nativity: history and translation

And in the services of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called (December 13) and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19) more Christmas stichera of the Forefeast are added , such as, for example, this one from the All-Night Vigil for the memory of the saints. Nicholas:“Be adorned in the den, for the Lamb is coming bearing Christ’s belly: take up the manger with the word of him who has absolved us earth-born from the wordless deeds. As a shepherd, bear witness to the terrible miracles: and bring willows from Persis, gold and frankincense and myrrh to the king, as if the Lord appeared from the Virgin Mother. And to Him, slavishly bowing down to Mother, you bowed down and greeted the one held in Her embrace: “How did you dwell in Me, or how did you vegetate in Me, My Savior and God?”

Russian translation: “Adorn yourself, cave; for the Lamb is coming, bearing Christ in her womb. The manger, lift up with the word of the one who freed us, earthly beings, from senseless deeds. Shepherds playing flutes, testify to a terrifying miracle; and the wise men from Persia, bring gold, frankincense and myrrh to the king, for the Lord has appeared from the Virgin Mother. And before Him, humbly Having fallen, the Mother herself bowed, turning to the One who was in Her arms: “How were You conceived in Me? Or how has My Savior and God grown in Me?”December 30th The Church commits memory of the prophet Daniel and the three youths Ananias, Azariah and Misail.

At the evening service the day before, Christmas carols are also heard, although it is not at all festive in nature.“Daniel, the man of desires, a stone without a hand was cut off when he saw Thee, Lord (see Dan. 2:31-45), a child without Seed was born, prophesied (predicted) Thee, from the Virgin incarnate the Word, the unchangeable (unchangeable) God, and the Savior of our souls "

The blessed dew from the angel, which preserved the three youths thrown into the kindled furnace by order of King Nebuchadnezzar, prefigures God’s condescension at the Virgin’s conception of the incarnate God... And the youths themselves represent the triumph of life and resurrection (the episode with the three youths is remembered especially during the Great Saturday before Passover - see Dan. 3, 24-90).

The Song of the Three Young Men is not included in the Hebrew Masoretic text of the Bible, but is included in the Greek text of the Septuagint, which is used in worship. And in every service in the 7th and 8th songs of any canon one way or another all year round this miracle of preserving the lives of three youths in the Babylonian furnace is sung. In the Christmas canon, the beginning of the 7th and 8th songs can be rendered in modern Russian as follows:Youths brought up in piety,neglecting the commandment of the wicked,they were not afraid of the threatening fire,but, standing in the midst of the flames, they sang:“God of the Fathers, blessed are You!”

Dew Sprinkling Furnacepresented an image of a supernatural miracle:for she does not scorch the young men whom she has received into herself,like the fire of the Divinity of the Virgin’s womb into which it descended.Therefore let us sing a song:“May the Lord bless all creationand exalts it to all ages!”(translation by Hierom. Ambrose Timrot)

Besides, The last two Sunday days before the Nativity of Christ are dedicated to all the Old Testament prophets and righteous people and are called in the church charter the Week of the Holy Forefathers and the Week of the Holy Fathers.

As a rule, polyeleos are celebrated on the eve of the memory of St. VMC. CatherineDecember 7 (in Churches, except Russian - December 8). Also, polyeleos and vigil services can be performed on the eve of the memory of locally revered saints and saints in whose honor the temple is consecrated.

31th of December in Russian churches Orthodox Church often serveNew Year's prayer service . IN last years in many churches a tradition has appeared to celebrate the Liturgy on New Year's Eve- this allows you to spend a civil holiday both joyfully and with benefit for the soul. In our church such a prayer service is not served. This is due to public transport.

AND, Finally, January 2 marks the final five days of Christmas Eve. Christ, the last of which is. A more strict fast begins.

January 6, at, the Royal Hours are usually read, and at their end - Vespers with the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great (according to the charter, it is supposed to be served in the afternoon, but this is not practiced in the Russian Church). In 2013, Christmas Eve falls on Sunday, and therefore the Royal Hours are moved to the previous Friday and the Liturgy is not celebrated after them.

Thus, the liturgical and prayerful content of the pre-Christmas fast is very rich and intense. It would be better to turn our attention to this, and not to the dietary side, which is not the most important, but often the most exciting for many modern Orthodox Christians! However, we can’t do without the latter, and therefore let’s move from the more sublime and poetic part to the more prosaic and everyday.

On the eve of Christmas, an All-Night Vigil is celebrated. The early Liturgy of the Nativity of Christ in some churches is celebrated at night.

But in our church there are always two Divine Liturgies in the morning: an early one at 6:00 a.m. and a late one at 8:00 a.m.

The celebration of the Nativity of Christ (December 25) begins with a preparatory period. Forty days before the celebration of the birth of our Lord, we begin the Nativity Fast, cleansing our soul and body in order to properly enter the holiday and participate in the great spiritual reality of Christ's coming. Lent is not a special liturgical period like Lent; The Nativity Fast is more “ascetic” than “liturgical” in nature. However, the period of the Nativity Fast is reflected in church life by a number of liturgical features that indicate the coming holiday.

The theme of the approaching Christmas in the services of the forty-day preparatory period appears gradually. At the beginning of Lent - November 15 - none of the hymns yet mentions Christmas, then, five days later, on the eve of the celebration of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, in the nine irmos of the Christmas canon we hear the first notice of the approaching event: “Christ is born, glorify !”

With these words, something changes in our lives, in the very air we breathe, in the entire structure of church life. It’s as if we feel somewhere in the distance the first light of the greatest joy of all – the coming of God into His world! thus announces the coming of Christ, the incarnation of God, His entry into the world for the salvation of the world. Further, on two Sundays before Christmas, he remembers Forefathers And Fathers: prophets and saints Old Testament, who prepared the coming of Christ, turning history into an expectation of salvation and restoration of humanity by God. Finally, December 20th begins Christmas Eve, whose liturgical structure is similar Holy Week before Easter - because with the birth of the Son of God in the form of a Baby, His saving ministry began for the sake of our salvation, which will further lead to the final sacrifice on the cross.


2) Vespers and

3) Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great.

Appearing at the end of the forefeast and the entire fast as a whole, the Clock combines all the themes of the holiday in order to solemnly announce them in last time. In special psalms, hymns and biblical readings for each Hour, the joy and power of Christ's coming is proclaimed. This is a final reflection on the universal meaning of Christmas and the decisive and radical changes it brought to all creation.

Vespers, which usually follows the hours, directly begins the celebration, because, as we know, the liturgical day begins in the evening. The tone of the holiday is set by five stichera on “The Lord has cried...” They are truly an explosion of joy about the gift of Christ’s incarnation, which has now taken place. Eight biblical readings show that Christ was the fulfillment of all prophecies, that His Kingdom is the Kingdom of “all ages,” that all human history finds its meaning in Him, and the center of His coming into the world was the entire universe.

Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, which follows Vespers, in the past was a baptismal liturgy, during which catechumens (preparing for Baptism) received Baptism, Confirmation and became members of the Church - the Body of Christ. The double joy of the holiday - for the newly baptized and other members of the Church - is expressed in prokimne days:

You are My Son, I gave birth to You today. Ask from Me, and I will give You the tongues of Your inheritance, and Your possession the ends of the earth.

At the end of the service, the priest brings a lighted candle to the middle of the church and, surrounded by parishioners, sings the troparion and kontakion of the holiday:

Your Nativity, Christ our God,

The rise of the world and the light of reason.

In it, those who serve the stars study with the stars

I bow to you, the Sun of Truth,

And I lead you from the heights of the East.

Lord, glory to You!

All-night Vigil and Liturgy

Since the festive Vespers has already been served, the All-Night Vigil begins with Great Compline and the joyful cry of the prophet Isaiah: “God is with us!” Matins is performed according to the rite of the great holidays. For the first time, the canon “Christ is born...” is sung in full - one of the most beautiful canons in Orthodox worship. While singing the canon, believers venerate the icon of the Nativity of Christ. This is followed by stichera for Praise, in which all the festive themes are joyfully combined:

Rejoice, righteous ones,

Heavens rejoice,

Leap up, O mountains, Christ is born!

The virgin sits, looking like a cherub,

Carrying in the depths of God the Word is embodied;

Shepherd They marvel at the Born,

They bring gifts to Volsvi the Lady,

The angels say chantingly:

Incomprehensible Lord, glory to You!

The celebration of the Nativity of Christ concludes directly with the Liturgy of the day with its festive antiphons, which proclaim:

The Lord will send a rod of power from Zion, and rule in the midst of Your enemies. Beginning with You in the day of Your power in the brightness of Your saints.


The next day there is a celebration Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Combining Christmas hymns with songs glorifying the Mother of God, he points to Mary as the person who made the Incarnation possible. The humanity of Christ - concretely and historically - is the humanity that He received from Mary. His Body is, first of all, Her body, His life is Her life. The Feast of the Synaxis of the Blessed Virgin Mary is probably the most ancient holiday in the Christian tradition in honor of the Virgin Mary, the beginning of Her church veneration.

The six days of after-feast last until December 31 and conclude the Christmas period. During these days, during services, he repeats hymns and chants glorifying the incarnation of Christ, recalling that the source and basis of our salvation can be found only in the One who, being the eternal God, came into the world for our sake and was born as a little Baby.

Christians celebrate it on January 7, or more precisely, the celebration begins on January 6 on Christmas Eve, this day is usually called Christmas Eve.

What do they do in church on Christmas Day: what holiday is it, when do you go to church?

Christmas is a special holiday. And the service on this day is special. Or rather, at night... After all, in many of our churches the Liturgy (and sometimes Great Compline and Matins) is served precisely at night.

Liturgy is a divine service that remains virtually unchanged due to holidays. The main liturgical texts, the main chants, which explain the event remembered on this day and set us up on how to properly celebrate the holiday, are sung and read in the church precisely during Vespers and Matins.

Church ministers remind: “If we talk about the Christmas service, then this, if you like, is one of those gifts that we can bring to the manger of the born Savior. Yes, the most main gift To God is the fulfillment of His commandments of love for Him and love for one’s neighbor, but still, various gifts are prepared for the birthday, and one of these can be a long prayer at the service.”

Those who want to celebrate the Nativity of Christ correctly, following the example of our ancestors - the ancient Christians, the saints, should be, if work allows, on the eve of Christmas, January 6, at the morning service. On Christmas itself, you should come to Great Compline and Matins and, naturally, to the Divine Liturgy.

Christmas Eve (Nativity Eve) is the last day of the Nativity Fast, the eve of the Nativity of Christ. The date of the holiday is January 6.

On this day, Orthodox Christians especially prepare for the upcoming holiday; the whole day is filled with a special festive mood. On the morning of Christmas Eve, after the end of the Liturgy and the following vespers, a candle is brought into the center of the church and the priests sing the troparion to the Nativity of Christ before it. The Christmas Eve services and fasting have a number of features.

On the morning of January 6, Christmas Vespers are celebrated in churches. It sounds strange: vespers in the morning, but this is a necessary deviation from the rules of the Church. Previously, Vespers began in the afternoon and continued with the Liturgy of Basil the Great, at which people received communion.

The whole day of January 6 before this service there was a particularly strict fast; people did not eat food at all, preparing to take communion. After lunch, Vespers began, and communion was received at dusk. And soon after this came the solemn Christmas Matins, which began to be served on the night of January 7th.

If you decide to bring children to church at night, then the main criterion for attending such long services should be the desire of the children themselves to come to this service. No violence or coercion is acceptable!

Attending a night service or a morning service is something you should be able to watch. Celebrating a holiday at night is, of course, a special joy: both spiritual and emotional.

Solemn night services contribute to a deeper prayer experience and perception of the Holiday.

What do they do in church on Christmas Day: how to fast and celebrate?

If for some reason you missed the liturgy on Christmas Eve, for example, you were cleaning, at work, or cooking Lenten dishes y and so on, then, please, eat after the “first star”. Since you didn’t carry out the feat of prayer, at least carry out the feat of fasting.

We remember that, according to the Russian proverb, “A full belly is deaf to prayer,” therefore a more strict fast prepares us for the coming joy of the holiday.

Regarding how to fast before Communion, if it is at a night service, then according to existing practice, liturgical fasting (that is, complete abstinence from food and water) in this case is 6 hours, but this is not directly formulated anywhere, and there are no clear instructions in the charter for how many hours before communion you cannot eat.

On an ordinary Sunday, when a person is preparing for Communion, it is customary not to eat food after midnight, but if you are going to receive communion at the night Christmas service, then it would be correct not to eat food somewhere after 21.00.

In any case, it is better to discuss this issue with your confessor.

Christmas Day, like Epiphany Eve, is a fast day, and, moreover, a day strict fasting. According to the regulations, boiled food without oil and wine are allowed on this day.

On the eve of Christmas, a large number of materials appear in which attention is concentrated on some dubious pre-Christmas and post-Christmas traditions, eating certain dishes, fortune telling, festivities, caroling, and so on - all that husk that is often very far from the true meaning of the great holiday the coming into the world of our Redeemer.

If it is a priority for someone to sit at a rich table, then the entire day before the holiday, including when the festive vespers are already being celebrated, the person is busy preparing festive dishes.

If it is more priority for a person to meet the born Christ, then he, first of all, goes to the divine service, and then free time prepares what he has time for.

In general, it is strange that a tradition has appeared on the day of the holiday to sit and consume a variety of rich dishes. This is neither medical point It’s not good for sight, nor spiritually. It turns out that we fasted throughout Lent, missed Christmas Vespers and the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - and all this in order to simply sit down and eat. This can be done at any other time...

For this day, our ancestors prepared something that did not require much effort in preparation, and already in the afternoon a more festive meal was prepared.

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For every Orthodox person, Christmas is the brightest and most significant holiday of the year. Perhaps only Easter can equal it in terms of importance. Christmas is both a warm family celebration and one of the main church holidays. Therefore, most Orthodox Christians strive to visit the temple on this day and spend time with their loved ones. However, many simply have no idea how to combine both. They are especially concerned about going to church on Christmas. After all, the service on this great day in some churches lasts almost a day and can be very tiring. Today we will tell readers what date they go to church on Christmas and how to do it correctly, separating the original Christian traditions from those that were invented much later by ordinary people.

The history of the formation of Christmas

All Christians know that on this great day it is customary to glorify the coming of the baby Jesus into this world. That is why believers go to church on Christmas night and stand for long services to pay tribute to the Savior and end a long fast that lasts for forty days.

However, modern inhabitants do not even suspect that for the first Christians Christmas was not such a significant celebration as it is now. They focused all their attention on the Resurrection of Christ and tried on this day to pray to the Savior for as long as possible and thank him for everything he had done for humanity.

Around the fourth century, Christians combined Christmas and Epiphany into one celebration. It was celebrated on the sixth of January, and this day became very significant for the church. However, after several decades, the need arose to separate these dates. After much doubt, Christmas was moved to the twenty-fifth of December, which has remained the case among Catholics to this day.

It is interesting that our ancestors firmly believed in certain oddities and miracles accompanying this date. For example, everyone believed that at Christmas two opposing forces reigned on earth - good and evil. They are fighting for human souls, and only the Christian himself is responsible for how it ends. If he joins the forces of good, he begins to glorify Christ, sing carols and spend time at a festively set table with loved ones. Otherwise, the person became part dark forces, and the witches could take him to the Sabbath.

Today Christmas is a holiday of man's unity with God and the glorification of what he has done for each of us. Therefore, it is believed that on this day we must visit the temple in order to thereby bring a gift to Christ in the form of prayer and gratitude. Despite the fact that this celebration is always celebrated on the same day when they go to church on Christmas, few people know. We will talk about this in the following sections of the article.

The duration of the Christmas service, where this tradition came from

We think we have already explained why they go to church on Christmas. But nevertheless, let us repeat once again - on this day it will be correct to pray, take communion and thank God for everything that he has given us this year. But not all Christians can stay on their feet during the entire service. Many believers doubt whether they can stand in the temple all night. After all, leaving the service is considered an unacceptable sin.

People, when they go to church on Christmas, often complain that it is quite difficult for them to withstand the lack of food due to fasting and the long service. However, in fact, earlier festive service could last for a day. This is exactly how the first Christians glorified the Lord at the dawn of the formation of religion.

By the way, this tradition has its own quite understandable reasons. The fact is that Christians were harshly persecuted by the authorities of all the cities where they appeared, so they could only pray at night, away from prying eyes.

Moreover, during that period of time, Christians were so passionate about their faith that they could spend more than a day in prayer. It was in a common impulse that they achieved unity with God, which is inaccessible to most modern Orthodox Christians. The clergy say that the tradition of long, solemn services has been preserved in many monasteries. For example, on Mount Athos, when they go to church on Christmas, they are prepared for the service to last at least twenty-one hours. Of course, the brothers are given a short rest, but still the service never ends earlier than eighteen hours later.

Do people go to church for a short time at Christmas? Until the beginning of the twentieth century, no one even asked such a question, since believers were accustomed to long services. However, after the revolution, this tradition completely lost its relevance and has not yet been revived. After all, the clergy themselves do not consider the night service to be long, and besides, it is not the most important thing on this holiday.

Is it possible to go to church before Christmas?

Most of Believers believe that it is imperative to attend the service, which begins on the night of January 6th to 7th. However, in fact, this opinion is wrong, because the holiday begins on 6. When do they go to church on Christmas in this case? It is believed that this day precedes the holiday.

If you want to do everything according to the rules, then keep in mind that the Christmas service begins on the morning of January 6th. It is in the morning hours that Vespers is served, followed by the Liturgy. On it a person can take communion and then proceed to other matters. Therefore, if for some compelling reason you cannot defend the night service, then visit the church before Christmas - on the morning of January 6th. This visit will be much more beneficial for your soul and is in accordance with ancient Christian traditions.

Where did the custom of starting celebrations on the morning of January 6th come from?

If our contemporaries cannot accurately answer whether they go to church on Christmas from the very beginning early morning, then in pre-revolutionary times this question did not even arise in the minds of the Orthodox. They were ready to spend the entire day of the sixth of January in prayerful work and did not even eat food, since the fast ended only on the seventh.

Usually Orthodox Christians came to church early in the morning, but the solemn service began only after lunch. During this period, the priests began to serve vespers, and with the onset of dusk it turned into the liturgy. Until this moment, no one could afford to leave the temple or start eating. After communion, Christians began to serve Matins, which became the most festive moment of the past day. At the end of the service, the Orthodox congratulated each other and went to the festive table, which also served as a symbol of the end of a long fast.

When do they go to church on Christmas Day?

So, modern Christians have long ceased to adhere to ancient customs. They find hundreds of reasons for this, including being unusually busy at work. But you can go to church on Christmas according to modern traditions. If you want to do everything right, then you should do it following rules:

  • visit morning service January sixth;
  • defend the liturgy and receive communion;
  • attend the solemn vespers, which ends on the morning of January 7th.

Of course, it is difficult to sustain such prayerful work. But some clergy give a number of tips to help cope with long services on the holiday.

You can and should go to church on Christmas, but this visit requires careful preparation. The clergy are ready to give all Orthodox Christians some advice on this matter:

  • Be sure to rest before the service. You should not come to church after hard work, because you will still struggle with sleep and will not be able to stand through the entire service. Such an attitude is displeasing to Christ, so if possible, sleep for a few hours and only after that go to church.
  • Fast correctly. If you attend the morning service on January 6th and take communion before the evening, you can start eating in the evening. Those who plan to attend only the night service from January 6th to 7th will have to wait until the end of the service.
  • Confess on the eve of Christmas. You should not hope for confession on the holiday itself; in an ordinary church this is impossible, since there is usually only one priest who serves there, who physically cannot do everything at the same time.
  • Read your prayers consciously. Prepare for the service: select psalms, find their translations and information about the service itself. It is necessary that every person consciously perceives everything that happens around him. Otherwise there will be no point in being present in the temple.
  • Do not try to light candles in churches and venerate icons on Christmas Day. Since there are always a lot of people in the church on holidays, there is no need to push aside the crowd and make your way to the icons. It is better to do this on another day and not overshadow the celebration by causing discontent among the parishioners.

Priests also advise believers to take communion. This point cannot be omitted, even if you are very busy.

Children and going to church

Is it possible to go to church on Christmas with children? Believers often ask clergy about this, because if it is difficult for adults to endure a solemn service, then it will be even more difficult for children to do this.

So what if you want to take your child with you? First of all, ask his opinion. If your baby’s eyes sparkle and he sincerely wants to go with you to pray at night, then be sure to fulfill his wish. However, keep in mind that the child will not be able to withstand the entire service, and you need to take a soft bedding with you so that the baby can take a nap. You can wake him up immediately before communion.

What can and should be done for Christmas?

Very often people get confused about customs and rules church holidays. Sometimes they take actions that they consider correct and limit themselves in many ways. However, in reality everything turns out to be much simpler. So, for Christmas, everyone can:

  • visit the temple;
  • glorify Christ;
  • fulfill daily work, which is necessary to ensure the livelihoods of the whole family;
  • work if it is extremely important to acquire something;
  • sew and knit, but only when you are preparing a gift for your loved ones;
  • give alms;
  • go for any shopping;
  • Marital relations are not prohibited if the couple really wants to have a child.

What should you not do on this holy holiday?

There are not so many Christmas prohibitions, so it’s not difficult to remember them:

  • Under no circumstances should you swear or let any negativity into your life;
  • You can’t wear dark-colored clothes;
  • Drinking alcohol and participating in entertainment events are not encouraged on this day;
  • The clergy condemn visiting cemeteries and fortune telling.

There are often debates on the last point in society, because it is believed that Christmas fortune telling belong to the most ancient Slavic tradition. However, the church categorically condemns the occult, which includes any attempts to look into the future.

The “12 Strav” tradition: is it necessary to cook so much for Christmas?

Almost every housewife knows about the need to prepare twelve dishes for the holiday, and they are ready to spend a lot of time to strictly adhere to this tradition. However, the clergy themselves consider this ritual to be invented and have nothing in common with Christian rituals. To understand the inconsistency of the “12 Strava” tradition, it is necessary to remember that fasting still lasts on the sixth and seventh. Therefore, housewives should cook only lean dishes, and without adding oil. How many recipes for similar dishes can you name? Most likely the minimum amount.

Therefore, you should not neglect visiting church for the sake of the festive table. Don't forget that Christmas is all about spiritual holiday.

If you really observed fasting, then ending it with a rich feast is not only harmful, but also dangerous to your health. Therefore, the first meal after communion should be as light as possible. In the monasteries, the brothers make do with fresh bread, cheese and warm milk. This was quite enough to fill up and calmly begin preparing the ceremonial meal.

The clergy advise not to focus much attention on this. After a long service, you should not waste your last energy on festive table from several dishes. Involve everyone in the household in cooking and then good mood sit at a table with simple and tasty food.

Schedule of services

Before you plan to go to church on the sixth or seventh of January, be sure to find out what time the service is scheduled for in your church. In each church, services follow their own schedule; there is no uniform regulation on this matter. Therefore, be careful and visit the temple on the eve of the holiday.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Lord sees the soul of each of us and reads in it not only actions, but also intentions. Only He knows how difficult it was for you to cancel all your affairs, endure the liturgy and pray with everyone. But only such actions make us better, purer and closer to Christ. Don’t forget about this either on the bright holiday of Christmas or on weekdays.

In many churches in Moscow, parishioners try to sing along; in some churches, “folk singing” is even practiced. You can also participate in worship silently. But in any case, it would be good to understand the liturgical texts, it would be convenient to follow with your eyes the text of the key liturgical chants. We are posting the text for general folk singing for the morning service on Christmas Eve (January 6), the Christmas all-night vigil and Divine Liturgy(6 - 7 January)

Miniature Minology of Vasily II. Constantinople. 985 Vatican Library. Rome

The Eve of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas Eve)
Pre-celebration of the Nativity of Christ. Prmts. Evgenia.
Great Vespers with LITURGY of St. Basil the Great

Psalm 103 (initial)
Bless the Lord, my soul./ Blessed art thou, O Lord./
Lord, my God, you are greatly exalted./ Blessed are you, O Lord./
With wisdom you have created all things./ Glory to Ti, the Lord, who created all things.
Glory, And now: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to You, God (three times)

VERSES I cried to the Lord:
Lord, I called to You, hear me. / Hear me, Lord.
Lord, I have called to You, hear me: / Hear the voice of my prayer, / Sometimes I will cry to You. / Hear me, Lord.
May my prayer be corrected, / like incense before You, / the lifting of my hand, / an evening sacrifice. / Hear me, Lord.
From the depths I cried to You, Lord, Lord, hear my voice.
[HOLIDAY verses]:

Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my prayer.
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, who reveals the real mystery: the mediastinum of the city is destroyed, the fiery weapon gives forth, and the Cherub retreats from the tree of life, and I partake of the food of Paradise I hope I was expelled from him for the sake of disobedience; the unchangeable image of the Father, the image of His ever-present, the image of a slave receives, from the Unartificed Mother passed, without undergoing change, even though He abides, this God is true, and He is not accepted, Man being for the sake of humanity. To this we cry: be born of a Virgin, God, have mercy on us.
If you see iniquity, Lord, Lord, whoever stands; / for You have purification.

For Thy name's sake I have endured Thee, O Lord; my soul has endured in Thy word; / my soul trusteth in the Lord.
I was born to the Lord Jesus from the Holy Virgin, enlightened by all things: a shepherd who whistled and a sorcerer who worshiped, an angel who sang, Herod was troubled, as God appeared in the flesh, the Savior of our souls.
From the morning watch until the night, from the morning watch, let Israel trust in the Lord.
Thy Kingdom, O Christ God, the Kingdom of all ages, and Thy Dominion in every generation and generation, incarnate from the Holy Spirit and from the Ever-Virgin Mary, made human, light has risen to us, O Christ God, Thy its coming; Light from the Light, Father’s radiance, has enlightened all creation, every breath praises You. Image of the glory of the Father, who was born before, and who shone forth from the Virgin, God, have mercy on us.
For the Lord has mercy, and He has much deliverance, and He will deliver Israel from all their iniquities. Thy Kingdom, O Christ God, the Kingdom of all ages, and Thy Dominion in every generation and generation, incarnate from the Holy Spirit and from the Ever-Virgin Mary, made human, light has risen to us, O Christ God, Thy its coming; Light from the Light, Father’s radiance, has enlightened all creation, every breath praises You. Image of the glory of the Father, who was born before, and who shone forth from the Virgin, God, have mercy on us.
Praise the Lord, all nations, praise Him, all people.

For His mercy is established upon us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.
What shall we bring to You, Christ, since You appeared on earth as a Man for our sake? Every former creature from You brings thanksgiving to You: Angels - singing; heaven - a star; volsvi - gifts; shepherding - a miracle; earth - den; desert - manger; we are the Mother of the Virgin. Like before the ages, God, have mercy on us.
GLORY AND NOW: To Augustus, who alone rules over the earth,/ the multiplicity of men has ceased;/ and to You I have become human from the Pure One,/ the polytheism of idols has been abolished,/ under one worldly kingdom there was a city,/ and into One Sovereignty God the pagans have become believers./ People were written by the commandment of Caesar,/ we were written, Vernis, In the name of the Divine,/ You, our inhuman God.// Your great mercy, Lord, glory to You.

Quiet light of holy glory, / Immortal, Heavenly Father, / Holy Blessed Jesus Christ. / Having come to the west of the sun, / having seen the evening light, / we sing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God. / Thou art worthy at all times / to be a reverend voice, / to the Son of God, giving life, / in the same way the world glorifies Thee.

Prokeimenon, tone 4: The Lord will hear me, / I will always cry to Him.
Poem: Always call upon me, the God of my righteousness will hear me

Genesis reading, chapter 1:1-13 (translating to Russian language)
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was invisible and unstructured, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said: “Let there be light.” And there was light. And God saw the light that it was good, and God divided between light and darkness. And God called the light day, and called the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day. And God said: “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate water from water.” And so it became. And God created the firmament, and God divided between the water (which was) under the firmament, and the water (which was) above the firmament. And God called the firmament heaven. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning: the second day. And God said: “Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one gathering, and let the dry land appear.” And so it became. And the waters under heaven were gathered into their congregations, and the dry land appeared. And God called the dry land earth, and the accumulations of water he called seas. And God saw that it was good. And God said: “Let the earth bring forth green grass, grass yielding seed according to its kind and likeness, and a fruitful tree bearing fruit, having its seed in it, according to its kind on the earth.” And so it became. And the earth brought forth green plants, grass yielding seed after its kind and after its likeness, and a fruitful tree bearing fruit, having its seed in it, according to its kind on the earth. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning: the third day.

Numbers reading, chapter 24:2-3, 5-9, 17-18
The Spirit of God was upon Balaam, and, beginning his parable, he said: “How beautiful are your dwellings, O Jacob, your tents, O Israel: like the shady valleys, like the gardens by the rivers, like the tents that the Lord pitched, (and) like the cedar trees waters. Man will come from his seed, and will take possession of many nations, and His kingdom will be exalted [more than Gog] and [His Kingdom] will increase. God brought him from Egypt; his glory is like that of a unicorn: he will devour the tribes of his enemies, and exhaust them with fatness, and with His arrows He will smite the enemy. He lay down and rested like a lion and like a lion's cub: who will lift Him up? Those who bless you are blessed, and those who curse you are cursed! A star will rise from Jacob and a Man will arise from Israel, and will crush the leaders of Moab and destroy all the sons of Seth. And Edom will be his heritage, and Esau his enemy will be his heritage, and Israel has shown strength!”

Reading the Prophecies of Micah, ch. 4:6-7; 5:2-4
In those days, says the Lord, I will gather together the broken and the rejected, and those whom I have rejected. And I will turn the broken ones into a remnant and the rejected ones into a strong people, and the Lord will reign over them on Mount Zion from now on and forever. Thus says the Lord: And you, Bethlehem, house of Ephrath, are small to be among the thousands of Judah: but from you will come unto Me (the Leader -) He who is to be a Prince in Israel, and His origin is from the beginning, from the days of eternity. Therefore He will give them until the time when the Mother giving birth gives birth; and then the rest of His brothers will turn to the children of Israel. And the Lord will stand and look and feed His flock in strength; and in the glory of the name of the Lord their God they will abide, for He will now be magnified to the ends of the earth

You were born secretly in a den, / but Heaven preached You to everyone, / like lips offering a star, O Savior, / and brought You the wise men, who worship You by faith; / WITH HIMSELF HAVE MERCY ON US.

Verse 1: Its foundations are on the holy mountains, / the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the villages of Jacob, / the glorious spoken of You, the city of God. / I will remember Rahab and Babylon, who lead me. And You will bring the wise men who worship You with faith, WITH THEM, HAVE MERCY ON US.
Verse 2: And behold the foreign women, and Tire, and the people of Ethiopia, / these were there. / Mati Zion says: / Man and Man were born in it, / and He is the foundation and the Most High. And You will bring the wise men who worship You with faith, WITH THEM, HAVE MERCY ON US.
Verse 3: The Lord tells the story in the scripture of the people / and of these princes who were in it / that those who rejoice have their dwelling place in You. And You will bring the wise men who worship You with faith, WITH THEM, HAVE MERCY ON US.

You were born secretly in a den, / but Heaven preached You to everyone, / like lips offering a star, O Savior, / and brought You the wise men, who worship You by faith; / WITH HIMSELF HAVE MERCY ON US.

Isaiah's prophecies reading, chapter 11:1-10
Thus says the Lord: A branch will come out of the root of Jesse, and a flower will come up from the root; and the Spirit of God will rest on him: the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of knowledge and piety; He will be filled with the Spirit of the fear of God: He will not judge by outward appearances, nor will He reprove by rumor, but will judge the humble with righteous judgment, and will reprove with the uprightness of the glorious ones of the earth, and will smite the earth with the word of His mouth, and with the Spirit of His mouth will destroy the wicked. And His loins will be girded with truth, and His sides will be entwined with truth. And the wolf will graze with the lamb, and the leopard will rest with the kid; and the calf, and the ox, and the lion will feed together, and a little child will lead them. And the bull and the bear will graze together, and their cubs will be together; and the lion and the ox will eat straw together. And the young Child will lay his hand on the hole of the asps and on the nest of the offspring of the asps; and they will not cause harm, and they will not be able to destroy anyone on My holy mountain, for the whole (earth) will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as abundant water covers the seas. And in that day there will be a Root of Jesse and one who rises up to rule over the Gentiles: in Him the Gentiles will hope, and His rest will be an honor!

Prophecies of Baruch reading 3:36-38; 4:1-4
This is our God, no one else can compare with Him. He invented every way of knowledge and gave it to Jacob His servant and to Israel, His beloved. After this He appeared on earth and dwelt among people. This is the book of God's commandments and the law that endures forever. All who hold on to it will enter into life, and those who forsake it will die. Turn, Jacob, and take hold of it, go to the radiance in its light. Do not give your glory to another, and what is useful to you - to a foreign people. Blessed are we Israel, for that which is pleasing to God is known to us.

Daniel's prophecies reading 2:31-36, 44-45
Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar: You, O king, looked: and behold, one image; The statue is great and its appearance is excellent. It stood before your face, and the vision of it was terrifying. A statue whose head is made of pure gold, its arms and chest and muscles are silver, its belly and thighs are copper, its legs are iron, its legs are partly iron and partly clay. You watched until the stone was cut off from the mountain without the help of hands, and you struck the image on the feet of iron and clay, and smashed their ashes to the end. Then clay, iron, copper, silver, gold immediately turned to dust, and became like dust from the summer threshing floor, and they were lifted up by the force of the wind, and there was no place for them; and the stone that hit the statue turned into a great mountain and filled the whole earth. This is a dream; and we will say its interpretation before the king: the God of heaven will erect a Kingdom that will never be destroyed, and His Kingdom will not be left to another people; and it will turn to dust and scatter all kingdoms, and it itself will stand forever - in the same way as you saw that a stone was cut off from the mountain without the help of hands and crushed clay, iron, copper, silver, gold. The Great God let the king know what was to happen after this. And this dream is true, and its interpretation is correct!

Verse 1: The Lord reigned, and was clothed with beauty: the Lord was clothed with strength, and girded: for establish the world, which cannot be moved. Thy throne is ready from thence, thou artest from everlasting. You have instructed the Magi to worship You, and with them we magnify You: Life-giver, glory to You.
Verse 2: The Lord raised up the rivers, raised up the rivers with their voices. The rivers will swell with their confusion because of the voices of many waters. You have instructed the Magi to worship You, and with them we magnify You: Life-giver, glory to You.
Verse 3: Wonderful are the heights of the sea, wonderful is the Lord in the high places: Thy testimonies are greatly assured: holiness befits Thy house, Lord, for the length of days. You have instructed the Magi to worship You, and with them we magnify You: Life-giver, glory to You.

Thou shone, O Christ, from the Virgin, the rational Sun of Truth, / and the star of Thy display in the den, containing the Inconceivable. / You instructed the Magi to worship You, / with them we magnify You: / Life-giver, glory to You.

Isaiah's prophecy reading, chapter 9:6-7
A child was born to us, a Son was given to us, whose dominion was on His shoulder, and His name is called: the Angel of the Great Council, the wonderful Counselor, the mighty God, the Ruler, the ruler of the world, the Father of the age to come, for I will bring peace upon the rulers: peace and health to Him! (And) His dominion is great, and His peace has no end, on the throne of David and in his kingdom, to correct it and support it in justice and righteousness from now on and forever. The jealousy of the Lord of hosts will do this!

Isaiah's prophecies reading, chapters 7:10-16; 8:1-4, 8-10
The Lord continued the conversation with Ahaz, saying: “Ask for yourself a sign from the Lord your God in the depths or in the heights.” And Ahaz said: “I will not ask and I will not tempt the Lord!” And Isaiah said: Listen, O house of David! Isn't it enough for you to make people difficult? And how do you cause difficulty for the Lord? Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin will conceive in her womb and give birth to a Son, and they will call His name Emmanuel. He will eat oil and honey; before He can know or prefer the bad, He will choose the good: for before this Infant knows good or evil, He will not submit to vice in order to choose the good." And the Lord said to me: "Take yourself a new, large scroll, and write on with a human pen that the capture of the prey will soon be accomplished - for it has come. And make faithful people as witnesses to Me: Uriah the priest and Zechariah the son of Barachiah." And I went to the Prophetess, and She carried in her womb and gave birth to a Son. And the Lord said to me: "Name His name: “Take it quickly, plunder it quickly,” for before the Child learns to call his father or mother, He will seize the power of Damascus and the spoils of Samaria in the face of the king of Assyria." God is with us - know, O peoples, and submit, hear to the ends of the earth. Mighty, submit: for if you become strong again, you will be defeated again And whatever counsel you plan will be destroyed by the Lord, and whatever word you speak will not remain in force with you, for God is with us.

Prokeimenon, voice 1: The Lord spoke to Me: You are My Son, I have given birth to You today.
Poem: Ask from Me, and I will give You tongues, Your heritage and Your possession, the ends of the earth.

Epistle to the Hebrews by St. Apostle Paul (Chapter 13:17-21)
God, who spoke many times and in various ways in ancient times to the fathers in the prophets, in these last days spoke to us in the Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he created the ages. He, being the radiance of glory and the image of His essence, and holding everything by the word of His power, having accomplished with Himself the cleansing of our sins, sat down on right side[throne] of Majesty on high, having become as superior to the Angels as he inherited the Name that was most excellent before them. For to which of the Angels did God ever say: “You are My Son, today I have begotten You”? And again: “I will be His Father, and He will be My Son”? And also, when He introduces the Firstborn into the universe, He says: “And let all the Angels of God worship Him.” And about the Angels he says: “He who creates His angels with spirits and His servants with flaming fire,” and about the Son: “Your throne, O God, is for ever and ever, the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom. You loved righteousness and hated iniquity, therefore, O God, Your God has anointed You with the oil of joy more than Your companions.” And: “In the beginning, O Lord, You founded the earth, and the work of Your hands is the heavens; They will perish, but You will remain, and they will all wear out like a garment, and You will fold them up like a garment and they will be changed. But You are the same, and Your years will not end.”

GOSPEL OF LUKE (chapter 6:17-23)
In those days, a decree was issued from Caesar Augustus about a census of the entire universe. This census was the first during the reign of Quirinius Syria. And everyone went to sign up, each to his own city. Joseph also went from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was from the house and family of David, to enroll with Miriam, his betrothed wife, who was with child. It came to pass that while they were there, the days were fulfilled when She was about to give birth. And She gave birth to Her Son, the firstborn, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were shepherds in that country, who were in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid with great fear. And the Angel said to them: “Do not be afraid! For behold, I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all the people: that a Savior has been born to you today in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord. And here is a sign for you: you will find a Child, swaddled, lying in a manger.” And suddenly a large heavenly army appeared with the Angel, praising God and proclaiming: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among men!” And it happened: when the Angels departed from them into heaven, those people, the shepherds, said to each other: “Let us reach Bethlehem and see what this event happened, which the Lord told us about.” And they hastened and came and found Miriam and Joseph and the Child lying in the manger.
When they saw it, they told about the word that they had spoken about this Child. And all who heard were surprised at what the shepherds said to them. Mariam kept all these words, writing them in Her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for everything that they had heard and seen, just as it was said.


God is with us, understand the pagans, / and repent: / For God is with us.
Hear before last lands: / For God is with us.
Those who are able, repent: / For God is with us.
Even if you are able again, / and again you will be victorious: / For God is with us.
And even if you hold counsel, / the Lord will destroy: / For God is with us.
And the word, even if you say, / will not abide in you: / For God is with us.
We will not be afraid of your fear, / we will be confused: / For God is with us.
Let us sanctify the Lord our God, / and He will be our fear: / For God is with us.
And if I trust in Him, / it will be for my sanctification: / For God is with us.
And I will trust in Him, / and I will be saved by Him: / For God is with us.
Behold the children that God gave us: / As God is with us.
People walking in darkness / have seen a great light: / For God is with us.
Living in the land and shadow of death, / the light will shine on you: / For God is with us.
As a Child was born to us, / A Son, and was given to us: / As God is with us.
His rulership was upon His frame: / For God is with us.
And His peace knows no bounds: / For God is with us.
And His Name is called, / Great Angel of the Council: / For God is with us.
Wonderful Advisor: / For God is with us.
God is strong, Ruler, / Chief of the world: / For God is with us.
Father of the next century: / For God is with us.
God is with us, understand the pagans, / and repent: / For God is with us.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is with us.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. God is with us. Like God is with us.

The day has passed, I thank You, Lord, evening, I ask, grant me a night without sin, O Savior, and save me.
Glory: The day has passed, I will praise You, Master, evening, I ask, grant me the night without temptation, Savior, and save me.
And now: The day has passed, I will sing praises to You, O Holy One, evening, I ask, grant me from the night hated, O Savior, and save me.
The incorporeal nature of the Cherubim, they glorify You with silent songs. The six-crested animal exalts Thee with unceasing voices of the seraphim: the whole host of the Angels praises Thee with thrice-holy songs. For Thou art the Father before all, and the imash of Thy Son is without origin: and Equally honorable is the bearer of the Spirit of life, Thou art manifesting the inseparable Trinity.
The Most Holy Virgin Mother of God, and those like the Word, self-witnesses and servants: prophet and martyr of all persons, as having immortal life: pray diligently for everyone, as we are all in trouble. Yes, having been delivered from the charms of the evil one, we cry out the angelic song: Holy, Holy, Holy, Trisagion Lord, have mercy and save us, Amen.

Troparion of the Nativity of Christ, tone 4:
Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, / shine upon the world the light of reason, /
in it for the stars who serve / learn from the star / bow to you, the Sun of Truth, /
and they lead you from the heights of the east. // Lord, glory to you.

Kontakion of the holiday, tone 3:
Today the Virgin gives birth to the Eternal One, / and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable: / the angels and the shepherds praise, / the wolves travel with the star: / for for our sake the Eternal God was born as a young child.

VERSES on Lithia:
Heaven and earth today prophetically rejoice, Angels and men spiritually rejoice, for God in the flesh has appeared to those who sit in darkness and in the shadows, born of the Virgin; the den and manger received Togo; shepherds preach miracles; Volsvi from the east bring gifts to Bethlehem. We will bring praise to Him with unworthy lips of angels: glory to God in the Highest, and peace on earth, for the Hope of the tongues has come, saving us from the work of the enemy.
Heaven and earth have come together today, giving birth to Christ. Today God has come to earth, and man has ascended to Heaven. Today, what is visible is in the flesh, what is invisible by nature, for man’s sake. For this reason, we too will cry out to Him in glorification: Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, for Thy coming is granted, O our Savior, glory to Thee.
Glory to God in the Highest, in Bethlehem I hear from the Bodiless today, on earth peace was favored to be. Now the Virgin of Heaven is broad: for she has risen up as light to the darkened and lifted up the humble, angelically singing: glory to God in the Highest.
In the image and likeness, having seen the decay of crime, Jesus, bowing the Heavens, descended and dwelt in the virgin womb without change, so that in it He might renew the decayed Adam, calling: glory to Thy appearing, my Savior and God.
GLORY: Volsvi, the Persian kings, having come to know the newly born Heavenly King on earth, led from the bright star, reaching Bethlehem, bearing chosen gifts, gold, and frankincense, and myrrh, and, having fallen, bowed down: seeing in the den of the Child lying lifeless.
AND NOW: All the Angels in Heaven rejoice, and men rejoice today, and all creation plays for the Savior of the Lord born in Bethlehem, like all flattery of an idol, and Christ reigns forever.

VERSES on verse:
A great and glorious miracle will happen today: The virgin gives birth and the womb does not decay: the Word becomes incarnate and the Father is not absent. The angels and their shepherds glorify, and we cry out with them: glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth.
From the womb before the star I gave birth to Thee: the Lord swears, and will not repent.
Today the Virgin gives birth to the Creator of all: Eden brings a den, and the star shows Christ, the Sun to those in darkness. We bowed down with gifts and were enlightened by faith: and the shepherd saw a miracle, an angel singing and saying: glory to God in the highest.
The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at My right hand.
The Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem as a Judean, coming from the east as a wolf, worshiping God and becoming human, and diligently opening his treasures, offering honorable gifts: gold was tempted, like the King of the ages; and Lebanon, like the God of all: like a dead man for three days, myrrh, the Immortal. All pagans, come, let us worship the One who is born, to save our souls.
GLORY: Rejoice in Jerusalem, rejoice, all who love Zion: today the temporary confinement of Adam’s condemnation has been resolved, paradise has been opened to us, the serpent has been abolished: since deception was first, now I have seen the former Mother of Sodetel. O the depth of the wealth, and wisdom, and mind of God! Having already brought forth the death of all flesh, the sinful vessel, salvation began to come to the whole world, for the sake of the Mother of God. The Child is born from Her, the All-Perfect God, and with the Nativity seals virginity: resolving the captivity of sin in swaddling clothes, and for the sake of infancy, He heals even the sorrows of illness. Let all creation rejoice and play: for Christ has come to renew us and save our souls.
AND NOW: You moved into the den, O Christ God, receiving the manger, and the shepherd bowed down to the wolf. Then the prophetic sermon was fulfilled, and the angelic powers marveled, crying out and saying: Glory to Your descent, O One who loves mankind.

Now you let go Thy servant, O Lord,/ according to Thy word, in peace;/ for my eyes have seen Thy salvation,/ which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people,/ a light for the revelation of the nations,// and glory to the people Thy Israel.

Troparion of the Nativity of Christ, tone 4 (three times):

END OF THE GREAT COMPLEMENT. BEGINNING OF MORNING(the lights are turned off, the Six Psalms are read: Psalms 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142)

God is the Lord, and having appeared to us, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
Troparion of the Nativity of Christ:
Thy Nativity, Christ our God, / the light of reason shines upon the world, / in it for the stars serving / the star learns / to bow to Thee, the Sun of Truth, / and lead Thee from the heights of the East.// Lord, glory to Thee ́.

We magnify You, / life-giving Christ, / for our sake, now born in the flesh / of the Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mary.

PROKIMENON, tone 4: From the womb before the morning star I gave birth to Thee, / the Lord swears and will not repent
Poem: The Lord speaks to my Lord: sit at my right hand, until I will make your enemies your footstool.
Let every breath / praise the Lord.
Poem: Praise God in His saints, praise Him in strengthening His power.

GOSPEL OF MATTHEW (chapter 1: 18-25) (translating to Russian language)
The Nativity of Jesus Christ was like this: after the betrothal of His Mother Mary to Joseph, before they were united, it turned out that She was pregnant with the Holy Spirit. Joseph, Her husband, being righteous and not wanting to dishonor Her, decided to secretly let Her go. But when he thought this, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to accept Miriam your wife, for what is born in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bear a son, and you will call his name : Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." And all this happened so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled, who says: “Behold, a virgin will conceive in her womb and give birth to a Son, and they will call His name Emmanuel,” which translated means: “God is with us.” Waking up from sleep, Joseph did as the Angel of the Lord commanded him, and took his wife, and did not know her; until She gave birth to her Son, her firstborn, and he called His name Jesus.

GLORY: Every day of joy is fulfilled, Christ was born of the Virgin.
AND NOW: Every day of joy is fulfilled, Christ was born in Bethlehem.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity.
Glory to God in the Highest, / and on earth peace, / today Bethlehem will receive him who sits ever with the Father, / today the Angels of the Child, born divinely, glorify: / glory in the Highest to God, and on earth peace, / good will towards men.