The world of cryptocurrencies attracts the attention of almost everyone. The rapid growth of quotes for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies built on blockchain technology is attracting more and more people interested in big and fast earnings to this area. Today, even elderly grandmothers in remote villages know what mining is. The world of finance has its own specifics, regardless of what type of monetary media is used. Where there is a lot of money, scammers and criminals always appear who want to appropriate this money for themselves. This rule applies fully to the world of virtual money. Cryptocurrencies are gradually taking a more confident position in the world of finance, attracting the attention of more and more people and organizations.

Two Japanese virtual currency exchangers decided to consolidate efforts

Two major players in the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange market, in order to achieve higher profitability and improve the quality of security issues, agreed to merge into one organization. The strategic merger of two companies, Japan Blockchain Association and Cryptocurrency Business Association, is scheduled for the beginning of the second quarter. This step is caused by shaky consumer confidence. Security issues are a priority in the world of money. And regular hacker attacks on cryptocurrency exchange operators worry users, who are growing in number every day. Successful actions of attackers undermine trust in cryptocurrency exchanges. Competition in this market is very high. Therefore, the element of ensuring the security of transactions and operations becomes the main factor for attracting and retaining clientele. The reputation of the virtual money exchange operator is the best advertisement.

Disappearing crypto money from accounts scares away consumers

Successful hacker attacks negate all the work to popularize the company and build a reputation. This happened with a major player in the Japanese cryptocurrency market, Coincheck. As a result of the illegal actions of scammers, a huge amount of NEM cryptocurrency was stolen from user accounts, with the total value of the stolen goods exceeding $500 million. Considering that the company's storage system is connected to the Internet, the main cause of the incident was considered to be an ineffective security system. In an effort to avoid such a development, the Japan Blockchain Association and the Cryptocurrency Business Association decided to consolidate assets and efforts to increase the level of security. This will allow us to begin the process of restoring Japanese people’s confidence in the cryptocurrency market.

I placed an order on 12/20/2017 21:43:38.
Estimated delivery time is about a month or a little more. I didn’t receive any calls or notifications, and I didn’t follow the tracking fanatically, because it was the New Year holidays and I didn’t have time for that. A month and a couple of days later, using the track number, I discovered that the courier had contacted me TWICE already, and the second time even supposedly successfully (this is not true, not a single call, SMS, or email - nothing happened, the courier did not contact me contacted by any methods) and on the same day - 01/28/2018 21:53 successfully delivered it to some unknown address. Since this is a private house, it is difficult, for example, to make the wrong apartment. Based on this, we understand that the courier, judging by his actions, at least telephoned me, Ekaterina (although he gave the order to a MAN WITH THE SURNAME *****!!! SHE DOESN’T EVEN CONNECT WITH MINE!!!), I successfully confirmed that I am now at home and ready to receive my order on Sunday at 10 pm. BUT! Nobody contacted me! There was no courier at this address! And the courier gave the order to a MAN with the last name ******, who can be seen by the track number! But why the hell does a courier give other people’s parcels to some men without agreeing with ME???
Having called the courier delivery service (, I was informed that the courier would deliver everything correctly, and handed over ****** (EVEN THERE ARE NO SUCH PEOPLE NEIGHBORHOOD!) at the RECEPTION!!! I replied that there is no reception here and I did not agree to give the order to anyone other than ME.
I repeat! This is a PRIVATE HOUSE, SUNDAY, 10 PM! There were no men, no receptionist HERE AND THERE COULD NOT BE!!!
Then, for a MONTH, I have been UNSUCCESSFULLY trying to get at least something from the IES delivery service. Almost every day I start calling from 10 am until the evening, but every time the manager responsible for my order is not there (for 2 weeks I was told in the morning that she would contact me, in the afternoon she had an endless lunch, and in the evening she already left with work.
I was only able to get return calls from the operator Pavel (extension number 4214, if I’m not mistaken), but after asking to contact the courier and find out where and in what area, and why I gave the order to a stranger who cannot be connected with me in any way, find out what other reception and at least describe the place where he delivered, after all these requests Pavel stopped answering me.
02/20/2018, after 2 weeks of calls, I managed to find out that that same manager had never been to any dinner, because all this time he was on vacation!!! But during my call, this manager was already present in the call center building, but he just happened to be at lunch (!!!) and once again I was not connected to him. For a month, every time I was told that I had created a task, and the manager would contact you as soon as he was free. This manager has never contacted me. Not a single manager contacted me, except for 2 callbacks from Pavel asking if anyone had called me.
Today, 02/22/2018, the calls were again unsuccessful. But one of the operators very quickly said the name of the manager (Anastasia - first name, last name starting with C, but I could be wrong, it was said too quickly, but during the evening call Pavel told me that just call and you will be immediately connected to the manager, because here they will immediately understand which one).
As I already wrote above, in the evening, without waiting for a return call from the afternoon, at 6 pm I called the delivery service again.
Again I fell for Pavel. I again heard all the same phrases that I had been listening to all this month, and when asked to name the name of that same manager, Pavel said that they do not disclose this information. This time he refused to call the courier.
I no longer know how to get my order found!!! The order amount is 4000 rubles. White women's jacket and white women's sweater!
Does this responsible manager exist?? I demand that you listen to ALL my calls to yours.
call center. I demand to contact the courier and find out from him who he talked to on the phone, WHO he gave the order to and to what address!!!

If you have been doing general cleaning for a long time, and you have unexpected guests, then you urgently need to create the appearance of cleanliness so as not to embarrass yourself.

In this situation, it’s time to take the advice of experienced housewives on how to quickly clean up so that it smells clean.

How to quickly and easily clean your home

First, prepare the cleaning items you can’t do without.

. Rags.
. Mop and bucket.
. Household cleaning chemicals.

Please note that special rags with impregnation for glass have recently appeared on sale, which will greatly save your time if necessary.

For walls and floors you can use products that do not need to be washed off, and for plumbing and kitchen fittings it is more effective to buy sprays.

How to quickly clean up without much hassle

If all the listed products are at hand, then you can start quick cleaning; to do this, take into account 2 rules:

1. You need to start with the most difficult work.

2. If minutes count and guests are on the doorstep, then focus on those places in the apartment that are the most visible.

3. Actions that are not thought out in advance can slow down the cleaning process, so act strictly according to the plan.

Plan for how to quickly clean your apartment

Wash the dishes in the kitchen and fill the sink and stove with detergent.
. Fill the plumbing fixtures with household chemicals.
. Take a basket and walk around the house with it, collecting everything that is lying out of place.
. With the same basket, put all things in their places.
. Dust and vacuum the rooms.
. Go back to the plumbing and clean it, then go back to the kitchen and clean the stovetop sink.
. Wipe the floor everywhere, the hallway and kitchen first.

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From two to five thousand people yesterday in Kyiv demanded the resignation of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The action was initiated by the ex-governor of the Odessa region and leader of the New Forces Movement, Mikheil Saakashvili. The politician himself was in Germany at that time and supported his supporters remotely.

According to Mikheil Saakashvili’s calculations, around one hundred thousand people came out across Ukraine to show their distrust of Petro Poroshenko. According to local law enforcement officers, it is ten times less. Saakashvili unsuccessfully tried to contact his comrades via video link on the Maidan stage. In the end, a politician who was in Germany made an appeal on his Facebook page.

“I want to thank everyone who came out. On the screen on Facebook I saw what good people they are, what bright faces they are, what wonderful and intelligent people they are and simply wonderful activists. I will never forget your solidarity and will do everything to be with you,” said Mikheil Saakashvili.

Kyiv authorities closed the capital's metro at noon, explaining this by events marking the anniversary of the shooting of the Heavenly Hundred. The protesters declared a provocation and demanded the president's resignation.

“Yes, Poroshenko does not do what the majority of the population expects from him, what the majority of the population expects. Corruption remains a problem and there is no political force to fight it. Nevertheless, Ukrainians have a choice,” says political commentator Olga Popopvych.

The presidential elections in Ukraine will be held in March next year and, according to the expert, there is simply no social tension in the country that could lead to impeachment. Nevertheless, the disappointment of the protesters was clearly felt.

Protest participants:

“People who are not satisfied with what is happening in the country have gathered. The message itself is very simple - it’s clear, there’s a war, there’s a lot of problems in the country, but is it still possible not to steal?”

“I am not so much for Mikheil Saakashvili as I am against President Poroshenko and what he is doing in this country. The police today are practically destroyed. They recruited boys who don’t know how to protect their people. The military, who fights and who sits in the rear. And so on".

“I’m just tired of the mess in the country, I want to live a normal European life. I would like prices not to rise as they are today and for our children to live a normal life.”

Some Belarusians in Kyiv also came out to express their dissatisfaction with the Ukrainian leader.

“We don’t support any politicians here; we support the people’s protest itself. Poroshenko promised to give citizenship to Belarusians who fought in the ATO zone. None of them received citizenship.”

Considering the frequency of such actions in the Ukrainian capital, it is unlikely that Saakashvili’s protest can shake Poroshenko’s position. This is the balance of power today, but does the head of Ukraine have a chance of a second term?

“During his presidency, he lost a lot of trust in society and this also affects the situation inside the country, when they don’t want to vote for Poroshenko, but there is no political force or leader capable of leading the country along a democratic path,” says political observer Olga Popopvych.

Meanwhile, Saakashvili himself was forcibly deported to Poland a week ago - he allegedly illegally crossed Polish-Ukrainian border. Now the leader of the New Forces Movement is in Germany and promises that in the presidential elections he will nominate, to quote, a “candidate from the people.”